Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1949, p. 1

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thfoe jvttim tt press seventy f ftyv ear ho 5 acton ontario thursday august 11th 1949 eight home print pagejsix cents spring building to be deferred await new pump engine f nw pump hat arrived but rhwvtp t not hn ye acton public utilities cahimlt- slon iml on tjufmu v irate i all inemb r of th onimlssion irr prttunl und chalrmun m hun ri presided prior lo the m- ting tin nu in brra had made a visit to lh ptn and alan to the pump lumv it was dclded that th addition to the spring building would h d ft f red for the prt sent as it h ft it nvn slnragr ipurt will uxtn im n hih for wat r ami thi two job toull br doni at thi umi4imi tv i nglnr for thi n w pump is cm hand but thi pump hm not arrived as yt t tht pn s nt pumi i to u taken il and uwuv for reconditioning in fori tx log put hark into wr nt ll ms uyni t that fat lorv man ws to tx present whin thi ji pump is installed the rniidlllnn of thi alurugt tank at the pump hoiiar was noted and it wan decided it ahnuld huvi a oat of paint liefort wlnti r priis un to he obtained on thi pit i nt inn ob from various firm superintend til wilaon wan to con ft r with thr rnglnrer on 1 1 r wiv 2 to find out about th lo h tlon of polrs on thli road uk far s th spring lane whi it thi- llru kn s into thr spring property th- progress of hanging os r for joint lead with thr fir trlt phone co waa discussed and thi commission voiced their objection to aomr of thr work and ptvmrnl requrated from thr t li phon co thr truck friglnm ring cnmpnnv requested a relrasr of reapotiaihilit v on thr installation of a poll d rrt k on thr hvdm truck thin rrlrnsi w to cover thr n sponalhilits of thr comn in regard to op ration acton womens institute makes a donation i to the wai memorial th r u ii la r monthly mttinh f i thi womnii institut was h i1 t thi horn of mrs win ik nn on liri- k as i out with ih pr siriwit in tin ihuir thr roll rail was an wt ri bi in wool fault whuh uiiiji jini good laugh x t ry interesting pap r mlill- shoos was r ad bv mi m auh pinna wrr mad fu u w h al hhitit til itiryiloh r or und fnl llanotia illsplavs al alton and milnn ialn a contest o m gt ttlorit on wheat and its u s o r viiy sluiutlim to aoiitt of thi low i folk arraiiki itu nt w n miclr t hui ih twolh vaint1 at tin pi k ami it donation of jk fto waa kin to thr war memorial fund lira audi ioii n ad a pap r on an id al instlltit mmintar and thi m piu from th differ nt i w mimn win prrv nlol mra lti tn it hom p inrinilrs rn rm i li i i ho to prt mur tin miuh aim mrs 1ant r i rt1 on thr ani non of mutvis shrlnr a 1 poii tt rurm r t ds ti i i all was it ad l mrs donlvm 1 ttti nut tint l1 with ainttii ltlst it th tir that itimu and itmth was iuit u thi riiniiiulli- mr mi ault v mrs ltmh it and mm anili nutn a nti of ihanls wan nurn thi host hj hv mrs mail llox mill and main st add to mounting toll or accidents business ivien hlearn oi i sewage disposal plans fine band concert is mteunteo to iabge enthused crowd timilh r and irlh uonc numlirriiii i- kaih lnlrrtool on vitwint plan enqinr andrfton outlin cott and m4tda ol ftnancmq gnrat mting of evary cm- if on auflutt 19th to haar datallt bofor rko vom- committoo namd to oroanit chambor of commorco tu othar group to promola actont intoroah it on slilm rtintrn our lual siaonal diffiniicf- iloltntilv you kniimlxr jmt how ht it w on last tursdn s rm itprta w rr 93 orgr in thr had minir 1h and man th w i h rijtui r- rthrh tt mms nlinost unbearably hot n ow usual li ip ixlmtn at t n niwl mlmori la i amtm ikillr sins l ihr hral w rt ld nt at takmr hmr tltloo pi piiud 1 i 1ht acton wins first game last night in lla downs lutl thr m riv sn hat om gm rr lecalt by scot th hit it fo 1 vlllr t i ul h f mill ih tin and south in ith mill ui n ih t h in a i thy hadr tn wsdn vlv m a f v hour rid lint ws p ur of mill ai i idt ol lot hi moniim at 8 to im fort th troad i iintrii on thi cor j d main slrrrt was addril to thi of ihr derrick the grantrit th itat of nrrvnr w h t and thi ukuhi final warning br mill to drtlntjut iiij thi follow int lie ounth ris4vl for pdvmrnt llrdra ftprtmnt ii tvc of out powt r itill lull two car wr travalllnff mi aruf 1 thi nciind car ml thr mmrr a hit roiiilnij from thi wmt invtl i thi vrtind m to sw r r in to as old i an accidi nl in m doing hnvnu j thr i hirlt hil iht first r t hummje sliyhl dumai i chirf cmislahl f llairop in i dikihil thi iiccidt nt and iopill s 1 hut w 1 1 tl imil ouiu ll f i indux lit s nipurii t h- tihiiir 1 ad on all th ouii will i it s ut a n1 id- s jns p mdt a mllt ti htisui ss rn n j spoimltd t th to it ll 11 s ot hv thi ik mi m 1 ftw hi ii ask ill infoiii lion rrich iiiik iht plan of muni inii uid thi hi- x plainit t plan thit had mi n ik optd k rmhlm m uintn 1 thi t i llst had ink mail id that his hi h f s on mill str 1 had h lift ullho it a ui iim r th svl was intl to mr uiihn u iht plan and s ill nhossn mi a id it n i ni mi- i i pn nt ti ki d tails n hi pi i for a mn plt si n fcvsl ill i arlim an a ni mtf rn di posal ph lit rxpla mil wi rk d nr it mil up h ih ftrm o i mi mtllmi f hd thilr flrld f wh it th- just mi mitl lo lollnpwd and lat t h i is rxiitlng hill s ss tu tin hohttiiw r t naorii of art on lam at an th uppn ssli hral m- m lu nolhlnk hut ntpon for thrm is in i hilrirvn ttrr crrtnlnly n out ir 1xm1 of wntr mlkht piulhly tool thm off umiiii w in n i hi hoi wmllirr s lnnntliali unit arc hratit a ton piopoid sw i utuiit hut of oiiim by thr end of int mn hi itmmlttrr in slmust i th anslhliik auui juniofi farmer owls win mondays game 87 from omagh tain is st monday li h i win to i nlfchl in ll ul 1 ih iavil nt ktir 1 jm 7 iun iltir to t ada drtt ton i i in patk thr in nn una 11 p flnr pllfhlnit in allowrd tanls allh h ih it m on wnlk in th nllrr kinir kralhirttonr pltchrd for t h mra ik an tk 1 i a maki just i our minds liki sta in plat ti ndi r l hu h m hlh mi r an aomt i ih k milt h plans ui vi ol th asr wi4 damaiir1 m w r pip- ill tx h iii and ti th 1 tfnltitt h v tit ational for juts ttrar k ltd suit a ton krrr prr f n northern flrctru sannnmi 1 id 11m and cahli ac jaa ii k name corp canadian i itu mali im prtts cnh fxpn w 1 1 mrs pul rni i offic i v lnl v t ml vi 4kv1 u 1r i xhthitlon thiv installrtl s mill in hrfll park ttflt rnoon wtrwrk itrnartmant williams supph co standard chrnucal co j ii mackcnilr luppll nrptim r m rtrrs kmplrr traa co 42 y fts rnt- 121 7 giant musical treat in store at coming tattoo twlv ftandt to talt part in promjajng muucal cvmt thi i li tx nlurt s and ih mn i proxlmntt k tht prist ih wt t tmtflo its- 1 idl is mil ri huhh oi ti km thr w vmwns to lion nn sir dsori a r it i ill h i nl irk a i t he swimming pool iran watir will guard akalnsl polluliiin t nttiuntt itsd in othii i tm imminft an eramosa makes lsual grants to three fall fairs frgui acton and enn fall fain rrxiv grants lh pitslmu monday night th ai ton yirls di frnittl hnllnnv lllc t ii 11 it nd also won aknlnit hint tt am at thr natsairawrja crntrn nlnl ttity arr achrttulrd to mm hndna at acton nrxt monday night nnd thr following monday will play ilornhy jvrr in actnn t nna nr nssurr1 of plrnty of rxcltrmrnt at ihiae gamr and ihr klrla will err tnlnl apprrclatr jmii support mrmlwri of thr acton tram arr y irnda hrttton hrr u jordan jrati palmer mary irwin hilly itntton r ilnn ijimbrrt joan mr knight 1lorrncr hochrr lllllan marshnll jo cr palm r margaret itohson jfrlrn somrvtllr jran harris and vivian hill solid silrr cu pnmlrw to rlon iuluic school inipik is nplil- hlilili iompl1 s offut ph h mu aluhiuil harry junior lawson selected as potential big leaguer at oalt impri s1 by thr pttrilnk if ulhpaw harry ii inriu ow im rni th i i om th stitioi pin ill for mi punipn ptival pi ii hhiild prt f mills on hiardmo und co land at pn si nl plans mi und r discuvsion fu th swiim hand u a pot lion of iht w ustt fro i tht tinm ru s such an arrant j mint would n im ncficial both i iu nrdrnon and c o and tht niunii j palitv howrvrr rrrlaln pail th tunni rs ulil s1m1 home economics is topic rot july meeting greenock w i wrrk pn pnrutioni for tl kiant ibind tattimi sthcttultd f slunlas ntht in at ion park w rt nch n climax w hrn thr tw rl t bunds and four hundred and fift inusu ians at mill to prrftt nt w ha pjximimiv l b 4l4e i handlrd in thr town plunt th di luis of such an ui i anjit nn n ll would have to b u orkod out t iwiin th comnonv and the munlct pilttx mr andtion rxiilmnrd th thr jul maetlng of grwnock llir mo mlorful event coit nf the work iviwa thl riamisn ctiunril nnt m tht i in 1 1 kitckwcmxt tin august nd nl till pm with all member pr nl and kfse 1 it rn in i hu t hair coiiniulon hulheiford aid t moved thnt after conbull atlon with i mi hnir adaelt in connection i w it h a crel deposit on his pni i ptrt nureerrnnt wan reached uiit j kra 1 conirartom will be able to i purchase required rrael at v jter i tihtr nrd nnd that the township will recoer toi of cost of roal vsns if the pit pror ltaelf aalls fn toi for tow nhlp and ctiun i purpoaea ll wa mused by council n hutchinson and cox that the inamm4r im a u tw4ljd to encage a aollcitor if noeeasars to net for the township hi prob i alle prxisecutlonx against person that tolnte the townthlp iulullnc bijiw councillor hutherford and iv- heeve ben ham mowri that auttiuititl iir s o th 1 dkd lb of ih riiijish ih s bs mr ilivshni r th two lop pupils its prinmrs ol of umiii virt h mr c tpil f arton suilbh puhl mnckenziv c schoil pn s nt d nravtd lo acton publu schikl us a toki n id uppnciatuin from cantt rhiirj junior mixed schthi i mon fngland 1m1 tht ftuvii pnrn 1 w nt wa the svcnnd to he snonaored h the ac ton public schtxil in appreciation of thi first parcel the pupil from lrfston rnglanri forwarded a fine nikh ball nnd now n solid silser cup has lwen received in apprccia ock lkr mo torrui eventa coit or the work a sewage rental a 2 d i count on taicei paid b cup receivr w i wu held at the horn of a he hor lo tart proceed- charge waa hnaed on the eonaump- auku j jj to u school sect- ll f thr pn t imthali look a alar milion stiuleiiakr 1w9 i ft r a mlht tough ikki tl iwnlng t h vl i tin lust icann f a l irs i th fum tounl i a i ni ario j la d n iiul u nphiiti f t a h wmi f w pougs it tin thr arton a a in m hi u troithli 1 i l the stutlrlmkria to tk it is ft said of ihr mud baker thai it dlfftult to del- imln- wliih is ihi iai nnl ihr front of lit tin ji t nllftil th lhnls mu t tnv t und thr itarrnd fir the mud s n vi t k kl ah ad on ih hill kill a arr m lld nl ms ills a tie win thr full tlistane srni flawless ll idlng loin his ninlts w no a big factor foi ihr hd iui lit k ih he iffrri 1 mnnwhlle alton w r hu jw a ln awa at thr off ring of ilghl- hamltt fnsltiall i ma ollrt ting li vi n hlnglis lhat in i u led a holm tun and ihne ttotihlrt i nt i ih illlh inning then waa sniu douul ol tht ihsue hut in hie bottom half ol tin tpilnt with thi- sr iie1 1 a ion for iwo runa taking a lead that waa iiivrr iindetl 1 hi y ad1rd two nitttitlonnl runs in ih alxth and a mngte in thr rlghlh for ample win nlng margin surprising nough it waa th la hadalalt al nd of tlw ttattlng int r thai aupplled the punch last i jiwaort new york nlghl pla is who found it in- r the american league inaaingls dlffh ult in hit ihr pill nigh ihr s a si n were amaahlng dili al nn xagg raled clip mtt for inalamr plalng a sctnllllatlng enirr field he had perfil t1a ai lal aa well break ing out of vhimp that plngur him timsi f the araann he miinshed a iiams imply home run in ih fual frnm i nine red a fre pass in thr thlnt poled out slnglra in the fifth and mxlh reie ttvrlv finishing with a rousing wrong ru id double in ihr eighth i ik wist with spike scott and hill 1nlr soil l vumped out a double nnd a single while leader t lout el two alnglea to aid his own rrnl on the alah thli i hnnge cjf form tould le an indication of a hitting rtreak almllar to that of hie champlnnahlp year stuileliakera managed two two pl amaxhea from isader one hop ping iivr the fence on the bounce hm failed to produce in the pinches in the flrat inning with the bases loaded on free paiaea the kltora couldnt hu a hit from ieadt thr acton hurler did get off to a ahaky atari hy walking three but a ijjrd down aa the con test progreiard dude undaay had a chanet for a hero act in one half when he hik hla- turn al hat with the bag cmp c i strlea reaumea in hamilton on saturday returning hfre next f the unkpto o will giv the atlon hurk r a try out nl n anke hlg league camp invllallin of gall trniera si nlor inlnt ount lair nhmg w ihi hn rold 1 ownslt and it k m lltahlrr nttentteit the 1 r ihr hns ivnll s ho1 u hllr al the m h ml nnkit aetiuls plrkrti iaw in as a ikrirntialf ivlg leagut r fiom llu mnn asplrnnla nt the jvnik hnnv is 17 ni of n and absorbed nil his luiirball know htlr her plnvlng mini itm ball upper school departmental exam results standing takn in various pa para written in acton kollnutnk an the r mills of th pupils of a ton high sthol in th otpirtmnlil i xamlnations written this vtir markings an 1st tt 100 2nd rfl 71 third fttl c v ml the rerttftt mr imvf- lifm- re- ctivetl and pupils who have not nlreadv tak n tht ir ctrtifiratia miv securt tht m bs calling at the fret pn ss offir w- mrt j near with the vic ptc- b p h aeton hoya and i ton of wntr another method tl erk for the third and what could dent mra t iiemlr prealdlni itoll call topic waa make your head savw your feet mr itobt allan read the scrip ture and a business period follow ed it was decided that the inml luie nuld bae nn entrv nt acton girl band artonaora of the evtxnt placed the cost on the aceumrnl ill lead the twelve bands from value of thi prop rtv with th the tennia courts on mill street reduction in dtbenturr cbargt a f b main street and knox aenu thi nt xt f w inrs thi null rutt to acton park nt seven p m in one would be rained onlv a few mills of acton larpest street para del und posmhlv not at all thr group w ill march past the- kail kalr a report of the niatrlct fand atnnd nnd when nit hr hnnds annual waa clven b mrs e pnt- leraon and mrv c allnn current events were a v mrs ralph mvkeown and the motto mas ter of one self b mrs turner mm chna mikeown then had charge of the following program on home exinomics piano aolo helen allan rendlni publlclt oninhle fttd ivins minn paper vltnmins in our koad mrs c an- in the park the exceptionally fine program wfll get under w officuil of th f a tured llth fit id hi gt trumt hand uknow bdgid to u the ciinjiduin chim umis hiv ixpressod thi ir hi t tht iommittee that this will hj t tht supplit s for one of tht fin st and most colorful lighting displnw eer before attempted in canada th cnlph junior pmu rt t d mckeown solo mnrx held ivm- vvil1 n i in this big event onst tut kin of first aid mrs r mc- hls h amassed a totnl of 4 200 k own ai the close of the delicious lunch ws tht tniicilon period thnt follow 1 mr a nch rvtn s summars brtiiijh out mrv inttn sting fjcts prt st nt tstiniites an s222 000 for mwit linin snixw for pumpinc stallion sliooo for irifcintirini j mil strtttint uid nusii ihiiuoiis itul 100 000 for n trimtm nt pi pit th siugistiun is th it thi sssttn would hundli 22s0oo gallons in r ion taxpavers on account of ad- lnlng mimlchpalltlea not provil ing their school ratet earlier kdgar johnston waa engaged l till t he nppronrhes to the new hrldge seventh ijne at jp7 00 per hour for shovel and 2 50 per hour fi r truck a di putntion consist ng t f measrs schneider mclsvrsle hew- itson nnd mack waited on council and asked nr tuime improvement on the indian trail a a snfetv menaurv council promised thit lhe neoessari improvement would n nindu as non n possthle the treasurer i instructed to dnv from hie henrdm e plant and rt turn the denoalt of bert ret ves meetlnc n rved and mrs j allan ihnnloed the hostess for her home an imitation was extended to kiwka hmg inatltuto to attend the next meetlnp and members were asked to bring ativ used white cotton to the meeting tp he ned for enncer hnnnnces points n th v il im w hiv im tl sm 1 ti rhh muir t iti iwirdi d the pn foi gr iti st ininith r of u ip ints thi six thi comp mv vv i k illoits in its u if tht ietrdnu t indld iir n tii ri d 4ind iht h xpvcted p uid hindh iiwki dsp i mt r of this band an ti di hkht an thi tin ot bands taking pn s nt prt tudu net ht r junior p it u thi sum mrih ri pi m mij c n p iliv vv i i i u r this and mm il i hit jit but mr idt rs warned ill thi s uims w r it that would hivt to bt itudi d thi comp mv and munu ipalitv tin busi u nit ti i s 1 th of 41041 n per hrldge contract it waa movvd hv deputv re m rt iham and councillor hutchn vmhnt the council pav ihv u 1 wing grants fergus fall fair slioo a m fall fair sloft f n fall fair 10 00 court il ors hutchinin and cox tiovtd that arvounts- nmounting to t 41 b pnsm d for pav mint nn 1 council adjournisd follow ing is the li ttt n gnrding thi cup counts pnmarv junior mixed cnntcrhurv road ievton england 11th julv ifm c unit u mkmk lsi pimhiinii actuo public schiol ai ton ontario r canndn r sir th boss and mtk of this s hm in iidir to provui mim tanmblr txpr ssion of tht ir nurd for th ir f ih w stholars in acton ontario htvi purrhas 1 n solid silvr cup whuh vrv sm is lcing dupatch- id to sour school i m dtsirtd bv mir boss and girs n sk von to b gmhl i nough to net pt this gift as ti kn of thi ir it it appreciation of tht kindnt s h un bv tht srhuhirs in acton it is siiggtsttd whirl it irnvs r j t tv i nurn ami wnai cou d x t i y lx th final am if lift mil ton ftlsalllni llla aaabj 1 tl m c il v in 1 1 nmp 2nd kni ill ind zh1b a wh tin cmk pin irv c oh mimr 2nl 1 nu v a ihik i i imp 2nd int lil c it im v iu vl k ik cnip inl all lri irl tn k inl slulirs ml iiha 2lil 7mi l c 11 rm r i llrrriiik f ik cutnp slid ull 1i ul llsl iv i h rlh m lilkls 1 uk c nip c kn i it ljllln r mp c junr k wntklnv 1 nc romp 2 inn it ch mi in c l41i111 aiilh r- lrl utin c mi id ir alllh t kr cimp c ht 1 h lisi thi hcretxrd cattle all hertford cuttle rt di sc nded from otu cow left iw a farmer m britain us ti legucv imt iar ago benjamin tomkins reciid this b iid ulspl 1 rati numb it n ivt d id m irv lolotful oppotun app ti m t ti iumil ir thi tt 1 xplin t tt u lion unl dis u will ih atttiulint thi 1 v i pt st ntatn 1 o mount for st 0m iph ck 1 for all t 1u hinburg alton and othi r tht pi ms iv t pirt of ontario 19th thiio babd ore all to b tht aftir this guests of the acton band and the rvt v e june e cnimal as the onlv bequest from hi acton populace nnd it is hoped that chambir of commerct or himila lather he fixed the breed into actonlans wu ntfordthema typl- orcantration in acton council the tpc now known as while- cnll fnendlv welaivne applause dutlea were heav and ifbustnes public to it urn tx ht id ot auiist nut tmg adjournt c plained th ned for vh th 1 nd kk f r 01 pnodir1 cnmptti- h lo iisi n whin it is iwardd 1 a n s i v rnbol uf thi n rspic xistmg t 11 ad nd nritain w ih ur unttd good w ton ii w 1 ri iki t t 1 ur gt d greenock school is scene of presentations for mr and mrs peck a ver enjovnhie evening was recent i spent at greenock school b ginning with a livrlv hall game nf- r this a good program was presented when mr dougns peck a brid of recent date was present- ed with n benutlful livingroom tnhle and reversible svmrna rug tr cmvin allkens rend a very hamilton asking actona second win despite their loss laat night th studehakera are not to be under estimated on the serle they are a strong club with many lona range hitters however on last nighfa show ing fan are heavy favourtlis on the locals to repeat l w ice more cuff notes ni llhi r tack hough nor jaekle kenttw r were in uniform last night diminishing the arlun hat ting power accordingly both were indispoaid on the flrtt sark dude undaay played one of hla finer games stretrhlng in all dlrectlona for erratic heavet owen maalrs although he didnt get a hit handled manv eh an res safi lv boh footltl rai a pro- virhlnt mile gathering in a smash to the race trock in the sixth and tumbled head ner heels river the hi ink after making the catch he clutrhid on to the phere hnrd f r th- moat crowd pleatg field ing gem of the night strong at ahort and helpel at fcninrunitd on poor fur your faces in ever continent and this one cow thus inherited has pro duced the herds now to be lound psroughoqt the world for the bands in the street parade men took an active interest in the and at the tattoo will certainly i communltv advancement the load make them think well of acton and i would not be heavy tot- an- one its people new industries wtre locating in if a fitting c u britii 1 was t 1 ark tht incorporation of aeon afc a town manv saprgcr would be meded to make the ar rangements a committee w a5 namtd to arrange a miccing and details of ah organization or reorgantiation of bunness men the comraittee is h h hinton chairman r- good- win j roji ston t watson w coles e marks and v bristow tunable address and presentation a i r b v b lnerne allan 7h h 5s nirectl allowing mr ralph man mitt r mckwmn gpok ai a memter of pupils f acton public the crfenock institute and mri are tp be congratulated not elliott patterson then presented 1 ur sending these two food the bride a former member with i paxtels but for doing their part in a set of silver a it and pepper miking friends across the seas shakers and silver gtavy ladle suitable repl and thanks frr learn the rulei oi right of way f then lexnressed jby both mr and 1 but remember the other fellow 1 mra peck and several ineeches i may still not know hia better to wera made the evening came to 1 eie way than to be dead rjaht m clow with a bounteous lunch th schoo coming events aamuncmrnl ol uivlna ton nli o other entt utilvr thi hrahbi r chird t ctt per hit with nininum chr lor ay aubchtbti ol mc iso mualctui will clsanue tattoo act auiuit 13lh 8 pm tattaln bi park an

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