ihuutday mahch ltth im the acton free press rxom rtrm jtdgttal uum uari pvevoy of erin spat th w4t with her sister ur and mr stewart russall ur ead uv harvey urkay and son f oah pat uw weknd with frisuu in town ur william dunbar of rotk- wood ght a day uat weak at th hem of ur utlvln bum ur and urv robt ulghm and mr o ututn at bruthws vtatted la iawb avar th wiafc wid ui- aavd ur o a dhta au lite ir fit vmiftj ut hmuv hu ur and un c proter ur s saow u patient in to ranie c2sural itospilal frund wta far idas epaady recovery ew and fjr k w avtaoa of oah wf th jwitu o ur tad ura- it t jotusmo est sunday ur and ura jack sasathurat sad jaraiu of toronto vulud wtta iviasuie la town owr tfc warftatti ura tom ur laughjin and eon of t tuswl visited with kr paranta ur and ufa duncan waldu m rtde will be glad to hur that ur reward allison returned hoaw from tcrontu general hospital n sunday ure edgar boucher of a barf oy la as b in town raring for hr brojr ur james ollmour who kaa to ul ur and ura u o ovsrhoit uarto aad uadelln of toronto v id tad oa sunday with ur ani urm r i johnston ur and ura hugh u held ura fiaa iandaborouxh ura uarvln lllulard and ura harold i crif fla attaadad th fuitaeaj of the late jaha ufkctuu at durham lut uaster victor roach wu rushed to toronto general hospital last saturday for an enwrfmicy oper ation ilia manv friends ere pleased to know he u doing as cll as ran be espected- mabuain auh bit not domucm to roany a roujarlfe looking for bargains in rtrraara coats horn rurnlahlngs to man a man look lag for a bargain in read lihr suiting the pet two weeks flod of clearance iae a dm in dally pap- era arma the cuntry lookrd prri tj tempting luil did thl nkan thi rvlatl hui lnaa aa hark to normal in jan uary aalaa 4ia4 invmukxwa p4 4 up to trw lenl thai tint clancr it thew ad mlghi ucjrl tor arumrc a the t inanrui istat la a quallft no tru thcrr la nor atock on hand han a yar aco vnoro prraiurr on wlilnu hut larrr la utt i or no dutrru lunj and in aom llnaa tkrr arc atlu ahortafrt the vojcfllxas argument whata wrons with our way ot 1rr arv qulnp a fr folka among ua who are rvady to aland up and answer they warft tome- thing different aoxnethlng on the patiem of ihmi of r uropr utghtnt it he tse to reflect on the voice leu anrummt that aeemt to reflect on thrir puni klnoe the war jut a little more than a quarter o a mill on i urtip- ana the vrr jetle ho were njeing th bcnrflt olcummun lam ox aurlaluon that our friends would like to aivmre for ua have i let tneae heneftta to itne to oan ada where the are n t a quarter u a million pepk pient quite an argument and more than half f them are frim atmiallzed lint am j uh httrii f ttttl of qutu2u kkv loom hntatw stfd partaam wr aiwut sunday uarcii xql imf tvim saiuuy in lmii 1 1 00 m th hour of v wonhjp huiulfty momljix oourm oa our prophtttr iurtu th wvmui m m nlury of lmal tloai 1130 ru 1a ooaatiab or th chlldra of lb sturrh our church jkhool n m at tv too pa tk kvaklu fewvtw esmciu win oa of worth th mu tfot woh xjouri a wloom ml any hour but mjcv wtmkmt h aaawimomi knox aohth sunday uarcii xha i 11 00 m imvta wonhlp u u p m sunday school t 06 pjndlvlna wonhlp thy that wail upon in lm shau ranw thtr atrmsth autttw f biirtlt aoton k ghaav b ouwh hlwiili mrnday uajuai juth iwj 10v am sunday school ii warn y air whattom 7 pm hpardl rlrrvto lok vlwwherw for announrmnt of nuallndlalarrh loth 17th rrldayll y il urrttng caoral lad thui wvak t alhw lttrrl f rt gig baa a aalar w o tart a ava sunday maiuii jlwh 1u4u int in inii am sunday school 1100 am holy communion re klnnera oaaa 7 oo p m horning lraer 1entrn service- each vbedneada at h pm a watoom a walla you alberta b two farm gruuim have amalgamated as the alberta farm rn union with a clause in the con dilution indorsing strike action do you know continued owr iaratiow jhc pail lhr yeon l mi ua erol thouaaad mile oulildr of ontario al thouoh i e enjoyed ourielrrs i ery much ur duf not see any idino it htch uhutd stand out any more than our local liohts for just a vu dollars vou and your friends can hire roy t taxi to take you cm m might see ino lour to such places om flora or the credit tories to see the rwll and canyons fergus to see the dam and the writer hlnuel mil admit that he has not yet srrn the cfli ri at rock wood our late model cart art drti m only by fully qualified dm in and ralrs are low call royt taxi phone 128 acton radkmuidei sernjck trucks to aid ok ijondon motoru7ts the automobile aociation of llntam is ukint rdioti rphon to iirv n pair- truck to iht avist anct of m toritt in tru london nr i rj at niitht this new teu phone matt rial peeu up i hi tinu takt n tu brtntv aid lu thou ui jjxicultj ou tne ruads th hrnn hit not bn mtrxminwl tu mp t utih tht r ic ff rl b iaran but it sup plcimnt uu b promdinn htlp sfii r n imiil uvirlan hoilr the tjutk d not deal t ithcr uith in- cidenlt or difficultui uhich arise hm th motorint w not irawlhngi vn the iv a lis constant communl- cation u maintained between as- 1 suktiatton trucks o that uu can be directed from one breakdown to tn other without an delay miss aixan rbg chthopow3t traala f aat alliaiata oar- rim ugkl aaaatahaal ara- af laataar ar aaaal aa ara- rarrad 27 arthub st guklph phom 1390j experts predict better poultry eatrotfeas are chemical com pound that give chicken th akin you love to touch the depth tm the utin u inrreaaed the aurface be coma smooth r and take on a creamy finish that make for more money at uur markat- reaeareh work in prugreaa during the last ihre years a uur poultry vision of the central auparlmaei ul farm ottawa indicate that th day la not too far distant whan poultry men and farmer by tk rarwul uae of 4raa will b abt to market betterflnuhad bird and at ua effort to tnaenaalva work at the louliry division ahow that the compound praduc altarauoa in uu chicken aktn thai reault in an opaque creamy finish and amooianatm not only doauu give a look of brlghlnaa and bloom to the carrass but it prtwnu the darker muscle whlrti detracts from the appearance of th bird from balng n uirough th kla thar are two imiivedlate benefit from tht amoolher flnuh ta apparent quality of the bird la 1m proved and this quality can be ob tained without suing through th roatly and tlmecunsumlng procea of feeding soft ml led feed to pout try in order lu put market finish on them although further research is re quired th aclenust faal that car- tain actrogena will b found to be satisfactory from the standpoint of improvement of carrass quality and at th same time can b incorpor- laled in ordinary dry ml wed feeds thi will make it very much aaaiar for poultry men and farmara to rroprrly finish their bird for mar krl all of the above applies to make bird particularly and tnay ctinstl tut the most important part of our market poultry 0 apom and fe male do not need to be fcmlnttrd und their response to rvtiogrn feed ing is negligible the first week of september ims showed employment at the hlgrumt point ever achieved in canadian history total number of employed persons waa 5 043000 unemploy ment was at its lowest ebb with a tntal of only 67 000 a floyd smith jeweler watthxh clocks jrwklxby 75 qubc mrrt wxt lhjh ont tallw adivtfakut ei ft ml una tkr a r k astra uaglk and lastlclfy irw mediumr file u ok ua tk first adlutlweat tail adku i aayliagihawdu 53 dont do this t tor 1 ite lnse eib haioitxil ravi ani alare llc intrd they wcnl uth the conplron nd at th same time keep annoying and harmful glare from your rye as i us about ton ute uensea there arw ur 1jj0 branches ui vh vu lunar order of nurses in canada they arc distributed through every province with the exception at prince edward island juich canadian facts cecil a carr savaga optieal tdaaglas st tal im oat you never find stockings long enough or short enough ihmma th tihtwrl gotham ooid stripe adjustables afwnbiy fag lacaaaaa fwaiaumuuma 150 pak pallants clothing store jtfk elsie kin read wu the surprise of the week when she rolled 150 to win the ladles high single from joyce uasale who had 33 uoreen hurren rolled 314 vm and m to win th ladua high trial with too owen uasale won the uen jdh suaale wllb 144 cww w vr- ey rollad a single gam of 333 fol lowad by tom elliott with sot uont root won the man high triple bowtag for on of fore team in th industrial leagu rii day night with 370 37 and 3h for a loul of 45- urm coon varey w rloaa to th ladle high triple with 144 331 and 344 for a total of q th wool combing league had to play on iuturday afternoon du tu shift wotk at the plant two of the team were eliminated from the playoffs last saturday and it lv ea llw combrni meeting th clliters and th topper meeting th f lshera to see who are the plant champions there oufht to be soma kren competition in this round anu tirkt winot roattaob oqart a noon ntln yaara ajo am catuiui day 1mb laapatul pwiypwhw tntroduoad batwaaft fmaaa asi brttala traawoa aay that tk day u rtinionh apor ca tha momant a uaraliar ay that whaa tha p ol llrttaln tfca ouka of norfolk told quaan vlotorta that panny poatata waa to ha iw wttii afla aha atkad on what day it waa to nni into fore w thoncht of tha imnoaa uruulay- rapuad tha duka rafarrlnf to th imnoa of wabm who waa born on novambar uh and what prtno aikad tha quaan in har lolaat tonaa t duk waa aquat to th a th prtnca of paaoa oa chrlat- maa day h rapuad thtu th aaw rata baram offactlva oa daoamhar the simple tali- of you by joseph liter itulledftr ould wr supmke for the ikf of an arituinrnt that you are a small storrke per ym wrn nl nl ways that you urm oner a man with an i lea to make it com true von wint without a lot pj thinm ou minht have i njoil while thi ft lluwv who didn t do without lh m rnjivil thcni so tvnc day vou hjad the mom for the tore thai ou hud dn imtd about a long nut after a whllr you found that what wilh savutc and the worrvlntt and the planninc ou wrrnt quite as equal to th work as you had be n pi r ha pa th business had grown too big for one man ati w av so ou got in a couple of bright boys to run the store you wire glad to find jobs for thi m and ou took a bit of pride in taring able to pay them mure as they learned more hut there i a differenc between them and you it waxn t tht ir momy thai was sunk in the bus ness they spent iheir money as they went and once the store was ittcked up for the night they went about their own affairs and forgot about it until next morning flut ou didnt you still had to plan way to make it more profitable uu had to renumber that you still owed money and had to be sue to have tt you had tqkeep abrratt too of w hat was doing in the buu mvt irt one dn you should wake up to find qurrlf lrft behind in the race now whit w wiuld hkr to isk alt w ho hav e follow ck us o far i thin do u think that b caiim th cltrk d m st or all of th hvmcal work thi hould hi ill thi earnings of the buvim s would ou think that thi mmlunl who ttkik tht chann and sank hu mon in th tnimtn atul w ho pi mm d and d nam id and fought for ft should etx nothink of cour vou uouldnt hut how imuh should h ltt woild vou think if f r vr siw h i aid hia ilitu h j himvlf 10 would tht 1m too i luh fi r hi inn i busint vs an 1 thmkin f r it ml pnltitmg if j im im n tllar ul t f fift n is il it t u k i hir til t urs u di n t th iirv- n w t t w h i ithtut whin thi f ur s t t tk i and thi fru mi v wmr i morv dutarit for m i it th t i ju t what rupih n d and ni ihintf u la l ihj nal i n an i k thit win paid to 1 1 ii d i i thi iti ri ikrks total i vi just sb rt of ft v billu ns thi tola aiwiu nd tlu hit that mu recouni d thi owmr should hat out of what hi had crtatid r ichtd 40lt milions hup mu nin but rummbtr mu oiiiut sav that about tht torekitp tr dividt it out for ountlvijt 1 m tust a httlt 1 ss thn t out f our rich uncle fly joseph lister rutted pe th hardest thing for anymve to realile is that there are no ben- flt witlimit costs we ve cum to think of government as a rvch unci w ho can be touched furlheve bene fits whrtwver wr happen to think of them if someone argue thai government have no iiaoney of their own we merely change th point of attack uayb not w say but they can gel money by using th rich but th rtrh ar lust a ao4 of xl tick uud idea uayb our tky wr fairly rick thaa unci but that was in th daya when w all kept what w rarnad or received and whan w war con ten i lu look after our own security our own babi and oui own old age evaryon had la dpednt ida a then th rich got mr her and we ajl did fairly wait hut 11 us take a current look at these rich folk from whom th government la lo rollecl for all the au lal securities w think up b tause af our curious belief thai w get them jor free lt laclud among the rich everyone with an incom up to 10000 thar were just 30 43 of them in all anad in 194a and they had a combined in unir of 3ag millions averaged down that made them 11000 a ye men ho i that isnt quite tru either for of the tud million thy guvernment has already taken 133 million in income 1st so one thing become quite p parent- tf you look from these so called wtalthy persons every cent they have left and let them starve or migrate youpsl wouldn l have enough to pay the baby bonus alone not even for on year and dear know wh re you d find th money for ii th aeeond year h if you niut fui being provided with so many tecuritlea you once pro vlded for yourself you 11 have tu ik your own rich unci now w hat are your resourn s the figures say thai aler you tud laid your lasea in 1047 you had sb cents lrft out of every dollar ou earne every time you want more of something for nothing it means more taxes lut also every lime xou distribute imiius n nicy the amount of money in clrculat on is incrramil but there are no nwi komi- 1 ou want your share an i try lu ml il thai demand aands pruea up so even the security mhi v provide im i enough that the vii in i t m it you n in just suptom that unload of di mahding so in urn you asked and wiuntl lowi r last t u might iwn ke p u0 tenti out ot your dol lur instiad f m ctiiu then a an uvrr ig workir lurtung the avi r hi wajp of ull workiii i canada iu w tulit r tain out ot yttii jtr lv earnings m0 mon than ion do tum look i nourhl lo look aflrr quite a tut of xrcurttv wlthihit m ndini tru t a ftoarm and that it m- n to us is a belter rich uncle than any othi lui an liki ly to dt over a new hkkvice repairs alt era ions wa ay how prepared to handle- all etetmaw bepab aud ajuaatlona vou hay drpeno on hulfttl ajml car fui wortaaaneup en all your rtatklnf la need tl raitejra w allnauooa yk vnintrt ami tvmiktcailll rtckup deuvkatv ihone 271 vanwyck cleaners wfc tlimil ifca aual hi wy t i i ibapttbt ffllitrrl artfltt ontario sunday march 20anl 27 ut 7 pm week niilth mabch 21 b b pm ukv chah il jowkjj paabtr will haeak eadi nlhl come see a nnr tltayil araah hymnh in color halkvi aruolnuir an la tavl kr h u mlkth a claliiln lamilind beloved hymn portrayed in iatiel sunday ujuull jhh 7 un h two lllihwya- uoni1ay uaitcii jlt h pm how nr la ud mmimiav maikii zina h pm if a mu ikn th llmt ii an will ii ttut 10 llmrvnf wfhlnlridav uaiu ii jjrd h pm u oivrruiai nrrauiir llltrilsiuy maiu ii ich h pm ii o11u1 maal to uar- rhiiav uaiicii jmh irm th ullmit -irttlan- siinday alaltcai j7ii 7 pm iuaanln with h nomial uiuu luaa mrl baoh nlaat hurrlat g rflv acton twlc nuhuy 7 frm 9 pnu saluraiya 2 poa now ihaylnjr pkrsonai column on out hufw f hosanns spring fashion show 1111 day a saturday march lbtfc lmli hi lui an liki i i lot an ion iiivth lo i llminate all shine or marks fnm the iron press ties between two pilosis of heavy wrapping paper your irnttur it shoes or travn lllng na may be kept soft by rubbing with a cloth dtpifd in castor oil or liquid wax pre limp looking hat veils belween two pieces of wax paper with at hot iron to make them limik sharp nnd crisp lo prevmt coloured cotton fabi rli s from fading soak in strong salt water ovomlht to t th rol i ur clolhea dampen more qulckry when sptlnkliil with warm water instead of cold u orjjb larneflt kte in opcns a new centre for the study of ee troubua ha just been onend in i on don it has been formed bv th amalgamatlnn of the medical khoola of three hoipltala and la the larceat institute in the world stukv lallzlnc in optical diseases qual ifled students will come to this hos pital from all over the world for training tn opthalmlc medicine and surgery it is known as the instl- tuti of opthalnolojry and offers a wider scim for teaching and r- vearrh hitherto imposaibl it fornfa one of the federated in stitutes f the british postgraduate medical federation of london un iversity imp 15 or he 10 out of ivirv s150 tht eurks win paid ri mem ber rorot oies doors ffctrunlu op r it 1 r ibot d nir p n r unlocks iraki ln i p ns thm and tunis on mi lights nd lirici lipht whl i i rat r sit ir t ir r pt rts thu fm ni i il pivsi n thi r butt n m kri or inside h u t is md i nks t iram lt f and turn off liwht fi ctiu c nl undir car radiates magntltsm to mi rcurv switch br- iisd und r dnviwiv tu op n doors makin claim afi t fi atur i lim- inatcsporsibtlttvof mjurv of pets t umhc near door rmqny quinn later u lultbni utt maw taw ami ijftruilli monday a tuesday march 2ui 22aa flchtlhg i fathf j donne ttafttaf ukdnksdiy till rsday marc ii j3rd 210l on our star wednmaijr only kvrbweij terformwcrr skvkcii for tvlevr show dot rs optn l p m show starts t v p m cnmr emit and vow ihwappnintnianl comir fort apache