Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 22, 1949, p. 3

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thursday septeltbka h 1m the aaon free pfiess vxjoktbkkx vu wyefc cuauters plri272 we d pmrtlb wuril ea1 fvial fbaas make if itr mis tfsl yhbe orttllttl wteukss- swr1 toe wm d oimuijli tlllnnjlj ftiligeiali gimih ai i b7 111 i ncsvss vmaifino oaa- lirln let ui try to pum you vies hotootahly stu01o mill street acton neat to ymca paomhsi eta s mm uu hrhoviiornernakrrs most farmer cull ofit ih boarders of in yr- old poultry flock at this tuna of year and fatten them for market or kill and store for the family table with arcess to a cold storage loc ker or a home freejer you will t advised to consider this method of storing dressed poultry to pre pare fowl for frevzlng requires no special tools you rlran the bird exactly as you would for cooking and then wrap it in rnolslure-vupor- proof paper if your righthand man ts tnrx- perlenced in killing poultry the ruy way you rail ask for a bullrtln on dressing poultry from your agricul tural representative it will save time and last minute preparation for serving the storage bird if it is singed and stuffed before freezing if sage or thyme is used in the dres sing the amount should be one third of usifal juantlly as herb may permeate the meat if too much is used once the bird hat been cleaned and prepared it should be wrapped and froien at once if this ts not possible keep in a cold place preferably under the freezing unit of the refrigerator wrapping meats for freezing re quire special paper regular but ch r store paper cannot be used nor can household waxed papea poorly wrmppad birds dry nut in storage and are tough and dry when cooked fliey may also become rancid ask for waxed sulphite paper and gum med tape alternatives would be aluminum foil or heavy parchment paper wrapping materials may be purchased from a locker company feed itore or a district cooperative kitchener upholstery it docaf milfcr haw wi rear cheauracu r chair arc warn w tan maka tktm leek tilt new rimtt rdforulowu s8sw 1 wealre aenrie free pickup and delivery phone 103 acton as the prepared chicken u wrap- pud fold in on end and smooth the paper to conform to the shape of the bird thus eliminating air pockets seal with long strips of acetate locker tape and label with a black crayon parchment sandwich bjigs ares handy to wrap disjointed pieces of broilers or stew ing birds then parltage the uantlly you would use at one meal in one parcel and hit content on is be place in fast freezing spare at once to ovfrnat froren poultry altnw 12 hours at ronni temperature how ever frozen chicken for malting or fowl for atcwlng may be cooked without thawing but you allow about m minutes p r pound extra cooking time roast 4 to e lb chicken or turkey at sv degreea 2 to 2s hours roust 10 to 12 lb gouae or turkey at 3z3 degrees s to 4 hour rtoast 14 to 17 lbs turkey at mo degreea for 4 to 0 hours broil halves or sections of chicken s tnchae from the top element for is minutes on each side take a tip government grades indicate qusl ity and finish of table poultry but hnmemakere should order the kin of bird to rffl thrlr nreda for in stance a broiler is a twoandahalf pound tender young chicken ex cellent for broiling or frying a fryer may weigh up to three- andahalf pounds and be rooked as a broiler a roaster is a young chlckfn over three and a half pounds a capon is an unsexrd young male chicken and is ideal for roast ing a rooster is a hasbeen roaster usually ordcrrd as a broiler a hen is also a boiling or stewing fowl wrltub spicily f tka aa4aa pvea pratt owendolzn1e p ojlmmx remember a fvw weeks ago i told ou i had lost my glasses and i sus- pecud the pup msy have run off with them well i had no proof either one way or the other as 1 ntrr did find the gluims finally i got mw one and t after lhar all the pujmts wi i- advertising a contruplion by w hu h you could ket p your gluues bunging around your ne k i fi it it mini have been invented for mi anyway t didnt waste any time in buying one of the duo duds so now 1 r ally know wht ie to hill my mid i vet oh d jt th i uth to nt about hi day 1 have had x- citing news about the wel but then tht re li alio ilrnty going on in the fcust to say nothing of the glorious rain the lat two davt a duro thats what i need a duro pump filb cterr firm need running water when and where you wane 1c a l saver that produce profits clean fresh water ii a necea- eirr la four home btnu trade garden and tablet be aure o imtall the duro pump with capacity for all four needs includ- inf a retcnt fwfire protection install the bhst in stall a duro emco plxtoft and flhtna moo rxramt and rtriass arc jwllwil far bcanrr and utility sal hem catirr yen cm modernise ifltrrrfi bathroom lanadrjr frotect the health and add to dally o all year uaily wnurr camera 111 a lowcost miniature cam era offered by lo anslaa majiu- facturer ha part molded of llht- wmfiht luitrrx tlastlc raaacuraj two and onmljhtli inchoa atrapa on wrui iuh 18 mm film raporta the flnaiuhal poat accmaorlaa la- clude a mlnlatur lmtrm vlawvr wrlit band aued tipper eaaa clxajuno auction sale th houtala latu hkep ilaraea roultry kea iraln implementa and furnltura ihr unrtt rxlgnint have ncold irai ructions from clark robicrtson to m11 by puhjir auction at his form 1ot h con 2 wp of koques- inn on no 2s highway 4 miles north of milton on wednesday vxft13xryr zfltft commcnclns at 130 o clock the follow ng llohsii iercheron horses nufd gkd workers mluk txjws and 1ikikkks holstcin heifer fresh time of snle holsteln tow due oct js liol- stein oiv duo dec 4 houteln cow in full flow not brl hol- teln w in full how bred aug v ayrshire ow in full fliiw brtsl aug li3 holstrn cow in lull how hrd aug a houtcm heifers r old open i hoist in hvuvrs 1 r old imn 2 heifer caues months old heifer oilf 2 mon- ihnold kkho and chain lnl h hnrle sx bus oats jft bus hurkwheat us hux whont 10 bus meadow krwcue tnii seed jii ion hay alfalfa nnd limtthy 1 icre sudan crnss in stmik shktip and loutnu 8 cras hrel kves 4 hvr lnmns ivjc hampshire kam 50 heavy hrns fakm im1ukmkn im m h timm binder f n n tedder m h mower ft lne 1u iodrr cockshutt manure spreader dump hake uw kami wagon and ha hock mh seed prill 13 hoe side itake whets cultivator sloop sleighs mh llsc set of seed harrows 2 walking imowb 2 furrow hiding plow 1 kurrow hiding plow uue- bec scales ivijvsi cream sep arator scuffler kannlnff mill wheel barrow hay fork hopes pulleys anvil chick shelter 2 wheeled car trailer ser of taps uc root ln lta ntie soil that and ntea kx tension ladder step i neither wind storm nor adversity of ladda- kmry stone u hh a kind has had any effect upon it motor 1 holl snow fence no of i steel posu no of cedar poata k the trt h bwn uanllty of kim plank oil fertilized by the zeal and interest of rums quantity of molaurfl odd thousands so that now its branches ifrlasf 1 spread from shore to shore carry- sugar kettle cutter and numer ous other small articles rtrnmire dining room hilton plumbing heating 83 kww avmw ptofm 341w acton ontario impireflflflssmfgcq limitcd wmoatwuv4wftfttawcotwca wcd w hu h is just eia tly w hat we want ed on lop of our frt ahly miw ii w heat of rourke i am till up to the eyes in canning but as for pick ira i haeit got so much one jar put away ytt fm o 1 wtnt on strike itne day last week and went to our w i convention in gurlph i hadnt teen to a runt t ntlon for fifteen rars nut since we irft the toronto area it was interesting and inspir ing and friendly miss lewis and mrs futcher were there and it was my privilege to meet both of them for a few minutes they both have su h pleasing personalities and yet earh is so different from the other miss iewls has nub a delightful und turtful way of khowlng up the wrong way of running initltute nf- fulrs without muklng any one p r- aon or branch conspicuous or rao ognlzahle not only that but she la big enough and generous enough loidnilt it if she hi cdf hitppeni to be slightly ut fault we had proof of that last ttiursdiy when there was a little difference of opinion regarding the adoption of a report mrs futcher provincial president is so full of enthusiasm for w 1 work that it permeates her every w urd and action she carries her audience along with her making everyone feel thil to belong to the wi is a privilege that no one should miss and that every mem ber should do her part to make this grctil organization greater even yet hut vet being an initltute mrmkr these dsvs isnt as simple as it used to be like everything else it be comes more intolted and compli cate d sll the time gone are the du when a few women could get together for a met ting and feel they had done all that wik required of them if the minutes were read and upproved demonstration of ctkikies gim ind a pnper written and read b one of the members followed of course by a friendly tup of tea in- tersperm d w ith lively chatter and good natured govtip we hivc greater oportunillcsin our bran rhes now but hand in hand with these opportunities are greater obligations we are able to learn ko much about arts and craft but this knowledge must also te imparted to others and details of our participation be sent to head of fue thus the more we do the greater our at tivit in ony way the mor w hie to report each blanch i mnrallv obligated to share w ith other branchi information about the work it is dntng onlv in that ui are we a pnrt of the in stitute us n whole it k n case of whiels within wheels a fact that is brought home to in more and more when we attend district an- nuals and area conventions mavbe i am mixing metaphors a bit when 1 speak of w heels and branches but you know there is a lol lo think about in that one word branch the dictionary defines branch part of a bough und a bough a main branch of a tree so the annus wi branches scattered far and wide are part of the provincial boughs provincial boughs that have irown from that great tree which was planted fifty years ago b mrs adelaide hood less and which took ing the analogy still further we m might think of w i members as the sulteconsltlntt or china cftblnet leaves upon the various branches 3f fajsltev without which the iree could i sewing machine drop head en amel finish cook stove wi r match walnut sidetooard odd extension table stnilnttabre not llve ve have their day and fall but newer younger leaves tlkf tr pnea nwrt th lre n pwijif mb wtpmlhg closet rockera walnut bed and dresser 2 waahatanda a white beds springs and mattnesaea odd dresser 2 tollef sets keather tick linoleum rug 18xlt no of kitchen chain kitchen cab inet clothes horse odd dishes oil lamps and numerous other household effects terms caah settlement with clerk day of sale no rescrve a the proprietor has sold his farm and is giving up possession immediately after the sale 3b hlndley a elliott auctioneers ph hockwom iutj or milton i t j tre goes on while its roots spread and delve further and further into the fertile soil neithrr should we forget that twigs from parent branches have been planted and propogated in other countries gradually taking root growing in dependently but yet recognizable as belonging to the same species that had its origin tn canada yes it ts good to be on institute member even if one is only a jag ged leaf on the branch of a sturdy irotnrh jlmmlf fax the welucnown ekyutaikiet jmsoaywvtafts junmle pax wellknown enter talner for the paat fifty yaart hai mad his flnarretlremat he died august sfith at the quaan elizabeth iloapiul tn london at the rip old ot 97 ii nnd ren 1u alnr chrlatmaa jumal fax tcurwbe principal rlrculu of canada and th unttav as a singer of comic aoivg ii wrote and t muatc to moat ot th sonx he tan lie made ms first public appaarano at th age of seven as a boy coprano at a scottish concert ln brantiard mast of the younger feneration of this district will of court not retnmbr jimml but over the year three decade ao there were very few garden parties hald in th countryalde around that did not at on tun and anothr hav jtmml as th star entertainer several time jtmml pax ejs- nounced his retirement only to mak a comeback to th delight and entertainment of hi audtru ea ills fun and okae were always clean and hi vigor on stag was retained even as h nt ruined when over 00 year of eg the christ lin science monitor savs americana nerd more land msrki of their past a world ice shortage 00 years ago hastened artificial ice producing machines mkm 60 seconds i most bask cflcppbll5 ck mix when housecleaning dont pit aside furniture toxt can lk reuphoustehh our nrv pattcrna and colora and ripert workman ahip will make ihrm better than new kor the beat in cheater fied reupholiterlng phone 87 acton 7 day atrvltc ns wallljkj taaag caj v jack suoebmann of john dick and son bajr awata mrrmgd if ira a 9t nfi tliilitfj nw o u a 11 miatla u r saulaba coffee is now available in most grocery stores it is of extra fine quality and we believe that you will consider it the best coffee you have ever tasted ask for coffee sa1aoa ita company of camada luuttd vmm amamba7 marru w serving canadians in town and country lt nn old aayinf that if you build a bettar noumtrap ths world will beat a pathway to our dnor but ita only partly true unleaa mmebody take it out and ahowa it to the leople who nerd mouse trapa moat of them will lever hear about it ita trie aame with farm implements evan hough majtaeyharna has bean building rlter and better farm machines for more than 00 ytnni thouaands of canadian farmer vould atill be doing their work the hard way if t werent for the service of maaaeyharria lta it- n since the earlieat days the dealer or agent is he an once called i has performed a triple aelling them machines that enable them to increase their yearly earnings he has served maaaeyharria by enlarging the distribution of masseyhsrris products and tqually he baa served hk community hwtisr increaaad farm earnings result in bettar liiiainaaa for all merchants and in better nomaa bettar schools better churches and hospitals ths maaaeyharria dealer of today is ss modern in hie methods aa any merchant in town you find him in an uptodate building on main street with a showroom to display his streamlined machines and every facility to aerve the needs of merhnij farming he is one of the key buaineaamsp of mrvice he has served his farm customera by the community masseyharris euffunw hm7 roeotno biowa woamui voakton uomctoh rawt cuubrr nmowrom atkatoom vavicouvaa

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