Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 7, 1949, p. 5

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thursday aphil tth jmt the- acton free press ruam mi fft uiu nellu- hall wu homr from toronto over sunday urs w hull of arwaslrr viillcd in town during the wknd un harold elliott has hni vu it in with friend in windsor min ujldrvd io4llnvr tpml thr week end with hrr molhar hrrc mlaa florpnctr sandvra tprnt th waksnd at bur home aaar erin ura wilfred urdonald ol to ronto was in town on tuesday ur and mrs urlbourn overboil of toronto wrrr hrrr during in wcknd mr and mrs john c dnnu apant sunday with frtrnds in ouaiph township mla kmmi robinson of uount xort has brrn prodlng- day with acton frtrnda dr and if n j johnson of waur loo attended th funrral of thr late parry walaon on monday mr and mr k j 1 1 auuro hav soturmvj from a vlalt with mr and mra colin urnl in iv i roll mvnd mm ii i fores and family are sprndlnk a few wrka at myrtle urarh south carolina mr baker of owen hound apent m few days last week with hu daughter mra mac symon and mr hymon mr and mr charlea hyman of montreal spent the week end at the home of his mother mrs jamea symon mr and mrs aubrey allen of detroit spent live weekend with mr and mra a m mepkerwut and other frtend in thla vicinity i mrs howard allison was at cojiinjrwood mi thursday attend in the funrral of mr allisons brother who ard away suddenly mi tuesday mr arrhlc mrlh rson sm nt the wr k end with his parents here prrvlous to leaving for chatham whrn h will u ktalltrntxi with the ontario provincial police mr c f leatherland returned this wrea from kingston sympathy of many friends hi re kci tn mr leatherland in the death of his father oft r a brief lllnessl mrs james symon and mr marguerite talor attended the wrttdinc tin formers nephew lloyi warner in how art pork united oiurch toronto on satur i day mia anne all n toronto whol conducts the mixing iloul column for the weekl wiirr and mr muir of the ontario hydro toronto col led in acton on turcluy and xisited the vti pre briefly l mrs j moon mrs r cleave mr i lindsay mn n mcnabb mrs i pickering miss r haw thonie att ndeel the women k as sociation of thi united church first annual meetinc in iturlintton last thursday mrs h chard hlazt j and mrs i ituell tounsend of ni w ork and mr un itunih v of vancouver hc xlsited their nther mr thoa rum it y this week r riends will be clad to laarn ttiat mr hum1e is tn proving nd hopew tn anon he able to return htum from thr hospital tn guelph pric e tftrviw prict firninis in foods k rains and livtttock with eastm w hpnad inn in industrial commodku groups ha marked th ucek strcnitlh in win at his curried into otht r hniln bur mn turn out to b it isonul with f ill mi off nit nn w hi n n w crop it irln nun ink p irtu ul irl if it is bik is inticip itrd nactulors tip if ou dmt litu dju nlnk nn ks wax ttu wiar spits n third washuik do you know icontmuodl vttttrb bbttrrii at tfuuitu sucv coins rtaamxa siiiwi paruwiaja bowr avatt sunday apfciijl ims palm sunday and sixth sunday in lent 1100 am th hfhir of common worship sunday morning r- nvon rw on xur phopjwtlr haritage the tenth dlacour th deutero isaiah i so a m th congregation of th children of the church our church school assembles at 10 7 00 p m th kvenlng trvtre kvptmwl talk on words of worth th tenth and ronrlud ing word cvosses mna vriday ajirll 154h at h p m a kasakmttld and rjurter program of aarned music will be rendered by t he church rjiolr vou ere welcome at any of these service john a- dryden paaaed away at his home taxuley last wednesday morning in his 84 th year th de ceased wos bom at tansley and had resided in thr district all his life and on the present farm for ova m years the title of the moit interesting at a meeting of th burlington cent lhe wm might rawly hydro commission held on satur claim by the elgantl clvacade day afternoon ale sisaon was ap- c ftbarvt allhouen thr evrfu was pointed secretary treasukfr of the conunuduon thre waretwenty seven applications for the position mr s has been an employe of the commission for th past sv- tfauufstt knox istuvujr acton rfrv suwiest ii armhtboarfi mjt muister burlington r acteeni topics not for tein ager wxclusivrly era months nront is badly in need of water system to serve lis rapidly growing population water in wells u being polluted by aepue teaka and a number of people have been warned not to dnnk their well water by dr mather italian s med leal orflrrr of health- oo th advlra of dr e a ilerry head of the aanl latum division of the ontario de partment of health a otnt meeting of the rronte village commission and the trafalgar township council will be held to discuss the situation i a presentrd in their interest i just a little description that i might be of interest to those not there we will start from our ap proorh to the door we open th door to a flood gf red and white tic posit our nsrrvstlun wtth the door man and check our coats with the eff iru nt check room staff passing on we receive a hospitable arreting from the host who then j increase the farmer received five escorts us to our reserved table j rents arguing thai mr jouyvstal as we take our place at a table for menta were doing the producer i four wr gaie at the menu whtrh at lot of harm hou at 12 15 clai 700 m sunday aphii 10 imo morning service sunday school and h evening worship this do in remembrance bf ma supttt slfarrl acton re csiafi sc oowsok ibaissas sunday april 10 1040 10 30 am sunday school 1130 am hcv mr wvlbtrtson rridoy april 8th 00 pun mis sion circle thank offering meet injl ht v wilbertson speaker r vi rybody welcome aagllnaa w o luita bjl sunday apkh 10 1040 pal m sunday o 00 a m holy communion 1000 urn sunday school 1100 am beginners class 7 00 pan svuning prayer good friday service 10jo an a welcome await you floyd marlatt mala tc uiltr fhta 44sw j i cask parm maciiinkry ale8 service chore bov lew vacuum milkers robl h hamiitod optouwmast or oueumi dr g a sots oftke ttirhdav nta ii miinxir emaairr halton prjducr8 hold disciifision on bootleg milk fcoatinued front po one toronto milk producers association kmmth betxnrr of waterloo ad milted milk had been obtained from an outside source but had been inspected by department of health officials before it was pas ted on to th consumer ii also said considerable amount had been returned when found it was not up to the staniard defending mr wumott the speaker said the secretary was never told what to da by the dis tributors and the directors at all times endeavoured to get the pro ducers viewpoint on important problems lie said of th si rent reasonable ru s prov id us ith rtf rtfchnw nts at any time during the evening deciding to begin the evening with a coke w bit k on to the wiiur standing close at hand and inform him of our decision the garro quickly returns with otir trrdrr and we enjoy our bev erage to th soft mellow strains of narnr lnds the evening passes aa we enjoy the slendld floor the rich music and thr accommodsting hosts and waiters the master of ceremmlrs trtn dure the rsrrpttonilty fine ulrni as we sit at our table in complete comfort hod itodic k master mag uian and ixrt at mystlfiratlon is the tlrst item to he presented fcnd he completely baffles us with hil slrightof hand feajs of magic nest item on the program is a versatile accordianist r rank marcerello who with bis skill presented sev i ral numlm n to the delight of all two paul jones dances during the evening ai wry popular and pru tdw some real entertainment as tht nn l i ftmel and partm r are rhwn the announcing we will hitt ihaer immnus hot cross buns hot from the oven thurs april 14 nuh 4 orajaol to ut pj friday morning from 10 to 12 satl isa mormn as ijonc as the ist 1lacic 1hb ouxaia now uuuh our window for dccorntcd qikrt and cookies tor easter acton home bakery phone 116 from a book u ritn n hy julirt lou ell lie tuk th jollou niu irfter wat v rtlut tund ltu dnoflu f grntrtmnfl enclosed uid niu cheour for 200 on it ihirdotl tin for not siimtnn it but f utint to remain aiumumoiix iip a friend do lou kaou thai dr sim u accepiino contributions to aid in purchasing somethinn uith utfiifh to hunk the bou of out junior hocxev team oont be iue the chap who uirot th abovi icittar thanlc vou i call roy taxi phone 128 acton tax notice- 1949 ml mclpalm opactxjn nitst istaijviet now in e atttntim druwn to tl panunt of itmd uuus which art n n pn ibu in rtnir instalments taxtj art pauhk to the munlijnal ttvosurrr at the acton pubuc uthjties office natalmenla are due as follow first lnstaument vpril lmh second instauiient june 15th third instalment l gust 15lh fourth instalment october 17lh avonunu to th tax collection bylaw a penah of two tur ctnt will be added on the amount remaining unpaid after the eighteenth dn of april until he fifteen ui day of june and an addition of four ptr nt on the first instalment re maining unpaid after the fifteenth day of june this penalty applies lo each instalment in a similar nutnnor the attention of ratepayer is directed to the penal tiv nnd other clauses as printed on the reverse side of eery tax notice and explained in detail on every tax bui tuxos r now due and payable the penalty applies if the first instalment is not met on or before monday april 18th make payment now and take youb tax notice with yol when makino payment j mcgeachie collector thi mft m lluw strains lumin wdlu cttncluded our i ry tnjojjbu rrning as uc danctl he nlht t close an th r calarad cabaret may 1m necessary to i ras4 the d tt still encumht ring th ruithy ti am al thnoiih th dance a nut extrav aeantl financiail kumvslul it d finttt tv mai a un i v ofijcra filiations to the two cheer ludi rv wh tmtk v r th tlutns uf lh olher irrfsjionwibles who felt it was to mucji it ak f them tn vurk ifwhr tutir hour you did a w inderful nb 1rlii the uulls of tht pi nruin club milt mi in di rvtimd ickci dim at four rtri uith bos uhlle a few itu is i s nt wire diidmfi their timi utwrin this lrfi kroii of n tn lontini ftur a paptr frm oak vi i lc we find they hae ac i rtinuiluted the crand ulrtiif tfis and i uri facial with the pn lli in of its dilurs mi nt the club 1 asking uurkemtions from its members in the hi pt that it will tr put to use to ihi adv intage f the club and thr cmmunti allhi nfih we have no d fintt fifiun s n the financial situatu n of tht local club we have no dt u bt that with the success the club hn rrcied this ljt vcar they hni ut thrir di ptiil mntral times mort than he ookmiu club of roursi i ill n alirt that the rjin ir itii n is a n n rofit club and with an accumulation of so much mom s nn thuif sh uld be dnm in ttu mli n st nf thr lub and the community wt fit 1 tht the es iiiitu hii uiitii thinf bir cximing i alone nnd wi h ji to mi irim i ut slu uld llu i nt m it riahe j mjii turn s we hj com out on a hml lw f r rejjnrdinj the im him club and usujlh have rcrrlv id winn r disumed ct mm nts as ml i hjvi rt been diicour jkti vi mill maintain that a teen mm r is witfc full of lif desin u f si nu thuii i i w ind inlt ri i in li it mi a t kki tn t in a i ml ii d w i or i n i n w think tin or t mati nxktuwn s tht iv nulf llub sh 1 1 u n i if i dub wtbtii h fm s th wird s unit h r it n u n i iid i- t s nukt a tl it i nlso fil thnt icen uk rs ir iiittustid ii n vtltv d mci s wh ri t m n a i h ti i tu mt u fi to tin in vi hai huivki ixprtvs fu m ix th b i i tht dt st ri a tin sch ttiilu hjtr mihihj rettived mtj tuipatu n but nuw it is ur mtiih lot kd forward to at nh ditnci tlun too perhaps u hllu more mtt n si in tht workings of tht tlub b tht titn at n thttn- mim mtkht bt advantaioub nuf sed i safeguardino wild ufe in sbjtain rsplalnmg he hiarf reorlved a 10 iter tent retluctittfi ln his quota after the increase in price a farmer tn the audience asked the speaker the reason he stated the decrease would mean he would receive less money in spite of the increase mr jletxner said easter holidays were coming along and wtth school closing and many people in the city going ui summer home over week ends it would mean jejb coo sumption of fluid milk he said that always occurred in the sum mrr months when production was higher v during the discussion period j fl itourk secretary of the toronto milk distributors association said under the new agreement pro ducers would reccjvr the 4407 re gardleas whether the dlatrtbulor mld it or not a it st rviee sponsor of the re olullon declared in support we must not let our organization be 4mte divided into two camps nor intut we have a self appointed per mn b t nine a dictator in our organ i ration moat of the audience sup ported the resolution others leav tig lx ftirr the vote was taken at woodlry hajton dlnctor jm mil the me ting paul f udier was rliim n chairman i anndinn tmtlle in th and wat r pim tlr si iii bt dovt bk iatk liione 128 doht do this tone late lenses sinofb harmful rays and glare ilecausellieyaredrhalrly tinted they hleixl with the complt m1 at tha umt time keep am and harmful glaf fromyour e us about tone late lenses cecil a carr ki upual dwilu 8c tj mi findph qnl waiting is eaayl say serial sam mid llttu ulu i iii till fir- 1111 working in a room inspinngly decorated with fresh pastel shades of hardwearing bh eggshell finish creatic ideas are acquired with the i tht first goiimimnt sponsofui bod lor the itudy and consertat ion at u tld life in bntaui started i u ork rvxnu a bioloffical serl let u ith reponubulty tur protect- ins the flora and fauna throughout j the british lales u a recently an nounced by mr herbert mormon w w in the hoim of commons thiiis d jflsckcllzlc the first step umards carrying out the recommindations of the special j committee on conser ation of wud ijfo uhiah reported to the govern mirit uut year and son acton ontahio spring footwear sale omi uwunx cemtori au janx lauuttk down terarth lri kvtyuiln a tun looks for in a sho right lt in our new aprinjr rroup mih iodrr writ oxhhuis newest styles to chooc from all mrr krk 7 is to h so a pair sali ikk 1 liiw oxftinls jviins illatk or hrown size f to 10 in iht lot 445 mkns boots liaihtr i incd th 7 i a pair ali ikk 1 595 mrifs kllir kit ixmiiht boots 645 sii 7 lo 10 rti 7 ii pair sai i ikk 1 men kip litlitr moot sijisliloll uik s spa inir sai r run i 395 ufas work boots with leather or lanto soles all si- rcr 4 s sali ikk h 395 btxs oxfords sics i 1 i i and i si j utr ws lo jkl 7s j yq iillrir oxionn or boot- si h to 101 sali ikici kik m4s iair 179 pallants ixitiiim and rxmrtwkar mill slrect clon onl a t now on display oni ot the lnun chairs made by acton kour ttuh u ill k on jisplav tht ucck in the shou window tf acton honu furnibhings the work on these chairs a all done without charge h acton men both outside the club and qub members there will onl be 50 chairs for sale at 12 00 each and orders will be filled in order of receipt all tunj made from c sale of the chairs will be demoted to the qub s communit work the acton rour laun char is one of the finest available securely made and splen didly finished with three coats of paint it is very comfort able and certainly a distinct addition to the lawn of any home oltr inspection and orders for yourself and friends will be appreciated

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