Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 14, 1949, p. 8

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faotkaom- the acton free press thursday apr1i 1uw imp ft h w fcartbi taurfitiam aaal fwtk at sja m i tksasa tat tookn ssuknlchtur and un jim lc- knight jan ttobartson main street acton r very happy to tnnounrt the birth of thanr son ronald jamea iprema tur at th nursing llum on april 7th mother nd toajby ax dote fin pbitudri tun harjruhon at his homr st pa rick otri rwgu on tuady april 13th 14s lurry l ur rlson blovd husband o jsi cummanc ltme on wednesday april 13th 1m9 at th cuelph uiwnl jloapttal john lyon i in huuui yw tw funafwj will th hald on kri day afternoon at 2j0 oeiorfc at th mioyr unraj ho at 0orft4mirm isinsssat at tra wvufommtr orawt0wn h in aosmsjam wajtehjuxwk- in loving memory of our dear mother ttwrtottr khaabeth wu rtaiand away april ivkh 1m your not forgotten mother dear nor ever shall you he a lone 11 and menvsry last w shall immbk uw avr rein by tn family cuuum or hunm ur and alra he ritchie with to thank u their friend and neighbors for th cards gilt and hind enquiries during mr jillhrte cuven weeks in the roronto liuapll al the kind acts arr gratefully rfiwmhvrm mr t orge ryac wishes t thank her friends ralallve and hi a loan ttturch for th kind enquir ies carts howmiad other gifts reretwd during her illness in th rporonui corral hospital itiey were greatly appreciated th fainuy of th lat john j davidson wiah to thank their many friend in acton hot k wood and ld mills district tor their many kind acta and floral tribute and neciuy th member of walker uodge a v a- a u luv armstrong iidlr knny in their recent sad fcereawa mr orge i ingle with to thank all h neighbors friend and ttmanlcatvons for all glrta of thing received by my family alnr th loss of oar hoaa by fire also for lower oaxd axd other ftfta at th hospital and to the doctor and nuram of st joseph i hospital for all th food care mmy cod blma oaxi and evrryon of ou in hla own way all haa been amtly appraciaud oood friday tomorrow acton u inrorporatrd at m illafr in 1it3 sprcial aervlf tn churchr during the eaittruda ualn street looks better after its annual ipnng clean up hot cross jauna caster dunnles and ep arc much in the menus these days in imt acton i industries tm ployed ion persons or utr equlva lent of 34 per cent of the town a population drat municipal power plant in acton went into aervtre in 1800 imor to that the storey glove co had generating plant for its own use the breaking up and levelling of highway no is is making a temporary improvement that is in deed appreciated work on toil tests on the road is continuing uapl syrup from the district u now on the market and we hac enjoyed a very fine lot of the spring delicacy the product of a j murray and son just north of town ur 11 dron brought some lanaies to the office this week that he had picked from hi garden thi y were perfect blooms and were tilikiming last fall whtn the frosts amc and apparrnt nt an t ui k spring start a gtua fire kt out of control and spread into the eergreen hvdife at the ttxrance to fairvu 4 enirur to gt- th flrv urtitdt a run ahuril aftar runui uda kiutunately little ulrwl was blow ing at the time and damage u only slight john thomas avidson well known wvrn pioneer john thomas davidson passed away at guelph g rural hopiuj on sundsy april jrd mr david son was born on decembrr 21 170 on th old farm north of acton the son of th tat charles and mar garet dvldson 11 began working for th orand trunk luilway in acton about 19 and in 1903 was mstrled to agnes anderson in 1902 lhy went wast and h opened many of the stations in the amah towns that wer springing up at that i fin for this purpose they were provided with a apaclal csr with their household effect in it which was used until a station could be built and an agnt appuinud whrn they thrn left to reeat tht- umr service at another point- in th year 1913 he irft the em ploy of the canadian national llsll y and joined the dominion gov rnimriil telegraph hervue in which capacity he rnnslncd until 19t0 when hr retired during this time ue- davidson delivered many a mnuge of joy and sorrow u the ranchers and homrstrsdrn of northern sas katrhewn and alberta and his puu mill be sincerely rrgrrttrd by these old tuners of the trail and pionrcr districts mr davidson became interested in amateur short wave in j028 and hld hla license to operate and broadcast continuously since that data he was very enthusiastic about this and took great delight in sending personal message to for eign climes for th people who had friends or relatives thare or just chatting on th air to a ship op eratur st sea weather station in alaska and on rare occasions to some american or british operator in moscow tokyo south africa austxalla and many others too num erous to mention during the war thrse operations had to b discon tinued and it was with much regret he closed down for that period ha went back to work in 1942 at th research enterprise ltd ivasidc toronto until the wsr finished while there he won several prizes tor suggestions on improvements of radio equipment survivors include his widow the former agnes anderson and three children all bom out west mrs hudson of jasper alberta mrs arnold of glenbush saskatchewan and charles davidson of rock wood ontario six grandchildren and on brother robert davidson on the srtl line interment uss held at fslrvtru cimilco aclou ontario on wed nesday april 6lh 1cm0 the rev armntrong knok presbyterian church and walker lodge a f am officiated at the funeral ser vice uorak news wr juuii wuidlig of muliiiu bvnutu vw u fcuiki ai uu lu j tun ui at uui icour llub uu tut ui air wmlmi u kuperuiwnu tin oi uu v uiiua utpjjuuliil ul ii u xint null ui iivutji ana ubs i v lulling uu puuit oi uu wool tuiuuuig corjfuialiou in re j is uiuliuauuli ll xtttltu ful llic otl ice is lor lit iui uiwj lrt uui is uiv u tu held iitxl it wri tuntly sua las siibniun rtporud 1 uu uu viuur piujrt sjui lust at- i livery of old is u to be utaue aji stuu4juuc iiart was pusled una it wis revealed that amu m tun uiiu jats huyslun had a ptifcct suendsnce iriufd and j a l in i s ranged dou ti to just above tlie necessary 60 per t nl a dfiv u being made to utuii a bvtur rrcurd fur the acton club your eyes a iviik er birrmlailln u lit 1ttntirl bobuult rm bell ulilinl ojlmi ihll pkasa uaul bun the best years of our lrves bonnie francescatto joined the 300 club and won the ladles high single for the week with a score of 303 ul bradshsw won the ladles high triple with 305 and 230 for a tout of ml monty root won the men a high tingle with 314 he was playing with force a team in th league that is playlngtor lh towrtehamp ionshtp when he rolled it ha fouled tt with 103 and 333 for a grand total of 730 which la ood bowling frank j one roued thrhgood gam thursday night- he had mo ms and ml for a total of fttt to win litehigh triple for th week xmplfrre nimrrrkai auction sale in ruwnshlp or calmjon m reg dual purpaae hhorusarn wttle 1 he i ndrtlirne1 tin ny ivol inlructions from john v atvmheix in sell by auction at his farm lot ti situated on the tth une cknui west 2 mtlea south of itelftiuntsln on it khda aprjl tat i it j oilofk the following xjws treenlam ij lane he j2j 713 tattoo cgl1 born dec 3rd luh frthentl alan h 1 hhi green la queen 323734 tattoo c t t- txtrn l4c 1jim last brv1 aug 1 luh reenlau peg lu 77 tattoo c g lv 1 born may 21 phi inst bred auu 1 1 lhh grctnlaw reauty 332780 tattoo ciir txrn jun n i last hrttl jul 10 luh tirctnlav ijlxs jitm tattoo c g r i w biim ma 1 pkj lnt hrd jlfjbcll im l htnl ljulv uj84 ewittmi t r i ihirn mar ii imi ltut hretl juh ti vhh iiwnliu koa ul i tattoo i r 1 hatn iul 10 whs bred jun 6 imp greenlaw mflkgte ttklt tattiki c h 1 a hnrit ma 4 pmti ust bred aug l vhh trvnlnu isnh ii 17 its tntt wllil j a horn ma 10 lhh last brd auir j 1us gretnlaw lail 373fi tttm t of 1 a born ma 11 1hh iam bred nm ah 1m8 nenlau mora 177 il7 tailih t r a horn july il phh last bred jul s lwh reerla how anne 17llth latto cil- 11 horn apru lm7 hrewfmarejv 4 lwu tnwniaw 1 1ash jean 77u19 tattoo t t r 4 u horn ma jft lm7 loteenln matge itmo tattoo ct l 5 h horn june jo 11m7 hrtd jan jo pm9 treenlau peg anne 177941 tattot ct r 6 it horn june ul 1047 brvd jan n phj treenla belle anne tl tattoo t t fc tn bum jut 19 14h tradl sjiohihokns rade shorthorn cw born july isfi 1u7 last bred not jfi vmh grade shorthorn calf turn mi ut vmh 1u31d sjkfe level view conwm 3rd uc1r5 tattm 1mo hu born june jl 1047 bred by han cress- man breslau ontario and pur chajed from willis cyesjarnan june jtl ims auctioneers note this is a ttu- 4wrd o dual p may 2345 rox offiee opnu 6 pj shows start 615 915 lewv acton imnt ramiuji wmi your decoratinf nfjeds co dave ph236j 15 kajts yuajjcations in olj countov kkukuuo pre iratnpt courtcouo trvirv uecohatini in aij its branches staininc- chaining vajerhantjim intijuoh ok extkkios mou timk xjntttarr work 1uuuu1 h11uy all work fully cuaranl4l david cohen ieel st acton iialliaaiabbbbiiahhbmiili lovell bros meat market smoked meats for easter schneiders and maimk ijak iiraniik collage koijs lh 70c itonrlmw tirnir hams lb 65c tnvjitj hbwiimi hams bacon inkijls h5r lb iunin ok- lb llrralifakt ev ll ieajhml lurk 69c lb smobrd itaek 7v lb fyrsh kalisatie lb 40c snobrd itrnlc hams jq itonr in lb ajoc nucoat and margcne i trnderfukr and itranda jo- crtapsmml n lb op margarinf ii tvc iard l odc barrie brand utgraau craaaury butter 59c lb the classified section buy sell exchange wanted etc advert i semen is under this heading 3fic esuh with order ur to 25 words additional words lc per word if rash docs nat afl- eomfkany the ulverllsement minimum cliarg ooe and word add t onal for each word over 35 sc subtkutnt inscrtloaj fob gaijs wanted arnn ilowlnu all jajnes morrison phone ilrl5 art n kiltsailr jo reeding hotfs v holme and son j hone uarlt koh sa1jc a junutv o tja used lunibrr k lasby usln vxfh sai 1- jwiy tweltiil 1st 1 years mr inulea lh or w mlt sai v muni kit y le k t lues new vttinl aj jily i it m kerne mtit sai r irlt m ii y le mitnll iiv k1 ounnill n i 1m nr ijit txilf sai r maroon haly earrt mgf i nvrrllltle fo1 erfilhi i wani1 tiks and kowi will pay up to till for heavy fowl lhone rolln lu4tonvbuv rgg raling siatun liramnton it r 14 wsj wamkd drug or llr store v uistall a iiv ly lending lib rsry no investment rtuir w u pl tlte uks t n a rental hasi larul keep litirnry fresh by monthly txhaniti v r fill particulars write u shay i imrtra lu hlgt i ark aw 1 r nio tjntarlo ltlt sai vi 1 1kb ti eek i uhuj hmims for ten a ply k n hrown tori milt mai r part fir 1 ill in soto arwl jwttfe ran jack star ag phone rtel4 ii j rolt sai vletilr lie frlgrrator farlory sample apply snvn hardware mk sajj- 1 ul mliuii utf lrlcle inr h ui mr it mat arthur main street mh hai v heatty heetrtc washer for balance of payments apply symon hardware if worry makes yon blue lit want ads see yon thro fclway hand milked nearly all raised by owner the young stock hav bn vaccinatkl ls hard has mr a went til and aiood tea without a reactor and will he sold guaranteed to b right every way tgrmscaah on day of aale wm a crnson auctioneer w v mcenery at iion clerks acton rotary lawn chair limited number offered for sale fifty qms if you are look int for a slord iomfortabl un chair a chair that ia built and rlnuhed to elt eara of s1n ou1l ha to hurt- to bt oiu of thee at 12oo member of acton rotarv cluh assisted b auon industries hat built thirty of the chairs pictured above actual photograph tenty more of these chairs wil be completed shortl they are htrongl made and carcfull hnished uh all screws counter sunk and holes filled with plastic woood thc are wcatherprooicd by three coats of paint and finished in gleaming m hiti enamel there are hundreds of lawn chairs cheaper 4h thefe are none better onteru u1 be filled in the rotation a rueeived ultile ute fifty chftirs lst imtoceecad are for rotary cllw communm service canh or cheque should accotnpanj the order see u w macswain at stt tiwsdxs garage acton ontario ran saur cement hkk srhell cement 11 lor k and ilrirk all iln good d livery j itidley ph jai aeloli ftk sai r 1 u ljx1ge iirh in hood indlllmi thioul ul will accept older ear as jmrt ament ph ne j7rta after au ils rtlt sai r 14 hv onh u rinl mkvi 11 u h hi lord a hfvun acton auto itn1 main sire i acion rtk sai i- 1 ire ux in tfnl c n dlt ton 75 ihs size sell re n ab e 1 i j die suit slie rj 14 mlrr llicht sand will sell cheap lion ji ree 1nix hkr kk1- ha idils v artou sizes in stock csn be purchased on the hurkret ilan oall for pur tlrulars t r mewnon mill sir i teorgelown il rxr salr 1 heifers hnrt horn due about first week tif june also nice young shorthorn dual purpose bull apply a molt t iir lxt 4 4th ljne lrin townxhip xlt saij- rey nrt hm m ffat y leciric sit ve with ann hljth o- n wnrmlnit closet lt ir lmenti tprndlrnlly new pluj ft i iron in e iinf nahl ph ne 1 or h x lf i out offui uiiknl r jtn i ml movr n rorutlti n also trim of horses an i pactum fir 11 hi ad of ml tie g t shade nnl jiii r upjaj will shin- kit 4 itockwood phoi 4ar ci lxlt sai r ontarki grown all alia red clover timothy western alfalfa fhe following gnuuses for your long time pasture mixed orome meadow fnscuc orchard reed cnr icreruital rye lartlno lov r cnancelkir ea wm and ci ouse at sons i td phone lhw or 114 streelsmlle kir sai y parted chirk bar gains whit thev last n n sexel pulltts cmkereu i 4 ami we k old also turkty mults 1 1 and 4 w ikt also uy o 1 cjirk and turkey poult send for special sale prloi list ryee rata logue tweddli chick hatcheries ijmtted r rtnis ontario 1 4u itra pullets dn out starlel prompt shipment them to pro iluif for fall markets 1 u 11 find tho ii pn also chit ka ctxkerel lie surt your april chili ti chuk is hra s sae time owitat t us tht mon lln nrm supplies ait n plume jnlt t s i hrow i it k 1 sorxal uwt ani rfund mr1 yellow w rwtnreaber wiu rel j laid lining wa kimt tialng oh ke 1 u rlrwler flense leave al 1iee i ivs titti r 1 ixne 71 a u n to rent mjt itrjs i sey devv rale- 1 furruhed n- m t athrtmrn facilities entrain af4y j- it uknl roli ium vacuum cleaners and floor pollslurs for resm apply modern ifeallng and plunstsfalg store hrne fftu arton tf ti it sitmafr 1x3ckkn kok kivr lleef hy the quarter krult and vegetalde oontainars horkwrard v rlgkl umkers phone hock wood 4hj mischjjsnwxts osttjm wcv1 sawino rs son able rates lhon mru acton aotyx num atllhtintt inxmi- iax ul1flnh agnes r martin tjm wnrwlch ht ulth ontario i hone 41 v4i macumqia aleuu llucko uardonald mlghtc uowtng up a bit with agv but hi team showed too much speed against ovorartows on tueda nlghl we hav mlxsd feelings about the win whan on one hand we like ts aa eorgetown lose but h la a good fowling to see our group winners the otamnsofia pie rush of spring la hare- ulth nature hfightssnlbaf up ur surrundlng- after th wln- i r ihe patnt on our houss will require some strong arm wtik and gox1 jialnt to match this chaniie we have nrajus- rnm llentlerson paints in all c r and ruhr rset mruanes coinhlnc thesi with aorn of tiiir xnnre hmir ssmt the irnnf itnation will he great llau good week end j it macsxrnxnc mtw rok sai i ntw pmj kill ian el lyuck stu ik uhli r gon rrumn ivntiivr new 4 lb ion lyn u r m c rmlik leertng i jinnnll m 1 1 nl it riiwn lyat t r wilh p om and pulu h orl rirumii ruuir with sh rmun stt p up lynnjiitask n lamdtn lyju t i iuk f r ill nvnkes trattors 10 jo met ormi k 1 ring 1 rat tor on ruhhr with i furrow iun n w itimnt ller i sed mamy iu itwdtr sin ft massey trmttr till r 1037 packard sedan ur lattl ja rjilf 1j hp ileal t rain i rlnder new skyline cirin der hvir manure lewder with inuemal pump nearly new 7 rt t kkhutt t rain hinder i ed it disc seed lrtll mxrmjk 5 ft horse drawn mower new sky line liar ester complete for im mediate delivery otaco manure spread on rubber used mccormick manure spreader hornet dialn saws 30 circular saw blade new j m n ised buycles applv thus fc hew son leorgetown lcw nolije to creditors and cnistjem in the fatal of trrttudk may htturn ml jwr n having claims against iht folate f rlltltlldr may lklrn lale- of the vllugv of act n in th i oimly of haltm rat tt ry worki r deceojied who lied n or ahout the twentyhrst 1n if rebruarv 1 m9 are request ed to tile prtof of same with the undersign d soluttir on or before th ihlrtlt th dn r april itmh after which date the tustat wtu h distributed having regard only to th claim then tiled dated at acton ontario this f hth da of april ad hmo ml r1h an wy13c executrix in her solicitor t e i y alltu avl 41 1 vt ton ontario olirr to rcditors ami tmikrh in the kstate of iaviv hck f tht i wnshlj f inn in the i unt tf i inifton retired r arnu r ileci aed ho died on or twui lh ivellth dnv of r eoruary 1 m are niiutkted t fl it proof of mtijv with iht untk nogned solicitor n r hef n the purtieth day of ainl pmj after which date th katnti will be ttitnhuted hawing regard onu ti tht claims then puni dated at aim this utgntn iu f ajril a l pm sakah 1ani- 1 iotch bkl 11 it rixui fcxcutora rv their solicitor y 1 raillfcocuand 4 i acton ontario foot vilmtiit treatihl miss allan chlropodiat titmu rarai vvmmw laarawn nallv riiauna ku ourta pplunftta far f4 imtwt 27 arthur st guclph phone 1s90j farnworth memorials uhukmu t uadual pirfeaa cemetery lettejunc1 um mu ohmutt ulkurh ont

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