rmmtaaar tmb acton hee ptua rthjasoalf ourtjjlwf ttlbuml ivssth dknny mr ad urt c 8 danny arton vara laalte are happy to announca tha birth of ihiir abfutmttr tfcnnriine horn coelph htfe4 arfon on haturday january ut 1u49 mot her and baby una dtt baftblkrrk suddenly at jl memorial hospital lirampton on tuesdiy january 4th mo j weslay barherree husband of the ut adaunejatteeson in his 74th yaar cajum or tflanlu j a chapman wwh to thank friends and neighbors for tha card flowers and other ldndi shown him wttjia in hocptal thy wrf wry hvueh tpswatvi nawamhar to arrtu to 1m fumaaiber wlntar driving hat added another hatard cut down cm tourapaada i th january uusw cam aarty nd mayfe ita juat aa wall tor th hydro situation lea it muitlnua to b a happy new yaar for everyone if you drink don t driv soma motorists drova without murb coiuaderation for pedestrians whan cpgjl ar slushy it aaay to splaak once again wr hav reached that season af the year whan tha community u divided into two groups thoae who believe side wmlks should hr shovelled and tha unbhevera a sutasrrtber renewlnu irom manitoba aaya there l an unusual amount oi snew thrre for ttila time of year highways hava been blocked a couple irf times and lot of the elderoads will not hr open until spring j k gardiner issuer of motor tvehlrje permit and license plates jaahaduuhca ilerrminijdnne th 1m0 series want on sale on man day morning first number for arton waa 3v301 and the adit or iwas able to aecure thaae plate ilasft yaar acton had a aeries with it he let tar l m the centra benefit enforced the benefits that communion brings to the worker u tha theme ong of had deans friend of russia and juat plain soviet agsnu the advorates and near advneatee of the system grow lyric owr the levelling procaas that bring urh i untold banaflta to tha worker ban 1fus that he couldn t hope to se izure in tha daoadent democracies cartrhoalovakla waa one of those flemocractea before stalin agents betrayed u for its own good and the outstanding benefit of the uorker chechoslovakia dldn t quite realize its industrial decadence it nrll l program its standard 40hour work week as something that might well i he viewed fmomhlv bv its rraat neighbour that had thr workers interna ao much at heart i hut ilussln win interested in the worker in lis own n mm constitution of february 25 1047 it has made the 4k hour work man ftator now naturalh in tta generous interest in one of its new eat satellite it felt that nit hen fill should hi shared officials of the csech cnmmun st govaxa meit niade the f nuitreation no doubt a hint from the politburo nasslnc on the suffffestlon used the cxach nnister of industry tn a rdalpaded veket glove sad h i we could produce more if wa would voluntarily decide that no free saturday should exist in the j fiveyearplan don t ou think i 1 a crime against our building en deavours he asketl the conunun tat party conference when we do not work 52 saturdays a year what could be friendlier or more convincing to labour than that al aa as the new york world-nyle- gram points out the cfech worker who preferred his own ways stni had a vr obvious out if he didnt uke the 48 hour weak he could always go to a concentration camp and work a seven daj woek w d prick j toromo raaldaa oi artumlax many yaars and ahe of thoaa whom his yean of residence 1q toronto did not dull hu in tares in this communltv william davlrrprlck passed away suddenly on tuaaday rvnher at his homa 34 sorauren avenue toronto mr prick was in his atjchtyfiftn yt and was aajlve a usual untltvhe time rtr hit death ills suddvn naaslng was a great shork to his wife and family w t frtrk was horn in nwrk nj and came to arton over sixty yearaaco to have chary njf the luswa daoarltnent of w it fstof- y glove go tie resided her for aavaral yean but afl yaara ao ha wvnt to toronto to mak his home rmdom waa an aflton pair mlssad and often ha vfjitad tha common hy and ms trinam and always ha kafi4 oaajaet wi4k amast aa auba- rrtber to the pfwe praaa 0t iat march mr and mrs prvk maahtad thlr slatleth wddin an atwsiury and taia was a wry hap py and unique occasion for ttili couple naaldea his widow who waa nina olbbona before marrlstt he leaves two daugbtera mrs ed ward ftolomon mart and mrs n l iwis fn1na and oft grandson dr v p p rritomon of ottai to all of thaae sympathy of many 4land in thlscommunlty yo in their hereavement the funeral was held on thum day afternoon with interment in fatrvlew cemetery arton and the committal service by rav tuuu imrkerlng mr fc rick was one of the oldest members of walk ijtuut ap a am since 1h05 he has been a brother in the lodge past master and off id si many yer go on thursday members of this lodge attended the funeral in t body and conducted a masonic aei vice at the graveside pali hearers wert all past masters nf the tod re w cooper mcintosh dean i- lle w o mlddtelnn 11 1 ritchie and f hall over 56 miijjon rot at race tracks in canada in 19th during the mo days horse rsdng in canada at 34 maatlngs in ims a total of 36178401 wagared ajla faczuuua war th amount wagered at 330 days racing al 30 maatlngs in 1047 pttxe man e in 1048 totalled j375s 400 an increase of 431 735 over 1047 of the total of sc17r401 wag- red in 1048 ontario accounted for 3734t315 with 144 day racing british columbia was second with 7213000 wagered during 70 days racing manitoba was third with ajhtklcn wagarad at 28 days rac ing alberta jburth with s3 447 711 at 30 days racing quahec fifth with s3 157 07s and 3fi days racing saskatrhawan sixth with 771003 wagered during 12 days racing there is no paiimutuel betting at race tracks in the maritime provinces under the supervision of the dominion department of agrl culture the statistic for c tics shows that toronto wns the leader in the amount uagered by a big margin with sjg2hs03q vancouver was second with 625 213 port eric third with 4r15vto followed by j only 40 per cent of cnnndlans wtrmtpr s4 1 tot m to- free-pbhe-hbenr4e- 3 074 itio montreal j 79 oil nnil tkesr canadians reml on he nlagnm falls j241h fdmon nxcrngr about five books per enr ton si 004 173 calgary si 453 530 victoria 988107 ottawa 57s 0t2 itegtna s421077 nmt snskat- l r- i 0 nm with 351 920 the largest amount wagered at nn one meet was nt ihe fall seven da meeting of the ontario jockey club potjhtiu iark toronto ont when 2 280 007 was wngcred alt betting nt ran tracks tn can ada for what is known as running horses must be under tht pari mutuel titem it is carried out under the supervision of j d lllg- clawin kuperlsor of race track betting for the dominion depart ment of agriculture jrrtfrlox january 3rd 1049 mr a dills editor acton pre pras adon on dear sir a n w year has hcytin the t ul yt f 194k was a big year in th history rft acton nw stores tf business and a new theatre flfv wartime houses completed ani tenant aad a jrwimmlng pool in virion for hi future y t acton u rtauya very dul and backward vtllage during a we knd or t htjiilsy and last but not least 1 1 i ur national winter sport hockey we have an arena hut by the tlmr wenthrr permits it use it 1 after new years and is vary f weeks mild waalher breaks it up w have always had a good hockey mm lhy always get into at lean the semi finals hut prarttc ally all the best paying gams wer played on out t town ice artlflrul let nearly every week you read in- the paper about aome town city or even village open ing a modern new artlmcla ice arena yet here we anr with si outdated arena how do other towns build thetr who finances it eorgetown milton ouelpn ifespeler cojllrifrwond not to men tlon many others and yet acton can not even finance a swimming pool yet it is one j the highest taxed vf i lages in canada now what is wrong with acton have w any community spirit at all can we not d any more than talk of rec reational improvements what money ha been spant la- vlllajre improvements in the last twenty years why are tases hltfher hort than most otherplarea congratutatlons are due mr o r rob n ton manager of the rosy theatre in his effort to promote a community spirit tha saturday matinees for children not just a show but in interest is shown and taken in the children i think that rhelr rosy movie club in a ftrand idea 1 also tike their chib pledge i promise to tell the truth to help others to obey my parent and i shall try to make this great country a better plsce in which to live a lot of our grown up citizens and teen sgers could lenrn a lot from the itoy mvlr club pledge v mr jlaunim hjsccflalnjyp in a lot of hard work in mi efforts o make the itoxy more thin jus another theatre and at no extra coat to the village or th patrons ills plans for new years fve mldnlgttt shov would rl wrnt over big except for the tact that aome one pulled th rork from a bottle of beverage ha for show time and a doarn or more of our village cut ups got a whlf and immcdlatajy were three sheets the wind and they really spoiled mr ttoblnson s plans an4 isny nf tfflt patrons ideas of a ew years tocether before tht picture by their infant like antics they roally uhought they were funn and they were and disgust ng to hut better lurk next ttm mr ttoblnson carry on the good work it certainly k np reclnlcd hv n u w even tf not shown 11 v drot for sale seteel dwellbtir of she bmu fad thuite robutkt- il trtl lurtlwood floor all eauytnlt ga- vi oilbwmlne hftt ur fanwee rnuy r- mnirhnl satobu f erhaihtm vseeetive er pfa- failou bun ceoruwiul ezdudve ibuoc ioivumulon ul of january for apuolnlwmt a vle contact i f l wright valuator realtor imuror htmhtr aprril initlfote of canada pfaom k the classified section buy sell excbnge wanted etc f advrrllsrmenlt undr thlshadmg 3c saih with order up to a words additional words 1c per word if cahdoe not ar romftany the attvcrtlw mrnl mm mum charge soe and lc per waiaddiuonaifox each itond over 3- buhxequant lasartlos sc for kaijc tios iuim sknl tit sai y and twms i id n zmj kok sa k quant t of unnrt mud wtxxl apply tewait r illo 47i5 ot itjl 4 acton 1yk hajj- ilr nidio iknlri um 7 in gtmid t rittltlun lu wm i rd pair f mmi skate site h i tu nt- 70 fxk hai j- 1 jut r bjys skates slie as h 1 pair slve 7 t1 1 pstr fl slits with s ring har mi xdihl 1fune xllxl the annual meeting of the- halton county hog producers association will he held in the coitktilousa milton january 15th at 2 djl aharp tukst steakkr mr charles newton barrio a member of the live stock branch toronto bruce reid prciident robert miller secretary bsssssbjssjbsssssabs2asbbssssssssssj kul haj line vooj for sale good tires and body naeds new motor ijm or beat vr mmm ilumfang and lleatlng htore ac tun ails mk 1a1v llhi intls oscti 1 orvan llody radio heat er rlefrostrs mt 1ord diuk hr4n ltstir and defrosters to t3rv swlsn healer jfj loxd coach ap i y aiton auto llody mk sai-1- 17 chryalvr lmr isl luxly uphojslryanr1 uitt ch cellant must be scn ami rlrten in lo he apprertsted almy to resld enre of weorge kornetv john st orgetown near nurthrrn n h trsrks jl j wilt haik car and irartor hstns 4 ar halleries sn w ptmi for i erguson and i 41 d- atfuson lsrmsll mm k international s ton trurk llhfi 1ord imi buji 11m hliehaker vdan lml dodge mh ltwcm truck sullahle f 1 hurk rake 11kfi ir nune lmo o vi in terns tl msl 1 ton ttu k ctsstl wh1ti jm with i iwec inkr it pulley new rerg tractors if 1 immedlste nttwr new en 1 11 ur lrttr lights d starter m wvl m trartir new turner juhuimyt sjtw 1 rl rriruin an1 t 1 or m m11 trs t rx nrw manure sj rratlrr n mhhrr new fklfn htm mr mill ani hp motor vi teiim hrs with hrwh nit snrl long srrlw collar dnmesilr refill rstors all ney tttu st ve od condition new amca f irel rl ltsnuf t eorjre white a n 17 ruling martilrvi fir im n ftllnte d llv ry apply itift llitti n ftenrvetrmti jw it to rent mh itfn i it jum r tuocn and 1 ni t apply mr jojue agnca hii artn miscellaneous skinny mkn womrh aln t 15 itis new ie to iiy famous mtr- 1 mr lailu f r double ru 1 ww healthy tlth new vigor nrw get afualnted sis only ut all itiuggtstl ft svjtls i mr vit own tr ihatrlb- ute on iart lime tr uii time tuwas mtr jsii pcooc4a vtm4riaa ltamlns rsiista hplivs uabtag luwtirr ahem ivmjrhnula uus silver rurntlur a no shoe polldt etr kat individual a cuatom r r sceuent oihmr1unly 10 teat tymir hustnrsa ahtlttea wwjtk for vltlr details and catalogue kam 11 lj ifilmi dlttr1mler montreal auction saie f antla frjliim iwifci tsaia ihr ul nnjjt tmijuuimi ulll r hrm al 1ot 1 txm s tep irf fqumiinc hattlulav iavtav atk im al 1 hhli it farnworth memorials msjiaments al msdersvte prteaa r m r i rily i fttfnino flara ud at ctenatay ut rijn ovr wanted wamii lart lime apply 11 wflea acton fuhnacb in attic oil fined furnace that haati from the attic tor use where cellar space u nouauallable u offerpd by uas- aachutettea itrm reports the rin- ncuu poet unit maaaurlnff 6 ft it 3 tt weight 480 lbs hangs from oeluag on four tlael eyabolt hang rs auowar tsosnalrln patt two filters fore it throujth tha heahng unjl warm air lapuahed kit6 room fay a fan t ov dont give anything calling baby bonuses govfw- ntent christmas gift exasperates the financial post it says a j government gift lndaed the person who supplied the mpney for this christmas gift is the same old santa clans who foots the him for juniors electric train or his mothers negug 1 famlb allowances uke all other government mone comes from one sourca ont the tsn all that ottawa does ix to colloctlt in tdaof and after deducting a size able percentage of overhead to pay an nrni of collectors clerics book- luepers nudttors and other civil servants returns what s left to the taxpayer io fr as the average cltlien 1 concerned there are no such things as government gifts cho4 uea from the quarter simply repre sent a return of money contribute b hlc people at large unlike prl- vato- industry a government doee not- crqato-neu- woalthbeiora jr can give anything it must tirat talce away it is aort of an indian stiver in revane m want a health bank axcount wh are no man itunines men hendinc iw their ac counts these days it t bornum the reallxr now it ihr hril time to rloar their ledgers ot all pait due debt in a short time reaulta may be lets aatlatmct- ory kelly aiken tha coilaauan rpaalallata orangevtlle ontario canada oltwt firm ot effective colkeotora rauabla films developed enlartrementfl up to 11 x w wade complete wedding service photos sopials and banquets commercmr photorraph vlcs e photography studio miutraetaii bub 65 pimhmb eeb 321j lovell bros meat market friday saturday specials butter ss71clb fresh pork shouldem lb 48c lan pork itutu lb 58c pork iln itojkt ham kd 58c smoked cottace rnik lb 63c bacon fresh sauxace lb 45c breakfast 59c lb smokejiuck 75c lb peameaj 69e lb lean hambure aq steak lb oc quaotybeef choice shoulder i cq roast lb looc lean chuck roast lb 45c plate or brisket rollins beef lb 32c prime rib roast 55c meat blade roast lb 53c steaks rounds rjg ii rion 70c lb portechouse laku crispvcrust iclb wamhj or i nnimi f r houekeeiiuk apply mike c r u wh wavtkh snrewxlrl for dry jxxls department rull time rx pert rr re preferred but not eaaent tsl reply rstlnx qualifications to 1- ihott una anon b vav1ft t irl or woman for he hi twuw4rk in sand hotna oi thref srtult rloje t milton fx vlwnt ilvlnc rnndltons rood wa es no eeninr uork llox 4u re preta arlnn wantvd tolluy cash paid for o klasjrwnre old dlihes or nsments vase nil lamna dolls old buttons old silver and furnlt ure etc phone 47 or wrte p o hot m mrs- keith barber comer king and union streets cieorjretown mackenzie atetud it is just fifn u wokwx nko since wr started our week l column and ue hope ou ttav ojt ee4ik it on weral occji ins we just resch rd the dendltm but ue hop to improve with exiirrlence at hmff last we have insula ti n in stock ngatn perhaps this cold wtsther rruike ou think of the fuel vou are uslnc so here ii a way lo cut down c n that coal hi 1 and nottreeae itw fnmll in doing it the bntu nre wwi tor t and s3 80 f r 1 whili 1 os is 1 10 a imc we hear that there is a hwki came in our own ar- enn so jet s all turn out and suiiport our jeam j b mackstnztlc bon radio service cuaranlead repaba to ad make and mthma manning electric phone 2s0 dont do this tinrlite lrn ovtb sr haftnt il rayi sn i ftara ka llaxaukcllifvsicdrlicstrlf nlr1 lhy blend wh th complesa nl si tha sm time sp nnoyu i ml 1 armful horn your eyes aslr ua sliotit tnu ut lnfs- i cecil a cattie haa opiinaj dauglaa w- tal 1 fiuriph ont local s support your v7 town do you support them pre inventory specials clearinkunai on dupit at special prieau come in anil looljjiese hareains over 1 make your selection of new wallpaper the largest stockt in western ontario pries tanh every on 2ronnrthbrit chapples bookstore 1 waaahaaa si oaaaah anotib kknnkbv proprtatar i i 1 rw 1