Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 5, 1949, p. 1

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hr3mtri iett mtft seventy pound year no 44 atlon ontario thursday may sth 1049 ten home print pages si cent four wardsjn acton when it is made town 1919 junior hockey te m in new j vckets w h arnorhaii appointed lart tuaw nlam conatubl nw cming to be rulll at ih waur tower orbanlaa- uorw to canoldrr ftruuwjnic of atuiumu at ttoldlern mrm uaunt other hmuh alolon- daytunulay council hrtwlnn thr flrt may mrinn of a iit council ua hrhl on monli vtn llta with councillor i ilolchcn t nlrol w mdro1 anil ih lilv llwvr tyler ur nl anl it v t junes jrildrl arrounu f itiwl i j mrtil ai ollo tllla u ol ihiiiiiiii tor rlactlon jllmki aruui krr irrfcj prlnlnn i acton ubiur lkai1 r kriol ml ftn thuinpann hurt rrfuntl trail lint trader- tjk l y i wrlhl r tifltlm l ml linn v c urlloi uraillni 2 till i sis teams in baseball series licit- llii season a four tram loop will competi ih in vi ut in intermediate buaebull hi r milton walt rdown hamil ton h at tonal mil jujmtiii set and at ton will ptuv u m rus lit thi c group with i hi first unit third team to plav off for t right to meet thi lr dim t urn in tin uiki may 4lh in tlu duv ulivrrl for ihla duv has tx4it ft t ui ofm ullig day y lr ii rump ton will torn pet this ui in tlu ii urit of ttt tutllm ktotlp of uir iliit i fi tin a ton club un rrtd dawklna president t itvdtr hon pr anient k mium utlti ii hu iley r mm itlei ii j lli mimrr contract awarded ior work on highway 25 kkrtrf irrvidriit ilalton inlittt lltallim id vlvli ts on i rti ntly inhion imltl hinli tifaltfur with id v h s iln tlu hair man lirimitmi hm k4i 1w if itnr lillktol onilm tilvnthip m ik infc i n thi 1vlilvt in mil whn h t ml i hot lint iii hr hllnjd lit iliiinli of toitiv to ij stai if aurttilai stair list imj m w it out of hi mouth ih f hotting offtc rs it i td fi mmi v hairmin it v 1 llamta ontnirlum co of tor- i nnto will toaiftffficr woht on i sfeti mil kfrtion to nuu in 1r partition tnr surfarlrvg in two yem no pavlnff rroktmw lyoatwed or tlita i i i a r w l 1 mm t i i mi i milt hiiclittiy tx i l ii itut till m iv mx iii ut tton thli wo k on i tul thi ultlnmti roal mi v i ltl i t i mi aito li of 1h mlh num r ir l til ci attll lit till til thi nil till h tar trovril courx i itul ha jufl ii fulld tin riik lt no umi- iri illow atlhi rftl to tin miii thi curk ws inlru inquiry rt unlin pun ton tj mi uuiil untt off tttl for ili a quolitn n wui rr 1 to two meetings of local itnion hem lukin month iv rflt t tliih wi nth to ii ttl to mi i n itional sho ki i hninii tin i ihimi for 11mu v ahovii hi im mtm n hi ida laat 1 iv of 1am hi uritl i i utln r i v aitrixmt nt kn n inttit ri uixl u nun hi r k hi at tun junior hot k y icmn tt lhm vi ufh i thf tcmi find l an appm inllvr lown hnru nnd iik aililitn lint k itov it ft to hunt hnrokl ihmiiv ju imi ia t ii lohi mow nt ioh m 1- nt r minim uiltt hl kmin kront itow iff to rljrht lrni- arhlt illo mmo liiiim hill niilnii knilliik ivn anth rn ollik im ul thi omrto junior 1iajnpltni mttl l ki iv to dn ii nm union in hihiin znjnt hi n lluli hirifni lo hitmmlr kuvk stan kay ktptth kay i k sii iv miiiutv i r s n iikui rtuto hy vtc tlrutu tl fi ukitt alio nutdr of tin ill iiv ttl aj4x fjijiintiv to aupph froat ruunit on hi suiulpm uatrrworks s stt ni thi p liv foi pru uot mft foi tttlur raintc tins cl inrludnl rtnun il of tin old raiiijt nntl bulltlnif 1 new wjuurt froat miint pnntitl two roau unnril apprtn it tfiit tha ihlir ulllltlrn on mismoti prrxvrfvfl with itnlallnl ion of 11 t ttui cast iik announrt nuiit of thi t on ntion of akmuliii offir r- to im h id in ottawa in ma wtv r jhi fiom th count akju or anil it wi uit d that otiiuil mikt it ittihl for the amvnr to attmil ai raipii ilcl bv iiiiih tl iipii ariitattm of tin otiki or duoti shin hnpti 1 iod1 mil th acton hi urn h of ih in itli in ukion wi pits nt to distiis- th adding of n inn s of ih killd in world wir ii on ih solttu 1 s mominunt h v joins that otiiuil hid with n kit t h 11 forcrd to 1i1 it it tint xpmdilun from tin itimato oumil ttkttl th co om rntlon of lh ortariit lions in iioiiik thin work unit iiisinj thr funds b cnniunit i fforl it waa muntil out that ih oriuinol monumt nt was rrntwl b thi citi rrns of acton and not paid for by corporation funds and porhnps this add it ion muld u nudt in thi mi n it- way council ogritl to tall 1 nitvtin of thi 1 noun orfiantuttions of tin town on wcdnpadn mav 11th lo dlacuaa plans for raisins fund- to make thr additions to thf soldier monument mr ii johnston on behalf of thi legion aaked perrniiuion to rrrct jvo park inp tigivs in front of tlu lrglon hall drlvewa an it was planntnl to make part of thi pro perty into a parking lot jiui th deal red to protect the entranc arrangement wax nmlualh niadi a letter from dr t a hlrrs ex prcasrd appreciation of hi mix if and thr junior llock club on the n orptlon mid donation council had trrnoon given tn makint recognition in this year s club a ppl 11 at ions wer mi id foi the position of part time constable this work was for tuo nights pi week at present mr w h camo chan was engagetl or thi vnisition at the rati of 7v pr hour permission waa guen chief har- rop for a weekend oft in ma council diacusmxl at onc length parking problem and violation of speed laws and other infractions of the traffic bylaw the following resolutions were passed t we har mill street marked tiff info parkmp tectum from main street to elgin street and on alain street from mill to knox arenue also initat bus top iou thai ihtttleete be trutrucied lo inform thechie of police that the parlcino and vpeedino laws be it ne lly enorced a letter was read from the im perial insurance office regarding the divisions of premiums un insur ance of the corporation a letter was read from the board of transport commissioners regard- in2 ibe installation of a warning fdjtnal at the mill street crowing un no 7 highway a letter from the ontario fire maralull outlined he neu rvgu- tationi undar which flranii aro paid by the province to autlit in the rcoriimucd on page thvr thi set ontl mtiting on april h10 it h jifski of kitthcm 1 m tl thi im mix n tin ugre un nti nntl offt retl his a stums and nirnt huns whit h win 10 liniitd bv all prtmiil il4rts n 11 ih sariou toritmilti wi r rv srtisfintor a iiiiiiiimt of thi k it v will ittt nd tin oiiwn hon in laomlttn on mas 7th unit 8th acton ukii is urn of th lurgi nt th h th indust imi mi nith n kv aviointment imtomnual police kok ii alton counts usin meetim nohoiei cutb has hne program in tin t losinj imting of th v min thi imtcultvt of thi so ietl club of hniii chun h 1 tilt rtuim l thi rongri gution on wkiiumlo f vetting of lust week in it ti lightf ul mrial hit e lasxroom wa taste fully ditorutiil with spring flowi n tin following mi mt rs math n vin pit usyig progruni mmu aolus b mrx cordon how n misa knth iten t nullum mla iu llu itosi ii alt k mann mi crawford iougut and mr burton un mti hurp miio lis mr urn hall n solo h mrs clannii cults stohri s in hon h mrs it ii ariuslriwi ii piano tlui t miis murgiin t itrown mil mrs alt x k minn lot u plans decora lion ol rooms at the acton schools ma meelmc ikralt with the tismchiiv salarum and other items at ton pi til si iimil brd h id h u 11111i11 rnn tints tutsxus onstihh j ipptmiit tl th uff tl ith if fill th haltoi uisi11 sml ti tti ntimlm ts il hnctx mr i j 11 a it lmon with tht laind 1 ih fort hi lii lr ton th tuhm nt in milton mil position on mil he wii s hi ulpiar msft rud t hcls now iimttimt nth another seclion to he included in school area s aid gmu os 1 of mrs krttl audi 1 it ii itosi ii mr wn mi rti h ii mil mi it tt ii iv idson t tiff imp inisls win mivs margin mil iiiimn ttil mis ah k minn 1 h udmg smiiit prti ws iwiithd to mis i w t h arnistnin- a ii saoti on tin 01 ikin of ftls n ports uiis dt monstritt d b th tvst nibltxl compm in 1 ginn 1 ii h tl ctovsip va it i ir humorous rt suit a last turn h 1 onrluded tin 1 v t mug m 11 n vnii nt mr r s llltoa moved a oti of appreciation to tin im mix rs of thr ruerutie this wts t ntlorsi tl b mr arm d i pupils milton ni in liind ul to mi imltl 41i i of vvioo mr m-krri7tr- ttm nrt ini thit ik 1 111 i 1 1 l uplllikl p k 1 it nl 4 oid 1 ind thut mr mild m iki tin n tpun 1 ts if inilinil ujk vkipplnii m r t s t ommittit ipprnud t 1 ssirv 1 km ndllun pils tool nioviil ftiim at ton id tender for gravel awarded b equinc coundl at a special meeting of km urging lownahip council april 13th mr a w hi nton aaaessor guve a de- talliti report on the new assessment added to the roll the road super- inundcnt wai authorized to adver tin for tenders to iuppl crush and d liver gravel on township roads for 1040 strong and tht response on tht lr bxhalf b mivs isoim 1 an dt rson n tiring pr sidi nt plans made antl officer eleetetl for tennis club the organization meeting of th acton tennli club wa held in the i clubhouse un mondu lut mr sid kiwi 2nd vice in tident of thi ksqueiig township council held lawn howling a tennis club cor ihur regular meeting monday af- ductiil thi eleition of officers thi mav 2nd with deputy- follow im 1 xecutiw was elected for keivi giorgt- utslie councwn- uurrent seaion man lefi r 11 craig held wilfred iltnl and riern 1rtmdtnt doug davidson uilter linhjm present reeve firo vke president and treasurer mav currii pn sided uumurch scretarv win near the treasurer was authorized to mens tcum captain inez mclel- piv thi following ik u telephone ian ladtts tt am captain pat lki co 500 e v maccormack schtml i lus lumh convenor supplier 1 6j ontario hospital lengthv disiusiou followed on woodstock m550 duncan robin- tournament polic and plans were son two luxe shot 60u william made for opening night it wa caves rent 10 00 a w benton reported that the nets were up and stamps 7 00 donald lindsay 1 plavmg would be started as soon sheep killed 2500 a n stark as possible it was decided that an valuator 4 00 relief account attentate date be decided on in the 112 10 i event if rain in plana for opening twelve fox clai to night of the club m00 were ordered paid a blaw was prepared including j workmpn lmiufsl school section number is in schoolj xvvvv honor area no 1 in the township of es- i fellow employee questng the clerk was authorized with presentation to write the tocretar treasurers of the school not in the area suggest- tng thev hold a meeting and con sider the advisabtlitv of joining the school area fellow uorkeja honored mr jas dobbit last friday afternoon when he retired from the employ of beard mo re and co after forti- kuad account of r7t3 11 us pre- ieven ear uf fruitful service settled b the road superintendent worker in the rolling room de- wore ordered paid 1he ngreemnt between the cor poration of acton and corporation of equesing re annexation wo siguisd by the reeve and clerk mr stewart elliott tunde r supplv gruvol on towruhip roads for hmd w as accepted subject to approval of the department of highways- cheques were returned to unsuccckifut tends rs 1 pjirlfnenf presented mr dubbie with a duffle bag and mantle clock and on their behalf the presentation was made by mr alex mann mr dabble has bven a lifelong resident of acton aitd 15 leaving to reside with itis daughter in clifford the presentation tvojj an informal but sincere tribute 10 him whin all wished him many happymrs of leunire m1111 ipum tin li of th sv 1 mil it vis ttmsiihnd thut it k hi rs mold hoitiu thi pupil ithid for this stir tint it w i dei mill ini nitivi thit addition d ci ommihlition will be n qtiiud for 111 xt i ur tin i ropt rt iiimmittii und print ipul will mil t to decith what additional milinj t 1 iimmtklutitin will im rt uind to handli pupil in mixid cluvte an uilv 1 nisi mi nl is to im mwrtcd in the y rrr preta for thi kinder garten enrollmint c orreaixmdenct was r ltd und udopteil and un rmclatlv fine re- wrt reeiivtd from lnspctor skuce tn which he commended thi it at h 1 rs for their finnwork the trtusur r wus uulhorind to puv tlu following uccuunu siveru itovs stowing coal j inkhs co t van norman audi rson v o hiirgruv s r in stit ion vtalsou dnrv miil s dim v tones ond vangils mucmillan co sv 111 on hurdw an bill till phone d g mclellun mrs parrv public utilitits stamps mr n itairi inmivsi merm levoshire midk rh stcntarj itiv u u hmduh ul hlluirl nd th tri mr it r snli rm of kville wrre ih th t let til sltl m nl torn miltii hi v h ajhnght and it v ittkkk lurt rstoiul htutioos id v it alio m hi v homi hart unit id f 011 it iukt ting mi ahx miljirt n hinnu of th ommilt on mirusli rlil sl 11 s 11 oittl tint ull hut twij hnis m iiiih wr now pivink th miniiiiuii iv of jkkkk id niimntiua t hull nun nf misimrmn mil maliilt nunn mil mttl t mattit thl up tv mrrh 11 i turns shown a 21 m onl it ii is ovii thi sitmr tlnx last rar im inltt iitpttl tht otij rtivis s ootltniil ft 1 uh ihuu mr 1 iuit tin i11 d thut not for v yearn i id th 1 ih n u gn ul r opkmu ml foi mission work in jjpjn nit dimes owning s nd ar for this us to id in 1 m uson uih join vaolk tu j v from ci us fi no 7 hikhwns in atji ih fou niilis to milton wan tumuli lid tut a ii ago it w ill im 0111 or twi m ais m fort un m imam ul urfun is kivin whin tin road will ik- al i lowetl to rousoliilutt ritiatt fo 111 dkahlines rxr aijs and news for vimu ui to 1 disphmto of tht of ill s4 lltti i d thihlk of 11 tl 1 liy uj im n wuilhd 1 1 ii miia onl r ur tion 0 f toronli mil woik will im s artt 1 flrthl v w hi u t itip a nt ttl r a un m v t in at pi nl olffm lilt if im 1 ig n rinti i in st u mg ait 0111 iih1iii for th w ik 111 r ih onttot tmn work will hk v fctllt h 1 hsm v y urni 1 lid mmt il notth to alton th w ik unit ill s ilivi tmoi im- lw sm 11 of sou 70 fett w hirh wilt rivt n tin iiuiiiim r of 1 111 vrs 101 th rla in ihl uruuiid this hill 1 0 lw 0 und 11 1 k for mort safr- t w i ho 1 ihrmi in is the fine lew otla nahl from this mlt the en- tin lo allow mt will im tn- sid 1 all w nit 11 tt there arc 10 iuu rt ml 0111 hridgt on this aec- tloll whi h will have to be built lo h ghw my imi if 11 utloiis at lirt m ut th highway is ul ninth ih lit r 1 ntition with the du ho m mitttl the road surf ti that w s hiokt n up has ti 1 1 1 llii a id travil is t ry th fiitn midi i md it i rti nil im 0 it in i d 1i irrrt that the mi itive h im 1 and mii11 slums l ict omphshin- th 1 r th n pi 1 1 fit t 1 o r ts d mis in ahlih hai i ft r main morr help in seoul hall building m rt ls 1 itlg fo ht mr fcttl clavton hakt slt cotigrululalet thi of th luffthi tiu and for thi ir v rv wondirful w or k w hit h madi tin iuiii mi h 1 sui ess lust weik mi norman itaird was thi spit ml sp ukt r tor thi t vt rung uhin hi hums u vi rv inti rt stint ut count of his ncent trip to hn gland und parin hokti sms m r wi n mr humilt mivs colt s und mr dryvda1e tus4l will miludi th i uil- w hi n cop is mtiuil iv 1 pm on silmsda th ir nrr tht latrxt liinr p 1- iritf all these ni jni hi rnrw iti tlr 11 rrk at j mini file uhtiihtno o unkly jmjmr 14 iprrod 01 rr ihe entire urrl and cannot he dimr ir in o daisi to spray roads for weeds in ing r fresh mi nts jqccq faf11170vl i1v mr mm1 ig d linv willing hand are putting f nh 1 holts to muki th art on si out hull om or the fmt t for any lominumlv thi rommittn has tltiuliil on a ruhla 1 tilt flooring in laight pallt rns of nil and blur and i th tilt la now mi hand ready to applv mr wm c mm has coin- pl till th vtpt uittl intrant ut the front a new floe pub wa mcured laat i 1 ight with mr how aid mull of r it no 1 miking his 1 ontributiop on i tin financial side the scout mothers i have contributed 200 und the girl guide have put in 40 and thats how the scouts are grtting good turns and building th hall on the larhonl grounds it a getting close to completion mrs r h armstrong hostess to the 31 vi i knox iadies aid 7 i oh m there u as a large atti ndanct ut j 40 knox ldiet aid ut their motithlv 22 00 meeting which wai hi id at thi 17 m mama mrs y mccutt hi on tht 16 38 1 s nt pn sided the iji vol ion road repair and construction plaiu coiwidered at may mc4inff mi issucuweva township ountil in thi c ouncil hainlm r on 2nd hmo 05 17 2t 7h 2 73 48 75 37 00 3081 3000 sm3 7j the north halton high school district board was asserted 14 jo plant operation for april all wr- o r gagement the principal at an in crease of 150 00 grade teachers at 100 00 and miss mcphuil kinder garten teacher 30000 the chairman advised that the logs of the pine trees which had been cut on school p rope it were to be sawn and the lumber stored in the town hall where it would be available for school use the secretary uas directed to advertise for tenders for re-decor- ation of grade 2 4 67 music room and also the high school nationalize etocjiance th proposed nationalization of insurance in the old country re calls the rumificotion of the bis companies invttmcnui one was part owner of a london professional football club mrs 1i ul pi 1 ud was tak rnd mrs k j hasxjird mrs blow ri portt d on tht b r of pluuts m nt to tht mck and uutuul shut ins ut the easter season and officers atiounls win passetl amounting to 4oll 00 also th road sunn- t ndi nt s vouch r for 770 w pas sed thi township asst ssor wus apmiinted u di ii guti to attrnd the luvfiition of the assessing f ontario to im held in mrs gi o somtrville rt ad letters of ippri nation from wmtt of trji n cipients sevtrul it ms of busim ss win may a n solution was passed in it rue ting the tax collector to write all thus in arrears of tunc that if dealt with and mrs r m mrdon- jd nrnars are not paid by august aid contributed a reading have hmo he to go forward with pit on the president a hymn and veizures to cover same the lords prayer in unison con- cludd lh meeting xhi hostess and mis wollacjlllh bcr com mittee provided refreshments for a social half hour mrs a j buchanan expressed the appreciation to mrs armstrong and the committee in charge acton represented at civic rbception to fekgjjs hockey1sts i a lengthy discussion took place itgardintpraingweedj ontown- ship road it was decided to pur chase a weed spraying outfit and have spraying dune this season council authorized the road superintendent to call for tenders 1 fur crushing and delivering ap- roximauly 6000 cubic yards of crushed gravel on the township roads also for tenders for supplying a weed spraying outfit the reeve councillors and road an invitation from mr moon af fergus to represent acton midgets superintendent having made their and bantam hocke clubs was tour of inspection of roads that day nccepted by messrs bill hutt and plans were made for repairing por- stewurt elliott who with their tions of the roads including having wives attended the civic reception the engineer prepare an estimate and dinner in honour of the fergus i of the cast of straightening the road midgut champions at which there and building a bridge opposite lot w as an attendance of 300 ray tirn concessions 4 and 5 gren- of toronto maple leafs was council adjourned to meet again guest speaker all ceported 0 ery on may 30th 1040 at 8 00 p or at enjoyable ecntng the call of the reeve spring tea and bazaar and sale of baking parish hall saturday may 7th ut 3 p m auspici a st albans guild all musical iverilng baptist churcli thursday may 13th 815 toronto string trio male quar tette soloists etr offnrtng 2th anniversary of the knox ywa on wednesday may 11th bia pmin the church mr ac stewart of midland guest speaker you are welcome the regular meeting of the lake side chapter loot will be held in the legion room tuesday may 1 0th at 8 13 mr ted hansenwiu be guest speaker hajton c c riwuy prince theatre mlhon wdnaday may nth 149 8j0 jljiw srjmkvr b jolliffe ksc alpp prav cct leader cveyon welooma think ocf work gcf vote oct the local movie stars of the town will be known tn th ymc a gymnasium on monday and tuesday may 8th and 10th two shows 730 and 93uf admission children 25c adulu 4c lax i eluded come and see yourself and your friends on the screen

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