Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 20, 1949, p. 5

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lhuftfidaf jxxuax aotii iui the acton free mtbss ujx rnrm air john bruce left today lor scotland to vlijt hu mother whom h hasnt men for thirtyfive years master pevld ekwn son of mr and mn fred t stewart u recup- sxwtlne st josephs hospital ssjhar an etnergaaoy ape est ion for ule sppendtcltll mrs a williams georfetown ur l sanderson uiwhouw mrs t l ritchie and kiss haw thorne attended the funral of the hat mr stanley anderson in bwncaa on monday first woman elected halton county warden giunud from pag oo uiua relieving on rprnlatjv of uif whole load clerk wlulam daana informed council ha waa in racelpt of a pet ition and raaolution from trafal- gar townahlp regarding the trans fer of ward 1 and 3 to tha north italian high school district m petition signed ty about 12 ratepayers sought to tsrsmk from tha oskvltletrsfelgsr high school district and enter into the north halton school district in ute resolution by trafalgar township their council declined to approve of th aptlt aa an agree- tnant to pay their share toward th rartlon ofeiew school addluorrat they allow tha tranaar u would be aaklng th balance of ratepay er to shouuwr too greet a burden ib school taxaa council 1ft th matter in th hands of th durational com mit a for further consideration and report ita finding back to tha council council approved of continuing thair membership with ihe good roada association and authorlard tha county engineer and members of tha roads commlttaa to ha data gatea at th annual convention br ing hald in february warden mrt petttt and e war- dan george cleave wvre appointed commissioners on tha boartl for tha halton peel huua of refuge council approved of a by law to borrow up to s1vv0o0 for current expenditures tor 1w9 tha anim ate for county roads amounting to sunnno was fppmvh tmi will include the ronitrurtlon ahd malntensnce f bridges and mart in rhr municipality th new warden along with m masted treasurer were anointed to the county audit board for 1949 the reees of the mumuui mun lclpalltlet wen selected a striking committer fur the 1 ffonent com ml t teem the irat n a mad on en r h com mlttee wax chit n chairman thev apn finance w j illgjrlns milton william varulcklc nassagaweya elmer roter nulnon j arm at rone george town it j hunter oaxtile kduratlon armstrong w ii rigger trafalgar ii allen nurllngton k n dick milton f tyler acton hunter and eorgc tailr hsqueslng printing w f hmlth burlington t ler vansle- klr hunter and ioallc count bullrikngw p w chnmhres oak llle hlgglns vorge currle ki- queslng foster t jones acton hospital account currla dick j ukckum trafalgar smith and j oood lei georgetown agricul ture ami itrfonshtrat on vanslckle foiter currle v icksnn arm atrong social communlcatl n jonca mvllrt hlugar aucn la- ii count j roads blggar van- aiekl currle chambrra and al 1a shuxdastdm sutttb gjttli af tiiim itev loot riottmxso sunpjkt january ih tut th tklr4 biuuur afur uttfkmmr 11 m -m- uttrelmf cttbb w ship 11 10 j tk chu4mb et tk church our phurh sehoej cmvmh t tea t m pm th knilu rtlgi worahlp cndimu4 or h htllyf you hr wleami kmox cjiwuw loton 8undat januaky iim 1w 1l0o mmuanii3 unta 1319 r suwu school 7 00 p m evnilns shvtc thy lhal wilt lawa tha lr4 shall twra uwlr unbcul oyttrt uhurrlj acton out b oowes ibahu hun da r january tiro imi 19 19 am uum4mr bchool 11 t m th nlural llha- rrlur j 1 m miiid prvcrtun by clvltnbaa jkiaii ttoclml hoar fouhwlhf uttllmul iilirlw w a rs unuay janualit tlrd 1m kplphany iii t oo am ualr coaamvaian id m am sunday bc 1100 am morning prayer ba- glnaera claaa 7 00 pm eranlng prayar a welcome awalta you notice to creditors and othbrt in tk cttat of cbor charla raadknlem w all pfrtom havlna rlalma aomlnat th katau or rtior charlaa itoad- knlaht ut r th vtllaae of acton in thi county of mutton rntlman dcase1 who died on or about tha thud day of a im are r tju kini m proor or aam wlln thn undraland aollcltor on or ba rer the mfth day of rbniary imt after which date- th aald batata will b tllatrlbutad baring ragard only to the claim than ftld itnted at acton thl nlnetaaath tiny of january a i- t4l r r mcatmsnund soil itnr for the a tmlnlatratora arton ontario wt patterson ro hnaclajut in kya enmlnatlaav- orthabtlat 103 wyndiiam ht ouaxtii pluwa 11 a comrltly equipped offjcaa belou maher sho star two more schools in esqiiesinjx school area the tinum nietlig of the ka- iloanl if ilu si wn in id on mondw y rinlnc innuarv lth at th scrtnr ytiur r of floe mr j 11 llltttrhnin wi n jtolnunl i halrman fir the nufl ing inr mr linl4i n art tn and who niiacrlkmt walter 1 inhim ana htal lyuxit was wel- iomm to le meeting ml b fenan uai mnprhlnt- od set v arvtrfaaurer for th ep 14 the ai i hualneaa was tranj acted i rtln ng to the arv mhotht and rehirtji rocvlwd two new ahxl secuona came into the ares a of januarx lt sno 1j and as no 15 clavhlu it 4 decided that the achoil truat together with the public school invptctor ihoukl lslt the two fchiolarecenlu included la the area nnd alo glen william pujwic school in order to institute proceed i tie for enlarging lame to ovarrom the ptvwnt overcpowdi ndltona the regular srhool area board meeting will be held on the fourth monday of each jnonth with tha exception of the february meeting which will be held on th third monday afternoon in february j i case farm implements sai sarrlm floyd marlatt main 8u mutoa 4ssw junior schedule ilatwoteanw forthcplavoffs worst hockey brawl witnessed herein years tcontlnoad cram pa oo play fired arton third baaao and goy received aaalata vet rarary got out of thatr own end in thb chapter tight defen- live work stymied their efforts while fvuna pteytag magnifcent piaj was unbaatajbla it was tha same tlory in the at army iscond uaalon although bridgeport tall lad a brace in the period it wh due to deficiency of manpower on acton part glaaaord counted both their goal on a looae puck behind th net was gobbled up and sent home be fore evana had chanre to id entlry tha frlayee mjka cos and lno uarso pot- tad tha two tanner markers wtth eparkung aolo fllghu in wn wnol- nar uarao partlcularfy art n tills ted in thla pehod with hi penally- killing rtlnu ponoghu wsltxad right in on woolner after taking the puck from two roan and pot tad manners uth goal opanlng tha final chap ter aetna war short two at the time 0doooghue richly deserved that ona for lime and again ha was in on woolner alone only to be outfosed hllaon scored hi second goal 0 the night with a burst of speed to pull tanners wsy in front be fore itowey notched the visitor rnl fliy th ifa lalan mejh pr bill no on another of his spectacu lar breaks up tha rtgfet dashar bridgeport dldn t aecftt defeat any too graciously and prom lied to rec procate when they next clash in vetarloo ijtno mnrwo cdonoghue oxe and isllson played headaup hock ey for acton while gussford and woolner were the visitors bett roouno rtnilmarv flru partad a- hayui ahiiton lindsay a coxe coy bssao penallles bsyliss wetoer llar- ery otjonoghue konrad coy hrubacker basso hmwad phd bciaaafonl a coxe a 1 ma no coxe b glasaford br ckert penaltlen o imoghue 6 13 10 t5 1j0 11 15 11 5 19 00 rrlnlo- a i 3 w ijndul il hchmldt 3 brush 2 srhaefr 2 kentner coxe konrad kvnnt sproat i marzo third period a oionoghue 103 a luison 10 00 b llimr lasafordt 1ft 1 a 1 alarzo 10 15 penalties jlilwin 2 wch r nrlnkert undwi schmldi 1 ineups hrdjnpor1 woolner g hmhlt scharfer d llrlnkertc w ildfong rw ruivrord iw alts howvy 1 len es konrail tber bru hn er vctonfan r brush balk d coxe c i marco co w lu 01inogiiue hllaon kontncrjlawo ijnda sproal bcfere fehrenhark kllch ncr heavy machine was delivered on saturday at free press office the unloading f a linotype machine at the free press office on saturda morning proed quite infereaung for many who were down town the truck delivering the machine had vpccinl pqulpnicnt for handling hut e en then the job wa a trirky one llnotvpe mach nex wilgt toon to y00 lh and the top equipment o rhnng ihc hasc all around thev slind ntarlv scen fn t in heirht conaequentn the an hfli ult t moe nnd the unloading on sat unit wockm hlphun trnf i tit frir about three hnurv we ip- pne t ih hilp of chief hirrnp nn 1 otht while th nn mine wrn n nn put in the plmit tlie elec- ritn connortion wire mnde that dropping out uioola imu iad a jttdno n ami th flrt tp pro dlffuult j h in nrrtnginc group diu i viturt1n ev nlpc tfie jil fir ait h tunl i tt en to nnc use t been put nxlirt u tioupind iv invn atrinkwl twice t week in pndutlnc tt fir hut now it hi fallen down leaving t no orxrikr o the 1 nv a tm ani iwkilnsn to fight it ts nre hnrtle col d id out to go on into the junior tv h fonmin b s i rth pla down the series start next n i ei t i dloe d mng an o frid- januir 21 n t s10 when enilontl turn whin etr i nrwmno 11 o mario will show hu team for j p nsi red the first time in action and th shtuld g e a govvi accvunt or thinm le alih nigh thev hae had r limited practice fruu janunr 2i acton at oeorg hnwn wsinehlav flvrunrv j tl rgetowival act t acteen topics the regular do at the penguin jtlub last wk pasted without any startling occurrence novejtus for tha evening included the usual tag omn o waltsaa and schouschaa 1 iat wednesday w attended tha meelnff of the oub executive and found thvy had sum vry ambit- lous plans for tha future they have prepared a schedule of special events which will commence oper ation on tha twentyeighth of the month the plana oall for a great deal of work an fite part of tha executive investigations have been inituftwtto discover the posslbil hies of importing some other t- towns to one of our special events which u certainly a good suggest ion kvf3 two weeks the cjub will piay host to s special event leading hff wiih a know flwirl on tlfewentylghlh there ar a lot of plans for this big tvtni and for am the others on the schedule amjbttloua plana suoh as thee demsnd coopermtlan plus when we vtklicd the exeriblv we were sorry to see it made up of three different elenvnts two of them constantly plotting against tha other and nrnjxlng to be ouidone in lark of rooperatlnn and the third group the neutrals trying to make success of the job to which mark clayton wkc6 in doublk ring cbttttiony a white and green floraland pin setting was arranged in- st jos ephs churltxui ithursday morn ing or uie marriage of uarie el izabeth daughter of mr and urs w ii clayton to ur wujlaip p hlncks hamilton son of mi 1st air and wrsljlnrks rev father aforgan offlcuted illss trehe uulhojtand was at th organ and ur victor brtsfow was on the one side were the advo- catara trying to make helful sug gettlons for the benefit of tha club tiut inarttve membens on tha other tide we haw those who pro fess activity yet demand control ot everything and resent suggestions msde in good faith th s situation can without a doubt he remedied and with a lit tie organization and thought on the irt of the president the ex- ecu live can become a group un surpassed in cooperation and achievement it us dissolve the discord and strengthen the organ ization you are conducting ror thru who seem so concern ed about the admittance of the press to the meeting last wednes day it was by invitation on the part of the president and neutrals that w msde our aeemlng rmirrr reenld appearance jftg qub u planning sovaxa new additions to the club in ttie furni of consl ructions we will leave them as a surprise to our readers if we still have some hockey plaej- from the local ails adorned th ire nt the one local palnce for thplr allotted time last aturdsy when the group hart t hr ir first prnct ice sesxlon no doubt before the season clows it will he poxxlble to wltnrss a spec tacle between the locals and on m ighhfiurlng team maybe pen enrgetown commencvn nt plnrts nre belnr made nnd the production appenn to be one of thr intltid rxtrnvs gnnza not soon to he forgotten in the annals of a iis we haw hoard of minstrels choirs and mn other outtandlng features no doubt a lot of hard work and krent achievement the bride was gtvvjj in marriage by her father for her wadding he chose two piece gown or forest green irrldesnent taffeta fashioned with ballerina skirt and victorian bustle back th bolero jacket featured a mandarin collar cover ed buttons to the waist and brace let length sleeves she wore satin slippers to match her dress and es rrld a cascade of white rosea and headed hyacinth her head dress was whit landed velvet rib bon fsslened with whit ostrich tip miss dorothy mae clayton was her sisters brldesmsld she rhosc the same shade of green taffeta with basque bodice short sleeves and cameo neckline the bouf fant skirt was enhanced at the back with three amsll bows she wort shoes to match her head dress was the same as the brfde a she carried s nosegay of whit car- nstlon mums mr frank hlncks of hamilton waa his brothers groomsmsn the ushers were t he brides tarol her ur w 1 uaylonanj ur cay furlong from toronto a recep tion was held at the home of the brides parents mrs w if clsyton receiving in s mist grey gown with insertion of taos over muihrdbm pink craft and hat to match she carried sweetheart roses mr a otrty of toronto sunt of the groom assisted wearing a becoming gown of navy blue crepe and bat to match she wore a cor sage of red rosea 1ater the eouple loft for detroit the brid travelling in a choco late brown ult with mocha shade hat and eccessorles to match her corsage of yellow roses completed her costume on their return they will reside in hamilton ijfe membqzsmp presented at knox w m41 mrrowr iftttill ox 60 mscdonn 1 ht gljelph ontario jan 17 im mr a dllu fdltnr acton fro proas acton ontario dar lr on r ndnv lanunrv 1 it h at 10 ntuvk i night t got tin nn of im lif on th cjimdlan nr onai ir ving in no 7 lllhwn in umr 1 i lnrti i ntroot if miw the 1 knox presh3tcrlan church wm held lb tr rnttngtnltie lass boom of the church on thursds jsnuary 11lh the meetlne was onene by the president mrs it ma in prize after which mrs f l wright conducted the worship pel- lod denlini with the beatitude irner wn offeml b mrs cord- in r a ver fnvournne report on the pntenal annual meeting which wns held in uiph on lnnunr 11 was ken b the treasurer mrs it m mcdonald quite a number of ladies lrwn the w ms attended the prch1crial and gave their im pressions of the meeting mlvs huh clark gne a reading which as an introduction into the sludv i ok on china a pleasing f at urt of the meet- inr wmjhr presentation of a ijfe menhershlp certificate and pin to mrs f l wright hj mlsx an i le stalker a gift from her fam- llp mm blow gne gleanings from the lnd tuiinga ttie meeling was closed with praer b mrs main prize a ver datnt lunch was serxid and a mm n hnv wiu rn- jood bv all vics photography studio portaits films developed enlirgcmcnu up to hx 14 complete vedding shivice photos sooals tnd banquets p oommeroal photograph phones bus 65 ke 32ij mill strett nt 10 y annual meeting halton crop tlmprovament assn court hou51e hilton saturday januarynd t i j0 pm hpkcial kieakeh w k bbbckon p rrn lasal fsease will slseuss thair aaaeisas with tk fsllswlagi vmlng improiwl ltr ssul lsstur vsruty tests with us is lurlvjr and corn conssrvsllon of orgssvlc ustter and wator trmnutlun of prlseewlnner la it i ton puiy lluslml wlatsr wheat club nw kllm lup or h karth- evekyone welcome bring your neighbors campbellviltj2 in th lurk nnd ti wltllsrr v rnncls ilurreh in his 7mth r died wednesday morning ing nt the res den ce of his daunh u r mrs howson luh where he and mrs hum n had been making thlr home for the past three m mtlw he was born in mounts bnrc rnweri in the rnmmunltn and w n mnrli d t marv- lane lie n nt nd ir tnej h thlrl frtis fatinn ipirouh nn n shuatid nn the cuelph iiik ml in to mop j ft hrtnt nn owned their son itott shiil of iti- iriln i h i writtr l mir n com lnint h ihi t iin nt in st i nil ii ikl ts tt id unit th tr i wjis gor ur m 1 th t th until the it did knnd no i ert ond hne heen r tlird twtrntn le enrs t w ii he heir frldrtn nt ern on prl ate at pm amton 11 ceorge- frldav february at georfismown tueda february 15 town at acton all games to irart at s 30 pm a playoft is to be arranged be tween the two teams dates to be set following the series best two out of three to go into the play- down team with highest num ber of points to have choice of lea tor 1st gam th kelso fmrtn forum met at the home of mr and mrs w rstshon with j1 mesirtbers present the toilc jc matter ot poltey acton discussing flre automohu and uf insumpce led up to a lively debate under the leadership of mr uoyd chlsholm new rector of st george an- gllcsn church guelph upon ap pointment of lord bishop i w b nroughall of the txoceae of kla- emra u the her stanley a kirk whose praaenf chare tast jamaa angllcnn churchy in hamilton canadian champion mln n t hlov the whisih wi m 0u worn ng t i ai wi tort unit but on f th- dfc inn ud le is grlnk to be jtit jim t u sa fortunate than i nnd alton will make tij hed lines i think thit m should take all vioie sopi to m tht onx safe- t deui u pur on th s trussing xui h gitek or a w m wag nlrrcr- i am quite sure th it the town of acton would pit fer to et n- the publicity connected w oi h fatal aicidcht at this r dangerous crosslng your er trul kohnrt c cntrns eucapt for tha war year tha msnufsdur of pulnrnd paper from th- ri stdenri o hi son iloh- hurrt n service nt 2 w p m in rnin si davids prrhtrrlan church ro mr tohn mncsetl will offlr late tnttrmint m adjo nine cem etery ift 1 1 mourn beside mrs hiir- rei are mrs twls ninkle win- nle of carlisle mr chas hurren of guelph mrhfchare linn hi ran of gait mr robert hurrtfn of camphelliue mrs fred peters claras t oeveland ohio mrs how son lush fthel of camnhel- mue and 17 grandchildren the oft m leanhour wind which blew aroumt here tuesday nlghf dicdam4ge to buildings owned by messrs ta1d howard jas held harry dlacltlock robert hurren campbell agneuj robert inglts j william roberts and edgar cairns i the late james mrcurdv of lot 30 con 14 east flamboro twp not counting oparatlonj la thaw t w buried from woods- hai i9n atnc lfiftl can- hl home wednesday afternoon adas vaadlnc industry in point of interment was made in s john t of valua of prodtictl and wagr anglican cemetery at cnrnpoer- m and talarlm paid to workarsl viua raijv ttriet nlcstly acton siumuyi 2pjt cosy a warm aih conimtionkd now playing 7 strange woman adult second chance on our stage search for talent show friday and 8aurday january 2it 22nd iajiidiiiitmi i i 0u uouvoin touom umft im in tuc titu mxf of m-o-u- tenth avenue angel monday tuesday january 33rd 24lh twnrrt magic musical wednespay and thursday january rlh 2filh due jo length or this pro cram the show willitarr at 8 30 aharp dont mil seeinr thee two big pic tures tligrfco hi it comltur return of the badmen mi i m ft

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