Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 14, 1949, p. 6

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pack six the acton free press thursday april luk tw j ammuaf thatrr sioht sponsored y halloa jjoufeta nd miu praducerj the annual tkutir night spon sored by llajlnn holatein ureeders and haltun milk producer was voted the best yet by the ncoid audience which parked thr princes theatre ulltun m wednesday evening hut aptain th iu v norman kiwwn of centenary hurrh hamilton was the guest vicsker writ lived up to hi r jhjlatlon as tru- of the tmulanding btmskrn un the north ameiican ttaiuncot k o hunti r imidi nt of twth the itaiitrin breeders and the udk pittduorra wa chairman for the rinlltnt program hnh ui duded umii outstanding artuu aa juiimit shu ida iolad uriku t radio fame uary uorruun a a lightful soprano from winnipeg loug idaname who la recugmid aa anada i nutst ttuulantling attract kmi of any program anflan tjvi aid a eltvcr magie lati all three n ale artiiu rrr mend r of the catiadian ann show in n at britain and uropc anolh r ft a lure i thr presentation of crtifl i atca of ixmg distance pntdurtumi h harry may if oaikvillc a dnrctor of the holitcin r nrnan asoclautwi of anada th recip troll wrrv u t watson i reciruui and methucri i tannic of palcimo j u rraser past president of the lloutnn srirsian aimm latum of canada nudi tht pn w nutum of ow lucky door pri the draw for i which u inad bv ulxs th inia j llunlcr ol notval to thi winner win lleuui of trafalgar aniihrr u italtnn t illy pmdutcrj hits thr hratt f inrt poplar how cbuflain maid a hi ult in matron in lh fit rd of it vt s j worth of rninuu u now the madian champion for lifetime pittductioii of fat in 30a day un two timti milking 1 1 r h u tat ion total u 100 ww ibv of milk 431 it of fat with a 4 2 tot this mtit i tow u rated very good under sc liche hcgudratiiwi and a f i w vtan ao was ihimn by mr s gs wrth at the llalton hack and uhile show ll r ffn ium lao aaade the hratllim s for thr sjmorth h rd ixiih in ilrcunl f ivrfortnance work and in the how rinx h r rldt st dauihu r sprurt i ho annatirlle w as thi rjiid chamjhtm ft mali at both th 1947 i and ims llallon huck and white show annabel le along with one of bee deters and brothrn have j txnautuuml the winning prugeny of dam at uiltnn for thr past aevt ral yrars kvm more noteworthy aanabelle with her suler tatty wrre tfc winning prugrny at the caampltifuhip show at brant fond tn imt and the second prise pro- fy a th same show in 1m7 deity or to give her her full name ftruchetgw chieftain betty ta also m the kaad lino ahe was second price aawior yearling and aecond wtie tvojrearold at the last two district niaclt and white champ iinuhip shows still more note- worthy betty top the syear ix arodufwn for april with 1m1 lbs aatlk tu uu at and a 438 test 1w aest ta line u the patterson heifer from pusllnch senior 1- yearold with 40 iba laaa fat who was recently declared world cham- ein he day milk producer batty wiiased law m9 day section by two days a brother of betty and an- nshelt also bred by mr secsworth is in tat btc artificial unit in the mate of pvruuylvania aa u also his aire formerly senior sire at sprue- letga farm grrat indeed u chief- tsia uaid and her offanrtnk cun farm is concerned than all the dams that will ever be built we hava reforested a fw acres of land lhil was not suitable for cropping and we suppose on some farms this might ik more important than it is on oun ue w ould like to hiar fanners talking bout conservation oilbeir own farms rather than setting mad ixtut what kimi authority is going to do ui building dams on a part of lh program but are not as immediately important to jifot farmer as ait umw practices that can be carried out on their farms w 1 1 bout vi ry much change in their system of farming we h- hern more or lea fullowiog ome of these un imr own farm for the iiait tin jnn or more and can i mmiimiml them ai n nig vi ry prat tu dl and iniid ntallv ptofil i bb to pra tice am w w ill m nlitm a few of these tliat we havi found ry easy to tactlm mi whuh trumly liririg roulb ue seed down all gium nu to a clover or a grauland clotr mis tort w havt usd wmim sweet i jvi r in thm niiklurt i as wi find it ik h closer thai 1 jr th soil in th nlrt st condition afti r it is plought d down ui uu tht wivt ilimi for islun ii ilage and loit yrai wr made tuy of it wtu fatrily l ba vint it tut toil by one of tins hamk4it that ruih lilt stalks and wi pnmn te m n dry ing thi owi havt liked this hay a ll u hi r than tlntolhv that was tut a blllt lab r but ihi v tlo 1m muite uf tin xmiim talks whith we havt uu fur bedding however wt thltk awttl lo r ii not as good a ha crop a it is for grasa uk and taturr it umially haves a hea y aft nnalh to plow down too vhlh furthi r b lp builtl thi toil tti 1 1 wi um comimtniil ft rtih trx on our atuli and h ly fit idi m itna giwa ui grt ati r yit id in th fall as will a on tbt grain w hu h mt an un n tnps to fiitl tht iivt stiii k num man urr and also mon ciop rimilm to plow down wi alvi applt iiuk1 of our man uu to the hay and pastun f u idi ratht r than pulling it all n tin loin nnu and w in at wt u til to i do ytars aio thu has built up our utl of ii rtilit irj mm h hiitur v tliat our irn tmp- do not m d thi nuiiuit oa thi did lw nty pollock and campbell high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 walt sl nortlt ualt tkucffionbi sms thr sunday school lesion sunday aphil 17 1049 promise of salvation to all true be- in vtrs mid in the same contest ur lord tajt tbt hour is coming and now is declaring plainly that what was to follow was immediate- 1 upon blng saved what ij if when the dead shall hear th v uu e of th son of od and lliey that ht ar siiall iivt it is an evi dt nt n fert iki to unregenerate b ing n k in rated by the son uf god it is tin uniform habit of tht scrip- tun to n fi r to the unsaved as dead rph 1 5 6 a regen i rutitl man it a spiritual new creation 2 cor i 17 x be re ki ne rated by the lb ly spirit is to r and iurd tlfj mauty of eternal life toldi n ttxt christ has been rauad from the dead the first fnuu t f thau w ho have fall n asleep 1 cor 15 20 kpmtiun i pnmise of regen i at ion jnn 1 25 thi tltlt f this lesson poinu to receive chrut j savli tlu futur life llut thu verse d it is to live jno 10 27 20 selected as a promise of hcavi n by all who are in the o gen ration of the usxm committee has no such hriat are spiritually nseu from th uibndiduachuig v 2s in this ad in uddltusi u being tpirlt preaching by jesus u the one that luallv alive whlth l the earn st of points dirtily to lle rrsuretlin i rnal mheritam rph 1 v is follows 24 whlfh is a great 14tbellevrrs await their reasurect ion in a glorified body horn a 10 ll t or la 47 71 ttie use or 1 v 25 ui lra givi in the oiportun wm r bracken real estate and enkhai insurance mortgage loan arranged rprrmnuuv or mututl lifr asaartnc ca lid handy carton now when housecleaning dont put aside furniture tiiat can i1k reuilioiimxed our new pattern and colors and cipert workman ship will nialemnerttbctter iktn nev i or the beat n cheaterficd re upholtering phone 87 acton ilr i tht intil of h mg ur i am 7 tuy nrrvlc no waiting fatj ymttu arrajigwd if daslrad aa ra upsvalalirsaa a naw up to ll mentha ta pay jack sudkrmann of john dick and son hnt tiles t ulliin hi lr saving iiriumi ijno 3 1 jj now if any t to ent r hi uvi n arid n hir irsurn lion btdv whrn n turn to aith again 1 i 1 1 10 1 r h 23i to 1m r m m ruled by the p nt through faith in the work of hnst means a 21 state of diath n mat lytrrmraranrrttnay tw j- m tim fi lb v 3 1 1 and it miialll all ii dial tapimatlifl fionl dod wbii li ii i ailed the s iirnd d nth lib v ii zt fl 14 1 8 in ii n hint ihi n munition of thc ixtdv wi mu t nol fall to make h ar that f t hi fu i alum s thi prep that glory ll cor 13 28 i va lh i iks 111 s w r uscd urniu stt ad of up and di lo w h n wt plow td with ii umi sopmi plow int w ilh a tiai tor with an adjustablt tub h maki s this trv niiith easier than it uad to tr h n wt had gnat difficult turn ing a furrow up tht hill tins iits tut down wohin mimi but also whin wi havt a field that is at all hillv for fill plowing wt tlw ivs try to plant a covtr crop on it to hold tht soil in tin spring wash ui use wheat and rjc for this purpos the wheat ta usually harvistcd as a grain crop but the rye u pastured off in lh- kpi ing and plow el down thin has cut the wash of our hilly fields far mon than 100 per cent as well as improv ing the frrtilitv of these fields ljutly we leave thr furrow where the w ater runs in sid as far as possible it means pulling the plow out when wc cross them but that is be it r than having a big ully washed that has to be filled in with good earth mhich will be washed out again the next time the field is fall plowed we think three practices are very much more important ao far as our tax notice- 1949 municipalm ok acton first instaijhknt now ihe nl iiin tnt which re taxes nre pnynblf to the atb ntlon is drawn to the wnnn n w pny ihli in tour instnlmenls munllwil trojiurcr at the acton public utilities office instalments are due as kallo first instaumknt ir1l iklh askcond instai3iknt junk 11th third instalment atcitst 1th fourth instaimknt octoiier 17lh arcotsillnff to the tax collection iry ijiw a penalty of s of 1 w i nnt x r monlh shall in nwidi l the r irvl inxialmrnt of it r lax iat or nevnv nl remninlnk unpnld after tho i- iht tt nth rt of april 1949 tlits iienalty apjules to each instnlmrnt in a almiuir manner the attention of ratepayers is directed to the penalties nnd other clusea as printed oo the reverae side of every tax notice and ox plained in detail on every tax bill tnxoa are now due and payable the penalty applies if the kind instalment is not met on or before monday april irth make paymkvr now and tajuc toftr tax moticr uttii you widen makino patattnt j mogeac conector ar ition f ml 11 h ii tin hi sun i turn i or n 20 m out iil s n sunt t tloii from the di ud u lb ph tlgt ami i arm st of ill hrlitlatl tmpt that it shuld tx thi i ortit istont of hn tiaii dat inn strikt s at lh nl if all nlii u- ihnim i whith ignore the mirat ul mt hristianity m in hi n i md win l rnaturil a1 im ad un iaul fcjjs by fi u to hi i t only lak ii of tht f ict that since ol uu irnatt la become in it ii pt rniltteel lo iwsstr f salvation a hill iiuln lut if i loth nd un i hn t ari in us with hia offi txi th gift t ight h id right out t t tlukjfatx ink to th iim id to c hnst hut n iii in lift j nt r dlv l mbmrcmaod unt- to this lh y only sjrvializcd clinics capable of curing children ffauoh jnuri aantial ifale plaas at ifotnr ror te ftwjrth annual at home of the haltosi j unior rarmers is sibed id ed for the brant inn ilur- lingtoav am thursday evrhing april ilsa autes stanley jay secreury of the llalton juniors w under stand that the jruung people have again engaged mervyn luroes and hu orchestra of call to provide the miuh numbered among the pat- rojis and patronesses for the event are to be ur and mrs j a garner tar former bein dirwtor of ex tension for the ontario pepartment of agriculture at toronto dr and un c a uartln of uilton and mr and un w s vansckte of campbell vi ue ur vanslckle ts the chairman of the committee agriculture and reforwsuttbn for the llalton county council soil cocverttalum uueh afore than contiwr mowing sad reforestation an oxford county dairyman whom we know very well and whose opinion on farrows topics is always worth listening to recently autad as follows when soil conservation u men tioned in this district the fanners lhune4iately think about dams that are to be built along our riven and creeks about contour plowing and reforestation thee steps of course ttmmy ottawa rtpniad4yaaw rt tn n i not 4 sink i ii t all im n in lot r used ind fai i judgnu nt wnt mi u nifiti nt filth j ml hid in tin ultiitiiti triumph if our ird hn l t mil ai i im uu s art put un i- i fikit hill lb n i the in im to th drstrot tht rr in ui i m mv before mi mu of us nd uc itt nil dv lining lo en luuiiti r him thi foundation is laid for thi indniduil distrurttun of this t m m w hi n a m m in in m s in his h rt in ji sits christ who his conquered this enemy as he i triumphed so shall ur who put our trust in him thi re 11 no inherent ixiwtr in man that can raise him i to life etimal christ in us is not nl tht hope of glory but the i mt ans whereby that hope can be- tome a bit ssod and ever i ait ing aal- ulion in chrud only are nn made alive i hi th- christian hope a source of strength 2 cor 4 lft3 1 i paul has defended his christian ministry i 143 15 he reveals the high calling of gods servants were these ideals embodied in the ministry universally the christian church vvouluv have more victories such ns paul could boast of the passage under ransidt ration rei als the reason for the right kind of t ndiiranci on what i founded t notr that he savi wc faint not i i 11 the inner resources must h iv i be en strong tht outw ard min miiht b perishint stt the inward nian n nnt wed da bv i ds i rst cut ion siffi nnj trial mtnpl drov t 1 nil tuck to christ aa tht living spn it within him gal m batk to the convitiant of tracc and the promise s bat k to l prawr and spiritual vimoii suth w imlom and faithfulness havi thtir tew ard thev make the unset n things real bv bringing into the soul that great spiritual strength which enable he chrutian to tx intclli- gintlv sure of sauation and chrut s power to save ctt rnallv one of the things nut seen but e ternal is th i nsurrthtion body i it the wordl tabenmcle means a tent house i a temporary duelling place such is our earthly body it is temporal i e an accommodation for tune it wilt be dissolved but one of the assurances christian experience confirms is the truth that ood w ite provide an eternal house tn which our souls will reside and it will be adequate for our needs in eternity salvation will be complete our bod soul and spirit will be holy glorified eternal 1 the 5 23 1 cor 13 53 rev 30 fl the assurance for this is in the resurrection of our lord rom 6 4 srrtjno 3 tt3v our final ic ftory is over death u cor 15 57 jo m progressive consermml wm i under way has his lee brace checked in an orthopa die c inlc his mother and the- society for crippled children nurse zelma creedon stands by the cure of crippled children la speclallaud work it demand kpmhalbvt and thoroufrhty eirperlsnced orthopaedic diagnosis ahd corrective methods to enable crippled chluren throughout the province to have this aervioo the ontario society far crippled children operates a score or more jrevelhn clinics yearty in every part of the prmlnc all nurses arv apeclall trained averave profit of canadian manu- im r4jwvpaedic work diirlruj the present faster seal campalim it hoped to raise rwaoooiw fltght crlpplins conditions amongst ontarios estimated 11000 crippled children f act u ring conpjlnles is six and two- fifths cents per dollar of salej george drew leader progressive consrvative party will speak thursday night april 21st on the subject the nations business cbl 745 pm i tbi mtosstsstsi cokstlmmtl fttttu prosrcisiv coaaamttve nadoiul hattdiurters 141 laiirier ae w ottawa i wish to join the pregfeisive coniemti party swn v address cqnstituencv

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