Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 2, 1948, p. 6

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ns azx the acton free press gr thursday december a ims um muinbduanon total moat production in oui- ada in 1m8 has shown an increase of 11 over the previous year and a decline of elcht per cent from the record production of 1044 the total supply for 1048 is estimated at 2 jblllon pounds of which 18 billion pounds was handled through inspected plants as compared with 194t it is exported thnt inspected lauehterintf of hogs will have in creased s per cent in 1948 cattle 13 per cent and calves 14 per cent but sheep end lambs will have de clined 16 per cent totalnwcporu of meat remained much the same in each of tho last two years increases in exports of beef ln 1048 ottfeat declines in ex- portsof pork the amount fit dress ed beef exported to the united sta- lsjsexpectd to bo approxlmal- erythsame as that exportod to the united klnaxfem in 1047 this resultod from a mid year chance in tho united kingdom beef agree ment followed by the lifting of the canadian omhargo ok beef ship ments to the united states the remainder of the production n total of 19 billion pounds or 8d per cent of tho total has been avail able for domestic consumption a russian poet claims that be cause of widespread appreciation there shakespeares spiritual home is russia sports camera ny il doles news ami views r of llullon farm internal -hnltonroounty-oouwall- xma the wavy ilnlton counly council is to be rongtntulntml on the forward move tiiken at their last session on nov- nmher ifltli w refer to the by- inw prnuhml which provides n grant to woodlot owners who deslro to erect fenceu to completely enclose your vote and influence respectfully solicited tom nicol for council j longest overseas service of any acton citizen in world war ii an open letter to georgetown hookey vutm denr fans 1 guoits you received quite a sur- prlkc tho other night when thoe explosive packed acton tannpritj tlvclr wood lots tlius fostering for- humblcd your boys with some of est growth by keeping their uve- tlic dvspntch with which thoy used slock out hallon isuio first coun- i to oporoto before the war it must i ty in ontarloto inke this progres- brlng bade nervous momorles slvestopt which is long overduo in i which you doubtloss hoped would ontario il wlumat lumpaalra wlssm at hojral the hampshire show at the royal brought together soma of tho top rlocks from ixith sides of lh 1 1 iv 1 ii wlllmott and son of mlllon had the reserve grand chiitnplmtshlp on their winning ewe inmb in which class the wlllmntt nntrlwt placed first- and second tjtny miwi had rlrtit on their en of cnnhflllin hrod lamlt and second in the ohh rlnss tt well as second prlxo in the ram lamb rlass and second in the yearling ewe class a fllilnu climax was th sale of tlilrt- ceti fwtii u one anterlcnn buyer and one lo the dominion experl- m e nt a lvarmtq tlawa novor again occur of those night marsh oplsodes which saw your arch rival down your best mercen ary troops wltli abandon by tho expression on your facet as you loft tho arena it was equal to the last days of opompell however in congruous i but ihe thine that must rhavo hurt most was to see dooney evans the not minder you once spurned turning back your teams thrusts you once thought doon- cyv a hero and then a bum i pre sume ho now is subjected to more moronic ephlteu you can hardly blame mo for not sympathizing wth your executive in their recent loss of three star players in hal gibson rhodes and already a number of ilnlton folk have mode inquiries which would indicate this action is a popular one those interested should mnlce ap plication for full details either from wm deans county clerk milton or the agricultural office milton in brief the bylaw pro vides that a gnrnt will bo mado equal to tho prevailing cost prlco of an eight ariand wire fence with a single bar on one or more sides of his woodlot ln order to com pletely enclose tho woodlot thus fostering forest growth by keeping out the livestock as we understand it it does not in any way interfere with a woodlot owner cutting or selling products from his woodlot such ownors would also be eligible blrtwhlstlo they just romained to e tax exemption for audi ln th minor leagues for seasoning woo under the assessment and are playing bonaflde pro now act instead of mere 15 a night semi- woodot to e mm pro stuff that is aumln i nt bero nnd course you acknowledge senior a mlut not te 400 as pro im afraid to say it but trcm noro of 300 maybe with uo hlghcosbof living m mcllliurtn over in d you should raue your prices to tl r 20 trees measuring over correspond with scmlpro pay h dlmnotcr or 100 trwn c urine over 8 in diameter all such then again you could revert to mmsu76mcnts 1o be takcn 4m home brew talent but that is a from thc mai stupid suegcstlon lsn t it jack kempshrad couldnt play the entire i whle ulis is ony bnc sle ln n knnje himself i imagine that m p kcmpshead is so surprised to be on the roster himself he isnt good for anything else whatever in spired your officials to let him play understood ho wasnt cap able enough last semester surely the quality of hockey hasnt deter iorated your team certnlnly looked im pressive before the game on thurs day brilliant sweaters snappy skaters portly bearing inspired nevertheless if all halton woodlot owners nvnll themselves of the fln- nnlcnl assistance provided we aro confident that in n period of ten years our springs wells nnd strenms will show beneficial re sults burlington syms club announced that plans and committees are under way for the development of skating rinks for the boys and girls in the lions park this coming winter season charles paraon olf freeman has been appointed constable tfor lha town to replace thomas hall who resigned several weeksngo nine applications were received for the job due to the power cutoff flra- mwi had to depend on the town bell again on tuesday to summon the men to duty at 1250 for a fire at the national fire proofing co aldershot a truck owned by s chcosfcl of hamilton who was drawing mnrerlal for the company suddenly burst into flames and be fore thejflro was extinguished the engine and cab were a complete wreck all municipalities throughout the province received an increase in tholr power quota on tuesday and burlington received the huge am ount of 2a per cent less than goo kw hours we were not as for tunate as hog town toronto who wero immediately ably to an nounce ihnt the night blackouts would end and toronto enjoyed their full lighting on tuesday night tho reason given for the quota incrcnso was more rain in the quebec area which permitted tho quebec power companies to de- hvlm more power to ontnrlo visit our modern showroom 8 cardan street guelph ont opp fire hmd kubbcb and mabtici tiles inlaid linoleum wall tilem installed inkiuhons bathrooms hallways store ofhsaa eta floob randebs vparhani workdaav keating tile co llovd e keating formerly guelph flooring uarvlco ihono zsisw ouelpii arw iloius aaax dont gamble about your decorating needs call dave ph 236 j 15 years qualifications in old cquntry estimalea free prompt fourttoua servlo decorating in all its branches staining graining paperhanging interior ob exteblob work time or contract work brush or spray all work fully guaranteed david cohen peel st acton new peak in steel production judy merry tops strong shorthorn section at royal on monday mornlnp of lnnt week tho sheep nnd swine line nt the no doubt by n 162 drubbing you roynl winter fair was crowded handed the newly organized with club members from nil sect- when housecleaning dont put aside furniture that can be reupholstered our new patterns and colors and expert workman ship will make them better than new for the best in chesterfied reupholsteririg phone 87 acton 7 day service no waiting easy payments arranged if desired on reuphautarlilj and new chesterfields up to 12 months to pay jack sudermann of john dick and son wanteds dead stock highest cash prices cattle 500 each hone 500 each hoc 150 per ew all according to size and condition call collect oalt i11u darling co ltd guolph hornets the night previous i heard one fan ejaculate as acton knocked in the first two goals guelph knocked in the first two too wait jilhwo cot rolling dear fan what happened too much hoclwy after all the tan ners are only an int b club thnt is a long transition isnt it beating a sdnlor b club and then being downed by an int b sextette who as yet havent better than mult- hued jerseys in which to play in spite of nil this wo expect your raiders to give an account to square this up it is a fact how ever that teams who win a champ ionship rarely repeat and if those ions of ontnrlo exhibiting thoir re spective baby beeves some 90 odd club members were all competing for the much coveted kings guin eas fiftyone of these exhibited shorthorn steers nnd in this section judy merry of trafalgar township had the winner in fourth place was duncan campbell of moffat nnd cliff norrlsh also of moffnt in sixteenth incidentally these 3 club members placed first second nnd third respectively in the baby hoof section nt tho achievement day of the ilnlton calf club hold inst september in tho hereford section with twenty- four nnimnls in tho ring evelyn mccnnn of another record for october out put is claimed by tho steel indus try production that mowui it states renched an annunl rat of 15455000 tons the highert ever at tained the- previous highest was 15440000 tons in june pig iron output in october at an annual rate of 9525000 tons compared with 9407000 tons ln september and 8352000 tons a year ago your vote and influence will be appreciated for ted tyler for deputyreeve for acton a resident of acton for nenrly all my life a property owner nnd interested in the growth and progress of this community iy elected to office i will do my best to serve on council and represent acton at county council for the term voting on monday december cth 9 am to 7 pul for cars phone 133 tnnners maintain the stride they omngh was in thirteenth plnce produced last week its going to be while john mcklnnnn of milton tough hiding under the old ladys was sixteenth wlfh his angus steer skirts this term poor old hatpin ln so angus section the grand annie oha championship which took with it yours for keener competiton the kings guineas awnrd went to hockey advocate odds and ends opening ceremonies of the loop included nn address by actoni joe gibbons who now holds the mayoralty reins in georgetown approximately 1000 spectators wot- i of calgnry the angus steer fed nnd exhibited yy kenneth mckinnon of hlllsburg who has now won the honour for two years ln a row the reserve grand wos judy merrys winning- shorthorn the officiating judge chasyule stated from the ring- ichod the first game but many side that tho shorthorn sort ion wni inmde hasty exit when they saw a the most difficult class he ever portion of the second the hockey j was brutal dude lindsay was out on tuesday to bolster the bnckllners humor has it that frlck woods is trying out with georgetown cant say i blame him poultry and eggs wanted phone milton lw for better ticm halton poultry products plgoons nn the only birds that drink water by suction like hum ans xt make your selection of new wallpaper num the largest stock in western ontario lriced to suit everyone youll find it at chappies bookstore 1s5 wyndtuuti fit- gulpk angus kennedy proprietor worked on when one ronlfzes that this big westerner has had the honor of officiating notonly nt many of the top shows on this continent hut also at tho perth show in sriitlnnd that in tnll pralie indeed all of those market rnttle were lntt sold hy publlr auction while wo wore not ln attendance nt this sale we understand the kings guineas winner sold nt over 100 pr pound tho merry teer brought 70c per pound and th othor halton sticors betweon the m and 37c per lb we would judge that th- mckinnon steor welgs close to 1000 pounds which menm around 3000 for tho one animal in short those tondejrloln would bo twot but rather deaf eating j vajloy orl clyxwdstm mako grt hhowtng at royal i valley cirest farm paliffmo under the able management of i herbert berry roally put halton i county on th map in the clydes dale ring at the royal winter fair while they exhibited only four an imals the valley crest stable won 3 firsts 3 seconds 1 third 1 fourth nnd 1 fifth their yeld mare won jh- hod ribbon in a class of ovr twenty nnd tholr xtnlllon foal won similar honors in another strong rlats thoy nso won first for the throe host mares in tho show well ns sooond for progeny of dam nntl 2nd for gt of eire thoy cul minated those awards hy having the reserve sr and reserve grand rhnmplnnclydewlale majv and re- serw junior champion stnlllon most effective most economical there are many forms of advertising these days at many prices but the largest advertisers and the years have proven that the most effective and the biggest dollar value lies in regular newspaper advertising youll never find your weekly newspaper filling the wastepaper baskets at the post office or littering the streets its a visitor that is welcomed in the homo and paid for by the subscriber for its real val ue its circulation is guaranteed each week the cost of weekly newspaper advertising is small when compared with any other medium a space the size of this ad costs only 5py 98 as a business builder you cant beat the acton free press a b ci ambit ctrculatlon skkvinu acton and dltmuol uncafi 15 ibsbslll

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