1 nan thc acton free press thursday march loth 10 w hi 1 1 wifc mtoww sad dtttki w fairtmi u tu stat u m j u 4 tuavi i born wjjoitai the nursing llom guelph st acton on thursday march 3rd ithj to mr and mr percy 13 1 kit t mcdonald uoulo vard acton a son norman ii mother and baby fine ayrswoktli mr and mr h maclntyre aylsworth fnee pt rieta joan mackayden are happy to announce the birth of their daughter barbara joan on yr day march 4th 1m9 at th prt vmt pa u wit pavilion toronto runaril hfrtdlfil mother aml lioip both daughter both doing well v hajuujcd lira- thomaa clow arton u happy to announce the marriage of liar daughter mary kilaan to john ifcoyd krank aon of mr and ur joaeph frank hock wood tn aurriafi took pi a in hamilton b march 51 h ffsjjh- kudovnry l ma rmri w hit no 1 acton on thur day march 3rd 1w thorn fl nellla beloved huaband of hen ha clarw and father or manll in hi 77th wr jrtcstm at the family rldnee ltvertan ontario on wednesday march 9 le betty ann beloved daughter of harvey and lota jea un aged t month juatina at the victor d rumley runaral llomf arton until friday wbn funeral service will he held at 1m o clock interment rvrton cemetery ik mjmoriam oiqdonb in loving memory of our dear brother john who vas billed ovrwu march tth 1046 lovingly remembared marjorlo anirwalter aihhonb in proud and loving memory of my dear ton john who was k iliad oversea march ith 1045 always remembered by mom gwiionh in mamory of pte john gibbons k iliad in action on march ath 104a not lust today but every day in silence we remember ever lemembered by mr and mrs joe waters and family aibbonb in proud and loving memory of my fiance pte john gibbons killed in action in ger many en march ith 1045 while serving with the rji ul nflw resting in nljmegen holland a beautiful memory of one so dear i cherish still with love sincere a day that comes with sad regret jfrold townslcy in a fistic tourn and one that j will never forge i miss his love his cheery ways hituarq thomas n neljjb life long resident of this diatriet thomaa b nelils passed away on thursday march 3rd at hi home at lot 2d sixth coneaaalon na gaweya township in hi 77th year for the past tan year mr nellls has been partially invalided but was at well as usual until h was suddenly stricken on thursday born at hootch blork thomas tj nli was a ann of the laf wll 11am nellls and lillian smlfh when he was five years of ag th family went to reside in nasaagm- waya and alnee then he has flvd in that township j i was an in dustrious and successful farmer and upright rtttn and hi nasal as will be mourned by many ibmldea his widow who was be fore marriage ml bertha clark he leaves one son mansetl and three grandson on sister mr yrd johnston acton also survive to all of these bereaved sympathy of many frtatwk u extended the funeral was held on batur- day with service at the home con ducted by his minister kev l pickering- of aoton unttad church i lew many friendb fathered in tribute and many floral tribute also bespoke esteem interment was in palrview cemetery acton the pallbearer war tour neph ew henry nelus cacti nellie ar thur diamond and wm johnston and meears alex near and c j vangooxen junioispilr up20lscorr in second round continued from page one btxtrnfovst auction sale i the undersigned has received instructions from ai- ravmovd to sell by auction at daymondale tbrmi on no g highway g mtles south of gudph 1 mil north of abrffoyle on tofurhdxy march mti htpatrieii day cattle 65 head dairy ctfws heifers stoekers lief cattle etc thkuto kwn and lamb i hojt3ks 3 1arm horsev que rractor m h combine i power mower lluy loader side del very fertiliser sower 3 fur- row uvartor low one way disc drag harrow manure spreader quota of horse drawn implements ham saddle etc am we have very ftw smalt itemi the machinery and implement wtij be seltlntf early ikjuts oaah settlement with clerk day of sale wm a ilbson auctioneer a eicwlulam h 11 oson clerks ii ooafplxtk dihpkhha1 auction sale sum prefer to paas lb puek and are rapidly improving jackett notched the solitary falls goal while on his knre in front ol husk who unarrustomrd to the presence of player around qe net let the blmtult soar over his should er to instill a little confidence in the visitors in the hope they would tmfttu wk perhaps mslt him again and giveluarred rock pulleu tlswetsham uttu vaejokfw h0 aad hlualdra hkmr au hifod orala trae4ar aad llw urawsi lroplmat aad llauaaaald kurwture the undersigned have received instructions from j k pcaacn to sell by public auction at maple wood faon lot a con 1 krin twp on 1st lin of laslies school on wanehdav maftull urd commencing at 1100 o clock the following m bag shohthouns this show herd u headed by royal ben efactor bred by murphy lira or 111 and consist of such families a ransoms prince royals aug ustas jtoafwoods mlase undine roan ladys etc the offering con mist of cows with calves el foot bred and open hrifers and a num tier of bulla of serviceable age the bhorthom kale will be conducted under cover by auctioneer robt t amo nd will start at 130 pm for catalogue write wm black moffat tolf manager uradr shorthorn cow freshed at xmu grade hhorthorn cow due in april yorkshhu iiogs4 register ed sows due to farrow in may 4 grade sow due to farrow in may b chunk shkkp and poui thy a reg shropshire ewes supposed to be in lamb 5 oxford fwe lamb 40 vlth him i spent my happiest days i miss him when 1 need a friend on him i always could depend ive walked beside you through the passing years through days of cloud sunshine joys and tears and when thr great call comes and sunset gleams 111 walk beside you to the land of dreams thanks be to god for the promise made for the precious assurance gien that partings on earth will be more than repaid by the blessed reunions in hnwn always remembered by eleanor wter cuuum or tiianstit mr chas w mason would like to thank the band membara friends and nslehbora for th kindness shown nun during his ulna it was vfry much appreciated- mrs thoa d nsuls and family wish to thank their trland and nalghbaurs for eprsions of sys- pathy acts of klndnea and bsauu- ful noral tributes axteiuud to them wi th ioas of a dear hu and father no report yt of mspu yrub on th local markst yes wsaaree with all snotor- tats of the district that highway 35 is terrible steel girders have been deliv ered for the new garage on main street fqr mr bert woods the parcel pit tented to sunny brook hospital h the ladles aux lllary of acton legion was valued at 73 00 break ins and arc getting pretty days belter lock windows securely mrs august anderson has sold her retldence on church street to ur lochlan mckersitf mrs and erson is in torontu living with her daughter mrs greenwood rest- dent her fur otr twenty yuirs mrs anderson ulll bt missed by many neighbours and friend petty thieving common these tlu doors and sa eeee rosedale floral georgetown flowkus kor kvery occasion if it a a spraj wreath wed ding flowers cut flower pot ted tuanttrwo on plsas ydut our prices are right phone e t harks acton is or georgetown stsj 4 him something to do olhar than jflaft f iin iranlng on the pipes this character jackett also drew major penalty for tangling with ment in the third chapur and llscomb kunu ford tractor on rubber with hy draulic lift plow and stiff tooth and cultivator good as new blssel doubli disc new maury harris 17 tooth cultivator seed grain to be sold at 1 lb pm 300 bus beaver oata field in officials intercepted spected and germination tested 100 muc d- sraijarasssf jsgis mr u bus barboff barley the above only one casualty bill morse of grain is grown from registered seed unuully cln jmc he house drawn mputuents donr wa aurtard a itlck in thp itomach rntlrrly unintentional on vaughan i part p rnau the cockiest player on the tee was pullan a pint sized rooster who looked to be no more than 12 fw h n yean and actually wasnt he had lots of try but his size didnt permit him to take liberties with any of the locals ilowever he was a crowd pleaser and like any true ham actor cut a few cute capers tor their benafll boosuno htlalmaby rirat rhj js kay vaurhan a ntnr olowat a townsiey a b fwy k fay a uowat ucunary a rslwll llawt a vatwhsui jhay iplay rrjsomt paaall n vaufluui in a on 4 is 7js 0j0 1410 1h1s 1s a kantnar naowat 841 a vauchan ltay ay h a vauchan zauch ay u10 a vaufban onay ay tut msssey harris lllnder ft cut tractor or horse hitch deerlns mower fl fl cut new mccormlck mowee ii ft cut in flood repair 1hc drum iftay lader dump hake ull side delivery rake imc 13 disc fertiliser drill new i fleury walkins plow 2 sets of harrnws bfurrow walkina plow cockshutt pouto weodrr on i wheeu sprlnj tooth scufller scuff lers cockshutt ilinurr spreader in good repair steel stone host i and itoller 1 sets of ilench slelxhs 2 flat turks for slelihs 2 rubber tired wafons 8ood flat hay itack wacon uos lock rack cutter bufry set of braachtng llameat 1 pair scotch colun buffalo bob 1 sets slnile llarnaaa pair harris horae blank- eta hash lrfmidan car for wooden track hart kmtraon fanning mill woods ktoctfie fane 15 dm plank usad window salh wheel barrow raofraw scalaa and uia usual una ol amall farm aqulpmant auchafarlci rwat vhaltw wh1mw traaa ate snjrnlturavala at 3 pjn light oak stadroam 8ulta camnlate wooden bad with uahraai anil wash wand chuit crib a toau 11j0 pa k ray townalsy tided rariad a k fay u my rq6 a arbkr kant nee floo a moenary lloasein 11j5 a arblc kentner mowat 14 3ft a kentner 16u0 a k y t fayvvaughan 16 50 pnalus vaughvin tj towns- ley jacklln maiors kentner official uscombe talt kunu kltchenev rvne on tlub brackenshlre a nevretl lell dcr parker c jenktnson unrrett v alternates arnutrong pullan tlowens han man ivnronst mooix jacket aclon hosk c kentner zlnc del s a c k ftit vaughan v alternate ttoasell arhic law n mount mckner lownslov luild oih kptjctavty hkbv1ck wlttl a rmtut t lotth a day to oltt of town point8 lowtmt baltic rate hi tfrwtt atqil residkncti smw lovell bros meat market friday saturday specials no 1 grade bacon stknela sasokej ootuc cc hrjta lb dijc bntucfht patumal bnanvnl vtdt 6ftc 78 lb scjiimadra itonrleas ihcntc llanwlb 60c fvh pork khouweril 48c krwih pork pq hull ih doc quality beef prita rib bout lb 55c choice should- roanu lb idc iemn iuadr rouulb 48c lan ibuttburjf iic kuak lb idc cholof rubip roast lb 55c tender strak roaul lh 65c ln ilrwinm iloiline itrw lb or put 30c vrh saumajrc ih 40c butter lurrle brmnd 1st grade oeajbtry no ivicw lo date but a hharp redue lion rorreaul for pnruy the classified section bay sell exdunge wasted etc advertisements under this heading 35c cuh with order uf to 25 words additional words 1c per word 1 rash does not ar company the advertisement maimum charge 50c and le pr word add tlonal or each word over 33 subsequent inasrtloas ac fob salf i for sal- house for ulc bath room apply 10 box 407 acton wantcd kok sai i- quantity f used wantktj 2 or 3 tuoma voupjc lumtmr 1uner lsby arlon with baby ito w krne pre waktfd fierund hand drae saw amste price and condition c k cult hit 4 arton ptsone tttrt rr- rvw raymond drophead sewing mach toe u diatng room chairs settee 3 hoeklng chairs couch leather covered rocker kitchen clock s flower stands coal oil heater ironing hoard 3 electric irons toaster electric percolator bros sels carpet 13 xl2 wash tub sil ver kntve and fork lamp lan terns dishes pots pans cast griddle meat grinder ost yokes medicine cabinet dread mixer mellotte cream separator lawn mower butter bowl ladle and print ardrn cultivator terms cosh settlement with clerk on day of sale no chatties to be removed until settled for no reserve as the farm is sold and proprietor is retiring greenock women s institute will serve lunch hleh will be avail able earin mapleuood 1- arm i sit unted 4 miu cast of hock wood and 4 miles north and v est of acton follow finger board from main road in case of storm road will b ploucd we have no hesitation in recommending this splendid of fermg to the buving publ this sale must start at 11 o clock sharp to make uoy for the slorthi rn tnle at 130 hindle l eliott auclionetrt thu re- vij r pn 0rf rockuood or 1j milton this vior the seevice held at st grav cu rk al bans anglican church was at tended b snt women reprt scnting local church orgamzatium mrs c stewart of st albans w a led m o dtwruuion of the themt the lord is thy keeper or th subject of her nddrxbj mrs h tntnprize knox presbyterian church chose the significance of the world day of prayer prayers were aid b a number tit the ladies in attendance and during the offertory there was a solo by miss linda stewart mrs c stewart gave the benediction world day of prayer held in st albaists church each year on the 1st friday lent all over the dominion or canada there is a world s day of prayer sponsored b tht women si inter church council of canada j s jutdm oplomctrut 7 douglas street glelph dont up latpe phone 128 fes examined glasses fitted i sllofl pbesentsthe pomade on use state ot the roxy wednesday and thursdw march 16th 17th our models are lour locally selected giria i popular vote s to be selected the score to date mary scott watsons betty gibson roanii jovj romphf student georgina perryman ka james lois hunter mary holvk sh1rlev palmer 50 53 57 35 17 45 25 h runner up ben rachlin for tht smart shopper dodlh4t shaft acton peyi freahen j4arrh jfih lokrja igs als rne fo sal weaned pigs sow with h pig apply it w phone wri mh sai w ivwlgr keilan heat offer apply harry khortlll phone ltr7rtl acton ird line iwft and found rxlt sa v 1 8 power cut or saw with v hp motor j w wolfe rower ave acton phone jt4 foh sai r 1 s ton fsrlory hullt steel trailer grod nmrtltlon j w wolf lumrr ave aclon phone jo 1xmt sajj- 1 new jmeway 4 deck electric hattery hmnder in original case j w wi ife itower ave acton atwne h quick raljbultdlng ready to convert into house with tot 30131 lo be moved iso ft pnrr reason able apply to frank toth rxwt sau 7 single nrd of dry wood white birch j saer lt 17 lown une nsuigswr and ksnuesing phone inftrs artcm kok kai t- 2 jnnoih plaifonn krales 2 hand rultlng bor i v heel harm new j w wolfe llouer ave arton phone jm koil sai f durham llrlfer due march 30th also york sow 2nd litter due april 20th apply ken spence phone ii or k wood 4lr24 mk sai 1- w have letl j 11 burning hnwwlers mm chick sire itcgular sljui in clear at juw llojr hardware phone mcklm jh milton 11 for sale two shorthorn dull 11 months old a blue roan lie ig tan mare rising five well broken arthur norrtxh campbell ville kit 1 lot u con 3 nass gawrya ixk sall matchen rteut etfl chair wt a beautitul hartluoxl dewk that would look ell in any office or living room heakon for selling purchased roll t n deut john w chapman t1 mrli nld illvd acton phone 331w nilay chicks now to catch the better markets later order son iullrlk ciickerels mixed dayolds fclartrd piomnt shipment you cant do butter u hy uait agent geo c bn wn ii it 1 nnrvsl thompson hrus- fim sup he i hone jmit rton hxmt sai i- se us for your re uulrentenlh of al lorr aijnlls grasmt lonfc term iajiure ntlx turi hay mixtures wisconsin cer titled and ontario grown hybrid ed corn phone collert wuliam c ousr and sons ltd streetavtlle onuno phones 18w or 114 4 d40 xlt saij- a few choice young yorkshire sows due from mlddjeot april on two young brood sutvr each with inter of ten twoyear old purebred yorkshire hog a goo j o and quiet large twowheel stock trailer with he per spring and snare ur suitable for car or tractor priced to sell apply stu art mclaughlin phone streelsvllle mrs for sau loofl uodgv sedan lftst bulck coupe 140 willys st lion wagon newuarcury ton pick up truck centaur tractor kenruaon trartor and equipment 45m hp olbaon tractor uccor- mlck deerlns rarmall 14 ilk new wff- inurnauonal 1mi model tan dem tractor disc for all makes tractors ft masaey tractor till er hornet chain saw all sixes new otaco manure apraadars on rubber 2s cycle m hp baatty grain grinder hp 19 cycle mot or pump for farmall h tractor rofera manure loader with uni versal pump nearly new george white threshing machine t cock grain binder woods barn ven tllators with thermostats 1 used 13 disc seed drill new skyline for age harvester complete for immed late delivery a nn s uwd hi cycle iomellr refrigerators all tte apply t hew aon teorge town wu ir wantfd by ii lo marxo coach of acton juniors one adding machine price must be r- attonable we somehow mlsaed the smart modernization of love ii broa meat market we- were in a feu days ago and noticed the white paint and new count ir uhlch helps them to give better m rvice to the people of acton f r jour kitchen cupboard or bathroom e have a stock of duratile which is baked en amel tile ftnuhed in white with black line other color are aluble we have several colors of arborite on hand- we invite you to come in and sec this decora uv board the best known for sink and lab top we would like to see ou in n fenelon rails but the dlatanoe sha us wondering t j b mlaooammt fton ixjht htlver broat h valued a lft reward if left at rrst pre ffice straytd niark and un hound u rayed to premises of j a utomp- ih r u j acton owner may have same by paying for ad andl proving ownership to kent tjk iulnt araaa apply i lurhlln xjh itfnt ucnluij roam far trnl mrs j a vanlm 1arv aw fxk ktt vacuum rlraaara aiul floor poltahrs for rani apply modrn kmsiiri and tlumuaa morr lhana j7iu arton tl xij khiiack ixkkijul rxmt krr jlrf by lh quarlar rrtilt and vrgrlablr ron ulnars korkhaotml frigid tmhera phon horkwood 4hj miscellaneous slendor taiukts are effect ive 1 weeks supply tl 13 waaka 5 at coopir s drug store plastic articles repaired- spectacle rims belts braces etc it dean main ht phone 3ao w skinny mi34 wument gala s to is lb new pap too try tytw oetrrx tonic tahlela for doubl reauiu new healthy flaaii gvtw vtgttr new gt arqualntad ata only fioc all dnifatata j7-t-31- notice to creditors in th at of thomas wullaa krnnrdv farmer deceased all porsons having claims against the mutr of thomas wllliamxen nrdy ui of the township of km kufunc farmer who died on or ah ut the lth day of daramber ad itha are hereby notified t send particulars of me to the un derslgnrd on or before the lh day of april a d 1040 after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to th claims of which the undersigned shall then have nottc- and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whoae claim he shall not then have notice dated at georgetown this iso day of february a d 1040 waller oliver moffat executor of the rstate of thomas wll lam kennedy by his solicitors dale and bennett georgetown oot for sale new sxhd 1 ion 158 truck msnakcii j ion sport badass 1 new trartor mill uaaahl usd 49 monarch sport sadaav 10000 mflaa 44 monarch satan with small muaaav uchcv baaua in lowly snapa 44 plymouth s4aa ilka naw 41 ford opara saat caup 30 doocic sadaa a food aarvtcaabia aar roro caaoh naw motor ahoetai ate 37 plymouth sadaa t0 39 carkv sadan asoo 34 ciiev sadan a 34 1xjko coach 360 t3 ii ymouth coach km repainted and overhauled i 3u modal a coachta we are willing to take any mood afiova tbucks is kokd 1anpl hso it rthi 1 i in 40 motor xsio ja chkv ion 1 used tractors and tr plowa jiep 1 manure hpreader set up ready to go 1 7 it muurr slightly used eaitlyis tori sales and shmck lhovh 3ut3 c amtbktj iuj oncajuo farnworth memorials maa at walsra ptiaaa cemetehy uttekna urn bd at oaaaataty 1 elm mrt h