Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1949, p. 4

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taa renin the acton jrerj press thuh3dav april district news various lie conwmlnc aruvllbu in coawauifiitin nnrbv whrr many of our utdm are inlrrmlwi llmeholse iii ii ighlior keeent vih tvmtfl include i u uw nora iteettav if cadedoi f with the iwlu y i over holiday lira smith and mia margan i hmith of wnrtnn with the fittrr xi tor n few daya ur and mm krwln i- wis of gurkluwit ur unit mr jo ph krntuy ur an i ur an t wll ham ur iortm lugk ami ur kid burton all of wnodbftdir with th char lea jone on saturday veiling and mta kyi vim tfimn of oini william ail iim plio sunday nil mmiiiiv onatraliilalioii n w parents to mi fiul mi jolmnr filri in- mjiii hlrkalri fc lit arrival margar t i ham mi april 1311 and im ui not mm bertha rryrr on the arrivil of mliarl join ii ai joth llolh wrrr at pe i memorial lltapilal brampton ui and un iuuk mill ami sti kan nf toronto wrrr weak end v tailors wllh til miirlita urrr alea wright and stewart awton pent ihr wrtk end with the formers parents afr nrwtcm haa returned in her own bomr aftrr spending ihr will ter ravmilha with hr ililan mrs flalr and mlaa i vena ura ncwlmi u new grandmother aa mr aiut wrs w t newton at barn ttecame ihe proud imrnl of a mill daugh ur uii april slat margaret arl i ami kdnw luw pent part nf hi u holidays with the glaby uiaa kalklrfii kmptmi f to ndilo in m mien i iraihrr wllh mtaa lum ii n ss n ttttftk rk th women auo la lion pin on ihelr plav th cnwl mutt lift trial in i imehnus m mortal mall oi thuradav v liliik judging by ihr joyful interruptloni it mud ha liven m joyed by th aiidienr mhi n luiini in th ntrrtaln ment wrn mr krn harrison and mrx bought y with inatrumnal number ami mn w cmmur with hi f itikultmi numb m it a al ur chairman al hi i lo mlaa ioru mil hell tattled mlu iv n forward uml mr win mllrh ii on behalf of th iit p rrarnlit her with a hvdraiiuu in re ignition nf hrr aaaialanii in directing th play t ongratmlalimia to llttli ihmnle curry ptpll of miim i 11 it who won in lh rllmliiiition for junior hoy nolo in miinunl frilual work irornlly for thrlr hoiiii rarly ut utk irvrlllni by motor in wwn miiiirr fin itntk out u llu iuutf of mr alir hill hm krldii miniini tin ll fir il vurttnrnt rcapondnl ami pr v ntcc thi iiiiiiiiiiaii of th hmiju uatltnafai qspringe j nt knrat ullh mr and mrs iiirgr it itoh rtaon wrrr mr im f kohrrtuirt of ifujlrybury mr uml mn wni w hi ami family of i tii iph towrmhlp t mustr lurl kvn i inik r novel at lb i ll ifoipltml u1 w- k i mplf j rry hilur imiii a f w with in unit und mini mr nd don duklvii in iph mi murloti sim lali viiltrd dur oi th ljuit i viar willi r lv h iail mmi i fkrl krllh i mid mil klniluir holiduyr in iph with mr urn i mm arnold lulr slmtr aymimithv l atnild to korrtrli fumlly of u in pnmlt i or th ti ralhtr tuia imi ii ttn fmnilv vr on m i id u of 1hl ix ulltv vh ii firuird an i h klntt ijnr mi itnt lnimlv mtnnrtrd u ii i i miiiik of th worn n i id ii iph n suluiuy ospringk mr alrx iiilfi moti of wnl u f w day wllh mr i si u urt uml fuiiiily viiitofi ul th minti hum uml mr tiul hit 1 r lint iii r n min h it tnnipu md mr hunduy r- mr nd mm ill w i ju mum of ihii i holld ulll mi kn wlnl v ii id ih i jl 111 p1t u v vikdoi ui id honii of mr and mii l if iihin rluin flurutit th slnnd mi i m iii u nd intiidit mr ni iry mlaa annr sturm km uh ifvon all ol uml mia it k urtrr i kin of stritfhi i lalt kitx rtm n ol dmpbellville mr and mn ijiwrnrr king of hit no i aiiiphhivlllr t irhratml ihrlr 2mb urddluu uinlvrnuiry at thrlr hoim on salurttav april mn r n nda r lutui a arid ndihbiiiirh utttnd d lh ir part and lurprlfvl tin m with u tnliht flimi lmp iflilhi from u llilaini pn m n i d th in mth in ik r am r i tfu illno pihhl wr mr und mih s smilh and mr ml mi itd jhmk or torfinto mr mid mp ifit kivi and asm ii wrd iki mi uiut mia llowanl h f si tliuim and mr m kln f milton lif nda f mla aiutr y kuily and h 11 km w r t h i th v tiif t n h pi mill ii irlvtit ii piml ioiivt1 imi mn mi i mia lift tloilrli lit and mia v mis llurirn hi v lit 9 i i i scampers y4- favour k juj hkw b krt auirr allrarllv marr rwaacurtalalv i bat ar vlor a a iu mirim nil omufmur all iumb iii a pair of aoirr mm all play nur moav pallants clothing and footwear mil j st acton i to ul mi lh h t r ui and mi- metph f it nf st t ullullll m ul day mrrkj with thrlr ilaughtrr and iutn jn lot ii and mn kllndall i t ihtifralulallmia to mr and mi john n mi th arrlvil of ihx ii daughter old v i wr irrlliia a f a mr and mra tom fimnp town and lhrr havr runted up wllh mi mlaa jam llvn quilt inimli llv imv ih u hi with fl aid oi- tiui h id on aft riirii ih ir id tit pr aiding tin m i iii iih ii d h mihilmti ih llviii lthl ihr tjrt la klmn txluy ih ik vnlloiuil waa takrn hy mm allkn umri whi h i 11 u ion mi i novutiiii th chun h fol lowed a filrlh1 diauaion took lolhliik lo ih w wnn hi 1 t ihal 1 m ttll hoi- a llllr it iii- imii i hoi imdi r dm ll in of jtra ft atiitiil th twjflnu i w vs m holding up knrtip any m rauria hn tlolhltig an to hrlng u to ihr nh whn it will u iarkrl and in anwrd llvru pr daiikhlrra john and th north china railroad fhlld rrn a fan- on bright und r two anxl a blf ffrt f from two and a half to fihjr fl 3 im bra half fan- taller than lhal full rarr chi aray mli i tin nth chaplrr nf oanlrl waa unm rrawl and ijilratlona uakwl hy mra i kaalrr soul tin sludy honk on th mhinil or fonnonm wmi takrn hy mra o siintrr mra mrulhrra omhnt o lllhlh al rmtrat whlrh wiia won hy mm suntrr tit mn ung i v alnglng a hvnin and th hoati u nulitrd by tin kiimnlllii in iluirg m rvrd a v ry d ll lihia inn h 7 muidow in tin hun li on sun nil ik to a fair alrd iiowd i purtm wi r aung hy mr kullhorr altkrn linn and sliirli y hral r mr valr nh nt rnlnlil i broiighl a rnraaagr in kr plug with hall r of a wi k rnd waa ci raltlnfl auction sale rockwood congr itul ilions to mlu lurbara u want in connrclion with hrr part at thi divruport fystlvjil nf sat ml im is- in toronto lojit wrrk adjudlrator dnimmoml wolff had high prim fur hrr voral ahllitiri diiriur thi rvrntruj ahc was prt- mitihl vnth two mrdau winning hral uilh im point in clau cn eontrjltoa and first wtthl inlnu tn rlaia 17 yrara and under at the mumlng arrvin in unltrd church ahiniributrd a vocal number i jiit friday evrning b full hall grwtwi the eait in a play the mintatith aunt which waa well carried out bv niembeni of st al- ban churth ihnlr acton and abut munlter- of th iadu oulld and voim men i t holr member liv nuh n fonnet hockwimkl bxy plavinl hi part lo perfection as well the othen ounnt the evening mrmnern of st john s church ld w-1- which helped to wh the pmfits rollming iht pln refrrah- nipui- u i mnuliml inhiiliimim llljovlt s himl ii opiiud montm foi tht i fmil i tin of th veit with th mhonl iiff tn thir plki after i hn f v itnn from their dull mr k ninth guild of th ihitario oll r art in totonto and mp khitv th mpinilrm of orange mlh hnli hthihil si iff shiu thctr bolid iv s in town lther imtor not mentioned 1 nt mr ln miarttuir if simh hiuh vhhii staff mrs llciirx ili r iviruit utchtiu mr jiui mrs ci irk m arthur i ami funulv r wtnisor t mr jiut mrs w ptt if altor- i hot mr and mr- alj graham of rramptou and mastr fred gri- ham of acton mr and mn aux scott and family of fort eric wllh mr geo w peal other ultors in tmn included mr an i mrs wlucr at gait mr and mr t forest of hamil ton mrs j t bell who teachea school al letliea chool erin pent aauter m toronto mr and mrat a if trout of e- lavan saak who have bean vultlno the former lulera mrs ft u spencer and mra j a little- left ha jul inwl mouiaiii nm anft iflfera itu trahor tnutnr im i iklftitrnu rlann liilwitent mtr i latviu mllhlnr hu4d rjerlr 4nhr lay mrnm anil riimiliirr 1 n ii urmlay fti mimtti w 1 h ll e alll 1 mlaa m ii all 111 th ihult 1 m ting waa op ll d with ih i ii to uomhlp and th by nn un si ih th tie that ill di tit itilb li a m was r ad bv mm murriiv m lliall with m in nla iv th ii alhnt- also an 1 ri mil mh ii wdll ii hy ii try llur lo wll r ud iv v i m off d l mia s aiv an nrtl ftwn 1 ih ii 1 liduiki hi mg gift i i d hy mm w king an no m i h lit of iii m iph lreabv 1 t 1 1 hllv lo u id in t ritial 1 i 1 r h mlt w i made after hvmn ih 1 my r from th 1 t it lirig- wi i id hy mm itiy out 11 u md 11 thin gov a r w ll of intri nt r ived frnrn itrv imtmhi wmi oik lkcolrin needs call dave ph 236 j 11 t r aiin ylral 111 a 111 in- in 1 ij oijnillv lillmar lvr n ivnmp cainhh hrrvlr iimohatini in au its iikanchw stainini raimni k imikit iianillt ivttahih w kxtkhilmi wuut timk or ronthait work i1ri mil or niwav all woilt kotly iuarantaad david cohen eei st acton iiiiiiitgiiiiiiiiitniaiii vnnolincint 5 tiik otkmni or farm macliinery for sale n v n i i niaimn sfitiaimts i iiu r hiiilsi siiu ahmf itithh si i a smixuir j ium niatirni on niaitou win alia inneiil a t iia llaimls lift yrl i n- lliillnnl llalni 1 n lltalr makvkttmt new mrlne n1 1111 ivaitmts tr tor llllrj juluii minuhi soukils n no i mawiurru a few hum so1 iviiiv n nerl am si f k lltaltoit tihks in slo k nlllksiikita slae i s lkitckl kkin t i ir h 1 hiiittml mmiw l hon llll in 1 ll 111 ii in i i 1 i 4 t 1 liiiful ii i in nli n t l mil riil r iii m llkll mil m i itmil thnkrd hassads radio 5 radio reerkoraiioniuil g eleciricm appliance sales nrhita 7 iii 11 m un ma i i i on i flowers for mothers day sunday may 8th mnkc it a hnppirr da for mother with lowers to how ho mnth ou cure sec our larrc assortment of pnticvj imanin and tit flowem truly rifi mnthet will enioy uk ik u-sii- in hws mhhlis 1111111 minim fr hi not hrol liiiiiim miiiun in rull flow hr 1 1- 1 lit 1 iitoh llur ii flow lrd i- i 1 i llv i tldim i r in full flow it riu inlst put hrnl jim i i iy p i h nirlkui i red i i l h milkinf hred h x i 111h ihjtric i v ur old iim joiu j v ur old r i if if r t ir imhl fi triduiti llonhi ir i tf1 j full flow ifllhhnd t lil iaa 1 1 tlmi hi ih h ii unkh of lh lllili n w lt orta u r ree ived from ludh h wlornr and wclfar and ih h r s- t hrn a ti nty two nll anawire1 th roll rail there n fl f la n mi mlm r from lh liatnn hand all enjoved a ao ial j if hour nvi r thi uaual i up of lea kaiho and i i m tltltai s kvk v admikai kadjos and kl i kki ka1 oks 1 1 input hi i otation at j k akdinkh k vi iiassakii honk 2r7m hrk naitr mr ih- ms carnations stocks cinerarias gkraniums tumis mmes etc order ulton for flriral u irathh spran or coruaurw e t marks ihonk 8s mim st acton dltn help lunnjr litis wk onb the grader will be on actons rttraelh to asakt in completing the extewuve work it will be necessary to keep all streets dear of auto mobile durinir the daytime when the grader will be in action park cars in iane but please keep them ofe the road and avoid two crsder trijw on your street department of strete and walks i id stun ows indl in rtts y ou dm tirm hlsti in in full flow r h ii mnlsl in ow in full now lir1 ln 11 ifolmi in ow in rull riow hnd jim 2 llnmi in tow milklfik lirul ht 14 jlolm in cow milking hn d nn ht 20 llolitem cow milking bred oil 21 honl in ow milking hrd nov 2 llolsl iu nw milking bred i niv in llonh in cow milking indnov u llolhti in ow milking not hred urindle cm in hill flow t not bred 2 i irl gin rnaev and hoi ah in ihlfirn f n h 2 uikk lol- ah in ii ifi r rlmng 2 yi nrs oimn i 2 ihdslln ii if rs i y r old 4 molsiein hilfm umh r il monthv part hoi h in und cm rn v id ifer 2 month lh d ihlfr cjlf 1 moa old valcatr tin a ruuanr nil hred do tex ii i sins i miph utile hn odi m ami i i iff n nn nlo from th si fr s 11 nl blood t sled nnd hi lferwnrcmati d hoftsk ivrrhimn grlftlnc r vi a r w ii brokj n mi ii or d out if om gmv ii n hi run miiri aio t colli pup mh hi ah r tractou nnd tltactom 1m- imkmfnts lot trm tor 10 fl on ate i pi11 model t sprntr tooth drug cultivntor n w int vnibl dim oil lrinm int 1 furrow ji ne trott m int r rlili r prill 13 div 1iils piawn imill ml js oi i shutt gi nn hindi r 7 ft m w otkshutt movair h ft n w co k- shutt llnv i md i m v huhlh r tirid wjfoii i- ir in w igun hut hav ituk ltd dump hak int s uffl r n v ii mil cutting hox suiel furrow walking plow sit of hnw i cultiv durs s d ir tows 4 s i tun hav r ork oal i rood r stnv 2 oil ii rood rv fountains i- 1 di rs hr khrtrie fnnr quantitv of hi supplim collirs sudd ktdciirt it p und nilhvs set oouhli hurni vi hndls stack of ixmg w hrnt straw smill quantit of hn qnnntltx of wood stove l ngtn fork a shcwl chnms nnd other itirm equipment daitiy fqlipntent p uival mngntic milker 2 unit and piping klcctropallpaiu strain trjeuictric clippers new wood electric i grnm grinder 2 h p motor furniture empire cook ktove rraervoti nnd shelf rnamil oil burner space h ater coal heater oil heater dlmnc room extension table buffet and 6 chain to match oak electric was- hrtj gllaon odd table kleetrtc find hi v 4 kit- r easy ilocken beds nnd spnnaf washstnndk hall floor coverings venetian tilinds drapes numerous other small household effecu i terms cash settlement with clerk on day of sale nolhing to be removed until set tled for no reserve as the pro- prietont hnve sold tholr farm and k u fnrm scotch bloclc wt will cater u euiott auctionoersi ls wj mut0b its bargain days timkiy kiirmrn day sificiaiil no limit to uuantttiks barrs a noi pijick to siioi mfusira lajwiy 1eas 3 49c urrral 1 oa tin tomators for 27c ottlvwr lloua dlna neets 3 for 25c iy vajuj htandaid ikas 3 wkal befhs 22 cllrnwaml dlnai k frrots 3 for 25c lui a or kumrj reask hlauulard ikal ii kh ikewblat ireen jaae t hnlee im mm ltea ko4e quality ii mikis niit slarwlard iearr1 itahh v inter twme iri nt ii ms k i nmllha x lh jar lr ni jm et i ih jar ii imjm zeat t ih jar kwrrr marmmadf 2 39c 2 19c 2 25c 2 45c 2 r 29c l 1 r 29c 1 29c guest finei oualitv tom toes 21 tin 3fe s lb tin 5 lb tl l25c 159r ii ur w1ute iioncv j lb tib ifrewiun hovttv lb tin birvs ktorb porli maat hralavt qualltr macakertl hralarl quality cinckkn iiaodte kaaaart rlandanl wax reanr v i catbtp 139c l 235 z 3 25c 2 artmar sotts ovion cpea astias sc vaa oaaap pork is oa taa for 35c craa juice 2350 ntawvir tamai 5uup 7c juice 3 ror 21c iu1u ratal apples 2 35c

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