Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 27, 1949, p. 5

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thursday january jttfc 1m the actonwsh press aos nr mis martaret sotttervilw of tor onto wad ham ovar tha waekaad mr joe taylor of toronto spent the wmkiu la acton 41 tha honv of mr kutledge was dorothy clayton and ur bipcuyton of toronto ware xom for- the weekend mrs burn hat returned to her mhu in ba una fad after nursing mr w j rutledge rv john anderson and un anderson or london war guaats of mr reesell and family willow atrt during their bruf stay in town on wednesday evanlng ilia wanda itutwda of rporan to gajtaral hospital haa passed hr registered nurw examinations and spent tha weekend at the home of her parents ur and a w j ripledge thlm use halton jaskaty htftfis 3kt finv pfioductton bbcoftdb jersey herds in the county of 1 tall on rontlnu lo bring consider able fame to tha county and since ims haa aat in several row havr completed rop recorda in th herd of kenneth mia hornby ontario tha wallknown jersey cow trme erm theresa douoat 147to1 haa com plat ad a fiveyearold record of 11 3t3 lbs af milk and us lha of fat la 305 days with a taat of 4 77 par oent am a fouryearold tberesa wat a gold medal wlnnar several mora jersey rowi have qualified in tha ijndale hard ol maurice c beaty of milton un dale draconla blossom -13b3v- a daughter of his former hard aire brampton iraconl royal huper- ior rated bull haa a four yearold record of a5ad lbs or milk 400 lb fat in vtt day with a taat of 5 71 per oent a daughter of mr beaty a senior herd aire brampton basil dard grand champion at mlltnn and tha western ontario rational show at blmcoc in ima has com pie ted senior yearling record undsle basil plonecres 171gt2- in 542 das produead 311 aha milk 3sq iba of fat with a taat of 6 0s par cent ijndale basil dracua aughiee-sf- lha aama- alre haa a jun or lwoyearojd re- oord in 393 day of 5 3c1b lbs of milk lit lbs rat with a teat of 5 oh par cent while linda le basil v daydream lfi3t19- a junior v ysarald has 6 km lha milk wl lb or fat in m7 days with a test f 5s4 pat cent in the erd of char m kisiwn acton ontart knolk ki nng etcra moll gtm7 produced a en lor two- j r old record in vft das of 7vx lbs of milk 042 lh of fat w th lest of s m per c nt hhe is a grandaughtcr of brampton aatn laktlc urand champion at the roal winter fair a fe- ears go ltttthkvra itttteb dlydrtir arutta ili ml oaaihi- kiev worn rtxmxo mill i i- rnoiuc bow avw hijnuay jantfahy wth 1 th purih flundar aftar kotphaay 11 a am tfc hair of aoaaaian worshljt hrnnoo swlu 0r lyophstls iirttaa rirat ma th itaakaround of tha lmphata 11 1 ra tbs cll4ra or thy chyreh our church hchool ach wak at i t 0 m our evlna furvlrs evsntnf talbs on wards of worth th first word aisas ory tou ar waloeaaa ifautaiha khox cjbpacai aocom sunday january mis 14 11j amasoralaf sarvtoa 1315 sunday stfcaal 7 00 aua gvilna aatvtea tba lodutiuoa lurvtca of rav r il arasatronc m- will ba aau ob thuradsy kwbruarj trj lurvtos uf worship coaduatad tr karl k broil h of ht andrtw oiuroh llwspsur at i o tittch thay that wait tapon uw vmt4 skajl ranaw tbair atraaftav acton rav oliajs u oowhk losklaa htmay javuaio 30lh ltll is so m hundy hrh ml ii 11 iro unit snj hee t 00 m i ndsy hyimt fh albsh ountrrly aawuaaua tar r w o lost hrttpa janijah la 11t ft t hsnr iv 0 s m holy coasasunlaal 10 sm runday flobool 1104 m u irnlnjr rrayar 1u clnnara claaa t m p m evaajaa prarar a welcoma awmlu you pollock and campbell high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 wmtor su north galt teuthop4v fttaj oakville raatdents who hava noatad housa numbara and i natal lad mall slot can aspact dallvary aarvlca to bein oa moadajr march 7th r f mac- nabb aaalstant dlrartor- of oopar- tlona with the boat offlra dapt t ottawa yaatarday informad tha journal raliirtant to uadartaka furthar xpandlturaa in attamptlnf to maintain a racraatlon aarvloa which haa bean complataly ataia- tnatad by autumnal tamparaturaa for aavaral aa- tha oakvill aporti auwociauon which laaaaa tha atructur from tha parka board tuaaday afternoon orderad t he closing of victoria bark arena charles lawrence aa appointed chairman ofthe bronte village commission at the inaugural meet inn held monda nlrht with ver non duahy belna named as secra- tar aorve mcleod chairman last ear and grunt brav were thai other ctmnmialonera sworn in paul moulding u named pre dent and barbara campball was elected aecretao when more than a enthusiastic prospect ke aktlnd tnembara held their tint meeting nf the oafcville hkl club in the high school auditorium other of j i case farm implements salu strrio floyd marlatt kuln 8 ubtm usw d0m do this touuu i karmful nx ul ilara bcusthywislktly natti tw bld wllb tlm kt nd t th in n ojm od numful un ran your ok a ol tthout ton tji cecil a cass 8vm ollwl dwilu st tl 1mi cmiph ont i acteen topics not long ago aowwfaha aald it would ba an open winter and to all appaarancea thus farh haa baan entirely cottad tba materlal now for tha winter sport of tkj ing and tobogannlng u cartalnly scarca and to all appaarimcaa will remain that wy throughout tha winter par hap aftar tha naxt snowfall thr wlu ba anough for a alalghrlda by tha local taana ara undar tba direction of tha pan guln csub just a augvatlon of cou raa tha axaiuwa of tha local club wka aatiraaantad at tha dub 30 of oakvtlla oa raturday last borne of tba eacutlv mada ua jurny lo lha club of our neighbouring town and whila plrktpg up a jaw aufgaatlana from them astendad an invttallon to their mambara to attend our i to down which nd dan tally la on tha planning board and scheduled for th near future this festival of ttraw plaid shirts straw hats and patched trousers has long bean a feature of the clubs aeasoaf it promise to be bigger and better this year and when the date la def nltely set aura you have the evening free and your costume in re dines along the line of special events we recall that this weak thr r ecutlve beg ins their schedule of scclal events leading off with the cent uf the week the hnow uwlrl featuring novelties and new ideas it promises to he an ei nt worth our attention and attendnnrc the hockey crowd from erge town augmented the fair gr up of attemlers at laat week regular do the usual group of n orltles were enacted throughout the eenlng and another suocewul evening ad ded to the clubs h tit ory i oral school loams have twcn at work on an atallahle sheet of ire lately and the four learnt have ar oused a lot of rnlhuilaim jnce their induction the junior team also of interest lo teen agent was very surrr in their fsme isvi week oer our neighbours posslhllltt s of skiing are rer lalnl urim but should n ugh nw fall we understand there la a tow in working order which ndru lo the ircent vr when ou don l have to mount the gigantic hills ii tnkts o itllr time i ov scertd pi r hap fmmiooni w mid uki to ar range orr nlfihl ski hike or the ardt nl enthunsm and camjcr just another l stlon there s teen n i hnnj- in th weather since this c lumn urn written tn monday tanners down ffgus ioee to m georgetown t caw un uad irosst lag 0a pens kantnar bay lias sproat baa umon t fa rrt ma uncon tinaaj pari g j beaumont malanaon kempahaad 7 10 c bradbury l bradbury 14j5 j ferrt 18 lfl pens co e match muconduco martin fttoray currle tuej ril u bradbury tmaxtlh soi a hproat baaso 7 94 a hilton undsay 9 jh pensllllson xjnaups acton fvans g bayllaa ijnd say daf coxe r u mario ooy wjngs altav otvbvoghuj ifllaon kentnar basso brush sproat forgetown tarver g naah ratteraon def ferrt r d beau mntit melanton wtngi alta kempahaad j baaumonl m bradbury currle martin i brad bury chapelle afttov frr argue i actoa tanners posted an over whelming lfts decision on lergus thistles at the arena here last thursday to win their second tilt hi three starts from tha five minute mark in ihe first jierlod when mike cose hred the first of four of his personal efforts to win past gat h re 1 1 the tanners poured rjlkher into the fergus rage send ing a vat throng of spectators home convinced they wus rapidly improving thistles atrengthened wlh f ur players who once wore acton upl forms wen- no match for the ian ners id by coxr 0donoghue and ifllsnn the locals sniped five goals in the first pcrjod four in the second and seven in the i hint hcplarament of jim alhrall in ihe reruus nets by llerron al the end of the flnrt leruid had no per ceuahte eftct on oie lnners xrtirinu punch llerron proved to he even more vulnerable t hnn afhrslt allowing eleven ad till n al g w merery an empty kesture on the wirt of tl stlc s coach to buhfttltute fr the wavy haired acton custodian tanocrs wove through the this tie defence whenever the urge po sesaed them it was certainty no discredit to either nel minder to skiing big business litre are soma facts reported in tha financial boat about tha bit buatnaaa of aiding wilh an aaitmatad uartar f a million aklara la rwa j eji reckon that to data their axpandl- tura on akia and polaa kav anv- ounted to around fu mininna aid aqulacaant mannfacitrara last yaar cfcaifcad op mora thaa 1 mllmoa froaa far tha gxmfda tby old over th nt 1314 mnki tha mora than so hotels and aid raaotrta oparaton la tha lauraetlaaa aloaa aorpae to tajco la arouad 150000 aach aiai aatd for rooma maala ikltaw am canadian pacific railway wwcb doaa moat of tha lauraatlaa bua tnaaa carried out of moatraaj taat aaaaon 135000 pajaaagwra on laur- aatlan aid trail axouraioaa at faraa averaahng 94 a piaca a total taka of around w0000 weu ovar 91 mullon was put in to imuran uan lmprovamanta laat yaar projacta which may raach a total of 3f4 tnullonj are on tha drawing board aoma are alraady computed in ontarloa faat-gtow- tng wellpubllctiad northarn ra- aortaj fleer anointed wveehh mcderm ott treasurer don giles vlce-brra- klant j fc black honorary pres ident robert hunter honorary mce- president trafalgar journal i- i ufe inkitlavcr w canadian pohtyholders and ban vflciarlea of deceased policyholders reoaivad 1600j8 from lire insur ance compantra uvociober this brmarato 19 773 902 the total received in the flrat t ten months ollhr ear stataji a can- aauan ufa insurance ofncr as sociation report in tha financial post in tha sarne period in 1047 tha total was 9150 533318 octob- pa7nenta on dirfereri claaan of contractf were ordlnaey 911743196 industrial 934963 emup 107 520 jusfrarrivefr inlaid li mole um canvas back printed linoleum- 12 it wd reltol conooleum baroleum and t it wtd pr conooleum feltol a baroleum bugs 61 nl dkl 1w 12 tabl oilcloth and m liuh oilcloth squares acton home furnishings rw soi t ia o nn thry had to handle y ven the invincible blnlnrnagel one time fergus ne- mlnder rouldn t have thwarted te arlon offenalve both fruarl trios of the tvn ners f ttcd into the pattern of play i reclselv where they were suppna cd to mike cms pot tod four gak illlmin lhrse and o d n h ue three while bnsso and coy with two n iroi ki ntner and ijnruay with slngh tons completed the scor ing llend and shoulders nbove her rua was mason who made oln thrusts into tanner territory on several occasions oniy to be itymlcd by fvans a former ow en ftound senior a player wawn might well rejoin thrm montgomery with a hat trick paced eergua stewart and dixon potting a ngles fahrenbach again officiated but had along with ms linesman only twenty penalties to impose rid dall attempted to hold issue with fahrenbach a partner and was clapped into tha donjon for tan minutes noobino ritmmajiy flrat parted a coxa u- marso goy 5v a coxe hilson 1700 a coe 17 w a odonoghua kentner 175 a hilson 0dofloghu ib 45 pent ulndaay brown e mont go m try hilson rlddall g mont gonvery 8eeond period f c mont gome r 0 55 a coy coxe ballss 154 a hilson o rvmoghut a 15 a basso hilson o tonoghue 740 f montgomery kelly 10 40 a kentner brush hilton 1140 lmxon 16 jo peo to montgomery hentner brush j coxe maxm third period a o donoghue coxe 10 1 a ci tl mann 10 v a hlaoi lodonoghiiei ujt i a coxe bruahl n v lfr 41 cases op chiqrenfox4n bounty f m in rerent week there have been a considerable number of cases ol cthickenpox reported to the county heajth unit in milton the follow ing are the number of cases re- liorted per week sin re the f rt of the year in the town uf milton week ending january 1 j flth fl 15th j9 ztna 4 toui 41 it u too early tb ba sore but jt would appear that the peak of tha out break is past chic ken pox and meaalee ar pro bably tha moat easily apread of the communicable diseases of child hood one medical authority stat- ear breathing for a few momenta th air of a roonybr v9n of a house occupied bya child just be fore or after ota rash of chicken pox appear ui frequently suffic ient to in eel another child who has not had the disease lite stag whan the disease apeeada is tha day or so before the rash appear and for about 7 day afterwards the same authority tjuoled above slates that after tha inflammation or the nose and tha throat has disappeared and rruats have formed on the pocks iher does not apeaar to be any further danger of spread fpldemlca ot this disease appear alout every 3 to 4 yrs quarantine has been proven lo be of little val ue latere fore by provincial law there la no longer any placarding of houses where caaea occur and contacts are not kept home from school etc present day adults grew up- in taw days nbsn house were placarded and contacts qusr an lined gor i hit disease in spile of t mia nearly all adults have had the dlvea se therefor it is ob vluus that quarantine was of little value from th above it would appear that t rw best wr of preventing ihe spread of this disease is by early dcte tl m of the disease arul sep- nrall n nf ihe child from others for a jiemod of at lat a wiik it take ahoui m days after the eh irl is excised to the disease before the rush app ars in the day or so im fore the rash is w n there may he ntoderatc fe r headache and vague ttody paln the rash us unly aj pears first on the body later on the fac net k and limbs ttuall the rash la first seen as small hlutj rs the disease is us- uallysmh but la more severe in edder r a ad farr notice a complaint has been received to the effect that persons mostly school children are skating and playinf hockey on thetennr courts and desfroyinnfj property there this is not permitted and must cease immediately action wiu be taken against soy per too ho penult in such conduct after fur warning has been given e a harrow chi of pojje n wss- i ir ttm r t rann r roys taxi announce new rate must be taken that the pocks do not become incited hy seratehlng if the disease lv so mild that you do not call vour doctor let the health tnlt at mllli n hjr know nlout the rtlse so ttiat they will he in a iotlon l jude whither the niiml r of cas ii nitunlli dp cr nsinu tha sovlats report tha auceaaa- ful growing of branched soft wbast giving a fourfold yield to be effective in the village of acton on and after mon day february 7th 1040 the rate for koy s tan will be changed as follows 2c for tha first psaaringer 10c for rh bjdcjitionaj adult paamteiger sc for eh addjuotsftl eklu paaaenjret- goe maximum fare kates for out of town trips will be much the same as before with minimum ratc including only two passenger wc do not feel that is fair that four or five people should ride for the same price a one and as you will notice it will be the same or cheaper for most of our customers your co operation will be appreciated roy w goodwin phone 12h calling all skiliilxs the snow is here and we re ready with our new 7v foot low line hkh will he in operation every weekend featuring speedy opn hlir for all tyjw iltun plenty of mnaji alopw for i le antra and a fast lluah trail for the uptrta fnjoy healthful skiing at its finest where you ridf uph1li and ski down at acton ski club third line soulhtant of acton hot coffek hot dogs on the spot -f- m t a basso hilson ifi 10 a odonoghuejbawso 17 00 a unday 1r is f stewart 19 it pens brush landoni 2 sproat rlidal imlitandiict o- donoghuc monteorner britaivs rctiool biildino br0altam about si20foooo worth of nevj schools are to bqabullt in britain this year thtbhhjrrjt been an nounced by tha mlnlstryvof educat ion who state that ibis building- program is twie as urge as that undertaken in 194a it haa been i carefully worked out in the light 1 of tht supply of labour and mater ials which can ba drawn upon this now program is designed to meat urgent devalopmmts in technical education ajaaasaa bbbbbwmwwjvap theatre acton trl nlchttf satimdar s pjl now playing the prince of thieves plus to the ends of the earth friday and saturday s3 january 28th sftta imon tv jan st fall 1 t fcab to ham doiw scon tobitiyw annejefftfys 6e0i6e sisw hayes uhmbftiiiraimrelr 1hl hnitc usxom wednesday and thursday february 2 3 fr ad to ae font nut uiu mac natni m tuatu s at fcsaass hssas sai abbw ewas lliltria i lit ulllll iii lllllrl ui i in ihiiui miiitma 1 coming fab0lous joe plus king of- wild horses

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