Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1949, p. 5

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fao vou the acton prep press thumiiav aiihi district news vtrioux iuw conrrmlng ahivlllw in cnwmunlllm naarbv kim man of our rrarfan are inlertmtui ospr1nge ii osimunge campiiellville i giitat wllh mr and mra ccrgi it illlurlumi ur m ci i k tlu rton of iilrvthiry mr f i si u rl und mr win willi hi rihil il llmeholse iteretil vihrs lit mn m ighlmr kmul included uuii nur llon y of 1 ahdon with uu lie- v i holiday urs smith mf mrgarh kmllh ul wnlwi with ihr pallrr mm fr i uy ur and mia ktwln i- wla of mnrrluwn mr and mi j ph kerauy u and mr i wll ham ur rr lugg and ui rid burton ii tf wimhiiiiuiu with ii otarte jwea kaltnl 1 v nlng tutt i win sylvia i oilman nf olrti william al lit lll ili sunday tut i monday i ongralulatlni to w partill t ui giul ui johnny lwi iltr milaant klhptifk tl arival of mftrtftnl htii- mi april 13th ami to ml and mi jolvn nji tit- llrillia fryuf ot lh arrival f mlltr jot april kwh illi wen- at iv 1 mmnrla lmhul tllllm4l ur tut i un llilt mill and su tui of toronto wrn- weabfwt vullurt wllh hl mrrnu urtiri alfi wright and niewai1 i at w ton piil the wk end with the former parents mr nrwloii has rt lurnrd in lur own home after spenduig lhe win tr naiitiu wllh hr luurt una flair and uim ivnia mra newton u new grandmother a ur and un w i newton al i urn im anvr- thr proud mrrnl of a llll daiih ur on april hal marganl ad i and hdita lw spent mrt of ih ii hnltda wllh the guby ulaa kallitmi kttnplait or to mntn is student leaiher with mia llodd ii at ss no u thl umk th wonveti a- llllwi put ml ihwr plav th in at malmnmifal tral umebnua memorial hull ut thiiraday viiilng judging by irw tiyfol ml iruplltmti it mut- hinhwrn riijoy hy ih aitdlflir dlh n 4iullii in ui iitcrtmln hmnt wrrr mr ki harrtm ami ur itotiuhu will ittalriiio it la i numlipn ami mr w ckhiuip wllh hrr ii wti htm ikmoimt it a al lar hai chairman al lit i lov mlaa itoru mlthill tatlil mlaa iv 11 forworn and mr wto mlth ii oil twhalf of th- rat pr acntrd hr with a litilrrfiiiiit in rooaiiltloii of her aaaislnnr in tlnr tutu til ptv onjtrato to lltth ikmnlr irr impll of mlu ituddcll wliu wi lit thr elimination for junior hoya uto in nuitl fatlvul work iihmmilty for ihrlr hmiu rry laat u k lrv illlij y motor jo tout iiiaiut r fir- hrfjii ill al ih lumit of mr ah- mill 11 frhlm inmlilli tt ll rifisil ih rj- i luirliiint r apaulnl uitd pr v nltl hi mii m w ipl 1uriliii m1 i iluil kvn l tisil i mvxl ul ih cnulph n it hoaihlhl lul wo k malr j f r lh i a ot f w s wllh hl un i ttod nut mi ml ml ifcll 11 klvm cimlph mim muilon mm ili vlltl dur tla w llh r ih i itil kflih mr al ullriooti of wifiiiu mr ami mi bwrniir king of id it rw ilavn willi mr ami mia llll no i i ampin llvill irhrattw i funit v suml tlulr ml v elding amtlvrrury at on it v rmi hu immh ui satorlav april urd id mi imnii- mi of llainlllmi ifmbii ih r i mis v j jakuit hi k and mm i of on lit uaiins i ki win i ridt i l ii il41 ih md doiotf th p- 1 f ih d liikllim of 111 hoiia haimnxeai ii v mi sin in k ih im it r mi siiihuv tiling 11 it tng iriirmri kunday tli- rinn kortiin iimmihii ttwli supm r ii tliiirmtv nlum in th ii ii r ih luki v ihv ml i lov i m lthilll iiowikmiiii r of ll t w ii is thiiioni hint mi j aimlimig hid mi ko m millti f t t n its aft i wii i it ulld im mi arnold m ro i iia t h 1 ih i min 1 4 ii f w vid mim it v mr himlill fb nitttmial aiiiim in hrou hi h vrrv ltvithl v tilittc i nl 1 nil sin holldavid in tu ih with mr and mi arnold mm lull sin i hvinpalliv i i ml in ih kof l ii fminily if ipli in th p in of ih li f r ihiu fl ii tin funnl win unt un i id id till inahtr vhn ih t fiiiiird on tin r itt jn mi- cinndv mllnhs1 a ihmii mlllt of th who11 inhl il i o ih on saturhy mi rlgn iii mi ha npl i ii s r stoii s i ih al 1 is ii vt i i ijl mis vii r tin u lsl si fr ui uh aid in- hit h id t v in sdiv aft rmwitt ih im m nl piitdliik h no i ld 1 ih itoinc of mr and mi- i ltuitami doling iim pa i w k nd in lodit mi n 1 mis slanahilv ml amir slan inn v mid mi km im itnii all f ikmll mi mil mi ii tf i ait i lsin and kti r slttrid m and mi ihtntila lldilsat of lh mt of i u vsilh mi mi an hill 1 mis v- d mi- il rl i i i r n nd r lativ and n ifhli win ndil ih ir putti and hniprlail thou vi th m tiln11 floni lamp u llus fioni a fllslaii pr s n td u u in ilk r a i ii i 1 iv pi k w i mi it m s smith and mr nl m llifl jul s f tniuli mi aitl mm rimf k and awwi ii l nd mi i mi howard of st lhaiin and mia m kin f mdtim fri i f ml audi v jyilv and it t 1 i kin h i i lh ai ih r ai h in millm ihval- lltlal mivmu n k aft i an op mr ii ml mra jim ann t jih and i- is and mi v i ifiiirn i i r t i k vsdl mi and m- r ii o i i i nl mis itnitrn ii r ii h sisk4am scampers t4 uat mm vimjr favourlla lay alta t ltl ttutrr allrartlv ww rfrtu iumm lfaw in a net tuiiri autt dvalgm kri mul frrl uj and mttfoiiallr all iiuu4a- ims willi ialr tf hlmi ainfr tin dlaplay aj ur pallanti clothing and footwear mim st acton mi i mt- i i m h a r nil snl mi iltl ii mr nn mr miihmi f ml j mi oi ii il li u i mi a ii i i ii mi i i n ii iii iti u lli ruv ml m yllll tlilt ilmiiuhlrr butt mhi lit in i vu1111i wu lakrti hy i 11 lii v anil mi mliilll mi allt ufl l i l mlm snnl i h- mi hi vullii tlw i i i fl tn jilu l hi urnvil ih u iwi a iiiiiiii lix i i ii lk n sun 111r j i ii tint r l liy iii w i wmlhit h milling up l in knroim any u rsima hiiv s mtu w rt un- iy um i lk ii i 1 k ff alluii ii i will ih p ki1 111 m shlll v riirl ml vi ill mt 1 it k 1 1 1 im its in llr mim 1 ilh ih v s kl jm a walla wllfi 11 1 1 i 1 1 ii di n hitf 1 ot ii t vs i ki ml llui u i ud 1 it 1 1- l ki- iu wlillr 11 im 1 1 t il mslllik t it r i i it rr m ih 1 h w m s f si llnui i ling up wnwllng a f w imvi uiim aownl mr and mr tnin jlvrii of cloarg town nihi litre dhiihlilcm havr ntor4t up wllh mi john it ml mia- jam jlv qth i niind i m ii nniii mt htiv ih i ill wllh flu notlh oilnu tallrnada hu hlld rrn a fare on hr- ighl limh i two and a hitlf frsrl f from lw and a hair to fmir ftt im h half f lidhr than that full fan ih 1 hut h wli m i th ii nl mist p llll chaptrr f lantl w llirwf ifa4l and jurlinna usliil bavra kal i m i mlas atln r lalw i of a ton waa li wa ii brought a by i ping will t i 1 i i1oisuv aft iiikki will it r aid nl mlaa milhall in ih i halt 1 h mi ling waa pii wllh ih all in wni hip and lb hymn 111 it it ii in ibat mind tin fill i haaon wua r ad sinl i tin sltidv luuik ilwjid uf tillilolit whs lakrn hy mm o sunt i mra lslrtdhi a hi li h lllhllal rmdral whit h wu wmi hy mra simli r i n ni ling rltail hy inglng a iivmn and i hi haati u mkallnl y hit lominlth in hutg uivnl m v v d ii ln bin h in wiik rv1 murruv m ihall wllh ot bv th im aid nl alao a la in wiill ii hy ii niy mm v i w rt an ail frmi lit ilitii1 llfl i v mi s i am th lad tldlnj v i mis w king an o ii f ih i i ly i ial nallv t it b ii in inlal 4 i nl it was mr a f 1 nl iimim ih i ft hi ami rut at4n 4 w ami i 1 i tlnjs i i hy mi lii ih pi si i ii ih ii is a f w vu mlllting mausban jr4rtr imiinl rolvnl firtm lltv i aiiing auction sale iwlntiamillk willi mill decoluiint needs call dave ph 236 j i i ii all yllai lll allnni in 114 vmin1y kxtlmtm lyrr fnifliihl couhhiiw narvlr iimoitatini in am its iihan lim staining iluinini k imvm iianijin tnttjulll h kxtvkou wimih 1imk or conthait wokk iihhsii n siuav all whb fully iuiniil4 david cohen peei st acton rockwood tonar tiulittons to mij want in nuinrrtlnn ilartwra lib hrr part at ih ortrnpnrt alivtl of sa mt iralm in titrttnto but w k adjiidicabtr drummond wnlff had high prnar fur hr viaral abllltlra ihiriuu ihr rvrning she waa prc- anlrtl with two rnrdau winning first with m point- claan irn cnittrduat and tint with rl point in rlaaa 17 ycara and under at ihr nttniiii arrvli in unltvd chirrch ah- iitntrilmtrsl a vocal numlwr iit friday evening a full hall nvlisl thr rait in a play thr minuter aunt whbh waj wiu cbtlim out in mrmbrni of st al- ban ohunh ihnlr actw and abui m iuints uf thr tnlu s oulld and ymiik mrn s holr im mlkn 1- br ibih a fonnct itinkwimht bi puvrd hi part to vrbitnii a urll tw thr others dtiruig thr rriung ntrmliors of st john k church anld swrts whnh hrll to ihr prfiu follow myth plv nrrrah- ntents w n v rnl ami h t it timr ttuom sshtkil n oittnrd muiitli fur ih i fmil 1 im uf th ai with th avhhtl t tf f bik in thi ir plntt t aftrr i lui f t tlion frm tlu ir duties mr k un th cjinut of th out trio ioium f art in lot onto and ml v kbjlvlh iurhixlrtn of orangr- ill hitlh s hhl staff lhllt thnr hobd t in hmn other iiilan not njjitunut last uck mr ixin mcarthur of simcuc lluth srmol staff xtr urttrv littlir if ivtrott i utchigjit mr and mr clark mv arthur nd famdr of wmdswr y mr and mr w tvtt of alder- i ihot mr and mm alex graham of brampton and maxtor frd gra ham of acton mr and mn alex scott and faintly of fort erie with mrs gh w peal other uitors in toun included mr ni mn wltur of qau mr and mrs t feral of hamil ton mr j d bell who trachea school at leaiiei school eriih pnt cotter in toronto my and mrs ft h trout pf e- toan soak whoyhave btn visions the formers sisters mrs b m sponcor and mrs j a utile left farm machinery for sale n 111 a mill slltl alll its mi lu nw llllltsf slllt aih us iuiiii st i n stmuuir imiw i11aixi1 i ius1 lltalnk ulll aim hiiunl a ii iia iiaiiiin 1ft vil 1 mi ii iim i ik a imij11 i iii- imiialt iiaiivimi n hr i mnivaixiils itl llllch iuin kkiinujni sownis i n horn iiirrsiikils slar m a fr iii swl nrllu n iiiw- nimirlt all sl i clf 43lau tiiiem in slra- i s lbfttcii kriist lltsirfra tnt twrnianr tntruar in imi idrntrnu rami lulpimnt kf avu mllhlng mausldn hrrir jfmmfmf hay hlrww amal kurfdliirr u hi tl iknil im i xtl i h h id h mill i slid a h wo ml wi 14j wll ittrjl hnlu i son lo tl it tll ii 11 ih ii fjwi ut ft i i 4 iwp r iiiiui f mil v l iiii ol mi th ni l m t if r it m im lit ttirxjja ua i oik im ho 1 i ml im k tl f ii will iioimr in us and mr ir i is not tid l ii minion in full flow tid lt ill 11 mir hum in full flow i mt rh i i dv llonh i ciilhrind f hud jwiv iti r lui hand ihaltknl th i it ri th iml til n i ih i i nl mis ii h is 1 i 1 ii ii in k f ih huh w lb port wrr rimivi fiom laih lh whn and w lf and th i liii siiiiik tw nty two awirdlhi toll rail til rr full llim iaiii f if im mi iiiim i- fim ihr fun fhw ll j rtllvh mnnd a1ijv1i aaolal ililhlindi r inilkliii bml t in r im o r ihr nual np nf ua flowers for mothers day sunda y ma y 8th mnkc it a hiipptrr d for mother with lower tn nhow how muth ou tare sec our lurrt- nsmirtmcnl of ioltisl plnnf ii it j cut riowers truly u rifl iniilhn will enjov carnations cineit altlas utanihms stocks tiujin ijijes etc ordrrv lakrn for klrtral vtrrathu sprajm or 1omamw e t marks ihonk ms mux st acton i ill i h ul nnlkii ij 1 iiiuh ii aim lb il i 1 niosi ltin lb if i i ih if i tlf i hidnitun bafbbaaaaba1balbatalbba1aihiibit nouncim thk ophmnfi ok hassards radio kadio keeikltationiinl eeecikicm jvimmanck sales uaiiki un i llll i 111 al si kvii i admikai kaoiiis ml l i i ll 1 h a 1 1 iks i iu in lit i oilinn j k iakiiinkk k v- haksauit illovk 17m 41ku ipn 11 4 11 acj alaj jl lkinnff this vek only the gndcr will b cm actona htreetji lb astast in comnirtinff the extauive work it will be imwbary to keep all streets dear of auto mobile duriiur the daytime when the crader will n be in action park cars in lance bat please keep them off the road and avoid two grader trip on your street department of streets and walks fkaitr iiolstiin ws und hrllmis n ins y w dm tun 01 mi hmi iii ow ill full flow hr d min h f hoist in ow in full fhw tid litn 111 hoist in ow iii full flow brd jim 2r llilsiiii ow milking bnd hi m lb 11 in w mdktitii li- 1 im ot ihlst in ow milk i n hril t 21 ilokti in ow niilkiik bml nov 2 hoist in tow nnlkiiik brtd n if honliin ow milking itdnuv i llouti in ow milking not hrrd itrlndlr ow 1n full flo not hnd 2 purt cm mm v mid ii i ati in llilfru f n sb 2 wikn llol- ati in lb ifir nihc 2 y urr 2 holhl m lb if rs i y ur iblstrm lb lb n und r ii i purl lb bin unit cm nis lb if r 2 imiilb hl ibif r ilf l mm nld vil ctilf tin- ow- ir oil brtd to tikil sins mitph utth llrtixlcm aimi i hrtfrrn nrr nln fiom th hi sir s lb rd iiiimmi 1 mid nil lb ifi rv vim iiutti d ikjitsi- i nh ron c iduik h mars w 11 bmtv n iinh or dmihl on irji i ti in t m m in abo 1 hi 1up rd h ad r tkactoit tnl thactoh im plrmints bit traitor iii jtl m ati t iklt mode 1 i sr nr 1 ntl itrjij i ultimttor ii w int iv tdl 1im oil drum- bit t furrow plow ni imi m bit f nih r ciiin drill 1 i lis mollsr ihiawn imill ml njs o i shut ornti ihrd r h n w kshull m w r i ft in u c o k shutt 11x 1 oth i im v itnblar tird w ton r inn wioii mat hi hiik lnt dump it k inl s uffl r m w mmd ummg ilox i shili riirrow wjlkim im s t i of itrtiwa i cuttis dors s d ar mus 4 mdiin ili rrk oil i mi kb r mim j oil ltrkb r i- nuntains 1- 1 di r ur fn rtru fncr qu lntlt nf lb suppli colbirs stibli frdcih kip and tuil vs s t dotibb llamss llndlis stark of innc whrat smill quantmt nf finr i qunntltn of wtxid tnr lrngtrv i forks shovih chains and other farm eauipmi nl t t iiainv fqlipmknt n itwl mitgrntic milkrr 2 unitt und piping klrctropnil vm stroinrr fliftne cltprnm ntw wimmu elrclrte grain gnndir 2 hp motor furniture empire cook stove reservoir- and shelf enamel oh burner spucr heater coal dealer oil heater dining boom extension tabic buffet and 0 chairs to match oak electric was- hr gilson odd tabls klirtrtc stove 4 elements findlo 4 kit chen chairs large easv roclcer odd rockers 3 bh1s and springs odd drrutvt and washstnnds hall seat and mjrror floor coprtngs venetian blinds drapes numerous other small household effects i terms cmn settlement with clerk on day of sale a nothing to be removed until tied for no reserve as the pro- pnetors have sold their farm ovid so fxlw u fn scotch block w i will caler hind ley and elliott auctioneers i its bargain days at timkiy iiuikjirr pay sikciais no limit to ijllantrrirs barr a ooi pijtck to shop mxraur fajmu ieas 3 49c lurml ta oa tl tomatori 2 kor 27c csuwr louw ouri i1eetts 3 tor 25c ij valur humluil ibas 3 25c nltwnl rrs 2 for 29c llrnwiwl hrrots 3 f r 25c lana or hlirwy crk hlautdavrd ieal 1 1 eh iktwbul lireen age hoksf im mm htntife t quality pi mpkin ruauit miamwrd ikraen peara y inter hoari llll ne im mm k ii nmllha ih jar pea41i j z ih jar pi i m jam 7ial 2 ih jar kurrr maumianr glest fimm oualitv tom toes 2 l tin- 3v roihckh hu p s lb tin 25c uoiukus mtki s lb tu rt ur uiute iosev t lb tin ptke uiute iiosttv lb tu bl kns- hpork fvt vl kralfv qualllj vatoekix kralrt quauty cincken haddoe kaaaf rt iuaa4am waxbeanh 1 1 jlc l 2 79c 2 35c -2x45c- v i catsit 32sc aybnar -soiva- asgas van oamp porhbaib uolt fat 35c grape julee 2 35c tamata wup juice 3 oram 8awsua apples 2 k aaaa

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