Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 2, 1948, p. 2

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the acton frebsprbss rebspf thursday december 2 1m faalleha kytr tfcaraeay et attoe oetlk alkuj ee inn alaae boll to1 cxiu baaartaiml ottaw subscumom ualtea statae sea eaditleael sll fsfc ec ata u eae aw aedtateae ku k tveas oi aedreaa u e abvkbtisino featksoa ml uj ahiea la varteaa ee aeaauess altaaasb eaart vaaci tr uw rree preee uo aril we uaea to u eeeeets saianleaaa aa ha cl uajta ikal ll mul ae be uaele laf eay m- ha amy eeiiil beeuekee k ail a araol of ea aali la tejteeetea ha wruhaf by kaa aevaruear baal re turaad e the praa fraaa tiaalaaaa ofsae aaty eisa at vy tba ataa aaj ahfc each artar ar cor- tactloee uily bea4 ha terule thiriia bad ha that ceae u aay enatr be batea la bat eeryectaa by tto rvee it uaaauty aael ba aacaij bach a bii el iw waltia oaal of baca bbbi m ike bpeee e- by the bated mmf bear to the arfcele aa a by aaca al c aktop djlls kdlter telkt-honies- ultorlal bad elaaae oftlca m its your choice monday is election day in acton several citizens have in a publicspirited way of f fered to serve on the various elected bodies it is the opportunity of ratepayers to choose from among them those who will carry on the bus iness of the municipality for the next year there is one thing that should be kept in mind municipal business is big business the financial report presented to ratepayers shows totaliexpenditures by the municipality this year in an eleven month period of 0252821 thats a lot of public money to handle such expendi ture should have warranted an attendance of re than 30 out of a total of 1441 voters at the nominations meeting on friday the point is that ratepayers still have a duty to perform and can make up for their laxity on nominations by getting out to vote on monday next dont put the blame on any one else vote for who you like but remem ber its your money that is being spent its your town that is being represented by the meir you foroffic the majoritydecision next monday is a reflection on your judgement absorb another toronto daily the purchase by the editor of the globe and matl of the toronto evening telegram pretty well lines up the political viewpoint handed out the city dwellers into two parcels the price paid by george mcullagh of 3160000 was it is said well over the reserve bid of the trustees time was when toronto had three morning and three evening newspapers to serve its read ing public today there are just half that num ber and instead of six owners there are just two groups like many another business it can be easily understood why the number of papers and owners has become less modern production and high investment in machinery and equipment has forced the owner ship into the higher money brackets mr mr- cullagh and his associates have since entering the newspaper field absorbed three of torontos daily newspapers time alone will tell if the new arrangement will entail closing of one plant and concentrating all the mechanical and editor ial work under one too but this woujd seem a logical move with equipment at its present high prices tax cote in 19497 as a taxpayer dont get discouraged 4lrh current ottawa pessimism about the budget sur plus and next years tax cuts says kenneth r wifeori ottawa editor of the financial post its the rashion now to play down the s2j millionnesteggwhich ottawa-haa-aalted-away- in the first seven months of the fiscal year it is also being rumored that because of larger defense spending noxt year and possible canadian military aid to europe hopes for a 1040 tax cut are dim this reporter takes all these rumours with a very large grain of salttwouvd go further and predict that tax cuts perhaps of a highly aatia- fatory sire are inevitable for the t040 address juvenile delinquency w h ellis a former juvenile court judge told esteven rotanans recently that the great est blessing that could overtake canada in these days of unsolved national problems would be the reestablishment of the oldfashioned home where character was built where good neigh bors developed where christian ideals and goodwill grew side by side most boys educa tion never cts them so far as to face up with the difference between right and wrong delinquency is fundamentally and essentially a manifestation of some maladjustment at some time or place in a bovs life and if this is true that it comes as a result of some lack of moral or spiritual adjustment then it becomes obvious that it cannot be attained as voud attack a nest of hornew or the immoraflpccsspools tt the larger citv uhere vou find a communitv in vvhich the people have no interest in worthwhile thinrs viherc children arc ulloued to run around with out anv guidance where crime picture shows and books arc the popular literature and enter tainment vou will only need to wait a few vtars to reap a harvest of children who will become in mates of jails and other corrective institutions an absurd amendment to the municipal act candidates for municipal office under a new amendment to the municipal elections act are required to be paesent at the nomination meet ing or to have sent word to the municipal clerk that if nominated they are prepared to accept such nomination if he is nominated for say mayor and for council which is a common prac tice he must before 9 pm on the date of nom ination determine the office for which he in tend to rutij otherwise he will assume to be nominated for the first office for which he is named and has no alternative however subse quent developments my alter the situation for him one sometimes is forced to conclude that amendments to the municipal act are made for the mere purposeotftbangea without considera tion as to the amount of intelligence involved in such amendments we agree with the orillia packettimes which thinks some law makers should have their iq tested there is ground for this course in the monstrosity which now governs municipal nomination right of newspapermen upheld a case of interest to newspapermen and one which may be enlightening to maiyjpeoplejvas recently heard in engiand7triecourt of appeal upheld the right of a newspaperman to refuse to answer questions about the source of inform- nton he had published the case in question involved a suit for libel against odhams press ltd sports writer a j f hoby and stuart campbell managing editor of the sunday newspaper the people the suit was brought by f t lawson and g f harrisonrtn connection witn an articletby hoby their statement of claim said he suggest ed a boxing tournament they were promoting was not genuine an allegation they denied at the initial hearing thejudge permitted lawson and harrison to ask from whom did you obtain the information on which you relied in writing the said expressions of opinion the defendants appealed to a higher court which ruled in their favor a decision which was upheld by the court of appeal dol recollections ol acton crjocrairollr jol back in 1898 talffka frnm law issue at tlwi ftvae kreaa of araraowy deoatitber 1 a iv arowri has hiaurially im proved th atpparane of hu drug atnire the put week the rmitt of th aklll of tla papcrhangeia ami palntera ljut rrtturaday was an idea day for thahkaatvlns with the various church irvte well btttmdftd driving waa rough but akatlng good and hundred glided happily over the congealed aurfacea of the pond her the old lhreeentpermll tar- ur went into effect again on the opil and gtr roada on monday the rate war is over alliens who for the past nine months have paid 8se tor the round trip to toronto will now pay 1 83 if they go to the city ht all on ordinary occas ions the anxiety of members of the council la considerably abated the haggard hunted look which bad prevailed for several weks has gfven place to the customary smile the reason for this change is due to the fact 4hat the army of rep resentatives ol boiler manufactur ers electrical apparatus houses etc who began to camp in town the day after the lighting bylaw had been passed haa decamped mat- tera are progressing favorably electric pole and wire will be ereeted within a couple of weeks while inside wiring will cqnuneneo immedlatiely mr e j moow and miss adn pyfe hnd nn unpleasant ex perience while akntlng on hendcr- vinh pond on thanksgiving the young couple were nkntlng over n pnrtofthepondwherc seorcsof others hnd passed over a moment before- when suddenly the lee gave i wn and both wore prcdpltnted in to the cold wnton young moore belngsnsccustnmed to the water and potued of n cool head sup ported miss fyfe no that her hend wan well out of the water and they were rcxuexl as soon nn a scantling wns obtained a chartered bank for acton is within the probabilities of the near future officials ofboth the rtrnders and the merchants banks hnve been here prospecting recent ly back tn 1928 from the lasue of the free press of thursday november 20th lfiss editorial notes this is december and there are just 19 shop ping days until christmas or just three weeks from saturday when winter does come there can still be recollections of ji delightully long fall that has been experienced this year monday will be election day in most of the municipalities in this district the municipal arrangements will be over before the christmas season comes in tourist automobiles entering canada during october totalled 128000 120000 in same month last year tenmonth aggregate of foreign entries was 1702000 1558000 in 1047 period a few venturesome young people enjoyed a skate on corporation pond a day or so this week 1 fthe maxwell cor of mr h l harrison shoe merchant which was stolen on tuesday night of last week was recovered in windsor on saturday knox young ivoplcs guild held a st andrews night on monday evening it was indeed a real scotch evening the election alate for next mon day has two for reeve nine for councillors and six candidates for the school board the annual commencement of acton high school was attended by a large and appreciative audience of parents and numerous other cluxena mr h swilson u making alter ations- at his property on mill st preparatory to the installing of a chopping mill married i kimdlaystajlkkr at the presbyterian mnnse on thurs day november 22 1028 by rev a c stewart mia mr joseph klnday toronto to minnie daughter of the inte mr and mrs john stalker of aeton i 1 predicted that after january 1st auto insurance rates will be increased but not for all classes higher claims is given as the rea son for higher premiums a good time to change your summer driving habits and make allowance for the ice and snow of winter and the inability to stop quickly and safely as on dry pavements with the shortest days just ahead its com forting to learn that some rainfall came where it will help ease the hydro shortage there is however still a need during these dark days to save all power possible the increased quotas will allow for some of the seasonal heavy de mands wm r brackien real estate and cenkrai insurance mortgage loans arranged reprexentalive of mutual llfr assurance co lid assorted olaokd fruits- s9c seeded raisms 17c almond icing 43c bulk currants 15c jiffy fudge mix 33c cob plum puddings s3e srmkddbd cocoanut i 1 christmas cards x9e4e quick quaker oats 26e to pko baby foods by imiire 25c pineapple juice sic australian apricots f 34 ogilvies cake mix c x9 romar peanutbutter 37c romar coffee ul 27c 1 sic tomato juice ayuheb xse aylmer wax beans 2 29c hot banana peppers 26c society dog food i4c vecy ablebeef soup vuu x ma sc corn syrup ms- 26c s9c pineapple pieces 3c seedless raiskns ic tioeb braylfd tomato catsup 2 btls mt c btl 24c no i cooking oniqns 10 lb bag seedless large size 96 grapefruit choice red grapes juicy florida oranges size 216 doz 35c 6 2 25c there arc few business men who will dis agree with the ottawa journal when it stated the amount of work every business office must do for the government and free would astonish those who arc not fumiliar with it the forms to be filled out the pavroll deductions the intric acies of tax computations and adjustments everv employer is a tax collector for the treas ury working under very rigid regulations and subject to constant official supervision sec western canada yowl enjoy gouic iv us ikiis ii tew lonnb ttir tai ihcndi winnipeg 0egina tauivry vancouver 4573 5705 7710 k935 suhiect to change harold wiles phone 58 business directory mkdiuajl dr w g c kenkey rsyilclaa and l muocaaor to dr j a mdtna offlcvrn symon block mill st acton oftloa ffcaoa ii biama st i 5r dh d a garrett laarall aaalmaaa pradarlck straataeton formarly dr nalsoas ottlea orfle ihon 338 bentai a j buchanan dantaj dr office lalshman block mul office hours 1 am to 8 fa xhay telephone 148 dr george a sirrs uanul muraaaa mill st corner frederick acta oflc hours boo am to uo m- telephone ib l wilson dmut if ctlnf siha ball telephone bulldbmi acton phone- sos ours 10 am to bjoa- hou legal c f leatherland ba aoton v bantater 8111 ur ntaur office mtalkks lever hosktn chartered ammwtabe successors to jknk1nh ev iiakdy 1305 metropolitan bldg 14 victoria st toronto tla 9131 vrreiunabv j d young vs bvsc veterinary bureau office brookville ontario ihone- milton 140r4 j f g oakes vs bvsc veterinary burgeon i office nnil itesiiienc knox ava actun phone 130 mihcellaneoua johnstone rumley victor b uumley funeral home heated aml servlnu the community for 45 ytam phono 30 night or day w1lloughby farm agency largest a oldest agency in i head office kent bldg toronto georgetown representative tem fleweah phone georgetown utw travellers guide gray coach lines coaches leave acton eastbauakf ab41 amb741 am 854 ami 1146 am 206 pm 441 pa4 6 31 p m 8 26 pm eao 3 p-m- westbound to stratford 10 44 am 1x4 i m 2sb pm s 39 pm 734 fja x9 14 pm yllj pjn to london 1044 am xm pm as 29 pm 7j4 pja u p m a except sundays and hnmila b sunday and holidays d saturday sunday and houoaaa x to kitchener daily to stratev sunday and holidays y to kitchener only railways canadian national standard tteve rasltoaaal daily 6 44 am dally except sundai j5j am 7 10 pne sun day only 8 19 p m dally xcaf sunday klyer at oeorfetewn p m dally flyar at oeo ion pm i westlhinnil dally except monday 117 aas monday only 13 00 am dally cept sunday a4 jm evse exaa 7 44 p m saturday only h 1 sunday only 9 43 am 1 klyer at cluelph except sun 6 36 p m w 1mb sat ui e phead optometrist eye examined scientifically hearing aid batcwbu1m quick repairs to iant uifiatulaw licit claiuea etc bl st oeacs b phone 1539 guelph u i veew

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