p aflat sac the acton free press jwjhfiuav uav uh lms an ancient toaott at flai gathering in the age of ohtwury each of the knighta ex- omw kim had pledged his lady tsxr and ruw il was lit lurn lu hjkmk st lon lauud hu kindling eye and lifted iparkling cup on higb dnnk to one ne said who image nrvcr may depart vspu graven un this grauful heart till memory be drad to one whuu lote or me fchaji when lighter passions long have passed so holy tit and trm to one rin luv e hath longct dwelt urr deej4 fixed more keenly fit than my pledged by you each guost upstarted at the word and lai 1 hand upon his woid with rtry flashing eye and stanley d we crave the namv pmud knight of thu most iwtilea t dam whuar love vnu count n high m tem nund a if lu would sol breutne h i lumr in mn i mood thus light ill hi i that me the r vrn j give due and gently said uv mi i ton first things p1bst there is mn arresting thought in a brief interchange between wri ters a young writer had chal- linged the assumption that the major task of the writer was the recreation of human value that he thought wa romantic twaddle he urued that in ftt anything of thi kind could octur it would have to be preceded by the recreation of the sure iifi and satisfying life lhit ve oiici knt w mr j don td adams in his nduinn t the ni m utk tunis i look luxiew haluntcid thl utvi nothing ttill save our time he utged i u it a nuwaktned unir of inhiv iduil n mmmsibility it u iiker lhaji iiml becausa that sens lu dwindled f it puc hai bcuj lkii hv fdith in colleclivt solu tion of one kind or anolhrr and llu only wriura who have ajtylhlng to kj to u hum un those u ho thil r ahfttum t thi heart of ulul lh v it- jllt tin w in f u button un not pollock and campbell mmujat ttarsji e high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 wafer st north gait tsojcmionk 1411 norge refrigerators after nrrh 2 mm a nilnr of holy trinity f hurt h hamilton th hev jriffin trwmimn ill raw nest month tokjive in milton itev mr thompson has twen noted for th faithful service he haa rendered to his church and community a former resident of milton for r great number of years iffra ilobt llfii of m oeorg slre4 north gait dll yeaterttay tw termer isabella pymaar came to hilton following her marriage to uobt hill about thirtyfive years ago they made thalr home in gait where her hus band predeceased her three years ago she we a member of central preabyterlan c hurch canadian cmwipiom the trustees of the estate of mark twain who was a great letter writer am tracing them for publi ration to iuild am amuuish ati aituarv of a will knnn hfr tiimitnrxv oiiumn nuu for the uulh of ihl klory some yua ngu n man took out an annul i v wild tlie hfr t nam a net riunpany as he annuitant ould nelilwr read nor w tiu to prtive that he was alive in outer to reelv ech ea 1 annuity nwnt wtmtn it h ramt dua hr uaed to am hit ihuahbprtni t a ppr aant u him hy the life insurance- company the ihher itay wlwn lhe life in auranre onrapan wm checking oer their rcorrts they found thai the annuitant was now 114 years old they thought thai they ahoutd investigate uch a remarkaiile case ao a m miter of ihtff insurance company want to vail tha an null- anl inumtnr his surprise on arrlvil to find the immi at httme with the father s thumb emhalmed in a case oh the mantelphc omxs you new itniuly new conveniencen xamymlfd junt size vi ik mcm in ff drmw myuw wide llydrovoir far mokl torir ot frail and vegtumm modernphifflbing heating ihloaw 270j the sunday school lesson sunday may 1st 1m0 jesus answers his critics golden test he taught the in u urn who had authority and not as th ir unbis malt 7 ju fspofcition i by uful authority dtiest thou thitr things 11 zl31 mere eerie i attics are always ready to hinder an yon wrjn i do ing a real work for god unut he has their official 4 ndorsenunt it is not r iough for hunt that a inmi is doing things thi y want to kno 4y what tirtknnlv he dmth who gave him this authority instead of answering the tui stlons of th edi siaslical authorillis wi i nerd th in out of th ir u ti mouth of their unfiling to de ut mlul new pireune a plan to camtruct a petroleum products pipeline from montreal to toronto is btlrvg coiuudared by thret canadian oil companies ii a oil uccull frununut and shell oil co reports tlie financial lol the pipeline about 330 miles in length would arry the product of tlie tutnpanu a 1 on trial refintries to torunlo and inlrrmediate points the three comuanies have expand ed or ate expanding refinery cap ity in llu montr ul ura tin rmmunii luw fikd an up- 9fc pluutiofi in ottawa to obtain a i sm4ial at of incorporation under l current goveitiment leicltlatlon nvajing with pipeline conitrurtton i 1 hie jironoaed jsellne to k a jolni vttilure tt mill in the atudy atagi er a far as tlie nmiuinle unifrnwt vacuum rackii alwavt fllln al antahkh luiktum lb hull ngid th th bolinj whit i joint m rfurimd to hi m r iimts od id t tid ni d john his iul i vi was not don undi r itu c onoui ntu th v ut i tmeminc itu lupllit 11 iplci lunr op pomi him wnd at oth r lfciiore1 hirn he had not t u oidaind in i gular fjishlon and no nidlur if od did use him mmhtlly they would haw iiothifi to do with hlin they did mak un inquiry utio 1 10 iu it it tltul way with mmj of lhuae i ilglnus leadeis w ho s- m to be nion concernad with regu larity than lh y are with the manl frat power of god first an in quiry th n opposition and some times prison this was the caper loner of juhn uunyau the conver ted tinktr and drunkard who could not be restrained frotn pnathing in the stmts and calling thi people batk to god when uwlght u moody began his evangdlstic carver one of his main dlffuultis was his rt ligious ii r i gular ity which pro ft mi ion ni rrliuiomsts did not op proc tjuis it hm te n tin cav with mn of thi iord s seranta uioni tur 1v onunistlonet itv llim hut lh walked in ills fooutcps for that wai thi tr ulm nt he uol i th nt i lh li uml rid rs itimiui attilud il imptkitor with firm t th m in i diffu ul lh im spli j hn off i lh id hi- fph i w as pour l m two in u who hit uurrellr1 wi nt ut in tin rain to aettle tlklr dlffereruis i hey fougtit until on got lite other on jils lia k and held him her will you glw up he aake1 mid tlie raply was no i after n time the iiurwtlon was ristrt but ffjn tre nfily was no tti n sjild tit other will y u ih on loi for a while and let mt g undt r lm gftllny aoakinl visit our modern showroom h cardmi ktreet cijkijil ont opp pir hd hi1uus aj uaiitic ttij inuud unolmbh waixti1jw liuullisd la kltrkau hllifmm ibllwajr lum tihtii kt rtjoou bandtsa for luil wwh daa keatinu tilk co ixovd e keattno ivurmrrly culph floortaj lurvlo ikna uirw ajttr tumm hhi 10 18 t ii th vtimftb 7551058 bank accounts you take for granted that your bank keeps your account private evon though yours is one of mora than seven million deposit accounts in canadas 3385 branch banks whon you put monoy in take it out arrange a loan transact any of your banking business nobody noed know about it but youand your bank its the most confidential business relationship you have canadas ten chartered banks compete to serve you in handling your cheques lending money safeguarding your funds and in many other ways you know you can always expect privacy and efficiency 4a n i w imf i sponsored by your bank vs dul imivs iini of j th d n h thi 14 aikd i ipi sti n m tllhi w i lis us that hi did u hi ti mpt r t si 11 nil imitt 22 i th iu stion w is un import ml on the aniwir thor oughlv finxlnring man v first dutv is to od god is infinite and man u finite and nn number of fimti s cual infinity so if a man should do his whole dutv toward every mtmber if the human race and foil in his dutv toward the on infinite god where he failed would be far more important than whire he did his dutv our dutv to god can be summed up in one word lne what is love to love another is to have a desire and delight in hi welfare it is nnt a mere emotion or affection tut the attitude of the whole man to love god with all the hi nrt and oul and mind and strength is to hate a supreme desire for and delight in god glor sn that every thing ix secondary to that to do this is to keep the first ond great comman imrnt matt 23 37 id i to have failed to dq this la to have committed the greatest tin a man can possiblv commit and at omc timt in our lives all of us have failed to do this and thus have broken cpd s first and rr at com i nuntlnu nl u thi re is no difference fur all hive unmd and t omi short t of lh glprx of god hom 3 23 ii at any time in our lift we have failed to put god first in cvr thing then we hje trulv broktn the first and great commandment and there is no hope for us i xcept through the atoning blood of chnvt hh 0 22 horn 3 22 26 th re is a second law like the first it n central word tini i love its obct our niighbor our fellow men this second commandment mjutrp5hsrwcnav r n um et desire for and delight in the welfare of our neighbor as we harve in our own welfare thc second com- 1 mandmenl is reallv involved in the first for if we love god whom w have not seen we must love our neighbour whom we have un 1 jno 4 30 21 it is nonsense tor a man to pretend to love god if he docs not low hu neighbour tha scribe who asked the question was a man of spiritual discernment he assented to jesus j answer there are many today who call themselves christians who lack the clear mpral and spiritual discernment of this scribe jesus pronounced this man not far from the kingdom of ood to see the truth clearly show that one is not too far from the kingdom when one submits to the truth he is in the klngdoro cents 070 cents just before payday youvo probably looked at whats loll of your wagoi or housokoop- ing monoy and said whuro doos the money go a company must ask itaolf tho same question and oach year pro vides the answer in its annual report the dollars we recoivod last year lor gasobno keroaeno fuel oil and other products wont this way cruet ou and other raw materials we neodod to make tho products took the hfai big slice depending on whoro you hv your oil may have come from arabia irom south america or from deep in the umtod states in canada only albert a prod u cod crude in quantity mssatuacftnrimo and packaging cam next complox and intricate rob rung op erations are ceedaxi to make tho hundreds of oil products which find thousands of uses in our homes and industries on our highways in the air and on the soa trsjmsgpnrlsillnri was the next big bite q p i products must movo ovor wido a teas to zs 0 ceills barvq all communitios in canada maxktla0 was fourth marknting pro vides tho products you need wherever you are power hoot and lubricants for q factory farm and home marketing sup- o jo cents pbas that local businessman the dealer and if youre a fuel oil user keeps oil in your tank 706 cents toy tn prmrinrinl nnrl fad ami tjmre ments absorbed 7 06 cents and this doe not include gasolino tax which depend ing on where you live takes from 22 to 35 cents out of every dollar you spend tor standard grade gasoune ftvssfil was 4 9 cents out of each sales dollar from this- we paid three cents to 490 cents soareholdersaschtideridstoretwasusd together with a lot more money we bor rowed and ttill more obtained by talw of investments to help meet your uicrtaainj needs tor ad r imperial oil limited