Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 15, 1949, p. 6

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pa6z bdc the acton free press thursday septkunul 15 ima halton ptl and york drltqatum pmrnt rrtrf tin conservation to select committer on friday ui itud wk the steltwf committee on cmrrvaton of the ontario lfilaturr iwld a hi bile hejnnit in the court llouve nrumfl- ton v s thomas mpt for eltfin county and incidentally a jitreeu- vllli- oniric old hoy u chairman of tru- committer all three political parliev bavr reprenuitlon on the ciimiiitlee of nine thev have had a heavy itinerurv linrr the firat f july not only juivr they held hearihjf ut all dii tncli of northern ontario hut thev havi covered the major portion of thi counties in culheni ontario another month however wlll be required to coinlete their proffrain of hrorint rollowlntt thlt areord liic to mr ttmni a report will be prewntrd at the neit nulwi of the ontario lgulatuir the 1 11 ion fir legal urn twjidliui uu- haartn w a follow w t brmkort of freeman paul flher kreeman iteevr w vansickle of nsaaaga weva jtreve gecrife currte of fj queftini ale wclartn georife- town deputy reeve rimer fuater of nruon township it s healher- tnfton campbellvhle itou firur- worth of rrrmwn and j t- while- lock ulllon a comprehemlvr brief has baen prepared by a joint committer rprvtlnjt the eountes of york peel and ma hon i nc mentally chairman tho and ueair jolrffe and oliver who all apokc on behalf of thr helect committee congratu lated the committee on their ex cellent brief which they intimated wis our of the nunt constructive presenird to date a few of the recommendation made bt the halton peel and york delckation were ai follows that a prov inrlal conservation and im- act be rnacted at the earliest poaaible dale that all conservation work re lative to agriculture be undcrtoksm by the ontario dept of agriculture that in cartain areas where the reforestation work required la be- yuiul thr ability of a county financially or otherwise that con sideration be given to provincial asslslancr to illuntrate may we refrr to the niagara and hamilton escarpment which panes through the are inasmuch ax it is general- iv bellevrd that most of the well telow the escarpment arc fad by springs having their wuirce on the escarpment and furthermore as many streams have their head- quartai on the etiarpmenl then we beluv the whula area should be surveyed by competent engineer and it our contention is sound then all strategic point in the area along the escarpment should be establish ed a a slau- of provincial forestry urea inatmuch a it is the practice on the great majority of farms to per mit livestock i to iture or run in th farm wood lot then by dt rov ing all new trre growth wi would rrenmmntd tluil uw tw4jpid o41l ronwrvjllon policy provide finan cial assistance to counties which pau a bv uw providing financial wul for wood lot fencing that a soil coiiservatuwi w tvlcr be inaugurated as an experiment in two or three countlr in western ontario not later than thr fall of 10w and that such coiimtvathm krrvicr le under the direction of or linked with live agricultural itrpresriitatlve fvarvier that inasmuch as high soil fer- j lilllv l not only the basis of profit- ablr agriculture but also the medium by which the water hold uig capacity of our sails can be in nmiimif aaa a we lallave the ajraatast yrajjinam in our crop pro- gram la in thr main dur to poor aaad mixtuasa aouplad wttb faulty rotations and as mora alfalfa and groat in our mradowi and pas ture would improve their soil building ability we would suggest that consideration be given to the studying of the united slates con servation policy in respect to grass and clover seed production and use following lunch at the yellow llrlui inn near brampton where thev were guest of peel county a delegation repreaehling thr i lumber valley hiver authority also pre sented a brief others who spoke briefly during the aflernoon session included stanley i hall m p i and chai millard mpi those in attendance wen im pressed not only by the verv thor ough and unbiased manner in which the select committee conducted the hearing and also by the tremendous scope of the subject in short it w a most worth while meeting and thoae in attendance have high ho pei that the reort of the select committee will culminali in a pruc tlcal conservation and iand uw act and also in a comprehensive program to both conserve and re store ontario t soil water and forest resources do you need a plumber do yon need eaveslrough phone jock calder siw church street acton last ma gjv yen an eerlmet for ttul ratftrtxvm sports camera dont foscct georgetown fair fttoay and satutoav sept 1 6 1 7 haraa show harnau racat robinsons baby show cottle show tor halton county tnhihitori only oarofttswvfl 0ew pifm buihi fair night oancf gaorgalown araau mauy niohl dbonnaire orcheitra write for prize list john bird president g i mcgtllvray sacralary quirk and easy way to cash war saving crrlificatr if ychi cash your war savings certtdratr youraelf you have to aort them evtry month endorse arul mall each one to ottawa whan 1 mat urea and thwn omah or da- livii the chequa for it wh not redm theac cartlo- caioj the simple way just lev i hem for safokecplng at your bank of montreal branch and arrange for their crdlt upon mnturlty to n anvinga account in your name ax each certificate falls due the ii of m will cash it and credit the prxveexli to your account j many people find that thla in- expensive u of m acrvloe hejps i hem save the proceeds of their certlllcntea theyre lets inclined to spend the mone than tf it first passed through their hands thus the rid themselvea of a chore and at the same time speed the any when they can make their imihirtant pinna a reality william clayton b of m man- iirer nt acton invites ou to open a savings account for this purpose if youre not already one of the banks 1700000 depositors why nut place your cert lea tea in b of m anfekroplnc tomorrow kitchener upholstery it doebnlturjuvw blli our chesterfield or chair arc worn we can make theai look like new 3 liee re-upbolatw- ed for ax low a sk900 1 weeks service fkee pickup and delivery phone 103 acton wanted dead animals v arv paying the rughaat prevailing arle for daaj or crippiiatarm amlmaia horses cattle hogs telephone collect tor imnivdute servtoe laing cartage opuaydml vott oobdon younq ujobbt rwoiph sim new tractor would help you ww you olrcutl litow that you cuu liorrow money from thin bunu tiiult the l-rtt- f tin- krtrm lmproriuent louti act to huy n funn chuipiurnt construct new huihliii inn new stork or malc nn other worthwhile- udtlition to jourfurni t but did you lnow tluit tlii hunk nm iuo miuc thct loank to fi leaner thr nurrhaf of tird farm oqtiipitunt anil to make repair or altera tions to existing farm huillinj if you want to sell otir old traetor lo gel a mw one ami your inner hasnt enough read eah auk lutu to djeuss lu prottlem uith the ink of noa seotin kememher if farm iuiproe- ments will help to muke our fur in more profitable were niterested by ii oouch aaicw from one bad inning in whuh they booted wtuft could have been tuu easy kiujng our buys in 1 mer mediate log playod pivtty steady baaebal on raurcla as ttn y wept ttw aocund ixiuru of the olia title hunt thr flutter ing and cheeky orlhs from tles- jeler surpaed themselve m-stlct- mg aslo fue nifii but proved i the years biggest throng they had more on the tongue than on ttr hall kndowed with a reserve taff of pi trite r thai numerically 1 slmiai equalled their fielding trength orioles galled lo sllenc aetons long range artillery that uas the vllal fsrbtr in the flnsl gsma and in aplle of a tuly rallaf role from a canny nldtlma hlooprr pllrher name of milker acton came through with ample runs to vln it in the early innings thanks to another effective thm trig job from the workhorse of the local club hill leader the oi ik collected only eight scat tered hits two of these ware srralnh single that rolled to a spot within a few feel of th mound in auch an awkward posit ion as to make them inaccessible to either catrher or pitcher with out undue hustling even then fast runner would have got to first in plenty of time however th visitors couldnt produce better one tmse hits and in the final an- alsli it spelled their doom acton on the other hand drove out two towering triples two ringing doubles and five singles to cor mhoratr our matement attout the extra base hits it might be of interest to know that only one acton single contributed to a tall it was fontltta timely single in the second hatting in scott on base through an erratic throw to fln1 a or loin brought v iui tbtm ft c mmder a hie number of cryndln v ik unk i ho to conform with the chattering ilird constantly heckled 1ender as he toed the slat at lint mc thought thr might make mme tmpreaalon on l4ader unruffled delivery they ucoerdrd momefilaril but as the contest progressed he hurled more effectvpl until in late innings the big righthander waa host man ho culminated a fine performanov by whiffing the lm batter on a called strike with blinding speed th halt whipped across the ahoulders on a perfect atrike whltemnn the plale umpire called it ulthout hesitation and acton copped the serles hut not without an object ion from the man at hat he felt ire wjis the victim of hie arbiters eagerness to get home to supper nnd refused to be deterred from trying lo force another decision out of whlteman just when it i appeared rouble was imminent some of hks team mates interceded on his uhnlf nnd n ioklbe donny- hrtiok noided i piovlded lhe cctntlnue to play i the crowd pleasing game of sjitur i cijin the locals are definitel i threat to usurp provincial honors i a nkssite formidable opponent w eliminated when onkwlle cap- i tured the toronto viaduct champ- lmh mnklnk it compulhory for them to continue in fsenlor a company knslead ot levertlng t senior u or int a how nmn leanvs are tlll in the hunt h riot been disclosed by the oh i a in tin event acton docs attain the enn itnau or tlnnls it wont surprise- this corner a 1 sinn- tolmcco spltterj handed acton jrs n jvh iol in the tlrst of their iwst of thrje ttie uric winner rocs into the junior d senilllnals with the w ond cmti ist night holding n f run lead at one st age of t ho game acton t lub all of a suddin lolhipsed to the dismay of itkal officials one bright pot in the game was tholr hhttnt thev pilfered 11 hits from stt ikeout kint the same num- er as snici- managed frm i-aw- son utitl blow iiwson mew up isuti bases on bals t such an i mont slmcite vcorivl six run in no inning without a hit i lots vaholt nothinc corkitiwi i 1 kcifci poi g d their bt of fi ii 1 1 ult inn s h fort i w irnri w s o iir d t ihti t the lot b o b a pi iv- illoll k-ri- wis th 1a ui- 17s 4ks 4rs iks 5js ms ms the bank of nova scotia a w haydon manager acton ont tor tlwt brings to two ih cm rut jjituuiaiuth coluiiu 114 f unks ago oakwlle jumitilt i hnmatd fergus b two lopsided taunt- and then lost the firt giiine j of their sertea with colhngwood the oukrille trcitilour journal js 1 fcrgus committed 44 bobbles m i losing to the juvenile ojks could be a lip in thetvpo milton j havent el met un opponent in int l i ufmnikhel milntih apjl lmr lo nlie mme by million s 5c to 1 storr cash um llusti1 suiilurn sin a donr t rria-ui- umr b 11 mainiruf cili ht huhrl nonhrrn spv au donor lo rrceke am in b d liaihln rish in skviul vi to ttfi inluhk- umjilfs to be shown nnd njiii- dellvirtm later plants ann fiowers 0 1 1 11 l il rn 11 nt u q 76 t 00 1 00 10 00 13 s 1 00 so 00 a 00 10 00 14 00 j9 s 00 7 00 15 00 00 s 80 s so 1 00 1 00 19 00 s 00 t 00 10 00 acton fall fair fftjdav and saturday seitember sotli and october 1st special phizes iiorhk bph1aih no is drat high supping llorw lit c3 00 call 2nd 2 00 caali 3s bt klnglp turnout lat value of 13 00 2nt valua o 13 00 ss iui kpn high slappera in llarneia lat call 15 00 2nd value ol 13110 43 baat span heavy horwa any breed lit c7 00 2nd t 00 snl 2 00 call as llaal ijdy hlder lit talue 1m 2nd value 12 00 cs beat ldy driver 1st value 13 00 2nd value 12 00 73 ileal hddle mare or elding aultahle for hunter lat cash 15 00 2nd value 13 00 83 uaat heavy llorw on gruunda mare or ieldlng any hwd lit 18 00 2nd 14 00 rain 9h lleit inmy 12 handa and under saddled and ridden by boy or girl under 16 years lat 1a 10 2nd valua u0 3tl velut j eih velur 1300 ljf llejt pony khi ut b j ii mackenjle st s4ina iqoo 2nd by j a keir one itag imoneer horse ondluoner value 1125 us lletl single lellvery horse 1st tasli 15 00 2nd raih 13 00 12s lleit liowmaniilp ol koal open to hoy or gtrl lat oaab leno 2nd value 13 01 1 lteet gtoup of no irsi than five llorars ovaad by una aahlhltor 1st value 17 00 2nd value 15 00 3rd valua 13 00 cattijc bteia1ji mh llaal rlueesney get of sire group of iree animals luu- aax any family havlag wron a t kauan oo umlted prise in this ias at a kslr lo ims not eligible to compete by t eaton company ijmlt- ad shatfleld ilate iteprodurtlon sllvar tray valua 153 lleit two ibw calves lit rail 12 50 2nd value 2 00 3rd valua 1100 10k lleit two dairy calves 1st alue 12so 2nd valua 1300 3rd valua 1100 17s junior herd any beef breed conalillng of bull and s females previously shown in individual classes all under wo years of age 1st valua 13 00 and valua 1200 iks llest llnuteln cow in milk lat cash 10 00 by the presi dent 2nd 13 00 by tha secretary lit llest jersey cnw in milk lat rash 11000 2nd rah 15 00 toy acton creamery- lino rpk1aij4 2is heat pair young sows under 4 months value 15 00 21s ilert pair weanling pikn itacon nvpe 2 tags purina chow mis value 17 00 donated by thomson llroa peed supply store 2js r pen markt hoi lit 2 liagi plonet ilacon pnrtucer value liilio 2nd 1 bag dlatchfords llog riser value 13 50 by j a kerr value bimrj ueciaut 23s ni klmk of sheep nlitlng of 1 llam 2 lwtv and 2 ewe lambs any breed lit value 13 00 2nd valua 12 00 tipst ntir marketable vrther lambs value 12 50 2nd value 12 00 jfis lint five ur ijiinhk aih imuitbv hltxtaib us llest pair cockerel and pullet any breed 1 bag master mix ikying maili h j 1 klrkwood value 14 10 27f best pair baired itk ckctrl and pullet 1 bag purina chow mix 1 mnxh hy tliomson brothars value 2xs best pnlr drevml chickens by c bradley cash 13 00 jn licit pair irexel lilckns donor to reclve asune by r llolmei cash 1g00 trs lies iress4il chu ken tlonur to receive same by mlai m onrvln cajih 13 00 31s beat pair urvssed oilckenx donor to receive same by ifceeve co currle value 111 00 32s beit drraaed chicken uuinor to receive same b hoys taxi caih 13 01 33s luit dioisil chicken donoi lo re ive same by j k intxlknit nh 13 00 home nrpaktmrvt hitiaoi 3is llest ion of llomctnnrb bread made from high unf flour hy i ii unilsay oh lbs high i oaf klour value 15s beit light cnk- made from escelslor flour by d ii ilndiay 4h lbs kxclslor flour value 3fis best dark ijiyer cnki domir to reotve same by jen nings oarngv 37s llmt horolate iier cake donor lo receive same by mckachrrn garnne acton cash 13 00 3hs bt 1lghl ijitr cake by secretary 3is bit quart maple sj rup donor to reclve same by dr a j buthanan caxh 12 00 mihckijenrodh hit ia1m 4is to oiuple mnnliml greiilesl numlier of ears attending the fair ueglitrntlon to ba made with gatekeeers or secretary second day of fair tmb actoh lsrs press one year value 41s to tin ivrton attending acton fair from the creates iulance keikirt to secretary for computation of dlilnnce the acton free pren one year value i2s hem almiirliik ctillil under 12 vcari nrul doll carriage follow hum from imik entrime to stand kt valua lik 2nd value lltlo lid value 50c 4 is bm diomted iluvcle follow iwind from fvark entranoe to hand ihs and gtrli li pullanrk nothing store ailon 1st smi in 1 jl lid uu kidi 41s bo oi co will ii in s freckled face 1st caih 13 00 nd iih 12 00 3rd insli 100 i1ain itootm kjirtaili rs and appij24 4iss llsi coll- hon f fiirm pi lu c in ludlng grain roots vegetable and jlqwers jfinlnerinqtclllublcllu cash 13 00 2nd value of 12110 ii si sis quint llnkt of onlot value ii ixj uil bui poinlixs aii kind sample to be shown p into s dlivneil hidinl- r 1st hy dr a j burh- anmi null best ttiito snnipls of rain loiimlpg f wheat oils nnd baric half bushel of a ti 1st value 12 00 2nd value 1 ho best bushel hajket f mixed v i utiles not omn o nun kt uml n is h ijkfviiw riiliouws planti apiing of iihj 1st value 1j iii 2nd value 1100 bl bushel shipping turnl lit aih 12 00 2nd caih 11 00 best lag of potatoes dinor lo reelvc autik b wm cooper actoiu i ash ih ilaikel of potahie 11 rpiirls anv variety 1st 1 no 2nd 50c 4 so 4 00 1 05 1 do s 00 3 00 0 00 3 00 3 00 s 30 3 60 3 00 i 00 3 00 f do e oo s oo 1 oo 3 80 3 oo 3 00 3 50 1 so 4 00 s no 5 00 sos ftus k3s 64s s5s hsl 1ivmj ilrn bouquet 1st cash 11 oof 2nd cash o soc beit basket cut flower it caih 1110 2nd cajh 50c lefiuv piece of assorted flow- on tray fat dlnnar table seating twelve 1st valua 1300 2nd cash tsc i or ftvct ut valua 12 00 2nd cash 50c iiomkotaer weiciaui best coueshon of fancy wtk nol mora than 13 nlecei not shown before 1st valua 13 00 2nd s3 00 best babyi layette in value 1300 2nd 1200 luit 5 novelty articles l value mio 2nd 1130 hand loom weaving 3 article ut value 13 50 i w 1 1 so an a so s oo a oo 4 00 i so av

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