rjlckteh the acton free press thursday may th 1m l awtbs abe- wt lamet1 u tue id- aii fa mimtrtx- w h k i- bostn john tiioupsoh bom in erin township and life long resident of thli district john tlumpson passed away on tuesday april sfh at th home of hi brother alex thompson he was eighty years old mr thompson was a itonenutson by trade and was bd tvtfthma by many friends in this district rinmimi i four brothers and two sisters church i ll mr and mrs v churrhlll acton are very hanpy vlve lurry of flehertn wll la ejftoiaoa tiw buutof llur uam of actun and angus and alex of erin mrs s j uk uuheon and hill mr and mrs edward hill fnee ina lanel announce the birth of their son robert kdward at the general itospiul cuelph on may 1st ims mother and baby doing well swindlxhurst vic and dor othy swindlehurat are happy to announce the birth of their daughter a little sister for diane t irtit ctualsh j ffnrrr tti saturday april 36th 141 mother and baby doing fine fourth son terratvr henry at the nursing home on may 1st ims a new brother for vrrna and ilarbara mother and baby doing well eoan ua1npr1zi at guelph ontario on saturday april mh helen eileen daughter of mr and mrs- harry mainprise lo mr michael prsnrumtn dikd kakoiman ihed sudden i at ih- paranaac liiumh may a 1wj the itev kdward adam karri man 11 a h below huanand i of it itowvna humuirtea ami brother of m tt rtrudt larth man ivaronto annie llrry and family mreih i t rn family william ami jame and angu miss annie tboanpaon ut erin to all who aie bereaved aymuathy of many friends goes at this time the funeral service on thursday was at the victor ii itumley fun- t ral hume and was conducted by his minister rev mr annoiaof of kimim piab itit n ctuith inu r merit wbi in fairs lew cenwtery armi the pall bearers were messrs hubert klrkwood robert kerr john mclean numun mc ian herbert mreachern and nornuli mrearhern r lur u ibutes whit h also bore testimony of esteem rrr frtirn ales and el fie ada and it ii and u4 macahtiiur in loving memory of a dear father wm macarthur who pasaed away may 4th 104 living and kind in all his ways upright and just to the end of hi- days sincere and hind in heart and mind what a beautiful memory he left behind sadly mimed by family cajum of tiiankh chaa w wilson wishes to thank all hts neiehtmrs and friends for the cards an 1 mnd inquiries during his i illness they urrr vrrv much ip pre lated the family of the late john thompson would like to thank fnends and neighbours for the floral tributes cards and other klndncscs shown si the the time of their recent bereavement mothers day this sunday ill tennis season wi the shortly so ilifthwav 15 is to with permanently with ihmlo time is coming jaunts to the country numerous ha e halls are firing around as the wowm is at hand maggir and angus annie and rred ntlrmar arid mary kay and blair hoti hen the flown bearers were three nephews omfort and ktm thorn ison of r lesh rton and it it kirkw of fnn mlts jauh i oss turonto in hrr t ightii th year mrs james miv of 8 r u tier ate toronto pavl away on thursday april 34 at the rest hnmr in whitby she hid ixen in failing health for the iwtst two or three stars and until the past few months iuki tirrn ten d i iv cared fur by har daughlar sunt turn in law at their home in turun to mrv htkvt w as before h r mar nagc mary fjiiabcth mcill a daughter of the latr nell and ann mrcll and was born in ewjuenlng township at dolly varden she spent her early life in acton and district but moved lo toronto about fort years ago she was well known in this district and was a mstcr m law of the late mrs john stalker and the late mr william thompson and mrs das id hues r ow of toronto hi r husband predcci aved her fifteen ears ago and surstsing to test re ihe memors of a loving moth r ire one daughtt r lannid mrs j spence tonmto two crandsttns and two granddaukhli rs i toss and xfurrav and jtmnne and marie spence the funeral s an held on saturday hect n w arm weather makes fine n thoughts turn in a swimming with service at the hou craig fun tal llonit in toronto mrs hoss was a number of parkdalr lr shs terian church and 1te jav mcneil ctmidurtnl the service interment vs as in prxkpect cerm tcr the pallb arers were rons and murray snence her grmridjans jim rom nephew and bob drummond rob rt and stewart mi kas mans nutivts and friends paid tribute our free hen this wetk has 10 pagm 70 columns of all local interest the trees ar ctming out in leaf and full actuitv is in rcdlng on the farms i fine vs rather increases traffic to pedestrians and drivers it is the at the funeral services among time to be careful those att nding were miss annie j stalker acton mrs ltazen graham georgetown mrs david rosa mr and xirs russell rosa and mr and mrs j findley and glenn of toron- no large caicnes oi specsieu itout were reported on the opening it s time to make acton look clran de sure vour place is a credit j to the town jet air uner wiix ply eight miles hkai an airliner for which a big future can be expected on ii hums long distance air routes is the tudor viii now in the experimental staff claimed to be the fasteset airliner has flown at 00 m p h this days of the season mother s dav on sundav dont forget her with some special mark of your thoughtfulnesa fishing season got off to a good start last week tth many heading for the lakes and rivers the acton novs and girls um band are presenting their first open 1 united kingdom built jet machine air concert sunday if weatbrr u lo hdettake flights at an favourable if not the ev ent u to ltde of 000 feet or approxi- held in the town hall mately eight miles the great stride forward represented bv flight at mr edgar k- hilton of hamilton the eight mile height can be gauged has purchased the horn of k n from the fact that ih present max i- illow on bower avenue and w ill mum operating height of presxur- shortly move to acton where he tzed airliners with piston engines wil conduct a plumbing and heal- is 2a 000 feet the quest for still ing business greater operating heights is con the rox theatre is celebrat ing its first anniversary in the fine new building in acton next week it was on may 13th ims that this popular ntertainmcnt centre w as cpened in acton quiet ceremony installs new crown attorney knui h diogb tkka oatlt ueforv mactetrmlc lucoon court cog w lwtk 1 uuiat csmmuai j t at mtltun court houw ijoyd d dingle of burlington wax sworn in as ttwwr attorney fur tal tun coriry ucceedlng w i thck kc mr dingle took th- oath of office before magistrate kenneth m jngdon prior to the weekly sitting of magistrates t ourt mr dick read the oath of office to the new ctown attorney words fall the court at a time like this huavi must repress the lme4 ta lion and thanks of lite county to mr dick for the aer vices rendered during his 4 years in office only those in cunt t with htm will realise the service he has performed- ur ijhk u the fine e sample of a ctown attorney one which the iimn nnrr wins a case nor never iims ofie lie has always placed the facts liefore the court it u with regret that mr dick retire but in mr dingle i am sure we will have an able urccaaur mure than 45 years mr du k has earned on the duties of his office and the county owe him a great gratlludi i only hoc i will be aide lo tarry on in the honorable was as my predecexwr has dtmie mr dingle replied imii farm incoinr- makes record cana4tiri farm prices during i0t i were 30 er rs nt hlghi r than during i 1047 says the latest lssu of the urn nt ll v lew tf agricultural ondilions in canala published by the economics division market ing service dominion department of agriculture the res lew then points out that since prices of cttmmoditirs and terv ices turd by fanm rs including living cotis increased by only 164 per cent during the same period the farmers were better off in the long run lleav tcr marketings helped to improve their position as well the preliminary figure of the net income of c anadlan farmers 1mb is 1743 million an all time record and an inrrease of 4 1 per ent ostr the iwt figure of jl 233 million trie overall dt matid in 1940 is expected to coual that of i04s according to the hlvuu although there mav te pome decline in the export demand for some farm productv domestic demand for farm produtts in 1940 may exceed that of i94b and prices received by farmt rs are expected to remain at the 1m0 lev elv though there may be some decline toward the end of 1s40 in spite of strong market demand hog and cattle slaughterings in the first two months of 1040 were lower than during the first two months of 104b but lamb slaughterings were up by so p r cent and prices for all classes of livestock at the beginning of february 1040 were stranger than ono year ago although prices were higher sales of fluid milk and cream for the lost three months of 1041 were ft per cent below the same period in 1047 butter stocks in storage were lower than a year ago but increas ed production during the w inter months of 104840 partly offset this situation apple exports showed a 30 per cent increase up to the middle of februarv 104d over last vear rii er of canada was a feature film at the rotary club luncheon on tuesday president amua mason and president elect alf long gave it ports on the session of the dis tru t conference in toronto the c tut we j t welcome i back to the tuesday luncheon jack chapman w ho is recuperating from a lengthy tllneas birthday cake was served by roy arnold while happytlirltaday was the approp i i late ming rendried delivery arrangements were made for another lot dt the rotary i hairs and ie macswaln reported only a few left unordt red as finished lite hairs are being delivered auction sale for sifnmftii ucttfll ami hon at 1itt iwlale farms 3 nubs south iortun on thialmllav mav litis ofiitnett ing at two otlork sharp rrsu new iu vswiag ftgw milk t ww iis kk puluta i weeks u etn terms cash wm a tiilson auttloner ftjtc inhiisancc uvkkeh ip fire insurance premiums written by the domtmton ltceniied oomnan- lea in canada in ims totalled 1016 millions states financial post re port new record in the history of th dominion and 1 pej cent above 1047 ijao millions but from a company iew point the largest increase in msuranc written was more than offset by a rise in fire losses total claims in curred by all dominion licensed companies in canada were 473 miuionxrup fft8 millions over the 404 miuions toral for 1m7 ac cordingly the rati of losses to pre miums written was jh per evhi in 1048 4sj per tcnt in 1047 sidered worth time money and ef fort for the advantages of smoother air clear skies less fuel consump tion and higher speeds new pipeline canadian labour income in 104b totalled 7 130 000 000 this was an increase of 303 000 000 or 14 per cent over 1047 a plan to construct a petroleum products pipeline from montreal to i toronto u being considered by i three canadian oil companies ba oil mccoll front enac and shell oil co reports th financial post the pipeline about 330 miles ini length would carry th products of i the companies montreal refineries j to toronto and intermediate points the three companies hav xpasvd- ed or are expanding refinery cap acity in th uoatmal the companies have filed an ap plication in ottawa to obtain a special act of mcorporauofi under current govrynnjnent legislation dtaunff with ptpallfs ttttnittost th proposed plpun to b a joint venture ls4iu itt the studj- xiajfe however as far as th conipanlu art concerned robl r harjiihon optouetmst op guelph will ba at dr g a srrs ofik ttesdat june- klh commkib mshjbt sratvks farnworth memorials siaauuaaata al maaanu rtiu ceueterv lettcring bm aul at oiwitliy uveltil on m urady for kubuhfr drivlnjt wltli an rca vicrron auto radio now on imxpliy at hassards radio trmponry al j k cakdinkirs radio service guumnuj rtlrt to aj mike aij mnkla manning electric phone 230 the classified section buy sell exchange wauled etc advertisements under this heading 35c cash with order up to 25 words additional words lc per word if cash doe not c company the advertisement minimum charge 50e and lc per word additional for each word over 25 subsequent iitsarttoas 5c fob kale wanth for sair 1 set t ili is wilh cits a 34 atijv kj wamh smaji fiardwoorj wamj w i wruu i ao for sal- iusl oil siove i r wavih pasture for ij hmd vale irarlajly new teo ui jvy yearlings acerediuwl na srho i uw arton st fmatrd cidfm hume poor 1 r 1 4 sliltnn i fcjit saf domiatk flum wati r sfiftenrr kmpm hitirwn wan l i chicks and fowi range write po llojr 771 will par up lo 2 fir heavy tlnif eol e t hutfonvllle llramptort for sau ic box 1 lb capa y gk sn tilv modern plumbing and heat vii it ing more phone ttuj arton t make your selection of new wallpaper prom the largest stock in western ontario iihomi to aull everyone youll find it at chappies bookstore us wjraaiuua m osalpa kill sau di- lln yc r limii litt in kxx rfniti i iv mr jirk strwart ii- i kill sai llr m rlr like i w apnlv mrs k nt vkioii ti s umluft anvl f- lo tmr nolal iul hi shl lt iii r th minhmrnl viila strtt h saik t l s lliryrl rom arutn iutillr sih oi rmrr lor i w drirat 1 ti tr uft wfmicnrt till it i june u i lm lor tm- rr clt i iiiini i i ilrs 1 4 3 c aiwl hall irrarv i to i arwl amall rioak fti m mu lr ttum ttouh hen ned v proprietor sdtneldarr crbpyenwt lran shoulder roast fresh pork tender pork illutla lb n 47c frwh hur lb 55 ryexh sausage ih no 1 grade bacon breakfast 59c ih smoked back 75e ih peameal back 69e ik quality beef choice rump roast lb 55c pribte rjb roast lb 55c boncleas short rib roast lb 55c 4548c sh roast lb freshly ground hambure steak lb round lb sirloin lb t bone lb barrie nira i frl with irnafho apilv ii t ciaita baa4 quality rut aint to t lurrirr it it 7 arltrfi ituo 0fltl4 fclryt cm i iiwviw for sai f setik 1 ri no 1 vi 3 no 2 ii 00 i rt s bliutl aiil hull 1 j adon tie1 riuahiy btnl gks isun ialnjtsd icadvs txju sale hv harlry livid md go very ionimi nl llleld and buddv mi aplt j- it c lose a ton sue ji art am frame and all wood alii fj tie and mpes lumlnum aln r pla to he seeured from ilir iiaal ai ak to he rsmmpltrl jufv vu l4j w mktdleton se t re a 1 n ptiljn srhml hoard sfjvi ml tfviirha ttrtvt v ii r v in l viirvk iii innor kfmwtirallnf ankn hicl hell ement 111- k anl llrnk all nm w ped dv the i i undtrsigned till pm june lh 1hi for ihe refteevkratlon of anon mill sai r power lan no r high school aa follows itnys tollef cf1 condition alv double arlt n h plamer renvived and re- iviern fore iump hum i plaered lwo halls vlene room phone virm milinn sinrl three clasarwms and toilets lo he rfnunted celling ti iohsaif shosvr mains and rmy v jjt nikellatel is and wlm ik wtntovs mmltt pi ttr i ini d lb aling frames and sll woodwork to e ti n ih nj alton brush tainted two eoals heat jul its semi truasa ajnt all rads antf ifiiiall r chtire r risht pp tworfasls aluminium nalnt f i h o ilurhr liofsbm ar r f lo ured frn th ijimv thoitt tf lv the tiuitir prlnetii all ssork to he ntmpmtl 1 im icvwil jk vh ims u mtddwon ser fflt sai r i hlti- suit sir ib d as nrw ulsfi urnlk 1 a plv lo mrs w 14 acton progressive conservative association a public mrrtini will he held in the council chamber on tues may lo at h vo pm dst tor ihe uurpihsr of etherling drlinilra to the convention in ik- held in milton mav 12th 1919 ted t ijw vicolrcsiucni to rent or hivt room all ithasonahu ftr fjulck salt i ronvt ni nr a iv to mrs o im1 ululaithin heatrr tn t i un i artm phone 4 w ft o k mlr 120 quantity f stove pi 7 44 ungth a hlf m r itl- n i vacuum cleaners i riklhs i rid 10 ilw w s llovs r avt no orr hr rjrllshers for rent apply mfdern lleatlnir mil ilimlxnr store phone j7li acton tt ior sai r hunr 11 s inivhi vui vrsvm7adrcr oi stkar lixkcjls and all nncy crosses alfalfa i ft h rr ni ueef h the quarter lino lovr t for vour 1 nic r l eftjiwe container imntll rtvtil and ontario i i sil oin phont i isr nnrl sons i id 1hw tnd 114 ini i- rigid lrckers kl 4kj i io kill sai 1 1k k in rbnx uh f- v t hkking oulllt aulk marktr s dit id il nr pi in pnl wt jun pii tv nnd moulds s rntrht t vtock 1 2 fi 1 i n lovell bros meat market friday saturday specials lard 15c lb 57c lmn roast cc ham end ddz 40c 45c steaks 69c shbutter 59c lb ih 1 12 ll prutd r n bl f onirk ilt mil rash appls a smith i k a ph nt 2vj i lxr saih hmj lllllman s 1 m nt m new k7 internal l mil irum itr wb 1h6 kj inierruitmal rm and chassis m c lyuck wt h stake platform and hosst pt packard sedan 1k17 hrsvl r sedan 1041 thev rmch like nm 1 pm7 wlllv jeep hmo dv int nntinnal truck cimilir saw u th ls enutne nnd shaper new 11 r net chain snws all sizes new to hrrular ns blade usel 7 h r mplre srden trnctor ni- waterloo and ihson nrov n i rr 1 tor new ierjrunn trnctnr ni 4 v rhson rrarttr mcorml k ieerlnjt iarmall m trartor llin dern dise for sll mnkex trartor masses hav i after cvtle 1 hn ilejittv fraln trtnder ni w skvllne- orinder 7 ft orkshutt nlfn hinder it rtise veed ijrill mic rmick ft horse drawn mow er n skvline harvrstrr eom flete nearlv new ibhfers manure oader with vnlvenuil lump ne s otaco manure spreader on rubber is p motor j5 cvcle apply thos r hewson eoriretow n vfths i lost i 1st sjtuidj u t rn i ll l rintnn imn llh ilvt up it tor i mrg nt hv ii i ost i r pink rm med gusses r id mrs parrv park av r ir il r pi s hiw jt free pref offt i ost whil t id filar- uruith on sturtl nikht in at ton r w trtl rm i r pit u v t r r e i ost sm si rind pt arl- si ml r old april urd it w and mrs jjs phi i tn finder ph it t at hx press off ue 1 misceijneous sljjdor i ablets are effective iki supplv w j wteks v at t m pt r s 1 iiiik st r stt p into a pro itahif ilusin v sailing r urn lit jiuaran- t el hovisehold products oealers we hui a ft op nines available full or part time a real oppor- lunits for men and women who can qualify write for free catahmue and details famili x 1100 ljelori- mier montreal p personal smnny mkn woven uln 5 to 15 lrav new pep too try famous ostrex tonic tablets for double resu u new healthy flesh new i vigor sew btt srqualnted sua lons 60c all drukguts j7313 for s vle new lhi monahcil 6 taw u im 1xiu1 1v1 uh rrutsui airi cah j ton 1119 aoim s ton pickup used 1146 monarch town vtlani 11w6 vord coach 1lsml yord coup loprra 11944 fort couna topra 11s19 cnrv sun 11339 dodo sdan 193s korj coach 1lorr stuimiakr sedan 119l1k chav coach 1191s kord coach 11315 chev coach 11934 c5m swtan 11034 yard coach 11bj2 chc sdan 11930 kord coach 11947 mercury ton pickup sio0 milea 11d34 j ton kord 11935 v ton panel t earlys ford sales and service ford and monarch cars ford trucks ford tractors and implements milton oampuuxvili phonemijton5ow cmpbllih 3sr3 1 notice to creditors wo ot1ifjw in the itjiuie ng alpaeaaa u ralph all im r ons hv ing claims against the hvtatt or alphaeus william rph i ilr of the village or arton in ihe loiintv of halton leather i stirt r ivreased who died on or nn ut ihe inent llfth day of imih plit nr reniuerted to til rt f f mimr with the urulersiirned miiii ttir n or h fore lhe rur tt nth ijjy of mav 1mb arter vvhuh dnl ihe 1- stale mill he dis tributed hav inn re nard onlv to th rliims thtn fried dated at a ontario this twentv second dav of april 1040 dorothy andfcjlsois 1 administratis bv h r solicitor c t leatherland rton ontario mackmim atvd june 27th is th dy to turn out and vote all the parties are striving for your vote on policies and benefits given to suit vou the y mens club can do just as well for on that date june 7th they sre bring ing maher s doubt or nothing radio shows free to si at the acton park pavilion this weather may make you think of the hours you spend in your kitchen durnatlne sum mer months one solution to this problem is a moffat gas or electric ranac we have a complete line in our show room for your perusal at any lime for sale dust apply anyone on church street j b lsucaonlxk son