rjttat rot the acton pree press thursday uav uh imm district news vattow iuu rfaturnbtjt aetkitha la coaaatuaitlw naatrfcy wb many tt ota umltn u inlcfvatcd nassagaweya ur arthur nightingale j hr 1 rorkwuod ur and urt carl cargtll and hmti llrura and brian of hr 1 t ampbeltville and ur brt nlkunl uf orangavtlw pent sunday with ur and ur david nlghtuigal uf qualplv hernt visitor at ta ham uf urt arthur nightingale ware ur url uyfarune uf gainsborough ak ur and ur numun web br oi ulvlt ur and urv will nlghtlngal ul llll i acton ur ml ur twuuud nightingale and family uf ltokid ami ur llert nightingale of oraiigevlll everton ur alfiwd talbol a unu hu springer spanials from talbot craft kmnvli to ur c chevrter avuuuir kennels llmuks al hrrta for a handaome price ur dan llindley and family f utpnnx ar moving tnu this neighbourhood and will be oreupy trig the property rrenlly tujrr based by ur alfred talbot from ur jestln ur and ur robert urcutrhaun kltrhaftar spent ihe wfrkrul with ur and urv harvey jtilln and ur and ur t o urcutrheon ur and ur walter coaling orsngavllle pent lhe wtrk nut in ut village ur and ur ted jlln and patsy vtailad on sunday with ur i ura jack mllrve edan u1iu all wr sorry to hear ur w l hortop u under doctor rarr au uh him m speedy recovery master hobby jesttn entertained a few ff hit playmate al hi birth day party on tuesday afternoon ur and urt george den ham and family guelph visited recently with ur aiul ur ixinran kings t irv uis f jealin aitmi spenl thr weekend with rwt mother visitor at the home uf ur shepardaian and ur hen slmoni rrr ur john cutting ur and ur jim hepburn art on ur t larenoe hortop unkwokt visited his father imi sunday sundav v isiton with ur and ur j 1 iwnhni were ur and ur w van norman ur and ura j sin rlair and familv ur and um mr gurn and daught r guelph campijellville the elutung meeting uf the yhlug adult group j st davids churth was held in thr rhunh ttaaement oil wednesday evening in the form of a banuuet supplied by th turning side whose rijxaln wn james wl ur about 70 ul down to supper which wu enjoyed by all m hiding those wh took pari duilng the year tn making thr meeting a sucess a good variety of entertainment followed with ur wilfred gren he lit the ihalr captain of the w inning ulr llev mi mat nll gave a few re marks on the apleitdld year work aid eden mills mr and ur dallun and mr john osgood uf iwlroit saeut lha wmii tnd with ur and ur t a- ingla muiur ilobble gemmrl uf hainll ton gpent eaiter urrk wlttvjill a up i mr ted harden and mr llardan mr and mr nu houm of jlanul inn vltlted on sunday in the uar iviiiald hum ulu caiul fields spent h r easter holidays in turutitu ulu ada joinings spetit lha u nek end with her f rl nd mlu lureva ttioma in ourlph ur ml ur w j lurie and uta isabel itwrl arrunipanlod by mr and ur j antes wllam nf ar ton spent last humtay with lha fur mers daughter mr jamea daniel and ur daniel in toronto ur t4 iurdn spent savaral days last week with her mother in teeswaler ur and ur tuya lutuiun1 and lliiaii spent ut iwnday wlui mr hammonds mother at iarla rockwood ljlbt thurvur aflenioon a the weekly half holiday was well under way the fire alarm broke the ulh nrcs to rail the local fire lcprt ment tn attend a ftre w hirh bnvke out m the hat k kllrhen at th resl dence of ur and ur wm la more and for a time thing looked quite thieatentng after household effect were safelv n moved with the aluablt aunatance rendered bv two memb r of tuelph tire ivpt the house wa finals tated fnwn ciimplete destruction the water aupplv wai plentiful fnm the well of f n jolhlfe mp i which wa a big factor for the attending firv volunteer- previous to ihetr com ing out in horkwnod the tuetph firemen ere busv with a tire along the cnr rallwav at duke st tor the time being mr and mr pa more are making their home with their son ed w aid on the farm ad joining the lllag till the home i rrtaireti and rend i red fit to live tn the late mr and mn i r guild were former t stdenu at a lime when mr guilt and son u ilu rt nd lren wen t ngagim in thi poultrv builneaa a rmill of fhpi nt ruin m warm w4thr th lawns atvul the vitlafi r showing a ntc gret n and air 1 th tlkk of the mtwer u heard mr rd s hamilton wo in itiku- rth wkiul m i cnratuut oils to lurtvara m ujii tn th finiu 4t tinmto lt w k wh p h obtain si tt1 l nt- in the comp tltion during th emiiuig a i ear id 1 iri girt w n top hn r or all ther mr john ilea h preul nt gave short outline of the year a hit standing events mle ipiartette uruu jatk neil uuny u 1hall robert lakuig krading by ur erg ua4k vocal duet mr hartley anderson ur lutbart d- llolt ur hansen of aclun pre senled a plture film uti the hln trig mountains reading by mrs tom walmhi vocal solo ur hart ley alitt ikxi plana were mad for a straw taerry aortal the meeting rloaed with the king cong r at u latum to ur and mr tom mitchell on lha birth ir a daughter in mount hamlllihi lloa pital ilamlllon wadding balls went ringing in oak villa on thursday e van ing when doreeii walton and linger manor i of i amplkelkilte werf united in marriage by rev ui t jackauui mr and ur jsck karly ur and ur john d c urrie ur and ur gordon currte ur and ur j lloggarth wrr very pleased to have the hydro turned on thursday mrs llaidy iurdy was rushed to si josephs hmpltal in hamilton n friday night when she wu op eratl mi fur aptendmils ulu uarllvn moore had ismi1 fortune to fracture a finger lf playing ball m tuesday she vlrr tieated y milton private hospital mim jean riatt daughter of the late dr riatt of camphellvllle and miss joyce dingle of saskalrhewan spent several days with mr and mt hob rl men1 s thli week mrs william prank of teorge town is fpendlng a f w days with mr and mr john gllmour and anna the april meeting of the niair oung wunens socu ty was hi id at the home of mrs ll c mrnzle on thursday evening with eight ladle present the vice president mr utarh presidnl and opened ihe meeting with a short porm the iiviitlons wen taken bv mr wm mahon and miss i aura lusrk after r short tiustneas period ura hearh prevnte1 the topic fnrni the studv lunk hlna this chapter dealt nuwtlv with the three rell gions ctnfucianim taoism and buddhism as being the religion w hu h until recent year when christianity has begun to take it place am wig ihe n ugion of china hav most influenced the live of ihe itcople our plone r field for miwa ha set n manv change mis j an riatt or saskatchwan a v 1st tor with mr mmxu guv a very intending talk on thre chunhn shi had v tsiled w hlle on her va ation one in laudcrdatc florl da when the tp akrr was etlgar guest u ho w a ery interesting anthcr in svrius wh re special rmphals was laid on friendliness the third church reft rrvd to w a in hid l i he fn mn to ummnu date th lari crowd well a an i tvning srvicc thee three ruinhs wr rilbd to capacity and a spirit of jov and frundlinss was i rt nt throughout the serv ice mr 1 m iiru closed thi me ling with i raver thi wa f unwed with ri fn vhmi nts vrvnl bv th hoxti v tnd a plavant half h ur enjoved sundav gmitt with mr ind mrs j ftin gilmorv wire mr and mr nlron ant on hillv of guelph mr anl mm williim mini in i mr llan f urori mr an i mm call r f pvrt tliv somhn i mr ml mm u rd irlimo mr illiani 1 1 mk gnrgttwn in 1 mt kathiruu 11 n l am 11 nku suhtjiy knuk savks uvss ok iiumi suigrry in whu h bbxil lost dui lug an w ration ta autiunall ally and imiiiwl lately lelurm d lo tlie patients imniv tia in wll made itoa bible by the inveutluii of young faigllah imtspital attendant lie ha developer a patritlcd new tyie uf surgmui a knlfr which as it uitl draw in ihe flowing blood purifies tl and pumts it liark into th pat lenl s veins ttie inventor is 34 year old w g gregory oikrating rttom lorhnlrlan at lsater lly hospital west england th khlf has a gruovad blade and a light tuba run utng frimn the handle aa an liuls hui is made a small eletrtsl iump draws lha blood f rum the w uund pasai s it through the purifying tern and rat urns it immediately through a vein in the aim oh wh re th r m rvtcvs h fon nm erin vjfcl ut iini i nt- armed n aki running gun battle with rial hunk stuff in kngus tuat filday afteruiaot after their layhillit atltupt to li ld up uie i in per l i haiik was foiled the getaway i ur was found al ahalld in d mi thi sisth unr kiln iwp two miles from hlllaburgh a f w li uta aft r the at lei no tad rob in i y stolen li t lis plates w er attached to the i1hji autu giigr dunruii 42 was killed oil april 21sl whin a windmill frit on htm as h una working on a farm fiv ilillei weat of orangevllle two nun and a woman trltd for jo nun ill a to esltl at hiin fimii tin winksge ait had to bring loots to tiw through a al i tod wliill had 1 liuinl him t almon folka u n hied al th lowiulup hall in th vlllags oi tamdsy vning lo do honor to d i hoi ias wh i hua ai 1 1 el lha sit k wild ailing in tin itltri i foi tlir pail lln 1 1 v ihn i ai adi o alt uimetoic it odd said the sleeping urn din i r that al a terminal where the um r mar be watching a heavy train sm k- startnl as smoothly as an ill lady a limoualnr the jolts and jirka an always at the llttl lop thr favourite jolt or course la at 4 a tu whrn thr y re putting on the dim r trie poor sleepers who va leeii t issliig atxmit a thoroughly wakrtied an 1 im gin to wtmider if soma othi r way of travel wuuldn t 1e batter thli phrnonieiion of night jolts should lie dlauusaed at th ludga the mint hi rliotml of ioioniollvs kirriiirn and anglneer fur a smooth ride should mean mum rid is who pay cash and surely that la in the interval of the lodge flftsthtsay thr can ph ik ill c mnuiml mp milttml trr tn i vhlirm hkv- iiriicini i itunii n rrr i7n r few with h r tuiin ti tm mi flunk lla m v jh k l u s ihiu ih umur in nm ork u tavk jj mlh h r mti r mri ii i pr i dvaxtaclts ii afpounni two mm ho hail quairrltaj unit out in thr rain w wtv xbrir diffmnm thy foum until on got th othar on hla hack and hald wm thr will you eva u b aikvd and th raply wi after tlma tn umarlnn wu fud but twin th maty wu no nii aaid hw ottiar vflll you m on top or a whlk and ut aw ttt undar rm cmdns aoakadr mt tu hu int iui un in thi oxni lull on momla rmni vtm u nn r wn mr it ih rt liki ind k nn th mw poor iri winnir uj mrs wilfrxm llmalfts muk fir il ininn u a uplid bv rjmrr wavktock w i wtchll vr ivnum hard of toronto lont ljt nliiss no 10 vhool for tnchlnx cxprrlrnc vr and mr cw iiiiiipi and famiu wnv sunday imu ith mr and ura rov donaxrn uarail ton and attended enklnc prcabr- i tcrlan annlibraarr in coal mining country a racord u knt of the undvrfround iraa that aametlnua burn fiercely r i jraara ad3 nylons s orient fiordnn r4dre4l au smart shades icnul scania several qutlittc sue 0 to 1 1 140 1 1 utt t v bath towels in a wide rungc of colors and qualities s9c to zh9 tvh face clioths 15c to t9e sweaters pullovers cardigans summer shades smartly styled si 19 to u ijovelv lingerie slips in crepe or satin straight cut a oood assortment jl 7f to h9 a large range of ituiuv pvnties hukmuts vests and up print irtsscf new st lea sizes 14 to 2 nuictup 2739 in jauia gcmih m crepts unj rnons fur summer ear 279r v large vioartrnent of popijns spins ohx dimity prints seersl ckers cinch vms smart patterns and colors ideal for summer frocks fw sprinjt curtains curtain nets draperies phone 38 aetm limehouse klv nu mlwrs of i lie fjorval jr varolii piodu el tin ir play oursgis mr drrn dire tad by mlu c m- ulloiigh in i imehnua mrmoilal llll on friday evening olluis on the progrbiu tn luded mi o muldei with sohaa ilium- piinlrtl by mrs itoughl y a xhm piino and the pi pits of hs n t idlgcl witji thcsir festival music nuinuis with mlts jean lluddet arouipaviviug following luru h mr laiitue vany mi o muldar mr4 mr houkhuy proildid imutr for dam ing with mi i 4lli aa floor manager mi and mra mllaon aril utile son ate hupylng lr i up s lot late for the early sununar tin wi tattering dammiltea pro vldid hot dlniu i fir h ladlts twiw ling it ague patty on monday vn ing mr it hiath rlngtoii lwwd aplriiltl ilouiitl film imi kitma gardening from fill pi piatlon to hu fimiveatlng of the tiop when i hi w i gardi ua oiuinltua arran kd a mm lal rvmillig 111 the si lit ail t u iliuroday evi n ing am liter film filliwid a mini h miiiimi fiimii j as ir to i tariff national 1aik twrnty ihlldmi inelvid thi li gardtn sed the sain lime the w m h met at hi- home of mia ujlia on thursday evrnlng wluii mrs a lalder revitwe1 the lift- if tin inlsaimiaiy ti afiha mary slitvi mia it nut ton leal ihr striihin u aoit an 1 mia muldir h in prayer mia a nr ton and mrs o mulder i bilged with two vhii iliota tlie hoales a t v d ii fresh nu nts afterwards t oiigrutulatlona lo anna h pi tier who won the broiire inetal for girls rlevni and uiuh r al hie el coun ly reatlval rttently mi and mra w guidon alt rub d the fuuer ul of her t ouiln lha lata fineat hall in guelph laaj week mr ii i lb my iffl ieintly fur mom ton twu it pi millmtivi a of hr ipl of ijuuim nt von ala or ontario gutt division iimivimtl ihv plant ing uf whu sis hundid fort at ireea on th farm of f t t llniwn on thursday uftunton mlu itudth ii nd hi r pupils or h no 0 and sluili nl i a lrr mlaa kathleen klmplon tironto nonual stho saaiati 1 by mr iliown anil hu lum of h rai- lit th work itin ut vuilora itu loth mr utul mrs rani anil k un th if stiwirltjwn with mia smith al mi jur t stivf f milton and mr llutiv strangwitya t limmptun with thi umptmll a mi not mra wllfiit jiulrn and diiutfhli rs uf aluplm llville with ihi a w llenloiis mr and mia arrow umilh and mrs ihiki r if i utit with miss sw in khmnt r mr unit mrs wilfnd llrown ami hillii uf wmlnn with thi she txiunu s tin uw or mriimptoi ltm th i s m ni with thi guhya in c jimd i tklty ii ukm miin thun jvk to piovidf the tmls li ii hill- s nut plant facilities used by ii single factory worker clakino auction sale in i- itamosa itv nsiiii nf farm mtoek trmeuir vulpnuutl impjamenu ktn iih urulerigned hnve reitived instrui hon from uilfrrd nrjtz l wll hy 1ubllr aurtlon at in wnrdi rarm situntei m no 7 ll almiut 1 mile south of korkwimkt on friday ma isth lti nt one olork the foilnwink lllusr2 cheat nut gilding rt ing ulcn vnnr heavy gxerl pur p u jwatnut mnre j lnrv hen gi neral pun iblg1ijm ii m mare vr gr oeldlng 0 r kneral purivoae hailnvsvs j smi of hark hunt hirn both n irly in w cull ir itrld inc xms itlui trtv tow milking will illut ow iiiilklltk will hod heifr milking will itct heifer due nt time of sale r at c attt y t si p rialng two rnrs l rn si r rising j rs rivine two jiiir htxs j rk sw march 1mim1m1n iv hock lyirt r ikiis mpb t 1 in renl ond mnrtltl vhutt in horn trnrtr lw kihutt j dl puw hi rv or t i r flurv it 11 2 pin t r 1 i o r w t ii ri ilriwn it in ulnrow dlv s nnir tmyth ultivt r 11 tee h s l ijn1 rnher fsettrv lii4 maauife i r 1 r r w li4fl mil it disc frtillrtr irl 1 m w 1h7 i vr r n iurrtiv 2 sufil r walk int pi u m h d nder ft c it n k hh rd r cm khutt ft m w r a tvt fis nt ieering s ft mowr mil hnira 1u innder hum vnkf 1t0 ft knv ripe hn fork new j truck steel tlrvl wag cons ntjon hnx hav rek wheel htrrow stone float sloop sieiih with platform bag hold er pipr 11 jivn crnm seti- rilir milk nails ete 1 ton of 3 im firtilirer cedir poits grain ttars vork hoea sek voire and th ucual hne nf lrm equipment i a mll rjimintltv of furniture j terms cash on duv nf sale nn omttle to be remnwd till settled for no reaeive the proprietor mut aem and quit farm- 1 ing berae nf ul health i htndto and eblkm auetkheers ph rockwood lftrs or mlhnn itti frad baptte qerk th plar inwarthelsh farm rcvkwond th time friday may 13th 1 herwnrd h short heifer tirm in islanrl h pul i ork il w wt ntredders hiiimii tka lu aaa ci u- uiaaia ftau lavy 4bamau ld vlunjt uaaia fiwa mtwt lhn tkt aliiw i lllj f wlk luaau lull vttb mlm tivalaxa fatnr i saat ninhiwim cmil aw aiw 41 u luiy w aautat fua fvatj jamhal i i sou iiv t lm- m clothing and footwear mil j ht atn oll nin summi l si ason concert in acton boys girls band on sunday may 8 ul allien ll hmittinc till inl kl wll l llh iii i i in llll iakk in asi oi un i avokaiu i wi atiii kit will iii iii ll in till town mali c w mason unduitiir tvirr mjjhlly mtovmm acton saturdaya and holldayh 2 am air onimtionhjl now ilavim ijuit llmrm ahfruinif uvnlirht li 1 and im tlie itrt iciri of ur lives rklllav satiikdw mai fth 7ut huh llopi iauline ttjjilarj in nothing but the truth nnvdlw and arlnnnn monday tui2iuav may 9h 10th unconquered mum m atvmitt uiivr- cat iniiinviiiiiht f1m4a tih rslal may 11th ljth mawfstxisrnsbmrsraihmarrkvr cominti ni saetti un smrermmti