Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 22, 1949, p. 1

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t frftmmetzi vnlyfifih year no 1 1 acton ontario thursday september 7nd 1949 eight home print posix cm plans and tenders on sewers in few weeks bayupm saving twa intende 37nv-atu- rw sylew auew rvajft t stay of aar miahpm t milla t i jj ft cbu uss l4y lu ove- hen for cfiuocihb an- bvei a uvlu6 el maw uulavs mmh1 arton council mat on motiday evening wllh deputy hev tyler and councillor mrlod nicol and hotchen present and lleev theron jones presided a special meeting f council wi held on thr afternoon if september l4h when engineer atwumm wai present the agnrement with th engineer wti a rrsnged trnde rs would he reedy for railing in four weeks and would be allowed for advertising when the tenders could he examined minutes were also read of thr special meeting thursday evening held jointly w ith th school boards accounts were passed for pav ment aa follow t j ii adsmson clerk fees i 00 roofers supplv co sign 30 00 j b adimhvn fees re dogs and poll tax 7srt0 aoturi publh utilities mr lous service 2 vi 00 acton free ltru adits 33 70 thompson motor auppln a 15 w bell trlrphon co nnirt 11 w suniin hardware b0 16 thomstvn bros rock t a t fred coles dep returning 7 officer father tsvlnr oho annie alkrnv poll clerk vera infill poll rlcik k hraidn f i n mm hind 700 700 no oo 13 00 4 100 dm thf moowhoocw45 wtdoimo this month at moftth tav mansi a pretty warding waa solemnised at trinity church mans north bay m saturday ben urns e led ixhn barbara isabel daughter of mr and mrs frank hodgwis of chlaholm baoaniathebrtdeof alvln kite hla moore only man of mr and mr cordon moore of acton rev a a matthews official the bride waa lovely in powdar blue gahardlna cult with black ac cessories and aha wore a corsage or rtd rosebuds ajid fern she n uneltaodsal after the rwvmony supper was served at tha noma of th brides parents to tha immediate relatives tne brides mot bar wearing a dree of navy blue crepe and corsage of red roaaa the grooma mothar ih black and while jotw with ptnk rw roraagv ljiter tha young coupla left on a motor trip to cuppa r cliff and sud bury and continued their hone- mion to anutharn points 1iey will resuw in acton out of town gurata wrre ur and mn chrnon moor and rllen mrs jak fields and uruu ail or acton mr and mra curtis velti h and fnmll mr and mrs amn ettch and june all of eau clalrr deer hunt for nassagaweya for november 1919 yml secretary towtl olllcials allwiel student t t vt acton school c oi1 aclon 8 poplar in din 1 wh ceuncll thanhs inatilutat and 0krs for donation to hall imorovomanh mr c w mon said trc nrar his protrr1 w v krriin rortdllioti lie asv could hir th trt- nmtn1 tnm i cil afrevtt to mtth ownirvhip of lh i property on which this tr via ml mr f cnpp cmplaine that on hi iftmt msriumrnl no allow antr 1 had hn made for thr buildingr i hw1 s ndrnl a brlaf addraas was glvan iua- da by mr cliff sulton hw ternary to the studenu and tacher of tha acton lltgh school stating his pieasura at maailng thr antlre studatit body mr sutton e4d tha dealrw to ba kara- after gratad as an aaubluhad mhitt f fha community rmlhssr than a walooma atrongar and aa- t ended an invitation to all praaanl tc vu t him at the v t any time for dlartiaaton with htm concarn- ing tha fall aind wlntar program touching hitft on the ymca philosophy tha world avr ha aalj that sine th young man a chris ian aaaorutlon was first founded tn tha year 1a44 it haa ban noted partlcutary for the good fallowahlp and aarvtca aplrlt shown by iu membera ftlao thai although the itarents and offlclala contributa largely to tha work of all associa tion tntgrea l indlsenaab1 due to ike amhttlons and attitudes of the aotlv member in mn lumltag ik yucaa relation to tha church and sunday school he staled that the y offers an r rellent opportunity for the prar tic of christian phlloanphy in art of every day ufa u voicing his respect for the co op ration shown him by tha acfonj y officials in matters relating to his retihuurfblmllea he addvl that er keen concern was being dl placed b the ilard of rhr e tors and the ys xi en s club for he oun hnple of at li n wllh the aomltlon of some new iiulpment and alterations to the huildlnu cl1ng scope for irrmbter nrict of propnim a pleasurable season s to he anjtlripnted he included in his remarks in cloaing mr siilton nnnnunned lhat in view of ra novating wttbln i ho tnillitmi atll to he completed ntrukr claea r rxpeded to commence around the middle f v totter and possibly earlier high school plans comrnlhm namod to invostlgal possibiury of having pupil ahond oualph ukeoj i ant thuruu i m nlng at loo ouixll public sthnnl lutaitl and repress nstk i of ai ion t th n rth ifallon high schod dlfrt t lloaid cinfrrrei1 with hlitb s hool inimtoia duffm and sdwait n lutdlnit the high shoo diatrul in holtotl tlie t pa irguiied to 1h ukm to withdraw from the dlklii witr ouiiiiiih and the nicrtlng km onwti rjtittit to using the alton school jur inihltr srhol potu and biimifing trampoitatloti mid mo oniintmtlin for pupil from ai ion hi llii ludph ollmtatr while thia tlrp waa not dtalrahli h f it to m tru wily alt mati in vim of ihc move to mimhk m thr t nlirfl s hl m at s aul nid th ii id lor more ntonia for publu s h hi hil jii acton nrci kaltti- i tonipt aitl m thotitht wua alao filvin o ittaintng thr lowir fiiudin lit lh at ton s hool and trunaixirt intc tin s nlor gradi a o th in iph s hhi smkrmiutn of ihi inilliitl nd mm il th m lholv th it had it ii omd in building in the noith hilton s4immli hint dikappiovd of iilaimim nt of ii of h si hool- i ui thi inun- insptti duffio point d oi t twit th boil hot- up itumklii kihfit fiind iri starr ily fru frinuls th iubull ti fit rinidfct off to u atuit 1m wtt k in ptovlding a fond for ih funiilv of thai popular imii pinv i hhi hvdtr who dlm mi auddinu and limkuully in s mill mm i an ll ol tn n has not lu en any solli nation of funds and all aitiounla have hreh turned inlo tht uoiiks e rree ivraa rtfflre or tn mia kjs maun rd dawklni oi matllut hi ib th fund l date a 1 mfoid a rilnd ah l mint in fc poi v ridgeway ousted acton cop berth in semifinals dedication op memotlal window at st albans church an 00 100 mx mtvi it m 100 mix im i sunn tu ml mm in si mild 1 v anonwn 7 t t iwt i7 that a ii malt f th a r rui imiiv nliit am it tiinxd in at ii i imink the r 1 1 li a rrui oi t ih 1 mm u ii i a 1 lltlvi nanitd tl- w will u m k 1iw 1 d 1 iah w k tin ion i n ut him la d ikmllil 11 rf cm lid 1 in t f inl of whl h mi ltm v mllkllll th nrtliit w inn ih it ill who li if lliakllik ii i i lit i ibilllo npm a beautiful stained glass wllulnw waa dadhatd oy itpy j a llluulu r trimaby at hi albans church on sunday avanlng th window hnajetl above tha font baara a pi lure of christ 11 leasing tha hild and waa erected by mr and mr lalle iuby in mamory of itieir son tommy st alan was crowded to th dixirs with regular member an 1 vlsuotw thronging to a tha dedl i nt ion erformed by e listing itay lllil al the beginning of the ser- vle and to hear the former a ton irttor hipular with all local d- ii mlnallons jawrence iuby pul hit i he oiiil whltb lowereil thr i nlori jnt k from dm menwrla w iiutow it v i uaton wi lomid jl mi i i rook tun k to th pulpit of st alluiha whh h he tx i uptid for sla inn ills sermon was baaed on tlie text ik1 la live mr vh itrlatow sang a aoln llie ird is my hhnpherd and fihe junior hn1r uniler the rtlre ii m of mia i uaton provided spec- in i niiul ihei camr m utllr i l hlld to krlh tl r i b w hirh had been rrmoed mr cripp w as told the procedure to follow to hae this aueiumrnl m tlftrd bv the court of rr mun chief llarnip asked that mort help he proided for the police force as there were not sufficient mm for constant duty mr d undaay asked for bettor drainage from victoria avenue as the atrect water waa now flooding his mill property the road com ml t tee agreed to tnvesticste and endeavour to recti v the situation mr whitnev was present to dis rtisj w uh council the insurance coverage carried bv the m unlet pal it v council requested that mr whitnr submit a plan in w nunc so thai policies come due at the hallo health aame time mr powell of ih init wa pn m nt to di uw w ith council the pavsing of a anitirv bv law the unit was aniou to have this bv law passed so that more sanitarv conditions could b enforced council acmd to give this bv law consideration just a sahn as possible a bv law was passed rt ending the period of dav light saving time from september 2mh to november rrth a bjw torapoal the law v emtng the operation of rrataurants as pstt and thr new regulation stated in the rried bv law that no iuke boxes or noise making ma chines may be operated between 13 clock in the evening and scv vn c clock tn the morning several trees about town were in a dangerous condition and should be removed there were about scv en trees that w ere damaged and these wrre listed bv the town fore man council also discussed th ad- usability of replacing trees when old ones were removed and deputy reeve tvler and councillor mcleod were to bring in recommendations for rcpjanting- meisrs m storev and m mcmil lan on behalf of the canadian le gion were present to discuss ar rangement for tha crmcalm in connection w ith the unveiling of the new add to the soldiers monu- tnchl the cvremonies call for council entertaining isiting dig nitaries at a ct ic luncheon and a proclamation of a public holiday on november 11th a letter from the board of trans port commissioners was read rela- tlva to the installation of a wigwag at tha mill street crossing this question wis having the necessary attention and council would hear later tit clerk was empowered to tnalt anangemenbi for a temporary fcohtttttuad on 149 postrj th i acton th atr v atol from w ah room contained wwp thi i milh r 11 th s pi miter m ting of a j soaf shortage iu x i tow nvhip coiiih il w at held i in acton but ith the mrmb ii u pn m nt and i return dispenser i hti mr vansukle presiding accounts wen paved for pav cut amounting lo 1400 00 and the v ouch r for k 113 00 was pawd the ch rk wa lntnuled to strut a letter of thanks to eat h of th women s institutes for their dona tions tow ard the cost of installing lights outside the tow nvhip hall and another letter of thanks tn mr manse nolle for hi donation lo centennial espense the itcrv e and clerk wert to submit and petition the minister of public work and highwavs for the interim pavment of statutorv grant on road expenditures the cinadian icgion acton nranchi w a gruntetl the umal donation for w reath for fit m m brancc hav and prxigrams a resolution wai pauard authoriz mc the hoi dine of a dter hunt in thi township of nivuigawcva thi nov emn r a no a pheasant hunt un authoii7id inn r ulation ax 19tfl to npplv the ch rk wii intnutetl to write lo s v i nl ih rons w ho had ni n dumping re fu on the townshtn toads cintrarv to municipal bv laws advising them that same m it b remov ed and the fences repaired at once tn order to avoid prose u tion aftt r dealinc with the corrrs ptvndence council adjourned to meeiatainon octolvr3lihfi at rqopm th other night at th ro mkiic h ron or jeriin- th the oip dip um r thil full tnimtitv of liquid ninnnb r of thi how would llkt to hav the di ns r tack whn th uv r is finished with it as thev are quit rxjirwim hut as for the oap thi user is quite fret to um it if h notxls mort nvap he i nkoi1 to get in tout h w ith thi manncrr im medial iv varied items on septemrett prooram acton institute meeting th n kiilar monlhl n it tn il of acti n v omen intu iti w 1 h h it th ho n of mrs l id r spin u th a r ii k hm a t rut in thi r u cill vv is nnsw rd bv a vi m t i l and ih itim in nn kt fr n tt th n1 tt t w 1 clvl n b m s d on th ot o wl w otk tnd h iw 11 i it i n 1 w 1 f uh 1 1 i partnu i t a r pr nl it ix t omnii t lid t f ih nmiihm it i 1 lu d hllt in pi i mill i n iiiui th f iti ild n h in th s j ml it in s i nil ililk ir d a th tin h s hh 1 hi ird 111 id md nti foi mill si pl m u for thi i tint lis tnvp irt ami il iipnars tu ud tx- much ir cxpsn nt w bmldmk progrnm to pr s nt thr 1 1 m hind smi distn t whuh fuls in tx lit r tttucutionl fm 1 childun h i iff to build tht instituti mrs i ml g ii a m r in ten sling i in r on a motor tup vn cnvin hurst to ottawa bin conti t was won bv mrs anderson pljns wire mad for vrvint meals at the fall fair and also plicing xhibits at georgetown milton and acton fair unch was served bv the hostess tnd the couonutusc witha vote of thanks to all bv mrs orvsdale social evening held for workers at nassagaweya centennial ii w is n hippv gnthcrinc thil rnjnved a sixinl evi nlng and gim s of progrivsive i urhn at ltnokville hall niss1rtw1 v i last thursdav ninmu th ev nt w as arranged bv thi township oninctl to rxprtss appriclition of tht cooptrative ef fi rt and fun tommunitv spirit whith had mill th ct nti nnlal ctlebntlon this sear such an out stindint in ci sjt pmi s for cthis wi re auirl d th 1 idn s trul iis and on lx half of thi townhip count illor fin nton expnsmd appreciation to nil little w van sickle on h hilf of the township t xpr ssod appreciation to mr m j carton nnd g arlof dill for the w rk that had ixm don in compilim ind publishing the ct n tnnial hitorv and prest nti d beau tiful mnokmg stands tn both those men hoth mr carton and mr dills replied the lad it s served a buu delightful lunch and a fine social time was enjovrd i la i ion health ijnii hasneu- ijrzl denial trailer jiors lose to euy tcuippd trader unit witt siltlvoa llv 20jt vitl school in county m uj in playdowns oiks- nnjn ifulioi faktv 1 in b ad h ilu i atabllshment of n mobile il nlal tlin c undi r the sup tvkion uf the llallon lliallh unit onl hast witk lr jnmts m ninth r uikivlsor of the halturi inn ntivil d livery of a fully itjulpixd dental trailer unit di matin r vplnlned this unll wit mipplii 1 h i ho r extern i jern mint at no cost to ilnlton ins pay era the unit a jo- foot spaclnin tralhr ontalna a dental chair and all necessary dental equipment msrded for examination purposes it has ipacloui cabinets desk hydro with auxiliary lighting sup plied from tht car and un ml spue hi aler for winter months it is p i in ted an iittrui tin blui colour and will vis i schools throughout i he county in tfm following press release m hr i ir malhxr snld dental 111 hem wlh simcoe cubs lad all tha way in final gam of series saturday afternoon lllm of ph winnlna 94 on saturday inta shad rldoewey 34 uil nieht to swoop uh-ptk- i0 tuff slroho buuawari as toams get twonsar ou cu4w loft in tt a hunt aa m rauli nl m vlttory over itldjl way liiat night aitwi inta will h i upv a berth in the prov ln 1st a ml final tt o ll a mroirnrd fflilala hit that milv four i uini imuln in th ontario lot a i up i ueal utut ailmi mil aiilri would be a wnl rinal thr only rlutu irft are il imi shallow ukr and stralhrny luikliijt drop artlat sam snvd r wllh a riawtrs rwhlhltlmi ir field log as had lo rxtnd thtmatlvts to atop m ih trrinlnrtl ltlil way i tub lul rilkhl riildlrin an improved i im b th addlllon of nvriil llavia mihi rnlsmd mlii up rung kami of tin mtlii llldgrwav made ii atioik bid to ivin ii up slime widl aiipmirt fmrn hla mules ra imiullv from rntllt iiuth d sam ti ml hum down mi m aparao irvi n tuts miuiwhil thi alton bls d wiiv it it ul foi uli hits a thi th rth flio i ami smgl run in th first hid ilthll ui oimtitln tiough to lh with f mill l kh 1 in th ird isl mb ii d mb rspiivlr from ibr hoin lob itldui wv i fllr t i t fit 1 ik into th lotlm f 11 imilll hd ii ilni trip 1 ii d wh tl ii mid hi r d bop i un infl id il sin hd two mi bu in 1 id k h r 1 1 llkll tw rin n v milt i 1 i in ion did lad r lo h th ob 1 a r a i nl pnrh th 1 w 1 1 1 mimim from ib i l to f il f tti fml inii m 11 tvl r 11 id th a ton line l for ih k on und ibr atr 1 ofr 1 ind t w nt inlo at b i p i phi ilii while jatk u 1 rh mi plv d ih rirat saik ih hoi inp i d 1 indaav 1 i lip thr int i n four trips whjli v liter us kill d iii ith st thi mors 1 isi nnd junior it htl s simna h form r t ub wrippit up tht deciding kiime ami the at rt a with n alditi 30 b triumph in simroe souring flfle n runs in the second and thlnl innings at thi t xp nw n thru adon hurh rs the cubs madi thi ir bid in enrlv innings and eoast id thi n malruti r of the way with little trouble from acton simrim s win t hminated acton and smt th cutis against mi rrltto incial arm i finals out on both ikcasimv continued on pan ourj i iialton countys new mobile dental clinic me of our major public acton cnuldn i rontain themselvrn lusjilth problems today it ifrh nn r as simcoe went into moat commonly found defec fnmiliar run the haacs routine ilt among school children it waa the support wos nffordel harry most common cause for rejection during those two hec of oppllcallons for enlistment tol innings he was lifted and brief the armed forces during th revent n the slab wtre taken bv war in a survey aporuored by wiltshire and niow after the de- ihi mid ooss in tlu nchool of u suhalded iawson returned oakvltle last year over ninety per with n six hit allowance hut cent of the children needexl dentalv damage was m re fly done attention i arton coulrin t dent kings slants the fedora goernment has until thr seventh when law son a teallretl that this is a problem that kentner comhlnod two doubles with needs close study and by means of duval s single for four runs thev new granta for public health has pd for additional runs in the mule financial aid available car- 0th m desnerau rally with wilt tain selected count lea have been hirc blasting a three run homer c hosen as demonstration areas i king spaced seven hits all the two euch area have been organs w whe- iwsemwmtshtre and blow were combed for seventeen the cubs capitalized on a loose fielding exhibition in both the sec ond and third with two out in the second king blasted a long fly to right that mcenery muffed and the error started arton to booting or fluffing every chance after law- son gave up t free tickets and five runs had scored he whiffed ttentley to retire the side again in the third with two on the hook and two on board lawson faltered when crofoot placed a long smash into deep centre for a four- master wiltshire was called in to stem the flow but succeeded only in walking two and giving up a brace of singles blow went in to walk two and give up a hit before crofoot on hla second trip in the frame grounded out to duval at that point acton trailed lft0 three more runs in the sixth p siiikl m ih fourth pass to rkillll ri th firat smith from i indaav stored r aclon a only run uf thr in ning hldtfiwuv cnuiiud one in the bottom ml m ii oi ik- n scored un a single from winger twu hits in the third put ilidge- wny orip up pierson singled and scored on peacock s safety the it ad was short however in the fourth lindsay led off with a blngle and jordan walked water house put one out of the infield to scon imth runners scoring himself as snvdrr singled down 4 2 rldgeway got back in the gatm wllh illahupa home run clout in the sixth a n rou riled not hi r and thi ir last in thr nth a lindsay singled for the third time masales u itlng hit with a pitched liall a walk to kent ni r and mother to scott to force in dudr with what an inn in it later proved to 1m the winning run itldsiwav oiintorrd with one in the ninth on flishop s triple hut fconilnneil on paot tli e comiijg evrnt r hr erata d wi isa rhaf the ladles of st josephs church re holding a haaaar on friday evening and saturday afternoon december 2 and s bazaar and rummage sale home made baking and tea table in tha ymca october 22nd at 030 pra under auaplcea of acton ladtv legion auxiliary another milestone in the study and prevention of disease was marked last week when dr james u mather supervisor of the halton health- unit received delivery of a mobile dental trailer this service provided by use federal government is unique as halton is one of two areas tn ontario c for the study of dental iu health in photo above left is seen dr brian j oaleara commencing his first examina tion in the new clinic alls mary hopkins member oi the halton staff is having an aitamlnatlon photo on the left shows dr mather and dr omeara in front of tha 10foot spacious dental trailer beginning on the first of october this service will be extended to every school in halton county older prschool children will alao be examined dr mather explained photos bv roirwarest aon behind a lb0 deficit until they scored their first four cubs tallied once in the seventh on a wild pitch the game was in sharp contrast to the previous wednesdays when the locals looked the better team bruce played an outstanding game in centre field for acton saturday while lawson and wiltshire paced the hit parade most fans agreed the belter team won and wished the umcoe club further suceaas in the championship hunt acton 000 000 404 g t 9 simcoe 1510003 ioxtm 17 i llllh anniversary servtoes at churchill church sunday october 2 at 11 00 am rev r currle orton guest speaker drama u0 pm further announcement neat week hock wood presbyterian annlv ar tery servkvea sunday september 25th 11 am rev w a young tl a tin r w mtts ha turkey supper and concert monday evening- september h fupper served sa pm adults sl children under 10 50c harvest festival service will be held in 9t albana church to night fthura at 8 ptt cfcuon kirk of st georges church giatl- phwtll preach on sunday tha rev j r oeoghegoh of mew st pauls church vra4k wtll conduct ute rmtnij 11111 a veiling ervtoea t ehotr win rthwr special muslent all thaae sarvicea vultort are 1 x

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