Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1949, p. 2

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w the acton free press thursday jucytlhtlh tmjr artrni 3fittg jjrren ftauuk- kvy yburtaur m juta ouu pijir ottawa kusscuroow uktuu wl ulu3 i4l fem u4ttl fcr tc to 14 sj w alav itx advkbto1nc battso 1 4 vui t ukm vu vttauatffc w7 vracsblu k iiitum ti uu wiwililm ttkkl limtjimitt mbi id met tlf1lmml u r4ul4 i vrtttat uy llw tvjtnmu- ai r tar4 tw kr wiv4t wu 4tur tl br mtlmr t with im no cm ciu uualr mi vrtttaa lhrm 4 lkt ru if ur rr m l4 u wrmtl by t lit kt4lllr tltttl bj fcerttu tk ml if cl ol bh tolwartlmmtr i ik ptj fc lk 4 trret l abuir mi i v ut jiii1 o uimi mil ir we have no quarrel with thoie who utew the problem in another light it hat been drawn to our attention that we are tlpbtsom and our attitude in not urging construction of another high school at acton it not understandable we have endeavoured to pre tent our rea toning at concisely as possible our aim has always been tor better education of all the children of north ha lion and our hope hat been that local pre judices would be forgotten to reach this higher goal we will be glad to accord to anyone ette interested in the subject space for the expreition t f theft views tn tle column letters to the editor whether they are in accord with ours or not the tmthon i n important public issue we do not bflifv the ontario department of fduration is cry iritltf imt in its program and we do deplore i he delay of ihe presentation of the reiort of the koyal commission on education appointed some yean ago we apolojire to our readrrs for dealing with the subject at such length and fix the ecluiion of oilier editorial t ut tl ol iinpoitaikc hut its not sensible for an i ditor 1o write under i tie is to tin i diloi rtm after all tl im art only the opuuony and reasoning of lite iiidi i n mil of many it nl miti 1 4 tka reetoning rk of our stand at trie rilk of lecomnig monotonous we again infect into our editorial columns that cot tentious question the high school di tin t in north halfon the news columns give a reiwut elsewhere of a meeting held in strwartlown tnui tince we have consistently been an advocate of the central school plan as opposed to other plans we desire to state briefly as possible our reasons for adherence to this plan for one high school lft the centre of the district as opposed to other suggestions that have lieen put forth in tl firtt place a central tchool of course can only mean one established in the centre of the district to le served two straight lines drawn from the four corners of the two town thipt of north halton show ihe centre of tins district to be ust north of speyside at the meeting last week it was argued by members of council and financial advisers that not one of the urban centres of north halton was in a financial condition to issue the debentures for the erection of a central school we agree with that ttatement no one at the meeting argued contrary to that opinion tsquesmg township financially ttnd geographically is the logical location for the school our first reason for a central high school was of course better educational facilities and a school of sufficient sire to give advantages com parable with those offered by city schools and by those schools established in the south end of halton county then there was the considera tion for rural pupils in equal balance with town pupils it is no more hardship for town pupils tc travel a few miles than or country nuoils to travel equal miles to school all should have equal advantages regardless of home location our reasoning also was broader than the needs of high school and we viewed with con cern the public schools in north hilton particu larly in milton and acton since these are the only towns in the north hilton d sfr ct b ith have overcrowded and rather old school bill ngs both must acquire more spice almrt l me i ate ly both towns have hnanc l prob i t r u i ng f ayment and installation of seer fr rr her for acton wc envisiinr j tr e m g rer of the present high school lu m nj f purposes this would q v tie j r a rooms of qood construct on i n r riff jr t finances allowed an ent re nt a r- dem p school it would prov ri roos f e ci j of manual training and he r r r r i f e upper gradi s we hope i for r i r tiofce facilities for all tft h ire c r to high school qraduat on for milton we hoped tf p r 1 acquire the present h gh s c t t g ar moderate cost it would g ve f e r a e r t ary tor kindergarten classes and the teaching of manual training and household courses n publ c school forms that are now being conducted under very unsatisfactory conditions our educational outlook- was for all milton children from kinder garten to high school graduation we presume georgetown has had similar growth at in acton and milton and it faced with the same problems but tince they had chosen to tay out of the district we gave no thought to their problem we have travel led the road pretty regularly on whjch speytide it located for the past five year perhaps more regularly than anyone elte in ell kind of weather and often at night under worxe conditions than any school but would be called upon to operate weve weighed all the argument for and against the central tchool plan nd in a give end take pint forgetting all local prejudices we find the balance largely in favour of h achool oantrally located on highway 25 near speytide further argument might be found in the improvement now being done on this road end lhcf that it will be in first dan condition long before any central tchool could be com- pitted czjoeiotc1ofc10cz recollections ol acloti czioizi3tfoc5tfoliczaorzd back in 1899 taltea fratn uta itaua t t1u pra lr r tfcw4jr july it itm new htone croulng ar btlntf iul in hound town 11- arv jull an lininnirm lit ilutinrki ttrltk in ttw llue shop at pmrnt itu lltxtieis mitt maktia air miiikiiuf outliur a tu w imiii r tio un iu in at hii aitn lannlntt tnnner i if u11 w it i llllll 111 1 14 ximt r nml i riliai tin ultfeat in liiwn n m iiih i uftft al im mk ttiilll iwl im ll lunmi nixl i nut i ul lo ttirm i mi m iili rltiiithtn wlit mr ai mht h in ma h ipink i ni 1 wn ik it tin r mr k iih i t u i nil i kn h w 1 h mi lit lulm un mii ii it mill i- km tin im i i i mill i- ol it ii rnll ti 1 li fv for cleaner iaar tarlourt tin tr mim irtini tout i whuh th ojmf i im v mx- will two ly w l onw the crtmprtujn i nun hi l hy t tut wwii m hot i inhmn ol onwo to ji in op ikiiiv1 pronmr whi ihrr it n mia1ii or inhimfrthlr to ii uu nrui liquor to the pohl in lu com j pipium un h iilc ii it tjiil in mm xovtiu is ol ciikicia a ixl i it i jom to t ont at all it itynjld lv done will lhit irt k rimiiy b viwmjn rfmirm throolt out nnttf not only in ontrtr 10 wlm h ait tl i nf tv dtjrrtdin many wtlt who fiml nothing drrrtlmy iikjui dunkitu rt tjlaii ol bnr intl 1 1 thoroughly un whole ion w to tit in lxi pnrlour for hrtlf an hour mnny otht n will go ancf cfnnk thfir ylaii whtitivtr ihr iur rourufingi an- like bui to tuppmr thnt it i in the inlrmtt of temcionq to kep i ho lxr j aflouri firty unmfloncrly ant lotditl i to pile one evil on another snce people are going to drink leer where vcr it ii legal and in tome placet where it it no it ii desirable that ihe legal place should tx u well onduc ted as clean and as attractive ns they can le made those who see nothing wrong with beer drinking may lind much that is wrong with some of the premises where it is permitted those who think thai lxer drink my ts wrong m it st- it should be anxious at least to make it as little degrading as jxissible financial post its a long job the bowmnnville statesman editorially list week discussed the need for re assessment every tin years and says re assessment of a community along the imt s laid down by the department ot municipal affairs is not somt thing lhit cm lt accomplished it a short tinit m fact without rxtra help it v ould probably in impossible to do it in one yrir hut once the yk m is established it should i e conpir lively easy to keop the ri cords up t om ye u to ye w spoil ng irom experience in hallon biothtr sun t in t be clone in 1 short time it started ri t s county about five years ago and no one cac to prccl ct th it the job will be done in the i oi i vi ytvtts yes it s under the county as r pi vi with all the inform it ion its a great eo but n the meantime tax rales are high i k u w i tmg for the big task to be ii nd tne asst ssnient brought up to elite ai j i if i m l h r i t i 1 t v n of i i i m in m1 n i 1 lnl u 1 1 i il iif i ii ii hi on f tti luu f ii i1 r nl t l l l i nt ti nt i iiiuiilv s k u n w ntiiiii i fr a upl f liour mmtltim i i i am in i i i in i i ufl 1 ii u in v i in stl i i i i 1 i all i ii n ill i i iittnl i back in 1929 i nun ihr lmtr nf it- i rre ir r ihunuuy july itth l1 lll nltl t lh on si i il i i i mii mot row ii h n rain kno k- iiom n lh vorilir ulunt in int 0n s hul mil nun ii uuinkt it in- m vm win unison ii i liar nu n i ii vnlnm nml l v i ihilf a nl in m it ft v lilt on tin wiiit tvinlntt an i won itif hnllfiik lnihy nun n rink of slni ts iii uw it i inun sunrtm t hnnt immlr wrrr hi i 1 li ntn vu n kn x t lum h mint t ttkfmoo1 park ami thi 1 ni1il i liiinh to llunvilr inrk i iu ilh ik un i uk 1 imin in i vit n oit i hut 1 in luk ith i i i i mi mui mr w lllnrl hull n n vw an ml ai m 1 l n u mini u i h m h nlnv lul lh 1 i i mr nml mis i i in an r v n mmiitirn aii i it l i i- i i ai lh i ml- 1 hun i 1 iiv m k i mi i u diiim m n in mt i lul ml kt l th r tih t it ii hi 11 mkv t- mils n 11 ihlll t lllkhl i i ill 1i it i mm ii i mr i nl ii v in tt t n i mi ii i i mis it i in ttt i n i n i n oiii i jl- nthf hok kmiljtnirs jst mttafr wkwtll editorial notes i i l vwet k s showers broke the long drought r j the ra nfau was music to the eirs of most i vt ryone and fhe cooler weather has been a c l i ght to all ages on m in in n iiil l 1 tst rik in i inui is i iintiij hi it tin t n uili 1 h us in tm n tin 1 ill w iiilik t miftui tit tin n t ke p ini inhi j oi in i 1 1 1 lis f r on in k lit is a t i irk list of i hih f ii nlmni m nns ul ti mil ih t i lh nu st fnm oils mi in lh wv rll fi lim h n lvu n i th to tl i his nt t n i i un is su tiik sitl how 1 mini nml tvrluslvi inlli rlnn ti nt 1 1 s i i r i if t ti i mir with r ir is of lh tin st m l th suit 1 lthx iwnils mirs in i si n iitj o hi m rf rtliin tf his t tot ti mr mnls cl t nt k- is sprint nil ov r tlit world from tin mum e fast tn am rim nml o tin knr hast ho pursue hii ift in t slin 1 d nu stu itnins plu ii in n kltilin njljannt hit worksh his wlfi ocriit on fjie in us h m luts whiu ho minn si tt t mtttins froni 12 lo h hours lndil i wc prolldi nt jnu nn spoil pro fit from the sumo letter we re doing our best to get jfl printing crders rushed out before the annual weeks hob day but sometimes it just seems impossible and after all the staff have made their arrangements to start holidays a week from saturday and they ii be back on august 2nd missing one issue of your local paper watch out for pedestrians who dont watch out for themselves they may be in the wrong but the department of highway reminds you that it may haunt you the rest of your life if you make them deacf wrong remember pedestrians ere people human like you they dont always think so be sure that you do we get several enquiries each week on the road conditions on highway no 25 the conditions change from day tej day and its best to remember this road will be under construction e4l this season and as such travelling will not be good at any time the section from no 10 to milton is good the rest is barely passable pollock and campbell mimiftffhww at high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water su north galt mimonb mtf opfahbdtbt 7 douglas street guelph eyes examined glasses fitted when housecleaning dont put aside furniture that can be reutholatellkd our new pattern ind colon nd eipcrt workmn thip will make them better than new for the beat in cheaterfied reupholaterin phone 87 acton 7 day rw no wailing hay puiwiu matj it ahimj a il l ti nw iwumuuavp w it hiaua t par jack 8udesmann op john uick and bon carrolls glover leaf fakoy coiioe red tomato juice 19c hrkillth i anuv tin if oe whole dessert pears lie marshmallow biscuits 25c welchs grape juice lie 39c montserrat lime juice 39c tomato cocktail zxlsxb 79c omar coffee xsc s3c carroll dandee tea 71 38c kcuoggh corn flakes x5c ktuoggl rice krispies 14c quaker muffets 12e newport fluffs it 29c 45c exceptional value limited quantity or prune plums dew kibt choice sooz tih 21c v8 tomato catsup 18c frankford peas 3 25c natures best tomatoes isc ltabys deer brown beans 16c beans weiners 22c campbell pork and beans 2 v27c sweet mixed pickles harvest margarine strawberry jam jam 45c mist 35c aviun whi mctin 7 ot 39c kraft dinners 1iacaboni ciiccsc nxw low price fly ded insectecide 27c heinz tomato juice ioc heinz baby foods 3 25c heinz spaghetti 14c maple leaf soap flakes 30c84c quix soap powder 31c old dutch cleanser lie vel or max velotu bads pko 34c bc rossmiller dog u 16e brocks bird seed w22c llbbys milk x x7c monarch cook books 25c society dog food 14e lie 29c 17c 19c 23c fresh daily rnpbwrtea uhuea 6tm ontont cmiuaoww wulnla horn oeown yommom ootdoor cucumbers ath now traimfiamit affies 2 lb carrots 3 bunchoa now cro potatoes 4 lb california 344a oranges deon bubiueas directory hkuioix dk w g c kennby csuccuor to ur j a uhri utllr in 8yaua block uu1 aetsa mru lkuu lllijlnw i ul- rui um i1w i a uahuett ikyili4i 4 suf mb kruuk slram actoa lomurty ijr nuoa oritotf on ilni ilh itmloaoo mai iikntal ll a j i1u iianan ltaj hurao ofi iii niiii uiu 8a offtr lltur tt a iii lolm x jiay im i 1llilnr im ll itllki a sikkb ltitsl nurami mill si toiiuf firlnck anoafc olfuv lluui uuin lu q3u pjbk i t i vliittul iv u wiujon lmlr ml i 1urrtu ku4r tl llll irlrplon llulldlng a lull ihuli 3uj moult hi m iii l h v m ix1iai i i i aimi 11 and ii a atn iiarruur 4 m4illrllwr nalary firrir if rhuna luilit i i vi u ft iioskin c hrlrml arhunlajiu i ur mi ikimiiiiii lllda 44 vi iiila 1 inronfo ml kill vrttjunahv ii i yound vs it v sc rtmrlmmry hurao orfii hifiokviui ontario lhin- mlllim 14ah i iiakis vs u v sc vmriwrr hwraa jffli ami ltiitn kfios alp ai li ilionv 110 mlfutijjvkilh tiik victok il ruhlkt unkkal iiomk kunrrat tloinr llru1 an i v i n u th- intmiinlty for 45 y in ri41 mi mitii r flay wi kliicllliy i akm a i nl y lmtit ai llllitt aifinry n i aaaaw llnl oil- ii hi i mroou 1 1 1 n i id ita itatlv 7 mil llruaon ihnne 4rfirgruiwii h1v i 1 ukifht aliialtii lualnr in mi i t i m i i i iim i iii- of i i km iii trrt t ilun orilrr willur mrrm arlin m i ii 1 o mwkixkks liuk tkm fach ijnes ta llls 11am acton da irht savisf timki rlaathouiul 1 wl ii m u n ii ifl am j fl n 4 4 i i m fi 1 1 p r i xl i i i 1 i i uralbaund hi 4j jr w rr 2 57 m s1 tt tin si u p m 1132 i i a iiiy ixcijl sunday and boll- djji u saturday sunday and holidays railways canadian national suijiturd tlmt dally s35 m- dauj xcp sundaji tu am 7 10 pm sim- day only t10 pm daily axoae ir flyer at georgetown ur daily flyer at georfeimna 10 11 pm daily exevpt alfloday 1 it m uondjy only u3b ajn tiaily a 1 cept sunday 4i a-m- tm pa 7 41 pm saturday only im sunday only lu 541 pjn fflacttop ttteaf sun j ttauaawas e2k s9baa wtpattkrsonrjo r rr niilir im wynmum w o0humi caaptauiy ftulmkad oklew bolow mahor shoo sum shj

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