Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 14, 1949, p. 5

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thursday april 14th 144 the acton free press ftxat nvx ur and mr c il harrison csl lad on aton friends oo sunday wn ivrry watson has bn paullnc s fewdays with restive at st cauurinc ur r c cunningham uuton and mr j k watklns acton left today on a trip to washington mrs r u mcdonald wu called to ixndtx on friday u the bedside of her sister wht u seriously lit mr john chapman sr u visiting in trenton for fjw webs and r cup rating from his recent ulna ulifmi marguerite and 111 is roa- il spent use wknd with itev j u and mrs anderson at london ur and un arum mason re- tumad7murday after nndtng the winter month in st petersburg flartda ur and mr ii hoy wan trough have returned to their home in toronto after spending the winter tn th hotel alma west palm ilearh florida friends were gtadlhat ur geo ingle was able to return to his home at crewaoli s corners last week after being in st joseph s hospital guelph for aeveral waaka mr and un w mclod mr and mrs t wood of toronto and ur and mrs a williams mrs it scott and patsy georgetown visited with miss e idwlbomc over th wsak- mrs c j vanooosen was re moved to th general hospital in ouelph uat w where ah under- want an operation last thursday friends will wish her a prompt re covery mr u pickering mrs j urn bert mlaa u z ilnnett snd miss m ualnprizi attended thi annua preabytertal of the woman s mts slonsry society of the united church in waterduwn last thurs day mr and mrs chas w mason willow sttht will observe the fiftieth anniversary of their wed ding on caster sunday april 17th they will be at home to their friends on the afternoon and even ing of that day vttttrb tfilnttti trf qhtturiui aaiam 0eru kev louts mfkwiho mlallir partonare bowar avanu cood friday april lmh at h pm a paaalomide and uter pro- brmm of xorrort mualr rendered by th diurrfa choir easteh sunday sunday april nth 1w9 1 1 00 a m the flour o common wonmn lurmon the kaater rid of i h croaa church hehool service in uit church auditorium at 9 30 m 7 00 pjn the t venlnff hervloe llluatjmted meaaeffe krom the lairds hupper lo 1ha aoen ton m see double oilumn announfmm on um pane you arr velrome at any of thme lervtrea lrrkbtuhatti ccurrf tat fauuba knox tswavqh attfok rev roheut il akmhtkomc1 mju mlalater 1loonuiuv ihtwcr 1100am kastell skkvk rs 11 00 ajn divine womhlu 2 11 pjn sunday school too pm drvlnc servlc now la chriat rtaan from ihe ommi and become the flrat irulu ol lham that alapt satttut shurrb aotofi re cataa b- qoweb mlautai eastkk sunday sunday april 17ui 11mu 10 30 am sunday school 11 ui a m hm 1iiwm ol chrtal n april hlh ii y i ii sprint itally at slrotlor1 2 oo pm to ii 00 p m 6t alliiu qhjurrt laaiuaal uotar baa w o laixtaa ba- mrs r l davidson president of acton womens institute the arton women s institute mrt at the home of mrs geo iaxenby for their monthly merlin un thursday april lib this being the annual meeting officers sscrc clrc led for the neat tern wltt mrs h u davidson chosen as their presl lrnt by acclamation urrent evtnts were rrported by ur carl lambert tin motto of uu month success is achieved not hy setting thi mujl but by gtvlns your bast ax read by mrs llolloway ajwipcr in keeping with th easteri season what ios kscter mean to you was given by mr w lvnn mn larcnby read from an artlch mrv el unor hhmvelt on polilit1 n flection th roll c 11 of the month my first monrv and how i earned it was most inli resting the financial returns not urg ruttsinu frxan picking berries at lr a box to pick ing potatoes at 25c per day and carrying thi neighbor milk from a nearbs farm for o kniau- weekly f th report from th district directors meeting in milton was given hv un t andcnkhi gifts of the same alu won to b ahnl thi tun families who had suffervd liuu b fir th strur uas to send luuter r im mtyaiuh to thi mk and shut in nn mtn rv atsu an actonianj iiou in santtorium a mcial iimnt uus planned for later in tht month mrs latenhs offtrv hr homi for tht event the following in thi officer for th mxturvn pnuunt mri u 1 divuhton ss tn as airs r at- d rson const nor asntultun and canadian tndustrus mr r mun ter honu ectmomic mrs t usmbtrt social welfare mrs v maddox citutnship mrs m ml auw llulartcal llearth mr geortft uanu publuit mrs w svans euchrv club mrs tlolloway mrs uaitnbs lasittv mn ja- wtlds hooth mrs j wilds musical festival mrs w jrvon conenont reported the following mrs atu on thi sood and bacon show a milton and mrs lambert read her vearl report on home ecooonucs the hosteiu was assisted b mr tlollowav and mrs deunv in serv ing delicious refreshments mrs f anderson expressed ibv thanks to all who had assisted and made possible a pleasant afternoon together mtniay aiiui 17th lhm faster sundas do am holy communl m 11 1 a m lvoral tmmunlon 2in pm children sarvirf lr the church 7 k p m kaster service special kastr mustr will be renrt ered by the holr at the morn ing and 1venlng syrvlce a wajoom awslu you halton county takes ownership lowville park continued from pagr one mclaren halton music festival was given a brunt of 100 council was reminded the may meeting would consiit of the an nual visit of school children fo the council members approved of con ducting an essay contest my visit lo county counril the essay to be not more than 300 wurds and to close at th end of the month ten prises ranging from f 10 to one dol lor would be paid to winner of the best essays warden mrs mary prltlt and fleew vanhlckle wvrv ppointed counril s rtrwentuv to the ilajlon children a aid horlaty in ordering a communication from th i i rglaierd nurs a sand at ion aakinp afwndlnir mnnrst hv tliven to the inmate of the llomt f r the atfrd to 1m filed it was ejupliilned j 00 m month was nfiw being given to tiraae at th home from t heir pension money madame warden said this money ould im m nt ms thu indlvidualj set fit for their own pliasure outlining the proposed pronrsm of lite county itoada danartments jtoy smith engineer aald expendi tures wire wdlnvmel at 163 000 for the year he aald increased costs in mstntrftadrr utinbuud to the alight inrreaos ihe rotjram included wlovnlnii of road and tliminatton of dsntceroun ctirven on some roads he aald mr smith told members industry was provldlns health snd life in sursnr aervlai to their mrloyj and suggested it might he an ex oellent plan to study for th bn en l of county employee oouruil instructed the finance oornmltte to inveatlgate all uuisea of thli acr vlrv and report their finding at a later meetinjr oul john tt hartier commnnrt ing officer of iorne scots hi iciiqi nt was present to thank council for thnlr reoerll donation to tlve f gl mental i land and tlclment oounctl approved a resolution sionsored by ilet vri illggar and vunslcklt mklnk the it nartnu nt of rransport to make a change of t he si gnn i system n t the crossing nl camplwllvllle they said th prcm nt mechanism mas obaalt ntul should be rt placed hy more moihrn eoulpment as soon aa nos- stblt warden mrs petut on bebalf of council i xpn med thi lr hvmputh to uwve w ii illgunr during hla hereflvement ivr the loss frf hla wife county council to investigate a halton home will mmke prejlminuy kuney of rubt iwl appoint a cortaaitlm today hcjunid warden urx uary prltlt fchrn halum county counril ditcidrd to conduct r prrumlnary urvry ft r th purpos- of initltut ing a prw hoint- for the aged in halton county council approvrrd a rraolutlon apnnaorrd by itwvn john t arm ctron and leuty rrrvr jam- gondlet that a cnmmlttr- be ap pointed connlitlng of deputy reev goodlel ilveciambnand reen e i heduled the crowd at the club jriloilni lo formulatt pluil tu 1 w w new hune in halton tounly lino eml a lrne attend ilualn of halton ntabllihlng r thr crod last a home of tht lr ov n aroae vhn a dlheartenlii uv arnilrm enquired of th a imrt from th urceaa of the war1 ii wh ther or not ihe ubjert ul huitby team undertaklni hail jeen mentioned at a reccnl hm a lame d fl ii till remain r acteen topics 1 t tttf with easter in the nuking and school holidays starting tomorrow tht re should be a great deal to comment on nt xt week but th that i the best news 1 ve beardv r va the penguin club experienced a rcv rse of the previous week s majority of boys this week th tfirls perhaps in expectation were in the majority while the boys du satisfied were in the minority an invitation was received from the kim irs club with whom our club has had no previous contact the qmirs organlralion invited any number to some event they havs rosedale floral i georgetown fiowfrs fon kvery i ckcabion if it m a spray wreath wad tins fl wera rut flower pot tr1 plants w ran j you our tl are rtfht phon r tmarks aclon i or onorgflown ii1j ii robl r hatbiiton optometrist of guelph will b l dr g a srrs oftiw tttshdav may 1 1m 1fjh cvmflttie atvanioirs ukmvum fnerting tif the hoard of governor of thi jointly owmd home tht postlullty of h new home wan diuuataxd st a funiu r nieetlng lunnl when they upproved of iiik on the itugby eaquippitnl if you have any suggestion as to how this deficit mi tte cleared by may lkt te sine and voire your idea to one of the team or geoffr o ikono teannf tht ir shart of the cost of construttlon of a m w wln t th i wlh f4 thrr in skue the brampton horn membt m felt ports shtmild te tartinf while a most friendly co opt ration u rt vr mwnr ntlim the ten existed bttween the two rounttes nu ncu no1 ycl r but thu hallon was being asked to con i n ln should be tribute to f spense tn rrmodelling undrf w very shortly an old building others frit money nb another spurt famous ln spent by halton for this purpose acton will skn be culmlng some could be used toward a building of modt rn construction of their own assured by madame warden that no discussion had taken place hit v armstrong dec lured there at a fit ling by many people in attention from small fry as ell as large afti r our comment a few weeks ago about roller skating we realized that wi were apiarently quite in ordt r almost the next day we i hi county the tlm had com lor noticed two or thrr leen aera halton lo mak plana lo eaubllah i t aate and breeiln down the thlr own home id walk if ml thuiu ilcl now n luln club do thu wk wul1 tht tlm fr u to ll lhr g holiday a hun brved madame wardnl rh h m oth r mi mbt rs giive their ap provul to h r sussi ition ileevi join s acton told mem im rs ht had ivrn thi project some thought nlnci the lust meeting and had tuken the liberty to ropy plans st hlch he would luu r r m nt ic the council th se mnv bt of some uimiunit ti wt ht stated hefi rrnik t proptmsrd exm ndi turen of pnsldinic th home with itram i i m v rue aervlce at an estlmutt d cost of some 2a 000 hi i vi armstrong obat rved thi stmi thing sieial in store for tendt rs auciion sle of fi usm ur u by do you know continued well sprtno is here aoain and i t fioiw the num has pone for another season thu ueek uiu see a brtaril array of neu ihinps in kreplnp with the e alter cum font and all beiny well the far men mill be bus at thrlr seeding sprint time meanj bust time if hf her it b at home in your garden or away at lomr other occunart don t unite your taluabli tim ualkiny uhen you can yet auch ion rnli from roy s tuxl our rutty cjuatlfitd ilni i n kill taki you u fit ret er yoti u ant to yo thi until mi net haive instrot ttians from urn hi mmkrs thi crt sctnt aclon u i ublir aut luin iki hat1 riat aiiui i led at 1 to orlirk the to ii win i new tti tuihoiie t lecirie wakh liktks ti nn to im onlv thi ilart of mg marhim used fl months new mm miiiik money over there sbovr i i ryutsl olsuwan xetting for eight rxpenditurc approved and opd- what has olr d approved of i nj s cinet lusst retl u le aid included county thi n still huve an old builditil iargi tjk sidi lxard with lienrh hulldinftt 1xw agtimilturr snd i il mlr tnmg plate table iteromrtrntkin u13 3a hoapltal c- i j m j clah jnnn hjn sim unh i1o00 prtntlnff m 14 h n minute count nail pollah m jg ft omnty itonds 7 470 20 rinance ss ill dr faster if lh flncertlpa ar u child x steel ot small m jlsftjvi amaasbment cnmmlttsw ihppej in cold water immedtsteh prewer sttidlo couch wahtand 7 41 council adjourned to meet ma lh call roy t taxi phone 128 acton easter program at meeting of knox soei club utcr pyn e pouh allow h j tiloc ttr fltikirllim to dr without ulplng ckki mulium si7i qui c jli st r i good gut iph climax kltchi n llnni1 vsith reiiervoir and warming thi lrk st lroup of ti irphonc rlom t mikir 1 tnoleum 1hx12 marlv l u ititiliihip linoleum for kit hi n km hi n tuhh 4 kitrh n c aniida run bt tween ronto und hamilton in trinunlngr uvc stalks of cut flowr ust ntaor blade and cut at- a sharp slant- fjowera wtu4aat longer than if cut with wciamai lermze tese old wllry it ckormtnq but only too often u u to worn or outmodod thai it loolu oul ol plot with modom coatumet now u mt tlm to bt im tamform ehow hajrloanw into ultromodam owl- lory com in and t our loro wbemon of th vry inljtt wmnat wall bo olod to fllvo you on tatlmato wttfc- oui oblloailon aocuum the n kui ir meeting of knox so- a club wjis hi id on wtdnesdnyj tsinlni of last wuk the thought of thi nppronrhlng easter saason pcrsnded the prornm which was out of d soti n the scnptun li unn wa nod by flstiss morjorii hall after which mrs huchannn led in prayt r the shuker mrs h i ilennle chose as hi r subject ensti r what does it mian to on nnd gave a very tinuly and p rsoniil messagi musical numlxni included a solo hi trivet bv mrs g dowen a duit him mmh 1 0i by mrs roslii und mrs a k mannt a trio hum dtiiutiful tht moming bs missts iklh hosit11 lsobel andt non and mrs red audi rson und a quartttti thi old hugged i cross composed of thi members j ufhi trio and mrs w m hill ton vt nor of tin coninltttt who plan niti tht nut- ting pcei the amazing thor gladiron in action hiiirs ikinttte buffet likr ne rim r in trie ii t iliti marly m u 1- tiding iron int sund good high i hair t hild s lrnm child s it ilh gimki w mans coat with fur collar 2 inundrs tubs tub slund dishi s kitrhm uti nsils and t ther mnall artirli s ti rms cash r sirs thing must in id v mr and mrs summi rs lire mm ing to vaniiiim r frank pm ii aurtt neer acton aukaitawuhw asiaal oihwyss s h the best years of our lives oomino may 2-3-4- box otyice opens 6 pjn shown start 615 915 s2v acton irons presses steams automatically cmt it mvayu4s fit automafiifi gladiron b irom a ahlrt beaunfully in 414 biouma lc awn tunplt s iron fuaiy chino childna jjllirt ruclad curtaini aec rial work oaa through with aaaai la ipaad ho ttm0iw0h0 tlhle ho ackacui fobal to unall tora vfcaal u urwhert rati wuit iatt- coau ihtwo ty if tobav manning electric tne table changes sundyapril24th 1949 full infunmuiaa from ataata canadian nationa1 railways ouk store will be opencknight till 10 pm pallants mltlllm am rxmvtwkar llll stukrh acton warning h hu bem hnhigtit to our altmuon that hui b rajllne frraaa llouw to houht rulmlns lo bt hauty wamihw rffiretiutjt to imtrvt our ileal ly uiaw curlomrm r utmiu like to advikr then uul we are sole acmu for realty manning mirhinrn and repair laru in arton iernoiw empkrfiui audi unaulhorited repreaent- ativm are leaving themselves open to toe pos- nlbilit of over rharirirut inferior parts and poor workmanship talbot hardware ihonk 7g acton auction sle uf- noi htiioij numnur i plie understkned hae resmed inalructions from uiijjam mraljith tt tall b 1ublit auction at ms frinn on i htiima 1 miles north ol iaermt and u mile south of milton on hatihdai april lack nt j o 1 1 eck thi follmlng modi rn lininj kirom jullc con slstint r lahle huftet snd b jin in in new rsmd ti in modern uuerntt kttc n ltnn with re i rvoir llnishisd in vhll nrcelrn i octasionil uphouli rd chair ks j ti nti on 1 nt and h i tin irs to i motisli jlini sttlonal uookiasr mniini cabin kitrhtn t ui- btturd kitthm cabinet 2 uridsc lnmpa knte llolv 13ut litfht oak i uouoolr lanijis cheat of lrauer size walnut ud snrtnrs and sprlnn mum mattreas 2 walnut waahatands walnut amchair 6 walnut chairs drop loaf rable larjre old fashioned walnut kound tahl odd dining itoom table oval odd dresser iair hav damask drapes lined floor length wlnr pair cotton and lta- on short drapaa and vatantse 3 pair matching marqulsmt cur tains klectrtc sandwich giiu j tires 30x11 whh tubes several doxsn krult jars odd imshe and numerous other artlch tlbrm cash settlement with clerk- ds of iale no rtere as the proprietor has sold his arm and la moving to the city htndlev x elliott auottolwrb s c fiss dexk 40- d good friday and easter sunday jh lljr snltrtl c urr if mil khida1 april i mh at k1 pjn a laaaiontlde ajid kapler prafnm ft harrad moala will be rendered by the iure italr i n ojn rjirl a tree will orfartnf ri o rnl selection see itelow k stkr shnda1 april lzlhiai9 mormml kantrjt krhvict kob the cifubmi hciiooi at 4 ajn herloe la tae auditorium at lra waadlaaa jarua faasga a ciloreo llluatrated talk nn the r irat raaler morn a apeeiaj ixllstlan u pareata mt heltaal cuuraaj amd adulta bayi and ilrla will meat in uu srtaaal raatn at ariaeit brtjikkamt isttk al arrasrj rlulm lata la isjw an henad to all children in attmidsjuu and otkara praaeat at iva llnl momlni hertna tllh hoi r ok common worship at kijkn mr srjlmov m tiiic minimrn the loaater hide of the oh 1 lvo h irl srhm i v r rhlldr n lo c ara rjifcl r mux b th on ir mnimy k enint skhv it h at 7 ol lih k a neauitlfull colored llluatrated maaaae aa the uu mt aarlat fmn hlie laat hupprr 4 uta aaeaaalaa 1art nl th inml ntlde and raver lnqrran of saivl uuatr it ndend b 11m oiitr on rtulay rvnilh will l aiven aualn by trana rtptlnn mi1 i- kidav c moral sxijtiosh iiv till tioik anlllr m kour iarl onon hie tale of ihe tmpl kivapn 1d so ied ihe world slainer ilrom ihe cyuftloai i tjuttr jo arr by itirhanl 1 ihelna q saviour of tha world com tiiii ij the lord a doing caiab simper we lelare i nto ou ud ttdmifa j 11 uaundar and the glor of the lrl handel from tile mmdah i pajlt gs all in the april evwilrf9s a i ifukh it hertaoll sueet beua of eaaut ls a wm iiuliuil in joaeph a lovely garden s s a axr r tlarenrti dickenaon with lat soprano solo tlory in tht garden wvi and mined quartette llollon sou the maidalen he shall feed hll flock soprano iqontraltor ilandel frotn the alaadan soprafljl hart lone i walked today where jeaiia walked the holy at x thus satth tne lord jbtrllone hand from th uaaalah organ overture selectad lllsa ethel pranuiii tijmiimmmmummmmmmmmhiimmmmammmmmmwammmwmmamammmmmmm l

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