Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 16, 1948, p. 5

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thursday december 18 u48 the acton free press pack five mr jam mcquen of samkatooft sak cajei onfrionahortbl week v mr nhd mr xlobort macarthur bind johnny upont the weekend in mr wm grundy of lnkevlew visited wth friends in acton on wednesday exwnrden amos maaor waa a kucfit at tho anmyil warden din ner on tuesday mr nnd mr clnre proitser of hanover vltlted at tho home of mr and mr g a dm for tho weekend mwurfl alexander near and wesley muway attonded the war den d inn or at the tclon hall in georgetown on tuesday night mr and mrs thomas richard son and mr and mrs jack rich- ardaon nnd children spent sunday with mr and mrs r rawson mrs f j mccutcheon visited at th homo of mr nnd mr harvey mccutclvcon in london during tho weekend friends of mr john irwin rc- jjrot to learn that ho is 111 in st michaels hospital toronto and all wlnh for him a prompt return to good health a mr n perry wnuwn is a patient at the western hospital in toron to friend will ho plenwd to loam he is feclinc jedter nnd hopes to return home noxt week onttdcfatoa httttrb stftirrlr at flanaba aeion outmrlo iiev lkhjis pickering mlnlattf parsonage bower avenue sunday dkcbmder 19th 1948 tho fourth sundny in advent 11 00 n m mornlnr common wor ship sermon saved by a child 1130 nm ho children or the church our church school meet at ten 7 00 p m tho evening service message the simplicities of chrlstmns the septums greeting to the editor nnd staff nnd all readers of the acton free proas a welcome to all acton club activities the tstory of leather a very interesting film with sound was tha feature allowing at tho tueadny lunch of acton rotary club th news and views w hajtonpknrt vnfairat w r wauaon admmi lultoti livestock tvoooerai tht law of supply nnd demand doe not mean much unless coupled engagements mr and mrs wllllnm ii clayton acton ont announce the engage ment of their eldeit daughter marie elizabeth r m to william patrick ihncks qnn of the into mr nnd mrs w p hincki of brant- ford ont wedding to tnke place early in tnnunry georgetown tho condition of jnok gilbert who wnt ierlousl injured in a mo tor evelo accident on wedjpesdny ti reported to b somewhat improved the accident occurred oarly in the evening when mr gilbert was pro ceeding toward town from the glen on his motorcycle on the glen rond as he approached tho paper- mill road the machine hit a bump in the road and he lost control crashing into a hydro pole he suf fered severe internal injuries to his leg nnd hend j ken nnd glnd mcmillan have re- turned from the horse show nt the j thttn national th est orktsxpositlon i n chicago uitii nn impressive list i of pile ilbhons hlghllghtftl b a second plan ruton won in the slngu horse class b halton per- former altogether the placed in the jtl mone thirteen times i winning vn thirds time fourths one fifth and one seventh mr mil mis stew it t hive pur- i based the lirrv ci irke home on durham sire t while mr and mrs clarke and their children bnrrv tr and itohert have moved to the lark beamish farm at osprlnge mr and mrs farl m trow of toronto hnvp purrhased the home or mr and mrs ii m stewart a wlldw nod jmt outside george- tow n and moved in retentlv the house whlh wis putvhnsed hv the stcwarti nbout five vears ago was fojnierlv owned b ale grelg hernw dattaba knox emmen acton sunday december 19th 1948 1100 am morning service rev w s sutherland ba of whltechurchont the fourth minister on tho lcet 12 15 sunday school 7 00 p m evening service rev w s sutherland ba monday tdoc 20 at 8 pm con gregational meeting thoy that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength uaptbrt dtfitrrlj acton rev char r gowkr mlnutei sunday december 19th 1948 10 30 am sundny school 11 no am why give gifts christmas service friday b y p u cancelled this week onl 6t albuita slurri anglican rector rev o luxton ba 1918 sunday december 19th advent iv 10 00 n m sunday school 11 00 n m holy communion be ginners class 7 00 pm evening prayer carol sorv lec sunday december 26th nt 7 pm this church welcomes visitors dont do this tone lite ltruw dorb harmful ray and glare bcxouie they dredehcntely tinted they blend with themplexon nnd at the mme time lrep annoying ind harmful elore from your eyet aav ua olmjut tone lite lense cecil a carr savake pul 8 douglas st tel 1011 uelph ont p f featura was nhown tliroueh tho with the ability to pay stated w courtrsy of bonrdmoro nnd co p wnuon ontario llvo stock rttul proved n most interesting sub- commissioner whon addressing n ject i rrwcllng of tho hahon ijvoatock tin- vocnlloniu buldanco trip for improvement acsoclntlon in the school puplla inst month was a vl- court ilouiwr milton on friday nf- it to tlu storoy glove co nnd an tcrnonn inst mr wnlson as us- oxplnnntlotv by mr r tl arnold of ual delivered n moat informntlvo tho proccse of rlovojunklne this thourlit provoking and loelcaj bd l ono of actwfil oldest industrie in whlrih ho reviewed tho and the oldest elovo manufactur- i u orld situation as it effects cnn- nit company in canada other adlan aerloullure having just nt- vlslts to acton industries are being tended tho dominionprovincial planned by tho committee in agricultural conference ot ottawa charge of this feature during the post wook and prior to that the international live stock sho at chicago mr watson ably suhatalncd his statements with facts and figures in short it was the type of address which all farmers in halton should have heard in hit introduction reviewed tho war period when our agreements with great britain called for defin ite quantities at specific prices canadian goods were sent ovonums under mutual aid or outright gift local exhibitpr of horses met tragic death 194s council completes work last evening continued from pngc one dr wllllnm c bovalrd promin ent bmmpton vcterlnnrlnn nni home breeder and a grnduntc of the onburlo veterinary college in guelph was rvlcnscd salurdny on 5000 hnll nfter bolng charged nt brampton in the manslaughter denth of herbert gowlnnd chln- guacouby farmer both dr tlovnlrd nnd mr gow- innd were wellknown exhibitors of horses nt local fnlrs in the district dr bovnlrd n graduate of the o v college in 19m was arrested into prkiay nfter horvieman and farmer herbert gowlnnd wns fnt nlly injured during n horse show staged nt lesters mnk three miles south of brampton toronto township police said the two men apparently nrgucd ov er the jumping course set up for contestants gqwland wns struck during the hontod debate and fell henvlly to tho hnrdpneked groun1 an autopsy revcnled that gowlands deatli was duo to a spontaneous hemmnrngv of the brnln an in quest will be held ted to secure a culvert for drain age on main street north reew mccutcheon expressed nil appreciation of the cooperation totl lp trnct system of buv- given by fellow councillors and of mb c nnd canadian pro- fclals for the past year he urged lauct nrc i for ou tho new counduors to give their provided or loaned by cnnndn nnd new reevo all possible support in united stntes in reviewing the the coming yr he also made the mnrshnll plnn or e rp the speak- suggestlon that as councillors or cr pointed out thntiheus is pre- rceve they have ratepayers bring p 10 nssi malerlnlly any their complaints to be dealt with country in western europe prcpar- nt council meetings m lo maintain the democratic wny it wns arranged to hold tho an- i f nnd prepared to help rehab- nexntlon proceedings in the audi- mlnte herself mr watson made it torlum of the town hnll on wed- very clenr however hint under j ncidny january 12th ntlllsim i ijw mnrshnll plnn the u s will not the nrit mooting or the 1949 supply mono to nn eountr to j council will be held on monday purchase commodities from cnn- jnnuary 3rd ndn of vvjilch there is n surplus in eress of domestic requirements in the trnltedstntes fortunately for us he ndded there is up to the present time no surplus in the u s of the main products which we export while the mnrshnll plan will extend over a period of four yenrs the volume of goodja which will be exported under the plan to grent britain france nnd other european countries will be reduc ed as these countries get u5 funds nvnllnblc in short stated mr wnt- son the whole economy of the world revolves around the economy of the us nnd he added that is terra cott a mr nnd mrs r s schwnlds of toronto hnw purchased the gen eral store of mr leslie i cam on mnln street mlsa bnrnhart of toronto has purchnsed some building lots here miss l lauthlln of toronto li spending a few days with terra cottn friends in culture were oakville polling nn impressive mnjorlty ns he made his third bid for tho post n successful one jnmes r black became onkvlllen now may or mondny night mr black polled 1183 votes to dedent howard s lltchftfld who wns supported by h03 electors at d a m wodnesdny morning cecil inglehnrl 19 son of mr nnd mrs stanley inglehart palermo hai his left hnnd seriously crushed in n mnchlno nt the barrlngnm rubher nnd plasties company ltd whon he failed to see the wig- wngs operntlng nt the 8th line crossing nt 8 pm inijt monday morning hjnlmnr dnhn blithely drove hlscnr over the cnr track only the clnnglng of the bell wnrn- ed him n chicago flyer wns speed ing through slnmmlng on his brakes hjnlrnnr hrenthed n ter- vent prnyer a tnrrlflc crnsh fol lowed the dnhn vehicle wns reduc ed to wrccknge the train sped on iw wny nnd hjalmars prayers were answered he crnwled from the shattered car unscrntched trnfnlgnr jouxnnl real estate seven room rough cast owetxing large lot and nnd garden concrete driveway ghrsgc hnrd and soft wat- crrbntlirooiii71inrdwood floors throughout first floor and two roonts with jtardwood floors second floflr storm doorsfmrdjcombinnttoii doors located in the garden of acton presently well tenanted six room dwemjng rottrjhcnst with doublecelliir rtirnrre located in good district itnndy to mdustrinl plants presently well tenanted for appointment to inspect these properties which nrc exclusively listed see f l wright realtor and insurance cam and trucks financed and insured for a clran trmiuotjon bay and beu uuroocli a kmiw wilbur stfteet phone 95 reparations mndc recently whon great britain the shndow over the econony or exchanged with the us a the this ountry he also pointed out wright brothers first aeroplane i that us has harvested the biggest for the manuscript alice in won- corn crop in history 3 billion dorland a bushels of corn and when in chlcngo n week ago the price of j corn wns less than two cents a l oound tuiough theie is a support miss allan reg chiropodist treats foot ailment gar- j riea light comfortable arch- es of leather or steal ua priv ferrtd 27 arthur st gueijh phone 1390j it sk last minute gift suggestions offifiak iki rrolutiuu t ttalton ouncil ciuifimn d fr mii viii on ufortratlmi jhw cmit rnnil jsossba tteend of the mooting war den ceorge clehe vini axked to vt p down and v h ul writer tvik the hair he mgi itulted mr ctrave tin the itcnmpmhments of the ciuine 1 in the past cnr under mr cleni itilil nice nnd une th ithr mimhtn in ippirtunlt e odd their uminimitv to his it w is uruinlmmis that mr cenp hil done well during his term of of fice- a wards n of iltltnn coun nnd eerone wished him well tb the future in resjhindtng to the members warden clwvo said that uarnn the nmarks of the members w irrrn mv heirt i hae njoed th wir lmmensel you hne jlen eer ooi r ition e r supjort a wanlcn eiiuld want fvcvpt for the good grnivs of cvun- t oimnei i eoull not n it t irrlinl on he mentiontsl in pirthular the ible isskt ince i n h m h miss m ited treasurer nnd wm deans clerk of the county he mild tint the just net n nnln hroken in when the ear is over nnd thev have to start ihowlng a new warden the working of county h ual n ess he rvmlnded tho mom- lnm of the wardens dinner in ceo- igetown nnd councl tuljourne1 to the 2 i these certiticates ire good nt nn trmrrof j mere is 1 practical uav to say merr xmis lad on our list drop in toji and and purchase one of our beauti fully designed gift certificates for permnncnts re duced rates for school girls note the ear kendricks hairdressing price of si 12 a prominent us of ficial stated a few dns ngo that lheir hog objccue called for n sly million pig crop for the spring of 10jo in order to use up the huge torn t rop tho same it k officlnl i red u ted that hog prices in u 3 would diop si cents a pound b nel fall in dialing with the gt nn situa tion it was pointed out that nde- quau supplies nre nminbe in cin- uli with the is pno sfighil less than mns at tho present time we li u e a surplus of 100 million bush el nboe tli it neeied for domtstlc rtmjuiri nients plus suffirient to fill our 1 10 million hush 1 opnlr k t with ir it hritam it was nlso pointed nut tliat our o it rop is 11 million husifls oxer that in 1017 nnd the birlov crop also shows i vii nit i u ini rense when rterrlng to the fln crop ihi jeikei jiointod out we have n it million bushel esportahle sur plus jilutw donn stlc requirements xh no mirket due to flax being dtthmd a surpus rrop in vs un- et the marshal plnn this wns t lit d is an t ill ust nt jon whnt can happen on other prodm f shoud tht t mi he declared surplus crops r the is mn retnr of agihul- tiin ilowevi p as mr watson es th sltimtimt it is his feeing thnt our m i s in 1 ll w 111 he alviut the si a in lojs bir if there is i oo i in lp in- unnd i in wtpatterson ro kperlnjist in eje rxamlnntion orthnptltt 103 wyxdiiam st gurumi i ihonr 2 1 on completely i qujiped offices clow mnher shoe store new sinjjer sv iiijr alacliinc i lei trie portables c ihmet and ti eadle machines for information write im r free press coop phone 127 milton are you getting satisfactory production from your hens if not try coop lay mitsh you witfbe satisfied ask those who are feeding it a reduction of one dollar a ton on nil fcrtilizcrn if you tnkc delivery during december the time is short order now wc still have some dried beet pulp and pure cane molnsses nt reasonable prices delivered build your ownbiudneh while using it to your advantage brighten their christmas with alamp for thnt mr nnd mrs on your list ciive them something they wnnt and tan use like one of our k lamps to bright en a corner in their home drop tn to dny itnd see our extensive selection nt greatly reduced prices to suit your chnstmns budget mceachern electric mill sl acton i rls t dec 171s fc tyrone at his thriuin6 best tyrone power undj darnell fatffl acton tnice nichtlj 7pm 9 pm saturdnh 2 pm monday tiksday december 2021 ihone 274 i iii- 1 5t i 1 1 ulil ballb the opening of s acton woodcrafts iif w in 10 r in t i nl r nils 1 ito tn ilnt i j 111 s il ut r ih nt in i iris ft ir t i i l li hun v uiir h us i inf 1 r in t nit n tin i 1 ill i in siwcializinu in sash down pnunea and iine wood work prompt efficient service me solicit your patronage e varey proprietor mill st acton ont m m m m m m m m h rl iniiro i mi li t tlli l t i not nun i h knt nni nt n lio lunfvl- v nil ont ill s11 jlunc o milnl un nur mar k s i sslu i mir ntst r hi li n it t i n li if his 1 i tin nt t it rtlfi i il in in ni n n s tir i col un ti u ir mi iii tt i s t w ihi pro ni i n i nummirlni th n lllt ts in mmi irison wltti uili rs it iuls rvilntihl out urv br 1 lilr men linu i in i onl ot pifrmin iiir 7 hrrtnt of ou in ontario he lrillv nn 1 behind this face kanin rrorwjctlons lnn ronald colman a double life signe hasso edmond obrien a universal tntrrnmonal relrjk niririi 1 theatre mat no 208 mx ilulihhhmhiiilhhhiihhmiwhhihhimuhhh t i hint i polic work at t hx- unit w lont past u hm v shii id in iohk s4inittiiiik ilmiut ihmlnntlni some of uio ixiartlttsi iimm oux liitda wkdtiil ks lkc 2223 inl miikini l 7 and u pjn on thiirnday and fndaj ikcemlhr 2j12i dont miss the uiir chrmtnuis party at the koj for all children on friday dec 21 hook miur siits imu fur tlie boxink day morniiik anj nci years i ie midline shovis now on sale tickets

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