tbfttfcron free press 1 thursday january 20th 1m9 jjijf aftaii 3fvte iqvtbb pttbtuhtcrr tfcartaitr u acloa xwtatu aulavoriitd m cuu bait foal oflica pymlim ottawa subscription kattsul l4- c uaultl slalt jm tdaittaaal- siagla c4i he uotat ou amd ttv addiaaa hovu wi- a chaag ol tvadiaa la rtmtal advertising bateao m ileal u a4 t tnou csjuata fcavdiss aitboafft rv rtjllaa toul tjt uba u aoj rrw ik ff pa afpu jrrtutf la l nan aa ik uauutstaumjiaf thai ii wtll mi ba liable n rto la 4rt i yubltab4 hrudr uplf a ptaol cj iawt 4utiul la vtttiai by lk aavwitaar uul loorj t th prt bu oil- dulf l4fn ad by 1b art a4 atlb auch itiw of jim ihiiuai putal oil m nimf lhroa aad la thai iim il aa arror aa aa u a4 camradaal by tha kra pvaaa in ulill ajialt tvi aac larh a a ef tba vaiir raai ol aura a4liamrai ik apaca avnj by tba ota4 arrar baara t ik kl aaara accaal4 by sack iifrrthraatat g ahjop diix3 uuoa hap the most appealing part tottwa the location of this plant on a large acreage with ample room for parking nd recreation facili ties ideals of courte differ but it did seem to us that the ultimste in a printers realm hid been reached in this newmacleanhuntrr plant now in operation and where the latest in equip ment is in use with provision for even more equipment this arm is indeed to be congratu lated on its past growth present expansion and vision for the future lz30iz2moiczioc30cii recoiieetioiis ol acloti cihttaahuaa when municipalities and other institutions that were formed at the opening up of this country start marking centennial it is time to realise that canada is no longer a young coun try but has become mature the recent centennials of two negihbbring townships his year bringr home the fact that thia section of the county waa among the early settled sections this year nauagaweya and eramosa townhips atart on theif 1 00th year it is pleasing to note alio that in both thew townships there ha been a complete and careful preservation of all he records and in that way the history of the municipality the families and the pioneers has been preserved it is interesting too to hear at these anni versaries the reminisences of early days and to see the interest of at least all of those who arc over the forty mark and have the thought of making reunions or an event that is jppro- the iww kjtebm the big old fahioried farm kitchen is slowly on the wane in ruril ontario but the farm women are not goint tothe opposite extreme of the mall city kitchen several opinion vero expressed by thou who entered a better farm house contest launched by the central mortgage and finance corporation and sponsored n this province by the womens institutes in addition to the views given about the site of the kitchen the women indicated they were anxious to get their fmen folk out of the kitchen and keep them out one question was would you have auti1ity room next to the kitchen for laundering separ- ating the milk and washup facilities for men coming in from work the women agreed the utility room would be fine but they insisted the men separate the milk near the stable in order not to have the muss around the house the womrnemphtsiicd that the working area of the kitchen should not be crossed by traffic to and from the back door then having stop ped ihtujuuucxoaing the kitchen they added that the kitchen sink shoutctnnt ne used by the men for washing up however the women did not want the men banished from their sight they recommended that the kitchen window should give a view of the driveway and the ham and aho the plate where the small children play quite understandably the women were in favor of electricity running water refrigera tors and also central heating there arc many persons who would regret the passing of the hig oldfashioned farm kit chen in winter time the large wood stove is the centre of the household boots and heavy back in 1899 pram tk ktfaoa ut ufa fra press of tfcturctuy january 19 lass mr tvu culie has bn ap- imtntnd 1umkw of eaquaajna for 1r99 af salary of sisooo at the annual mxung of acton mr brigade ur john lurvy was icn1 rhier fur ibm other ntllrr war j a kptght win i warden oorg snpr p mrln- toah duncan mcdonald ittocnaa i and john evans sir- and mrs qmrge adams have removed to johnstown wy jm advertlwd in a january uli are mr all wool flannel pac ta ta 13 he ss inch ehgluh flannl4t 13 h al prlc re yd 33 inch tflanrw4tta regular 8c sale price v m tneh buached cotton raaukir lue apaclal aaia price 8c ti in unhlrarhm ahfllntt rjjular 13r sale prta lie 73 inch twill atiatlng rular 3v yd rvducrd to i7c yd 2flin yd dark anil htthl print r k uur 12c yd sal firlra oc mena mmluro wl2ht tumncuiar 150 prlal prlr 130 flnyaarhnol hu nsrular 140 rrwturvd to 1 idtm cashrwrf ittye ntra valiif 4v tal prv mc japan ta s lb for xi w llorse flhof kalmon 3 tlm 23c 6 liars of comfort aoap jitw milinflk igylr it suuth la 5c canned mm iri and torn- nitwa rffrular 10c aprlal 7c flood mil butter isc l mr j i lltl tins imrrlirwd i i- eial tulnimi of mr john mcqueen nu tho wrlti rno and wltl iftvr prompt nttcntlon to all ortlrra hack in 1929 from th iau of tsw kriw pra ot thurada januury 17 ib2 hiv m nit nml kiinit will ipulnr with tio tiunij i clothing arc hung naar the stove to dry the priats to a centennial well be hearing more kcttic boiling hot water for washing j about these centennials during 1040 nrr i folks llrampton and oakvule nw mayor an both ut for new tn- ttuitrlfst for thir towns during th 1 how much margarine will yyefjt at present canadians are the worlds third largest butter eaters at 28 lbs per person which is nearly three times the american figure and is surpassed only by new zealand and denmark just how- far canadians arc likely to turn to margarine in place of butter can only be guess ed remarks the financial tost but its hardly likejy canadians will eat more margarjne than their american neighbors 6 lbs per person if only for the reason that the margarine com panies are hardly yet in a position nor likely to be for some time to produce to that extent on this basis then the dairymen might kiss something like 2 per cent off their butter busi ness goodby if canadians go for margarine to the extent americana do if as and when cana dian oleo producers can hit a production figure of 70 million odd pounds a year is ladled out of the tank at the end of the stove in the morning and in the evening the spacious kitchen is the gathering place for the entire family nurippatcniyhemaiohty or rarm wo men who are required to spend most of their waking hours in the kitchen feel their efforts would be put to better advantage if the kitchen was not tho centre for family gatherings rarrie examiner a printers ideaj a week or so ago i was our privilege to visit the new printing plant of macleanhunter ltd recently moved fom its quarters on university avenue injtoonto to a new modern building at richmond hill this new building handles only the mechanical equipment of this large pub lishing concern the editorial offices are still exports and john those misguided theorists who have main taincd thai canada could and should insulate its economy against the ups and downs of for eign trade must have received a nasty skock when they read a recent despatch from windsor says the financial post in that border city some 800 automotive workers were laid off fol lowing new restrictions on import of cars from j canada by the south african government now south africa is a long wdy from can ada if there was anything in that insulating theory one would think that it would surety work in this case rut of course it wont work because in some way or other the whole world is tied together fhen troubles occur in one part repercussions ore felt by nil south africa like a lot of other countries has been having difficulty in balancing irs foreign tradc for years canada has been ex porting to the dominion far more goods than kxrrptlnft the old school house nnt thr nil utohf tlnhlr m urktmml cvrnr this on time hlvr of in dustry ta off thr map on sunday jummi ilrawn roturnaxt from gurtph and undertook to warm up the old homo wtirn the chimney took tftrt and the flames fanned by the hlffti wind so that the frame building was soon gone ttie annual meeting of the ac- ion knll knlr climtd j ii hmlth as president for 1029 flrmt vice j ft kennedy second vlor duncan wirtdle at a meeting held in knox church the men of the church or- rftnljrd into a club with mi louis ilrownlow as prealdrtil meetings will he held every three woeka lifl iiuntkit at the lvflrhertwnl rrloo hospital on tuchiav jan uary 15 imi krrd hunter for merly of arlon klukpatltirk at her inle home at llmehou4 on sunday jan- unry in 1u0 photte iohhk widow of the late charles kirk- patrlrk in her 31 1 h year calling all isiviejivis we arc ready fur the tno when il comes with our new 7s0 font towline which will be in operation every weekend fkatukini speedy oprn 11111 for all type iikling kit plenty of mull slope for ilrfllnnem and fwt hush trail for the ciperta fnjoy mpaltmiiji sk1ino at its finfst whfrf vol hidk uiiiili and ski down at acton ski club tlird ijne southern of art on hot cortk hot immjs n tiik siot s- carrolls u t t a snc has been importinr and the collapse of the at the same location in downtown toronto a u i j i 0 multilateral trndini systvfn has created a trip between the two plants took 115 longer than j to travel between our offices in milton and i unlearue arc prepared to face permanent playoffs of scores of thousands ot canadian l workers not only in automotive factories but j in all branches of industry wc must buy far we recall a number of years ago coins oft a sijhtseeinp visit of the printing departments of macleans on university avenue to which a new section had then been added what great changes the years have brought in modern building and modern equiment working as we do in the small offices of country weeklies a view of this plant all on one floor is breath- taking tb amount of equipment the plan- nirrg of departments the view one gets over the entire plant and the conditions under which j workmen ply their trade appear to us who have made printing our lifetime work to be the ideal a v j the fine new cafeteria where the employees j will htye their noonrday or other meats wis nott yet complete but it too was in keeping with j- thi modern a trend jf providing the best facili- more products directly from countries like south africa or indirectly by buying from their cus tomers buying is just as vital as selling in- international trade and the sooner canadians and americans realize that simple fact the hap pier and more prosperous they wjll be radio service guaranteed repair to all makes and models 1 manning electric phone 230 jtylmer choice bievk 4j1 peas a ualui quality ooumtbt kibt auadmrd untradad peas raelcad by um vulcan or oraaa olut ar blna ft oou bruds b 30ok ml tins editorial notes january this year has been rnqsjlythiiw while if we can recall correctly the same month last- year had nothing but tempertftures con tinually below the freezing mark c these are the days ot winter clearance ant a t vi would appear that the time is here when it is where i pianist banged out the popular music of the day in the hope of making sales being from a rural section of ontario per- shrewd business to jbwer inventories rather than expect a profit by holding goods on the shelves of our days in toronto working in the printing plants where7he box lunch was brought in be fore noprtand one sat injhe corner of an alley on a stool and read the morning paper as the lunch was eaten arid the balance of the rioon i halton jjn tuesdayelected as warden mrs hour was possibly spent at a sheet music counterr mary pctlit the first woman in this county to have this honor mrs pettit was first woman electetjas reeve in the county and has filled tht office for several years catering banquets weddings a etx no gatharins too small toolaxs wa sapplr saaakrleliaa al inl far baaall 99 law dnapa prompt attentlml to an ntlulrlh e coles chureh st- aetaat chili sauce feinz v 33c heinz ketchup ix4c tomato juice rjr is 2jc baby foods sib 3 25e iraini -67- 8auce btitie irriwz rncrxred hustiid mr he 20e heinz cooked spaghetti me icein8 veoetakian beans lsottdj ibe scikk oven baked ean8 xvsse iieine with obmm m1car0ii l isc heinr bed kidney beans tin jejc red salmon nxim may4 rreini tomato soup tin he heinz chicken noodle soup tin ifcc heinz veoetasle soup z tins age iteinz uouisoou soup tin i6e ieinz rieaii traotjmbeb pickle int ja 2se htinz rmobsour dux pickles xlc st 9c 3c romar coffee ut 51c pine apfeleobubhed 20ot tin 3xc niblets corn blended juice f kok tin 19c tomatoes 37 very special allouette or lynnvallet 2802 tins firm ripe bananas lb v california ijetrcertarbe head seedleaa texan grapefruit kneliah rhestnirra ib 16c 15c easc 45c business directory mkdioaj dr vicc kenney pkyauaaii ajtd flu succvabor to or j a- uenhncd qltlct in symon block kill st aeton mim pbuu tibaatdwim ram h tsa dk 0 a gamrett fttyalalaa sb4 iurtm frxuctrk strati artoa forroarly or nauoiueyfflea oluct ihona oh loaldanc st iikntal a j iiuchanan dbtaj huraa offlr luhman mock mu1 ottica uoura 9 am to s paa xiiay telkpiione 148 dl geurge a siuhs dataj burgaaa ulll st cumar pradrrlck aeua ortlc lloun 00 am to 4 jo aa tkutphonk 10 u wilson umut af cal 1111 talahona uululnf acton phon 303 hours 10 am- to i pjn isaal c p leathehlanqba aoton rarrucr fulklur nlnr talm rilr 11 pkonm kmlataa iii ievkk iiosk1n cltartorml areountajiu surrfuon to jtmlxvu i1aju1y vetounarv licrj mvtruikilltan nidg it virturia st 1oront ilg u131 i young vs uvsc veterinary kurgma ofrirr llrookville ontarto rikkir milton mrr4 f g oakes vs bvse vatarinary fturgeaa otftrr and krajdenc knox at aclon thone 130 mimkmjtnnotm the victor a rumley eunerai home kubraj lltwn llirlril ilnnlliiu4h i srrvlng the community for 45 yen j phonr 30 night ordjiy willoughby farm agency urkil a i agency in canaa ilml office kent li li 2 tvtaa rgitown itcpretentattv twn ilewa pkan oeorptutwn ltw traveijafrs guide gray coach lines ooac1iks lfavk acton ruthuii mi 41 imb74i am r5i aja ll4fi am mki pm 441 pm 6ai pm hjr pm dlompjn weathmind to stratford 10 44 am 1244 p m 2bj pm s20 pm 7m pjm xj 14 pm yll34 pm tn 1nndnn 1044 am ltf pm aj pm 7t4 pm bau pm a tlhcfpt sundv md jiolmaya b xsundny ami lloltdaya dsaturdny sunday and loud7m x to kitchener daily to stratford nunrtny and molldayi y to kitchener only railways canadian national standard time llaatbound dally 644 am dally- nctfpt sunday ohj am 710 pm sun- dny only hid pm uaily axeep sundny klyer at ctometown jft pm dally klyer at ucorgsuwrav i kill pm i wealhound i dnlly except monday 117 m i monday only 1200 am daily ax- cop t sumtay 849 ajn ft50 pjia f 7 44 p m saturday only 1m pjo sunday onty 943 am sl 1 klyer at uuolph except iiat anil j sun 6 36 pm i i a as efhead optometrist tllljaiav eyea examined sejenuflcauy iikabino- aid ba quick repairs to glanaw junaetdaw field guaaeate aavatro a phonb ubs gublph auayah