Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 3, 1949, p. 8

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thbacton free press thursday february 3 1w9 s borw r wiijhun and ur lull klelda ar happy to inounrr the aafa arrival f that aond duhlr ifrathrr i a a ut flualh ornrrul ilospllal january 7tb 149 filfkwailt jars mi liunny klrw- art ar hupy tn announcing th ujf arrival of lhair baby daugh- tr lynda hharon at uualph rn- aral lloapttal on thursday j uary x7th 149 ciuri4 to ur and mra u cripp jl ueioonaw iuvd arton hunday january 12 nd 149 daugh tar itarbara nn tprwma- uia a us xuiaixuj loalph ht acton luby iiy latar uuthar doing wall polttkh at ht joaeph hospital oualaa oa jwiday january mta l4t ijaary iortr husband ol tha uu cat hart n ad lam and fathar of ilaary osorca and ura a ivyoaa ioy oualpl ura j duby 4aur hock wood ciietnb at tha homj of har aaurfcle urm n ii wiwoa lit waterloo avmu oualph ontario on hunday january 10 1111 kj- tan chayna haiovad wlfa of ha laia inilrrtr 4suiaa and daai i mot har 0 vlout ura n ii wll- hm oualph and k ur k oak4gl cit ualph tn ha itnd yaar fllaclc at ilallrvlllr ornrral lloa pltal on tuaaday fvhruary lat imi pntrtru jan bluvd daughter of iun and ann hlark m har ith jraar itrallng at th victor ll humlay yuntral horna arton from thur day non until friday hfr fun aral arrylno will b hold at i oclock intermrnt katrvlew crmrtrry ac- r acteen topics thrtrsday annual meeting millon fair held kedexxce0 im uemoriam wkilt in loving nutfnory of our brothar joaaph wrtr wh away january j i at 1941 vr ara th nriiprlra allrnly of orw w loved but will nrvr for km ramrmbcrrd by charllt and laalh1 i hahh tn loving mmor of our dear r ulnar who d way february 3rd lt4l 8naltrd b thr ito k or agaa anchorl on th gohlrn horv in u loving anna of jau llaat dar mot har forrvermor ktr rrnvmlkml by ulhal and hill ualllt in loving memory uf a dr mothar who paaard itway onr your agu kabruary ird 1941 liar t hough ta ware all ao full uf ua khc luvtr could forge i and o wa think that vfhrrr- aha la uhn muat br watching yt aa angala kaap thrlr watt h up thar liulb lw liil lt hfi- linll that w down hri- do not forget w kva and mlaa har au kvar rananlrd by duughtrra llaltlt in loving nwmory of moth r who kaaaod awn r vpruary 3rd 1b4s uany a lonaly haarlarlw- i -tmtnt- thmt tamrr omt bntutiful of a mothrr w lovj ai daar hha waa trur- und vrry putlunt thru ugh th yatra aho travalll on and thoa daar haiula now rrallng uadr a hurm that now la guna rr ramrmbarvd by ut4lrl und icd cards of thank 1 wlah to thank frlnda an 1 nrlghhorv for iht klndnraa ahown nw during iht- rrtrnt iimw of my moitit ur 1n lutaitr mr miid mra f ink rrvnmi vr dcpl npirntit it thi klin arts th flowvra fruit atxla ll tara and innulrt from llirlr min frlrnda during the thin mr rvt man waa in hoapltal aa will na ih fore and uftarwarda st varntlne dn a wwk from mond the lenlcn araaon this car flia not br until mnrvh 2nd and april 17th i feiicr sunday vhlt piwf r quotaa have bn droptwd powtr rvatr ctlana gtlll ap- plj sae llydro wherrver poa- ilblr j tueaday iu bright and cuar and according- to the ground hag uparatltlon the ihtnjt to do la to arrant for mk urk more ot wtntar waathar aav and ura r ii ann- trong moved this wk from ormartdg to knox church xlanar th induction trmc4for ta ntw rrjlnbrtar la batn meld thu evanlrtx tn knox church son which la certainly ome rerord tha 6rauon war nuroaiwi and original snow balls ow panfutn and many othar itma addad to tha aucca or tha vnn ln novaltlaa war th featur of tha evaning and contruhitrd to thr orlginalily of tha hnow hwlrl during- tha rourv of l rvantng a tars box of in flat ad haloons ra- uaaad from kfkt oeuuie floatad down to th aagorry awaiting group of danoitra that crowded tha floor a aartaaxj loud aplo4oni followed aa th crowd franilcally saarrhad for a amall pkre of paper markad lmply it and for which kucccwftij vear reported aitd piuts maiu for 119 jarm walker u vwaldeat the annual mettun of the hal ton afrjcultural fciety wat held in thr court houur ml lion on in keeping with the evit ached ulad at the ivnguln club ian ueek mow made iti flrat mention- able appearance the snow hwlrl flnt of tjie long hat i lal evnt to lake place at th club wat a decided auccaai tria- uual good crowd waa cartalnry all i her and a lot of out -of- 1 owner and lo- rala gwallad tna group to on of thursday afurnoon january 27lh lha bl f foudi of tn pratant sa ut rtkiniw 1 with i fwod artenrjjuic reports of tha aeveral commit teat wr racetvad and ahow pro- graaa tn all line tje traaurara raport revrakhj that tha pair racalpta ara in good- atandlng with a baianca of over 1300 00 for tha yaar wuch informative dufiuajon w gtvan in ragard to tha building of a nw agricultural llall tna fnaatlng dacldad to enter tha htandlng pwld crop compel it lo again and in oata rwlagatea to tha tall fa ira aa- ahatlan oofrvantlorr matantsry 10 and 11 at tha king edward llotal toronto wera choaan ura f w pteghtltuf arton bovs girls bqnd in a band concert in the i acton town hall sunday february 6 lction 1 i w n chiaholm ura ftrkia ilouaaflaul thara waa a auhatantlal raward or lr praaldant mr urn walltrr sac nj dollar dave ilornell wa tha lucky reclplant commencemant will nn he tn main aubject o local high scholar the play ha arrived the group are practicing and everything u off t a kiod tart there aje to he retary ur e m readaaad in the ladla dlvlalon with lv teen members praaant mrs cm agnew wa namad pracltient and mra k m redd head aaoretary a short synopua of the meeting for dtstrtrl no 5 at hlreetrvllk a lot of featur on this program wg g vpn hy yin aenrw llm and no dmiht it will be something j puni wrn dlarumr4 nf dlffcrtnl and fining the 1jh9 i of br1trp for wnmrn ditr la art for the mtddlr of rh- in o n wt merm tuary ihert- will be a lot r bur i mj rlnlthrd nrt imi ry and lam minute details wlli h of drja hrnugm ujt 1jiruj o cursa provide the thrill for the ouj k r a wo made to ntw the ladle ttv- fnur tenms rvprasrntln all work and will ontlnuad at the s rlnxffkl again lam frld n n meeting aft r ihe convention fnlalltiea hnve hrrn rcporlei ai j ha ulrehor elet ld fnr 4 are yal but no diubt the excltem nt as follow milton ii c 11 he wa worth the effort i j a fllloll v crttl r fji we allutely refuse to com quealng tu p rd in llnrrop wm mlt ourw ive rgardlnj the weathi milton ijoyd chuthilm nelson er lncr it had startling rffecu twp ixirne walker ordon carl uat wrk skiing over th wmk- w right w k shk- id flen camp- end wa not rucaptlonally uood though we mual admit it wa fast a some of the fans on the injur ed list will quite readily believe at present the outlook for the weekend skiing looks good the hcal acton hoy and glrti hand are planning and have prac ticed for a muatcat evening in the form of a ronrert presentation to take place this sunda in the us ual place the navy rluc and gold uniform will of course he worn and even if you shouldn t like the music the uniform is oerlnlnly uairth looking at in glancing over lh a s u nd some vcr good marches lembers will of course alt br on hifnd ami hoping for a fine p re st ntntion birthday slrprisk parti honors mrs robt kerr mr archie kerr entertained thr close nelghtmtra at a auipriac birthday part in honor of mr r kerr hi ithursda thc ladlys had a delightful altenoon mtj archie kerr anil bettv ann sang a duet accompanied bv annie uettch hjjnntflh thompaon plajint the guitar with mare kerr at the piano the children sjuifr hnpp hlrthday and a daint lunch was aened from tha table decorated with spring flowara and flahkad by lighted caper candlaa and t he birthday cake mrs d rusael pouradtea busy bees branch have good program at montirs meeting ur j j kennedy wa hoste for the januar meeting of the rus reel w i ten mrttkbar three guests and six children at tended- mrr mclean president opened the meeting roll cnll was answered b n aluab1e household hint correspondence was read and flnnnlcal npirt given h secretar treasurer mrs stan robinson wrwerv ptaaaed to bear of plnn belnr mnde fora holldu in july at cuelph tha book 10 vear of achievement la to be purchased and also 100 blotterto be placed in school etc mr c e davenport gae n re port of tha directors sneetlng nt mlhon and a suggestion wn mr- ed for the annual district meeting at palermo v flfuan dollnri was donated to halt on recreat on park for light ing a bank account of 1 00 is to be presented to new institute bab- a discussion took placr on how to make our school a more pleasant place for teachers and puplu and social event fifteen dollars is to be invested in cups and inquiries concerning chair to be made next meeting is tit be a social with husband as the guaeta and rev mr hodder a th guest speaker mrs stan robinson won the luck draw mrs c e davenport convenar canadian industrie and agricul ture gave a paper on our enjo- ment and pride of dall tasks al though the vyork t hard mrs dav id henderson read a poem ma lay down the law mrs steph en coxe the da after christ- mrs elmer cuxcl wh do we ana mrs mclean uo mr kenaedn with assistance ser ved sandwiches cookie and tarts ami tea mra mclean moed her ri vote of thanks brll naiajiawea twp l1o1 crawford c m campbell harvey rlacklock trafalgar twp j a dixon walter reld a armstrong j rrownrldge a clement jun lor directors cameron wilson john richardson elmer iougla thoa rtousefleld auditors w j robertson wm t dale the director elected the fol w o l vm hon pren dent mr j a euwl president mr iorne walker irt vice preal- dent mr j ic duorj 2nd vice president mr walter reld hec retary treasurer mr e m read- head ie milton fair date for 1w9 uill be friday and saturday sep tember 23rd and 2lth campbellville the january meeting- of the w ms of st david church was held at thx home of mrs r d fl hot with the president mia e j mnphall m thr chair mrs green lee read the icrlpture lesson the scretr mr a moore rend the annual iu pul which was quite interesting th cheer sec retary mr s cairn v reported having written slxt letter and cards last year and fifteen christ mas cards to shut iru nlao five let ters in januar lnll svwral notes of nppret intlon for stime wrr thetreaurer gave a n rv encouraging repitrt show ing throe hundred and seventeen dol lar arul neerlteen cents had been sent to mikuoru thls with sh7 2s fmm the itlalr w and v 00 from crntn m b make a total of wfil 4b the nluxatlon was 44000 mra geo inglls w w secretar reported seven calls made since last meeting ruth robert secretary for grace mj3 read the annual re port of the rand this report was bright and cheerful showing that the girl had a v er gucocssful year with lots of variety in their programs the reports were- ad opted rev j c macnell installed the officers followed b a verv in formative address on the different religions in china the figures are quite startling mr macnell said the christian religion la still in its infancy with a very drear outook hymn 250 was sung the presi dent asked the members to bring gleanings from the glad tidings to the meetings the roll call was answered by paying the member ship fee the offer ng wa dedi cated b mrs menzws rev mac nell closed the meeting with pray er seventeen ladle nybyed a social half hur provided bv the hostess and the social committo- douglas fir need cast 1j a lb but natures balance in forest life ut beng raapacted by british col umbia forester who wont poison the fir- seed eating deer mice but r aeakihtt nonpolaonouj wol- uni wlthf whkh to treat the aeod an isyearold mural in los an- gcle depicting the signing of the declaration of independence in- dudas tlefgure of george wash ington but hatory reveals mr washington elsewhere that day and redfaced official are pon dering if a beard painted in would give the figure obscurity k00 im- silver collection ndhftli lovell bros meivlv market friday sa1tirday specials butter lit he lb quality beef choic shouldn kbtuil 45 4itr lb tendrr iud m luwitt lb doc rib rout lb 55c short rib rnaul ik 55c ijxm iu or llrialirt itoihnjr itmf 32c ii tender steaks room sirloin rortrrhouw 70c lb bacon breakfast he lb prabwal iurlt g9c smoked back 75e lb maplr lraf cottasr holla ih 63c freoh kaaajffibr 45c rwih iork shouhhru lb b lan ttuafcurff steak lb 48c- honey no i whil cloct ih un 95c the stnrr will br clonrd monday aflrmoon for decorating purpoum te classified section boysed excbugc waafed etc advertisement under this heading kcj cash with ordar up to 25 word additional word 1c per word ifagh does not ar compahy the ailvertlument aiinimum charge 40c and lc per word additional for tach word over 25 subsequent in tart ion ac por hale wanted kolt ka1k i 114 hull ling iwj 1 roivlluon 1kutm- 41r ai in i hll haik 17 thrifty yorkmir rhonka w wart tru itlt atluo mil hale nfiar u a hrat- rr tare alaa al iw gal oil drum ihunr l7rll 2 m kijli haik mn hfua iih ua1 only 1 r4am alao building i t fr aale k toth hr acton kolt ha1 k whel irajtar in yoou romlliion with a ttma and rtrki apply uallana uor1on john ht fxjn ma1k- hit pttrnaon trae tor kvllent con1llon atao 1 funuw orkahutt plow apply j jluti ihona iis roil baij t rooma frm house in arton newly talntfts and drrorated garage immnllit po wulon apply to ieltoy ua- arthur lhone ltrll ltlt ha i k jholrr arlarilon f rrrt uanl rlothin aullahl or a hfmtl iiru tol jurkrl drraaa ii 14 uy 1 arm t tl kliivnald hud lf h ith 17th kh hai i tai luaniti pkrlir rlrs tr lr hair dryra in p r f t own llllon onr rhrcne flnliu horjoll nr murk anl htin ihul lh n- 104j j ti 1miuiuuii now is sewing time tome and look over our splendid stock of spring fabric for dreoxcu and childrens wear gay cotton prints all dimr floral patterns chack strip tn a rtng o4 qualities just th thing for prions draaaaa mntl m flo uiddia garmant 36 wids 49c 98c figured spuns rang of floral patterns in light and dark baak around also plain broadcloth plain lhadu ol vjjow bl mauva rohtwiiiii miida 59c 79c also simplicity patter nil buttons trimmings lace thread zippers mceole8 tair jtncfi of uinlcr goods on dwpuv walch for v the red and yellow sale lidteu kolt hai v 1ia rrr tlmhrr and iw1 1 i 10 nfmiin tiuin whip of naimiiawryu apply lryrgh l ramptx ii it hop it it 4 t u i ikiiik 4i- ii j4 toll hain- purl rch n r- mi h mm lo millon n1 in kith snl kllhn nk jint til riii lol air lfmin full ha imiii iiiiai-1ui- pi lyn t llf f t 1 1n ul ih rw 4lw ulhon oil hai r i 11- ll nt vali ltlr with thi iimimlml 100 1 duiiij piimp wilt nrw motor 44 00 1 un ktimith for- largi alr 0 4 i h lb rlnin tor vuiiin 7 l i irl kry wlnlr ronl nlzr l 0 00 1 ln mowir so0 i w intl vnilt with liitu 00 1 r lilln nit llh runmra zti hairs h oo appl av mclruur ilionr 1 64 wamki ko wiuoad fr but- htv anl grorrry at r ajjj t iis krrr irwa wantiij lllark thrtry and iuiiwihxi oga aourxl tltan iau- rw1 tn thr mttllf ikiutw w r rlafat it it no 4 allot 110 uantri inrormathm roncar ing tha history of naaagraa tfwnahip a oommlttr has basa nimm to rump ma hlatoiloal data and will apprarlat information ar ihr loan of materia that will aaaial tham in maslng th rroord ouaptta and authentic plaaaa irnmuaioat with u j carton 11 it i ulhoa or u w mcmillan rampballrlila lha tkndkith roit wood hcaaal hr tlon ng i i 10 14 and 11 lctuaalag tc roroa oil eti ft i iuotean uapla llody wood cut it it or j 4 inrhava aa rulrad and 14 ainglreonl f kindling cut la it irnglha to ha dailver and puaj for mraaurtng at tha arhnol ta- dara may hr la full or in part aawt lowrat trndrr not nrcaarlly fp- tat fualr tndara to ha in by ruary llh mlaa it y kvans baa traa township hrliool araa n i f iulng llmrfrlpan ontario l ll la to rent roh iunt loom fr rrnt tsoard if lrrihl hualntaa nin i re fwihlllui j t irraa 1olt 111- nt aiwrlmrnl to 4 for al niintha only anltiilila fur i kiif apply itox liii picaa personal munny myji wjmjst rtn 5 to 13 ihg new hep too iyy fans- lui oitrrn tonic tablets for doabla rrvult new healthy fhsh new vig or i w jf rt acquainted ii nj tc all druggnata mlhceijaaneous hilt hair n- l4 ton ford truri monarch 14 hrdan metal ic liht ktwn rall a ww car 44 hv hrilivn lovely nhipr 4 n ws1 nrr r r st iv lv hrlnn rood looking arr ilcrbtilf rx 3 lrxl fwirh nw nwl r nnd htki tr 41 frd irltil sroxn with nrw lf4 motor 13 chr hri in i 00 34 chev krdiin 1400 34 ktinl ton truck with liift tn tir ln as vta ihihi trtick 3ft0 hr h tn truck lnft 30 mihlrl a coach kk alll hr tn ittfil knrl tra turn nd implrmrnl mii werk vrl hrtlrb ami krrlcr lrd and monarch fur fvrd trurka and tractor pamphrllvlll dnt 1hm milton 3rr3 ii kut raik sw rvrguann tnr tor fr immrdialr drltvrry nrw ntjitir trnrtiir llffhtn ami atnrt tr john hrrrr modfllt traftnr mioormlrk iting v 1 2 trartor 14 2 koid trnrtnr nrw tirr plow unit cuttivator tractor chnlna v turner ordof1 kiw for lrrgtiaon fir othrr modal trartorn olao man urr h rra irr nrw on rtihtnr fnr immrdlntf driuttv ll3l fr hr1nn t1l kord rnr willv 1p with 1imrr takr nff pullry iu oli ilna nt mwclil rtdiicd prlr hnow ploua for nil nin 1r true tor k tntrnalnnnl v ton truck 1mr 1 ton im irurk dp nsh 181ft lurint s tn truck lbo p 3 intetn ilinniil 1 tn truck tt r hrrtfirrm rtnjrrrn mim urt luajkt nllb fnlvrraal lm nritrl n w lomfttc hrfrlitt rntnra p conk stof gnot inlltlon thrtnhlng mnrhinra 1 nrn whltr nt sunn aifnirn lias t s hp itrtitt ritw4rtr hopprr ap thou mfmn mrkijnan ut ixost and pound lllht llromii twd mh ltd rr1 atrtpc in ai tun howlink illi niirn i n innlilr pot krt linh nttirn to a n luiwllrn at jt a m ill hrngli hound th hi n k lltth whltr- ttnd inn ut 10 ltn uk vl inll of a lieu ird v j nninga c i at ho ling aiu arton notk i jtnira jl ajamaoa mho tun ih n npixilnltd clrrk of th rmrth dlvlalon ourt and iuii- irf nt a i n will har ma ohio st hla rialileorr arthur ht from krb- ruar lat 114 until further not lea i1k youk own iiohh lmtruv ut on part itma or puu ttaaa haata our 250 prodarut tollmriaa vitamins kxtracta hptcaa ualdac iowdar cggaa dougtmuta filial 44rvtr r cggaa dougtmuta ou aiiuj p etc kacti incavmuaj a l er ibxrcllaht oprtortunlty to your bualneas abflua wltxte for fhkk nxalls and eaulogua rjlm- iikx 11300 ualortmlar uontraal notice to creditors and othiri in tha batata f ebar charisa roadknlom all prraona having claims against thr kitata of rbor chsrlaa lload- knlght uu of tha villa of aotaa in thr county of halton qontlamajt dreeaard who dlad on er about tav third day of april it4t ara ra- nuratrd to fll proof of aaas wtta trre tmdaealgnad aollottar ob ar ira for tha fifth day of tbrajkry lfit aftr which data th aald batata will b distributed haylaa rag nnir to tha claims than rtl4 ikatrd at acton this nlnataaara day of january aix if4l c r ikatiiimuakd hotlcltor fnr tha admlnlatratora acton ontario farnworth memorials manumanu a1 modamto cemktery lettehina eiara b4 si camatr7 111 eull ont we all know you cant buy a chocolate har for a nickel and lkewte w shouldnt be giving our children a nickel fnr survda school like ev erything elhe sunday schols have been hit b e cot of living and the nickels rv no longer enough to bu tupplle we have a new product n tuple strength tarred ten- tekt to take the placa of wood sheeting for the ouuide of hours thl ha strength in- su at ion and i easier- to ap pl on oui prupojttd houu we juo havo lentetd celling blocks and 4h sheets in stock cant be seeing jou this w- ek as the wife hasme put- ting modernite tile in the klt- ehcnr j maaactncdt tto make your selection of new wallpaper the largest stock in western ontario priced to roll everyone youll find it at chappies bookstore 1u wyadkuti at oat anotm kmnnbdv c proprulor t

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