Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 5, 1949, p. 8

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pxobbcar the acton psk press thursday may 9th imm announcement commencing monday may oth we will have a bcatty salesman direct from the factor calling on the home in acton soliciting sales of beatty tsher troncrs vacuum cleaners and floor polishers you can rely on this man as he representb both the bcatty manufacturing co and talbot s hardware the beat agent for acton also we hv installed a complete repair department and are now able to repair beatty washers at our store with genuine beatty parts talbots hardware mon 76 ato boxefl toiiktriek popular arivrrttaml brands eltrartlvrly wrapped prlr d front i si in 3 v panuv en41uhii xuna c4tt oijuotwaaut 4aal vovdty vlticm mvtba rnillih ivinr china cupa and sauct- r special at he ach lady ivtr full taahlonad nylon hosts 2 or 13 i4ukr baaaj ik to tc ladies iiandkrciiiefs bulk ladtrn handkrr hlra in ijncn lawn and cotton plain printed or cmbroldrd prlcrd from 10c to 13c each muhnw ladies handbags bnfallne or plajtlc real value each ii r9 uotmsra day gifts priced for lha children suitable itenu wrapped for mother- day flfta at 16c to soc sets touelh and towel cilliphane wrapped dos cd or ilulk priced from 3ttc to 1 vo mothers imy ice box flouhrs c arnations and home duds whiti pink and red at iv each mathers imy cariw attractive folders with en vilnpcs each 5c 10c 15c boxed coffnime jewellery latest styles tn broaches earrings necklace brace let lie to 30c framed mottos for motiiqt attractive designs ap propriate verse 15c to 80c ladliwr i new style cofltume jewellery boxed ijftffert seu satin cwhloo covers in dure rvaiueo irmyn mlrroni rtijrn table lampo aprona iiouhe dr wotine scrap bnokn cook itookm i mastic table ciouib lublca iurajmte weekend bajru china ashware plants ai mtrkkra stock t nut a fcift dim that m hi i il wi have a it mpli ti foil w inn to k for the howir gardi n will be an in and nmrmlxr throughout thi yearn a khipnit nt arriv inn this iik of the hvlrul tea ko ilufth ir c limlm it hi tu hi a no 1 giadt manv v iru ties and color eaih bk shniha spu m w httt red pink foray t hi l utxla t tc 2 war old bushia rath ioc hedgt plants pnwt bar lrrv chintz rim 18 to 24 inches iath45c l nv ho t- rod pink white 3ih 4 v l 1 1 ti h jlulhv imp rted from ii hand named varieties and i 1 un i ach c dunmi uitiuatw llidioh luilbs as sorts tuurt jc dozen pansli x r na w spanlh onions u row nnt j1js akao cnna i ih bulbs ntoedinff hai im fcnlwh lii ivrnmau arabu ivn nniau white for thnt r r rvxk iardn pahha roou grape vln a niack and red curnnta kasnh rr duahe lawn grawid vtfubland flnwrrsewtardutcir su uultiplur oniont candies nd chocoutr datty chocolates 1 lb bix each 7v relpeknvr pattres 1 lb box each c ctllo wrapped cand for mothers day chocolate filled dishea 25c to 00c bulk chocoltes aaaorted special lbc chocolate mple duds lb 75c 1 farm news ffallmt vouitg wan cold urdalliml at ojkc m the rtrrnl tnnluilin mothers day wi- liir an oiitxtantlin srlpctinn of suitiililr uiul tlmctil ramtl gifl for mother hoxltlf paikttihkh quality iaixr aajwrtd style ltc to10rt umjeltle tt in slips 1antlra iuim mers ntffhtiiov nn t a fm- auortment rtrl l nt tualtl lrurd low rtss for the aatortate diploma courw at the o ac x ii ujw j fonnrrly of palermo cu declarad i the brat all round student of the ttair and reeeived the siiwienia council gold medal jim also took a prominent and trad in j part in the i college i toy at both in 1mb and tn i hmo and waa declared grand chain pnxi ahowman his many friends in tht palrrmo dtlrlrt uill be dellifhtrd tu learn 4 i lk aneerm and will wiah him urll in hti nw pdahum with the itaht it lurlna company tfofalpar tou nirilp fa at fxlntf jmaf for thr im hoyal j m willrnott ell known llanmjui bfhlrf of trafalgar t wnhip i i ntlv tgnally h n ut i hv im ii j m lit td to judge twin mamitnrr and suftoo hrp at th 1040 hoyal jo mjny trirnds thi mighotit llitlton w ut this u nogrltion i atage of maturity hybrid corn re tain ua green auparane for a tud atrauui hence many farmers have etvailed their hybrid corn at too mature a stage and therefore the reason for spoilage a wt 11 i known wuvwuin corn authority recumnvflfids the sowing of a blett ded mixture- that is the mixing to ire t her of two or three dlffrnnt nvatuntlea of hybrid ror this coun t agricultural hi preaentatlvr j e white lot k retf mi mends etjual quan tit a of the c anada atrams 60s 643 ttd 00 sudt a mixtuir he staua will ituv m1 a alliage uilh plenty of k from the 600 while tlw othe two vam ties will give additional tulk and lw lkt niiud htldln 6v0 bt ing lat r maturing will ptokdi i 4atnplt aujar to pfovide titc ptom r i i im titation to make good aitage it was alio pointed ut ttut juiti a n imiim r of g mxj dairymen in hallon tind aui rounding t untie follow tlw i i ru i nerflvd hintons 5p to 1 00 store fight for better housing vour efforts can help provide better borne for more canadians the progressive conservative party has already accomplished action through aggressive leadership much more can be accom plished with your help your membership in the party is a step to speed up home production to reduce housing costs act now work wnh cite iirc chat uorki for you piartuv of aowing j it poundi of orichum w ith the corn lloth i ijututa hji a od diul r merit an 1 an worthy of a trial in 1mb lut afemt erf i an at iii e lrooram the court hotisr milton was t rowdel w ith rural young people on friday evening iat it wax the ore a lot l of the initial meeting to complete the orsjamliatlon of the boy i arh girts club projecu 7or imff for ml hon and district agrl cultural heprmenuove j e white- uk a wilted by a t woudlt y uill known trafalgar ttrwnahlp hi isti tn breeder wj in charge of th met ting rour clula in ull were i rganued and the election of of ricerx rriuhivl as follow a hallon flabu fleef guernjey and jrrtry club number of membera 3d president john wlllmott milton ice ivtxldent fvchn mccnn milton secretary treasurer john mcktnnon milton club leaders gurmaey section j l chlholm muti n jeraey secthn m c ilea i y milton luby iu- f w h merry fakllle mlllon hodleln and ayrshire club nurnter of members m presldt nt stuart alexander of georgetown vice president john picket hornby secrrtarj treasur er douglas ford milton club leader a t woodley milton ffalton itoyt swine club number nf member 13 president earl wilson norval vice pnaidcni 1 low con jtuddau georgetown secretary treasurer edwin tyrell treeman club lead er bruce reld georgetown afillon how bearer oat club number of membera 11 president john currie george town vice president fraser mc nabb georgetow n secretary treasure r geo lucas freeman club leader w e breckon a very interesting feature of the evenings program waa a panel dis cum ion the panel of exinrta con sitting of m c deatv j l chis holm a m brain erw in gunhj w 11 merry ross sigsworth and a t womtlev and did thnac oung leople put the exp rts on the pt the questions came fat and fun in all in all it wax one of the mail tn tt reittlng club mi t line held in ii iln n in some join ind augur wu f r an outstanding club ir ajjutant 4urirultural kipron- tutu e announce i i it wai announced jt thi c urt ii me milti n on r n 1 i ev i ning ust thit hirold ilikir of mirrlrk villi wh his just ct m pie ted his third viir nt thi ont in i aru ul tiinl cilhs1 guelph w h n hi is n ij rink in antm ii husbjiidrv will ott ais a part turn ivtistant to krnuu iril keprt m ntativ j e w hilt link for 4 thi ummcr working bet wet of hilton and peel and will devote most of hi- attention to junior ex tension vork in his home county of grxnvillc mr baker was an ac tive club number for sn tars and prior to entering at oac was a number of thr dominion champion dair cattle club team smtingwtttativanceti despite catchy weather good pro- tiresj has baefr made with seeding a goodly prcentage have completed the seeding of cereal crop taking the county as a whole it is eati- mated that at least threequarters of the crop waa in by saturday laat the preparation of the land for com uill soon be under way and al- read we hear argumen t as tn ih meriitof open pollinated va hybrid strains for silage some growers are of the opinion that the open polli nated varieties make silage which keeps better with leaa fpallaj ex perimental work at the central ex perimental farm ottawa reveals that if hybrid corn is ensiled at the same stage of maturity as the open pollinatcxt it makej equally as good silajie in other wonts tha rvapeo tiva sugar contents in the two type of com are the aame at the tame it ho turn reported from lltn m aires that compared wllh 104h the area sown to sunflowers in argen una thi ear inrreaael by j5 per cent to 4 4 million acre m recprd fijzure itie iorn acnife has de rllned by 15 per oent rarmen have found the sunflower crop to he mare profitable than corn in additlcan maturing wheat cnnv killed by front have been replaced by asuiftowert progressive conservative m ll tills i ollfon tia s a ii mruvm ik iioukuh atr oakule ui in ti li niit tiniitvithe raru aimiu1jt ilraj print ilrate nrtalj aismimimi irrjrrrtd but not rumiiml 1111 1ikx itkski f oonintvatlvl 1ajity evenitime ijou see poivtiac iou ii sai 4 or 5 months muring mr baker jill be em the twcl counties the most 2d7ffius thing on wheels e pontiaca first completely new line in more than aeen rara into it creation went eara ami can of n n arch trial ilcmpntng and re deaignin ttxtinf ami rrtrtmp nl finallv ei roim was satialied rvrrvone said thntt if lien a car thats fine enough in every n a car that incorpuraua tlw 14 major aiuancenii nta we art ugh i anil yel retains all the thnroughhrrtl rltarartrrimtn that canadian have icameil to rxprct from ponliac and priced right too so ou arr in for a thrtll when win viil vour tontiac d al r vni ii mc a car of lirt jtlilukuif hcaiitv a car wilh tlitirr iniiifort unl roeuiiitu li roaster imon greater af iv it a povwrful rcponivc car av to drive and a pit aure todriv ou ii ay its a reallv rrmarjnfif ninlr c-ar- value whether vou niareil with lua cars medium priced car or other ear in pontiac a own pntr field for ponttar u jtrtcrtl ii if n fjw umrit ee it lodav new t 1949 p o o u c t of i ii 1 1 1 1 iiojot tassst saw laaac jkk jam e- bert wood motor sales

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