Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 21, 1949, p. 6

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pxate sat acfl the acton free press thrsurfday school lesson sunday apjul 24 nitro cu lures help to eaubluh lfumuiout crop such as alfalfa hover pea bran vetch etc wve long be- kmrwh uhder eee- tajft conditions to leave the land on which they were grown in a richer condition than it wu tn before the crop the necessary conditions are in addlu n to the aoll bring in good tilth and well drained that there abould be in the aoll certain specie ef barterta known a legume itac left these legume barterta pene trite he young roots of the legu me where they produce little welling or nodule singly or tn bunch on cloven these nodulea fere very am ii but numerous while ch pea and beans they are com ftaratlvely large and frw tn number the bacteria in these nodule fix the free nitrogen of the atmosphere u that the plant can use it at food without the aid of the bacteria the i tant cam ol do this and n plant thcr than the legume rmn do it even with the bacteria in thi tuul on old aoll 01 v here clov r u other legume an ire uf j grown in rrc p rotation the bacteria are usually present in new soils however or when new legume crop a alfalaf are gniwnln old soil the appropriate tiactcrls are apt not to be present and in so h rases some method of innnrulatlon should be adopted to supply the bacteria numerous rxcpriincnls and pmlongid xpilrnre have shown that the belt uiy to do this is to innonilate ihw seed with ncce sary bacteria tax i ami inm illation rti finally ijmwn cgjturc uf the bar teria originally mcund from the nod u in on th mb d tht ymr species of plant uhuh it to lr m wn are applied to ihi med shortly be lore it is mun h this nieth d the bacteria are camiil into the soil with the seed and in ample num tw r to practically insure infection af the roots ith consequent in t reaard growth of the crop a a service to hal ton farm ra the hal ton branch of the ontario ivpartroent of agriculture cairns a supply of legume cultures such culture are available at cost name ly he each each culture contains sufficient i a t ria tn innoculate m bushel ttvo fjoliy hrrd imjrutemenf associations lo commence opera fumi kitty n program has provided leadership training to these young people as a fitting climax to this pro gram a committee of participant mat and planned the festival the program will include squares scot uschea minuets and many ulnar dance which are a true expression of our rural living arrangement have been made to acctimmodale spectator and they will be invited to participate in the final dances of the program fifty one halloo dairymen ha r enrolled as mem hem under the lairj held improve nn nt policy recently announced bv the ontario department of agriculture w p watson ontario uve slock com nlsaloner wa recently in milton whan he interviewed a number of applicants for the position of super- vtoar two such groups will be organ tied and it 1 expected that operations will com men re on may 1st the two successful applicant wbl take a special course at the ontario agricultural college in ovalgjk the last week in april while only two groups are being set up this aasring it la expected that group will be organized later in the year haltesi juniors to participate fas square das rtstwal choose your partner and promc na- 1 the call that will get the central ontario rural square dancing festival under a in to ronlo at varsity arena on saturday april 13rd at 8 00 pin tor the past fcv months the voung people from the junior farmer groups of ontario ork pl halton and haldlmand coun tie hav been answering the call of one of our moat popular forms of recreation square dancing to the command of allemande left usey have been taking part in a square dancing program instituted by the community programs branch of the department of edu cation with the cooperstion of the agricultural representatives of the department of agriculture in ad- ditioif to recreational value this tort hm you fowl lk urjt to go plocos your local bus agnt rto can toh you all about rofwtrofl-ovvomir- moitta rim tabic and oriior details that will llp you to onlay your trip ho it a mfttbor of your co wm unity and wttl bo olod to torvo you fares are low chicago 11910 los angeles 85 05 montreal 15js5 winnipeg 4140 round trip subject lo change w3ismjd 4fowwon hmtold viftls wanted dead animals w in paying the htjhat prvsqiwl crtyctud ism tnlnit horses cattle hogs t101um collmt for inuudlau sarrie laing cartage oihataytno am acmnw voono unnna asasftsa ttlu tiif disclpueb of disci plei11p golden test whoever doe not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my discipl luke 14 37 ruon text uike 12 1 21 m 27 u kuposiuun- l wise in the tj uf men 1 ic- ib trie rich man of this parable came honestly by hla wealth v he owed his prosperity to god but had no sense of the fact hi rapidly increasing wealth brought him anxiety and rare 11 is always ao he was perplexed to kjidw where to put his frulta there were already excellent places to put them on the table of the poor and these would have proven eternal storehouses ten 3 11 11 41 h 13 14 10 b ifl 22 buthewastoo blind lo aee them the intense wlfuhnefts of the man appears in the frequency of the pronoun f the firl person my fruits my barn my com my goods my sou after all these things wrn not reslly his hut men regard the products oi ifafcf fields as b ing their own cxtd soon brought this man to see that loose things were not his own and he will bring all men to see thai some day the rich man way out of hi difficulty irrnwd shrt wd and wise but there was one serious defect in his plan he left god out of his calculations that is a common mistake with the world ing jaa 4 13 is he could have ssvod himself all the trouble of building his new barn if he had teen wise t nough to bestow his sur plus good in the empty turns of others having built his barns and he slowed his gl he lauuld lakx hi ease he had had no ease in the accumulation of his wtalth and he was not destaped to ha any in lh enjoyim nt of it the rich man is the one man who never do take his cast tht only place wh r real ease can be found is m tth r in thi accumulajton nor njoynii nl of wealth but in jesus christ matl ii 1b trie rich man ru ithcr ad dressed god nor his fellow man nly his shrlvf lied self my soul llr told his soul that it had much goods laid up ft r many vrgp that was a grat mistake llu soul had absolutely nothing laid up only his body and that not for many year bux a few short hours th place to lay up good for many years is not new barn but heaven matt 6 id 211 they are laid up then bj kivins them away mk 10 2d 1l a oui in fhc sutht of god 20 21 up to this point the man had done all the talking now god j spaks he docs hot ay much but the little ii say upsets all the man s plans the man had said many yars but god says this night so wide are man s calru lotions from gods god called the man a fool he called him so be cause thst is what he was so is eery one that layrth up treasure for himself and is not rich toward god fools of that kind abound the man had said my soul god said thy soul is required back of the when god demanded his soul back the poor wretch had nothing left god puts a hard question to him tile things which thou has prepared whose shall they be this is a question which all men must face we are but stewards what kind are we god has many faithful ones who employ life la i nt and wealth to advance his cause in tht world hut many evils hinder that cause directly or indirectly think what an impediment in the way of god is the brewing industry whose deceptive products lead mul titudes into drunkards graves break up homes blast good careers spread ruin and miserv whirever they are found what good will the wtalth accumulated out of so much misery do to tht souls ot tht se scl fish bnwers distillers vendors of di ath they cannot take it w 1th them and it will not htlp them when ihiv stand naked in their guilt before the judgment of al mighty god hi the test of the cross duke 14 2733 the httnest principle in love is sacrifice foioth thti brth nt ample of jesus j no 3 is rom 3 7 8 one who had left heaven with all its glory in order to suffer the penalty of our sins in sufferin and death phil 3 53 has the right to lay down such a challenge 7 douglas street guelph eyes examined glasses fitted as v 37 such love as jesus re vealed inspires like response his love for his redeemed ones is cum plete and eternal jno 13 1 there ij no equivocation in his love for us he expects none ui our the principle of love is to govern all our relationships to hun once this is done we shall have the right idea in our relationship to him once this is done we shall have the right idea in our relation ship t other we shall never de bberalely do harm to any for whom christ dlm the parable of the tower and of the king going to war are invite tmtns to m the cost nd than to meet it a builder estimate be for ha builds- a warring king studies the battle before it is en gaged so a christian faces up to the demand of christ redeeming love great as they are he will go all out for christ in spite of the tost paul counted the cost of faith ful disriplcship phil 3 7 ii he was treat in his carnal nrwl natural right but he cast it all aside to serve christ because it hindered him thus it will be with us if we really love jesus whatever hin ders our ussulness to christ in his redemptive missions we shall be willing to lay aside if we are not willing to do this we cannot be his dis we rjjinn be iatamsra oi christ without sacrificial love thursday avrjl 214 14 salada outstanding quality delicious flavour now at popular prices uncut tfcr ivut tkivr llour fllsi sliuw rom whs lb wild 4 4 days the best years roxy acton two shows starting monday of our lives nhiitlv 615 915 may 2nd winner of 9 academy awards loor open a 00 pjn stirring mjrnu ijdjt krdri- march uuu andre i tmtmtffo ths money went into ftffi pocket l hats lot of money ic represent the gross income from farm product tn csrudi for 1mb it reprcemi the carniesg of canada s higgefc primary industry is the share of this huge mim of money which emme off your farm as much as it might be in other words is your farm producing to the full extent of its possibilities could ic be made to produce more you can answer these questions for youref best if you arc in a position to know exactly how much you spend and how much you receive in each of your farm operations you can know these fact only if yoa have tome reliable way of keeping track of your receipts and expenses vc c don t mean anthing complicated use the opposite something quite simple such as our harm account book a few minutes at this hook ccry day or so and you will know just which operations of your farm re doing well which only fair which are falling behind then ou can take the necessary step to correct matters a copy of this book is yours for the asking call at our local office for a cop wliile you are in have a word with our manager he will be glad to see you and to discuss an problems you may have in the operation of your farm do you hmd iiadv homit ot hid and fiatltlzii this iptlnot drop in and talk ver yourhruniul retirements with jqljoril bof m manager that s what thousands of go ahead farmers do every year it s a routine part of their farm financing a tideover arrange mem till the proceeds from sales omc in after the harvest and rejnember when you ask for a loan at the b of m you do not ask a favour you ii fmj vour local b of m manager ca to talk to and anxious to he of scrs ice bank of montreai anon branch w h clayton manager woikin4 with c a h 0 i m 1h ull v wik of mm iihci

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