Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 7, 1949, p. 8

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irjloi joomt the acton free press tiiuhday july 7lh 194 m1i u tsar uudmf tal to falirtij i tu i wjw mm ihlil niry w ytvsavs bosttt wajlxlt mr and mrs k wal ler mh t acton wlih to an nounce the safe arrival of their second son at the nursing home on july 6 1w new brother cor kna mother and baby doing well bpeak mr and mrs d spear tivee mareart anderson ulih to ajvnounr the birth of their dauehter gall lorraine born at uetpl osneraj hospital june 3h a feuur for trudy mother and baby doing an ctjoukafr and mrs j clou wellington st acton thee vstma ne are very happy to an nounce the bihh of their son inward john at the nurtinf iloma on june mmh llmj mot her and baby just fine moujsonmr and mr r red molllsun uelph tnee anne kelly wish in announce the birth of ihelr second nin john at hi joseph hospital uelph july mh lmj a brother tr avtd lloth doing nne died anikjtison at her home j on don on hiurtday june 1u4u margaret ualrd wire of william anderson and near slitcr of mrs k m 11 ci ma id art on caitiim at lleaverton on ertday jul 1st vmm john car lisle rather of mr itmwrt ltltrrfcn art on interment waa at muxle rmrlrry ltlllsnurg on monrta aftrrmon cakdh or thanks nellie krlene and albert konerll would like to thank their neigh bora and friends for the lovely gifts and the klndne and help received when moving mr jas turner and family of it it 4 acton with to esprt l their many friends and neighbors their sincere thanki and appre i a kin for acts tt kindness ami message of sympathy in the re cent tos of a loving wire and mother aim mr kumtrv and mr older minister of fjmehoum- lresbtrrtan ijiurch qygc holiday accldenu w rre at a minimum in acton no more long weekend boll days until the first of auguit wednesday mornlnji thunder storm was certainly startling jtotary fair pictures taken by he ee press are on dlspla in tha window there certainly were a lot of weddings crowded into the last days of june mrs w cross was the lurk sinner of the beautiful radio in the ilotary draw kachllns jewellery store and acton horn bakery are receiving a fresh coat of paint people got the first view of ollthumplans they have had for a lonx time on july first umbrellas are a thing w had connected with the sun but on wednesday they were out in tha downpour action from the sm lmmlng pool committee is announced in the form of a meeting scheduled for monday night it is not often a second coat of calcium it necessary for actons trretis but the dr weather made this necessary this ear the complete history of nassa- gaweyw has been compiled into one of the fimst records we hate seen we understand it u to be on sale t the centennial celebration in j the latter part of july the election ovtr and the of- flclal count conducted lat monda t members of v irluimi nt will ih abu to stttlo down to londiut lht affairs of the count rv in malton mr clea cr s majoniv w a uu r um d sllgmlv 1 aciun cirk ball turn p laved in omskh n mimdav nuht and deflated that tlugt 16 7 piurunv ucre v l isn hill and jian pulmtr with b rlt jordan catching nt xt spencer husband at the grand old age of ninety- one years spencer husband pas sed away on monday last in the toron naral i lospltat horn at kllbruv he has been an esteem ed resident of acton for ovar fifty years an espert carpenter and mlllwrigtit he wn for a numbsr of ars with beardmore a co mr husband was a cilljen who took a keen interest in the com munity ha attended knox ires- bylerlan chun h and was a ttaunrh liberal in politics al though his eeslght fslled in utr years he gt about town dally and will be missed by many friends here besides bis widow who was be fore marriage mary a blatr he leaves one daughter mrs ii it anderson baasle of toronto and one son gladstone of ogdensburj ny the funeral was held on wed nesday of last week with servlra at the victor b burnley funeral home conducted hy his minister friends and relatives gathered in tribute io a life ihey admired the pallbearers were messrs c a ci matthews harvey rsy wm rarly hoot ilarby 1uj4 wlnton and oeo mann inter ment wai in kalrvlew cenwhery ad on mrs w j andmtson iindoi ont mrs w j andrrson active in thr ioir and hcd crou during world war ii and a mrmber of the iondon hunt and country club died thursday june 30th at her homr 071 wrlhiitfton strict iondon onturto mis anitrrwin ixirn in at ton lived in i union for the past f iv i iam she i th formi r mar nirrt a iuin daughti r of mr and mr saniui 1 latrd n ainvnl of at ton for many yeam surviving arc her husband one daughter mrs fr h m marlon t morion iondon and four slaters mrs it m mtlonald acton mrs ida itivt ct eland mrs jane llutcgm matbcmtn ont and hint sarah drnnuton wabssmt minn y tineral wr ire uu held at the a millard georni funeral hotna saturday with or john y mac klnnon rlrst st andrews united t hurt b officiating ai fxxndhj mrkknuin cllawroki th int mr alrxandi r mi ken dr crawford pasactl aw n at gen era mopiul gut iph last wctlnes dsv after he suffered a stroke he bad itern in ill health for some time and was in his tilth ear lit uih uin in nasaagnwta in nt 7 sect u tn a son of a pioneer family his parents william craw ford and jane imckcndr craw ford came from county monlhan northern ireland he was one of a family of eight all of whom have predeceased him except one sister bojd mrs victor b anderson of guclph mr crawford received hu educa lion in no 7 school and attended nasaagauoa prcfbvtrrian church he married sarah henderson w ho predeceased him some years ago thev had a famiu of two daughters ida j who died at the age of 20 tars and annit mac mr llovd iufvii who died in hi r 27th vcar one win hmo of guelpb livts to mourn his loss and four grand i ihildrtn ah x crnw ford was a man resnt c ti d hv t rr one and took his re tpomibilitit t riotuh he w a a kihhi ptirtsnnn and friend i the funeral was held from the ictor n hunili funcr il home alton on jul 1st at 2 10 w hi re in n frit nds githcred to p i their i tst rt spcct inltrmcnt wis in riirxuw cinuttr alton ah night vigil htfcrr rrrovrring victim of drowning coaliaued from paov otj a rtksa front the 40 foot hole cos s imuiv was lying 60 fet from where his wife was found william niacklotk of btxkwood pulltd tb body fnttn the water hlacklock was sitting in a row boat nwed hy c meredith al of itock wimkd although no exact reason has ixin establlsfttl for the ra pelting of die couple a tmtat mllce today wrv working mi two theories a man standing bv the urrir of the dragging told polite a big wind ame up atxtut the time of the 1 1 owning enough to blow the tiuhf i off my kitchen window ttw re is a jmnltillhy th wind may have rued the boat to upset htiwiver friends of the family have disclosed that mrs cox bad a weak heart it ib believe probable the may have suffered an attack in the boat and that her husband mav have graftted h r suddefily causing the tmtat to tip the tragi ly might have btst n gn atrr the couple s daughter ixils was asked to arcompany her i tar nts in the death boat btit de t lined at the last moment the girt latt r stood hrlpb saty by on the shore as drugging operations were carried out in xinh of hi r parents tx miles searchi rs hail to limb over the lough rot ky terrain and through thick bush lo reach the far end of thi channel alhiut a half mile dls tant ox a pensioned vett ran of the first world war lived at hallon vllle about 13 mllii east of guelph on the guelph hoad ttte touple attendel nasjtagaweva 1iesbyterlan hurrh ox had tieen employed with the hallon tunty malutt nam gang for th past ii years lit si tcjs the daughti r miss uus nix w ho was u rriblv shot ked wlun advised of tht fatality two i ther daughters survivt mrs mar ion ilartwr acton and miss vrrna cox or halttnvilli it li exptctad no imju st will 1m held r uncral unun fur tb cthiple u n hi id at ihi vlitor r humley nni ml home acton on wedncs dav sfti moon with inti rment in nassagmwt va n sbytt rian hurrh 1 1 niett r a booat vfuay in a1x cjountsukh tlirougbout tb world spet ial 1 1 li bratioris will 1m held tut sunday to mark the fourth t nu nury of krigluli btmik of uniniuii prayer sim it was first uud on whit sunday i mu it has uecunu the foundation of the liturgy used by anglican t hurches in sll corners of the glob it lias lui n usnslalrd into no titan 140 dlffi n nt luntujgi a ijilu huppuerl the un urd piimi i ountry war nidi itid slat ti mg ai is tin print lkul luitl4shtrtlng tin wiold sliui the hits lountiy bus pto duietl atxiut half of the wort output tin remainder ante from ltuxsla italy kiante ami blna tlie chief janl lnimiillng t tuntrles lm tin war havi ihui tin tlnltitt kingdom krant ant i ula eai h taking a to ib r tint of the worlds total tlie town waterworks i tapahle of storing lhohoo gdl watt r and supplied to ib from an abundant spring ijcasumj auction sle in aixn tit rursulure shj hauaebtoj kfferla mtwlani mju aruu pit undersigned hav n celved liuilrut lions fr m mux hpknjjt 111 hhavd to sell by public au t ion at her m kldcnie wllliw nt acton un hattluav jttv till ommeik log at i clock the following dinini lthm ant ij ur maple olning sulli hall kai k ihllro j- if it i kadlo iudt lalle lik old rasliione1 hit ben 1ik ur itoiker arm hair 11 turn itugs mai rt iivint kmm vbtntla and hiioids moilu i hair old k mr siki hslre i abb itooki slaiwls llshes siimiij r it 1 1- i iumims rour lledrmm mlllis ttimplele sollet seta lied i ibes 1lllows r athei li k mlini small lturau antique in si of i rawer stands kill his while rnamel lare it wt i itantie sew ing mac him prop lfrtf lable o king ulriiilli lars tuxkl iishe llrushe hi nix nritrn liuils if yiui art in i bt mar kei for u hn i lean fuinuhlng don t miss ihls sale hums asm n miih i lu removal nil m iii 1 t 1 llndle a r iii tl aurfloiieei i h kotkwood ph l r milton 17j junr promotions rv aniunmccil for ilannimkhuni srhool cttngratutution lo r rank benton on pavilng his entrance to high school otht r uannimkburn promotions grnde vti to grade viii andi heffeman rvrln mcdonald bill fox grade vi to grade vii leonard zions avelins 71ons grade v to grade vimsrjorle mcdonald dorothy mcdonald gor don fvan grade iv to grade v brian r vans grade i to grnde ii margaret morrison kenneth kotz joan brook theodore zions lilian phil lips host mar v brooks recommended to tr grade iv rranklin mclcod promotion rv vnnouuihml for lornr srliool mivnds night tht me t ork rojd guilph in attott park gold oltshtt iut8 rxxwrd prwductiivn of csnadian gold mines in march hit the hlghist point since bh2 reports the financial pott the official figure of 3277 fine ounces is nearly 30 per cent higher than the output of march iwa it is 50 per cent above the slump point of february 1w7 60 per cent above the low of 310 000 fine ounces produced in july iws cumulative production for the first quarter is 0sd274 ounces against 833877 ounces for the same period in 1m acton was originally called pan- vllle after a clerk in the first dry goods store later it wu changed to adstturvule tht following studmls hav t torn pi i ti d ihi ir v tar unit ssfull mi hvt bttn nd incttt i gndt t gradi i jr to gradt i sr ronald brou david poole grade i sr to grade ii shtrlock aitkm hon btverlv hnlnus r gradt ii to grade iii onne ptvili mi r m brought on grade 111 to grade iv gail dob bie tlloni sophia moore ihon gordon holmes ohon 1 grad iv to grade v glen brouhton ihon i grade vi to grade vii vera warm ihon bill thompson hon bob holmes grade viii jovce llan was granted the high school entrance ct rtt fa ate on hir vears standing mackenzif is longest the mackenzie river is the long est river in canada although it ranks only fourteenth tn the world actons present population is 2700 there are nine and a half miles of water mains in acton princess theatre milton thurs t fri july 78 and sat matinee william bendix and claire trevor tlie babe ruth storv saturday july 9 dick powell and jane greer station wef mon a tues jury 1112 tyronne power and anne baxter the luck of the iiiir thursday july 14 sabu and bibi ferreirra tlie end of the river show times 730 pm mahiwma pn at milton arena pumk ick skatinc fvrry monday and friday july 4th it aug ath ii 30 to 10 pm adniiiion 50c learn to fioure skate class instruction by quslifud frolssslonsl for reoinners frommlton and 01strict fvnry monday and friday july 4ttt to aug 26lh 7 30 lo 8 30 p m menitmriliipt particulars at milton arena all aois welcome enroll now i i i sunday evening you are invited to tpectate when there will be exhibitions nnti tee dancing last call contest closes this saturday july 9 acton a districts largest family there are 17 liidi n the kettlo family but we wilt give theatre tickets to evrry member of the family laying claim to bing the largest in this town and district in honor of the showing of ma ami pa kettle at the roxy theatre starting this monday july 11th in case of a he the accumulated ages of every member of the family will count mail all antri giving nimst and agat of all mam bars of ihs family to ma and pa contest roxy theatre if you haven t mailed yours already do so now contest closes this saturday midnight the classified action bay sell exchange wauled etc j ujwttlwmttit under this heading m ossh with urder ur it 7 per rtloa i ajlwiinnn uiivi iiiib in ainng j3 ossn with order up to iffwoids addluoiisi words ic irr wrfd is cssli dves not sr cujiiany the ailvertisenieni minimum charge fioc and ic per word additional for rath word over 23 kuhtmusnt insartuuu 5c for sale mic sai r arn elr lantlle in u mm iuif1itin ummiim wk miirr rt sai te1 eilrl fr frlgefattir an ik uhii at mit it ma ittuiald willow liet for rent rott iuni vscutm clesner rwl mur tudlshavrs fur rant a poly mod m healing and ilumung ihmw jfos acton if rll salr 1 klli hen hal itahva mm 1 mju salh itjmk it lt li er all mamiii lllv1 i i it heap i waalibtait1 i lalr iltone hj mi kkm muekilng rt ur irri nuir fr m a- n a v i atla awirntnlng fishing tmhv it j fumy o l ltihie lilsi afle nnl luitnltig water write m etlmtnel si niile llilum 11ni t m hi al iim ml 1 t u arnlal nut sai y ial in ii iii li rt r n ad l to i jilihi it vi rilnk nt i ef ma- it ft iifce 1 only arl t i acatiiii neat ly n w ail y n ii 1 wanted iulletb wanlmd all ag mnl loretu and hyttrmi apply rweldl iil k hat lrle i lniile1 rrrtfua hlaiti milt sai t- ii huholm lti ii mllti mia sai r j hi 1h3 ullr white i vi r altcti hinenta ir shredr ami drive lvlt iixsl 2 a4av t ja vi it it 2 llrampt m1h sai t- lll im t me f w mlrl irlah m n k ry i iii v rt 1 1 un i ill win- mill id pitvntel al tlie m l lal it itlow ii he i ur i 1 and illtm i ul ll i i iiiiu mni kill sai r ilumi intt supplier in gimid supply at hill n a ilumh ing and heating at i n ont hlai k and galvanlel plu nil slvei ut ami thieadeit if dr tired p fltt 1ik a ii plimi and ll plie fitting dinks humln liatho aiiinp piiiiiita hllllllm w ii pump aeptu lank ih iiim hht sai i n w im i ailtlin iik h i it hard h nw nt i u s w k inii iniii tnnl w ii new kl inlrimtl nnl pan i inik n w vvflliih and tln mdt n 1 rii t ir frgiibn lrn t i iim- i u irminr on ruhr r with h w i t m mi r m r nil k i u rin r urtmll m i ra li i nil in i 1m in nil mnkm li a i m 7 m i khutt rnln hind i nm sk v h n- llnrvtair impleii u hii i i m sher nw ii ru tht mi r utti r i iv r ntlai hni t r in nlilnet lit ritti r reei i t irn t iittlvatnr ffur f arninll m i rm t r mnniin lmxir for int r null nnl irmti i new otrto man un si r er runt ruiiuxi lo pi w nnd pi iw si mi i d ul tl ul ir id illkerni r ptln slitfl y 1 tn ltnnk appk ii t m ws n t ik in 11 it h1h ai h stnrlid ti k imnii llati lv f wik 11 itnned km k i ight sus x n hiinipfchlri o uulit simr llnr red knit n w llainihliir tr re ltn k hnrrihl hoek x s w hiiiiiphlilr nun i x iil ul r iul i t jmi r inkirrn j1lr nw llnnitmhlri nun s xi1 jl 4i pul lel till m kerel jh ft i hm sunrx son nerd jxi n rulltl y2 ifi x hi rrn 11 whit itm k n n s xl j r pulleta wn t ckei u z1 r him k auttrnlorp piilletn 12 m avirtd heavies nonsexed ji 4 pullet oekereu 120 7 lhree wik old add c per ctiw k alsj other 1 1 reeds iv old u pure lln erti and 1 t mss hred nun nexed pulwa orkt reu llder putleti 11 wiek tn laving hree a intrigue iveddle hick hatch i imlted r ergiis ontnrln rrtfua 41 wanih will i ti fwl ptiont y gg radlng stall vcl h in ha and nl 13 34 fir heavy hullimvtjl llramituin fr s misceuaneous frnmta iiat ljiv stid 4fi jtiavl t ll hsrla ili k jl i mji7 liircluwit if fre frni i 1 l i i inugut ii i itaolei lint ih re art fourteen housea uiidi r itti at i mil in in uur tn igrilwirlrik village of uffc w nut 1h at having ijule a inilldliik ixx in and to jm i- 1 ih w ii lu lumllwilod im riitlvil drlivery of a now fin iruik lie truck imwart i inlirnvlii i nr vlllaca liutet it ilk imi of the fir hull lad i enlargnl l omrifrdaw llinew irurk wi- re pleavd to he ralu1 un hy the itkwiwid pe-opl- i fcoj ply hi ir i mid ng malet in it lie numtxr f anhles 1 iv ut a ompleti line tt i i idlrik materials is an num r u that we rannot mentloo i i rn all in our newt column i ul k and we are aure we- an klv u e ntplefe sstls- 1n lion se u at the acton imth pnvilhn on saturday night j it hackknzte bon ene lovell bros meat market thurs saturday specials erection of acton into a town i it ls tht ntentlon if the village of acton t make application to ihe ontario munlripnl hoard fori the erection of the snld village into the status of n i own snld erection to tnke f ft t on or ntxnjt septtm her lmh 1hi 11 ta j mearhle clerk i farnworth memorials maunmata al msarata km cfmfteky ietteiuvo nrm r4 al ikmbrj ii rjjn ovt barria brand itl orada craamary butter 59c ib quality beef choica rump roast ib 55c laan blade roast ib 50c laan hamburg staak a j na 1 crada m m b 45c prima rib boil ib 55c maaty sftouldar roast ib 45c loan plato boiling boof 1b 32 bacon braakfait paamaal back smokad batk 63c ib 75e ib 79c ib keep gool braaia fan hassard radio 8 non owillallno t 95 10 nen otcillalino 11 95 10 oscillating 11 9s summer has just started h h smokad cohaga relu ib 73c jj bsnalau 2 smokad ham ib tandatiiad 90c banalau picnic hamt lb frath pork shoulder h 1 shankkn 68c 4o7r 5 fresh sausage 45c lb ilimmmhiiiiaaaaaaiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiaai l rw tkuu iiiih u hh la uiajuir ahauf taaalta laaaaa tjm ara dab fcula awd in rhuckiaawiramtaoaii toorlita euta ort tha danger ous ultra violet rayi that othar wiae reach your eyea toncljte adimta all other ray utrful to vision tone lite add to your appear aoce becauie itt flelicate tiata blend with your cornplenoo jf j tomi uti lama cecil a caht banc opueal daosua 8 twl im1 goelnh out peace of mind comcj wth home ownep ship and you have a bicjger stake in the common ty 2 homes pockwood apf a a homr v ur tldn n w j f vi ti asnnt mi in u o trvmr huilt ntain mii n rxirnv rriirin cinsrucli n ririlit r m furnace heaei mm ng d ign citrhs v i en ee frr hlghw s ini m 11 in prifi of jt n tan i model 4 hurner moffat t tctrn ranir klt hen hiv i ullt in runbards and tile floor small garage or shop jmt wait ing for ou tu work tn it un rvi rch to he screened la ih und acrs road u here ie voungster ran have fun n vafet rjtiie to thlt hospitable i room bungalnu stone fsced located in quiet village 1 miles from guelph near highway jet aa from noise it nestle n a sheltered picturesque set- ting entirely nevs built for oil mc heater it is a r eondition- ed fuji lniulated but the kitchen u what tu u1u buy it has 7 clectiic outlets -spacl- ous builtin pantry broom cloet cupnnardi also buhttn u ashing machine ipse and clothe hamper 4500 p l wrtght valoafar ifiallai acton ontario wilbur strwt phona k

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