Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 15, 1949, p. 1

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ht jvrtow sttt ts sewnty fifth year no 10 acton ontario thursday september 15lh 1949 eiqht home print pag six cent acton winssecond round intermediate playdowns put h real gam o saturday and noted out rieepeur in decision by s3yrtkuee paid fey yearn to bod ryder star fcuwbsr of atton team i far game wusltriit when hespelrr orioles trotted out tc meet arton intermediates in th deciding imr of their int a play down lu k laul sturdiiy the found a kllghtly dlffermt fclant on the arton rlub instead of reverting to the erratic game of the pn vtou monday the arton rtub knuckled down to the task grimly if tht y were playing for kef and tank tht orioles 5 2 iiv virtue of th vittnry arton copped thr set two games to one acton s win eliminated linprli from further eontentlon and aent as into thr third round of thr ont int a playdowns in furtht r u t of the pnivtnrlal title thr game was postponed until four o rlork to enahh players and fans to attend the funrrul of tlu latr itod hvder a star member of the acton club who met a tragic death lait week in an accident paying tribute tit thr deceased both teams lined up on the has alhi beforr th gamt whll a two iitlnut silence was observed out of rejet to a flnt plav r and a great ports man nothing could testify more to tin esteem in which thin upmtandlntt young man was hi td than the com plftr absorption of thi hundreds who filed into acton park on satur dnv afternoon during thi hrli f silence an offu lul xlhtliicd to thr throng that it was at tht nsuim of tht drceovd s family that the gunc conunusd as ac 1 itoth t aim 4 rved nutlet right from tht start thut tht v wnudn t t concetsd tti frnl until tht f modern shovels and trucks move old cobble hi its said faith will move mount wins flacked by shovel and fleet of trucks there isnt a doubt and for oh doubter wr augyent a look at old cobble tum not a mountain of cuurw but the el evallon that ha been the peak i thu parts for more yeers than hi care to recall fids eminence u slowly going down a couple of years heck a big slice of this gravel and atone that compose cobble mit was hauled away to build a dam for one of the big filtering beds of heardmor at co this atnison when it was found filling material was required in hlg lots for i he rnrurirucf ion of no 33 highway the shovels were put into old cobble lllll nd 36 dump trucks are moving actons mountain and spreading t along ihr highway hulldlng up the deep fills in many sertlnru then theae cobble nton a and red clay nilxtur an making a foundation that will carry the motor travel over tin years it wont take all of the hill o do ihe highway job but there will he another hlg bile gone from cob hit hill and utile of the peak will tw left where amateur photog raphe rs for v nm have taken views of acton someday in the not distant futurt th innd muv nmk fin building lota end fulfil tht dr nms of fornu r iiwnrn who had it urtyed mnnv earn ago lakeside ch ap1tei social evening showeslfoftftauoe th lak side chapb r iodk held it combined btimiii sa nut tinjc and mtrty tihidbv stpumbtr filh int port miit builneias matters wn handled prior to gttting into reiilur full haptt r ruutlnt bfveral table of rourt u hist w rt pluyd pru taken by mm j rtighton mrs has wood and i mrs ivan harris mis molly cutis th hunt r efficient secretary gave the happy opportunity of shovvt ring her with fiihnv gtmad wlnht i nod ntl and vhitt kilthrn uttnsils and various itivrly rift moll irdrkrd hi a rtiiauji ntilrt of rltlttm and but tltt p in pn ttv puper wrapping ihankcd vo girls titom il net rt y a wry d lightfol urty lunrh w m u rvitl brtn mj a bupp vi rung lo u rlov old estaftllsheo dairy business changes ownership aiiikimict mrnt is rnadt in anolhi i roliiinii of a changt of bukiness in atn tht wataon duiry ftar ha htrn sold to mr uang of itockwikwi t mon thm 2ft vram this buiint vn w on ctiotlut tid by the lati ivrry uatittn mid hit family tlie dairy buslni si hui hud many chungt a in thl llnu in mt t hod a and prrvonnt 1 untl tht bohlms1 ban been kept wi i itin ust of tht tlmri lollomjii th dtuth of mt it i wot ton tht tank of rondut tnik th hisuurunt mid dairy itar h mc uiiwm mid mi thomas watson has ihiiiiih tihi hav and thr duirv biihint hi mi n disptsil of mi dull this niih tlioti thi ii on dlvtdid tlioi tu ihi hi stiniiinl ami dlr liar mr ijiuk iivmiih v b irk lit out i uod thi uiioiiont t mi lit im nthi i t taik and tht gatm followed this pnttt ni tht 1 ngtb m ill t h i nnniitil dill lndtr to sloji llishlr- bit kits whllt llrown sturtttl mi thi hill for tht visitor u ad r dished up an i ffi ilk right hit nslrlctiiin action w itti r in hll nil a inn k thi rout nnd ulth strong hi ip from bis malt s m m i kni up mon thin oiu t m on in i drown howr r had to h rrllrved in thr first inning after allowing tun doubles olid issuing tuo wnlki i llllkrr an easv golnj righthander finished thi liami for oriolm but alread tht dnmagt v as tlom dcvt lopmrnts wtn lab r to prov i that acton was thr 1m tt r oppor tunist a flrt inning thnt run burst at thi rxpcmt of itniwn put tht locils nhrad and thr nrvt r n linqutshcd thr irad orudis failitt to get a man pint second in n inning but thi top half of thi fourth when v ith two acton or ihrnuv to hi lp tht plated two runs a doubh ovir fin1 from dud imdsns with mastt r and fnotitt on ttourd with n pass scontl both runnors m i hi initial thm ownt masalrs in his turn battel in i ind 4i with it snuishlng double to b ft itroun wns linked at thu point in fnvour ol llilkt i hilki r n tin d thr next two biturs but was tu n tnffffimt for tuo additional runt be fore hk ktlut had cntbd in thi second inning scott landed on bsw uifelv when th first base man muffed the thntw he ad ancrd to second tn invaders siicri flee and got to third on an infield out joolltt knockid scott in with n tlmel slngh over trcqnd llcspclrr got two on in thr thtid through a walk and a saft t but leader bore clnan lo n tin tht sidi on strike a double play set a s down scoreless in the bottom half orioles pulled to u tthin two run of acton in the fourth on two un earned runs 111111 w rang led a walk schultx hit to runstadtler at short setting up a possible double kill however hlllis s forced at second and maxalc heave to first was wild allowing shultz to romp to second masters gathered car roll s liner in flaw icasly but on his throw to first was wild putting two en one at third and another at th ke stone hen hllkcr came through w ith a clean single to centre scoring both runners a subsoqucnt safets to chittock and n bast on ball to g owing loaded the bacs w ith aitchiion oriole i lean up man at womans association of united church mh at mrs wilders1ins th regular monthly fliettinj of the woman a amwiclntlon or thr unltd onirch wni held ul the home of mm wllderspln on turs dn with mrs j mitnre prwiutln thr devotional peruwl w is ink n b mlvs llawihornr mrs imck rtt nnd mrs tranr ont of our old st mrmhrm mrs august anderwtn pnvtrd nwnv rrrcnttv ttoll rail was nnswrre1 hv a verse of scripture a number res pond- d to tin quilt fund each ld was asked to mnkr a contrlhu lion a leltr was sent to ue ilckertng wishing him a complete recoverv from his lllnrws the meeting closed hv repealing the mlzpah enedleuon mrs wlld erspln assisted bv mrs pickett mrs ii burns and mrs undsay si rrd lunch a voir of thanks was given lo mrs wllderspln for her home nnd nlao lunch assistants tw tttn iwm wi un t mmn altchison had singled in two pn- vious trips however he fhed out to footitt for the final out in rvpl acton scored their final singleton in the bottom half when scott tripled over the middle and came home on masters blngle with the bases loaded lindsay whiffed rrom this point on feoth clubs atuck to business not another run scored owen mosaic drove a towering triple to the softball diamond in thm cowtinusd oh pqo four benefit fund now open lor citizens and fans opportunity for expression and i helpfulness giva at your hasan dictates at the request of a number of jhasrhnll fan and citizens who rot- pet ted the citizenship and admired the sportsmanship of rod uvder the acton baseball club in cooper ation with the hanks and the free i press have decided to open a benefit fund to give tangible ex pression of appreciation th en tire amount subscribed will he turn ed oyer to the little famllv as n token of remembrance and apprec iation from citizens and fans ah contributions to the benefit i fund will he acknowledged with a receipt and each week in the col- umns of the free press if you dtlre you can use an annom- j moui name in the published list of contributions but to keep the record clear it is felt all amounts should be acknowledged contributions to the fund can be made at either the bank of novn scotia or the bank or montreal in acton or at the free press office or to the fallowing members of the nasehall executive ra mason f isawkln or m tyler the wim 16rpitpils-use- btises in north school routes more pupils this year from rural districts are attending schools itji pupils from l hi tuml iw tloiu an h kng tiansported b husrs in lh notth llalton high st hool dutrht it was reporled nt tht nv st ting of thr hoard lam ihuradav evening this includes it from frln township attending alton school and five from iyafal gar h7 pupils are from ksquea ing and nassagawevn and are car rled in three buv the total trip mileage of tht niute cowred is miles and his is covered twice dally in a inter to thr bonn mr c vnim truant officer at acto su omitted two applications for fwrniit from pupils lo have school ihr board ruled thrnr permits khould not be gmnlid and no prr- mlt were to hi issued for child ren under lf years that did not met l with school attendance rejru- intlons a 1ow was allowed 7c per da for transporting two nasxajraweya pupils not on bus roulrs the board decided to take the necessar legal action for collec- t ion of fems from oakville for pupus attending the milton school the oakville board had allowed part of the account but had left in dls- pule an amount of about 1400 accounts amounting to 1015 wen- passed for payment bv motion the board ruled that thev would not be responsible for the fees for an pupils from the district attending the georgetown high school unless a permit to di so had been approved applications from pupils who desired to attend schools outside the district including technical schools were dealt w ith and some permits issued a list of books for acton school amounting to 135 a as approved when submitted by principal rob- j bins the board also gave approval of the appointment of mlu unger on the staff of the acton school requisitions for workshop girv and bays physical training and art were approved for milton school a proposal was advanced for the thrillpacked came won by acton juniors eleven inning event won lest niont by 33 to tie series- esck to simcoe on saturday a jm- ta wlat ilvinth limine singli with llir ltas liuditl from th hat of marty uvm dn in tht wtnoliig run in a niut ilhon tl innirik junior if puvttown hi i itm night t untaxing u siiwiti nm hit piuhin p ifoi mtintt fiom tht minn uwvm and i nuhlitt at ton to hal sinieiie itfomiei tubs 1 thi lanky fmfc sider rartii ui tsilh thi yon k 1m st hurling ut us hi j 1 down not of onlnrls tu m jutiur i lolis i it our tvolitaty miii ii imipiii tht first emit on situr ij attnns win lat mht iiirt1 thi v mi s tht third and finul on t it will 1m hhd in sum n sutoidiv i town 2 1 in thi ninth iroilng with twti out harold towns who lin idi nlaillv tuts hi ndtsd th twtling inss nil t rm mnnshid n bust s t mptv hmnt run inv fn id to put hill hollow uvs flrtttlings nht into t ontt ntion tignin until un v nt fill i h m nth fmnii tow nsh v i ami ihioiuth with tin ituiui tiik in oil lout ot whin it pmimd alton tootd tuuik op tht h omroints toj this vinr a unking lwoltgi fim hob mitnitv with blow on imm s t th st iii fin th winning run in un i ti m nth siiiiiim unit nghlhiiiiili i hlmiropiiil is ii imiil muki out kink itnsolltt with tb h aft r m hi is blow v ith t wnsn s on dt k kink titl to wnlk town t in ortli i to il id iimsii itol th unit k biiik flmtl a actor s blond olhp w ri i l his s n bit t th llll 1 klld stomt w ith th t m hi w ilh th il mbs l i skuce was the 1 guest speaket at 1 lakeside chapter likikid tupti r iod1 h id thi ir rt itilar s pit rot r mrt ting timau tw- t4t lh- lww halt bigint mis 1 x pit si1tl and ixttndtd a wthomt to rnimlun of thr doki of ihvonsbim hjpt r i 1 tni sts ilsious nlnuls of imimiiiss wi rt n ad bv tht winum mii molu i utu vjiioos id nis of tuslnts wi n h irwiim and fuilht r plutli niadi foi th h it r s tth at th hull kir iid ik1 for thi film id lb i row itu itrt tlinl tht huptt i sptin rs i j h autuniti ilikhhitbtloi ihi isrninf- w is th ihiki mil skutt milt n six ikiri on hi r trip vli toria it f i uil nd thi iminrial oil i diiukhtrrs of thr hluptr nation u ohm nti ii iimii th imp it nt 1 ins of th nxivmtion spmiiwlh h i own il likbtfol wit pi s ntitl o r t ik ii o i ii foiiijtlm mt th ioo is i ii j l bv it h and s is in in i- prtsrnt i ik half f th iiki sxl h t i mi j itikhtoo prtsant- mis skiki with a hut lwiuiiitl tf l lilnli h i lhanl sou 11mi t firth niiir wit wblih iirl ars tht d hkhtful umin lo oin s 1 h 1 a iimli st on llulton ounls pnvil h good rowd mini top h nois j oik to mrs win v ins lailnrra w r found for ion h i i mi loop foot h imii a rnimit d hkhtful ont si url ntwioiniis in town w ir intioduimsi anl w lomd in our loinmiiriitv miss m fhail wus sit link n links t bun ioiioim t noiri un i thi ie d a pti scout roup iivcrcporl on inew scout home county approves site lor new home lor the aged t isn t ft n a pll hi v in hi wi kn ill fl tvmlnk i i m n in nnik f on lot bill hot i t nikht iim r would h fi t titl th rnhn f i th ukini th nlx bint i h 1 ihuni siiiicim w is i ft thi fi t i ill ilin w tl wi th ill s ixt it 1 room h id ul rd ols u hnul i fin it in k t sf to r m knij s ntl u lb tun on i rroiv tin at ton mfii lit ti iim on this ul dkhliiwd oj in th i itti r vtjs us both clubs t lld down t pins uiiik op lull knir kt in hot wut i in thi third w ht n sinfji from itosi ll mil i nice st orttl at ton s first i un lb w isn t in iroobh ninin until thi ihvtnth nd thit rippil it funs thoukht it wa ill r tint tht r ing after tht first k im in snorim md didn t rnnrml acton nun h chnttct to i m n thi h tin thoupht il w is all mr in spilt if iiwsons ont hitti r m lb ninth vith two out nd kink till koiiik stionk until ti wnsl s p 1 d out th bonit mn to tit it up whin acton t inn throiikh in th tltmoth in wh it uns undoubti dlv tht fin vl c imi in acton p irk thr m is n it titkud i r om ind most art now onfidttit thi oc ils i m tiki 1 thi st rit s winm r of this m i u s kims into thi ontario simi finils arton colli ctid nine hits from kink plus two frw jviss s iiu son ml down the cubs with on hit but lisued mx free tickt ts in the l strike out department kinc whiffed fifteen while lavwn ml down tt n i on striki s j ii ii k simcot ftoo 101 000 on 2 1 2 acton 001 000 001 013 g official opening arranged for october 38th basement and kitchen to come su i r i fi r be no canvass or soliciting of sub scription if you few in your heart you would like to be part of this benefit just turn in what you fee you ean j chequers should be made payable to baseball benefit fund each week the free press will carry a l complete list of amounts tunned m until tuesday noon of that week the fund will be placed in m spec ial bank account and whan closed 4n a few weeks the entire amount will be turned over to trust fund for mrs ryder end the family purchase or an additional lot at milton school and for the purchase of tractor and equlpmenf to put the grounds in better condition these matters vere discussed but no action was taken and in the meantime an effort is to be mad to have a trader do some levell ing farm home i savd by bucket and fire brigade i nearlv 60 neighbour and friends formed a bucket bncadt to prevtnt n fire from spreadinc in an upstairs room at the home of mrs edith hitchon at haltonville vesterdav aftt moon milton fire brigade re sponded to the call and soon had the blaze under control the smoketilled room u as first disco v ered by mrs hitchon w ho said it burst into flame as soon as she opened the door neighbours re sponded to the cull for ht lp im- medibtrlv forming o bucket brigade hnnning miter from mr britton s stocks of creamery butter in nine canadian cltiei on april 22nd 1m0 amounted to 8364000 pounds over three times as high as last yesrs 108000 pounds well a next door neighbour bucket upon bucket of water vta thrown on the blaze until milton fin men arrived thev quicklv extinguished the fire from hose and supplv on the truck an investigation bv firemen dis closed the fire started under the bed and quickly spread up the wall and over the celling toward the door the heat was so intense paint was blistered on woodwork tn the hallway some water damage was caused to the room below lkamage was estimated at 1000 v h h 1 h in s o t t a t i s i t ii n i lmtl hi ml i i ii ii k i i oil i th ii d o v i tk h n th v in t in lb a ti n s ll 1 ihi 11111 slllldlll i ho st timphttd md tht stuts hn in td in their equipment of fu i il i p rum is pi mmd for 1 im r ftlh mid tht stouts hv now stutid to net ii bisiotnl work hot nnd kilt hi n jt ihr rt ir of ihi ir hull ci up hiininn j j fo n sub d il the mtttuik nnd lh stors is ht st iild in thi n ort rend lis the st it tirv w middh ion last thur it is on the kroiip committii s work rillowid h th fmmtid report thi cn up commute of the aitin sci ut most mint in pit si m ink thi ic ounl of ihr ir sti w ird hip romiuik thi nctivitits of tht list mil pn m nl scout problt nis rtntl prknss our m w scoirt llomt for the usi h itrownu club girl cuid club cubs scouts scout moth r- t tc hns l n r nil zed it is 21 40 cottiigr roof dt sign gn t n nsph ilt ahlnglts log cabin siding front double door entrance nnd has doublt side dotir and singli rear dixir exits interior is graced with a brick fin place built gratis bv al loui end ktllv the mantle bv court en v of u j coon aax engineers ltd walls art of donnaconna board with pjiml ktripv of fir floor is of nl lernstr red and blue rubber tile well and truly laid bv many olun tet rs who worked on their first floor and who hope it is their last bunkers painted roal blue 18xl8 have been installed in all available wall space around thr room for storage of equipment etc each bunker will be equipped with hasp and lock so that each unit using the accommodation will hove private locktr space to augment our fireplace heating we are indebted to len fcovell who donated a vtrv efficient oil space heat r floors and walls are insulated and the ceiling is of ashlar blocks if vou happened to see any of the volunteers who put it on and won dered vi hv thev w i re looking heavenward well it isn t the new lt thai lhv were loolfinp for new dhision of ward- in aelon i for toun purpose in rder lo meet requirement fur inc ijw ration a town il was found nntumry to adjust the u nrd divisions in at ion vi that l ni h ward would have a minimum of mm imputau m 1 he division wv made nt mill and john stre i nnd follow ing are the population 1 1 jii r en foi earh section want no 1 kt of john and soulh i mill slritu mtpulatl m kt7 i war1 so notth of mill nnt nst f ji hn street jnipulaunn m7 unid so 1 south of mill nnd wm r tiihn slrfl ptvpulnti m ward no 4 north of mill and r st iif john sire i siuuon i recent meeting o i durum institute had good hi ogham imihhn un n instmuh int in iii oitiur si hkil in august nn 1 luid nt ihtir gm- t mm itlilmhart ihe lounlv prtsldint she those i f it h talk fnmilv living an 1 nlso rea1 n kn iomorrow i ii i nil ws nnjwtrtd nnniln n i jiiuidwin tree i v was inl to ht s nt to sans iiikswtva t utii1 for the lights in st pi mix r th inttmute met ol ih hoint of mrs w r rnnk i ii nil w ftiansertd h lch im mix r it ling of some intt tenting ro nt if i he union i i tu s in uds1 i i llkhl of ihr nf i in m n k i inch on at 1 1n si n in nwll to 1- rt h in mill on rhi lolnet o hid nod oil i mis i cat iivin nnd miss mil nil soini i llli were npnlnl 1 ns i- ic t i in nnnnll in ii u iph a i nr load nlsu plnnned lo ill ml ili nminllon n u i 1 ii stnv ik- mhion nnd a ion rnlr vhihiis wt n nrrangm mr s ir rt nd n pnj r mnt by mrs sltle tin ttie origin of the mary stuart ollet t nnd also a poem a ii mow who had time to be kind mn thompson rondurtcd n con ti st w hh h um won bv mrs near nnd mim mildred wluon luncn was ervenl nnd a social hour cn jnvcd propose to rvrcwst 10 acr atsteinino m1hh oh highway for 14000 arcfclteth rr bu4uno are aifvj-tu4u- ing wilt likely take two veers ask fmiuu te ftuual e wadmo peel in victoria park centred given for roofing of county bululngs llr f ii iikii ty or f i on nd in it t tlt i p n aiil atu r rrr lrrl th inn tu flablish a counts of llil h mi for t a if 1 wib iijil n nlitl bv uonty mint il in milton timvla aftrmotm mlun on nib ii ndos4t1 a rrmdutioii t v tume ihi pur hi i t its on whii h ut h a bom fu i ik d th lo tht accomplishment of our scout home to date has entailed some worrs grief bruises and blisters but that has beef more than con- 1 pensatcd by the grand feeling of justification of faith in our com munity the faithful volunteer wor kers the cooperation ofbuslness and trade in securing needed sup plies less 10 per cent and the financial lupport of the socle or ganisations business industry and unsolicited donations a a kitchen and basement workshop continued on pojfe eight grants made fall fairs in esquesin council connection of township road on highway called to attention b squeidnk townhlp council hi id their regular meeting man dnv evening deputy iteeve geo i she councillors ii craig held wlfred nird and walter ilnham wvre present iteeve george cur ries presided a deputation attended the meet ing asking that the st helena road entrance to no 25 highway he improved accounts were passed for pay ment as follows hell telephone co sen ices u 0 a w benton ktamps 7 00 sheep claims valu ator etc 135 25 keller accounts 116 40 road accounts 4076 31 grants were made to esqueslng agricultural society of 73 00 acton pair 75 00 end helton agricultural society of 35 00 council will petition the depart ment of highways for the statu tory grant on road expenditures from january to august 31st on 13 783 81 the clerk was instructed to write stan lev hall mpp for hal ton in connection with the entrance off the esqueslng town ship road known as the st helena toad to no 25 highway the road superintendent was jnitpetash to trawafae fwwitha- lulu n i- r s s itiv j 1 altnsliotik irl ivin u1 lmutv it i k l link and oloisd bv intmurs stnltl that liliji t i to tht iipiiovjl of thr mlol- i of vslfn 11 ulf s ih pur hnd from i uiki mnn tit n om of t turn fur th poimm of irtiting n llhii for th agil and thai lh thaliman of ihe ilulldlng cnjn- nutli u nulhiil d to piott tl w ith lukollntloii h v aiuistiont iulliiiing tb tuokiiss mitli ti his loomultt snld five npllnns had been talon on site for ih p hd horn ii i il ffu mis of ih ontaiio tt1firr l 1 m it mi k ie1 sui h a h no ih iitid on it i ast am s or unl i- ndj lo n town md hns ih i iki nnd u iti r fm ihtl is i to mmilli h mi i hil in trrrtrw 1 tu tlituttts ni i 1 ifimnlol tin lino of it untb witltt nnd fnlrthlhl tie mploed i 1 1 s forth i in mnu nihil 11 n s of th hill i vmltl ht i uiiti m ioio i on h si m i ni lion ih i k n ih f ii ih lion ajni d un s ii n ih t jniti this prop f no ih nd l tt j m ok h v aim tioiik a kd ii pi tl ii id tiv ni tu r of mimi il i hnsien work in oinnirtlnn with the towsd liiiildlnk lb mskitl lh ir ndvoi idding it would nsm ixith tht lommittii nnd ut hiti i ts nab link ii ilton to hni otu of th fin st 11 m s in tht im vin all memlieii nppioitl of the prti kit vs in nt in ttnti w hlle some ijiu stiotietl iitk of at tion bv the m gi tinting t om nutlet howevir it wns explained 1eel county coun- nl ind ixt n notlflet of llalton mivt nnd hilton was now awaiting i pmilnlm nt of a similar nt got int ing iiiniioitli from peel lo in qpptxnt d im for fuitht r action could he likm pm post of ht m ominiil ti s wis to st ihlish n fiir rut whith llnlton would h im t tie i of up nsflli il for tht ir hnre of the ttiuitv in th llalton pet home whilr- mum muntxrs f it there llllkbt ih sm ftlffll lilts this mittir wrd n mm marv ptltit onfinnrd on fnpe f ii rt capital account to the rod account an amount of 236928 for garage covtstruct ion according to uis auditors statement of expenses mr k c lindsay was appointed assistant aswesor with duties to commence september 15th a bylaw was passed to asetss the several school sections union school sections township school area no 1 aind chlnguacouiy west school area council adjourned to meet oct ober 3rd or at the call of the reeve 91 albans cuild is holding a variety fair friday ewnlng and saturdav afternoon november 4 and 5 ilazaar and rummage sale home made baking and tee table in the ymca october 22nd at 230pm under auspices of acton ladiv legion auxiliary turkey supper and concert mon day evening sept 19th nasaajra- weya preatryterlan church ous- per served from 600800 pnv ad mission adulu 1 00 children un der 12 50c p- anniversary services to be held ip nassagaweye presbyterian church sunday sept lbth at 11 00 a m and 7 jo p m special speak er flev forbea thomson of mo- nab st church hamilton the new memorial window in st albans church will be unveiled and dedicated on sunday sept 18 il 7 pm the rev e a brooks m a rector of grimsby will dedi cate the window visitors are in vited to this service the first sectional rally of the womans association georgetown ashgrove balllnafad melville churchill acton will be held la the united church on tuesday september 37th at 330 pm light lunch will be served i

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