Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1949, p. 8

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icae mam the acton free press thursday july mui imp htr i aurtka auu aj xwu bmui u 1 iii i afcri i umm wl w aatt m e u liikimj cm i a hoatn wrnuulb marjranet and jimh menfcbb announce the birth or their second son on july gtb 1949 at tiw tuelph oeneral hospital torrance ur and un bertram yorranc nt norma campbell wish to announce in birth of their daughter lorna jane at the guelph general hospital july 8 ims prtuxtns mr and un rom ivrktns nee krema jlarrlsj are happy to announre the airivai of daughter karen ann at cuelph tlaral hospital on july 7th 1949 jot utuougau at oransevtlle hoa pital on saturday july thh 140 duncan ucltouaall formerly of acton beloved husband of catharine ann smith in bu 82nd year tiiou in oshawa on tuesday july llth 1mb i we j beloved wife of jame r thorn in her wh yr kuneral from mrlntoah funeral home oshawa on rnday july lath at 1 pm interment union cemetery una lhuutina i law priding fire departmeiu in hicmoauam bimtion in luvinf memory of our iear m and hrolher lte harold 1- simpson j k o c who died of wounds in norman dy july lftth hm4 frver near us tho urvaen ills ar immortal aptru treads for all this boundless universe la life there are no dead sadly missed and aiwa rr membered by mother dad helen and iorne card ov tiiankh the family of the late mr ami mrs ken wish to thank their friends and neijlhohrs for thetr kindness at the time of their rr cent bereavemefiu special thanks tn mr jtumley and le mr mac nell i wish to thank my friends and neighbors who so kindly rememb ered m with cards tellers flowers fruit and other t nines during m ata tn hoapital lheae were wry much appreciated and will alwas be remembered mrs j mckeown town employees have been cleaning out the street drain ths saturday s ritrrnu l h a y downpour as certainly u i icomc refreshment the grass at the park is r gaining the green so nolut ahlv absent this vear a well attended tttcial evening was held at the tt nnls courts on wednesday night w l rvrr had the mis fortune to fracture his right heel on saturday when he fell from a ladder in hit barn the ihh armv fn id rcgitm nt rca trumpet hand is to br the fi aturt attraction in the acton rand tutoo in mid august mr and mrs o kfnnpth coxe mr and mrs kenneth coir haltnnville nasagaweya met a u sgir dtath on sunday july srd j 1m when they were drowned in fmmou river near roekwood at a skt known as hendersons pond while nut boating together g orge kenneth cose was the youngest son of the late robert cose ami g r andson of tphn cone and late sophia iwrv coxe who came from cornwall fngtand in 1mb pioneers of nassagawi ya he was tn hi soth ear and wit bom at knatrhbull going to school at no 8 he had three brothers jack rrantford frr1 hamilton and tom one sister i ucy mrs smith slmcoe all mourn his loss he was a veteran of the 1dh 18 war a presbytrrlan n giod father husband and worker he was employed as a llalliui coun ty maintenance worker rocella rrownt cnr was the daughter of the late william hmwn and rose icardlncl llniwn who is at present seriously iii in hamilton general hospital she was born in the milton district at the ume kilns and was in her 41st vear she had one sister may mrs fred jcf frevs milton one brother fred slreetsville she was a member of nassagaweya presbyterian church thev were married atiout 1 077 and four children blessed their marriage marian mr charles barber acton vema and iils of haltonvllle and rernlce who pre deceased them in 1w4 in herj llth year as a result of a school accident the funeral was held from the victor r rumley funeral home acton at 2 00 o clock wednesday interment took place in nasaaga wea presbyterian church ceme tery pall bearers acted as flower bearers and were his fellow work era namely messrs karl carglll cvnl elliott james deforest willis powell ivan oumbert and norman chlsholm for mrs cose the neigh twin namely messrs glenn ilrltton nay rlacklixk ernest dredge jack moffat james allison and iaw rrnce king were pall bearers the large gathering at the funeral and the floral tributes bore mute testimony of respect and sympathy of neighbours friends and relatives tht gram is tx ing hirv i sti d and while it isnt a bump r crop it certainly tnt a failure i then will tmlv yt on iikim lsm of vour home town pjip r tx l fort thi anuuiil wink iimtion so j pit um to nd in vour copv i iilv o v tan complt tt our work jack nnd don 0 iv ulon r n hutt und dav dills nrt it n ihk on r ridav morqiii to att nd thi rirvl cunudian iuv s out jumtkmt m ottawa npr nntmg thi local troop i providing th im thinl of houv i unitx ring is undt nttihtd it n rtiiinu ithould be moit tmvtiiuiit for v isi torn an xpluuition nf tin svstim i inutloved will im kivtii next wit campbell ville mr nni xtrs a droppo of to null were week end guests with xtr and mrs frank qulnlan a large crow d of friends and nt ihbors gathered at the masonic hall h re on mondav e t nlng to honor m wlv w inis mr and mrs stuirt cramp the bride w a form tilv miss vivian hill of prampton lfi tilth s of progri sslv e fuchre w i n rnjov ed and nftt r prut s w ere civ in to mrs chtrles rhim rts mr campu ii anew mrs cordon mr- phail nnd jack roim rts mr william msickli acted a mast r of ct ri monti r and on im half of the mm mumtv pn u ntid the hnppv couple w ith a chrome table and four chairs trimmed w ith t how wit thi bride and groom eich thinkixl iill lhiiu inchart uhu uuro rubvrt inklis ross mitchell nnd ross car 250 pheasants were released in halton county last week halton count v bird population was tmnusod last week bv 2a0 in lb crates 250 10 week old enlih ring necked pheasants arrived by train for distribution bv thi d partment of game and fish ru n throughout esquesing trafalgar and nelson townships until they are able to feed them- aelvea the voung pheasants villi be kept in outdoor pens in the bronte district then they will be set free game warden dudley hutchcox will have all the birds tagged before the hunting season opens in october each hunter who bags a pheasant is requested to return the tag- to the department this enables the de partment to keep tab on the pheasant population and living habits the outdoor pens are care fully nmoufufed for protection of the birds even after the pheasants are released food is put out in peni o they will be able to return and f6ed deaplte the 110mile train trip from a hatchery all the birds were in good condition as the trmin pulled into the station the game warden was on hand with food and water given approval by eramou cevstorhar llama of ily maa4no the j- ramoaa township council mr t in tlte town hall roekwood on july 4th at 730 pm all the members were present with jutfvs d u gray in the i hair tie clerk was authorise to lgn on presentation dro contracts where no taxes nre outstanding airalnst the property moved by mesara j r hut her ford and v i- cox that the clerk he aulhorixed to strike off the 1040 tax roll an error of duplication amounting to 11100 00 roekwood police village aksj tajiiwit car- tied kockwood police village trustee hoard were present and discussed the new fire engine recently pur t ha sed by them moved by messrs rejiham and rutherford that hy law no h 1ih0 providing for the establishment and regulation of the roekwood klre i3eparlnwnt as requested by the police village of kockwood frustce im read a first and nivonl time anied moved by messrs hutchinson and cox that the clerk com muni rate with the lept of highways as to the coats of the roekwood fine iepartment in connection with a fire on no 7 highway and spreading over an adjoining farm threatening the i p if o snow fence and another fire around the highway rulldlngs in the village of rh kwood carried moved by messrs cox and hut chlnson that ry law no fi 1im9 pro idlng for the establishment of the roekwood fire department be read a third time and passed carried mr w r shaw the assessor una present and dlscuwd the opening up of several new subdlvlsloni in the township and was granted an extra 1c 00 to cover his expenses for extra work on the 1im9 assess ment roll council discussed with roa1 supt p r peavoy the new hem llton bridge now being built and several ihems jif road maintenance and construction and also the kill ing of weeds with the weed in spec tor wm hamilton moved by messrs rutherford nnd nnhm thai accounts am nuntlnk to utogig he passed for pnvment and counrll adjourn to meet on tuesdnv august 2nd nt 7 10 p m carried north italton high srhool wh dfcfniwfs continued from peo on burdened acton was in favor of the central school plan as origin ally agreed upon mayor gibbons of georgetown sin ted that th- main reason for feorxphown late entry in the dis trict was the opposition to the speyslde site he did no agree with milton that a school should he retained at milton and one built near aeton ir a centra school was built he would be much dls pleased if speysldv was considered it should he near the large urban municipality he felt the vote in milton in 104a did not mean any thing from here on there were sev eral speakers in a question and an awer period with opportunity for various views to he expressed these apeak era inelurivd g a dills col g o rrown inspector stewart inspector ijikey iej utv heew tyler mr iver au lhor mr lleaumunt and mr w hit hn and others asked question ami clarl flea hon of various jmlnta nml were answered by the halrman or inspectors three starts were made on it resolution rrhere was no secre tary of the meeting and no written resolutions presented and it was difficult lo eocure clearly what was being voted upon the wording of the resolution we noted mla that this meeting is no longer in favor of the resolution passed in lemt that tha kneyslde site be a muftt on the records pf the de partment in favor wiere fsques ing mlllon and georgetown and opi wised naasagnweya and arton another resolution that this meeting is in favor of a two school svstcm in north hat on with the school in milton remaining as t is was not vtted upon when no seconder could he necured after the meeting adjoured little groups discussed the problem which seems to become more and more confused and further from any agreement farnworth memorials maaumenta at uuierwle prleae cfmftfry letterino eura ud at fistey miasm ovt iudwlg von rtthoven probably thi worlds grtattst mmium r once was arnsted as a trump becaiim he w us drrsved so shabbily princess thkathk milton thursday july 14th sflbu mtui bibi ferreir in the end of the river the classified section buy seu exchange waded etc advertisements under this heading 35c cash with order up lo 5 words additional words le per word 1 cash does not ac company the ajlvertiwmtnt minimum charge 50c and le ptr word addltloiial for each word over 25 subsequent insertions j for sale wanted xut hai i- liaty rsrrl blue apply a mason illvd adn ftjr bai f hlark urrants and rapmrrles it hutt phone 112 friday and saturday july 1516 gregory peck and anne baxter yellow sky m for sa1 fc i flendron stroller tmt olor in k kni tondition ap ply to mrs joe ibbv ml sa1 r keglxured hoston l rrlor pup a rel luy apj ly wtv n orion onl kill sai f 2 hoys l y 1 1 28 and 80 will im m view hii1 sue honed at mrs mphla wnlvm hale hurcblll saturday iirne johnson milt sai y 1jik ii1e ustom se1ri tfood nwllllin frank wi1mii hh j er pttone 4ji ii rxk sai y house nrt lt for sale in oairlnge tiydro htaesa on stmtn apply vltlor reainlsh osprlnge evenings wavlk iw thr- fur- i nlshe1 rmitn ft r two adults phoiie 1hj wantki bv experienced sleiio grapher with knowledge of clerical work permanent part tun or ten porary work ito 5 free press wantr l hicks and yowl will par up to j3 25 for heavy fowl phmie eulleet huttonvtu rgg crading siatum hramptea itir it ft 5j i wantr i herry pickers 1 i rantimtrtali n pn vkteil r intact i mr william mieprierd tteginnlng muu jul httl jt- hartley mill n monday and tuesday july u19 loretta young and poberf mitchum kaclirl and thr strangrr thursday july 3 1st franchot tone and jane bair i lovr troulih show times 7 30pm mahneas 1pm mjh sai 1- pr eord i ulor suiier lel ue martxtri radio itealer while lire rlnifs in gtd rdlllna apply ortnto itrlrtt arhs mlpnn it iiousf foh sai rtoms and llh bartlwtmml artd tilt floors mtxlern ailtbiii full ir- hi turner it hot air lieahng lniilfy tulu sltuatetl in gtxml lot it lion priretl right for jult it sale app at ion io spply iwi u llray hit ks iald lnrted ant some i i wek miked pullets cimkerels mayte just what you need right now tinlnet us fttr 1rlts order wmn agent teti irown it it 1 norval itiornson hrtm ihme 2mh art folt sai h ilunimng supplier in good supply at hilton plumb ing and healing arton onl lilac it and galvanle pipe u sizes cut nml threaded if dt sired pipe fltl lng soil ple and soli pipe rilling sinks hanln i with sump pump hnllow w tl pump septic tanks phone ww tf tin itinuil picnic of tht firnc mis i mi hind was held nt tht home of ann i nnd audn hum n on thursd i ifti rnimin w ith tw nt two tm mbt rs fit sni ill kin vts nnd i vht 1 idu s pn s nt at two o i ltck thi i n milt nt aon pirkcr opined thi nut tint with a hxinn and i i r im r l atun hum n tht wrlp tun li ss n w is n id b jnnt smith withiommniiv hi tht ia ndi r dur int tin busint s n ruxi thi program fur m xt mntitij w is irringid for this mi tint is to in hi id nt tin urlnr div owuik to mmi of tht i iris ruing to lamp thi 1040 n so lulioni wen n ad follow id b t hsmn thi following nicmlm n tht n k part on the progrnmnn i oi inghs piano solo retiitation sindn tumi r piano solo gloria purdv short stor audrc hum n norm i brown tht n read some u mi of in tereat about the food dreas pro- 1 dints ftstials itc in chura mlvs m phail rtad this topic from th stnd hook a stors about the little american bo who wanted to be hki the chinise goat bos and tried inmtn u to imitate them mrs meniles then read the storv of a little formosan girl w ho had suffered unkindmss until taken into the home of an english consul s wife where she was taught the loe of jesus tlese facts uereigiwn bv mrs james dickson mlsslonarv of formosa the roll call was an swered uith a scrltpure erse the offering was received and dedicated with a mission hand prayer the birthday song was sung for anna hurren and sandra turner the meeting was closed with prayer by helen- agnew the committee ap- polnted to o after tht sports than took charge and several races were run and games enjoyed six prizes were awarded to the wtnners next came a bountiful lunch with lots of sandwiches cookies cake and lea cream the president thanked the hostess and also tha ladies present inviting them to come to any meeting lirfmox acton july 9tn hmo inr mr kddllor i am nlwns intt rt st d in tht tt pt rt mi n in oiir vnluahlt pjipi t of iht ai i in 1 iw n council mon nn 1 cteil b the peojile to i in in tin t oiim il work nnd h i mm i ilinii in iln ulml is in st or l ht pt n uf our tiv n win it 1 1 iht m to till th- off in s t win mu h surpnv and stux kt d to s i iw th ii port of ountll this ei k 1 twit tht twm unnntni uis miopl id n n solution to ilsk ontni i 1 hjuoi on trnl itojiui to plmc on outltt f r tin sjiu of llijunr nnd u t i in th mm it if vi n h i int undi rsio id i w tn h u t mil luju i ston u ul 1 lit iik ntl 11 hit n rtliiin pirl of hiiltnn coun for sale remodelled 7room house 5000 00 in excellent ittitc of repair also has pflntry utility room ond woodshed off kitchen 2 sun porches i closed flnd i screened chicken house 12x22 on block foundation good girden with berry bushes creek prtses through property for inspection call f l wright valuator realtor phona 95 insuror t in thi nnnit of human t w h j isk fi i it in ri h are di mdnd in if it lo iks us if the council v ints tt but in m humble opln- i ion the huslm ss mm and the n pli int rtsttsil n tiv bt st thlnj j for iur nil ins do mt uml it is j thrti ikiiiski pliuts now do til that is neetlint for those who nillxt drink 1 i who will be mnde txtlir mlieis b sut h n outlet siirtta pi rson sons or d iujhui s will b made potim r citizens b usitlnc such plans host sons or daughter will tht bt surtl the pttiple i miurilh should hit a sa in suih matter suml the coundljj has not the final word j am sur prised at our council for making j i ut h a request 1 am ver srr j i oted as i did and if this re- j j quest goes through u 111 change j m vote mxt decembt r vour for the good of eer one i a voter for man yvars j lovell bros meat market friday saturday specials crimp cruit tjcjtvj 1 7c lb fnhsmisvge tie h no 1 grid bacon brealtfalt 63c lb h paaivaal back 7sc lb smoliad back 79c lb nucoa and marene margarine 3 u- lb quality beef most appropriate ttf hrld u ordfiins lr int ton of coal what kind of coal did you ant the dvajar aaked kind cxclalmad the hrlde punled ara therewdlkerent iklnda vb yea anawered the dealer i tor instance we have egg coal and cheetnut coal 1w talto the ecs coal the bride promptly decided til be i cooking ecce ottener than i will jcheetnut prim sib rout lb 55c shouldar roat lb tdc u plata seillna lb 30c rump rtutl lb 55c uan blade roalt lb 50c laan hamburg staaklb 45c barri brand lit grade crcanwty ifr butter 59c lb mt sai y lm7 ord a pass miner mupe new k7 interna tlonal 7i wb truck new water ik and fetbann narnn tractors new frricusjn lyartnr used w ul traclor on ruwwr wlih power mwr mr ormlrk leerinff rarm all m lyartor i rnnivti ilv tor all makes tractors 7 ft ock shutl rain hinder new skyline harvester cimiilele white itiresh er with new hi rxn thrower ru ter eover attaclinx nl y our rub inet ire ream i- re trr nrn ul tkntor for h srmall m tract nr manure imdcr for inti rnnl ion il 1 ractur ni otato manure spreader icrcl firiiuson hi plow n ml nil size plow shans t hctrlc itjint applv hun i- hewn n ooricetown 1w un renins in mnrtfd ihuki while th inst 2 k old unrr d new hampshire linrn 1 kink hn rre1 llnck n w llnmjishln s son m d i 1 i ulli ul i roekere s stliti nt w llnmpslilre ittmnl islnnd itts n riwxil sobs pulli ts inns rn ki r m 0 i lht suss x hlntk ustrah rj s son sexed 11 v pulht lii inkiml llk whii ltcks nui m n1 1 4i pul if ts m v c m ki r is ny jullits while itkhurn hnrnd ito k white i u rn i irht siissi ul hlnck miniiin hit i klmriii ht a sorte lb n lis nun svxi il 1 i ju pultt im ken h it ihrit wnk old ntl m nr link m i r pul lt ju uivu la hpi u t tn jlu lo ivsmi ml k ii it hi m 1 innted y t rus tint in imionr mm ton ttt r 1 e v r l y s saies and service rohh tint monmk ii hs kutl thi cks f r thactohn f imii r mr nts amimui i ii i f at -new- iwl 1 t n i ml v 11 h isss ul 1 im t ton 1 wf ull h iss s inl di iht 1 l n uj w ii 1- xpn ss -used- iht r r i su r ii lux oith ll4t y rl ii lux ii h iml t rd s dm 11h1 fnnl siil in mini ford sd in c tmp milt 1ord diluxi c oith 11110 h v sitljn dtidm sedan llb lord coacfi loirt c hi limf ton ibj ronl imil s ton sivtril othi r i irlu r modi i fords and h i tc 1 ustd ford tract urx and imnlt nu nu ccm liuvrle stiwart warner radios tost siiuyhi from the ltiwn ijns- natajakaweya iwrefiwd heifer arl itouey f o iun 4t acton isi itrirwn iyri containinic rlver s i irene in alon binder ilvase return t adam sael hey tit 4 kkiiwoi kr rent mu ion i vacuum e leaner and floor imilishers for rent apply modern lleatinjr and imumsuns store ihnne jiiu acton if found mhinp a sum nf morwy tn union lo l si store if not lalmed im for luly list same will forwarded to slar i- reah air r und hint n m- t store misceuaneous crnkhai iiauicr hand and f ravel cement blocks ckarla laruimk ihnne i i3r7 eorgelown itrfrrsrilntc kellef for burning teet with lee mint rind out wnat real lia comfort may be sjlr sml 1 si at liatts jtrug store personal my name la fvfjjry io you have- an apartment for rent i aha i need jt only for august 1st and tnd then i shall leave town skinny mhn womfn uln to 13 iba new pep too try famous tat re tonic tableu for doubla reauits new healthy flaah nrv i vtfor new fet acquainted ala lonlycoc all drutaruaa j7w3 mackenzie ew on it ur din d st rvjnts f r l n rs i- it iv iik our t m i plov what f f r ti is the id ml limk w hu ti h is pssetf its ust fulnt ss to kis and ii u inir i nnshinxl off fi r a in w innk this tnnk his hid mw his tors is it w s c rihinallv ownetf bv th gu mirlrtic g id minis i muted md w ts hroucht down t this ctuntrv bv i c wright f c t rtf town f i it in his firm it w is pur h s 1 h m n k nn some t t m ih ik fi r in in thi lr c n ittntte im t h is u n n in ll d m tht w is of i h i t m w i ntjint c tnd h s i f lift i k with i c it f punt i ik u r in i w hit t s in old p si n k 1 it th di n in i f in tt r s ru t in ul- b ur u t m rs n 1 or rl mr to d i nil p smhl t k this si r n i ru i uirex i trm k ft t hr ik downs tin juni r ittll club in pljx int vi i s koikl hilt and a w k fr ru t rid i is act in s n xt homt j mi tin pi i ffs irt nl mi st it h mil so k it wn ti th i nk n jul j2n i anil v r 1 lull kon j 1 macrknzfc tl ron erection of acton into a town it ls tin mttntlon of the village of ai t n to make application to the ontario municipal hoard for the t rectlon ol the said v lllntre into the status of a town said ejectloi to take efntt on or about septem ber 15th 1mj 131 j mkeachle clark notice to creditors and htflerh i in use kstate of john t1iomam dav ideton ah persons having claims atratrut the latate of john i thomas davidson late ot th towniiitp or luaquelnk in the county of halfon gentleman de- j reaxad who died on or about the third day of april 1mb are re quested to file proof of tame with th underxlirned solicitor on ir before the sixth day of auust i ims after which date the estate will be distributed having retard i only to the claims thpn hied rjuted at acton this ninth day of july a d 1mb charles at davipson ill annexed leathkruand aeton ontario administrator with by his solicitor want to kep cool masu inm tut hassard radio s nm ottubhna m 10 nam oadluhng 1195 10 ouumho in summer hal just started

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