Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 23, 1948, p. 6

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pagb the acton freq press thursday december 33 1948 gwu4rfia4 on this happy occasion we wish you and those you hold dear merry christ mas and ii rewarding new year roys electric service r r 1 acton jmjdfcfcm tmmmmwmmmswm news and views of llu l to n l interest 12 zttzzkpo- we join good old saint nick in wishing one and all a very merry christmas and a happy new year jkendricks hairdressing acton wmtsmtgga wtinqb to the citizens of halton a merry christmas nnd n happy and prosperous new year jjjjj stanley l hall mpp ss halloo 1lownmtfl helct c i imdkrtt lut rrmliiint ilnlton plownien anioclnllon conclude ono of hip most rucophs- ful yearn in its hlntory in hip fnrm- pi u niilu milton on tuesday v- cnlnc or inst wcok thin wnn the ocennlon ot their lutnnunl mooting nnd tin- tronsurprfl nnd nudltora reports rovealed n successful your flnnnclnlly denilte incronnod netlv- lly durlnr the year tho ilnlton nisoclntton in cooperntjon with hnlton junior fnmwrs nponnorod n junior mnteh nnd conclilnr dom- onslrnllon in tho snrlnk flnnncod n tenm of plow boys to rcprowmt ilnlton in the tntorcounty tractor rlnsb nt tho intel nntlonnl nnd cll- mnxed this with what is consldored by mnny to lie the outstanding coimty mntch nnd fnrm mnchln- ory dlsplny of tho province in tho yenr ims the election of officers nnd di rectors for 1949 which wns keenly contested resulted an follows hon orary president j a elliott mil ton president c f picket georgetown vice presidents ar thur dlnmond hockwood nnd v e mrarthur milton socrotnry- tiwnsurer j v whltelock milton directors eiqueslnpr j c cun- nlnkhnm r currle clcbcrt mc dowell nnd j s wilson nnssnsm- weyn j h nllenlon ttoss gordon nnd inck mcplinll nekon roy ellenlon geo rendhend ross scrswortli nnd j h tnylor trn- fnzwrj a dlvon jnek mnrch- ment j c mnrshall nd harold picket honorary directors ilueli- es clenvor m p stnnley l hall m pip w n brcckon victor hall m t menabb w j robertson w a robinson nnd w ii robinson assoclnlo directors nsqueslnp llnd risiier ilnrvoy nurse nnd f ruddel nnssnrnuoyn harold ferguson tom pntterson nnd h wnrmlntfton nelson glen camp bell a g hunter nnd john rleh- nrdsnn trafnlgnr frank hnll leonard uster nnd lloyd mny auditor john irving present plnns call for stnginr the 1b11 county match in tho goorfp tow nnorvnl district the proprani included some ex cellent films screened by messrs c iculs nnd shndlock of the in tel nntlonnl harvester co ltd poultry and eggs wanted phone milton lw for better prices halton poultry products humanitarian viewpoint still calls for increased food production slnca a goodly part of tho world pop ulation u still enduring a starvat ion dlot but unfortunately a pointed out by mr wntson m law of supply nd demand does not mcim mudi unless coupled with tho nbllhy toopy the post nine year has been a period of nff- hculturn expnnftlnn during this perl oil the fixed cnpltnl investment how then nre wo to rwonello those two contradictory nets of conditions wo nre nol ton sure hint there ii n nnllafnctory nniwer wblch com pletely crivers the nltuntlon we would have no hesitation however in hinting thnt 1049 should be the pnyeholoklcnl time to market or convert some of our boarder llvo- ntoek into hard cash whllo meat prices nre high it would also be n rood time tn tnke nut of cultivat ion tome of our sub marginal land and seed it dpwn to hay or pni- ture these inttor cropi are noil building crops and certainly a lot of our heavy clay noils are in dire need of more humus or organic matter only a few days ago n farmer friend told un that on hla farm with the exception of along the fence row which were qulto mellow nnd friable there wns no enrth worms apparently he was of the opinion that tho earth worms wore responsible for tho physical differences between the soil in his fence rows and out in his fields ho mny be partlnlly right however wo have no hes itation in stnting thnt if he rettores the humus nnd organic content of his fields the earth worm will fol low whether ornot lower prices romp in 1950 ii would be- sound business to build up the organic content of our soils to practice proper innd utilization nnd thnt in mir opinion points to seeding down some of our hllller nnd more sub mnrglnal fields in some cases it mny menn planting with trees an n mntter of- fnct wo are not nt all sure thnt tho tnklng out of culti vation of some of this land would result in decreased production tf ucro bnck to 19t you will recnll t ho roosevelt administration in or der to curtail production actually paid u5 fnrmeni to tnke n certnln poitcentare of their crop land on of production the answer la no tjiey worked and cropped their ve- malnlng crop acreage morrf thor- oughly4 and tho increased yields ner acre more then compensated tor tho acreage of sub marginal land taken out of production in short whether or not lower prions come in 19g0 lots do noma culling in our herds nnd in our fields we believe it to bo sound hurlnca new brunwdeks school children are being tnucht tlie importance and enre of their foreata a floyd smith jeweler watches clocks jewkjlehv 75 quebec street west guelph ont make your selection of new wallpiaper prom the largest stock in western ontario priced to suit everyone youll find it nt chapples bookstore i2s wymllmm st guellih anflus kennedy proprietor stttietttctccicicicictetieiiiti we tnke genuine ilcnsurc in laying aside the routine of business to send our ninny friends the heartiest wishes for the holiday season baxters drug store mill st acton mmi 4 around the christmas tree as ynu nnd your loved ones gather round your gaily decorated tree on christmas morn wt wnnt you to know thnt our thoughts ire with you it is our way of showing you our npprecintion for your gen erous pntronnge during the pnst macswain motors halton conreratlnn committee orgnnlzed the members of the arrlculture nnd r foreslntlon committee of the hnlton count v council together ilth i ppresentntucs of the hnltnn fotlerntlnn of acrloulture ilnlton junior rnrmors milton sports- m ns aoc nllon hnlton lumber mens assoclntion ilnlton crp improement assoclntlnn hnlton school trustee hno in recent months been rivlnpr lncrenslnp nt- tt ntlon to the conerxntion of hnl ion vooilol soil and unter sup ply as n n suit of their rocom- menduions n b lnw uns recenth pnssed bv hnlton county council i which pi oxides n ubsidv to cover the cost of fence to protect hnl ion count woodlots another recom- mendntlon resulted in the public meeting held a few weeks npro in the court house muton which juns addressed by v g porter of london at n reoent meeting this com- jmitteo recommended the pubhea- tion of n phnmphlet bv county i council outllnlnr the nrious by- lnws recently pnsed h thnt bodv in nid of ronsejrvntlon plans nr also undi r win to secure incrvnsed pnrliclpntlon t hnlton rural pub- j lie school sections in the inte i rurnl school reforestation comnetl- 1 tion estnblishment of junior farm- ii reforestnton plots the estab lishment of ponds or smnll lnkes at selected points to conserve water to mtiike ciemonstrntlons in contour plowing etc ree alex cljixen of ceorke- town who was the etinirmnn of the 1918 halton county agriculture nnd reforestation committee was the dvnnmo behind this inirensed nctflt in order that the pro- i grnm ma not ntil be ontlniuni but expnndid the following officers i were eh i ted fu- ivio chairman j chnhmnh of committee on agri culture and reforestation halton couniv council vl chairman i ale mt ijiren ieorgttow n sv c- relnr j v whltelock muton 52 issues of the free press 250 kxpomdnn or retraction of asrrioultural produaiion in our column of lust week we attempted to reproduce some of tju highlights of m uldnsa h w p watson oht irlo i le stock commissioner w lien addressing a meeting sponsored b the halton uvettot k improvement a-soclat- itainu word onditlons as ti- veiltl h mr watson all point to much low prices for farm prod- i me in 1010 providing there is no change in the world political lt- uiithm and providing cnnndn un ite states nnd other pnrts of the world reap another gov crop in 1019 in abort all of the inform ation revenled points to the advls- i ability of a period of retrnetlon or curtailment of production the dgcfmdcr is here and with it lurks the common cold ontario dozens are reminded now of a few simple helpful rules to safeguard their health and that of others prevention of the common cold is the responsibility of all and if everyone plavs his part much unnecessary illness expense and discomfort may be avoided with the holiday season looming ahead when so much happiness depends on everyone feeling t why run the risk of catching cbld or letting members of your family face that danger in the interest of parents and families the ontario department of hoolth recommends every ontario citizen to study the commontens precauuonj suggested below and act upon thcra jim dumtok umirfwna i take plenty of rth avoid bcomlng unduly tird endeavour to follow wellbalancd diet avoid becoming wot chilled or over heated if clothing becomes wet ii thould be changed at quickly at pottible if a cold overtake you go to bed until h improve if it doet not clear up rapldly do not hetltate to teek medical advice be thoughtful of othen if suffering from a cold do not ipread germ by coughing or tneexlng openly s avoid crowdt ai far a ponlble department of health for the province op ontario russell t kellty aihiiti op mialtm

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