Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 16, 1948, p. 2

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the acton pnbb press thursdxt december ib ims fublittj kvry thuraday al acion iwurto i col uu mali lo mu aukmuj nl ollawa suuscltimon ratk- u bj vnc uitxl sutfm jjiiloaal siu kopu ad iloth old fend hw dd kkouu bm wltu cbma l tuw i iuall advtutism katkaom ppluiu- fend glvn la vmiiuua csiuum bdtnav allkuutb trcullml will b taku tot kvou rrtw lh lv prm tctta ajvortlaiatf l its eol umtta om lh umuiaumhhk that it will hot txf iuu lot buy rrur in any tvrti puuuhod ttvrvutttlfr unltn 11 titouf uf aiich hdwrt i u quwij in whumw by th tdvvrtla mmd lurittxj to pr bu 4fl duly lari at by lh dvlmr hhd with ub wrd t cov- vvctlotti tulitly uold hi wrlllntf ttro and u that r if my error tmo4d u tt eorcld by tb prmwvio ua liability ahall hoi ttctrod tuck frrhortumi of th ntlr ci of auch advrllamtt aa th tpe tcupld by tb tinted arror bri to th whi apc bccuplod by ueb vdvitlrat a ajslop dills kdllm tklkpmonks editorial ad atmltttaa ottlc u raaldaac ul eduori tn challenge of chrfotaim christmas a babe a star radiance that lighted the wrld a song of triumph upon the ears and in the- hearts of men but the first christmas was a trying and a painful time mary and joseph were doubtless gossiped about by the wagging tongues of their small town they lived under a dictatorship in which human life was cheap their income was more than likely in the lower third of the nat ion when it came time for the baby they had to go on a forced trip to meet the demands of their government whether the baby lived or died was of no concern to the society in which they existed as far as their own people were concerned mary and joseph could make out for themselves there is pain in life there is a cross there is also a power available for those who care tq accept it it is the only force which can make the new world of our dreams come true for il alone is enough to eliminate the massed greeds fears and hatreds which wrecked our old world and to cure the chaos man has made how different history might have been if people and leaders of nations alike were stirred by the spirit of the crib to some other ambition than personal power and national expansion somehow and quickly we have got to re discover the adventurous faith that first led men to a star which lighting life from within may reach out to illumine the world to that song of triumph that can become a universal reality when it is expressed in our personal and national life peak farm pricesjlut beef cattle prices in ontano states an of ficial report are now five times the prewar lev el that is quite true but points out the fin ancial post sensationni information of that kind is hardly fair to the farmer without the explan ation that in years just before the war prices were nbnormolly low during most of the thirties beef cattle prices in this country were at the lowest level in 25 years conditions started to improve with the first reduction in us tariffs in 1935 but it was not fairly well into the war period that farm prices generally approached normal levels no matter what consumers may think of that producers they should re member the vastly different situation that pre vailed not so nuinv years before the enormous increase in those levels since tl time in fairness to producers thev should no pride in this record with seven multiplejeiith accidents killing a combined total of 21 people fatal injuries from motor vehicle accidents in the month of nov ember have broken all ontario records for that monthwith a count of at least hl known vic tims 17 more than in november of last year abruptly halting the postwar trend toward lower vehicle dcatlrriites this trapje onemonth toll brings the number of ontario traffic vic tims this year up to i72 compared with 667 for the same ii months of 1d47 until this last month motor vehicle deaths had been fewer in number and much fewer in proportion to miles driven than they were last year or in 1 14 1 rrhahs ra ejsj recollections oi acton cmoirzolrs51 great utility that up until th present haa cd available in unlimited quantities and at very moderate coat louring the holiday season there may be tendency to uso more power in the household it la well to kcefi tho present shortage in mind ut all times only by careful watchfulness and avoiding of waste can we get over the prenent situation and keep the industries rolling and the pay envelopes up to normal keep my name out of the paper the st thomas times journal recently car ried un editorial entitled keep my name out of the paper it dealt iith the continual re quest that editors- receive from pemons who have fallen foul of the law have- found them selves in trouble or have been up in court and want their names left out of the paper the st thomas paper quite correctly pointed out that such requests are the bane of every newpaper editors existence particularly since they very seldom have any effect there may have been a time when influences could be brought to bear on some sections of the press in matters of this kind but that time happily is long since past it is one of the most amazing phenomena of modern flies that everyone who gets into trouble has had bad luck has been framed or is the innocent victim of circumstances if the requests received each court day are to be believed no one is cver guilty of any thing- what transpiresbef6re the magistrate is all just one big mistake the people appearing there and sometimes being convicted are not whatqthey seem to be at all they were not drunk they did not really assault anyone the cheque they cashed and which bounced was not really rubber at all and so on ad infinitum and ad nauseam everything was just a terrible mistake the magistrate did not mean to be unfair of course but he just did not understand and if the story should get into the paper they would be i j friday evening at the evening services of the ruined the multiplicity of dire consequences un church lat sunday the or- likely o accompany publication of these unfor- jchestrn under tho leadership of mr tunatc events is enough to shake even a hard boiled editor the time to think of consequences is before r hack un j aim uw lajiu of um iria inwi of rudy lwmlr ik ifcum lojicti jclaii kuyiiultui w wlrlnu tu miimat oil mill hlrmtt tlilu wik for llit olucltlc lltfht acuin jviru ltimt umiuuiiru iiric flrttt bull und uupiwr for jmuui- luy lmui of dttkur in tluf town hull mfh1 of thy vuclrlc lllfht iwilcii iiiivu iuhh put in tiiul tho lino mtm a in- now iiutthbtf up ou wire rihera will te bc vluctrlc huhu on the klroou contractor kvhiui u making im- provmiitmu to thu oluir of st joit- tphm church it will he oxumloft uu enttru wulth of th 4tlcovo uiul otherwuo itviprovthl tho now pouuiiio mtamp iknlirncd to murk the udvimt of im pyrin i ivnny poatjitfo lui been lulled an wjvcful httvo alivady been received by artonlan mus evelyn mokeown of tor onto n uk liter of the inlf ithomiib mckwfi iormerly of acton has been engaged lyncher of bannock- burn school for next year acton electric lljrht four per 103 pird uaijmkii at jiik realdonco oak- villo on iiunday ijeoemtwr 11th knlert unlmor fosimnbur of onkvllle back in 1928 from uu itwue of the fre pru of tfurdjy deembrr is lftzr the firemens annual ball nnd supper drew its usual good nttend- biibiness directory dh w g c kenney phyalekuf bimi hn hllkor to ut j a mcnl orilc in hymn tllock mill 8- acton ibooa it blllllii mi heres how to avoid the rush of long distance christmas calls x tn lu hiire of rearliin fariiwuy frirnirs with ti minimum of delay call likinilk thritmiib kynjnr aitkit chrintmas day the bill ttuphont company of canada i lu ij a gakkett mtimltiimm bui awa frjfcrlnk utrel xntaa vormriy lit nvuons ottirm oftir imkjii 23h iusldno 3 mental uk a j buchanan iktitsl huraoaa oflk lilshihan dtoek mill offlchour b am to s yia- xiuy telephone 1 dr george a sirrs dalai hurgma mill st corotr frcdtrick aciosi oftle hours boo am to 30 a tetxpiione 19 l wilson dhtw f o0 b11 telfcohone buudlnc acton phona 303 hours 10 am to 8 tjm- ijooax c f leatherland bx nacwon barhsur sanlur notmiy a olrtas 21 pbom hmh ul chnrles mason provided splendid music for the aprvlcc mrs geo t coo died nt her home in georgetown on tuesday committing the act the detection of criup and mrs coo lived with her husband in i acton for n tlmo and many years i misdemeanors and the punishment meted out are matters of public concern fhrm mechanization r one of the most danrcrous delusions of the times is that which assumes that increasing mechanization of agriculture offers a remedy for the growing pressure ot population on 5 dwindling capital of arable land serious students even so eminent a man as sir john boyd orr whose farne has spread over the whole world point out that there arc well over two thousand million people on the planet nnd not enough land to feed more than three- quarters of that number on the basis of pres ent production per acre that is the problem mechanization of agriculture has been one of the greatest blessings of the human race it has raised the standard of living of the farmer while cheapening the food of the cities but it has its limits the united states department of agriculture calculates that one man can now produce as many bushels of wheat as eight did in 1800 still more alarming is the fact that the agj ot working farmers increases steadily as fewcr young men remain on the land a farmer who has died of old age cannot drive even the finest tractor it is about time to wake up to facts within a very few years the united states will do no more than feed its own population the thought is commended to those who protest so loudly against the present high prices of food that the time is in sight when the diffi culty is not going to be to pay for food but to find food to buy have we made lite in cities so attractive that there will soon he not enough workers to feej the cities it begins to seem quite probable in llmehouse the mens class of tile united church sunday school george- 1 townptild a fraternal vlnlt to the acton sunday school mr mclar- en the teacher conducted the teaching hour tho suburban oil and gas co i have now reached a depth of 1000 feet in their drilling operations on their property about two miles west of acton i died tailzwellr at uowville on sun- i dny december tl ltrjh john i tnyzwell in his fillth year maitshatx at st josephs llos- pitnl cuelph on tuesitni dee i ii itrja agns mabel tllcox bo- loved wife of itlchnrtr earlmnr- shnll in her 39th year pollock and campbell manufaeturen at high grade memorials memorial engraving g2 wnlcr st north galt telephone tat lever hoskin outltarsd accountant successors to jenkins a ii vkt 1305 metropolitan bidg 44 victoria st toronto eib 9131 b d young vs bv veterinary surtssa office brookville ontario i phone milton 146m f g oakes vs bvsc veterinary surgsoa office nnd residence knox ava acton phone 130 uscelxanbq1jb johnstone rumley victor b ttumley funeral home heated areanlsam serving the community for 45 years phone 30 night or day- willoughby farm agency larqeit a oldest agency in rsnuto head office kent bidg toronto georgetown representative tonvllewsoh rhone georgetown issw travellers guide special silver ribbon your eyes a lropt kyr kxanilnntuin is mont important consult r m bell registered optometrist ihone 491121 erin editorial notes tomato juice 25c special silver ribbon peas choice t 27c aylmer jumbo sturred olives 79c gray coach lines tins z3c jusf another seven days for shopping and iust another week until christmas lict there lie no waste most everyone is pleased that for the pres ent the hydro miiitiints arc not occurrink not many are concerned over what has made the irn- proved condition or who is responsible trie point that it seems must he kept constantly in mind is that there is every need for continued caution in the use of hydro if this more pleas ant situation is to he inainuincdt many folks have found that the compulsory saving made on hydro has been most helpful in reducink their account without a doubt w have become very wasteful in trie use ot this bracebridgc has installed a new and unique police alarm system at the top of the flagpole on the town hall a rei electric light has been installed which flashes on when the police phone is called and remains on until the receiver at the phone has been lifted might be a prac tical method for use here when police are ahout town during the day or night who discovered mondav as washdav and when was the discovery made an effort is he- ing made to solve this problem but the quest is useless the day is claimed for washing the home linen with the tenacity displayed in the spring and fall housecleaning no family con venience or minor family catastrophe has been able to change it declared the fort erie times- review and no mere male has ever successfully argued that another day would do as well make your selection of new wallpaper from the uvrcest stock in western ontario priced to suit everyone youll find it at chappies bookstore a uyntlhain tit- uuelpa anuls kennedy proprietor ubbvs tomato juice z tive robfh cookbooks ea 400 oltekn oiant fancy peas oz tin ic festive mix hard candy pound 35c jelly beans or xmas jellies lb 35c romait homogenized pe an u butter jr s7c caititoll8 dandee tea iko 37 heimz tomato ketchup 24c aylmxb irish stew iroz tin x5c motiiee rarkers tea bags 20o39o quick quicjceb oats fem rreo 26c societt i4c jdoc food jar turkish tinil figs lb tko i5c blue ribbon rudoe mix packaoe 29c maple leaf mincemeat lb xi c aylmer cut mixed peelrln pkoi7c aylmer asstd oivced fruits 21 c australian crushed pineapple i 33c australian seedless raisins i5c californxa seeded raisins 27c australian currants u 14c shelled almonds lb 19c pieces ot shelled walnuts i 25c coaches leave acton fjssthound at ii amb7l am 856 sbs 11 ib am jtw pm 441 pja utl pm sl6 pm dl0 56 pjn wrstbound ti titration 10 44 am 114 pm voj lm 529pn 7 34 pb j 14 pm yll34 pm 10 44 to lnon p m a5 p m 7l4 pm b14 eccpt sundays nd houdaj surnhis niui holiday stlurduv sumlny and houdayi tn kiti nir ilnly to stratford sumliy nnd holidays to kitritur ony fancy red sockeve salmon 39c railways canadian national istrndurd time i juttiounjl uiiilv i 1 1 am uuly except sumlais n oj am 7 li pm sun day lily s 111 pm dally excejj sundav llvrr nt f tortoin 637 p m uallv klycr nt ooriietowh lo 11 p m htbflunil ijiv txrfpl monday 1 17 am mondav onlv 12 09 a m dally iiit sunday 8 4j a m 6 50 pjo 7 44 p m saturday only 1 36 pjn sundnv only 9u a m nsjestop klir at ouplph except sat antt sun 616 pm crisp icobtru lintlte size fis 2 h 10 111 hair nil 1 tmkin onions 35c size im ikmons ikw 35c florida 11 hi okancks i7 27c ephead optometrist eye exominfd scientif iajlly iieaiunq aid battkiue8 quick heiairstto guibhcfl bjnocularsi held ciohsch etc sll st oeortes m phone 15 guelph tul i ystth

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