facb two the acton free press thuiuiuav aimiii jim im sib artmt 3folrrbb rjtilau try tbwhfer art 0uu uuiu4 j thimai ou unscaiknom bato 1 tukoi advutodic to vtfl tl iwl lu uiulkj utb 4 i arrfllt lu mm l hth limrtjmami h lb ll ufc uwiumii o auir otuj uii ufcril i vaum omk in mtwey ammukt way the harmful contequencet of heavy drink inf for hellh and moral have been proven 1 time and afain scarcely let diaturtmg to an reaponaibk citlien mutt be the economic effecti for a luiie at the province s liquor bill indicates nothing leu than the undermining of the living tlandardt of a aection of the pop ulalion in the htcal year ending march hit 1048 the people of ontario apent an etnmated total of 220000000 for hard liquor beeraand wine the amount received by the provincial board for the alcholic beverage it told wet 173211 ss3 but thit doet not include the huge profitt of beverage room and other retailert and the addition of these warrant an estimate of 220 000 000 at the amount paid by the con turners that works out to an average of roughly ihs per family in a year when the average income of wage and salary workers was under the 2 000 mark and the results of this big expenditure are given in part in the news minors getting liquor and committing crimes a new ontario hospital for alcoholics at an estimated cost of 100000 homes broken and shooting by drink crazes individuals so common that tbev hardly cause comment bootlegging rampant in most every section of the province more outlets being established to bring in more rev enue to make more alcoholics to fill more hos pitals it s sure a crazy run around system wc tolerate without reason and it s definitely not building better canadians bomb proof and contented to make ourselves less vulnerable to bomb ing attacks it has been suggest ed in parliament that the domimon government should refuse any farther loans tor home building or vital industrial construction in our big cities the object would be to force decentralization to spread people and industry over far wider areas so that a few atom bombs could not put us quickly and permanently out of business says the financial post in a recent editanal britain and the countries of western europe learned about the dangers of concentration in tharcoent ar under fire hey were forced to evacuate stores of thousands of people and to scatter and duplicate their mot essential in d us tries li t to he hoped the new atlantic treaty will parc us learning a similar lesson in the future but it tvould seem only prudent to consider uhat other precautions r might take not oni uould c be safer and our economy more stable if our population was far more widely dispersed but lift for all of us might be simpler happier and healthier concludes the post but it looks as tf it ill take a bomb to get the idea anss to the people as a uhole and those effuunt it minded people in particular that life for eerone would be more pleasant if people crc not made to lic together in such big mass lumps traffic problems uould be lessened ncres would be less framed friends could meet friends more often and oxgcn wouldn t need to be carried in tanks for those who participate in profession at sports if vc would just spread out a bit in our living in canada where there is unlimited room we in the smaller towns have been preach ing this decentralization idea for years we do hope that bombs will not be necessary for cityfolk to see the necessity for the move ion moral dectdencb has eaten out the heart of civilizations before oura the evidence of moral malnutrition lie around us in evary village and town farm and factory the young couple who were tricked into the belief thlt romantic love alone wa the basis for enterfng marriage and lott a fair chance to build a home the moral chaos in thi lives of teen agert in their pathetic and futile abate of the thrill thj mtuhw the public enemies who make money out of moral defeat and care not a damn for the hell on earth they cause these are only a few of the symptons it would be a bold man who would argue that better schooling and penicillin hive cured this cancer in modern life the strength of a nation it measured by it hght for purity absolute purity is a poiitlve vibrant force that arrests the decline of civil ization and sets men and women free it can be found by anyonetany time industry owiunltlp muat iw ag more shutdowns in government owned ent erprises in saskatchewan have been reported the fish plants at lac la uonge and leaver lake obiects of high hope on the part of the ccb government have ceased operations they tiave followed the ime course as the ktate owned shoe factory at prince albert the douglas administration in sakatche wan is finding that there is a great difference be tween beautiful theories on paper and the realties of actual practice the gct- stateowned enterprises arc discovering thit they arc gov erned by market conditions in the same way that private ventures are when the market fish plants and shoe factories arc affected and will not ahftorb any more hsh or any more shoes staffs have to be cut down even if the plants and factories are owned by the state what has happened in saskatchewan should be an object lesson for all those who may be inclined to think that state ownership is some it mil of economic cure atl that guarantees obs and financial security to worker the shoe workers in prince albert and the employees of the fish plants at lac la rongc and reaver lake can tell them differently winnipeg tribune 3cn recollections ol aclon crotzctc3b kditorial notes thoaeapjil snowstorms arc always more difficult to weather than the ones wc anticipate in february and arc prepared for trout fishing season opens a week from saturday for those who may be interested and for more who might want to b interested if you haven t done it yet there is just one more week in which to file your income tax return and of course your radio license was due a month ago brampton has started worknn a new slfvo 000 community centre and arena most eve y town in the district has such a spot these days and those who experienced the lack are hasten ing to get in line daylight saving becomes effective in this district next sunday and the logical thing to do it to set the time ahead and forget about it until next september it will only be irritating to endeavor to have two times back in 1899 from lit uu a 7v km pfum ttuuy aprtl tmk ls ur ollbart crvamer baa rrnud ikr patrick uamb farm ur ali holm lb iujn farm aiul mr jtmn uuurhar the uoffal farm tn -kaaiaftaweya- kggs fall f run i i to 10 oil th- cuclph market but hatunlay on tucwjay wni ltrtiutrtt n rollttunl in tale uf lt ottba yurm from ur jimn kuiwll to ur hugh wallace of naaaa a quiet rdtllmk wu cmitl on turaday veiling at uetho thl xutrdtuiitdf htiwtr avr wttm th boiuta of holy wrdtfk k warv tut red into by ur chart w uuon of johnalown n y and ulu nulr iloyd daughlfr or the lau llrmy u iloyd at tun i lev j a uu m ma iwrformml th efrrmitiiy hrvcral t the farmrri in tlila vicinity have iiminrnl rlna w rtt mr u hy iukrlt or knauhhull w th rot oim tnt nr plnwtnf mr john fyatib laiixi it t hsi rertiretl rontrtyu imi thr f 11 wing i i irk rrildrnrr for ittlxit watson on the 4th line 30xu iwtt rttorryi hi u it r iitt in r for win urown acton on hla faun in llw bcolch block new roughrait addition to mr l whit ly nililitur naua iiawya uajuuatd mkjtkoii ijswson at knox t hurrh manu wrdnt wluy mum lug luth april donuld umi of duncan mton gor fi naua uawrya to agma daughtrr of thr hiti andn w iawaon at ion back1nt929 from tk iaau f tkt- fir ivna f tkursttey apvil lttk i tit th soli ntaplra and thr rurnnl t irthra arc ul in u at iwatty llroa in 1tgui havr if ft rnt to rml a new 2 s 000 iwlm ming mki1 for thi town tht itoy v outi huvr ixrn buiy lh mt wrrk ntctlng road mgn inling ihr n uu i act n j thr mini lub tf i hi united church hi id mi hii intttlng on turmlay t c rnlng whin mi dttiton macs y if tho yik iliblr c la tuvt the ad in m a iarg t mud aivmnihlid for this milling mr und mr i- t antliiun of rand rki n rth i ik to mmli d i ul thr h nu i f hi hn thi r mr august and ri n the pant wrrk th foil iwtng offlci r wi n iliilil fir ihi i ir for thi iidn softball ilaiu ivtuudont mr c t ifcardmirr manig r mr nt ii gibbon auiitunt mt i maaun captain mils j an smith s i rrary miu ihhvi tylrr iuhln i- 1 msi if in st jon ph monpital clurliih on sunda at ril 7th 1029 to mr and mr it w flm ir of ac um a son mm chaham at the home of mut drtrun milt st acton on mnn day april n 1u2v junrs w raham in hii mth rar anofrson at the homi pn 1 st acton on wednesday april 17th 1020 matilda crlpo beloved widow of the lati william audi r son kfu 7s year visit our modern showroom i 8 carjes furl gukuh ont opp mr iuu kijhmkk aj uamttv ttlmm inuub umolmim wjlutujm imlallii u muki ballihtnj llajly ww oaba ht tnaom bandbw vmr lual wtll d keatinu tils co ixovd m ujtattuo tvormarly gtmlgh ylmti4 rvta uuw ovturu tfto himi iaaw whv walk when youxan hhitt call dennys taxi ihonk anywmfmi ofav anytimi 260 outf town trip our kpeiahy jipila i n 1- hi irfini hilnili in business directory unuuiax ilk w g c kennev ihlua 4 utim ihunuiiur la ur j a ultli otllet tn byman uluk mill u aaloai wu ihum ta lhaidh t dk u a gakkett ihlilta ui tvmiia rrftck ulitti tttti koraurlr lit nairn ttuti oflc fhaat 2u pkmtal uu a j iiuufanan iiij filtfk jflr iil4iinn uuwk uui offlr lluuf tt a m t sai xray in uiionk iu lu uau a hlkub llaalal hsfg uih at iuiui vivuiujt aa olttoa iutun aujam uuo l wilson uuiu u nirijnttii 1uu llflji fffg actaa pkuu joj iujur 10 m u v the general trend these days isn t in prict increase and many commodities arc letclltng off to a reasonable cost where purchasers can afford to use them bananas aren t the only item that are offered in bunches again we arc told orn m ix kpt rrrn b aild inu n trostkkin of ninmnnln to th jwaler j tht c c h government in saskatchewan raised the salary of cabinet ministers b 1 000 but tht c c f party in ontario fought bitterly against raising tht salar of cubtntt ministers in this promntc just depends as always which part is in power and who is gttting the raise strength of nation atomic jr is today a threat so terrible that men hold the thought of it at a distance to keep it from penetrating intotheir minds yet for this generation as for every other tn historv there is a penetration into the heart of society that threatens a slower but no leu sure extinct- ftr ten ytars smtc 01 the use of cite tnitv has doubltd in canada in ikh there was a total wattrpower installation of uhojt 17000 horstpowcr by i0j0 it had increased to 2mi0oo and last car stood at almost ii 1100 000 horsepower fxpansion and more plants must be constant to ketp pate with such growth our northern electric leonard refrigerator an artitlc by president watson kirkonnell of acadia university in saturday night of toronto for january 18th under the title com munists on the canadian campus are now briefed for their missions provides documen fary proof of red infiltration and here is dr kirkonnell s conclusion from the fore going excerpts from a voluminous document it is clear that there are militant communist nuclei at mcgill toronto winnipeg saskatoon edmonton and vancouver that a peace move ment is this vear s front racket both to help stalin and to recruit for tbe parry and that they have made some inroads into the ccf and the students christian movement and have conspired in other student organizations stndrd model g6s 309 delux model 66 ss49 super delux 670 379 all models are 7 cu ft 5 year warranty glacier sealed unit use beat refrigeration earl vannorman phone 140 main st acton onl carrolls mlynnvallev 1auja c v usathliwland 1a aukin utwif auiumw metvr ibl thru ft 1iabvest iiavs i fvik t moskin ijasjterw lbiialaaj btutflu l0 jcmiunm iiahoy 13j0 utftfm nan uuf- 44 vtna ht irau kit ul veramimajiy b i young vb bv vllb4cr7 hitr- orfl- bnntivill oataita i hf ulllon lir4 f jakes vs bvsc vtartry i lir i offttr aid hdnoi knos ava aclon i iumib u0 iatiixiajh srtuja tiik victor a buhjjtt funkral houb margarine- 39c oold aeai glass wax 59c monarch flour 49c brakt serviettes s7c grape juice 23c 41c tomatoes 21c peanut butter 37c romar coffee s3c omxtifiko uoax glo coat u old english oug librys catchup i 21c sweet pickles 2 25c new low rucrc olid white meat i mrrvii g t tummunlty foa 4fl yri i i m 10 nlal t or dy willouokiiy fakm agency irgrt a t imi agonev la qaua llrail olfir krnl llldj haw rfoiriun ltrprrnltv tnt luwua pbmu uwplm uiw i i l w wight alualr vujtar mtrobrr a rjrala lfutltul mt lrckla mrmlmr fulh an1 ijlalnrt re htt itfrd tnitvr urlin aimlllhatjtet insurance apnti ain lal ilia oaiw ullkur hrwt ma oai fhont a tttav ellebk- gudjav ray coaai lines coachks uar actom tuna fish 45c pbide or kiaoaka cherries choice oaxxtouoa peaches atluxb cnoice fbune plums 2i atlvxs solid pack pie apples i2bbts pahct tomato juice 223e campbells tomato soup 2 21c met i white iavbf 15 honey 25c 41e l1i soap 9e 146 no 1 ceoldnc yt 1 onions crisp green celery size 4 each california oranges stae 344 dox preah lianorted tomatoes lb 13c msc he 23c 25c fresh green omons rhubarb spinaclt a wgerend prices a 41 am t7 41 am b3 ul 1 am tu6 pm 41 pl 6 11 pm ilji pm 010m jm w4nuava4 tf sua ford 10 44 an ix 4 pm cj jpjn 5j9pjn tm m j h f m yll m pm i lrrt n 1044 am it p m mssjpm 1m pjl p m a t icrpt sundaji ard t snjnda and llolidaytv a lurdfc sunday ajvd hiiltilw r kjtrnnr uajy to faratflmal bunday and diojidara lo kn thenar only bailwav9 t oadian national i standard tlrna uai 644 aaa imuj- sundayt 9jb am j0 pm da only b 19 pm dmly i sunday p7y at pjn taily itytr 10 11 pjn lltv emiur mamfat omtfiimv mt tr at riiriinm di y rxct uocwlay lit bjav lionday cly 12 mjm tblly m- rept s jkuy t la j km 7 44pm satuiday uy 3ls mz suswtey omiy 943 j mam riyt tttixibipk scpt a sua 3t pm- wt patterson ra beirjala la tn riai lullia as wtxdoam bt octixjraf riuw mm compteulr eqoiptnj otbeaa bctmr mabar sbu tnrr