Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 26, 1949, p. 8

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thbacton pree press iiiimihday uav mth 114 urn w wrtta kknlwm u4 h 4 tu i i i i ikmot lanc1jcy ur and lira john lajtffty arfan 4wi to announ- na lk vlrtk of lh4r 4uhlr at gulh janaraj hospital on hurt- day may zmu iwo rabxjsrtn mr ajul mr i taulatar palrlrta alnlrto ar happy announf tha birth of a aa garry john at cornwall rimtaral ifoapitaj thunday uay safe ie ohuup ur and un fruk orump jurton ont laaa liar- tr lurenvt art haooy to unovhe u arrival of susanna atacar natuw fcatcabath on thura- ar may lhd imc al lyvronto icaat ganaral llotpltal milnkchiijai knoa prnby- ffljus tranc hla uu crtpu ghur of ur and ur daugfiur at ui nd sir aui ciipna acton to kenneth lum ay ml ln youngest nn at mr and airs uav aillne korkwood ts uuioauam houlowayln loving memory of ltd win hollows y who passed way may mlk iu0 and while he 11m in peaceful alap ills mamory wr shall tlwivi keep always rvmemiiarad by his wife on and daughters nry of 4n may aslh m anderson ukro 1u41 mort and itwrf eaoh day we miss her frtamsfl may ihtnk the wound is hnlmt hut lhy it til kmiw the sorrow lis within our heart etinrealed always remembered ty mummy ijaddy hon and don oakucv in loving memory of our dear parent albert arthur oak- lay who passed away may 30th ims and his rheruhad wle an nl mallaaa watson wha passed away mth of january ibu dear parents of mine ataeh day i retail tfvouft tha year be many or the year faw they be filled with aweet memories dear parents at you sadly missed by daughters oeorgtna harris pearl lfolmea and granchudren cajum up tiiamaut mr and mrs j would hke to thank netchbora and friend for their thoughtfutneaa 01 the onmalon tf their soth wed ding anniversary tha baseball season got off to a win nn monday victoria day was rather hap hatanuy observed has been quite the weather changeable lately highway no 15 u being oiled from speysldc to milton the second court at the local tennis club has been put into oper ation your local paper will add a new feature w will include a cartoon each week although the weather was cool there was quite a number out for the opening of the bowling greens on tuaaday evening tt ahouldn t be long now b fore your town address will include street number which will certainly make it easier for tslturs the new rubber tile floor has been laid in the scout hall and the boys are cleaning up and netting the building ready for use the concert pn nit scheduled for last sunday by the acton hoys and oiru hand was cancelled be cause of unfavorable utathcr tarty cop is a rvgunt for next ttnli since added to our busy schedule c have un item of mu- lng to take into cimsl deration a short cinutt in miring at the residence of dae holmes on church street gave the klre url- pade a call last night short 1 after nine oclock so this is toronto hy h j prarhniau so this u toronto and a fine big boy you are perhaps should tall you a girl youre very gentle in some wjyi rather tough in others there was a time when everybody in huron my old county went to toronto kahlbltlon at least oner in a lifetime talked about it fur the remainder of their daya when i first went to toronto you could get a good breakfast for 13l4r on yunge st- where does the half cent come in you paid a quarter for your breakfast and got bark chit 0d ilt lomuri uw t juaak fast try that no a modem restaurant tell me the answer you get 1 saw toronto again tvhrii i was attending the ontario agricultural college prues writ offered or student judging that year i won tit f picked up on tha same basis in winnipeg i was a fairly good judge of beef cattle in thoee days now 1 know a good piece 0 steak when i get it i got more kit k out of those dollar than any other nwmry i ver earned a litu goes a long way when a man la working hi passage i saw turunlo agsln mi a night tragedy u iten a great fire flamed ihrthigh the buslnrss area i nrry fur turufito thai night but i knrw of course lhal ibe pltuei naavr fruni its ashes and rritewtt its ulh if a ttutty iitd bird ilka the ih4miiis could do it why rttuldnt tortmiio torunto with ontario be bind it could do almost anything r en suinr thing whli h u othrra mm ery slranga there was no room in the inn when i leached toronto but why worry over such troubles it re minded me of old times the usual thing happened a man came along who knew how to do thlnga it took just two minutes to fix me up and i had a lovely room overlook lng the iake is floors up the air uw clear and the sun was shining ymr below lay the railway tracks the lake shore and then the island toronto keeps pushing the shore further out into the iske but that nothing new all the world is doing it but at times the wavra come back- for revenge probably and crt il i did two things that day i went out to sec a man who edits a iower magailnc for farmers he told me and he s right the average man has no idea what is going to happen to agriculture in the future dy new ntethods new implements progress clang chemical and biological lines i he whole face of agriculture will be changed should i say lifted- these things of course will come from the colleges from the cities the city will have much to do with things which help the farmer human progress does not come i from isolation it was industry which in the last century lifted much of the burden from the back of the farmers there is still more to be done a friend of mine asked me to go with him to the annual meeting of noranda mines which happened to be held that dav it was quite in teresting but iord what muddle war makei of human progress nor anda sells its gold to the govern ment and gets paid in canadian fund then if we want to travel in the untied sutes or buy pro ducts over there the foreign ex change rituril mils us the american 1 xchnngr at a fraction ubovr par so we lew a tariff on american timkl to knp the mnul and take america cxvhungr owr those who mm it ino um- it to bonus import is not logical is it who nu ntiom logic in this bad age when nun not it old can count half a dun n wars fought mofctlv to end war and thi t ml is not y t i mint eurlv to the station that ivtnfttg there u nothing mort in- j ten sting than humanity on the move there v 11 one chap in early i middli life whi little- loo mm h two roads to a destination fly jturjh tiler nulledpe all ium isl pluiuw rs seem mther firmly t mimed that must of us lift to ourulvcs woulai be iharl sees ktsjktling afar from i lie needs and tribulations of our fellows with our hajids firmly tluuhuig our purse strings the older parties are ihutked at kuch radusl views even business men they concede have hearts they are businecsiiven themselves and they know that aggressive bttstneas ts the life timnd nf the country it is rather surprising that two such diverse opinions ran so easily thieve the same end the plan- ners furthrlghtly delde to man age business ihemsrlvrs and put the returns into a general pot the tame pot be it remembered out of w huh j hey provide all the ctistly birriuuey piootlsr they offer no suggestion of how having spent that money on these advantage they are going to find new money to keep the operations functioning ad growing they can hardly ex mt tlu- dlsomisrd tapltsiuu to provldi it the oldrt psi lies l sskenrt at imh i twill al oggrtlofis roi all that ituy air following a i u y that li not unlikrly to result in the same iimi soioi oimij has giaphiially lllulintel ihla in a modern parable hrtr ere a gr 1101 of lapltaluta try have thr plarta for a mk r mill in loal 30 000 0uu with ative imiiclla they go uvt r the ptuulbllltl s oianted a reason able rale of protluction and main tallied prlc fat tors on whl h any business has to take its chant total sales might reach 0 000 000 and gross profile 13 100 000 surely a picture to warm an investor s hi art ilut wait there is the nut ter of buslnrss and est ess profits taxes they work out to about 47 there is still it 32000 to be dlvld ed yea but rernemlirr these men had 30 million to invest obvious ly they are in the top income brae- krt nobody but they themselves complain when the government takes tt of their income soak the rlrh is alwaya a moiilsr ilugan ilut in this case it meant that government that had no prejudice against business alieorbed 03 of that apparent profit those who took the risk received two thirds of one per cent on their invest ment would you risk f 100 on the uncertain chance of making 00 cents whether you take the bus iness or whether you leave the business and just take the profits the result is about the same you kill or at least seriously alienate the goose that laid the golden egg improving farmsteads a drive through any of our western ontario agricultural dis trlcts will satisfy the careful ob- m rvcr that many farmers could f aally improve the appearance and market value of thnr farm by tidying up a bit this would not be an expensive job in most eases although we grant it would take lime and time is an important con sideratinn to the average farmer during the months when this tidy lng up could be done there are many farm homes that could be im proved by a bit of repair work on the front fence tidying up the lawn und planting a few flowers and hruba scores of fine bank barns i ht it would take the price of the farm to replace under present day onditions haw been allowed to fall into disrepair it is not a difficult job nor does it take a great deal of time to nail on iimisc boards re place hoards that haivc fallen off fix a loose door hinge or two so that doors will remain in their proper places instead of hanging at some crirv iinglc hi id perhaps by a mm kit htiii painting a barn or i ramp from the ticki i office to the now is the time to plan your n thl nubk u r summer holdaj so ou can make ln reservation the khoj news will th n m kncu ihtrv wax m follow you if you notify this paper lhmi mwin felt in all his of yuur change of address detoura are now in order for those making the inp betwein acton and milton la no 23 high- farm biddings li an tnvest- hnd takin just a mint that will pay off handsomely he was b no in the satisfaction it glvis the owner drunk jiut kind let 1u in improving the nppiarancc and liikonallv if vou know adding to the life of his buildings what 1 nuan his hut had a rakish und in enhancing their value should flare hi face had the exprtuion he wish lu si 11 out tidv and well- h linkers on ihe fact of the tat 1 uilt fen 1 s add greatlv to the np- got blamed for swallowing pea ranee of a farm and serve to the cunjrj he walked down the mark th owm ikcd lmh ihk kt ts ml alon land id u make looked through uay the frt ditour was lust iigain at lat it came to him he tuesday when work began just ber scenud for a monunt to wber up low the mountain he moved quicklv went back to the w tilting room and came back with a j cout over his arm and believe it or not the ticket were in the coat he thrifty and industrious man karon rx we tl ink mast a mntakt if thev under rate the v jiuie of farm builduiga and surroundings thev n play as we have already said in the satisfac- he took off his hat and lm tn tm ni r and his the inner face of the mily at th wme time en- uoked at the hat in order i hancr mreof thffarm it ure it was his then he nnfihl l thul 7 uxa aml ptuket all hi pirla would remain farms if i j ttenttun were paid to these mat urv road construction on no 25 below speside makes it inadvu blc 10 uu- thl hljlhuw at all llh th d wo u the fourth lln w he uto h as an alternulivc in going to and ftom miltivn and acton on tliurada may 19th the united churcft choir spent a social evening at the homo of mias fern happy again felt both smart and satisfied then tlu re uaia woman smartly arrived with u little girl carrving a child s broom about four feet brown lurlnskthe evening thei llong father greeted his wife then preaented mlaa annetta kvan picked up hut little girl and put her ticide of the month with a gift on his shoulder but she hung on to annetta thanked the choir in a few well chosen words a very delight ful lunch was served the broom- ilfc or littlp girhriikre that must be much the tame in all the civilized countries of the world 1 tluuptl ix 1ladh some gardeners don t like using lorrusivo sublimate imercurv bi- thloride for controlling hnps in gladiolus because of the txtrvmely pouonous nature of this chemical for thu who do not want cor- iosivc in bli mate around the place lyitol may be used instead it u used at the rate of four teaspoonfuli to one gallon of water a six hour ttoakingnf thecormeither peeled 01 un peeled u necessary with ly- your eyes a fvaaw bh rr i hi k mat f- t eaaauit r m bell farnworth memorials umwauau a4 mral rmaaa ckukteky lettkrino bbm bj al tlinuury oikiji ovr tunty w iiaiton tender for painting scaled tenders addrcrd to mr wm deans county clerk milton ont will be received up 10 5 oclock p m on kkiday junk 3nl 1949 for pamtinjf certain offur in the ouri house mutod spcxillcsitions and all information may he obtained from the bounty i nrinccr milton mov v smith hinty rlivmr lovell bros meat market friday saturday specials butter 59c lb burto bnai mgnuu cnaaury picnic hams lloncln a5c lb sxclb smakrd collan- ralu 70c llatirhm nmaliml lluiw ik 85c no i crade bacon itrtabfaat s9e lb sbvjiim iluk 75c lb ivuwu 69e lb rvwih saujisjrr lb marirrnc itrmnd manrmrinr lb ixan mamburk slk lb doaxauc j sbortraink lb evijoms hvlttd a tkt canadiiin internjmohal trade ralr xhibitiom 0ioun0s tobonto r uc the classified section bay sell exchange wanted etc advwriiaemetits unrtar this heading lie euh with order up to word additional words le per word 1 cash doaa not a company tha yivariisrmnt minimum rharga soc and le par word additional for each word over ja hubsefjuant insartloaj for haijs m hajjc jllus o art nvw i hone j71 imh haij maroon ari fair ronnition rssoftablr alter tt- llutwy imlmar main rit mil maik ui young pigs lot sale ft ami 7 avvett works old ajiply k kosbowtkl it it i amp iw ii vl lie to hewf kk iani vacuum riaaaara- and floor tutllahers for rant abfmy modern llaallng and ilunjablm nlor lhona jilu t actoll u want0 mm haj mo 1 nitlwt ketahrtln seed fkolaioea aiu no j small hataltiln htnii koliri i hrrr ahon it it j ihou- 41ift rtlt safr ltfhorrt nillrla n llan runner dui ks ttyllt client lavera in full proilu1ioti read riilk goal morru luule i illlls- hilg itilkl urie 0 trin ll j wanv fhuks and rovl will pay up to s3xa fur heavy llione oolist lluttoavi fowl kgg ra4lag ktatlon itulg mill sai jurt4rwi llofslfln yearling hull leaal afraln aa olirtr iimrr waslier ileal i y iv lip llrlgys ajirl mrallon is motor rir ihxr h a f h apply w i rrruukm 1hoim a ton ltd 1 o lu aton ami dllilit lh nuihty t of stralhiov wr offer wllh oto y ar fr- n 1 1 oirttt k otitpleu 1 1 or of fndl in a ioiim ok ntal tma and ahiolt i r mhii mi imiiim ltrilia oil olh r ittitmiy llifita anainir b klgiilng a free rvlir hoiolioa invltid ihooe ullt adon martin llaaaard mut sair new hay jinr niw slle kahe iji r om md i a c oa h im ord iwaaengrr oiim llhii k1 inurnatlonal and tliasals i1h7 willys jeep itho i n inlrrnallonal iruik ntw kit arul k irtlernallonal liucka i ih wb niw walirliw- arul dlasun ant m i ruiora niw r erguairi irailut iirwer laiwii mower tlanl w u i rati or on rwr wlttriifwt r mitwrr nki i mi rltason liaitoi morml k lle ring anna ii m traiior m iinnx k leering i fui row ur aollian plow nearly new i arnlem ili for all rnak- i mi lots majuuy hay ltader 7 fi fimkahufl tain jlinder ii ll seeil lirlll maasey nil balli n fl horse drawn nwiwer ntw skyline ilarvesirr ehnpr4 e new aeii manurv spreader on rulttter jlor nel t haln uwi all sizes 1 hp mihor a y le 4 iuernaty jlelfrra due to fresiien septet tuber afily 111 os jlewson 11 afrv ltrmpio wanth1 igal hnagrs4hsr win is inlerealad in a puslllon wttf a fulurw as a court jlapoetr tr- hmia ejierlan hot lit 11 muat be art urate in illtiatlon and typ ing ratsdent ouwtunuy tar itvamerimnt immodlale mptoy- menl but will not las rwjulrad to lake ramtonsimlitlaa until july laf llum eorgetown hkw somb i f nltr it wamitj landarv will le relvd9y die undarhlnarit until u ui rial u lay june 4lh for mie iotiafriir tlon tj al a ronurmnaf- wm i rr- lw vitjrnl from ttia uiwliralgrul ihe i owe or any iriidet not rieaksartlv aiajlsv1 m4eafde municipal lark 41s ttmiriui wantwi f 1 titt 1 will he rvvsmvsd ty th ufiitrralgned until rttday juna ml al 1 ptn for an addition tn tlie iturikfi hituae a 1 the sitlnc prfmrty lite hfwaat or any tan las not neesmarlly aivepted liana and mtreiinairrw tnay ha aaan at itilillf tllllltlis oriuntaason offlrw a1on j mkaofk hsw mihceijnboufl iarhlrujt m clouds wtll lw vnur tune ir only vou use laiywrs orri hake mhin vlr at luslara lrus store ju kmajlth lo all makaa jatla for used ears hrak aarvtrr jaka arsge rewwana tirnars ihoo url mti into a phoritahijc ilualrtras helling famllas jruaran- teett household produrta dealers we have a few openings available full or part time a real oppor tunity for men and woman who can piallfy writ for trm ratalotfua and ilrtalla tsmllei lawo dslort- 1 mlrr montreal lost lini i yearling red heifer ihone lirl i at ton sntaym a ttak n heron yearling roll atrayt to rny prop rrty atound may isl kvn r may have minf hy proving pnmrty and aylng rirnr mrs l j sin t lair phone r nrjrluwn lmrlat picnic and field day or ihalrit no 3 hog frodunra wednes june 1st litefitrnft karma 12 u1t noon no 7 llhrar it mllka tut f la all ue irtmlurrr mnii famlllr invited bnnr lunch basket- tea and coffee provided proirrmm sporfji this psat long week end wu tool but the opening dance aa the iaik 1avlllon waa very sue- cesaful as was thr ball game on june 27th you have ths privilege of voting it u a prlvllrgr when you avop u re- allie wtat it would mean 1 that right were taken away do not drtr- y il vott- thia i ki weather makaa en think of the roal bin is it empty or fulp if the latter applies you are fortunate if the for mrf better plaea your order now tjefore john i iwls tmkea his mlnera out on strike aguin wati h for afterlal entertain- tm nt on jurir 27th sponsored by th ya men j h macw1vz1b bon robt r haniihon optomfrntisi or cueuii dr g a sirrs oftice ttlehdav june lit 1mm tm mplete evehioiit rcbvicc clll ith didicatid to tui nomotiom of imtttwational tiadi iv the government of canada make your selection of new wallpaper prom the largest stock in western ontario priced 10 suit eeryone youll rind it at chappies bookstore iii wyaaham b qoalalu angus kennedy proprlttor princess theatre milton tlirtlsilay may 2 robt taylor audrey totter hi wall hll a sat may z72h glenn ford vs m holder the man from colorado mon tles may 3ji clark gable malter iidgeon toniinand difisjion thlrs ohday sat june 2 s 1 esther ulllianu frank sinatra take me out to th ball game shos start each evening it 730ando jo se the nelr pictures at the princess first k

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