Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1949, p. 6

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pjlcjc 6xx the acton free press thursday july mth 1m0 miurr firm top wtnier wheat competition the results of the i la i ton fifty rushe winter whest companion have ut been nrlraitd by agricul tural hrprwrnuuvr j k white- lock the fir mi irr recently coid by alex w iavidon prumi- ntnt farm r and dirwlor of thr onui i crop improvt mml assocut lion 1 h top citfhl fields i f follow millrr lints ctorjp town 9 wm ivw th milton w w k reckon irnfcn w j ii wlllmll milton ttfl huu n au xjitulrr tieorjtetown b7s host s nsworlh hniinms luihia ibvl ukvi1l h4 c i s liilm r i man kv th ffl three f id wrr of hi con 11 t vaiilv hold ntallv mmi i 1 is n ul in all 1 ft id that hjy can be brought in frorn j quebec at considerably under that figure dunnb thr pjst few days in company with n j thomas of the soil department at th oac we have been privileged to ml a number of lis lion farmers who have entered thrlr n mtuvc firm pro gramme in the llalton soil hulld- ing comix tilion- lit spite tlu pfktr rops tif w9 it has bn n a bit of an imputation to visit tin m nun nome imtiplr talk atxjut rniiu lit demonstration f mints in nrry tountv if stub individuals oultl i- ith b w think tlu lhit all adv merit farms the i1 otd tb pam f mid i aitlr for ilrl tti h npi i tji npl tlu ontaii cuilpb kj l mlra 1 abu iltn it will now wi know what thfs liver docs dm th had quil a laik firm it u thr roads and not lias i by but to if ion im pvl two ppoltulllt numln r uk olll u alonl hi soil t itloii but the ui4kil link rioted inte u thr ssd mulurn ir- 1111 cordin to mr thorn who in- tallv him if opt rub a 100 hun t drive along a rf fjrm n vii- w re intrigued on thiusdas ust to visit iiw man w ho mds dim n all his k of vim of if i lion thinl part summes busy time for inspectors during the summer months inspt ctors of the plant products division of th dominion d part- im nt of agriculture throughout canada will have a vanity of jobs to tin kind of all wed crop inspec tion w ill oct upy a grt at deal of tin ir time thousands of farm rs in ciuaij apply tuih yi ar for crop munition with a view to growing hi gisb n d and certified trhl tile trops range from ci reals to vi gr- tiuu- and the standard of inspec turn umd are those prrscrib4d by the can ju lan s4l growers as ioriation und the tlgminlon iepart- mrnt of agrkultdre the sallrnt points of iniimction art fur purity of van ty and relative freedom from wtrds and othrr crop plant i lie siid crop uispex tloii season in unad vxttiids from may to oitobtr uotding to the kind of imp in hmd the a rragr lnspted dm it ik the sum ii ii r inontha hm 4im liikjxi tots mii ngag l in iifn mi h doniinloti arti re- sh t tine f rtilli is ft ding stuffs p sh ul s anil hmih r tw im so that ihi f in iu is of cuti miy im pin- l i ti d iiiinst bad protlut ts of thi se km in sunitn r li also th waotiof th m it for iikji ugn ulturl rm- mfillrtii and fu 1i davi lit which till 111 ptms uk oftl tejuirid to liw idititts on mihjtftft ti i itlng i thtir wink oni of tin iimim r timtii s is ttiut or to p ruling w ilh pn in t1 rn lan in d vi lop latti r irbtcat quofette salada obange pekoe the crops s you urate it et out into l spring grain eery er true heti irobably tnisj bts cat hes his year but h t is his hed mixture ht aire alfalfa 13 lbs ibtl cloer 4 picture ou ve got to the flrlds we still hat llalton has been hard hit b last spring late frosts and the diought ii ever w v have uin agreeably sur- j n jiinmr grass 2 prised e- a bit amaied that the i timothy l llw whei hat and sprint aram an as god tullm a hf i5 aa th art yts w are dt finitely j r 1 woulrfnt i ihort on ha but the big majority lt ntlil yn m bushel when we of thoae nmufliil fell they can 1 ame1 that in contrast to wme of wiggle through what thev have h n ighlaiir who ate short on hay report are now omnwncing to t md wstlirr h had ample rpnre mint for his dairv hi ul from ft jrv t ur r hutuljr is a pnvalint public assump- j turn that all wage diapuua ure 1 matters to ik- settled by two int r- i stect partlis with the public npx anng men 1 an intirrstcd on l i umnii ncing tite that im to tiadly of grev ivnnni j avr alreadv ad- aettions of ontario ar off thr cihii and addingti cii1 that tin ht ht fur sal u als uiuti rstand hat oxford in rth huron hrure and parts nf wellington duffenn as wi as east of lit ii villi ar taking off a god crop i numilh w w nulln t b in tmi nun h of a hurr in buvlng biv at ho a ion it nuts woul1 uiiluat w hi h be ships 0 to whn we not- th corn wi have vm to 1 bus irop of v touldn 1 h lp but cor certainlv bettt r to so than mil sir than red closer and tii has us plir hut not nik to ik i ft down and tu ruling of the arbitra ve xpresmd j ttori board in the wage dispute b f alfalfa he tween the motitn al coke and maim any less if fa t tiring compaii and its employ- eta re present id by the int niational chemical worker iatcal 23b gave that comfortable bell f u shx k in it fusing the application for wage inert uses on the grounds that the ins dailv md i u j werti adequate th board inst f i id of i talis that thi re w as a third party this vear a 30 npitsntrd whose right sup r- hi at etc we bcl thi more individual lights of it unit thai it is immedlali parllc ipalibi iw a lil more ining wii lublish d rul d niuigh a tltf bsird that the price of gas wilrotled b oiitiu t this whn it i- co hoaid onus to the kinrlumni that v hu h is not x fun thtlloald miail- th population of tin trenl nnd we mmnglv iii 1 isgv i lh tl i or f llmi lb a third pail wigs dentures and exports as might have bet ti expttled cettitin exhrt ts of lint ish goctda art finding it difficult to make sales in ciuadj and are inclined to blame canadians for the poor state of trule one gi ntlenian rvin w rltea to the london recorder from the motor maiiufa turlng city of covtri- tr to sav the high level wage basis of t anada built up on the abnormal conditions of wartime npiires us to take her products at high pru es hut hr wants to buy from us at low prlet s to omiete with ann n an dumped pntdu ts in imimissible xiltlon agiind this ty n raldv from lliitnn in iv im pi ii iii sum spi ific infoimtiu fniu a catiadi m tx ieorgetown miit 1 mis of n ias pital low u t f w ll ii v flaiii hi month i mr s th ln pist f ifr s s i m niiiiil iis mjth fl 10th inn r ci 1 v min smith in sptnln tl mils in di p h r whn 7 is doing mipplv w ik it t chunh the gioige town initd chunh is holding tun tn v r ires with knox in lv tcnan church in his absence th usual juit 1st celebration spun mssl bv branch 130 canadian lagion was on outstanding nicceu thu fr with perfect weathr and gtxhl rrowds inith on thuradav veiling and on ffidy on the hohdav evening there tl a street dance games and booth on mill mret- hrraut 1 burlington whthrr it wa or th h bdav polo nallv had hohdav night fn th iltcd t the hot weather elebration lnal hit tim on the iv juu s when a v iv pt iv u mm r w hlmg u s sli mm i in st puds initd liuih milt n n tui v julv 1st 1 hi it v 1 in it in wh n at i 1 iill i lie n n in vviima fallth till 1 iiijil r of mr mt mrs 1 1 mi i i hi n s uriilt 1 m in r tii o mr iiwiiiiu tvr r sm f mrs im r and th lab willi im t- ii r of hamilton tv liw w is givtn two nadings at milton council meeting tueslnv uthorimg the establishment of a tliv nurst rs to lie tip ratetl bv the honu and st him avhh tation then are to le sevrn memhera on the tmmttter 2 frvm council and s fiom th horn and school associa tion thih b law was to be given to the school association and then it will have to go to the department for their approv al bofon the thinl r ading tlie m i mul annual n union of he cowan nnd llrown familv was held at the honu of mr and mrs w ci ridge kotn rt strett on julv 1st with flft members presfnl n ru d lin ctiaim pion l lu n i that th population ii pioltld and w ti ii hi il lhi put f i id lint fit tol ii v uiiouji inter il lo h ti m hi to puu distur bnrcrs rirt fights thai brok hiiin w oik is on the cnlt liouttt n ji stilloued in the mil uik l hu f smith statitl that l r i 1 1 iv itt ih tween mid erin ut hilltop i odg tht tii i il tils night an wa litti night mi g ung it up r so th it i the pi th re t all ill kn itf th pn oft ilee h llratit mrui n v gi tabl klivu r pic- luk ts of fu id tomatoes n nd whuh we uluvi is 11 ftr this dtstrut he also d iw ntv fiv lmskt n jul 1st and anoth r tt uiftkct itn mon- dav f this we k minimum sue of potatoes offcresl for kal iti ontario has been set at enc and men eighth itu he instead of th former mth and a half the tnnt and vegetable fltaiuh out- ivept tf agrttulturv disrloae the new i emulations came into effect over the uevkend thiv week a citlleru residing in the area to be serviced by postal delivery received letter from the itval chalnber of commerce- ap- iveahng to them to install a letter bo slot in tnclr ham as quickly u pouibie in order that the mall detlvrr may start not later than september lit gnztttt toot in japan now are placing many order for wild animal to replace thoae that were killed dur ing the war because it was feared bombing raids might set them loos upon the people il v ptk was v scouts bin rung jan t stout tloop nts mr v nt- put on vdiusdv th wh n t i in 11 nt tiintl th ii pi slkv ws to 1st mast i and pro postl th toast lo the kirg md introdimd thgutst sp tkr ki 11 coliinilvsuiiet kummg of the llov stouts assh i fum of i umlton pillowing an illn ss in whuh h w is udf is for ihven m rt plovd thmiiis h will dutl at his home it gt rrird str t kit toronto on mondiv juls 4th lwl tlu ut r vvrend i w n itroiikhall w ho has recently re- signet hi nuhojiiic of niagara in eompanv with his chaplain rev mr uroadocnt of hanutton istted all saints on sunday last for the postohc rite of the laving of the hands a large congregation was present to welcome hu lordship rev i c r l gilbert priest tn charge prepared and presented the claa of candidates to the bishop a prvitx ucddtng took place in burns- presbyterian church erin on saturday afternoon june 2 at four oclock when jargatet jean daughter of mr and mrs f s wil son erin became the bride of frederick claude ptckard son of dr and mrs t r piclcard guelph adpocate the man wtto makaajsvery mln- ute count often bagomaa the man i of list jtour o 11 and s t t in ul u to i it 1 out of i 11 mill nil m to 11 i i ii dunklin so ii r i 1 d i in w w ut th in nuts urn 1 in i mi t hi m t p i ition un u hi 1 i a t on 11 putlu u il und i t nd i h 1 tlu i it rt t i ii r f i d o ii s uii i t nip is i nlt 11 otl so t i ih thai a uhl- i th it dot s m in ikt piolit is il p dd ot ih hik a ti it nl f lab t i h toiupiliv tint tlin s lu t mtk i fit uiiinil pro idt i long thi in i s impiovi in ms to hii th putilit and nit 1 1 i omp til loll failing tliit it latwlot stav in tusi- insa to vim jobs and wag s thin is unlv on isiap from this unite ohv ions dilriuna that st ape is i ni it asetl prici w hn h njusl in- paid bv the publu this piiblu this thinl pai in w hu h is not it pit anted in vvag distuvmons must kiiii that it is not aiul tan not ih a dimiiteti st i tnlooki r lliis thirl putv has a lak in th i suit 11 i annul dt mind t turni ng low put i lot its u and onilinii ink nitiiased vvais for olll is ii miiihi arc juiuiiid thi pub tu thit ppuvs th m must uve ukiv to its stnipathi s bv its itadi li ss to ss is iaton11 hui i t t n nf in n as tl pi it t s writer reads with his ears v catiadinn whoa life work and pteasun vvns wriing and l od- i ig now writes bv dutaton nnd reads with ills cirv ills most t her- isied life plan oolapmd when heis1 injun rohhht him of his pi- inuning r nllng v isum now h mst precious ptiv lege u to rend hv heirtng otnipenitun ftir hls diwhulu far brond hi hopes hns come t hint through the nvord otnk ser- vise of the canndtvt natlonnl in- situte for tte hund jjv kind per- missttin of publishers nnd author the rvest books ar avured and in terpreted b readers and commen tators of exceptional gifts the best literature is available to this writer who feared that his day of dellght in the eompanv of the j grrstest minds vre limited to memory 7he joy of living with them has been restored to him by the klndneea of those who keep meaning in the uvea of casualties many of whom ar sight them- selves th ifecord books servlc of the catatlarv national insutute for the blind u available tree to any who provide- a physicians- certi ficate that they cannot read fttje 8on roy s uzmm i axi oiib hikoaitt axtui wmi a rmiuc j iioiirh a oav to out of town fointh liarul iukic kmtm in tovn phone 12s acton residence 330vv coop phone 127 miitoki nom is ihe time to get your grain requirement u i iv ii in- in of lli no i ll on- inviit fho- lo t i wr 1 c ili ilis to arrive a c ii of pon- wisl ihiii- cine molasses prnts rc ngh older now thi i th saon for low pricoft on oil ceke glulvn and brvwer grain prtcvt will b highar latvr birn eaveilrough overhcnd gjrage door set poultry equipment nnd fly sprayer at reduced price buy coop buiid your own business ht gral to have a rep utation for hotpitality but iff bltr to daterve it thatt why th watt it to proud and to glad lo x- tand tha warm hand of i riandthip to visitors from far and naar latt prova it to you thit yaar youll enjoy going by bus mris sri low vancouvar 8505 winnpag 4340 calgary 35 ragina 430 round trip isubjatt ts chang tkhs a1jd haroid smwsm drrvcawtuynvwayaaruityyijbwi l tfata eaf m cllrlclajtmeautswlnraailnnumlmr40taasuali- way twchmal acwlihi at nlgm rawi imaau vtolaw to llathaj afkw sun0owh uow oowh h a

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