Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1949, p. 8

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thursday april mth iuo the actofc free pres pjjom thhtnq looking backward along the yean fallows and friends tontghl lftulng back at ihe smiles anrt tear hare in the cheerful light wkfn were the day the itjftn dya i tha vwy best days we- knew i wkm did we walk in the gladdest ways under the sklea of blue whrn wai our ii vine the inn ub- um whw wa our oy supreme wunt ii bark in the tonhood tim rack by the woodland stream wasnt it there on the tour try ronri wkan w wre boys akin whan never a heart had ever u load wfth a world to wander in ijh u go bark to ihe uyhnnd joy lik to tw woodland way kp your hearts llhwn my ts no matter ho ln x y jloutflu uallorii in itae uon aokvttnk wjvfijowkilh 11 hu bean reported from ruanna air- that eoipr4 wttfi 1mb tlu ara town lo sunflowers in argen tina 14 year innrmsd by 39 oar eml to 4 4 mllhofl ifm a record flur the corn rrag hu w- 41d by is fwr aiat farmers bae found the sunflower crop to b more proa table than corn id mamtum maturing whist crops billed by frost have baan replaced by atinflowara foot ailments treated ififu allan cuhipwitei vsmto cwaa varnuaa bsgeawa m4k avisjiss mu otfttm njmami far f4 imi1 27 ahjwr hl gwlpti ptoiw 1390 brought out ov r 200 inli rt sled breders t then on saturday june llth ttu local brrder of tht itlark and brant inn onl wlh n r f low eek was breeder in i eel plan lo make thtu annual trp lo uu ontario agrlrul trntati t plans hiivi also bc n falfon junior afinual al home an ovtt landing success th fourth annual at home of the llalton junior fanners which ws hold at the thursday evtningof lost w n unqualified suwes halton jun chronicles at ginger farm whuaa h0esiy far tlu aataa fra pr uukmwunk p ctjuuuc tandard of their annual party uhirh attracted tfueau from haldl mand llranl waterloo wtitworth welllngtin and iel counties the newly elected officer of the halton junior who inrldenully wrrr ufgly rmpontibu for the planning and arrangements are aa follows past president cameron wilson ullbon president umey kvan norval lit vica i gordon leslie acton 2nd vice president evelyn pclletlerio ialermo seore tary stanley jay ullton others who sarvad on the various rommilu included dave wllet uno oeo s atkins nell vanvliet doug currte ray everdell john mrclure and john itlchardaon jfojsrelx llrtfdera plan artlte proyfom at a recent mealing of the direc torate of the llalton llolatein club plans ware made for a number of saaaonal aetivittaa the first of these is to be twilight turn meet ing at the farm of harry hays near trafalgar on friday evening may 30th prof a d hun ions of the animal husbandry department of the oac u to be the special speaker a similar event a year ago was held at the hays form and wm r bracken real estate and general insurance mortgage loan arranged rprfhuuv of mutqsj life anvarmnc co ltd visit oarmodern showroom h cmrdnt htrwt iuelth ont opp fir hau bttbbks ami uaht1c thjcfl tnlaid unolecm waix tiles inaultad in kltakaata bauuaatna ibulwvxys staeaa offlsis baa floob andkbb far rant ftr warfc daata keating tile co lloyd e keatxmo forma rly gualph floorinc sarvtea tuvx auaxni afiv iiaau gswm mud for ibetr annual county show t uihmt on splerulmr 24th y a innis of ilrantfurd wot si lectfd u the official judge for ihr kite of grau italic lo surtlwl we wie inlervstcd lo wit arluu which was brought to our at u niton in a recent copy of the saturday kventng post tte srtifl in gun hon by d t palntrr su rviwr of the atcriculluryl kxtennun s r vice in vtrflnla makes a few state incut whith we feel art worthy of ft p utlon much neeiled today li a more ef ficient utilization of grassland pro duct therefor the greatest ag ricultural advancement during tht 4iexl generation will tx known as th hlae of grass with a decided irrnd toward more and betlnr gra se and it gumes and f rwer row crop this will bring about bet ter land use on areas now devoted tc soildapleting crops grants and forests are the luglral crupn to ron serve soil improve fertility and al uvlate fltmklk and droughts we art begin nlnu to rtulue tht mslbih i lies of an efficient grautland lyilnii of agriculture it mukt s koslbh theehangt of mi t xlensivi tim of farming into n lntcnslv mi uiih the minimum of plowing thus prim trcling and build m thr nil at tht tame unit rurthermorr no petipli i has rvir rimn high in thi sul of civilization mrmancntly w ithout u domestic animal a thr hlghi t t pt i uf cttieimhip llsj best w ojilt and honies ure found wht n thi mosl livestock s produced and improved grau is our greutcht rent wnbli rt sourct and bit uing h helm to oup port us in life and it rhrt r us on our viuy wtlh ibi f rt shin sj urxf tu beauty f uiully it covt rs our last resting plin v itfl it o rt nmul muntlt o in an ernblt m of lift n mirrt ititm iind immorlulitv rrkhhl rr xmikrils wt re von caught napping on ihe chnav oivi to fast time we have rurd of a ft w who wtrt as for ua w lutti oui olottk advaiuvd all right but whin it taint to gtttmg up thul was anolhi r atury and yet ue had to not as turlv as w r should have dom but for hit first i morning b 30 fast tinvr fiiifd rally enough yit tht tlotk mukts little difference to soiiw fteople uy sis i imt is lwre for tlw wekiml and the chances are i thai have to wake fur fur dinner hut that s all right with me the csim for a rrt and sht is gt tting it aftt r ht men had gone to the bam this morning the first thing i did was light the furnace and thai waui t as easy at it sounds thr re being no more than i f shovi is full of coal in the bin and thr gtwid winter wood b ing pra tit ally dtmt m whenever we need a little heat we rake up ihe wood hips gslhi r up tha cinders uw om or two of our precious chunk tif wood and presto the house i warm again it really takes so little to heat it this time of year and ytt the lilllc more and how much it is ont thing i llkt about a cool xpring the flowt ring bulbs last so iiuu h longi r maybt sonu lime i shall undt rstand under what con tit loos dllftrtnt spetlrs of flowt rs tlo best list yt ar vt had st ft w daffodils u i concluded that tht ixiiiki ntidrd lifting and dividing t ul it was just one of thttst ols i meant lo do hut mvir got around to so i skippoht tht daff h s art ttltmtmint ihih spniia m u r than tht y hov dtmt for ytars v now w hat do 1 do leavt ihrm tr lift ihim i tioii l know al prt m nt i ion atisfuti juht to njoy tht m just as wr t iijo mi imirh during tht unit rtain glory of an apul tt i as for instanct that run tn w lisl aturdu did ou s if i ihinl it w as possihl v tht most nt 4irl mi feci ruinu a 1 tvti mim fro in rt it ipim an d us a com pit u half tit an 1 tht tihiurs did ml fudi tht muldlt tht ft i d burlington launt ijiii pmjii uxarktt street a j viiir old hih s hool ludt nl won lb 2 miu road rare boimjrvd by thi burhnrion athletic club on good r nday morning tht ri uui 16 contistjiiu and showt i wttlitr pnvailid thi tourm of tht i act was on brnt str- t startint from he gat ttt offict procciding up hi ant jit to thi high schtx 1 and rt turning rttniuing two trip to com pit u tht tut mr and mrs j harold kurt ni w stri i who lihruttd their fiftieth wedding anniversary on sunday wt n at home to their many f i it rid that tallitl durmjr the aft rthmn anil i veiling tti riti ml im t wihis and ctmgralulatiuns lilt woik of enlarging ami re airungin tht burlington iubln i ibrary is now complete and is in died a iivdit to thoaa who had uta wurk ui hand last thursday s courn it mtcting rnmd a jam iiatlved tihintil chain iter as two large delegatntns ap l antl to mi gut tlie pros and cons i t tht mtt fur ihe ptoptmmd new lit rt atitkial tcntre t ouncll agreed tt give thr park procrty for the arena site gturltr we are funny people we aould like to owe eer doctor by man in btwliwd money and dont are we happy no wewiij owe yor money for thirty hays or iexs if voij entrust your accounts for ctjujxmok to is ut our uve mire methotb brine our dead araxwu to ijfe if e dont rt it jou ran throw ii away make is prove it i1y sending in that ust of yolrs at once kelly aiken c anaiah dijkkht kihai ok vllw tojtel leasuiiu tiastnha si imk i tht wor furnati is land sorklni tin tlu tsse 4umtallt piftohtm nu turn k i smt ds uj i v from is to m pt r t miiiii turn t xm rinn ntn tht prohlt m tf tht mount mis of si it il hit prtkt vs ihi hi ij c thi miiii surf nt pirtti rhini stunt itiitl usid material and road mt plan to hindli i 0o0 muti rial at h wtck w erution in scotland month iil i hist milt in s t pitiitipu tt cthlktt thr- sti i output nt at tlu htvt stl tti iih t iismj 1 iii w tthl m th lull n is natural for liuildihl tal a in w tons of thi ill t in op within two munih it i d v mi i sv nix 1h it li iini- ms html li ap u h i lm hold u rnnthia in tin sm v in it 1 ill mspin d t pot 1 1 tiil i t h ikiih most tif ih tht lv t il the march for 6r eater tax reductions party membership is your first step in taking an active part in your countrys future through aggressive leadership the progressive coaservative party has already done much for you you can help do more this is your fight for better living conditions and greater tz reductions work with the party that works for you dm w mwmwmmym this today l s a a mccleary 183 douglas av oakvillb f i i i wish to join the progressive conservative party j i name j address j j j constituency i tev aqj a saaiaouft j the progressive conservative party j ni flip hop in iluir vuiiuir t uu ni old ph non t n its o mi n- i think or all th m irt nous invt ti in ns wt kn w tod is and ill s tnpln ititl i sw ihli hi it in iimi th rt w hi t is mid k on thi pi in but whin niton i uts on i show wi mt awid bv its t i simplu its tht raintmiw is i in instant t and mot hi r that h rft 1 1 j ttlipst ot th minjii a short while buk but s nu linn r w ht n nature tnkt s a h ttul in things wt art not so wi ii pltastd al tht tuirn for instance lor nt url four wcks 1artin r has bet n dihtormg u young cow bhr start d ff w ith tndigt htion latt r slu had u talf and tht rt wtrt cnmplitationt aftt r that wi t x pt ctt d hi r to gi t bt tier but no in piu ol partner follow mj the vtts instruction lo the letli r she lraduutlv txiunit worst i stt rxlay tht r complkations dt vt lupd and hi r heart showed signs of giving out hit ct com along and gave ht r u p p dost but this nittrnint in pitt of it idle wax dt ud utctor ing u cow fur wcks and tht n losing ht r in the end is jusl uiu of thost hard knoki a farmtrhu to lakt in his ilridt onct m awhili purt ne rs sus wr cunt grumble in oil our yuan of farming this is only the third cattlt beast wt hanelost not counting th cojves of courts we lost quit a ftw calvas in our early ds bacausa we tod tham too wall tha d ugasl ion of a calf is so tasily upawt and wt had to loom the hard way spanking at cahts have you aaen tha latoat in calf fewting csjuieanantr a pail no laac apaciilly fttted wok a nipu- oa tae ouuid pariaar amy it wouldttail ace pane to book altar the calve if therv were many to faad with that contnapiiaa it umukl ako nad scrupulous cleanliness or oua lhare would ba trouble my but its a quia bouaa around hare honey is a v ay to tha dog hospital for a little visit so x have been able to keep the steps free ol old bones and chicken wings late ly i have been taking honey with me in the cab of the pickup when 1 do that ippy justabout goes wild it would take brut strength to get tippy into o can so maybe her fear extends to honey as well but if a dog is scared of riding in a car what must it be for a horse to travel by aeroplane in the paper today there was a picture of a hone being taken off a plane at molton i wonder how they fastened its safety belt whoa-tha- plane came down fornriahdlng radio service guarulmd repair to ad makaa an4 manning electric phone 330 ll inhilah rkqlkht st albans choir will rrpral ttwlr prawntallon of the ministers aunt in the town hall- acton on sat april 30 hwpm admiwoon soe and v ttrlieu beuffct for fterfarmasuv us rvhruary will he hsasrsaj a4 lija pmbesuuaa trust vfwttb more than id trust myself the banks the place for my money i always put part of my pay into my bank account otherwise it burns a hole in my pockot i guess i trust the bank more than i trust myself i figure thats on reason why my savings have been building up the way they have i another reason im sold on a bonk account is that i alwayw know just where i stand all i hsve to do is take a look at my passbook theyre a lot better bookkeepera than i am whats mora whats in my passbook fa my bu sad i can count on the bank people to keep their bsoutha shut about it and that suits me just fina sponsored by your iank

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