Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1949, p. 1

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ht jvtion sttt bft seventy fourth ycr no 3 acton ontario thursday april 28tb 1040 eight heme print pifcs six ceata a mand tr addition at the pump house and stand piperepairs proving a iibbui report to coumuihi acton public uluitici lummia ai met th regular session on tues day evening all members were preaent and chairman c m man en prealded uaasr j held and n bowles war present to discuss vt ilh the cofltuniuusn lhevedimrultlm in maintaining fin tulerano on their atruding machine iurlng th dav th machine varies considerably but after stt al night production u very good the commission pro mlsed to go into the matter and we ll th surging in th pof trvu could be eliminated thli matter u to be taken up at thr earliest paaslblc time a water srirc feeding mr fred stewart t property back of trie dominion hotel ha been leaking for some time mr stewart had promised to fix this pipe mime tltm 40 very little had he n dim and the commission gavr orders to rupt lmtm rt to shut off the water if the job u not comph itd by saturday ntm this break i floouing adjsrrnt re dart and trtat trig a nuisance the meter rt ad era rrnulid thul lh water ntelrra at the pn h il al th foot of the school lane could not be read this proper n u as owned by mr j mcmulun and he waa to be notified to hnv e tht meters available xlnnda m inn k of next week for reading prices were reci tved for ri new ing the frost rafting on the pipe al the pumping station ajss engineers suggested that j square cov enng be installed in stead of a round rasing t 1 prtcea were submitted one fur spruce and the other for cedar the quotation as passed on to ccuiml for their consideration before ha ing the work undertaken draft plans were- submitted for the addition to the pumping station to hus the neu pump nonu rhangt a wen made and the plana air to be completed bt for 1 illm for trnders a alight standard w as n ported danvaged on guelph street laim for damages are to be filed wilh tht insurance companv a new star dard will har to be installed us this one u badly damaged v hen alleged 1 hit bv a truck a letter was read from the a m tu stating that a meeting was br ing called at hlgwln inn this meet tag is for the purpoae of familiar uing the commiaaions with the changeover to 60 cvclc the lettpr was ordered filed a letter was to be written to chairman saunders to see if action could le procured from th auditing department of the hepc a re oueat for an accounting was made over two months ajo but no repre- aealalive had as vet called on the i local commission and the request la the htpc chairman was the fmult a letter from th ii tp c pointed rut tome facts of the hydro act it expressly dealt 1th the spending of funds- no funds may be spent for any purpoae except current bills unless the hepc sanations the sapendlture ivrmlision was given to purchase fifty pok ot various lengths for the hydro department as there to a lot o line work required this year these poles are needed to keep the lines in good repair the commission were vfrv pleased to learn that hdro supt wtlaon was lrogresing favorablv and was now able to tie up about the housa- the list of arrears were checked and instructions usued a to their dupoaat the following account were pas- i f pav ood attendance at mtrthng op knox u a this week- when acton telephone uvi stopped crunking the regular uetlng of knos w a aas held at the borne of mn a h mann the- hvrtptu vmi taktn by mrs r red anderson aiul mu msrgant drown mlu km ma lr gave the praysr thi study hook waa takt 11 bv mi otoige sojimtv i lie a very mjuvll xxtl dutt wit glvtn by un 11 wen and mrs ale jjaiui tliry weraccorip4nimofn the piano by mlsa margant bruwp riierr ttu m largwf attenditiicv fcrul wtmv uitors and former mem bers wi ie preaenl these were welcomed by ura f anderson prisidrnt of the alert v w a final plan were made for the silver an tuviimi of the organization to be b m in may at the close of the meet ing a daintv lunrh was served bv the hm let and her group given two months for illegal sale ol intoxicants other ajaw i lean in majfu- lrmtea court j u1ini nt tt to whether or not iho wimlil be committed or trial was di f erred a mcond week in the riri ff robert itoas it and carl h hl r iu both of llmmllton their ca- w t h ard b t n magutrate hrnnt th m lngdon a week ago who rttcrved his findings when thev were rharged with indec nt usuull knd one of rape un a oung hui m ti hi srho i k 011 pnl ul to her t4n agr w ahovc are shown picture at the h ii telephone exchange in acton when last wednevl v the old milted f r trial on the same chargis vugneto sstem was rusrarded and thi nmnun tt 1 1 r nt 111 m put into tfect i up it fl shows rown attorney w 1 dick asked i the rrun who installetl the switchboard aa the plut win j ulh d out of tlie n w hoards while operatorn lor the second adjournment mlsa i wltderspln and mlu thrts win fie id wait 1 tnk r on th new tiulpm nt t pir right arehbald wmeau of chatham t jor li in th flrml lo di lime 11 l imuvr and m jon list ns un on the weal coast conversation cbor ns tnikinj u im n x ki n ikht r imouu hetve nier who wa sentenced last week on lw e ntmitw ixw r hoto fch th n w fc hbmir1 in u- under th su rvm n of charge of car theft and breaking mtrt n kilchener mr i 1 smidir n dislrlit nnnnt r mid miss mmv id dmnn lonl npitmtut and entering lllggin s garage ap tiv and mr gillard ol ixitulon mm tuit haj i th t il n ssum irn t 1 put into f fi in alton teared to face another charge of n tlu waiih oieratkiui t fee lrei flu 11 stealing i car in alliston on april fllh u hi n askel b the c ourt if he would an to having the charge heard in milton court lh accusco railway crossing amjv nicol was i among thosb who finished maltathon i asked the rase be hearxl in alltsloa ii run o castrin 2ft was st ntencext it tp nd two month in jail when 1 he pleaded guiltv to a charge of i r ping liquor fur sale he was al onjl red lo pay court costs of 513 or in default 15 days his resi dence was also declared a public place the court ruled according to the evidence f pro vincial constable ray mason pol ice searched the casann residence on april 10 where is people were sitting drinking beer four eases of beer and a part bottle of liquor were srtsed the officer staled continuing he said a search of letatl stores indicated it twrntytis ounce bottles and si twelve ounce bottles liquor had been purchas ed from october so ima to march lftth from february ii to april s this yaar 10 cases of beer or 410 bottles had been purchased wit neas lasufted adding the premises had been under observation for some turn and officers found con sidersble traffic there the constable lo stated ac scene ok minor cartrain accident at jipproximaw l fivi a m on bundav morning a cur orit n bv albert uuschent of mason houb vard in the t mplov u itm a tuxi came in contact with a train at th main street crossing the ul in crossing the tracks failed to notici a stationary train across the din gerous unmarked crossing con duct or of the train was s w mc comb damage to the vehicles was estimated at 75 and the knvttga tion sub constable allan dublin institute elects officers fob coming yeab junior club honoured ul banquet danee kinr lurtqutt lreparvd b the scout mothm hand- rome jaciihj ivwumilrd to tun a verv rnjovable function wa ura mansell nell is was hostess for the annual meeting for dublin women institute roll rail was answered by the payment of fces- the asctetary reported that quilt and pair of blank rts had been given to mr and mrs brown who had useds father told him he had been i lo lh hom hy flrr un al after hu son to quit for some time nw m to uk th ch imicht attractik iijjstrations now here e0r auvertisers j tlie miv illnxtrilion srur foi iik j iklvt itim rs is hi re unci t iv tillable f r brightt ning up thr 1 wtklv ticssii in the free preis i mothi r s dav earlv summer stvles end seasonablt illustrations will te fi und in hplmdid varirtv in this ntw serving for advertisers th re are aio included a series i of advertisements for several lines of business that will be found at h id last saturday in honoring the t business builders uivs f the junior hockey club i amh lo lhpm falions and who upheld the name of acton so rdvertlslog aids at our office there well in the hockey world during the u no hnal charge for the ser season just past v the event took the form of a ftupper tn the ymca prepared oftichis elected ti lh l at annual meeting of by a dance and presentation windbreakera at the town hall i nassattaweya wj mr jack royston was the master of ceremonies for the event and t snnual meeting and election paid tribute to thr management and i of officers of the nassagaweya wd fine coaching by lllo mario reeve mfl institute was held at thi jones representing the council was fome of mrv murray mahon with impressed by the fine appearance 2 members and seven children j for the election of officrs w th the o thr u h l thf r in hu own defense casarin said follow in ruju i looked like that himself dr geo 1 gmg a written roll call the evidence of hu father was a j president mrs w wtklns 1st slrrv r r he team spoke vear s prtigram 11 friendi of andy ncol with the anjdian navy at ifalifas will jjc intf r tted in kjiiiw ih andy finishid iiioog mm fnt tao t the iloniiii marttumi ut tuesday amlv wui one of tlte ytungest oii teslajitk in the rvil in which 300 took pjrt ttm ionise was 26 mil s hi v ids uiuitk cowf kkk ijiuck man itu large truck ieopl pacing through town dimtid juesltoiiing stares at the large crowd of people rathered to witniiks thr tug of iir bttween a man lithd i hi armenian iloy and truck the gtntleman rud the event sfheduled for tltr front of the iimvi offir but the posmbllty or a traf fit t tu up m ed th evnt t the far md uf mill htirtl aftt r utii sjdaidblc ado a ueetion and a brief biography the arnnnlan bi tlod a stout rufm- lo a hiavy car aiul actually pulled with his teeth for a considerable distance j cut ir pealing this umalng f jt with a truck the crowd of intert stel smct tors registered their various tr i ings and iksuc1 a niiillilud 1 f x liiurki as they dlipt fled the free press iiuiijhnc eiuxtion is rhxhixsin qmikit mk1 trort ha ihi 11 1 u1 in thi tit etion f thi nt u inniuu rci tl printing liv 11011 al tht fnc jreis building thr walls itntl roof she t ins win ompl til on saturday th wetk th im il r hnhh und the hi iting 1 tiit an bt ing uitlltt r ic triciwnt art buv w inng the t uiuluig for lighting uml fi r th m i hm installtionv jnrt the in tenor w ill board is t ins put ori in i rt pjrufioii for the lat nug f tht wrftla riii it veiling of thr giound tot un oh i mi nt moot miik h will promi a lu for lh livs linlini uiithim hi lxfi mule it iil fi 1 its ihtiniis f the oti nt t thi nlruuix mi sis joiui li vatuik ut ruvhint iun i irt of thi w ik lo 111 k 1 tllv im 1 ipiniy msmhh thi m w nctn 11 will double tbt pit mnl fum rtoor 1 it of tht pliint spixtal diet flown west to swe voitncj girl ioref n howt 1 nit t t i mrs harrv murrnv at ton dirtl in hos pitdl sunday it i ji corn be alia de pit a diet of w atei 1111 ion flow n from r londa and eavtt rn canada two weas ago frorn watermelon wa rushed from kitrhener ont w hen her parents hoped hnat the easily dlgtstett fkd might hi lp her she suf fired since childhood from nephritis a fare kidney ailment and had been in hospital since feb ruary 28th hallon board discuss salaries at april meeting- artioa on motioa augtiiiaitf ceuaj rwitoal fw d erra unui nnt meuft4 c ol t o rruwn the new repate- molativr of use north halun hlsih hoil tit ard was wrleoined to use aplil ntreting of the ibsard held ta atoii school of 1 mixutay eveaawgt mr riddrll anhitnt on use ad dition to the arhnols presented a tihuits of the milton scbaal 9m- strtutlon the final items left aut standing were 133 it aft tncaading arthiurtts fees of txuia total cost of building in milton ssat a rlimlmg rrhltecri fees or aqattp mriil svai givrti u m1j14 2 thr urrounts were approved and will ttr paid when minor repairs arr made u the mdton building three iliune in the arton srhool wharlt huvr tmctiriie ilimtlorrd were aaso to tie rrplaced the lltmird in approving lh arihiltcts fees 1m thanked mr itidulell for his personal later in iht building thit ht hat shown tin nmrt of lnamtora gonttn j nil hn wtile rfiul tht new courses iiilithtui d at milton was read and was virv r dlisfat tory th iituisiliiin 1 f prtnckpou mam uui ami sti utt for susu repair and pnpuiiit were sp pro tl pretty bad thing for father lo say vw p mr rtuum brn n f rring to m rat hu sun v 1 2nd vlo lidit mra c thomp displayed tu 1 hav- had a pretty hard time urm harmonious welding brufty rt ft rring lo good sportsman mrv r itinehart district pre llydra department hepc of ont power 4 7m 28 jas r kearnev supplies 22 80 federal wirt 4 cable co- 20 00 express and transport 540 mrs h palmer ioo f terry poauge iftoo t son sec treas mrs g r somer and m father never told me to op dunc dlr u n antt hoberutm branch directors mrs to me since 1 was born he stated w n v s s nelles mr w biitton mrs w adding his father could not write n frank mr h rlythe jr auditors and he made purchase of liquor for w 1 rv i t s w j mr j dennis mlsa u somrimlle hmv as he was a heavy drinker he ri t r- 1- 1 s s s pianist mrs c angooarn assls also told the court he has been out of work for a month and was un able to btin a job would this be the reason for not being able to obtain work here heceirt asked j mj2149 ws departiiiwl acton garue dalgllsh chemscals ltd canadian brass co ltd w h cunningham hoi ck139 feme or race down zinc gsjvajuied theeuwert cut 32 m ton at mou la canada follow- fcnat cut tn primary glnc oalvaa- ued nails and wire war also af- tant pianist mrs n anderson pro gramme mrs- w rrank mra w i bnttom mrs geo robertson un 1 j dennis social mr u steele p roam vtsltlng caanamlttae c c e t wltson mrs w mc s steven appearing forcas- mra j d black mrs w bttmjoaan plty heluft q c poaeo dames anderson mclntyre and lbor ddi told th court ki vmooomb publlclw ungr to meet with other butirute com mittees to arrange for a booth for the nassagaweya reunion in july ervuuon of hu employer for a per iod of sit months thcrt are 2833000 home in canada and st of them are own 4 by people who live m thata ess th farm ii par cant of all use lunckv- was urved and asocij hour enjoyed the historic nlto will be harness ed for irrigation and trctrtcjywr time gild the dcnl tooa the chaii foe the leetttht i ding together of boa who fought hard in rvtrv game dr sirrs also referred to tuarlv one hundred per cnt at tendance at practices and gamt s w hich speaks volumes for th rine coaching oi iho lr stan fav sr one of the faithful conveyors of junior players admitted that the drives through snow and storms were well worth it and he could hardly wail from one game to the tet other brief speeches were given by messrs- f daw kins ray mason bob anderson sonny townaley and marry jlolme by a vote of the players the popular shamttue rush was elected the most valuable player on the team and is eligible for the o h a troph at the very successful dance jack royston assisted by bobble anderson praaented very handsome wind breakers to the team coach trainer and manager a fitting tribute to the very succesful and hard plalng junior hockey team that represented acton so ell picture oi the club in new wind- breakers will appear neat week the area of lake superior if grealar bv nearly 4000 square moa than the total area of new bruna- wick of of fit rn w hich resulted as ful lows past pnsident mrs t rim hart prisidrnt mrv c elliot lt ict pnsidml mrs j hobertsoti nd v loe president m rs i camp ull secretary trtasuter mrs m mahon district director mrs a 1 i adbur pianist mrs v tamp bell flower convenor mrs r i page picas kcporirr mrs t pickett j mrs elliott president resumed thec f thf irt of t meeting 1 mrs padburv district director save a report of the director 1 meeting which was held in milton a donation of 10 was to be sent to 1 the cancer fund i mrs moffat read a chapter from the book fifty years achieve- 1 men of the institute a contest conducted by mrs elliott was won by mrs m moffst a duet was enjoyed by mrs w freeman and mrs a diamond and a very inter esting reading entitled why art we so busv was given by mrs 1 las easter brook the meeting dosed by singing o cod uurelp in aga past and mfs i richardson mrs tru man mrs pal and mra b pramr assisted the hostess durtnr refresh- ment hour mrs a mcdonald elected president rannockdurn wi ban nock bum woniem institute ht id thir annual meeting at the hotnr of mrt d kuasrll oil wednaa- csy april 30th i the following are tht officers tie ted i resident mrs ii mcdon ald vire president mfa a brooks i 2nd vici president mm s russell sr trcsv mrs t got don dislrut director mrs 11 jollev convenors akruiiilural and canadian lnd5 tnt mi- d ituss4ll t itii nship mrs h kerr litt rical hesearrh mih fttna huwll home ri ononi un mrs n mikaihern ihibllc hi lalionihlp mrs 1 dubv itesolu turns mrs fvans it w as de ided by the hint h com nultr and iht program t umlrattce to hold a spottal meeting ui niakej ut thr programs for the viar a delii ions kuith was served by tho htsstess and her asautariut and i n vutc of thanks was iiprn hj th ilary adjiitm nt was con sult fit by th 11 j nl and th mhfdoli ttf salaitto for the yewr was givin lo tht snutary with sb- trurlion lo wrile the teachers sit nig this infi fmjtx ti thr follow ink molion waa pes eult d tv the ai too members f the hoard thai in uciortlanit with a letter dale april 7th ima from the itut ministi r of ralucatkm thu ilord do now impleasent hi irt unimi mtatioii to secure a per man nt lie ami prut eeil with the t i it titm 1 f tt satisfactory central high school tfciurh will serve aste pi id it tin- exluralihual nerds of use pupils of this district ami trnl in accordance with the 1 iiguial motion of the meeting prov ing thr appointment i saw hoard that this site be at bsur nsidt tin highwav no sa asvd that for tht purpose of chesoasssg this site a committee be avow ap mi nt til with one repreaervaaaave fiom each of the mitnlrtpaltue forming the district to bring m recommendations and options far thi approval of the board and that these rrcfsmmendatlons be preavnt ed not later than the june massing thai we engage the servkcm ol an architect and take the nrftfirr teps with the department of cdu cation and the various municipal ties to have erection of the building started as soon as possible the motion received same dis tuskion but it was felt could not be dealt with at that meeting an amendment wa spaaed ba the mutton regarding the new high school site be deferred usull the neat meeting the sponaars of the motion declined to withdraw the motion the board adjourned hout ii ta p m coming events tf thurmdav may llth toninlo malr quartrllr and string trt ilaplut c hurth mn mcdonald milton iujf uuu m tin oner again th ullton fit ilrt- cadr a amatrur shw waa prraan- trd lo a jam parked houat uat nlghl with ullton entrirs breaking rrn with out oftownrn in r- rrrvlng the offlrlal nod from tha audtanc undar the auspice of the aa- ocutlon of canadian cluba the pnnceaa philippe de bourbon la on lectire tour and waa gueat ipeaker o the milton women ciub on tueada afternoon april 12th jn st paula achool room a deurtnuutlon aeldom aaen amo the human ra waa graphl- cally depuhad in tha film battle of britain aereened at legion mall laal monday evening camdla triutnptoit a lla in urmortal iuu mme- l f apnuitlt te mr grtrn by the norval juntiir rrmrrt lunch and dance ad maaion 10c the duke of devunantr cruidter lodtr are holding a dajtelll tea and baking sal oa atuioy apll soui frm j to f pjn ot the ymca the annual meeting of the acton hume and school rtaaorlallon will be held in the public achool mon day may but al iis pro oood peaker and ftlma parenu and rlenda welcome the local movie aura of the town uul be ahnwn la th til c agymnaalum on motuuy oiuj tuady mayhh-nd-llh-tw- ahowa 7jb nd tjo admlaaion children me adulta 41c tax in cluded com and aa uraell- and yourtfumoa on the acrten rhr-

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