Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 31, 1949, p. 7

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ttmmfiday mafcch silt ims the acton free press ptnaaanm robl h haeiiftoo optomrwisi or cuelph win be at dr g a srrs office wtsdjir aran it um r-m- cxmoct gmaairr whan you link into th daap upholstery of your bus toot ii reminds you el thai favoril thair al hem th easily od- iutlabl back rjiv you oxfnriiw of nrwroi rit- ful potiliont ptonty of 10 room and individual raodino liahlt complct th picture of osy chair aast fare are uw ottawa 1240 toronto 175 qiteiiec 2290 north uay 1275 quebec 2293 round trip tax included subject to change 1 hmioid wits htomt u will fanners reshape hifitory in briuun airunra france can ada and many other lands a rising tide of farmers is becoming fired with con v if t ion and pauion in the selfless service uf mankind brllrv ing that in to doing they can unite th nations and rvshap history this is the story of billy wakr a fsaskatcaec wan drnur who rrcenuy blirtaal lata atoaaal hal a bmatllllliri i organization in geneva hi said in part when j went from eftgund to farm in canada j5 years ago i went to make uoooo 1 dldnt car fur th land i dldn t think uf iu fur pose uthrr than its ability to give nit- what i wu after th kind of farming that resulted from this attitude was hard on lh- soil when lh drought and lh winds rani it blrw away and so did my hope uf 130 000 as a result i became bitter blamed uthrr classes uf society and was a dlvslve influence in my com in unity it was at this timr when i had no monry or fun no visum fur th future and was full of frustration and mural defeat that i mat paopla who confronted me with four aim pi standards by which to maaaure my uf as i compared my ufa with th absolute standard of hon mty purity unselfishness and love 1 began to see how far 1 had gotttn from my true destiny u a farmer i decided to be different and this decision revolutionised my llv ing i saw with my brothers that we owed restitution to the land for the way we had farmed wr went short of clothing during the very jtard tlmea to buy frrtllxlng marh inary we went in fur raisins cat tle and pigs besides wheat though it meant harder work we rotated our crops with grass because it was better for the land and because we saw that wr could not only feed the people of this generation but pass on the land in a condition capable of feeding future g rite rations j burlington at th r gular mn tia of the clumber uf cumnu rv hrld ttt the klumuwt on thursday rwiung lat a dicuiun took place on itu rum uig postal drlivery for hurlingtun and the secretary was instructed to write the post office d part men t inviting lh m to confer u ilh the c ha mb r trie matter of null de- tor i cross appeal this month cuntrib ullons in greater number th any time sinri the war days continue to be received the total as uf tue day morning is 2722 00 it is now ahead of last yur on the day and bidding well to hit th 13 000 park by week end proof of the public need and desire for an artificial ur arena and ilurllngton district urcrralionai centre is amply shown in the sup port the proect la already receiving from residents of nrison cast rttmuiro and ilurllngton a little mure than an idea a frw weeks ago the building uf a district hecrr atluiul clntrr has already ad vane d to the campaign planning stage and at a meeting hrld in the leluns club hall on friday evening last tentative date for the campaign were set as april 15th to may isth carrtlr lut quaujtea auction sale bo dual stomn cuvria tkmkt toatvoat ooal- hine mill link of tstaotoit amd yi paintir pete axhcn you paint wuh satiny washable bh freslonctie you paint with ease one coai coers walls and ceiling dries in a few hours j b mackenzie and son rvkmvoc nfoatt- cowrt hatunrjut rat l hofil the undrlgnad have received inatructloaa from len w1chjiah t sell by public auction at qun home farm lx b con 3 nds twp or ntlaon viiuut of 1ow vllle on haitturay aful j conmi nrlng at 1230 o clock follnwlng xws and young cattt e 3 heg itoan shorthorn cows fresh nut bred 2 iteg lied shorthorn cows due sale time 1 grade short horn cow due time of sale 2 hrg lied shorthorn cows close spring ers 1 itrg itoan shorthorn cow fresh 4 weeks 3 reg itoan short horn t owl pasture bred 1 iteg flnan shorthorn cow due in may 2 hea ked shorthorn hrtfers ri ing 2 years not bred 1 gradr shorthorn heifer 3 yrs old 2 iteg shorthorn heifers 1 year old 4 heifers 10 months old s hull cal is 10 months old this is an rxtra food herd of dual purpose attl ilutrher strer about dv lbs hogs and hkns 2 york sow due may 12 1 york sow with llttrr 4 wri k oll 10 york x hunks about iv lbs 2ft heavy hrns daiity fqu1pmfnt mi sffo cockshutt ondr milking ninth inr with 2 units plptnu and h p tnotnr drlnvat cmnn serjamtm- w ith mt tor pnllk stralnt rs r tr 0 itag sweet clover scd no nf iluhin of timoth s4d quantity of hod clover sed thactoit nnd fow eh fq1mp mfnt hkvhutt no 70 tractor on rubtw r with tower take ff lilhtn nnd rfjidd tin allir hil mers rumlnnr modi i corkshutt 1 furnm phiw snra motor spriv er with powir tv rf cocknhutt run hind r 10 ijmd pirker drik cultkators mm tractor dist oil llnrrru hnydrivi helt oil piimp fmery 1iohsf dhawn impifmfnts mil drun hinder 7 ft mcd mower t lhhull manuro spread ir grim hind r cockshutt hav lewder imp head ktibher tired wagon dump hake one man flnt hay hack iff ft m ii grain drill it hoe hav nak wheel cultivat or inthrow disc walking plow scufflcr set of harrows hoot pulper vfence stretcher flench vts fxt nion ladder stoneboat erni1 apple ladders wanon hox s t of ifeay iireechlng har- nru odl collars 2 hay forks draw hope forks hoes chains ttam etc this i an extra good of firing with n large portion of the implement almost new term cmh settlement with ch rk dav of sale no hrere as the proprietor is giving up farming ihndliv 4 flliott aucttonors i ph tlivkwihul lir or 17j milton f- headhead clerk h wlven ontario farm ople met in torofhj re4 rtlly for ihe llrsl annual me ling of the farmers insurance information association m y roll superlnlrndti of t aim farm liureau insurance mil pan lea t ulumbui ohio was a tsllor ventre atxivr mr r lott u ten chatting with j hioditfk left si adtarlnr vice prrkldent of lite ontario reiteration o agrl ulture arid m j llrow n right norv il who was rlecfed vio piestdenl ol lite amxlatlon erin while william egan uf lloltun w aa on an emergency ambulance call early saturday morning thirvrs bntke into mi itruthrrs hardware store and funeral parlours and ttolr a safe containing approaiinatrly 92000 in cheofles cash and war havings certificates and a truck gordon hurren 7 year old son of ur and mrs harry hurrm suffer ed a broken collar bone cuts and bruises whrn he ran in front of a var drlvvn by win crisp uf alton on the muin street h re last sat urday aft nioon mr and mrs ihincan mrlarrn observed the forty ninth aiuuver ary of their wedding at their hiiim lun on sunday mairh 20th wmn all th mrinix rs of th family mil at thi featlvi board atii ocair georgetown oiiik il mt thi tax ral ut 64 mills ian incrraw of 4 mitts nir vmh paymt nl will b made in three instalmi nts due mav i july 10 and september 10 georgt loulh fr many v an un iiiiiilomi of llu piovuttidl pan r lowtr mill w hit h t losed last all uft on suiula tor mill rm hi v h r h will wink in tin provnc i il pdm r planr then a hirthdwv mim r md ilmu in irkitl tht 2ui unniv i rjr of iht iih 1 1 1 bi uuh w hi n in iiiim r- t in lh tint rooms liit hi d tin i vi nun w- it irrnn l t v t aoinmitiih of the txecutur in t hiding pn id nl dav id how man onion o hrown willi un itt iu v altx tivtor v lifford hilu and h u i iini with th i idic uf tht auxiltirj c turing ft r mipp r on s ilurt iv mirth uth at km pn sbv it ri in hurrh m him lit v ali j v ihh r i ft4li tttl nl tht niiiiiil if m ii ion ituilli parki r d nifcht r of ir mar t tde in of oi uii villi md lh latt mr pit ki r and uiunnn lmil t andri w majun v mn of mr and mrs irtor mitjuia v at goortm lown jfemld oakvilij t m lair utw wu i u i ij tt pniident of ihe oak ville uolaiv c iuij mimiday rveniiig wht n iht rl th lield it annual rlcttimi he follows max 1ggall alex til it ail leted vire prt ftldriit and llert hardwlck ihinlur heddlr ii g mtkillop fir uce itont and mai colm smith were named directors the new officers take office in july ipwn count 1 1 jtaid tributt on monday night to inure than 22 yt irt dihlltiguishitl triviii devoted to niuninpal affairs by v hlllim i and presented ihe foiniey srks board meiituer ethini llltir reeve mayor and rount wartlin with ui ngravel mlvrr tray limbing up drain piiwa agile but k la r entt red three oak villi hotne earlv montlav evuilntc twilt a kin dl amount of ravh hut pawtl up a ipiaiitllv of j wt iry three talh fntm hooseholdi rs n ntimj th brisk ins win retiivttl b oakville inilict within a 15 minul m notl krrurd star j milton msl vi rv htruiti w ville irl tn i ii it n hi adheatl wil ii riulhnl 111 u illiild i m ii limrs s lh sot 1 s am t ui iaist rrttajuw hamk fin rd mlcnt paint und coating thlts noiiotoxic ih result of 12 iari nstarch luu s the financial post punt is said ta to handli can be applied dtrrctlv mm tirigi nal container b brush or spra lun tists show th tt punt m etatts no hiiioki tr toxic gasi s when attacked b fin when un piuitttl lumlw r in tnaled with pro dutt wthk1 trutiarvilhstand a 000 dt t r blow torch ftr 30 minuti h without nnv flanu spri ad at a nitittni of thi trifalcr shj an i hoard in moikihv mnth 1st thi mini it in in tin hoard i ikinili u is tht a n pt iiirt tl t nth is fir tht oiistnittii n of n nlditi n to i nhiook k ih 1 inr lui inn tiifal- township i v m s rs turti n mi r v ms tin tt ni ut for tt n iruitmn w i- aw irdctl ti thi llnnnin oiilrnl mi mpinv nt i cost f 4h oil tin pluinhinic hi dint and vt nt il dint tv to u d ni bv t patti rv n it tost of n ll tin ilttnt 1 woik at mi additional cost of hum ix to le dom b hra fltclric mak int a tot il or a3 ififl it h rxpecti d thi work on the m w vlructurr will start shortly mr and mrs i w wriggh s worth wen honoured at a party given bv their family at the home of mr and mm horace m barnes georgetown on saturday night march 10th tin ihe occasion of their thirl it th wedding anniversary curuiditiii ham j ion i rid h i lu ml ii t s jd a mont i rujrs lk hlahi st in acton ontario cnr derailment lst week for better prices wlien selling ptjultrt cjiii us collect vny time no flock too large halt on poultry products phone milton lw nalthar pauaniwn or train craw waralnjurtd whail a train- en th lumlltanauandale unt left the trarlu near trm cqh the train including a hanaa ear mall car and coach is ahown iwr ri- ll lor up s00 yards of track cnjl omculs vwra ol u opinion that tha trabtwai arallad alther by the swaylnc ol the coache ta rounding a curve or by uft spots in th road bed 1 picture by rourteev o hamilton spectator salada orange pe let us show you this compact mmim refritjtroior- utu up r 50 fh4r ftvvcj in tht tarn khdtwt aci now you con hava that btq rafrigarator youv olways wanted this completely naw datign givat about two cubic feat of afro food tpoca without ony incraota in kltchan pace mora tpoca for varyfhina sa tha naw frtgidoire rafngarators now motml fcu7 mi2rnm shm 1uvh ibw satr v uu- i i at 144 has all thmtm fmatvft and many olriert ohhsvu i tk lavs latf r mst aaaa 1 manning electric mil i ktnrrt attiin oni fatsr mailing m y you get aii ik m u milking you lerp milk production aiea oiroughout ucullob urn re two rwuir coop lnixeral fratnres that make markia anilking faslrr timplrr caxthouiusutioels palrat ad off nitltr apnuagi do swsy wilk aat u but rsni rireptuae urft aiir eceeaimodeles llev el bhun u wl u ksfd mlvn caua4qu ctaw aneallaeasv daaunwd it pkuw kaaner aulldag artum wkfffv it u aii e tae kasner auliuguvurtaranaa h law aurufe taidi auluag a pimniilily ike i hus prstsctsd lew vscsssi ccop uvi uaw milk last aad eoaaauy oa only 10 to ii lache ol vacuum aontrolud aad protected ay a swlgal type rnf valve aaj a mtryolusaa vanrasa aav w too than it a c04p ualvetasl mukar u beat tt a a all jvs fit luilaimulilmliiirle oarjyirebai4ulyraacaor flaivaeeal dmalaa tjejus eamjsuefcae al milking maruaasi suadatjcaatlaaeaiakam sfcatt yt usw haw aad ttafc i tyya rartaue muhata i v milton district cooperative

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