Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 21, 1949, p. 3

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thoh4day ark1l hat it the acton pftee press iwol make your sdectitw of new wallpaper ww lajtcrst stock in wnantaw ontamio pried u tuu yvuiwktt chappltsbooisrore umu damhae bowl ltamhnakarl shntf f- vr eatla uta right ftwxu halp to overcome uul dull feeling oa quart of milk for catlldnen on bt iu- xulu ti ik day quota for good fcaauk bui yau dant mad la drink all the milk it uat aa good fur you if you eat it with cereal in soupa creamed main dlahea and wgtabua and in daaaerta wfeethar it rotau in bot- twa caita at tuywderad in rkaee or eramed a c milk li our moat tmikktant food hot for prevention of rartatn fevers all milk ronautnad at th farm home and rural school should be paaturtad kitchener upholsetry n li tell aaitur u baatl rear uumuhuu r chair t wont w ata auk lhta look ultaaw j pise au-ustehur- tdforwlmu vatoo 1 watts strvies frfb pickup and delivery phone 14 acton vics photography studio portraits films developed enlargements us to ii i 14 couplbtb wedding sebvicb photos socials and banquets 7 commercial photography phones bus 85 rat 321 mill street nait to y for better prices when selling poultry a lall us collect anytime no flock too large halt on poultry products phone milton lw proclamation daylight saving time in acton whereas a number of municipalities in the district about acton are adopting a uniform time for the ajopt- on of da light saving time and in order to avoid con fusion in travel and business the council of the corpora tion of acton has passed a bylaw establishing the period for the observance of daylight saving time in acton from sunday april 24th 1949 at 20l am to sunday september 25th 1949 at 1201 am citizens are requested to comply with this bylaw and adopt the time from the dates specified t jones rete dated at acton april 5th 1040 dinhek chowdtk 3 cup diced raw potato eup altoad oniiart rup diced calery i cup but una water 3 up wh 3 tbapa butter or margarine cup flour is up itotlled thick meat uurr 3 cup milk 1 cup grated processed cheddar rheeae 1 tbap mtbeed periuy 1 cup canned or rotvked tomatoea up pepper h tap mustard combine first 4 uvgredtenu and i tminpoitn aalt in a dep kettla or dutch oven cover tlmmar ib mln or until lender uan while matt butter in double bnuer atlr in tour than remaining aalt pepper am lard meat aaur and mltte cook uhlle ttlrrlnc until amoatli and thickened add theeae and atlr until mrlted add to potato mliture with parsley end tnmatoea heat hervee mkaufi atinxok ant ritankktlhtwlss 4 rup ahiediled rahbafe 3s rune milk 4 frankfurter cup malted fal 3 than flour 2 up aalt v up- pepper s up celery seed i nip soft bread lumh crntk cabbage in milk covered until tender about 9 mlna cul frankfurter in quaiter length wtae j then spilt piece in half haute in i fat in skillet until lightly browned itemovr frankfurter add nnt 4 ingredlenta to fal in aklllet and tlr until smooth orsdually atlr iii milk drained from cabbage cook atlr ring constantly until i amuoth and thickened arrange layers of tabbage fianktut lers and sauce in 10 a fl a 2 baking duh top with crumb llake in miwlrr atrly hot ovm 400 drga tr 15 mlna or until nicely brownint srrvea 4 to ft sliced rtnnnl nk and ham of is cupa may n place frank furterx vtaimirr phiinf puddino cup rlca v cup hopped pitted raw piunrs 3 cu milk j rup plua 0 ttmia- augar v up aalt up nutncg s cup broken ualnuu 3 tip grated lemon rind 2 ruga a larated waah tic in cold water drain i nthine with pninra and milk in double holler cook covered until tinder about 1 hour add w cup augar aalt imlnii g iniu and rind ivat yolk uttr in rice mlitun pour into i tpiart laaaerole ini ileal uhttta until marly attff orad ually teat in rrat tit sugar help on pudding llake in modi rate omii iis drga for 20 mlna s rvoe a take a tip 1 you may complete the dinner thnudt r menu with a green aalad and a peach upaldc down cake for drasrrt 2 with creamed cabbage and frankfurter a a hearty aupper diah aere chilled tomato juice fint the aweel part of the meal may le a paatry apple ralaln or date pie chronicliw ginger farm j uwknboijks r sjuixat going to the usa to avoid poaaibl delay and ambartaaamnt at bor- dr croasino pointa b aur you ha mat tha foreion ichancj require ments belor you at out th travel rabon of 150 par paraon for th period kovember 16th 1948 to november 15th 1949 is to eniur ih uuraat diatribu- tioivol th u s funda avail- abl for childreo under 1 1 yara of ag th amount u 100 u s li you are takino a trip to th umtad stahm you new to secure a form h permit to talc out of canada tor any amount xcmding 10 us or mora than total oi 25 in us and cana dian funds form h can b eecured quickly and aally bom i brancha oi any canadian bahlc i 01imh iichahtl cehtml toalaj wt nct11 wll word fall met but i do hope reader of thla column dldnt get aa big a attack a i did ui week th laat thing i ever ri pwtrd waa to make front page news even in a weekly paper not but what 1 knw live vhoto waa being puhllahed one doean t go through an ordeal like that with mil knowing afunathlng about it but i efpectrd to find it topping the column or anmewherr nn th inalde page and of totirv tha editor was much lo gt iirfoui in hla imurki if i only deaered half of thrnt naluially they were appreciated mt for my irt i v mild like to aay mr dhl has been tha beat kind at editor to taorfc for alwava eo operative and teady to halp me in any way at all o llmli the oral rung on tin un stable laubtrr f journallun a ladder that iwl and dip and fti n thread n 1o rolape alt grlhi x i i an only aav thank a lot and if the ree fren d tean t art tixt nrnny link bat a a rraull if laat meek edition ii will give me great pleaaure ta try 1 deaerra a uttl of the credit that waa given me in ty appretuurth i would like ta include mr dill and all niemltera til the trt rea of ft i tjf und pi intlng preaa j as 1 aat down to write fust now i i aald to partner what on aarth khall i aay he grinned well you migrt tell the readn of your column that ir lh y should vlalt linger tarm they wont alwivi find you looking like your picture we are jut hundred aire farmer and ion i of ii tujl w i an t work and tay lreked up all the tlmt and that a all there la to it ho now folk on with thla wek a olumn we imt minh u hv the g leoveil bei auae vny llnte t arrangi to hav a tin una lure it i a nir oay an i oft n u lie day mindva li bed in between lough or atormy n at her i ail thursday wa it i intrptl n waim lulabl auiiavhlttt all tliiv rvi n warm enough lo bring a few daffodlu out in buom n that i waa ahl ti hnvt npilng flowers in the houa all thla heerim a waa w ry act pt it li it nir tittle get together hapm ned t ih thi annual meeting if uir hktol wonts tt inatltulr fv ry imhiy knoua uhat a he li hi nn i nnuitl meeting la at time ami how ft n it la dreaded hut there una no need to dead tht one everyone m a ao agreeable and willing and co titeratue only once did we liar thnt little word no after a humiliation had been moved and via rxcuaable i waa n ally promt of our branch sit hi n w h read to launch out on another vi of aer ic for home and country jut like other branchea nil o tht province thi dav after our met ling it waa cold and wet and thi n turned to anow so you aeewhy i think we wire lucky or maybe it waa just the institute that was lucky now that i am nice ly started on one of my favourite topic i might as well keep it up jut in raae there may be a few women some where who have- not yel realised uhflt a worthwhile organization wr have in the w i pnrhnps you are a newcomer to your dutrlcj per haps you may even be a newcomer to canada if that la ao thrn will be plrnty of proph in your dutrlct that you have necr met customs you have never heard about and the beat place to find out about both is to jaln the w i the country women of c nnnda are friendly then is hardlv one who would not go all out to help a neighbour in an emergency they have alwava been so inclined but t mut admit that mmtuhrrc along fthi way and mor especially of recent years there haan t been the same milling back and forth there used to be women thrse diya rarely think of just slipping on u coat over a clean apron or house- dreaa picking up a bit of sewing or mending and stepping over to mrs goodnrighbour s for an afternoon visit it is hard to find a really aatufactoiy eyplartatlftn dear only knows women fiftyyears ago were busy enough perhaps it u that country women now that a lot of them have household conventencea like their town and city coualna have also absorbed some of the self- tuificlency perhaps i might even aay- selfcentered attitude of the town dweller you know how it u a woman in town cast hv for many month in a district without even knowing her nextdoor neighbour at alt we don t want that to happen in the country it is surely something to guard aatainal neighbourliness is an essential to country living tltt nbweomer who thinks he or she can be an laola- ubnut la always the laser in the long run l i dut vultlna ukci time and if wa feel we cannot take that time to would like to then the wi pro- d that khrn aay ah nt ie t idea a medium for neighbours getting to know each other and dl i uaalng thtlr common problem it i alut a tiuitatt from which many a deal und jailing frhndahlp may im lh diml real yis farm f lk ml on luatllute aa never i u fort itet iuu we divn i viit git a hauc to vlait mi lite it it i h nn th way we uael putty iuu a ar all so imay the hanlly tiute to than hello and good bye hut perhaps theie ian t a wo nulla institute bianth in your dl tih i that la an obstacle easily ovarttmw if theiv un 1 utu ilirt one their u iu uni ilk tha preaanl no pertum better for tha job than you thune your nrlgh uurs aak tham if they would ilk a bram h organised in that d utile and if they will help k you know what the anawer wiiw ha 1 ii tu you nine out of t it nelghthhiri will aay vea it would he fine and i ii be glad to help but im not sum about jt inlng i am afraid i would tievi r le able in gel to the mre lings i am jut that busy hut dim t lei that d 141x1 rage you it ia what moat if tht m y if vi 11 in ina 1 in wanting an in alitult branih gt in lout h with your dlatilet riaaldeitt call an 1 ganlatl n im t ling and tlt raat will take of llaelf i u wilt git voui lliatltulf aiul ihe ladle will tumi out ti tin nn fling oii tan uy y 111 hi t it your in uit nt ht miiton a 1 ap ity aiidleitt e of parenu and filmda vol d thtlr atfmval to ttfflrtal at the of fit lal opening or the low addition at milt mi high at hool last friday evening all gav their whole heaited atipmirt in the hoard a venture of providing praitlial aa well aa academic train log to atudenu knia thunh women mlaltn my smlrly elehiatetl it mltleth iinuivi eaarv with gueata pn m n fiom 1 n nl 1 1ksbyli ital the uul w m 11 a ktlmmaiy hx letlt a und fn in the tail ma il abyterlait irani hi a thiouglthil tht u unty th ku at ankir intrihluetd hy mia niaon wa itev toiim- hi main of mae nab street ln ahy tertan hunh llmitllliin who in a f 1 eful and pleualng manner ivr th hlghllahta of the inli matl mat aaaemhly held at t iliimhu ohio i mt auimni r pn mpt n ii n hy im vim lal oliattihl a fit 10 the dumta de laihntent n aiilled in the arreat of archil illt pilm hii li of hat hum wh waa intel brought lo milton jail and ehargrd with break- lfg und entering llltiuln a siirage and ati iillng 3i w aruidluu finni i m 1 lit t him e live n1iti i und jall and their bfm inl re lall- allmi an art n i homemade coke readymixed jtjtttpbll5 cake mix fcff7 otia rrtmiairr asbvia wtrii a ntuji u immism a lav vo tmtt w town hmh14 lmfl llasle halaa iii ttmm phone j dh aqton ukhiimcnck smw aiitr ii tbltr smf aast hi i fl rebuilt beatty electric waqui7dq kvrry wasi1kr iuaiuntkki if desired tu be eichangcd within mi munlhft of purchase date without ioks of money on a new washer you may- have the choilc of several makes at standard prices up to t1ik prksknt day these washers are and have been rebuilt hy a most reputable lirm elaborately equipped to do thif work in factory equip ment and proved men of years of experience in rebuildinr the beauty washer the firm lhat we work in conjunction with have had their salesmen recall on many customers tuying these rebuilt washers over past years with the idea of trading them in on new washers so satisfied were the customers with their rebuilt wsshcrs that the salesmen rave up trying to induce customers to trade in on new washers a iahk truck iiad of hotly washers arrived in this division last saturday and we will he glad to have our authorized field representative help you selecl one at prices that will save you money these wirshcrs arc not only rebuilt by this firm for us hut for arious hcult washer siotls in large centres carrying approved inspected bcattv washer store tags the prices charged arc standard and in line with nku4jci work manship and materiau 8950 will buy a factoryrebuilt copper tub washer that is guaranteed v few as low as 59 50 terms 3950 this is a trade in washer that has not been rebuilt but appears in good shape for a great deal of service save 4ffoo on tkle waaaver tua cm t mar avaogkc tsvks waaavar fram aa taw la bw mating narta reajatirtauj tumatsssu ejele u fv um c4a baj ea kaw waaln r iraaar ataima auad baaraf- eratlar boy baa traja in waaaver at mm terla brandnew model beatty sample or demonstrator washer regular 140 50 not a mark on i never retailed nor have we had water in it yours forl30 5o terms occasionally we will have one of these sample bargains for you our held representative vtto has been authorized by us to bring you many real washer bargains at savings of many dollars on each washer will be glad to meet your requirements all washers guaranteed terms trade symolstrlardware e3ee ee 383

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