Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 14, 1949, p. 1

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ejw jvjtiim sttt btte svmlyfounh year ns 41 arrun ontahio tiiuwsdav athil mlh imll eight home irmt iagra si cmu halton county to take ownership lowville park twenty yan a iv- pre s vrihr xddltlottttl room ssi new telephone public school now necessary tkxtuji dinnkm in hamilton hattlttuay n hatmay g m g i if wi nlina j nexl wednesday r of aiiiwl il ty hit ii i ml ttaawmllati i airikduw malt kaqwai ts cimadl j i htawh afeetataal to mtlrirt hit sdl feart cea aluc nftaaed xa lav lanarajk far county em- p ajaau csautx q saafuj al cg4wdeslv1lr wriftem rrclusllely for itir an las cfcsmpinw and actnn free prrw luitori county counril st it regular monthly meeting herr on tuesday afternoon approved of taking owr thg ownership of frd ration ark at lowvule on request af the halton federation of ayn culturr appearing on behalf of thr red ration paul fisher told members this park was the only park tn thr county available to farm famlliea tor thetr weekend picnics hr said it could be arransed to be extended is th urban municipalities asking th county to take over ownership he declared thr project whild then um within thr itmiu of the act making available provincial grants ii furthrr declared thr federa- tton had at prrarnt a 10 600 invest fnrnt in lh nroject and work u oommmrtfitmb install hydro for thr purpose oaflood lighting tmr of lh playing velda whilr thr organization had spent considerable money preparing thr land thr vfi running short of money and were fovtmrnml aid to complete the plana emphaalxlng thr importance of thr recreation centre hr added hal highway accidents in halton countv inrrraw this war psralh ling all lime raka in nuitor vehtclr arcidrnts the ontario department of highways in a re mit bulrlln state accident reath ed a record total during 104 accidents totalled 27 404 an in crtasr f 22 0 per c nt uvrr 1947 mulling in 740 deaths 14 170 in jure and a reported property dsm age amounting to 7 14041 00 improper use of the highways includes nut only the wild recklrsa diunken driving f the irresponsible try but it also includes thr negll grnt tndiffrrent though ties and discourteous actions of thr nor mally law abiding majority thr latter group presents a pi obit m mure difficult to rope with than the out and out dangerous drlvrrs inattention poor judgment dis courtesy and faulty habit may be quite a dangerous under certain circumstance as the foolhardy be ha v lour of moat irresponsible individuals thr report stated according to the report haluui is no diffetrnl than other countirs lh the pmv ince the report slated halton had 301 accident in 104s as compared to 343 in 1m7 grouped in district no 3 along w ilh brant noifolk and wrntworth the overall incresvse was 23 9 per cent lust one per cent more tnt reasr than th genrral ontario increase of ni drnts thr sure of any safe driving itoatct ixsuillu lvoluw meeting refund lo yrstrrttt pupju klner annrtatlon i april wttoaui given is ll 1tihjrmw t amallmiiuh 2 ivtlllflif mllaol momnl llw ii iii olhr 1 litalltutr f telil at m will lprly i sld d ut tb tiutt alo iih itxyul oontnialt kotr hui hi sailutiuy aijtll ihh ruiiii lh mt yar thi pro vlmul livslitute of laslila ittun llin iimm n rooituctiiig a mmi hoard tu id ihurido v timf m totimil hainlm i t 7 u iin t t mim1bi wmb ill llfllv alllm i ml m klmu nlmhlklt u uito uimrt of pupil tttuiuljih thu iu1lu vhfkil mhih ktvow pufll 11 f u i irw h i i imllim t it tandald lhi an ovallotad lh dishwtili uf fii a i is xialdrrrd v onitrtrrablr dlwtisslori fulli tiv l stlu indioltls ha fr illlloii ail i hi olbod it ho tb lllr dunnvill wrl iikm toionlo isrls iv s lathuiirtr lite nuolineot 4tl rtr vus 2 ml fioin 43 nkrs i hi it 11 mrji oukmvnijvr p rtarkk i thu krrk lirfcj tuetlu wuri urtlliu chronulrs phut a hv hi rye ii trf prrsi rradert ton vu the only municipality in program la entirely depandent an the rvovlnce hich pros lord an the w lllingneas of the indlvldyal annual sports day for rural child driver and pedestrian to diivr ren he aald this event had grown fmrcfuly walk sensibly to be beyond all ckpectatlona courteous and to recognise thr right explaining the pro isions of the and prh ilegr of other turn of our rt mr riahrr maid oner the own hlshwaja erahtp was vested with the county our rruard or ruch art ton t trill a board of seven directors would i be ihr sat inp of a fiumn life neeeaaaruy have to be appointrd bv mat he your ovn council which would include two council members hv taking this over the county should not be asked to spend any money other than poxslblv loaning their road machln ery for grading field m the spring of the vfsr itoth thr cttunlt tra falgar arul nelson townshipk have loaned us their marhinrr in thi pt for this work he said in conclusion ur fuvhcr suggi s ted the new setup might requirr propev policing uast rar sme foreign groups came to thr park with largr quantities of beer for their part lea and picnics and that la something we do not ish to have in our count as a countj project i am sure it would be kept free from thu sort of thing he said reeve goodlrl chairman of the aaaaaxment committee gave a com prehensive report on the progres trf thr countv assessment program he told members local assessor wrre eooperatlng in arndlng their report to the count office ha tenlng the program which he said could he put into operation in ittto council also approval of the as seaxment committer reconunend uon that ford roger salar be in creased 1300 a year while the arc reury be lncrmsrd from 17 a week to sx council also agreed to permit the office to hire addi ttonal help to prepare and check sseaanunt lards as the tame into the office it i w a rrcomrm nded card should not remain in the a rssment off in umgt r than thnt lay before th rn returned to the individual municipalities con cjuding hi rrhrt he said 1400 card had been received sinn- the first of the vrar the warden con grstulated the cvmiuutut on thur pnvgrvs this vear council nrnewed th ir publn liability pohev with the general accident insurance companv axk 4ng further information be- prmided regarding incread liabilii am ounbv the warden and vlerk wrre given the authontv to purvhasr land for reforestation purpose from robert lairuj nassaxaweva a agreed upon ml a prrviou meettnx memberf also approved of srlluig 14 acre of land to w h black nassagaweva far the sum of 330 pending ap- peotsl of the ontario department o lands and forests rrcvr wu- liam vanstckle explained thu land isad not been planted with trees under county rvforestauon sro kram g o brown was appointed mem ber of the north halton huh school area board for lw9io to take place of erfuum h d aj- l waa cnosecr member of the county roads committee for 1m- vajlullnalji4vvactfcj left hr th resignation of former reev a- coanaued ost psfw rieej annual visit ol ddgm al walker lodge- twenty dutcrent lodge ure sentcd by vioitoni and ovr 200 attend mondiv w as a red letter dav in the annals of walker lodgr it was the annual visit of the district dtput grand usstrr this rr thr representative of grand lidgr is rt wor itro neil mclachem tf waterloo the work of the lodge ma con ducted by wor uaiter w j beat- tv and his staff of officers the 1st degree was conferred on gordon beatty the son of the worshipful master ht wor bro uceachrrn congratulated thr officer on the splendid manner in which the dr gree w as exemplified during the evening vr wor bro frank mcintosh was presented with a life membership and uor bro m mrcutcheon w ilh a past master jewel ftt r the work of the rv ening lh gatherini adjourned lo the cnmium of the ymca whrrt th ladies had spread at bountcou us iquet under the superv uion of junior minim j watkins w j bcaittv w as tht master of cerr monies bro j buchanan proposed the tovt to grand lodge which wa reiivided to b rt woe bro neil mi eachrm in hi addrxfc rl wor bro wc kalhrrn ihunted out that at thr lnnent tune there are some 115 000 uatsons in ontario a eorutderable tnrreae over a vrar ago in the food parcvls campaign acton had subscribed s303 00 nearly 100 over the target the district will have sutweribed over tftsoo 00 to this worth v cause in the past ver in ontario t9l 000 has been raised for thu- cauw the main theme of hu address wa what u maxonrv he statrd that the world today was a chal lenge to cam f orw ard the ideall of klasor r for the good at thr w-orld- rt wor bro j a leslie pro- pused the toast to the visitors w rucb represented twent lodges of thr ttirrounding district this toast was answered by brethem from preston elmra at georgetown and uu- ton bro- gordon beatty the candi- dale spolce briefly and jtmior wardens toast brought thr meet- mg to a close t j yullloh ucvaiil il i i jut plain folks by judv gradv was the title of a new rol umn w hich first appeared in the free press on april ii itco just twentv vear ago in the 1040 i sues of the free ress published i unce that tima that writer has never xdlxaed aa issue true the i column name later became chro nicies of ginger farm and the pen name of judv 0grady has been dropped for the real name of the writer cwrnd line p clarke while the column was first pub tlshed in the free press it interest has grown incallv and abroad and since july 143 it has been a feature of the u ilson list of publications appeared for five or six years in the leaminston pot 4 new and run in an kntifch wrekk yj anfh i an t rre press to w airtirlrs but to maintain mti rest for uver twmtv er in over 1000 columns with an ontario farm as the min subject is mmethmg of a nfortl we think 4 specially when at the i nd of tht period the r- press is reminded ronstantlv bv readers tif thr interttt in this feature and thr field for that and other articles from mrs clarke pen has widen ed we know readers would r in trrested in know ing some thing that w t can tell them about the writer and gingrr farm on this twentieth ann i versa rr mr clark began w nting a hobby and wa spurred on bv win ning an award in a literary compe tit ion sponsored bv girls own paper and woman magazine thu was in england when th writer wa about 16 ears old some i vears a so ihe had an article pub i v luhed the britivh bndr in can t m mr seem to crowd in and we find diffi iltv in concludmc this article rrhap wr vhould t ii n adrrs that fii r v r1 artul l he gingi r arm idea vt lrd i an the work countv was not ii ft stun of the ninlv press a nrw f aiure column t in nd of thr familv is currently running in the hamilton spectator find is him mrs clarke s pen modrfctlv mm larkf utlribut s an ii ccek she ma hav ahlvtd in fn r lanrr w ot k is dm to the h ip nd inspiration whuh has al was teen so freely givtn b miss flhrl c hapman wcirnrn alitor of i lh fanner magailna while mr clarke is a mimur of ihr canatdian author as a hon hi r thief 1iiutlulul v llllrlrml is thr wnmm i institute shr was the first presulint of vetch itln ilranrh md nn the fiftet nth anm i ivr i f tht lirjmh last viar iriseiitid vith t lift menib rshit piri duiiiik tht war h was i n ri irth war woik coninutttt w ctnild till ur r udru ihit cinifr farm is on no 25 high wo the last farm on the lift suli of thi rijd in ton orn makn th turn to atu into milton the spttial olumn in tht fre press is not lh onlv articles mrs clarke hat con tnbutrd then havr been christ mas stories and oth r features from tun lo time our readt rs and we who hutt oonir to know linger farmnso m timat is over th past store of sears have con r to regard tt at our contatt with farm attivitits a link in better understanding a rur1 and urban problems we know a bust of our nadrrt will jtun with us in extending to mrs clarke anniversary cungratu- addilional homini would havt lo lm sa nit 1 saptifitbei trfmoink it wti now utlged thul u would tx economy to make provision other mirtuhla t lavsarthims tin fact that nt st year a new bollei would le rt tjuired lirought ui thi fore tht fui t that inspector hkurt had n coinnn nded that liniiiidiale 4rlous thought i glvn tomtunng u nt w st hool if only tn part iiamt ly by suturing an hllect a plans fot u in w m hool and building a nm li ui of heating plant wash and loilet room accummodai iht nijumil number for immediate need mr mt k uie m mitl lhat tht ii nn and school lub ws a real surreu it w a frit that additional lai t turn help waa drtirbjr in oitlti to ke p lh high sruol t iran and sanitary ii was decided that lull dav saturday help waa iifedrd and tin secretary was directed lo airangt sajie thr hoard directed thai toilets in lh iubllr schoo be ndecorated during thr raster holiday and that one additnmal light be installid in a h l ili l st relarv vft atithoriid to niaki irfund of 1040 nor r sidi nt fits in parrnls of children atti ntling the public vhxl from th crescent tht rliiante statements approved tin folliva ui actounls m mi nilrv tuptihi tfil hh h wmi sunplis hu lttv o td4a and cri o upplx 11 00 haikimsess st n oil 34 0 wist disinfecting fl707 r vannornutil servitt i 2a m fchi ji jra supplit s 47 2j mawli dam kp milk 2601 w trirkt tuning pianos 27 00 j h goy express 4 04 watson dairv kp milk 34100 it ii tel co phone jm p ibllc rtilitlrs commission 3111 anadian natun renewal amklia ihtmke ffim at rrptitlthr irimtatliafj u the it i wi mr hugh olutin mr mill ml and uu ii sho mr aril mrs ii spires i mis w hair mr w ood mi and mis t j who mr ii kaitistra mr id mrs jak pnd mrs j h a c tl park kanney mr t knglrtry mr arul mrs and mrs j j hmllh m and m pump house and ashrotmii w 1 if esnhted lo take usa th uod rump and kepairs viui u rtmniix jterrupllon of sarwl tv lor waterworks mghtlnje krvlr to br liwulled if slrr4 ajlowanr lo property arritjrd thr public utilities two mission mi i in regular a sslon on tuesday i sailing all members were present and chairman c m iuiim n pn sid d a rraolutlon was passed author ising thi installation of a str t light on llro k avenue a riijm til bv c ouncil super intrndeiil aim be it rrportrtl thai a break on agnes sin t i had lx- n repalied and that there had imn four bit aks recntlv and all it paired another service at tht prup rty at the rear of the ioriiin ion hotel would be at ii nded to thu a iiiiiiiitnrr who had installed u flat rate water tie at r wsv not satis fled with thr amount of hot wat r frtrm the tank and if this cannot b r n itdied thr lank is to b iwiughl ba k by thr commission mr t s ynurk signed a ontract for lighting serv cr to his hou w hich he had mov ed from the hv township as there is nn mtadway to thu property the ummiulun 1420 so decided to ask council if a street thi sti rt tary w as directed to as sesa nhjtlsi bound 174 33 march plant operation chairman approved that board rueet retulary first tuesday f month for future meetings mhixiun lultery at a uw lalaplw rartiarigr will commence otarratlon nrxl wetuwsday caprtl atn atoisttitg to j i vaniuii hell isavprna luaiihgtr ttt lh la tisai at m proslmait ly j j m the prvwrtt iuaiiu to f si itsngt will go itrsd lt iiminei iuns n t ul arul un inaalialt ly iwii wikers wil atari moving ubrvrr plujc feuin tlr ntw t si hange eulpiiant a bjmui as ihe plugs are tenwived tie n- hwltrhlmhinl will be in tspefatlofi after i tie t ulovtr axi trlr pjionr user will no baistrr turn i rank to call the operator i i ring off after a call in rtivwit weeks itell installers nve sllnrl all irlrplmrifs ao that tley will work wttluiut i rank after the n w awtttmaoard is tn optrwiukn tel phones wllh lite tuarvd crank will shortly lr tefiuk el ty more nm dt rn ompacl oeta ite managi i wur iu autasarlbers nof to niuvf the t i auk during ts versa i ions after lb rutver a this might notilt in it dlmohnt lion llir entliie ti tovrr operation la ted lo take mas than two no lu twaphon usees can rlp flte maingsi saa by making no mint t sr y rails mi mediately befort two o clock tn wednesday wlun the exchange staff will be busy with last minute details the lraikitnil ran also be made more smtvothly if caller i re- ftaln from making t urioalty call right after the rutv r shortly lefort the onvrrsior tpersiors will notwftt all win hsprn to lor railing to hang up arid tall again in a ft w minute wlirti they will be at it to do so without turning the crank the hand rank now in use u t tut s a magn to whlth gene in la hi tru al i urrt nt auslng a shutt r lo drop on a panel in front of tht op rator this give h r the irul that mirniom wuhr to place a call at tht i nd of thi i onvt rsallori ai iht i tun of ttie trank givr- h r lilt slglial lu daaooitlav t a fit i ihe ulover ths signals will 1m givt n auloinalhally when tht rettlver is lifted or put back on lh hmk lifting the reteiver will juse a light to glow on the witi h ttoaitl tt lluig th operator then ts taller on thr line wlin the recrlv trs an replaced at the rnd of tlar t orivi rsation a ught signal tell her to dmonnet the lines months uf preparation have goo- irito thr project whirh reaches it chmai nrst wednesday afternoon in addition to the instajallon of tlr m w switchboard and thr mod if i ration of telephones wires aiad tablis strving thr esc hange have ben re arranged fur use under the tommori battery system i lations and the hop that she will i continue for many years to come the warrinearelxiott to chronicle each week the of ginger farm xlf those twtntv iv rr thi dt rsva trrr lance woik that has been of much interesl to rural rcsdrn has been published in the farmers dvucate the canadian countrv man the farmers magazine lm ilv herald and ureklv star and tht oakvillr record bur mrs clarkt recalls that ht r first article wr iy in canada w a pub ished t tht farn r s advocate for man vears mr clarkr r ported halton countv council pn cetsdang for the countv papers and the hamilton spcctato in thos- dv ihe meet ng quite often re qu red a n ght xssiop and getting from the farm to the meetirgs bs horse and buggy and a hurried lupper to report the proceedmgs for that werk meant a real task up unul the tunc mrs clarke br dim uld tell so j loo that mrs larkt and ihe btilh lacking n t r she cu v a th to hof i tja lure other mil tint k v umn and get tl f tht rr an i iht r j f uffrrs for the feature in papers which mn clarke s lovalt- n fused and we w uld 1 kt to it st u at at but will lrvr wevt a kt of pleasart rrctlltc sbi0in in irosit clllrch stardards uf beigi sltrks and lilit formed the background in h ward park lmttd church fur tht wtnldin f palnoa may i hi tt li ght r f vtr an3 mrs fn st butltr fllintt talltrees thistle and utvd hubairt uaiint k fi i f mis va arr r i r and tn i cm ri w warrimr rev k s lautcncer offuiatid music was t laved t altirrt krnnedt and 1 uise sttwart was slott givtr n mrrir her father thr bride wore an ankle length 4iwr tf cinnamon beige chantilly lace tvir beige uffela she w ore allowance is to be made to this property after a street ha been laid out the service will be in suiied the f rtast casing on the w iter tank 1 in need of repairs and it i was decided to get a price from the kaks f1rk near ajax knginccrs who repaired it sjri property brfurr so lhat thr job may u done ji r y a ftckn w in this sutnmt r plans an tt be drawn up for an a grafirr which got out of addition lo thr pump house to take trot and swept at nsas a large ft lions over the s ar in newspaper cloche hesddres uf lace and taf- wurk and among them the brightest eta holding a waist length veil perhaps is the feature of twet ty sears standing chixariclr uf gin- gt r fsrr and thr personality bcc tf it mrs w gody abdressed meeting lakeside chaptbi at the regular meeting of the lakeside chapter i o dx held in the legion room mrs hazel orr regent presaded- mrs b mussrue gave a vrrr interesting account of the habits and work of the women of newfoundland the newest addj uon to our dorninkm as the topic fo the current event of the meet ing uua j shantz spoke briefly on the constitution of the chapter guest speaker of the evening mjs w cbwdv wu joitroduredhy mr p cretghton mrs gowly subject was music n educauon and a very mteresuag accoun of and she earned ivory roses swan sonta an i btrphanotu thr brides attendant mr n f houghton rd barbara gilray wore ankle- er gth tpnrg green crepe gowns w ith matching cloche hats they caisned multicolored sweet pea w a th new pump which purthascd when the plans rr read tenders will be caltrd tht following aiuiii l wrn 1- 1 f r pan tt t llydfw itfsaxtrtsenl 1111 tl to sersurs tit v mrs 11 mtionajd it r w 1 v t p strr ast r terrs fi it r l 3 wi ht gen meter intpett n 10 35 sargmu ltd supplies 31 25 hi of oft supplies 7b2 lm and cable supplies 2l5a highwas garage oil etc fltt macijonald electrir ltd 4m msrrs cotton produru 30 jo corp of cujti bus tax fi ho j kearriey corp supplies 237 12 express a transport hxae id and ttirratened the spring pumping t- npmrnt of acton waterworks sstrn wa brought urd r control by acton fin mrtgawi on tursda afl moon tle bortied osi stiri deatroy- td sott r tail ftrxei and rated atttsa a fildj a t rat lor u brought in l low a strip if heiaaov but thr as uattn il ef far tent y ii id fashion- riarttufd w at t dar boughs tftr her recent tnp to bermuda the speaker explained that brrmuda rmn had onlv one uidustr a small pe- rwmimnsnd j a- mr bride fume factors ecnplostng only about c su w hamson ush- tw rive people the remainder of the rrsl al boulevard cluh mrs population made ifaeir living bv the eltot recejved tn rusewood crepe tourist industrv with geen irrmonn and crsagr the subject for rpr btudv o srr rt r was on south ainca and iven bv uf ir champagne beige with broroe ac- cessone and corsage of red roses smfis ualerwweita riipntiiii nt power 4 heat at spring 47ag e s cooper 136 johnstone canadian brass co 474 w h cunninghan 4 hill r e- lee industrial prod 73 3 mueller ltd copper lu tt giining evint kuchre lervur flail raturdas apnl zlrd h pjn adnisssun f 120 aji lnjm aupsifw ladftea lone- un ausiliary oj tse ministers aunt r will te 13003 prweapnted in th baoinafad hall on april 77 uisdar th fmiafssfsxa xf the that thrteenth power bul was re o wa rsived and showed a credit of 0jm73 on the year caperatsuna i eornr m cost of power ptirrtiased wast 100 on wadaanrlsy april served ard the rnjoyabfie social th cx utrr ihx suj11u and arlons share of op- y fg utotxmirt baj line that followed the meeting mp bo iravelung rrating coat and fised rharg tfbjn aj 9v ljua pro- n ctaartreuse and brown ue silk brought the total up lo ts4a307 xhar 1 dress matching straw hat and mrs t wallace group one had chage of thr rrvdainty lunch profit on sale of power to oomp- j workers in leading tntiisn menu- factunnx plarits at january 1st ims were of 4 an uscrcas of t29 yvr carrongs at january 1st 14s nur- fox collar at thistletown- they will reside average earnings of liouiiyratad pussywiuow betgecoat with plu- gmes afrwuntrd to tjlaplora total at ajnisuri qiibta caatf art of tm0mat amount of account preaeniing thrtr hitissmsaaa piss i rsmdansd at wutnn rati waa the mliuoiur auet la crwaanrk m5 443j leaving a tsurplu ot 1 least 1 farnool nn wajvassda lk spot can be remowsd by mu 73 which u a little lea than april 3cxh at s 15 admsaslrsti 4ttc 1 aoakteg the material in milk u yaajs surplu and 3k- 1 jx

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