Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1949, p. 7

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the acton fee press thursday apbil mitt 1m sports i camera int a champions of last year in six gimm without very much trouble perhaps they should enter uie inl b champion in the eastern canada int hockey finals instead of thr loftier bracket- we tv con vinced that on last season s per formancesundrtdae lira vera would have had scant opposition toy h cous 8mm t the owtimers love to delve bark into the past whenever an eatraorditiaiy feat of some pre tent day alhlcti l cited no only to prove to the wtience their youth was second to itoow ui production of illustrious fiures us young gaffers something to kand oww to posh rtly although w presume the original recounting of thae fable was restrtrted to kfralgbt facts it u oniteer4 cui lovnary to make cofresslnns for the old boys deviation because of th tune elewfit ln otved t lw n ihe orturrmrr and thi ir dicuion to impart the rrmsrkahli anecdotes to us i tn asure yoo arton h wiftnn ii imhinrfarw sw ral racontiir of noli and addition all they aiipear to tell these tab f the days hen they er bul tim of h i own olition nrwn thiir ami mutation of note worthy die1 thliodi j fifty yrars and miliraus lmoi very sport in th fahndar lot in tllng hocki twlmill urrovx and even curling however the talr we have in mind li of fslrl recent origin siwt concerns the game of ooear or football as thry call ll acres the pond it is a narrative as turtmilfnt and fantastic as the era in wlilch it was connived tcttrtle itatoa prominent district fan told tt to us lie ouches for its autheti uetty by hu presence at the scene of the incident as an ryi wltm as and a strictly lmrtlal onr at that srojrr acton according to stottle used lo exhlltll a lot of inli rml in soccer immediately following lh fjrst great war tht in in ration of many ilrttuhm t4 anadu had aroused a new inter t in the game since they had among th ir numb rs several playt r of note ci ntn vied with ach other in atti mpt lo cmtce the in ttei player to th u carnp acton attracted more than their quota because of hroadi r cmploj m nl npportunltir- than most neighbor ing centres conacqiu ntly this old burgh had a prett fair i lull uo1 played matches acaint the iwnl teams in the province seoar on this particular uu thi a too i levcn wert pla in a game in oakvillr with a hrn built squad tram tlw port uu l ride rndowed with bi r to a shi nnan tajik txll im ihu n nlly shoi our ikv t linink to the of erntb manly lusted urrd if smart could out oakvillr k i repa aimiliar t from opt nine mmiiiciicvd to around insti ad convenlioruil nm play wi an led lo ttt ik la that bta tn they couldn i nutplut visiting ct at least thr bump tht m th arton club ab orthhl thi trpitmint u ilh nl com plaint unttt lhr home ho s rculh began to put th khis to ih m the nriiii on thi fu id v is h iu tid to suiiiv im tint of prist nt day pro lux ki riiiulh nm ilinu nutivt artniiian tn i irm ho iiii t nscd be n tali ited in kind to n font com ntltted hv a huk oak villi plavi r that pn clpitnted nun bit of fuss sros 1 y lruv iiik to hi full stnturt tht oakmllnu ludl txtastid you cant do that to mi sh lm thi matt ur nnddh u eight box ing i hampion o cumula i w hich incidt ntall ihii r proved to tc prt i is it a hat he u a unit ht prt vand to swui ttu trouhb nm little ircalurt out of his path ilyt our tntv was adamant oh i cant eh h said in effect stmul tsneoualv swinging u ti rnfu right well take that the ha nuikt r connected the chnmp folded at tht knee and hit thi dctk likt a itack of spudj ttnurnt they rarrvtt thi nuddleu etohl hortno champioti of canada off the tield v hib pimtator stunned untu silence t the impait of tht spei lacle thi v w ituessel began to mut tee in hiuhthl tones its incidental who finally won the match all who saw it werv so a by the incident thev ctvmpletelv forgot about the score it was a thoroughly cowed oakv ille ten who finished what had start od out to be a regular donny brook moar if in ri latin g the foregoing we have strayed off the beaten path mhi can attribute it to a lapse of memory for us rxattlv as we re- call scotueb words in conclu sion we nufiht add thut the unas- aumlns fellow who was one of the prlucipais in the david and goliath act uu resides in acton taking an active pert in promoting minor sport wewwit dlvulfe hu name attyone itoterested should contact mr burton for firsthand knowledge u we only wield e pen about bis eseailent we dont know if he forfeited his boxing crown or net oh yet tteejrty forgot the int b cnamploni of uftt year defeated the georgetown at cwwrw who was formerly e mbr of the vtank of montreal haff in georgetown has received a promotion frthn asslitant accoun tant to accountant at the bank branch in peterborough a new industry with its head quarters in georgetown u k lupin ker ijmited the new company u engaged in fl berg la fabricating with fiberglas boats as a primary product and wide variety of other line leonard ibua bell prekt dent of georgetown olay pnnlurti is president of the new company w hich has ita temporary head quarter in part of the clay pro dints plant mi king street plant are being completed fir a m w building for kwri k r on prt ml 4 adjoining the plant and thi will c erected nrsl month on saturdsy april 16th the rd ding took puce in st john s hurch of tjigland stewaritown of mary aea smith daughter or mr and mis ll smith of stiwarttown and robert in ston of mr snrt mrs h rtm rt preaton of glen wil humt iu j i uaxwrll off it ia ted at the ceremony ffeeeld floyamarlatt malo m bihms te j i case pahn macwrnkry alct service chore ov l vlunjum milkens make your selection of new wallpaper fbom thk largest stock in western ontario priced to suit evyonc youll find it at chappies bookstore iu ujnlkam st omtlpk avous henmdv proprietor fine brchitectural plans deserve the best paint bh english paint combines the qualities of beauty and durability that protect exterior surfaces j b mackenzie and son acton ontario things obtainable a lovely disposition a pleasant voice an apt store of information the habit of interpreting others needs punctuality dependability readme good manners for all situations ntstnm and accuracy iu lighlful penmanship the gift of gjonversation the gift of silence musical appreciation and insight graceful bearing personal fastidiousness dignity with charm the habit of education unaggressive self confidcme poise the art of putting people at ease the power of drawing out the im1 qualities in others and by un seen showmanship nesenting peo file at an advantage memory for names and faces appreciation warm and de p notice to creditors a mil otiikkm in the rauu tkrtrlpr may all mnvini rytlng etalnu against tht klatc of r ktltuir may tllrn lale of the mllag of arlon in the county of llallon factory worker rteoeaed who diet n or ahout the twenty rlrat dny of reftruai lmo are request ed to tile proof of same w rth the und rslgrwil solicitor on or before the phlrtlelh day nt april 11mb after which date the instate will he distributed having regard only to the claims then itled datid at arton ontario this llghlh day of april a d 1mb mulhla van wyo j r xecutrts iry her hltc1tor t r 11- aihmuni arton ontario the sunday school lesson sunday may 1st 1kb jesus is king golden text niessed be he who comes in the name of the ird mk 11 v isnn tat mk it 1 ii is 11 r spnaition 1 jesuit proclaimed the meaalah by ihsrlplea i 7 in the actountas givt n by mat thew mitt 31 1 171 the entering into jerasalem and the learning of tht temple seem at first sight to have occurred on the same day but finm the account as given in mark we find the entry into jerusalem oc urred on saturday and the cleansing itl tle temple on buiulaj lv a omwrlson of all the account f all the event or the taj week tif otn in1 life ue find that th entr into jerusalem reiirdet her id not have hapix ned on sunday and the celt brallon of palm sunday la found d ukin a mutate it wa a lring rrand uwm which jesus kent two of hi dlsriplea v 11 it bi a trial of their faith tht y pioed ihriiuujvti to be dlv i pics indeed by doing precii it tthat the mastei told tht in to do v it i do ing what i or iord jeu omntandi u tti lo m iht uipn mil tekt of tlu ipltwup ijiki 1 m th found evtilhlng jutt as jesus said tv 4 rf uikt 10 32 wbat 11- uy mav appear improbable hut it aluay efimn out csacfly as predicted tht leply that they were tnstnii ted to give tn anyone v ho out tinned then it hon vi tht iirtl hath need of hlni w i v hi u f but ry much to the miinl that the t u in r iinipn stlonabl mil him at on i whn he knew the iird need tit him proved him to he a dicipl indeed their casting their own gar mi uts upon the coll for jru to sit upon wa a proclamstlon thnl thcvy4hcmelvc acceplid itlm at jno s 12 it but th first ouans- ing did not prove permanent nor did this but it expressed tha mlrut of god and of christ and hu mind is just the same today he would havt a house of god thoroughly i urged from all tralfic and would not evin uff r thit any man thou id carry a vesst 1 through the tt mpl- the chief priests and u rilw were sore dltptrsscd tmstt 71 li of tourse they wrir sot h mn ate ulua dispb asej when anyone cu any ptalse but tht m elvt and they an never happy wb n good in tiiuu unit tha ir own bundv do it tht y wtre m n raged thut they nought soon way to put him out of the way a self puncture sealing auto tire thut needs tin innt r tutie goal of ow tire and auto induitrti for inon than bu yraia has been intro duced skitmy hbii wouisii gtiai 5 15 fcs wbarafvmsjir kaj erf ikl i i nti rrl jrruti ni nl of j4 haru 111 thii jr i lllrral fulfil in ph- i a r tii mimhii hi nowadays its no trick at all to pay a visit to th loucs back horn on th farm over thou sands ol miloa of ontarios highways last and modsm busos provide frqunt and convonisnt sorvieo dlrct to th arm oat fares are low stratford kl55 toronto 175 gib en sound 490 barr1b 475 round trip subject to chance iickefsand information hfxrold wues v m0mt m ii jcmi procla th ini pit b 11 wi pivs hert from tht ctiipba tt thi ii il and tiny 1k w nimnl m n a the mesh but tli it id ml mdi rvland him tht nnviil whom mi her cring movaniu lllekmd lb thit ciimth in jhi narnt of iht iird in a feu dnya i will shmil the n iv vi hoaim irving nictfv him tbe hy u coming when mrv fcrni- nhall bow and t vi r tongue ctnfeli that jri bust is uird lhil 2 10 ii others look brant hi s tf tht irec palm bianrhtt jno 12 111 nnd triwiil thtm in the wu jn td not -join- m the jrrr he wept whib othtrx shoiileil i ukr 19 41 44 all th rilv was stirred its jesu t nti red i mitt 21 10i no one jose such a comm in inv ntv which lit nti rs ubere t er he roes tht re is a shikinj up and a tjucminntng ind a division thi i scited cits jiskext who i- this i matt 21 10- it is m im inirtint iu stion and wn- iskcd h un nnd ikain iff i uki s 21 7 4l f l u j ss ii to vk it bo h is this th it mikhtilv sins lb ht uts f mi n h is this th it spi iks is nia mm spiki uhi ih this ih it hi ih th suk ind ruse thi tl id tth is this lhtlclnirns nth nt on mrth to fnrgiw sins ml 10 h is this th t d r s t sir trh out his b mils to miff nnj th lis nils jind s i v ru unt rm m m thit lib ur mil nn hi i v i id n md 1 will kii m n rest wh is his thlil liet m re than mm tit n centum s i md v n silt h tr insrorrnm xor tol iv th multltudts nplud tins is tht u phct im ttt 21 lli but s s i this is mdrtti thi son of god the siv ii ur f thi world hi st rond c u arising of the i tin pu 15mr whin our lord fikikt d tn thi i uilding ildicattd to tht s rvic of giki transforme1 from a house of jravtr into a dm of robht rs ills anki r uaicd hot hi at oncv began to cast out all thtvae that had turned the house of worship into a house of merchandise what would he do if he were to enter into some of our rhurchts and into our iangelistic met tints today he overthrew the tahlis of tht mono changers tht s w ft connected with the re- lluuui stricc thu men wure there to change the roman money in common ue into tht sacred money to be ujwd in worship but though it was ostchiblv in the name of god it was rrullv for the sake of profit and gain and he cleaned tbe whole thing out he had clcstued the temple at an earlier day let ii rosedale floral georgetown fi owkrs for every occasion if its a spraj wreath wad dine fliwera cut flowers pot ted planta we can plaaaa you ow pruu arertarht phons tmarks acton tt j or q eo re town 2i3j kitchener uph0lsetry it deuit wllw kw b1y our cttmlarstu r cwr m w tut malu vktmt uak likmw 8pueiullpiitjir j for m low u vom 1 waka srvb free pickup and delivery phone 1s3 acton mib hltgrxaltt ucbvuk wmi a bmub tl ihmibii a iiav to out or vown pointo litweat llaxlc rata in ton phone x 28 acto hkhknrk sww if beeu a busy year thit week many thousands canadians will bo loading tho story told tn im portal oil s annual report it is a story of how to moot your neods imperial last year found moro crude oil produced moro crudo transported rod nod distributed and marketed moro oil and products than over before to do this wo had to spend a lot of money we sent men ranging over thousand of square miloa in tho search for now oil holds and we found new oil we built new ships now pipe linos now refining units now marketing facilities and a host of othor things again last yoar we spent moro money than we earned but it was an investment in canadas future as well as our own we raised most of tho money we needed by borrowing and by soiling some of our major invostmonts tho rest was earnings put back into the business after paying dividends on the years business we made a profit of less than a cent a gallon on products sold this amounted to 4 and 0 loths cents out of each sales dollar we received it was a busy successful interesting year when it began we were sometime hard pressed to meet all your needs wbstn it ended supplies were assured it saw new oil discovered making canada less dependent on foreign supplies new equipment added helping to serve qanadians better with the products hey amvd boatin yoa oil b ug ib iomi ctstly tn tf yaur intorwttod in fa eft 1948 sat new raeords in ol phiaw ot imp aloi oparahon it the walls drilled by tha con pony o f vi an j p m oil in cinfirtn durinej t4fl wee placed end to end they would lolal loj m e fiv lanja tankers war aided to h u pary s t at th laduc pipa una was xksndsd iff edmonton and pni prorome tor a p p line rom eamonton o peginq 4 71 1 tank onrs amoved iftora than 150 coo car loads ot crude oil and products imperial s aight nshnenas processed nn overoga ot 135 027 battala per daf a new reoord solas totallad 1 bl9cxi0aj0 jolona on its orwrattons tha ccexipany earned 16873163 a profit ot 93100 ot a cwrl ivr a i en lor each cf th 1 919 000 000 aalloni sold from its uav aoants th company aarnaid 5 3zb 7 m imperial oil limited

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