Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 31, 1949, p. 8

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the acton pftee press thuiutoay march hat mill i al imt miun at mrte te thie to a h fcon jtimchur ud llr io u jona are happy to annoumv the birth of cuuehler on hunday uarh nth lk a slater lor mylvta ilob itulh and lele j glljhonh- ow ami un itbfaoiu r happy miuuntv 4 k birth td a fbiutfhtvr on mm- day marcei usi at tueiph ten aral lloaipual mother aiut baby flm wwnsknl- ur and mr txmjg iwnwnd of t eeorge iwn ar- happy to iitiuium the birth ot lhelr daugttter al the nursing ttome man uhh hhu roud grwrv4parenia ur ami mm apple yard mother and lushe do an wall aijhnky al vwirouwr at n wednesday march 33rd imo hubert j ourney husband of ihe lata jean fyfe and formerly of acton f liruuucln llamlluav on hat unur marth mlh ifri alfred j mi mullen in his mlh year be loved brother of albert mtuul un bower ave ralph at ouetph oener1 ttoa pltal nn friday march mth ims a if william hatnh formerly or lalinaton ton ni william and ihe lata harriet ralph brother or kd- lib daisy and 1 virol hy fird and hrrt in hu smb year in hrmok1am dorlliein loving irrnurv of hi dear wife ami mother hu paa i away april ul ims ntitl m iiui ther in our garden of wr meet evrry day fiver rvniemb nil liv huahand ant daughter agnes fiiancis in loving mrmnrv vf imr d ar sialrr ft lorenrr camp brll i raiw la w ho poaaed away april 7th 147 we tnlaa hi r whin wr nerd a frtrtui on her ufgujm rmld dernd ftvr rath of ua did hi r im at ood giant hi r nn i telnal it at ann ir1 will caluih ok tit as km w ivh ik t ur aim rv ilil iuu iulu fr i iti irlu r an ftuit mitt him during hu illn th v win k mi p prh latid th uinil if lh litr alf kahdi lh to thank all th f m nd foi thnr thoufchlfuliu m und kiiut x priaituia of wtnith dining tin n aail b n at mint mrs morgan hook uitho to expn t hir itcit iihtm ilmnkv to hrr frirncta ho at lit i sprraaloni of aynxoathv during h r rtwnl ik mwnnnl in thr itwa of a diar nmilnrr jitarph hi mlermtn moultl llkr to thank fnrmla and nrlghbora fur thi aunwnu rarda and vulu and othrr klndnpaafa ahowrv hhn dtirlng itu rcrnt illnr in hocnttal thrar kind nu a ill imivi r n mrm bfrrd roukjtt j ourney tim nwi rvacfird acton last werk of thr daattvof hobrrt j lurnry a furmrr rraldvnt of thta lown in vanctmjvpr it c on wl nday uarth i3rd ur ourny waa th v n of the lalv mr and mra william oumcy wd aprnt hla youth iwrv at one tunc he in tktvtratneutihrurv wit hu brothar albart uur hr wi nt to viuuthirr wtwn hm tut rtildrd all ire only last aumnyrr lw laltrd again hla boy hood iotnmunity ilia vklfi who prrdfiaa d him a f i w yriri a u waa miaa ji dil ryfr alan a natlvr of aiuh otis aun lyi- utut a dautthtar margarrt aurvlve him in vaiuuuv r aim aurvlvlng art two brother alurrt k of sarnla william ii of wlngham and five aialra mrs y aurrnre high hlvrr alta mra h 1allr of kftrfcurr mra t w iturff t of wlrfltm mra w hob inaon of smdulc and mra w kirby of rjhutvltlr mr w 11 uuriwy uf wuigavajii wntl via ulaitw to vanouvrr to all ml hl hndhi t funrral aly uaijmi sudhn tkn ill whil at hla woik alf haloh paaaad oti rndav ll at h uluh m rul lloapital in cuilph aft i h ing tin 1 1 for a fr day a j n hi foit iiiiilh y ar alf italph waa lw uii of uilhain and ihi uli llairt i lulpli of n lington and had urn an intitloyir of llcurdinon and co for xviil jiura li mdra ht falhtr in imvti ihm alhin flith dalav uml loro ihv mild imo hiolhria ritt mil itouk id waa will known in lhi torn inuiun uhi h ima ritd no loii mid wm a ulrl giuhl fi i nl of niin th u is an nrdi ni liun howl i nut ml iklcd iii lh ivh i mmii- ht u i i m mix r i f lli i m ii riil ot i lh ym 1 a ml jlll 1 knox il s i i i in rtni h i i i in i of fn ihii i h n m in i i mourn hia lwx in i join hi fumil nimiun kmiiiith iii funiulon liimln hn fiotn th it it id ml i- uiu t ii n mux iukii uuiil1 unit u uui of uhlful fln d tllhlt li ur ttimon of k ii ril a l m th mimu ua in thjn of li 1 r it it ii arm lioiifc int rnifnt w un in si ii linnt i lallntctuii 1 uv iwiiiin an rn wi i miun j m igh ton kd rhvtitt j rir itogn avahtxin k mmikuwli and j mor ton acton club ahjvitim th rurt of tha nominal in if committer waa rclvd at the u thirty marling f a clan rotary club ilallotfhg will ukr nlatrr at a latar mrrtlng for rlerllim of tha arata pf wjiatty fai nmtlti rlnha hair projart ur w j urlrod lid his mm wric palnlina tha rhalra for tha club to balp in thu arrvtce work and it waa aapartpd that tha first thirty would ba ritady for dallvary in two waalts it waa dacldad that flrat uu of tha t halra would ba urfrrad in arton mnd if any of tha fifty wr not dla- mkail of lmally orjrn would tw takrn for del i vary in othrr mm- muiihlra malarial u now raady fir rmnplrting thr rnnalnlng r halra and grtiupa wrrr urgrd to br on hanit at thr workahop on rrgiilar lilghla to flnlah ttw project scintaiy jak ruyaion minted to mior atl mlaiu v rr tinla and i plan ua mad to ha impiove- i in nl in alii ridau e at ri golar inert- our spiritual risons oood trtday two wcrka from tomorro april fool i day to morrow ur be carrtul the road machinrry ran grt an early start this yrar rollrr akattng by aomr of ihr uwal chllorrn is snothrr mraarngrr of spruuj to all appearances the mow ahovrls ran be stored away for an othrr winter itlcyclra atorrd aw a for tha summer are gradually bcuxg put back into uar eastrr fashions are being dis played by local merchants in our columns weekly chlf engineers are b ginning to plan final touches on actons new seoul home the arrtal of dirkmss la con sidk rbly later mm as th piraatul days are lengthening local at nor u arr gradually dr- tna up after the almost complete disappearance of the anow no doubt spring houseclramng u ui lis usual artoua atagea a very important harbrmger of the coming sprtng at euchre and bkidtie held in ymca r on tuwttj evynrnk march 90th lh uakrud ouplrr lodt hld a euchrv and bridge u ue acton ilck the rurhr prura fevrr awarded lr ura b damdaon ladwa it ura a joqu ladma ind mr a lelshman mens lit and ur stan matthew mena 3nd fhe bridie pruea were awarded to ura clay ton lada ut ura j jany laalea sndralr a b mclean men a lat and ur il arbic uen a 2nd the ojeky door prize was won by ur frank terry with the lucky number sty lunch was served by the dont 1 late phone 128 lkarim auction slk l tgt imm ixnvnsiiii reg and aeerrhlltsbd dual lirpoae mtnrlfcania trmr4r band kami implenteaita lloraea llaga ctr lhr 11 nder algnisl havr rechtc1 trurtrthtions rrom j rkrnarh miukr to sell h luh4lc audi m at mill haven rm iot con 7 ra queslnr situated on the 7th ijrur i mile south of llatlnafad and 1 mile north of no 7 highway on tvfjujay april itth commencing at w o clock the following lloksrls amt iiakms ilei- gian koan mare rising 4 ra clyde ieldlng rtaing s yn carnage and kaddle mare gra u r net f hack hand hnrnesa set of ltrerci- ingi cow hajtrra oollara undies it ankrta ktc set of mnule liar arms ikx 4 kat hotr if not pre- loualy sold 11 llitf tamwnrth chtanka orkkw duo in june kakm imiikmivin jnrd i tractor on ruhher good as ner kord ilr and imow llmdraulli j i j ft hone lrawn implements mh hinder 7 ft cut nearl new y ft vv mouer ft cut mh 1- tt iximp hake mocormlck fertiliser itrtll 11 sivut jiertion drag cul tivator scufller 4 section liar low knnnlng mill three prum i siel holler covkahutt u row corn i cwltuator platform sua ira ha hack lumber u agon 30 rt k tenslon ladder miwp slelffhs tet ter shipping crate pulner and the usual line of small karm tols and kuuinmrnt found at a clearing 1 lirm sale iallain hay llmhkk mo hua deader oats suitable for eel vlo hua mlvd lraln jo tons mix ed hay j5 cedar vats a quant ity of lumber rlthnmikk kxtriuton table oreasers beds cpboarda yc uallmle crm frvparator- wth motor milk palls hac shokttlokns 25 haad of reg and accredited dual purpoae short horna this choice herd of shoruvoma la the result of years of careful select ton and breeding ivary animal offered with the ex- oeptlon of the herd bull was raised at mill haven karm tha herd sire north y and uevln waa bred bv ceo jaclcson a son dohavlaw thare are 10 mature cow with r o j records or on last 4 brad hslfers j yearling heifers 1 halfer calf and 5 bulls sjp to servlceabk ag catajoguea mailed on request apply to j bernard mluer k k x geortown ont terms cash settlement with cvrk on day of sal no chauaa to ba rwoved till sattled far no raatrv u tha farm u sold lunch countar fallow the slns 5 mil west of geortown s mtlaa eatt of acton meat us at m1u haven tuesday april uth hlndlay elliott adcuanarsj ph 19r3 iwkwood or 1t7j milton fred baptle clerk- 432b 111 iimllollf ii i foilgtll m mill ntl fm fil ui inlmjly firu itini whul fndoin in or what 11 lau t it la not fit lolll lo live u it hlu lh nirttw imuiiu th kiniiiiiiii 1- for un or ihnl wi ail fur niiiailtis rnd in ii a v ly i i hitlvt i nn a ruhn u wi liuve 1ldil th it it t out hlilhilitht vs ih 111 u lifvini il hv lh n i ll f ui it uu lu in t ml iim in v ril v ul i i in i ih fi 11111 of of i lh ft t in th 1 i ii i 1 ml i iv ur i wi t i oi i iv in lh until o i sin i ji ft 1 in lo vt ilk ii i it u tin on flil v itwn i iii ui u ilt i i wit i i- ii v im fliit un in shu lh it wolll mtjlivt lh ilfllt iii in wi vii h m hut in pli w iiwiv u ft in f lh apli it ul itsinl th it u mik for oiiim iv 11111 th 1 in s ml timl u put of utl h intt i iiflita of i or world huhhl um kmim nldutii ih akm lu ni w york sviiukmhu hudv t hit to aa this yrnr tlmu may wll ih omt a y ar of d ktiny if only th h ad ra of our gov nirrn nta and th hiipl l hi ma ivra rmuiu ipute th ma k n ftuni th in ntul and aplnlual prtaona in w hu h moat moi1 it v 4 tmtav to this i nd hi ait down hi own five inlduina as a ualunt- for our proimiii of dally living con sider lh m frrrdotn from unwar- i anted mi -sim- ion f n ednm from grmindl vj worry fn fdont from hast li aa ear freilon from mil lx mim rxtition and freelom from aiu- pid prejudice kitchener upholstery ii doeunt sutur kaw bejcuy vwr hwurileu or cheif in worn we tfut auk utee touk like new 3 lie atevuphobiar- dfuhlwii w00 1 wcclta free pickui and dlilivihy illonk 103 acton court of revision supplemental aameamntent a 2 i he muni i pal cnintll nf the yl littfc of ailon will meet aa a court of haiaion in tu council chamber acton cmt on lieada thr nineteenth oav of april hmo at 7 kl o clock all persons having appeals against the supplemental aaariament no for the said vil lage for the ear iimi o notlr which were daled march hh iimi will take notice ami govern thetn- aeties rcrdlngl v notice of all appeals mum he re- celvod by m on or before 1 he flx- teenth day of april lmj haled thu hh a of march lmk l j mrtkachir ti j clerk a floyd smith jeweler watciixs clocks janvrixkv 73 quebec street wast guelph ont radio service gaaranlmd bfaiin to an hakca anal manning electric pbonssjw cash for used clothing we will pay la for mm woamiii 1iluraa and luloa- tiaj ctoutin ua head drraim hllrta hlauaaa fku autuxlts aud hlaei nulla nwasuera mens auul lotiets 1 flier hulta u oiiieaeajul masif taj oveeala l na wtalee aaau pleaae 4ud hull wata neeit ttaa uj treuaera hkaea puraaa hahua aswi auiaaa 4 lot w ii f ur py from 11 u m for mma kulla ur iav kaih ahh iuii kj4 salufartliwi uarantd or ktthlnjr khuntm lrepaid tfcitffurr ihsrr rastaal ba any espaaae latahad ta lav sajular ihkfutiovh for hjiiffinu i u eafi and li aeeurrly la rrrualad baa papar ar sark x mak r sur your return adder i wrtttra rlrariy tua will brtp ajrd our naah riilltanr t you 1 ikonr ihr rspraaa riiipsuiy ttwy wll plrk up tsw aiarr rhandlar at your door if your aitljmnrnt la uirr im iba plruar ship by frrlgbl or tronatort 4 ha nut w any munry far aiilpujiis toll tke driver you ar ahlmlng thr fiarorl rullt aiul ur will iay thr altlppi rhargra at tafia ami mini i aiu rlm tt the greb trading co i r n 1 ht nleluliu rl teronu lutlarlu the classified section boy sell exchange wanted etc advertisements under this haading ttv cash with ordaf up to j5 worda additional words c per wnrd if rasii does not ar ciunpaay i lie auiwrtia innd miaimum hsrga fioc and c pur word additutnal for rarh word over a5 hubaaijuant insarlkuts j ktlh haik aalr itutir 41 ttm artnfi v a lirv 1 for lltll johllmm kttat haub flhaiiis ftilt sai i- waatmar aala n lh u i law vi hi uaijc hla arinl eoel felr m like new iruajsiialil mia iihilue tlalltia qtiri ii slirit lmhi sal llan fjw me iu rinr fartory samplii apply jjnmi llajdavaua- kll saik ale 12 ll u iiaat diraa aie 14 ijmmi lllotf nylim li mlt 4ai ileal i y hjrlit w barter tr halanrr nf paruint apply syiiioii luritavair kilt sajj idlii no nla if liu a long leiin li mlllilli a w irr ut for yor r ail hvna alfalfa m mi la oiisin t e le m ikim ihonr ivi foh sai r uvetnmi 11 iirr htiatul at i- ok sai r fvmnl lilk sh ii mint 111- uit lln a all alea g itellv iv j ltl1l y ill jm a i all rht sai i iby uiil ly a u 1 ij 1 ulu albat rel hid vvufc tj i hoi imw klu sai k a i- ii wild u hlu filtl 1 ul ni w alyl l apply mini i ium11 antw to hjcnt a a houar with 1 aiiviiuue it a i a on wavi1i tin ka and rml will imv up lo pu fur haavy i low llonr raj n t huttoavuu lffg railing hiaiioii llranintore 14j r 14 tt wantrf in- nal hum t4r ritudl will ay lo 7 par rrril tut j rlod yraia pay iart of pruiri lal rviry ala manoia plu iiilarwal laaaieri mpilrt in fnnih 1 onslruet ion of it m hoim will plain dr llla in ia write hoa 04 vrr to rkvt j- ml sai r iu 1 i i ii it ljtlu k premier 1 ri n i f i ic m 1 iti 1 1 11 mm 1 l a ii ii i i iii twi rxxiii iiifttrit milr it iwilur ih rl iiknt ii a lull nu fdlt ht n i vn- 1111111 if nfif rut fl mr miui imiluhr1 i r it ut alplv i ulnt 11 1 ihiiiiliiiiir it zht1 artei t ltlll iii i ii r i 1 i kh iv i tlve iju1 uord in c ijamm kivicikncy lljirilit sjhfo cjlimler l 10 down jmj hi 11 nil i 1 irttt ill 1 i ii t t ii 1 i i i f i i nt r ti it 1 k t la 1 1 head m a t- 1 i i 1 in km pi 0 i i il i i 111 a i lh 1 ipprrrd w 11 i ill 11 1 1 il i v ort r nt 1 m it 11 pam ia and 0 f ii 1 1 1 1 phm th m ii 1 n or 11w misckijjnroijs modern plumbing heating rhonc 270j acton onc kh sai i- imh h1 i itotiii v till 1 si pin i4m fr pn k l 41 vi f 1i11 tlailol u w ri 1 1 tx mi- mtin nk ntiiiu lniniil m ilk n w hull hriinvili tr 1 with pin und pull v ford frkuaoii traitor u ith nhfrrmn strp up trnnmk kinn innlini irnlur hive ft rt mnwiy trmlir tillir ha 1 mitaa r uy i0 id r 2- vi it i hp 11 at tv dram innd r skvhne crind r with hakk r unl dual rollaetor pump for furrniin h trutor hor i ra manun lmli r v ith ifniveraal vn nip rirailv n w tar white hreehing mui inma 7 ft rarkahutt nui hind r ind it dlac set d 1 drill mkortiink ft lloraelrawn mowi r nim skvtin harveatrr i rompli t fur immi dut delivery lhimn111 nfrikrratnra all aires i wmm1 hrn ventllatura with ther moktat otari manure sprrader on rublm r utol met urmir manure spreader 2 men a uaed hirycles ifnrnrt cham sawa all airra vi circular saw ii lad r new apply thoa t hrwaon ceorgrtown lh n2w lovell bros meat market friday saturdaylpeclals no 1 grade for saje bacon rivakfabt 6v lh ieauiwwl iuck ac lh smoked iuck 75c lb smoked itoneteav panic llama lb 65c rveah sauaafe lb 40c quality beef rib roast lb 55 c choice rump cc rout lb ooc meaty shoulder roawt lb 45c lean chuck n 45c rute iwlinj beef lb 30c tender steaks bound cse lb sirloin cse ah pobtsbhouse 7s ttv lean hamhura jg steak lb 49c bartia brmlai laigraat crmmtrj butter alwaya la stock at latt poaol prkaa new imi mosaudl n paornpr rihiir i iwi tun truck lvf w r j used lhi mosaiicii sirirr fraian llitm an in altml nria with lot cf nlias innon mllr ctts lh monaifll rn setan hull- itaillo lllltrr rlr lim rx7 txhui sur iwi ux luivr blark ii ot i ims plymotth sirul ctmt h railii hmlir etc 10 i 1v10 ixinrr snrnal saltan i radio rtratrr tc m imi poitll llelmr seiln black 1019 ciiev sedan h ratlin heatfr kid tlra imo rjdho opera seal coupe 1m1 ford opera real coupe 10t7 smkilakeh sbian iw ciiev coach 1035 cirev sedan ibm clrv sedan lu rono coacji 1030 rono coach b oeaul batra far oafg ar bcy ttfc aa sue 1037 ford tudor 300 1h7 studebakejl sedan t3s ibm ford tudor 1330 135 ford coupe 1313 raucks 1947 xjkd 3ton 13 vr b 1d3s tord pasj3- it50 ibm ford 3ton puuorm cm 1b39 ciiev lon 130 2 ford tractors and 1t plows 1 otaco manure spreader 7 m rord uower culuvatorm tillers discs etc 4 new ccm bicycles on hand for immediate delivery earlys ford sales and seftvics phone 38ltr3 igjljpbellvivle oistaruoj ialirir mlioiint us of m auni un p f i hs ii nla 1 pumping i on t rf r r 1 17 ir hour nl 1 mim1 llilhi1 mallinafa1 ilioi i n injr22 ann ll m i mr m lki oar ur w ill i ii 1 r w t n a nmrn apnl 4th n ul i pairs ui all miki of i in 111ma in brak a tv l ihniimi luxtt iinina lhw tih for timta jnek ainllir macjtemqie aeiud wi nikve1 pullliatlon of nir iilumn inat wrrk for tha flnst time jnr ia inradlon over a r aip we hr rnufyed tha le- mark and emmerts we have rrretvedt during this period ajvf tifpe you our readers ha found it worth while to give- tt al least a f lanra thr mad rush as usual in getting out our ropy ta on atau till work and aa uaual a little late wr wlah to thank fv leiutiir and trwr vrrt staff tar thrjr fine orprrstlon klfwraere in the free fvess ou will rvottre the aitvertiae- inerrt for 11 if jiaint we have rarrled thta fine hne of paints for over two yrare with g iuii rw nowhi-r- jo go now hnrloev la over j b macavrvmc oh f rosejdale floral ocohoctown j nownut ron evert x frcah10v w if ifa a apray arraata ad z tin fiaaj rut flowara vat i td plantaylt- ran plaaas our prlrj ra nchl et masks arton or oawgeiparn j farnworth memorials rstaee cemetery lettbuno uvaxmt om

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