Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 14, 1949, p. 3

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thursday april uth ims the acton pree press vaoat the bowl 4w hallo honr lakers one of the loveliest of the ancient belief concerning kastvr was that the sun danced early on taster morning gaster witt worshipped mi the uawn flmjgw by the pagans it was th cuouaka custom years ago to rtae early and watch the suns rait dana on pan of water which wm set out as mirrors to oils day many people rue early kastar bun- 4ay to celeuriiu the festival of christ s resurrection the begin nlng of a new life on earth why dont you plan simple eastar weekend menu so you may etioy to the full the glories of spring rhubarb julra cjuauv hoast ham uustard sauce baked potatoes fe canned com nlbleu salad your nartbern tsodric ijconari refrigerator standari modal 66s 309 delux model 665 349 si iter oglitx 670 379 all models arc 7 cu ft 5 year warranty ueier sealed unit the iuwt refrigeration earl yannorman imwm 246 main st acton onl brown rolls easter nest deaseih coffe ktuborb juice cover diced clean rhubarb with water add he usual amount of sugar and cook quickly strain liquid in a pitcher add a few drop of rd colouring and chill bufottl serving loiter liim rake a half ham km side up in tut opt n roasting pan without water in a slow oven of 325 degreta allow 23 minutes per pound 5 mlnsper lb more if ham is taken directly from refrigerator hkin it or- stud with white cloves und spreud with one third cup of brown sugar mixed with 1 tip dry mustard flruwn in a hot oven 400 degrees 15 to 20 minute basting several times with drlpplngm muifard sauce mix together in double boiler is tbspa dry mus tard 2 tp whib sugar up salt and 2 tbja flour stir in 3 tbspa mm gar and tup cold watt r add 6 thsp maigunm 3 b utcn egg ulkk ad t up tivum and stir j until thievi ned 1 ht n n movi from klm unit ii ik m t ihspt wirtrat hirt mini and unotht r cup rt uin il fort m rvlng stir in 2 tbits chopped chive i trta salad wash und trim uuttrrrks of whllt root cut in 2 inch p crs to rrmki 4 cups and add 3 minced hard rooked eggs loin togtthir with ircnrh dressing hrou it tolls dissolve i package yt nil r in cup lukevartn water into 1 t up scalded tool milk h cup w urm watt r stir tup inoliivu h iiinl s tbap salt then ji lit i t and mu in suff it u nl flour a upi ruhrnii flour to nuiki a soft diiiikh add 2 tbsp tnt ited shortt mng and tx ut well mix in unotht r l cup of flour to muki u sink douh but not silt ky turn i ut on floured board and km ad jo time place in large greased imiu i cov i r with tea towel and let rise until double in bulk then punch down und miip off plcci s with scissors roll and place in krt ased muffin pans iet rise again v hi tht h buki immediate l in hot own of 42 derecs for 15 mimili s i fair r aril lit i rf dissolve s puikiih of hirr ji ll- and pour inti indivnlunl round moulds or in rmml kbits dish chill until firm ir the n fi ij ritur th n turn indi lluil in ulds on strung plates or tist doughnut tutttr and egg lifter to triinsf r clrrh s of jrllv to flat plntei fill the r ntrt u ith ball trf lit ese rolled in cocoon ut and firicii iimjathuio cherries serve with ptanut oatmt al cookie milton friends in milton and th kelson community will be interested to learn of the honour which has com to george s hume son of the late wilkam and mrs hume of milton dr hume of ottawa has been choen director of the mineaforeau und scltntific service brmjcn of the mines and resource dpartmsrit it was announced recently milton fire brigade quickly brought under control a blaze in a tool houjut owned by the spartan construction company situated at the copjer of garnet and lydla avenues last saturday afternoon unique in skill and grace iksun of the hamilton skating club thril led a bug- audience at the milton anna monday night during a fig ure skating show sponsored by the maple iaf group of knoi presby t rlan church the junior as well as thr senior artists presented a wt ii balanced exhibition of snlb numbers duo dancing groups in termingled with comedy numbers canadian hampton floyd marlatt j i case farm machinery ales service chore boy lav vacuum milkers why waujhen you can ride call dennys taxi phone anwhekr 0nu anytime outirtoti triph oi specialty for better prices when selling poultry call us collect anytime no flock too large halt on poultry products phone milton lw grandma and p00v juil lov a but trip thay lal tola and happy in th car ol a com pliant and riandly driver and fr to fully moy th dvlightlul driv and all th inrar- itino tight along th way naxt lima ut your lovad onm travel by bus add enjoyment to their trip fares are low toronto 175 owen sound 495 barjue 475 north bay 1275 round trip suboci to change itdcets and vwis chronicles ot jerfarm gingc urtltea htvwulij lar tit aetaa kraa ptm uknimunb p clabkk xs 111 1 how foolish it u to try to eras our bridge before w e come to them lor weeks partner has been worrying about a row that he was mire would hav trouble in calling and then one morning he wvnt to th barn and there was tht cow with her calf und everything b solutely normal and wjbb re lleved not only about the hkw but tjetauw partner was n luted from furtht r worry laater that same morning i went down to see our barnard family and upon my won ou could n t move ftr elves tin ft- wt r raurs evt iwht i mhih having tht ir breakfast others alrtady finished and taking their daily donn by chasing aiound the stable some were still tied up and a cod pie were running loose in a pen lor heaven sake how many ewrws haw you got aiouiuj ht tr i asked partner darned tf i know i ve i t tiai k of tht in he uvkrrl so i w nl around and count- tin in tht re were niiu en itumigh w t had alteady sent four out i suppose the reason u that we had tight heifi n ull pretty much of an agi last summer kvidt ntly they n alled their main function in life wai to produci o tht y did just that hut definitely a ar or two ago one of my i i adt is vild i dun t b lit vt a wet k got 5 by but what you talk itlxjul your t hit k n 1 hatlnt it allied it but no doubt sht was iikht now the chanct 9 ait aonn one will ii that new r u week go s by without my saying stvnethlng about i iui- and that too i true hut thin this column is a chnmitu of tht doini at gmgt r 1 urm mid right now cali scim to hold th j bimitlighl hut enough if ulvs today 1 had out tif lhk unwtltumc things tint rm to ull of u- whtthtr w want tht m or not i mi an a birth ut hut wn a birthday his it tump ii vilnms ii is nice to tiai t leltt r- j1 and phone trails as if i iih pctiph ht ic and tht re gt t ihl nution tht art glad you hap pt n ti te iliw and i hat a sptiial dunlin ns fur bnthdgy cards ihi an mi h met pt rsonal tin nt dauihu r for liutanct ha an urn mm habit tif picking out card insular appropriate to the m ivm and the occasion my card this i ir ftaturri a cockir span it 1 trlhftvd to a imuii ktutk in the ground as if om cocker spaniel b thi nami tif honey wasnt rnoufch this card was one of the folder up with a picture and a bit of virke running on each page the dolt ful t xprision on the pup s face w uj rt ally clever the vt rse put altogether run like this a birthday message across the mile can 1 come to see you cant hear your oice too broke to call you sin t got much choice can t do a dumed thing ceptin just set and hope that this birthday s your nicest one yet daughter underlined too broke to call you which i look a a gentle hint that i needn t be ex pecting a long distance call another very nice card was from wry special friend and i knew it had been chosen for the lovely utm that was in il little things likt that are heart w arming and so ery welcome etn if ones birth- day tsn t how nice it is to have frund ou know i often think the best thing about this poor old world isjhf ptoplt in it so why worrv uut a birthday a ytar mort or itvs what doe it matter wc art ntvtr n ally old until wt think we are and we never need to think w i re old as long as we can taki an intt ntt in w hat goes on around us ont da 1 told an oldish person on hir birthday that i hoped she w ould huv e many more happy i birthday she answered well i dont know i m not w sure that i want many more birthdays what an unhappy attitude to- w ards life and yet it u under standable with some older folk the accmt these das u on youth young people must be provided with opportunities for education recreation andla business or pro fusion the only opportunity de nted thein u a chance to stand on their own feet and prove that they have what it takes to make ihrirt own way in the world old people i are not given enough consideration surely our whole social structure f w ould be greatly improved if more thought were given to the problems of those still independent in spirit bg unable to fond for themselve we mustnt have our old folk hop ing they will iot have many more birthdays old people should be accepted as the responsibility of the young unfortunately this responsi bility is not always realized and accepted roime op newt tr4nscanaja highway ottawa may have to list a rultfj to lay out route fur ttanscanada highwa suggests the financial post ctrtainly if it heeds all the passional pleas made b the scores of communities interested the re sult will bt tht longest highway ut i the worlj and alo the cruokedet pthe road would havt to lourh lboutafwy city in the dominion it is going to tx diffuult enough to gt t tround the obstacles with whuh natun has so generously en dowed the central portions of an ada hut if in addition the tch must link up with suth widely up aratrd jints aa edmonton and algary and lit glna umj saskatoon in the ivairie lrov iiicra and say carhraii north hay sault sl- marie and toronto in cmtatlo tlu n wr might as well go the whole hog und intlude churchill and aklavlk i to there is not much u rm her at mg ottawa in this matter ton i ludi s tlte post until tin various uuiiut ipahtlt s have a ttled their iff tjctscirh rkowin wl mkity in ifkitain i p t rr lcimlng incri a itntaio m nl- r numb i f littnee litu it ud now on i ill kto ay iinong tnat eat h lilt vision m t is axl b ull m lk flv v it b it vlofttlu ropli ual at wi ii as hi ns t at h day a n ntte in the mull nl im fore th md of ar this w ill bring trans ni wilhin tin iiiki tif aiitilh r booonoo mili this uuans njt jing vis t am pit tar irarimuillitil h mii im it this ar optoanatrlk 7 ihulab btueet cjlieull i lib ixamimi lasss fittbd jut aid nt nip i f milk or wain to tin lll al mu mir aixl llr rlpy llll lvniiilr lllrili liflit liinlri ami ililwruiuii 7t ll cflfftpbcllj cake mix 9 ruvmt exocotarf ooumh leci vics photography studio pokthaits films deviciamed rnlarjcrmrnta up to 11 i if compunii weddint hebvice photos souai s and banquets mill street nnt to v commrkclal illotoghaihy phones bua 65 he s2ij -fffr- dance in ryans auditorium cue lp ii wednesday and saturday nights oni ol anaia s i ini st hai lkmm i 1 kks don i i orrt t it has htin one tif onlinu s mnm pupuar ln k spni for the pst 22 ycar imrri your krirmls at ryans wamtu i a famil affair faith baeljtulfar irtlrtlay faith u far sry day al work al slay 1st tka sjadst liaae tha fasally ha ing w vw ctals amj tsesparatajy aa ufa 1 wu b fillatl ekk valeaa af eaesfa- sloaa b baasy la tosl lisljlm asul slims bat fatftit isl a arwsr o ours sir faa ha a fcaiboest ef cmjij asoty a aldeu far tbasllr haplwaas a ntsral cshii ea giva mm aail wvaiai a svrsailr af li a seasa t j srsy tttlv tlthi lltay ara witaepfar ptarml far th kfva asultska of family living the family salted in falih hits a strong aadlalina utlureai aalarally turn l fallk whea ll b a daily pari af ika family life asul when ihey kaasr tka real maaalasj af fakk ikey will w inlsraai tkoae wka tibnm lavsir utah la oiker wmf tkakaasa alasaspkere u far diaweau wktaa a faamily slops trylag la walk stoss wkaa u see lis plaea la tka klcgotv schasme of tklasa h woeks la- gelhar far ika tluag it can eaaltal and irasst its cod far gutdaaae ia prohlaaaa keyoavtl iu ouav iral suck a family eaal kajp feeling closer lacstkaa moee sura ef usalf kapplar ta kagp allva ika ctaailys iskk ealb far a paai tlva plan juti as you plan far yoair sasallya at t- rtat welfare ham yow family tatprmss u fakk it a mailer of rkoieaw wkal b iaaportaal la ya b tkag you jo espre ll a weiiai mmaiha man ifcaa fiujf uft imm loaipaates ta caaaja mj tw ijfll

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