Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1949, p. 9

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raotfttotr the acton free press thursday april ttth 1v john l leslie a pioimr resident of esqursing township john lyon leslie died in guelph general hospital on wrd sscinjchmr and mrs- john uc nesday momin april 13th from hugh nee june talbot an complications resulting from a fall coy mr and mrs j ii goy ac ton wish to announce the birth of a taa stephen lc on friday apru land imo at guelph gen era hospital nounce the birth of a daughter lynda anne on april 13th at hi joseph a hospital guelph icajo ur nd mrs mario tviirrnt hfreet arton are happy to umminfv ih birth of their da tight traa josaphina at tha urng home acton on anvil und 14 llttla sister fur pon and vmulp duco kn ukhottlah thompson at the home of hu brother air thompson erin township on turaday april w 14 john thompson ton of the lata sarah and joseph henry thompson in hit 80th year ucphkllson in loving memory a a dear husband and father jam s mr i hereon tovm task who paaaed away april 30 uu lovingly remembered by hit wife and family aulh in loving memoiy of a tear wife and mother mrs itert auliffe who died may 2nd 11kn1 ffotalng can ever take away the love a heart holds dear fond memories linger every day ttamembrance keeps her near lovingly remembered by husband ilert auliffe mat arthur in loving memory of a jear nut hand and father duncan mararthur who paaaed away april m 1047 nothing can ever take away the love a heart holds dear itond memories linger every day hemrmbraikf keeps them near fver remembered by wifn and family in which he had suffered a brokrn hip he wa4 the son of the late james and margaret leslie and was born m years ago at lot 16 concession 4 equesina he farmed there con uniibusly jnul moving to georgs town in 1018 he u married tn 1a8 to mary a thornton daughter of edwin and catharine thornton and they had a family of five child rrn four aona itlake edwin who was kllld at the battle of somrne in 1918 dean and george and one daughter mrs k c undsay isa bel he is also turvlvvd by an only sister mrs- t j ieslle caa sir of ingersoll tlie funeral ronducted by rev ales c alder took place from tha mrclurr funeral hume on friday afternoon jour grandsons don aid ilruce and rob lindsay and ted leslie and two nephews joel ttlle and hoy gordon acted as pallbearers interment was made in the family plot tn grrenwnod i i mrlery carjm of tiiavkj mrs geo rlddall would like to thank friends and neighbors for the kindness shown during her lllnrss it was v ry much appreciated mr char lea mckeown wishea to thank all his neighbors and friends for the cards gifts visits and kind inquiries durtag his ilay in the guelph general hospital they were gratefully appreciated john j henderson wishes to e firesa his thanks and appreciation or the help of neighbours and friends cards gifts of fruit and of flowers visits of friends and all other acta of kindness at the time of his illness also thanking the doc torn and nurtei of st joseph a hos pital may god in his goodness richly bless each and evcrvnnc of you suaday is the first day of may there arc 1716 feet in the main businras section of acton longer evenings increase the time for outdoor activities d day when dogs enjoy their last run la rapidly approaching miae it roazell reported the first dandelion to us last friday some university students are beglnajnat their summer vacation schools re opened on monday for the final term of the school year april showers have been quite regular and now we look for may flower grading on local streets is cer tainly a welcome solution to the spring upheavals the gross v alue of manufac tured products made in acton in ims was 111 117 lis 00 the trout fishing season opens on saturuday hope the tempera ture ci real summerlike along with these warm days come the thought of the lawn mowers which miv be good or bad la these da s of increased travel remember that good man ners and good driving go hand in hand mr and mrs walter fryer of rr acton celebrated their thirty fifth wedding anniversary last friday april 22nd the return of the birds has ning ruingmore e able provided daylight saving time has not darkened that early hour we have heard reports that the ftrat swimmers have dared the chill weather to claim their title we regret that we have no official re port scarifying on the milton acton road has certainly made a vast im provement which we feci should be acknowledge since compliment are so few on this stretch of road reise where in this issue we have record oi the penguin club ac- tans teenace organization making a lunation of one hundred dollars to the local swimming pool cam pahgn we consider this a tribute to the youngsters and certainly a pointer to the campaign committee of interest the local youth have tn this project mixed fertilizers dont harm soil 4 most farmers are convinced from their own exm rlence iit the value of chemltal fertlltiers in maintain ing sol productivity and for in creaking crop vie ida there are still some who believe that chemical frrtillicrs are ruining our soils no our will suggi it that organic matter and humus are not impor tanl in our soils says o w michael fertilizer specialist iomlnion de partment of agriculture to add earn post material to build up the humus rontent of the soil is an expensive method nut humus can tie put into the sot by ploughing down refuse crops sods green manure crops and animal manures humus i n proves the texture and structure of the soil regulate soil temperature serves as a source of nitrogen and other plant foods in creases the water holding capacity of the soil prevents the top soil from washing and blowing away and stops the loss of mineral in the solution two things are necessary to maintain soil fertility organic matter ind plant food and they should be partners organic matter can be maintained by good farm practices of rotating crops use of jitjtiturt both green and animal and ploughing aown crop residue the pr ence of organic matter increases soil bacteria and fish worms which are beneficial to pro ductlve soil since most crops re move more plant food thsn the average farmer returns to the soil it is necessary in addition to use chemical fertilizers to supply the plants requirements thus produc ing more vigorous crops and re turning more organic matter to the soil in crop residue no experiments have rver shown that the use of chemical fertilizers are in any way detrimental this is borne out by a 05 yesr experi ment on wheat in england where chemical fertilizers were used against manure the plot receiving- 1301 pounds of complete fertilizer annuslly outylelded the plot re ceiving sn annual application of is 7 tons of manure during the last five years the fertilized plot outyleldod the manured plot by 4 4 bushels per acre it would not aeem that this soil had been poison ed after receiving chemical fertili aei niiually for 03 years in reviewing the facts there is no scientific evidence that the use of chemical fertilizers causes any deterioration of the soil or has any injurious effect on plant growth the use of chemical fertlllxers increases yields thus lowering pro duct ion costs it makes poor land good and should be employed to make good land better v local stores are offering quality merchandise w wkl m our col umns president amos mason who re crnlly returned from a visit in florida gave the club an interesting talk on the sunny south at tkr weekly j inner on tuesday doug garrett reported on the sale of kaster seals and requested that all returns be made at once so that a final report could be compiled visitors on tuesday were doug mceacham or oakville and hud young of brum plan t11ekk modern alkh when two or ui if ou tangs flying from singapore to the ua arrtv ed at tendon airport tit a urltlsh overseas airway corporation cargo aircraft one of them was feeling a little off eolour as there was a wait of several hours before they and attention when the do ac staff felt that they should give all possible service to this uisengrr so they sent him to a prt store where he would have every care und altenntion when the iioat cargo officials called for him they found the orang out an g completely recovered reclining in an armchair with a blanket around his lhouldrn enjoying u television program luurrthji mm ii trade the new trad agreement betwxn the united kingdom and thi netherlands for hmd provides for dutch exports of dairy products eggs and bacon to the value of 1177 million this is a 57 per cent increase fiver the 1948 export vol unw of the same commodities it is not kjrcied that under thl averment the volume of agrlrul tural commodities supplied to hrll alrt will rmch prewar quantities cm rubskfy- for suzfufcu dhvitii witii azi rca vicor auto radio now on display at hassards radio tmporary location at j k gakdinefi8 your eyes a rhm ey run i thi if iu llj eouult rm bell krfhlml oilirnbm ffcsa imtl bin lovell bros meatmarket friday saturday specials no i rmde ithkakkant iia on hi 59c isfall porii htouldrra lb 47c choir porit 1oin rout cq ham knd ijnw llurit hutu lb 58c iia k iiacon imnraj c9t lb smiknl 7st lb itarria braid wimi crfaury butter 59c lb choir hib hnuit itref ih 55c tmder hump kojwi luvf lb 55 lumvmirr steak lb 45c rrrwh saunajr ih 40c minrrac itrand makcarink lb 38c ros ann shops may clearance sale starts today 2 for 5 house cottons blouses sweaters sups regular s29a now 259 2 rosann shop dresses coats stiits all greatly reduced acton dont do thisi tofielit lamas aoaorb harmful rays and itara becauaa they art ducatly tihtsd they blsod with the compkatoa nd at tha asms time itsep aanayiab and harmful mt from your ayas aa us about toaut cecil a cafifi eas oouaaj i daoflaa 8c tsl imt sl kiwanis club of cuelph presents tomorrow saturday april 29th 30th twice daily 3 and hj30 pjn guelph memorial gardens see 200 armic stan capl proeke and his den tuo at beneal tig hilla dandnjf elephanu horaeat doffa monkeys sentational acrobat and trapexe artists an anay of clowiu and other ms features pont delay buy your tickets n tickets now on sale at guelph memorial gardens admission prices fftlday matinee saturday mat snctevenings adulta 100 children sfc res seats 10 rush seats 100 the classified section boy sell eschange waried etc advertisements uryjr this haadmg 35t ossh with order up to 25 words additions words le per word u cash docs not ac company the advertisement minimum chares soc and lc par word additional for each word over 39 subsequent tnaartloas ac for raijb wanted ftk sair while aimrtment uxe kitchen cabinet apply 40 ale lionald hlvd acton foh sai f canoe for lair ap ply a 1nng wallace avniue ar toil or at lyucro plasties koit saik 1911 iontar h rheap for juirk tale apply mc karherri aiar artun housk roir sai r s iwdrot house large lot immediate im mini frunk komph mam tt mhj wantex apply ii wile aelun wantexi urgently an apart nunl or house lo rent mrs hobui- ton koty theatre for sale collie po for sl a mittgart uk 2 orkwood ia i 17 tl 1 in j waniri class a afachanu full tinw uat for right man apply thw f hewkon eorgetown tele phone 332w mill street wavil hicks and fowl will p- up to u fur heavy fowl hone eolleft lluttonvtll rgg frading stall n llrsmplaa r m ffixt nassagaweya for sai 1034 i hev sedan vixmi mud it ion apply nril mr nalb no h mawm fllvd acton oit saif cement blocks srhrll ement hlork and llrlrk all roh salr md ormirk errinc armall a tractor ln vty gotui running t rder j ni ilird it it 2 cifurgrtown jhone b4r4 i roit saij table henrh hip j saw with two blal s apply ia rnr j hnson ihi nr 4lr2 art n i kk sai v 1 lilue suit i j suits sii 14 us g xxl u n alo n numimt t dmhux tle l to 11 apply to lkjx 80 ree nis hh sai r rieclne luntfrtlc prm tn ally a m w htovt may be in imtd it nny linir a htrgain for m mwim inter sti i i hone rb i wavh apiiiratusni will hr received by tlw u ruterslgnfid for the pmitkin of part time rvmatable for the vlllajp- f acton ittrtictl 1 lars a hours duliea etc can be- i tainrd on application flrasr slate age previous esiwriencw aal ry epeetej and other quauflra tions in tetter before 1x30 pm i april kkh j mot eajhlc tirk aci n ontario to rent to itnt r apply un it m mrlhinam willow l to itfnt a fcr lird and ml jriknj uar im fairly rl an and pro lmliv afiply nn iark avniue tc t in kumlry lc iunt varuum chaitri and floor dfiuahrra for rent apply modern llratlnit and ilumetnf llnj f kok sai 1- juinrelior pea tm no 1 jivi m jut v me in oiir inlet grain onkilt ie i e am n ihom iumkm khi h j imacmk r ok sai h ollv7 sihii lnnl w in xlltnt rkln onl r w4i ii i n rut 4- r w w mnrrlv it it mill n il ir i 1 1 1 h store jhone jfdj acton oi i smitat- mkkkjls kolt itfvi itr by tre tjuarter rruit anl vekelnnle onntalners itimkuihrit lrl ihkirs phone hkkmood 4hj rolt sai r all itefrtirera term in stx k u r immediate lehv rry an te purtf ased thrugti tin hnnnor ilan itvor y llrwisin erg town roii sai i0u hrv sedi mit r fl k tuts mttr ai ixmly in gimml rontltlon 375 lust ff r jaikondgt lilt 1 ac t n i hunt milton bflr 1oi1 sai t 1m7 rd 1 ton lr ng vhil bne truck juh i irrns art tin hritl r and rtrfroati r pifirt rondlth n tiinsws and rah n7s new lalf rn 7x14 with r irks 2t rk i i li m j it k itid a t n 231 j i1hav iui i its asllnblttizr7i now diy ild and ktiirted i n n ptt m shipn rnt on h rns llirnd itkks vew ii imp md nllxltlt whilivcr u need 1 i un knou i im rufiin bv order hrny i t ihrmiiih uli nl io ilr iun it it 1 s isinl i i irimm mr fnrm mij ik art n i h me t km sai f hint ii r v 1 pi ts br mi cravs m nd w frsrur and ill f incv grjue alfalfi iji dino loer tr for your long t rm pasture mtxtim wisroniin roun and ontario grown hvhrtd i seed corn phone ollect wm toiim nnd sons lid streetsvllh phones 1sw and 111 toll sai r new 1040 kr1 panel tnick 1047 willy jeep 1040 d 3 international truck new ferguson i tractor sew 4w ltbson rmctor mccormlck dee ring farmall ml tractor new waterloo garden tractor new buehlrr wagon tan dem disc for all makes tractors maxsay itay loader 35 cycle 14 hp beattv grain grinder new skyline grinder 7 ft coekihiitt grain nin der 13 djsc serd drill mccormick ft horse drawn mower new sky line harvester cnmplet neatly new rogers manure loader with universal pump new otacn manure spreader hornet chain saws all sizes new 30 circular saw blade apply thna e hewson george town 332 w macmejtyls afmuu we are pleased ta see the english chiirch players are put ting on a repeat performance of their fine plav the minulim aunt at th tou n hall on saturday night thi rumblingk uf john l l wis can be heard again wt ha vi just received notict that tht cot of coal is down v p r ton bringing thi price to po 75 for nut and stove nzes we ex pect that this is the lowest prici that ftu 1 may be purchased during thu nmt year john l is making some pretty sfrong demands for his mine workers a battls it will be settled tn his favour we will be pleased to accept your ordar for next winters coal see tham fixing up the roads j a uacmxxtnt son mikcfjjaneou3 mr n s shlkiv iinnvrweatajut s h k w ohrd and mended price n s t uhle write p fkii safl at n aottm ni1n airuitin rnttmh tax itrnuusrs aim h martin um wonrwtch si ult fntaru 1 hone 41 t41 stf p into a phofltamt huain sllink amiles sua ran letl h isehold products dealer we have a few prhngs available full t r part time a real oppnr tunitv f r men and i men who can tiuahfy write for frrr caulogor- nd l tain famijr irwo delon mier 1 mtreal auciion sale or llaiasehald riirnltttrw mat1 ria rvd aprj1 tmk corner of ourch and main strc joiiv krsnfjv rut ms asm tvolirr to crrditors ai nnrirjih in the ratate of 1ain crk1l all per ns having claims agatnat the kstale of ravin lrk tatr of the luwruthlp of rtn in the aunty of wellirttruvn hetlred farmer deceased who died on or shout the rweifih day of ebruary i49 are requested tn hie proof or same with the undersigned solicitor on or before the thirtieth day of april hmd after which date the kstate will he distributed having regard only to the claim then filed dated at acton thta klgith day of april ad 1940 sajtaii janf ucnxaf ukucjc uorcai fc kecu tors hy their solicitor c r lxatt1khlanu 3 acton ontario notice to creditors and onn la the eataia s alphfna wulum ralph all persons having claims agamt thresue of alphaeus willtam ralph late qf the village of acton in the county of hal ton leather sorter deceased who died on or about the irenly fifth day or muit h imr are rthjuested to like proof if mime with the un1erslirnef mlicit r on or i fore the rtiur- i tit nth day nr mav 1040 after whu h daw the rdat fll he dji tnbuted having regard only to thi i umi thin riled dated at acton ontario this tentv ircond dav or april 1040 i donotrly andkitsov i administratix by her solicitor j c r leather land actorr ontario farnworth memorials maiimau mt mwtatal pmoh cemetery ettertnct ctoi au ometawy iuixfh am ephead optometrist eyg baajijiiad sdcalifteuly buidio 4b quick repairs to guama btammlai fuu glawm ate n at a si pbons is guelph bimw

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