Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 23, 1948, p. 5

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yaqeay december as imb the afton free press pack tvrr kbuonal tiwflw mrs duncan waldlo is a patient in the general hospital guolph mr c g elliott of comber is thsltlng nt the homos of his sons he mr enrl ii vincent of toronto vimted acton relntves nnd friend thlweek friends are flad to loam thnt mr r perry watnon returned homf from the hoipltnl in toronto ami is cooling bettor mr nnd mrs wnllnco w guraey of wlngham called on mrs george murray inst week ns they motored through acton to toronto messrs hnrold rcld oi footon bay wllroeo held of toronto nnd cordon reld of alienator spent it weekend recently visiting with their father mr w j hold mr john chapman sr knox avenue underwent nn emergency opcrntlon tor appendicitis in st josephs hotptnl guolph on tues day nnd is progrcssng fnvornbly nassagaweya sl no t vnlteft 0turrtf at tsaritjha acton okitarlo j- ftbv tmulh pickering minister parson ago bower avenu suntay dfcjcembeu afith 1948 11 00 a m morning common wor ship sermon 1 he wonder of ills name 11 10 nm the- children of the church our church school meats nt ten nm a tolnt evening service nt seven a service or christmas hymns nnd enrols ltd liy the choirs of the presbyterian nnd united churches will be held in the prvsbytorlnn churcli nt 7 pm loin with us a welcome to all mr nnd mrs stan robinson rave tholr home for the december 13th farm radio forum meeting thcr wan the usunl good attendance two group discussed lets ko to the movies cards were enjoyed and n lovely lunch served our school concert was hold on thursday evening with n rood at tendance to enjoy the nnnual en tertainment mr wilfred kennedy trustee acted as chairman and announced a welcome by tommy tob other items were n chorus by the school a merry xmnn with the plnnist of the evening mr buohannn their music teacher ne- comfwinvlng them n recitation by bobby cnxc charitable dialogue a plot to kidnap snntn clnus recitation bj george roblnsoa a golden rule of five chorus by the school the itolly nnd the ivy recltntlon by donna momillnn the tnle of the xmn stocking mr kennedy gnve n brief chnlrmnns address tolling of his enjoyment of the evening nnd giving prnlse to mrs ipnul nnd the children nnd in troducing mr buchnnnn who led in a few selections in carol singing mr kennedy called on a few for n speech the concert continued with n dialogue the heart of gold recitation by joan mclcod who you tnlkln to dialogue santa inspects the toys recitat ion by viola service too young and too old dlnloguc santas awakening the closing number was by lorraine coxe santa ar rived with gifts for puplln teachers nnd proschool children the lad les then served coffee enke and sandwiches mr nnd mrs w e brltton held the fnmllv christmas dinner on sundny december 19th with 29 present nnd sex en nbscnt mr nnd mrs brltton spokeof their enjoy ment of this day together saturday was the day set for a wolfhunt bv mr dudley hltchcox gnmc w nrden for this district those helping were disappointed in the turnout however the inter est seemed good in tracking down and destroying those vicious and daring animals who seem to be growing so in number nnd destruc tion plans are to choose another dnte inter on in n less busv season hoping for more nctlve interest rrbbtfttfmi efntrrff n e attain knox tinmen acton sunday di ci mblil 2fith 194s 11 00 a m morning service 1j15 sundny school 7 00 pm evening service they that wnlt upon the lord shall renew their strength robt r hamilton optohenust or cueslph will b at dr g a sins office tuesday january lltb tj j pm complete eyesight be31 vice saptlnt hhiirrl acton rnv oiiar r flower mlnlur sunday december 2gth 1048 10 30 n m sundny school 1130 a m the christ we for- rct 8 00 p m thursday b vpu tuesday dccombor 2b bypu vlalt to hillsburg leaving ac ton nt 7 30 pm meet nt the church ftt albttna ojijurrh anglican or rv w g luxton ba christmas felkvtces christmas cve 1110 pm hoi communion chrhtmni dny 100 n m holy communion sunday december 26th 9 00 n m holy communion 1100 n m christmas service sun- tlnv school scholars will attend 700 pm carol service this church welcomes visitors wishing you a merry christmas a happy new year a kindly wish and a kindly thought for all our friends this joyful season coopers drug store acton t acteen topics r rmrrr to kkmove waixpafer make n solution of 1 tablespoon of saltpeter to 1 gallon of hot water applv freely to the paper with a brush several applications may 1m necessary keep watr hot heres to a merry christ mas and a new year stud ded with old fashioned sentiments happiness tranquility and prosperity wm bracken fjhrfclmo acion christmas hns almost snenked upon us lhc only things that ronstnntly nnd nngglngly remind us of its approach are the chj-lst- mns exams tiie at home nnd inst saturday the christmas band conocrt as jet the clirlstmns ocnmi are not quite complete nnd the at home has not passod i he clirlstmns hand concert last saturday was quite a nucccca with the first npparancc of the junior hand nnd alio the first ap pearance of the sonlor band in their now uniform over two hun dred people were out to witness the spectacle the at home annual event of the a us la nchoduted for wed nesday the decorntloni are helne planned on the utunl olnhonte scnle the lunch li belnr automat ically arranged nnd the itudenta nre kept busy with their own personal nrinngemonts no doubt it will be the uiunl success tlie christmas evnmlnatlona nt the local a 115 hnve loomed from out of the shndown and pounced upon the student body of course there nre the usual ifs nnd buts plus nil the nrrumonts nnd doubt ful remarks that accompany this morbid affair of christmas exam inations the penguin room hns been re novated and oonfltfltulntlons are duo to the executive on their work lunch hns been excluded from the reprulnr dos but when one re alize how difficult it is to rst the dishes washed each week it is not surprising the memberships hne been put on sale nnd nre ro- i injj fast with a little more ofrort a few novelties could be added to ct the teenbre spirit back it is not ofterl we extend any- thing to our renders but comments for better or for oise now how- over c would like to extend per- wnnl best wishes for n hnppy joy ous yuletldo to all our evaders e cryw here campbellviliji tlie younjf adult group of st dnvlds presbyterian church mot on tuesday evehlnn in the base ment wlth mrs j bench presiding miss annie holmes rend the min utes nnd letters of business mr tames wallace was in charge of the kvnuomil period mrs wllfinni robert i wns nnmed treasurer sides will be formed for nttend- lince with mr james wallace mr wilfred greenloos ns captains mr roger mnhon nnd mr hartley ari el rn were named the film com mittee mr robert glllottnnd mcsdnmes t bench g goldntraw nnd g ing- 1 is were nnmed to direct n ploy mr tames wnllace citizenship con venor then took charge mr wilfred greonlces sang a solo a citizens forum then took place with tr j robertson ns chnirmnn nnd discussion group were mrs george inglls mrs mur ray mcphnll mr e d mahon i nnttrov mr mncnell t mrs tohn robertson closed with prnvor i no 1 tnrni roium met nt the isdiool inst nlrht with mr gordon mcphnll ns dinlrmnn donald smnll ncted ns secretnry nnd ns it wns review night the discussion was short progressive ouchre fol lowed with prle wfnners mr ed- gnr cairns mrs cameron watson and mr cameron wntson mr haroldsmall 1 tlio postmiatress mrs fred gar rett reports the mall this kitr than hns ever passed through the post office ospringe wc have just a friendly word to say to n uh you a merry christmas and a happy new years day coopers clothing store f i acton hj35s5j2i3js3sii5is3323si33ss wjiqygi888 christmas greeting not because of euston lone established of extending greetings at the holiday mumn but because of sincerity of our appreciation of your kindly friendships and loyal patronage we are prompted by the spirit of the season to wish you a good oldfashioned merry christmas friends w ere saddened in the passing or clifford cliff rice at the guelph hospltnl last week few realized the seriousness of his illness nnd death camo as a sur prise to many the funeral was held on friday afternoon from the victor b rumley funeral homo to georgetown cemetery sincere sympathy is extended to his wife nnd children nnd brother nnd sis tors word wns received from chlcngo of the pnslng of norman rico on wedrvosdn evening his brother cliff having passed away wednes- dn morning mnklng a douhle be reavement in the rnmlly on the same day j sincere sympathy is also extenl- ed to mr and mrs charles mc- dougnll of ernmosn in the tragic i deojh of their son bob the nnnunl christmas concert if the sundny school wns held in the church on friday evening recltn i ions carols and dialogues were en- joved closing with the christims storv nnd presentations of white i gifts mr vnlr ncted ns chnlrman nnd santa cinus nppearcd at the jps and presented gifts to all th kiddies i the local school held their christ- mis concert on tuesday afternoon w ith n fair turn out of parents choruses drills recitations and dialogues rounded out n good pro gram and credit is due the uncher mrs cnrnev for her efforts wlth1 such a larce enrolment of schol- nrs snntn delivered gifts nnd can dies from n well inden tive the tnrm porum wns held nt the horn of mr nnd mrs gerte grundv with it in nttendnnce it was rev ew night and after the business part of the meeting wns over progressive ouchre wns play d with high prizes going to mrs hnrold smith nnd mr cordon ajtken your correspondent extends ti the editor stnff nnd readers of the fne press best wishes for hnppv vuletlde cton club vctiviuea v manning electric christmas carols were featured in tht singsong p riod at rotary in acton tut stlav nnd a iommit tu wns appointed to arrange iomt christmis truits for ch ulron who might otherwls nol b provided for norm balrd gave n sumniao tu nu sagt from the district aov- i tsrnor acton club had stood four- tnth in ntttndance record but tin re wns still noed for improve- nunt ei2v acjon twice nifrhtly 7 p m 9 pjn saturdays 2 pm sunday midnight at 1205 am tickets now on sale for midnight show also monday tuesday december 27 28 i hale eugene pallettl 9ichal cui11z wnxlah kekhiey coming ala new years eye midnight frolic come and join the crowd and have fun sing out the old ring in the new humphru bik irt in it all came true hook your reserved seats now nnd avoid disappointment

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