the acton free pfiess thursday skitemdeh 13 imp ohri artmt jta jrtbb juiiwimj uat u il p 0 suisairaok bjtitus i wjs4w ii ji tu own u iuw omu t i uw 41 lutfc avtmtlsjhg satis o m ww 1w p ihli uvi to lu l m tit mamm4m ut tl ih t lmuu um i m l 4 to tlguimi t ilto j taw r j it k jur uj vblt tmii ww w cr il rw i 1 j br ttv toj y kv to tk kto wim w tfltrhonis- elrflbr a triple investigation is being made into a fire in the belmont motet ottawa which tok two lives the fire started m the ukond floor cocktail lounge the hotel s liquor license h been suspended newspaper interviews say that the fire on the norornc which took over a hundred lives started near the drinking quarters on the boat the inquests and investigations that will follow may or may not establish this fact or any other facts it surely is however a recognized fact that people who are intoxicated are very careless in their smoking habits they are in no condition to be careful with fire and are usually not con cerned with any precautions just when wm we strike at the root of all this unnecessary loss end discontinue establishing more and more out lets for the sale of beverages which make people incapable of caring for themiolvet and otlters no one will possibly ever be able to say that the noronic disaster was caused by the presence of a liquor outlet on the boat likewise none can say that if the outlet had not been on board that the disaster would not have occurred the facts are that intoxicating beverages were avail able on the pleasure cruiser and over a hundred lives were lost and a fine vessel is a heap of scrap and now we plan to extend serving of liquor on our railways and dining cars there s a need for more investigations before the fatalities occur and fewer inquests and post mortems a good name counts there may bo food for thought in the opinion of an investment dealer as to what constitutes a good reputation for a municipality as a bor rower comments civic administration rnaga 2 ne editorially in these days when many canadian mum cipalities are launching substantial capital programs surprise is often expressed that town ship a got a more favourable bid for its debe tlres than dig city b many factors govern the attitude of the in vesting public towards a municipal bond issue past records rank high on the list the corpora ton s reputation for sound administration also counts so does the per capita debenture debt the size of the current loan and the sie of others to come status and reputation of the finance officer is another factor but when it comes to elected representatives investors seem to like them on lhecomervative side if a reeve gets a bad teputatton as a skirtchaser the municipality would probably be wise to wait a few months before going into the bond market after all remarked the investment dealer quoted by civc administrations editor your banker would think twice about extending your credit if he heard you wore running around with another mans wife it t the same with a corpora t on a good reputation on all counts is a help disputes nd both workers and emftfoyeet lose money enj production and sometime trade that rtvf returns try rftn thfltryhla n fntwawr by the union organizers who come in and make the split between employee and employer and leave the community after the strike is over win or lose they invariably draw their pay and walk out better off after the workers return and at tempt to make up for lost funds andjhe employe attempts to regain lost markets ol aelon looking aked dont be misled by the tug government surplus announced for the first four months warns the winnipeg fe press todays high revenues are mainly the product of canadas gigantic foreign trade and that trade is far too largely built on conditions now rapidly becoming unstable more than half our overseas exports for example have been financed by the united states taxpayers through the marshall plan tke marshall plan has been reduced already the ap propriations which will flow to canada through our luropeen customers have been cut to about e third of last years total our overseas markets are rapidly diminishing as curope runs out of dollars the marshall plan will end in 195 ajl these things considered we cannot reasonably regard mr abbott s last statement as a guide lo conditions a year hence lincoln philosophy of life in every difficult period in the a1 65 yertri and today more than ever before events have piovcd tfe wisdom otvtbrahanvlincotot wn he said you cannot bring about prosperity by dis cour aging thrift you cannot strengthen the weak by weaken mg the strong you cannot help strong men by tearing oown big men you cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer you cannot further the brotherhood of man by encouraging class hatred you cannot help the poor by destroying the rich you cannot establish sound security on torrowed money you cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn you cannot build character arid courage by taking away mans initiative and independence you cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves czjobtfcsycsyolfczjoczd t back in 1899 talus twm tit itfua of te pv f of yfcsriamtrxtfrt si lsi- xwchnuttlng ts a favorite st- urda pastime for boys and glru row mm jennl b uatthtwa haj dlt- pouwl of hr fcrvad and ronf action rv biulnru o air cliaatar mat- ijiewi who taltut pouruign next wffk owing to the number of nw pu pils admitted to itw primary de partment since lh opening of i ho public trnfriva number of the pu ptu have been advanced to the other drpartmrnu mil mcqueen had urr 70 regtttrred in the mom mr fdward nlcktln jr mt of mr ujt nl kiln of ilrandon mm has been ftlvrn a run at i vjiru mrjjw nifi r on one of the nori ti mri rmida nt a hilary f 4u wr month lri tty ic f ytin f now f rlghtern mrur v n unmir and h 1 walttle mini john wamir ex m i fur jlaltun left a urk ago for ulli and mill m nil hit winter in fffp i he f xlrns on of tin- elect hf muht ti m ramp nut for nvtmte at council meeting mnday it was thought in omtt to cnrr the ror orntlitn ronipb lei wmr right ad ditional inmpa are necrujiry it u prnjkimd uu ing to i he ninny lr then- to inkf lhf gooi neck lam pa off houer avenue and hang ttu irmjm in the onirr nt ttie sinl as on mill nrut main streets i h t ounill hn old ttm coal oil itrref inmjts to the village of port ritinpton nt si 7 and a number of the intnp mtkln at j5 n nlit enrli j ihu will r lit m the ktreelm of fifty of the numrrout mdia plnnttd here back in 1929 iwrmtfrial jlral a monument built of enduring granite symbolic in design and reverent in purpose resting in surround- l a i rips rfpftfa aw h wnly m t wt i u the dead a constant source of inspiration to the living we employ no agents buy direct oakville monument works 19couorn st wist dk w g c kennev peyauaui huma successor to ur j a- uenlweij office in symon block ulil st aetea omm 1lsaaa 7 iuaktus hl plwoe ue t- rom the laue of the inv of thurwuj sermenibrr i ih laze fdltortal notes you ran t lxat a full f ile for social security cllir ind a big wood acton fair will bo the big local event next week and exhibitors and visitors are planning to make the 1949 event an outstanding one with more fuel oil available its noticeable that the threat of coal strikes has not been a prevalent this year and the price seems more snbilied the canadian parliament is again in session with some changes in the houses since dissolu i on as a result of the voting list june there is httle left to hamper a progressive program by the government i find fri nrii of the moi ovi co hi id an tijonhlo i oin nml wi in r roit imd dnnro n i inn iiimim on mondn eenln with onu n f i mlnuli i n tiv- nr to finish th ur- ihnmng lfn tiaiti on lli finn of mr a c luiruljr took flr on krliui ntniul iumui and wn complete letro ed v v monro barrister of ial- nierkton hfi iwn npimlnled at judge of niton county to nurrid him honour julge mllotm who re- j t red i i mr j hnvird hns un linsw the mnithm s r slrt nri aiul will lit niimte it into n modern store for n di ug more nnd residence above i j 1 he store front u 111 he extended to tin sirxtt line a quiet wetldlng um solemnized lot the home of mr nml mrs wll- hum hnmilton krnmosa on sntur- dn s ptemler 14 w hen their only daughter mvrtle ailelnlde u ns united in marring lo knrl n linn i i jim he 1 1 of arton police magistrate 11 i moore ws elec till prekdtnt of the onl arlo magisttnti avscv lation al ih nnnuil omunllnn held it ilnrrlo itt u k tke strike winner for the first time in 76 years the singer sew ing machine co of new jersey is strikebound celled on may 1 the strike has cost the workers s9 million in wages and m a single month since if began the coit of relief to the city increased from 6000 to 11 000 our congratulations to the poet gazette on winning first place in class ii in the competition tor better newspapers in the canadian week i newspapers association this is the first time in eleven years that the award has come to ontario in this group rnikkc t found i7 pounds already theplen of numbering all buttdmg in acton is being appreciated there were many who thought such a move was not essential in acton but every day the plan is in use there are fwer who do not approve it certainly removed a lot of confusion rn clwfph tail week when over 300 employ- ees went on strike the plant was closed and the company started plant to move from the city and locate elsewhere in chicago the printers have gone back to work after being idle for 22 months and across ontario and quebec the lithographers who are among the highest paid tradesmen have been out on strike for two months with demands that employers fael thy earmnt mai aa a rule nothing is gained by these labour biggest rtews of the week was the announce ment that england and several other countries had towered the value of sterling in comparison with american and canadian dollars as we write this canada has the next move under con sideration just what effect this move will have on world affairs is difficult to visualize but certainly it will have an effect on every canadian and their living a well informed people is one of the greatest bulwarks against forces wh iqy i our way of life prime minister st laurent said in a message read at opening of the 30th annual convention of the canadian weekly newspapers association cto me the outstanding character istic of a weekly newspaper is its proximity to those it serves the message said it is therefore in an excellent position not only to- champion community needs but also by an intelligent hand ling and dissemination of world national pro- vt end local news t tewp hi readers well floyd marlatt main 81- milton phonct 4c3w j i case farm machinery ales service chore boy law vacuum milkers irformed make your selection of new wallpaper the largest stock in western ontario priced to rait youllflndltat chappies bookstore 1u wyvdluutt sioulph angus kknnttdv proprietor carrolls new packj tomato brown bear honey 47c rotuar peanut butter 57c heinz baby foods 3 25e red conoe salmon sic just arrived the popular kzls apple juice 20 0z tins 15c aylmer catsup 17c bright cherries 21c frankforo peas 3 25c ooilvnts chocolate cake 1 19c clarks pork uj beans nj lie r light bulbs 15c carroll danoee tea38e 75c quick quaker oats vi 28c strawberry jam auhfl with tctji w 24 01 ja 41c domt miss this special romar custom ground coffee 1lb bao 49c brino ub your isc 00ut0n8 fob aunt jemima pancake flour i9c 4sc buckwucat m i9c libbys mincemeat- 37c keens mustard 19c 35c frc society doc food 140 old dutch cleanser tn lie nugget shoe polish 13c princess aaar flakes t 29c spic and span 2c 69c fab 34c 67c vel 33c 68 cufoml oranges mi 111 tkin vvuhhy ne 1 appies 6 ol litut fmh spinach lb 23c 59c 15c fiu8iness uwuflil dk d a gakrett prxsvlck mrt acum fvmiriy dr nua oiiu- offu- ihoik il8 llatldaum ms dcntal uk a j buchanan uu1 surga ofl- lluimn block 1111 orric hour 0 im tol pja xjiy imliiionk us uu jioi1 a bihhs liud hurgft ullt l conitr lrlerlck acta oftlc lluun uuusii to j0 ikihrnok 10 lkoax i ua1iiiklan0 ua atton raftutr a fiejullor nmtmry pnlg oirkva is iuailm llvik 8 hobkin lturtrful aoeoujllaau huttok to jknh1nh iiaiulv 1 hci mi inuxilliaii uldg h vulorla m loronu big ui31 vetkkinakv h i vounc vs u vsc rlrlnmry hurum n lli-ikv-ll- onttrl riunii millon mom i oak1s vs bvsc vrurlnary murgaoa olflc- ll itikiijihv kl0 a a lull ilionr 130 miu rujisrjhih the victor a rumlet funeral i10mk runrrui iioiim llful r 1litm hi nlilhl ur dy ivln it loniniunjly for 49 wiiumin iakm ac1ncy iruil a 111 l aiirnry in ca hrlil ihtur k iii lil totalr uii lumn lrruitativ tom llfor ihon mrorgrloun 1isw wrigm7 rtal tstate and insurance i uiikiii h union 11 wmur si no ork 114 ailjfi out ltulph ont ilmn ft 1hon h1u lnlor ltluir inunn mi nil i ajipnin 1 inntilut f i itnadu tmlmis iu lh a ihxtrut llr imhlr monril mfliilum iuilph a iktrict inaur- jill aki nt as i in n chain slalkt celrtv na i cooking onions 10 lb bg zuc 39c ntui dauvuttuca tacutbai cullflovw tomte aackai rhumt orapaa traveiiers iltide ray coach lines taiiks 11 avk actof iljamgmt saving time kauum ill in km nn ntn am 2 oh p m 11 m ill pm tit m tilll a p in ucaumud 10 in 13 2 pin 157 pjn 3 27 pm 7 27 pm 9 12 p m 11 13 p in lhj- rrcppl sunday and holl- aui b- sutuiday sunday and holidaya railways canadian national standard tlmt raaanwt y dally 5 is am dally eat sundayi 1152 am 7 10 pm sua- day only 8 10 pm dally noaat sunday flyrr al grorgaloun jrt p r lyr at crargalowa 10 11 pm dally fkrrpt monday 1 17 ajaw monday only 13j0 a m dally ax rrpl sunday la am s0 tua 7 pm saturday only im sunday only ft 43 am fla 3 48 p m iflagilopl rvrept sat it worry makes yim blue lei wart ajs see yw thra j s jull oplaamtritt 7 douglas street guelph vbsbxah glasses pitted