Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 8, 1949, p. 4

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a net yotm the acton free press auitsiiat sritfimnrn mo i i district news virions items concerning aetivitlai in communitira nfrljv where many of our readers are interested ballinafad a lawn rl uit wd at the home of mr frank smith trie iupennti ndnt of tht mission hand on rufu afternoon with 0 nil il irs and jh hh hand mini lie r t rerit itoih mother and mm f hit inl1iti took part in r s r program mr v j 1 r it t i jim mntrl hi r two little mi iv i it lit ml ijiria lilr with i meinhrrship in the ilahy lijnl ani well pltt1 ami n lun h w i erve1 bv tht rii jmo h i f m th y hud ft v rv nln nlli fti noon a iivntmuxi vtiis held in the mnl n mon lay nlnht for mr and mr r nel re who rr moving i ti r r l mr 1hh at ttl as e hnirnmri aflr a musical pro- it i m nv mr a rid mr rey wrrr tiked t rimn forw ard mr j veknerv rrad an addresa and mr jirure ia- i presented them with a chtt k and a lamp mr and mr frev replied very fittingly launch wk trvl and the ret of the ev enlnu uu spent in dancing on wednesday night a preaenta turn wi held at the home of mr and mr john mow for mr and mr iiernard millar who have tmoved to arton mr fhwood ruw artud at chairman part if the evening w spent in eejrhre and rrolrinole mr cliff oare aind arnold mrf nery had high seorea in euchre after which a ahort pnhrram uu given mr anrj mr millar were asked lo come forward and mis 1 dla snow read n addn n and prr tented a floor lamp and a lovely round mirror in thrm mr millar replied very nlrelv and a so lal time wn apent together mr kobt mel- nerv had what might has been a serious inax when llgtntng came in on wednesday torm and burned out a lamp and a water heater in tht stable nassagaweya mr arthur nightingale haa re turned home after spending hall- da with her mn mr ijert night- innate orangovllle mr and mrs im cargtll and son krucc and ijrtan of h r 1 mnpi mvilk nitnt sunday t the horn of mr arthur nlghtlngalt mr irge vv ehlw r of i nkt vlrw nt i r and son of mr arthur niittlinkttii is njlng an extern d visit with relatives in wlruii- ni man nrd c alnsborouifli kak itirini visitor nt the home of mil aitliur nlghllngale were 1 mr anl mr will nightingale an 1 jr red of uk 1 acton mr and mn n i man s wiiht of ikevlew ont lrtin lleri nlghungale and llirtiert kerr of orangevllle ajvd mr mvrle mcvarlane of calna- j ik rough salc who is vlslllng ti ha at rockwood schools n n ii 1 tui vl in for the fall term a lnjit hiik- io lh siu mil t tktt plan vhn mn j irk oaiv i ikt h vi r th rthini iki upunl t miss mtkinnon who rimknt in jun mis it j 11om- n iv also com mi ni int ciism f r outisti rs of pir schiml hki ul in i honn iii giili him h mmuv win r mimrd on snnrti w hen st john churth n tnrtiml to afli rnimin hour at 2 30 p m aft r a minimi r hrduh of 10 00 am unci iiho nt irrsb tcrian c hurrh ii 1100 am follow ing juh and aucvivt srr in s it 11 to ounng thi mrici nt st j hn churth it u c 1 union off u nt rd at m hupllnt il ct rrnuin for th infant- of mr and mr it ivm md ih ofoutlph mr nnd mr- co iiikh ni phxlivj d nt and mr anl mrs hn ixmll nre flon ncr d itl of hkkwool hi ithn ohxir oiiuphd hii i ulpit sunit i mm tttng follow tog his nation last month utln r l i pis- d off qun tl h n s m i f tlu viikiiid holtil i mm toi win mr md mr o h r toid ftini lv of hrantfoid mr and mrs milton our and f unil of llinulton mr uxhird cruddotk of i r nto mr uttd mrs win qutnn of arthur mr jo oiki s und mr janu s imich of toronto mr this hui 1 1 nnd on u v c gordon ii un yt caistoimlu tin nun fu nds of mi h bt rt au will i- pi s t to i that in s in i io mt fiom in ill i k of spinal nu in nulls mr j y i nn wh mist mud mii is mjut v t his iuik i nl in tlu imumi dm to i fill fi in t flint in s ulil t i tvout n an u ik i mm ih id on mi to it 1ns nt w building mtssii lnl i llvins titl l kniklur nt uk if d in th woi k lr md mrs k h ill i mil liui ili if faimlv nttirtiid h ni dm nt th uikiiil f illowmg a i iti i it kingston mi i mil knikht of ptlm nton w is i isit in t in duiuij thi wt k lid motto for a mt dal snot u wr ijivn on im van i li should dpend on no utu4f ir dfenso item hin the unanimous opinion of ttttt1 i it t midlltli 4ii1vmu1 irn nwn 1 1 si i n stum aid fr in th- i7nlui statcs in tho event of ah attack would i welcome m most tif them but lnnadv should not wait until that time to make certnln that ovcry poialbe ktep has bn takertwl th in the limlu of a coat which uojld undoubtedly be high individual ronlltt urg th netd for tunturd- lxatlon of canadian and u5 equip- want and canadaa ned for an intercept lv air force andalrborno troop i liv jn h l uter hutlrttw awhile hick an tn h iti in rn pt in among the nion prrtentlous m w diitritmtfd li canadiin pres it had to do with lien hue r dorvul near montreal the ri aion for hi ini h of fanu was that h had given up hkh tani ufti r 4 yi ar of drving during that time he had nivtr had an accldi nt or a traffli tkkit 111 stirv paralleli that of a nibraska gi nth m in nffi ctlonati 1 known to hl liiniinn r ihh frti ndt a pop tin ri omin for iup mimiwhit larg r fanu wa that hi fi llow f i1ii in had kvin him w nudal for a ronsidi r iblr at hii i mint it had to do with driving a ins thi ri ir f u liit or bin ilnvi ri in tlu ii ill i f him but thi u two havi thrlr plarr onr w ith a no d il oni without hi n a mcord w 1oiik r than pops mi hid hilf a n nturv of driving to his rrijit pup had dnv i n hi bu i nlv luinlv nan hut al thi time of the initial in rldnl hi had hth1 a tidv total of 1 772 ks2 ml in i- igun liki that jii- undrrstandibli onlv tn mtmn imirr gt nib fin n hut took at it urn w nv nuppo ihi ri w us a hlghw a rh ar annind the i irth hv hi rihkoning pop had madi that trip 71 times and wa threi quirt m of his wnv round on tm sivintv fourth lr th rr would le quitr a fi w harards on thit trip and scarce lv litis because pops travilltni w is ristrutixl to a stretch of high wav 217 miles long rt in nil that travelling like hen hi tisso of dor v at hi had avoided ivin the hint of an accident that s whv he got his mcdil and manv hiv r imn givi n for b vtcr rcisons pop trundling hu d nlv iv i rage had turn for a bit of philosophising that had hardened in to formul i drim like the othi r guv is crazv of course pop has i wood must havi com u bit h vond that thin ire i w idi rank of at t uli nt in w hu h thi othi r io den sn t ip pi ir it all and pop missi d thi ni too hkhlv thousind milm a unr md in v i r an offi tiding si r iti hed ft tub r srt th it agalnt our mini il killing and ni inning th it would npiesint tht populition of i mn ill ntv and tht squ nub ring of t10 mil turn or so of our own nsoimo hrlm liki tht otlur fc irirv th it s fuu tint giv i s us a handv rub f thumb ti tui b our tondurt it d k s l tt r th m tbn it givis us i w ittitmb of ninut it in irk tlu mm wh dnv it dm miiisu th uikh hi beli vis bril b mtlv not is i t mi l t is i f ot it in u ks tb n m vt h bu iks tin liw i t i h vi i t ut s i t i i m n s ih v n 1 i m tto f 1 p p m d 1 i w n t ill ippimi it v w id ft i ltous it uiikht will im it s sm nt t n i uful mori- rnorix working on t1ie land uvxtosk in britain is on the in- i it w i his it revealed in figures publlshivl rsentl by tho ministry d agricuttur which are take i frvm the ensu giving farming si itlstb- thoe show the poslt- lon in lum of this car fsr crops md agruultural worker as we i is for livestock dim pa red with cur ago there are now suti 000 more sheep and amtu tu 000 fttfi 1 villi r j1iku have increased from r million to nlmom fl million the census also shows that more pisip e are working on the land the agricultural labor fonje ex- p ndimt durlnrj the 12 monthi undr review from nniut 7st0000 ii more thun 7m000 amount of 1 ind under cultivation la now some 10v million acret of this about li million art devoted t wheat barley and oat anotker one million to notatoea 1u 000 to sugar tiect and 5so0o to unwed there aro 10 million acrea of pers manant gnuraland and 3 million p of temporary paiture asjjuy farmers lsr fnrcloili iot u mawksmsi rm going lo trtf if acm ftlght ant wo- liims i lean in milton court at yrstrnlay sismoh the i hargt of alxlui lion an t ntiring uwuv a 0 vi ar old milton girl against joe horace gaudry4t w us dismifcmsl bv magistrate ki n neth m iangdon in county mafla- trati outt hi rt i sti ulav uu htalid before thi court on a ihurp whuh if iiiiiv ii tet holds a p naltv up to se v i ii vi ars ou are not ie pr m iitet bv coutim i nnd tin ourt u ve rv cm tit at of the rvl 1i nu piikluccil t the crown thin is no rvidnue im fort- ihe ourt ih i hild was t iki n away kimst thi will of thi pannts thf i ourt lis rvtt riismismiig ih v row ii attorn v i 1 lmtj nt r d i slron pi a for c nv irtlon arguing thi m in wis set n pun h is ink an lie en am corn for tin idtb kil and tikmg hi r to his rttom arthur illow nilson town ship convlitiel on a drunk drivim i hart was onli ri el to sp ml mui il iv s in j id pa- i ourt osts amount ink to v or 1 davs his r w is l iko inihundihl for thr e months mil his t m r ttor s jm unit suspe nibd for u mnulnr period prov onstabli p mi is pitrolluu hondas ilkghwnv on aiikusl 20 said he found thi u cum d dnv ing from om sid of thi road to thi othi r lb sod be follow d him ovir two miles hoth witmss and prov inn il oust ibb tt stifirti ac iisiel was in u drunken nmdition a charge of breaking nnd nti r ink thi homi of thorn is sinn v nassagiwe v i on august ti and stt aling a pur of slippers ag nnst philip rorbes and steven ii ill was dismissal for lack of i v ub nee thi crown ch irked the a use fornd th ir wav into the stori v re sub m i whib hi w i awav vaca turning slot iv id h could not find mv thing else missing george t fib tt appearing for the airustd irguid thi entiri i is w is built on circumstantial evidence he argued thi n vv is no pnlof tlu hous w is i nit nd in ih it d i ir whin ih slipp rs imii t iki n rural society developing th faurt folk of anada an mod mixing the rural mci ly which ihi it plorut r forefather founded nt ighheiihood work bets which built hnmi s churches schools hams and ruads have thi ir count r- i arts in toduy largi r communities miiiu of whli h m brace whole countii s in ct op i utlve womivn institutes junior furrm r clubs agrl cultural mmii tie s brtetl and emp avso iations and ncnationul organ iationv a lift of construe tlvt faimlng in io omt ition with nature and gixwl n ighbors is producing the most in t lligt nt best iialanced group of voting m opb anada ha e vcr known with a huim rur m nu of v ibii this voung p4ifle are pre serving and nuxb rnlirig their cul lur il luhe nt ince tin v art n op i rating through thi ir organizations in mi ing nnd preserving th ir folk dam i s music and sik iul nu turns of lh eullurts which m iki cinid adding this to the h st of mode rn htm alum in the ir com iiunitv hills and mint ci nln s ihi v ar injovlng ihi fri ndshlp of in ikblxiii who rniv l nianv mlb s i r movd from ihi m but hav be c n 1 m id ru ir m ikhtxus bv common i int r sts and mode m transportation tht iknonnci whith imp is m ople who hivi not i inn d thi ir own s if ri spe ct or the respect of nth rs to v alue thi material sym i tmls of prospi nlv atkv i thi solid i ffit isf ictlons of constructive llv mg doe s not mar rural social gatherings with thi snohhc rv which marki ih socnl life of thus whose pretension are their only claim to notice the kinuine valuts f real worth true education and arhicvirmnt are the recogni7td mirks of merit in to di s mrnl camdian culture young men and w unit n w ho build their homes and livi s upon the sound j foundations uf good farming in good jn ikhtxirhoods will reap n wards rich r thin thus ih it will u gain rl m other fields in the coming g m ration mnmfive vatiovs srkak xmmo iasoiagf itien thousand people from t5 n itlona mil in itrltaln rt centl londtictlng thsir confers nces in anl inti rritlunnl language they were i nttindlng the world esperanto congress the cingreaa waa con dintid t ntlrel in fsp- ranto anl irrled out n prgtnm cat- rlyr for a wide range of tastet in addit ion to general business meetlntrv sh inl events and excursions there win sp i l s sm n- for minmt intensts such as teachers journal ists mientlsts and different rellj- loiu denominations britains post off he specutn trained two tele phone operator in this interna- lonal tongue to deal with calls connected with the ccmffreaa erection of acton into a town it ls th intention of the village of at ton t i make applbatlon to thr ontario municipal hoard for the en ctlon of ihe said lllage into thi status of a lown said erection to take i fft t on or about se pi m bcr kith im n n i mceachle lerk the farmer has generally stood out in the public mind as an in dividualist we have apoken of him at tlnvsa prliapa hm la par- haps he should be having for en- turi s tieen freer than most as an independent rt nureeful basic pro ducer tlu uriluli fanner however is towt diwoverlng that his inde- pnivme is pre hy wrll a thing if tin j nv once he farmed ms fulds or lift the in fallow planted what ik wished and succet ded or failed witbiut a king ivmpathy or ion siliiatlin from an yon jo day in dots what he is told or else i bis li thi way it work 1 he l vi ii nu nt imnut of agrtcul tun i stabllilii i a fxl program om itnbhbid tt ih incs a pat t i ri f r the w hole agricultural pitduilloti of tht natliii ihe farm mt i iumlaar thi implrrn nt lug force of th j ingrain i he lo ait hargid wltfi policing their dec i si im hny fa tin li rckularly in spe ted and prwlurtlon ret onls are k pt it in mumll think ttiat the farmer i not doing good job or if he rilum lo follow instructions given htm he is warned if he c n i in in s to rt fus then the farm cojiicll must appraise the land and equipment a rvl having s t ani paid the pri e mutt warn the far rner off what jwrhapa for genera lions has been ida own land and reploxe him with a manager so what becomes of the defender of lerty who cannot defend thalr ow n so the farm councils have irork- ed with the farmer to encourage ami discipline him aa a result theie have ticen relatively faw hut there have leen an ample numta r of evictions to prove that the regulation has teeth and will i be usee to drive the continuing in dividualist into the paltern of gov- e rnment thinking i ait yenr the farmer was plat ntcd b sulksldk s for spe lal food crop and successive price in creases but it it now time to niognlac that these set against increased taxes higher wages and inert ucd feed costs leaw no net gain in 1dih novelty of the plan and ln rense d prices did induce a mea sure of increased production to- dny tin farmer i telling himself there is no profit in working with hlrd help he is remembering he is no longer master of hll own ni n s the apvommrnt is mill i lomislng higher production but most teople tvelleve that the hlit ish farmer is reverting to type lo his hid reluctance to take dlrec tli n from any man hkkt a taxpallttt ottawa s t it council has ap provoel ihe bu ing of th local private 1 ow ned ele trie company on condition that it continue to ny city taxis about a ar ago that cllv hllarlousl took over the strct t rn ii waveband lielatedty dls cenered that it hod lh re losi i big taxpayt r if ni seems highly likely th new d al is completed the provlnc lal and dominion gornienta will both in one of t heir larger tax pavrsi undoubtedly the main reason ihe present owner are will ing to sell is that rump- tltlon with tlu tax free hvilro is too tough ph corporation taxi s alone add up to 40 p r cent of net earning if hvdro did not escape these and other tnes it would b ihown that juibh ovvnid power is more ex p nsive than owx r txuiht from prlv iti ompaiih tin print e i won domt forget georgetown fair friday and saturday sept 16 17 hor show hfrnvtt rc koiiltjsous iai1y mo talllt jkjw cjr hilton ourt j gorglown girlt pip band fair night dance georgetown aran friday nighf di hrfiaii i in i i tr i vkltl uv i hl ii i j n ii i i- lit ul f i m ni r imti in itsitned ti mriiincc nt nmiit i he charm sod coavnuaxc of her l bsilnooa the nugic jmirti of act a km hen thinks to a fxjro pressure luiurr she elixaitmd of wttkmt the cxaavsfsi bc thought ncccsbsry install tiif bkst rntafx a dulo yosi tn get thsllow or deep well lyticau meet m jour need foe home turni tnscli gsrdeni lire proicxiumi emco fixtures md fittings ttntl ih yoil dlro lyilrn ilir will ll new i d jill liin rf i ml ie 1 1 11 f j t mr nuinin rln i it v iiiiti sec ul im ioin icie imlx motion bilton plumbing heating 93 bowtr avinua phen 34 1w acton ontario fmplfie flfiflss it1fg cd on limitco looouflmatontoontduuviiinrhp40 uukow q cecil a carr optometrist guelph 8 dougl st ti 1091 honey fresh extracted honey for sale i 30c pir pound container extra in 30 pound or more lots containers free orders may noxv be placed for fine granulated honey i available in october phone milton 88rl 1 f a anderson hornby ontario a lesion in muu mtdilp ic tziven a urvup ot five bov of xhv party of so brltuh boya who wcr in can id a for a four vvnk tour hpousond bv v gurfnld weston prominent canadian industrialist and a former member of ihi itntiih house of oimiums tin ir ms rticior hotnc the boya th workings of tho ahlpt teltnriph u cuh tt h ormt matter of tht canadan pacific liner erripress of franfe which broughtthei nova to thisciuintr 1

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