Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1949, p. 6

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tuuhsdav aphjl utk mel the acton pree press rum rm susmdt lira theron jwh visited ui de troit dosing 4- week carol ann lwtj spent the easter holiday with friends in llun ahon un caldwell visited with her daughter in tension pslls lajt mrs w t a iuu of montreal is visiting her muthrr mrs it m he donald this work mr w j halt and uium nellie aivd uarjorie hall spent easter uk to new york ur and un i it hutiheon of clalt onl spent the wek end with mr p sayara church 81 ur ani mr cha r guodav of is hi arthur visited ft inula in the humf community this week ua stanley y and sandra if toronto vpent the wreketuj at the tvorne of mr and mrs o ii lanli ur ani un jark sniethurst and jafxjuellm and mr doug uc ear horn wr home for th holiday ur rimer pick tt of ulaml florida visited mh his nn ther ur and mrs t lare pu kett recent ly mr a mruullen nit ave and little grandaughter hrrnda held spent the faster holiday at chippewa and niagara rail ur and ura job n held dor olhy and nancy and mm k rank kennedy of hamilton were wfl and visitor with friends in town ur c coonry undrrwnit an emergency operation in st joseph hospital oualph on wadnaaday friends with him a prtwnpt re oovery ur and ura clayton iwat k hatner mr smith griff en sr and ura allan smith attandad tha fun eral of i h lata john moasnp in toronto laat saturday ur and ur archie krrr and family and ur caldwau attandad the wedding of margaret agncw and ixiuulu davison in the school of missions toronto last friday night ur and ura qeorg young and uarilyn oapringe ur and mrs fred young toronto ur and ura liny read ley and daughter of georgetown visited on sunday with ur and ura albert young ur and ura donald waldlr mr alex waldle mr f roberts un j u steele mr and mr f u wrigmartonmr andmrwai lace matheaon hiluday mr and um ionald mclean erin were recent ultors of mr and ura duncan mriougall nt waldemar v mbttrtj qltjxtrtl itf guufttt arta fladssh uev ixxn naumxhq asrtalsaw partonag bowar avanu siinuay may it im 1 1 00 am holy onun union in tha sacrament of uie ird sup per 11 v a m congnxgatlon of ihlldren j un church our church s hoot atsemblr at 10 7 ik pm rh rventng srvtc you are welcome at any hour tftt bttrrtaui txlturr if tu cstuaba knox sivsuji acton rev rohkrt ii armstatono vji uuuur sunday man 1st hmo 1100 iri divine servitt 1 n it m sunday sc houl and llible lass i 7 uu pm divine service i the iird is iiiah out all them that tiilt upon him saptti xljurrlt acton rv ciiar rl ooukb uuuim sunday may lit 11m0 10 vp am sunday sthool- thr law that make men ree 120 pm ommunlon jriday april 20th 100 pm 1 y pit thuraitay uay 12th uale quar tette and string trio all ajc red music program 0v in lil air jrre ddt not harmful to honeybees are spraya containing ddt for control of insect peats in fruit seed and vegetable growing areas injurious to honeybees r- kepers in theae areas sometime ask this question j artordtng u offlrlala at the jctntral kxperlmental tarm at i ottawa the amwir la no and the officials have riprrtm nted con atantly uit- ddt ncame more gem rally ul at an insecticide some few i ear ago they have used highly enncen t rated quantities of the chemical to spray full open apple blossoms while the bee were at work the force of theary material even drove the bee away temporarily but i hey returned before ii waa dry and started 4414 ling nectar again tlw ded he- whlh had wckcd the sprayed bloasonti were aub ettel to chatnlcal analyala for the l f nn- of ddt in only one sample was dit found in sufficient quantity to he i vt n aweted aa the cause of death and at no time was the death rale of adult bee or of brood any higher than that hlrh oxuid in a check apiary t the result of this quite dratl esperirn nt normally apple trees ant not sprayed during the period of oun bloom proves beytiid a doubt officials say that under nor mal field conditions ddt u not harmful to hmteyteea l xibim outttrra languasuk fctw uv w o utata sunday may lit 1040 rastrii ii sunday sthonl hoi ommunlon luuo a nt 11 00 an tteginnrr lass 7 00 p m fvefling service a watcom waits you no superman house flien has a kind of superman of houv fhra developed which is immune to ddt the answer so far as can- ada u citneerned apimars to be in the negatiw the n tmrts of ddt n ststatit flirs i in ccrtmn parts of the united stat and in europe should not had to unwarranted tonclusiona of a par tial fatlun of ddt for fl nmtrol in canada at dr c r twtnn tfoust hold nrut medical kntumology i unit scu nn er ice iopiinmn dcpartmrtit of agriculture otta ws the drtlupmcni of resistance br tnsnu to specific insecticide ls no a tu w pht n omen on and may bo the n nult of natural ulrttion or sne suri of the fitust thi di in on of entomology has rettiwvt n wi 11 authi ntuated rr imrta of fatlun of ddt to control ah in itidit nor is it known to whit ixlnl ddt rimt mt ftici atual mur in tht unitcxl stitea la i utiudu thi l purtnn nt i f agri iiltui l i uimsfctl upon the us of ft pi r mil loiut ntrntion of ddt for rxmduul a plications and manu- fatunr hat hat to uuliwu this larovision in thi ir dinctions for us ii wiud sm n ionnblt that lushtir doat s vvhuh an permit- et ux oim of thi states would in- crvttst tht pmspotl of thi mon rc- sutant flu uriing and repro ducing thtir kind another point horter lurrrmrrin oanadatr- atuts ftuer gmt rations offlira than farther aouth a condition which would retard the doxelopment kf ddt resistant strains tiere seems no c tdence that ddtrrsistant fllei r common in canada and if such t situation docs arise it could probably be met by mixing a small percentage of all other residual insecticide such as chlordane w ith the ddt to take oar of the small minority so dr twinn strongly recommends th continued use of ddt for residual praying but adds the caution that to fly control campaigns proper emphasi rpnt w g nn j tjp do you know it oiitlnurd w of our mliiinrn u at retninlsririo ifn i ftcr day lt uhu thlnkinu of the all day jtcilc trip u tlh hit iu rethaart lo rdfflccnake in inf the trip by hone and hugw a really lomrthlrtu to entb jueelheart m u hu u ie not rrmrmlirt ihe name ihe no dovtt rnr rtju hop tail mi n t lake all 4a y to qo to that plae hut ti c can offer you a coniorfamc ri1r call floy toxt phone 128 acton hu did iame hul n br rs t he pollock and campbell hmfikihb tt high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water su north galt tdjmionl tmi portmnce and valufr of cood unl- uuon including the proper difpoud or treatment of manura grfrboc and other fly breeding material ai the use of tnaectlcldea alone cannot be expected to give fully eatlltact ory ruulli coop chick starter milton district cooperative ig piiqxi t suwlaud with unitcd farmers oooperattvtfc oa tvto c1aktfvl thrtr cr having cntllded jock and lat wrrr survey trig the situat ion jork offered lat a drink fnim hla bttle iat drank ani jork rrtuml tha hot he to hla m kft thank ye aald at hut aren t t ip job to he a hit f a nip yourself a j ut not until t pollcw have bev her aucfion sau- and reg holmmln i and heifers rord trmctor traetar implements pvultry and kurnjtur trti lvil in norman llijtrjlt u s11 by public nut lion at hu frm it i civx t twp r itafalgar s mile nurlh of llnttite on hattrdav may 7u t oniiiii nclng at i 00 in m k the following iif hols1lin cows hmhrlls daisy merced a r d mi fresh not bred 1 ulii i nroc mercedes t r ih not trel anta mercedes flnrti rne fn ih not hred ktflr oak hall i h fr u not turt ivmnit on khali mercedes fresh not brel jean 1ontlnc oak- hnll frch not hrrtt utn im l xnl lit iter bml kl 3 mi t n ormsby rimhrne hnd th t ii ntlllcrln dcrn oakhull f rt sh not bred uaxim patricia findi nic bnd on jan 1 kuth m rrnli s i mdt rnr bnd ihe 24 i uclla mrrceihn un imrjrcd s pt 7 mary r indrme rorheabrrd st nt 29 jmnle mer- cedts tt xal heifer hred dec 2s iont n oakholl mrrcitlt 2 yr old open ii ssin oakhall r indrmi 2 jr old open 1 1 xal mt rcfdei nora j yrs old open hdlth rind erne sejrls ritng j r opt n oitrn trxal morcetlcs rising 2 yr opt n norn kuprcim findi rne i yr old marie t xal indi nie orhes 1 vr old tilhi tt sal linileme 1 yr old 2 lleifir calvh will im registered tlnw of bale- herd sire lexal su prrme governor 3 yr old by strathaven supreme comradi dam ionelm tral llrmer lit nl fully accredited and heifer all accin- nted ell subject to hlood tt nt hoiusrs and hahnrss i r chemn mnre need givod worker prrchc ron oelding ni d good nrktr itt heron fli ldinl r vr good worker 2sitahcaj ihrnim otld harness collars ilrldlt etc loulth 200 lit aw minx fl ectnc itnxxh r 200 llaln t hick piilliti coal ilrtxxlrr 1 juv and 1 gander fcedi rs fountiina t tc colonv mihisc turke pin daik rqltlpmfsrt diuivol mipmti milkir stilnltss steel pi i inn and motor frigidnin coller t t in r tt t tropail d li il cn am s str nn m patli ktr ii xiul grain 100 bux of h it ou intit of hav thacttt tractolt qd1p mvnt rtrd tr icl r u ith plow i lit on nibbt r pumr uihuilul tillr pmr 1 ift donhh itixt rlsst 1 s iw ing outfit ords n trittor c irrn r uto t il spritr imwr tik off irrundi t furrtm tnutt r hkxel plow oil itirrtu tl its etc r km impi emfntn m ii gi nn lit mil r 7 ft mil mowtr up com hinder oixc cot k shut t rtrtilinr grim drill 11 djsc mil grain drill it hoe root pulper ust t of sood llarnmi 2 walking 1luui qutboc sinai furrow rid ing plow 2 walking plows steel land holler 2 single row scuf- flers lw farm l igon riding krtiffler 3 ettw hav rack fanning mill hind cuttink box larc supply tank root pulpor small hand spra tr fence stretcher guantitt of scrap scales new rrr boxes and crates forks hims shovels chains etc furnnrme kitchen cabinet morris chair 4 rockers odd small i 1 tables extension table and six kitchen chain hat rack electric stove bench kitchen stove coal or wood couch 3 quebec heaters coal or wood large con heater i sideboard 3 beds springs and mattress 2 washstnnds 3 feather ticks bridge lamp floor cover ing child cot and mattress daisy chum large crocks books ile i saws ante ot sma household effects terms cash settlement with clerk day of sate no nouerte as the proprietor has aoldbis farm and is retiring to bronte hindlev and elliptt auctioneer ph 10rt rockwood or it7j milton r- r ford clerk b l n ci acteen topics hipilihgctlasr wr f 1 1 1 sure that any comment mi ih pi nguin club would be moat unfair strut we fi i definitely piejiidired all we tan and whj miy 1 thai we along with a few ithi rs jterhaps a into inly are dis upnjlnted in its retent semi capltll lutlun and now ai all thing good ur bad nuitt tome to an end so has ar teen 7 opir rtir the tmt two jrurs we have attt mpted to present our own irerstnuil ctimmi tits opin it in kimliik evt nlk and things of ginrral tnt text lo lrn agers in an intrii sting man i it r of uuuiir wr ve mudi tiu ndi nn nut i and somt tinii t a used ulte s stir but all we lb uicbt jn goo intt irt we xtarl rd tin itlunm two viurs tigo jiikui thi lhn ihr lkul a ii s n ll wi nt t ul on a limb mid n k ii lh oitluiliu btl by tht iiiiuwutd ii 4 i imhy our attt n i wu t i try bill i i in n k it know f the msiiuta of lull it btitik thliti lit y mil do and murk at to advuntuit tin itf is hue built ui tin im everton ur and mrs walter couhng of orung hlr visit it on sunday with miss kali rrld mr an mrx jrse mi enery and iltth lljlllnufwd visited with mr and mr roy lliudley on sunday mrs miifiaii of albariy n y n tumid noun lut thursday after two wetk vlsltwith in r pan nts mr und mrs m mjiiu mr utui mrs llgar elleuton mffut viajtm i mi sumly with mr unit mrs t d mrcutt heon sunday vistlork with mr and mrs llarviy j tiii und hobby wen mr trid mix diuk an klnnbury and l uthailne i1uitainhrjuiwav lililnkh to uk lutkirr iiiuk i ib to a vi ry an lul h pntur ortuiilaliiui hie lotal b ind haa 1m en built up in t t y 1 1 n uiliia but for till mrrrs fait wi f tt i aim tlwy fully rrallr hoc ki y ti am with auiort and leaih r ship have all been ennstrutted for the group called teen agers all thtse organisations have been an awer lo the ti n agt rs important qutfatlon what 1 there to do kath wiik wi havt atti uiptttl to tummmt un and draw inten at tu thi st fixtures fur the bt nrf it of the lull r sting group known as tht dlk iilnly ih- i youngi r set wt ri grt t that w haw u sucttsxful in our attempts t tovir u ruccessor wi havt tu art hit fur a w n luarrr nouith enthiiaiusm to im 1 1 a ly iltudlini but iiom haa ft ittuomiiitf und an tin iiinlliiiiily f ur lolumn hni b tn diaxtlially inttriuptetl 1irhetpa llttli 1 tti r un iitnbllioux youth will lnk up lh lt n and uuulii r aurnt t ar tern 1 o of mills thi re urt liuium rielih n ttkiui wt might off i r regarding ur det islun to distunlinue thia tol utiiii nut u as time inlt n at and a butt hat of otherx but our object in writing this was nn r ly lo present the patti in wi have been following fur thi past two year under the hi ading ac tit n toplis and now we dip our lrn for the final lin s to say 11 has been inlt r i ming l ing here each week we havi di finitely enjoyed it utui th nk v il fi r in ing p jradir at the mieting in wttlncvday itight of ihi council nt vernl import ant cv tnbt tiok place th it we f i should be added late as thry may be to this our final column on thi subject of donation first to tht swimming pool campaign fund tht pintuin club made their mcond substantial donation thi amount being onr iiundhh ixjlialts ct rtainly an estremely fun ikiintcr to other organifallunx md misxibla donors their pre vlou donation amounted to the um ottwint five doll in to the y m c a for the fine way in which they have aiuixtcd the organization since itx inception the club donalrd j25 also thret other points of intert at there will be no penguin club dan ces until may 13 when two other clubs ore invited to take part in the grand affair and the dab for tht grand finale of the club iirtlvilic or the st axon will bt hi id on may 7 jmuibly in the an na and pos sibly with the mcrymjkcrs orchis tra these two big events will bring to a close the nctlv ities of the organization until its re c pt ning in thi full tntlv by t all hnv d i- itittd w4 k and i mill r und lw hill ih and grey iii hl im- i rln nl rr union c host n sr villi i lhat now li tlw an 1 mh u i mi llril lkni ait in in- given nt w the it ura u hi h luivt mw n win hnnotinred re itailway executive xpit tk nglnrh will d bngtit blu relieved by i white lit other mt id ti ixtd traffic- lot mi it im bluik wltti red i n am lin x r i ikht engines will 1 multiline itttthe nn to ii with i n urn panel whib t ngi r lairlagis will lw ihrtfiighout tte rtijour r toaihea im i elettrlc a gieenhade blmilar t ing used twii ioht aljtnion sale at ospitlngc of lmpltmnmila susd fursaltitr the iindi rslgnetl havi recelvetl tnxtrik tl us from htanity rihjiop i s ii by public uu tlon at oipnngw hati rjav r- aprjl mh mum niing tt 7 011 utlimk i st tin following implfmrnls knblnr tiril wti ix gi na m w m if hindi r h ft mt 4 set llun humw spring r k th cultivator ii tihith cim k xliult 1 furn w wnlktnn pkaw tike m m ii huv ljlu i ii t po lit lki r in gid refalr hay r ik r mm pulleys slings t tr mm lilv p llnmler set it t on lurnim ham t tr and i un n us sm ttults tfl stude i k r sitlnn n id subject tu a ri s rvr bid hllltnllirhh rurnlturv sal sinrts at 7 pm rifldln linw npin dnlte st itihle and 4 chain whlli kltthtn table 4x2 6 itotinh kltihin tahlt j i nil i shed bedroom hesta white wihni best roldluk singh lit d wljh sirlng mattress small polished sldi table ogrtm stov st v piimx table ltnlio nt w fltrtric iron lectrir ump volcman wlwillne iron tutsolinr liimp stove xjuhti itablrwl ohemtral rnllet ooey zt kirte find olht r small artlrlix ti rmi ash nn reserve ax the iln fitmilv the furitun wllr im xold firxt and will nv undi r cover in rase of had weother hindlev and r lliotl auctioneers ph hnrkwnttfl iftrl or milton 177j now iayi britc dsvls and kobf montjtomcry in rai1ay a saturday avuuvhk wh xmvwmtwmxr wiiafist 1 rtm axtfauiiiiii joan uslluauls craig wiowc jii trni tsjis ltmiiartlwfjig1utibt j m0 tiks wki tiihk may 5 t picture thevear proud winner of avwat academy awardsi years of our lives 1 mo iiwi ii ii shows nioiitiy i is i m si l is i m iuion opn fi m hrnrnpl ciimim ittih hopt imilrftr ooddertl in k wraitaim uit ritrjrjttjt clothing for mirini sports m ich if dunblt hghtwiiht fabric has tuiltm infiitibli vinllu pi istic lifi pn st rv i r w hlch c in be quickly ind i isilv inflated bv mouth tn an imirgmcv accordm to brckiklyn mjkt r in the financial post jack i ct when uninflatcd looks likr- con vtntlonal jackcl tu j plirc outf t is also offered for sailing and motor boa ting consists of jackt t mentioned above and trousers coat cd with vlnvlite rpin to afford extra protection from elements i wherever you dwve reliance serves you best 5 branch offices buuctlahts in ontario at any of oui 600 sblvkt statioms yoo will had txsparlor saftlot tha rasulc of mors tlua 50 yaars fsrtraoc la saaadnsj m aaads of th saoconas public sappliad by oa of tba 1 9 ttrawacsily placad hbllajjcb bran oftca and balk plants your naarby reliance station has tresb full stocks all tlasas ficieatly meeting tha ergrowing d for tof- qusjiry rallanca product vots4c yoa drive malt th retianotttatloii your motoring baadv aartara yoou ba slcona and sarvad with courtsy ajid sjanbaaa relinnce petroleum limited lonron hamilton toiiitt

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