Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1949, p. 2

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mox two th3 acton free press s yfclfafctl e thstuar si jute au4s akwij tiliil uu mil i otfim dwmmi out tuucbirnon ftatkaa j vtw uiuj ibui fr listiitwil liti osmm tc u uj ww tm 4hu fc pu liinm juhrumzmg batkso hihiih tj s ft 4 vsnass h fcaaiallai ts vs umm a uk iwillhg iui if ui lr mf u wr hsmi ft bill u itui w imu lii rflsg tts 9ml w4i if ttf bsf w fciifui i israntihl to wrttku w fcji sj uim w tkf fni hu utbi twit 4tlr mw sri fcy ilt uwwif ssj w w rc4ia4 uilf wuj to wtiiiu t iui au w ftir s fcfclii u km fftllli r tu ft fhu iu iukuur tsfcsjt imi wit pbtui f its istln ajtowliia i tv mtaslij br lbs 1 mw bur ta as wity tail w i a aiilo wuj eiui ttlehtombj- yihiful taj imihh ohk m iihiiil cfeu mhauw there ir thre timet many people on th ottawa payroll la day u before the war stair a spciaksurvey in the finsncisl post and while the situation has been under tome scrutiny since 10441 n 1 now thrown into sharp focus by the hoover cesnmisaions findings on federal housekeeping in u s the hoover commission estimates that it leaat 1 billions year could be uved by reorganuing the u b federal government long buajnesa linem alarminf my msny6tlens of canadas swollen civil service payrolls and its very much their business since it s costing ihem close to 100 millions a year as against 188 millions in ism to put it another way the average family head now kicks in sao a year to the federal civil service payroll kitty as against 128 in i0w and 65 in ims a llank appraisal at th rudg an appraisal of canadas 1040 budget in re latton to theories of cyclical taxation occupies much of the bank of montreal s latest monthly business review which was issued this week from the standpoint of its provisions and the economic assumptions upon which they ap parently rcm the b of m says the new bud git stands in decided contrast to that of a scar ago the 1948 budget it point out dcotcd a substantial surplus to debt reduction and pro sided virtuall no an relief it as thus a notable example of the practical application of cscfica1 fiscal thcor to meet an inflationar situation the present budget anticipated only a nominal surplus in the current fiscal period and provided tax reductions totalling appro imately 36 millions on the basts of a full years operations these tax concessions rbe statement notes taken in coniunction with the disbursement of 250 millions of refundable personal income tax and retroactive payments of about 214 millions to western wheat growers amount in aggregate to a very sizeable stimulus to con sumer spending power a significant and rhated fact thebank adds n that with the removal of some 750 000 taxpayers from the personal income tax roll by the raising of exemptions the number of per sons now suhiect to direct levy on income has been reduced to about i 600000 since the canadian working force is esti mated at approximately 5 01x3000 persons it follotva that about two out of every three of these will not be directly sware through even nominal deductions from income of the cost of govcrnmentfel services that the community demands the cost must nevertheless bo borne the review emphasizes and henceforth to an in creased degree the public will pay it in the form of hidden taxes if sarin w i i just a bit difficult to keep at our routine work these days when a new section is being added to house part of the printing equipment which we have collected and put to work during several yeans in the business it was quite convenient to satisfy our interest when a door- way led from the old section of the building in aeten to the new section quite pleasant it wit too on a bright sunny day to slip out into the sunshine and watch progress bat these days of spring are forever chang ing for instance list friday when it seemed that the roof would get on and our heatipg tyatetn protected from the weather it started to rain it persisted until the work had to be stopped then in the week previous came a late snowstorm that last nearly three dayis on monday warmer weather was predicted and it seemed safe to disconnect the boiler and depend on a few electric heaters to msintain a working temperature the weather man missed by several degrees and as we write there arc no thoughts of early spring or summer coming up but the contractors sre msking splendid progress with the larger quarters and it won t be many weeks until the sdvantages will be so many that these inconveniences will be for gotten if conditions sren t normal for a week or so readers youll knov the reason we started our spring renovation a little early and attempted to heat the building rush of summer tiiursnay april th it ladira needed far loo frequently of late the public has been told that something has not been done because of lack of cooperation on the part of one of the three levels of government com ments the financial post spokesmen have announced that ottawa would not agree or this was a provincial matter or it was up loathe municipal authorities there are few countries of comparative popu lation which have aa much government as we have with three different levels municipsl provincial snd federal all supposed to be look ing sfter public affairs one would think that everything possible should be covered but this frequent passing the buck from one gov ernment to anothen especislly on controversisl issues is smple proof that everything possible is not being covered the plain tax paying cititen ef canada is not greatly concerned about the particular jurisdiction of thia or that public authority what he is concerned about is getting things done whether it is cleaning up some petty gambling hystens or clearing the wsy for vital power development the chesley fnterprise holds thst the de partment of education should give leadership in the establishment of large high school dis tricts in support of this position the editor makes the following editorial comment on the subject since ihe chealey board of education has set out to try to establish a larger high school district it has found that the department of fducation has done little more than provide the idea the working out of the scheme is being left to the councils school boards and people with little or no guidance and leadership from the department sac are told by the orangcville banner tor instance that people in that district arc hecom ing impatient with the lack of action on the part of tonship councils u ith the latter dcclin inn to act it has become nccissar to have ever school section decide the matter and bix out of seven have been favorable to forming a larger school district the other one is re maining out of it for the time betnk the point ould seem to be that the department might well provide a regulation whcrcb a majority rules and that if most of the sections decide in favor of a larger district then all sections are to be included but the department docs nothing to provide active leadership it leaves everything to the people in the district the flmira signet also deals with the very live topic of school district and says creat ing a high school area was instituted hy the provincial goveernment but it would seem many difficulties which crop up have to be settled by the representatives of the board who arc ap pointed from the various municipalnes one can t blame every municipality for getting the best deal possible but surely the depart ment of fducation can set don rules rcgulat ions and financial obligations so aft will realize first hand what is expected of them rather than enter into an agreement and then commence to squirm under the obligations kditoiual notes never mind youll get back that hour you lost on a sunday in september the hockey season has gradually merged into the summer pastime of baseball thathahilqtgivinulhetejephonebella good twist seems more difficult to break than we would have believed many folks are inquiring on the progress of the community swimming pool we re sorry but we havent the answer to the question rumors of the dominion election become more positive snd last week one or our con temporaries set the date for june 27th on in formation which was then available cjocjliotclqtf recollections of aclon s5osl utcajt quahhte hi back in 1899 j tturtjawr apu tuk iw ur jorl ishr msking uu tx ravatiun or his nrw rrllarrkr mr h m jujinsitfi hs bmi ap rwmitm rsrvtaltrr ut kiiun chuttfi u a salary of taooo prr yar a wmnvr itiuhrn and lutrrior impruvfrrwils hav btrn rvxrrntly mad to th huus on juhn street purthaaard by th psruh f r rrv f ilrvr frrrvrjr were yuixsl the fir last night wal a eurrnt qution n twijuy rnumlnf during th night th small frame ttuua an main htrwt usl oulsul th southerly limits of th rorpur alton with its ronlcnls was dwtruyod by fire thr house was occupied by hugh ilydr and family who went to guelph last rrtdy to visit frtrruls mr cameron hid inspector fur messrs- lleardmor and c o has re moved his family from toronto to the residence of mr thofnssc moor lke ave mr moore m removed to th jsmrs lirown fsrm hev t albert moore pastor of zion tabeniarl llsmllton who twenty on years ago was editor of th tree rsa will spend the nest few days id his native town mr win noble is removing to toronto this woe th departure of this family from town is regret ted tlahkis at ingersoll on friday 31st april irs n harris father oi mr frank harris acton aged t7 years back in 1929 takea fraas tw ft m af thursday april imtk ittt theae bright sunshiny dsys are bringing out the bright shiny new un iii increasing numbers and thimu- that were shiny in other yi srs tv making i hi ir sppraranct too mr and mix thmnai marxruill ii irbratrd their golden v tilding i tinivrrvary on tuesday ovtr one hundred guela wrn iiu itaiiwd it until the day snrm r art it ork ri milton ilh n virw to connrrtinn thr new llhvai lltlltl til mil t milt fl with no 7 ilikhwsiv at a ton th hi buihlmtc it tn ilh utl cffur at th junituin tht at t m invsrii a unit hi v nth hm v a titrnrit in in m mun t vimnjt tin ixnluiiik ts un salada orange pekoe iu mil jiii i j why walk when you can hide call dennys taxi phonb anywhfhf octv anvtimf ouloftown trip our specially carrolls business directory dh w g c kenney stiyslihia utl hiafiai sucrsxur to ur j a mentvaad orit in symoii ulock itltl tt- aetaa ulltm phu h unllnii tisai tvt muu im fw l a gahhett ftu 4 liirgrhb kormarly lit ncuda a srilsa off phao j3h uewt4j d a j buchanan offk uuluui wucll uui 81 offlr hours 0 in lot fsa xray teu3iionr iu uu bokcr a siuus dassl b4sraai lllll iii ronur kradarttli ama oilict hours 1 00 sju u ijo b- nuumione it l wilson wlutum 1 irtfmmay dall tauphon buuausjf aclon fhoaa us hours 10 anv to bjav c r leatheuland bjs acton avantjlw ssluuar nstarr s lati urrua si lbvlk hoskin cawhtrfs aissnafctass succaaaots lo jemunh a iiamov iva matrubolllan lildf 44 victoria hi tsnab iat nil wneainaarv i i ni hi i m l tu t r ill if ii pin ii r iiiiim must h im imi n t it i l hllllllllll m uk i r th ti un m ii i ihi mm nlh lint ih tv 1 mil uukmll th i died a1i1 at iho un rjl ii spill u iph n saturrln anl lllh 1u1 mrv nrlll all ai n i hsiitk in kmjikmuk tunhlp m moiulav april 2 1020 lids jmn ntfrn lxlurtl wife of j 1 sin y ishi r in hi r tdth r j i notice ur mum at iriir pnraitraph m f th h law nft w of the mllai or alton pro hlt that bnuven thr first ta i of ma anil the fifteenth tu oi septemer in an yrar rtnes vnft in the munlrlpaltt of acton ti1 n i he terntitlfsi1 lo run al large i penona permkulna 1oir to run nt larue aturtnif lae ahove jwiton jnre hnh e to a fine of 110 xi i 1 haitxor municipal officer pollock and campbell high grade memorials memorial engraving 82 walar sc north galt disbursements under the family allowance act are in excess of u6o0q0 0oo annually which in 1047 represented 30 cents out of the dollar of personal income tax- paid by can adians robl r haiwlloii optournust or cuxlpu dr g a simjqittee ttlksdav mat i aylassr tcj ooman oraaas corn 19c caksoixa dakcec tea 38 vi 75e aro ritted hwnirr atuikit ceushcd cherries cherries pineapple biruphts peaches anndueaa raisins 3lc margarine siohaeon jbbakd 1 lb aaaatal latraaucurf orfr r rios tomato soup xxle romas coffee viiase sse tomato jfuice w2 23c crape juice u a3e 4e soekeye salmon v s3 llr cake mix m peanut butter 37c a tomatoes ioc krr a salmon xle yc inrw uysr raicm ntaaoita soap flakes 69c urbts kraut 17c jelly pwtatm 17e nabob coffee vi4le ntbletscorn hffir umbyht milan t l super suds 37e 63e e dstmirs ketchup tzlc socbcyt cat food lie heinz baby foods 3 25e hawes flook wax s9 4 choice pineapple wiesaeach cooking onions nol iceberg lettlce 5a each imp tomatoes per lb 25c 15c 15c 23c krerfi rhubarh siusch silttb crn omiocsb x4ecial weeigeno prices b i young vb bvse- vtriawt bsfflm offc umokvllle onuj1 vtu milton 1m f g oakes vs bvc aunsb7 ftarfssaa of fir and k4rc kaa av acton phon 1j0 uthl tjj jlntuwh the victor a rumlbt funeral home puawrml lfun llasud t srivinu thr mmmun ly for 45 i i ii vi nitfht ur day ul mukmhy farm athnc y irgrtt a 1 it 1 aiffnry in cajlassw lira i oh r k nt ii 1 toroau caiiiry un upjirisrttalllv tan lltwsasaj flsaiw oarputts tlsw h l u right aluslar fummnr latatvcr m mk r a j rut a institute- of anud i mrnin r i uh h and ininct ral h btnti urmrd mrmh r tutljh sn udialtjct insurance af nts association ulllavf uilamir wnwl art ostt- phuni- us travellsfisrs gl1db gray coach uvea coa hls lkave act daiuht saving tiuci 6 41 am b7 4i ajb t 8m 114b am iu pm i bm 6 11 pm h j6 pm tfiau pjk stus pm 4 41 m to btralfurd 1044 sjh 1x4s p m iy n s jo pja t j m nit m p m yll 34 pjn lo london 10 44 am uf pm mljv m tm pm mj p m tscrpt sundjurs sad uttahija iv- sunday nd houdmyss d xatunuy sunda and hnhiiaja s to kjtchnr daily to suata sunday and holiday y to kltcnnr only a ass aaaaaia railways canawan national standard has dailv 3 i5 am daily ssccpr sundavs 9s am 7 10 dbl sun day only alt kfn daily xcpt sunday ttyvr at gaormtown fk fltn daily flyrr at cuorprtowii oil pm hwtiiml daily cscrpt uonday 1 17 a nv uonday only 1239 am daily x- crpt sunday 44 am 430 p m 44 pjn saturday only im pmv sunday only 143 abl tf riyvr jt guelpa txcvpt sat aaatl sun 410 pm wtpattcrsonilo 1 wtlflohalf mr whtum cuaouttty vfiasjasaa ostsat isslaw malsar ska 8tn

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