Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 22, 1949, p. 4

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pace rcm the acton fbee wcess thursday september m im istittefnews various iltsu canecmfam arthritic in coaubualtlea noufc whew many of our hm4bt ar interested everton ur and un robert uccutchton of kilrhencr prnt sunday wilh ur and un harify jrtm d hobby mr and ur j i unham wilda and joe- imntsunday with ur and mr w van norman guelph ur and ur hubert pall n and diam guilfih ixnt sunday uith ur and mr john alt mr and un tvd jettm jnd pauy vititrd n sunday with mr and mrs jaltcb mlnr and family of itm kwtad miwi mary and edith hobrrtton of clrrlnd rr viltinic with mr and mm wm koiieruwi mr and mrm jim cren f rgui iite1 fi sundav with mr ariflmr acum wtthrtn and family fttxtrnded for lmt wrrkt mr and un ilrrt palframan mt ilraudt vinttd on sundav v ith mr and mrw w ii mortop uiwi ilarbara and murwl it n ham and mr mortn guelph aptni sunday with mr and mr j p urnham mr and mr hfiin hrus n and gail oapringr uitrd n sunday with mr and mrm harold wrtjtht and family mr and mm ttjrsps jotn and ilnhbv uitrd rcnll ih mr and ur ilrrt talframan ur and mr all rt alton ouelph uurd on simdav with mr and mm john alton sundav mmtmt vllh mr and ur lrin hamilton n mr and mrs alf touting sialh i im sundae mmt i viith mr mr w hrad ri mr nd mm r rrd mums guelph limetiouse mrs lluk group f git ciru rnj icl i unnir roist on the rocks at iimeni in n widm viay night rr uadr prof or of knok collcfcr condurt- mthcti kt umf hotim m hi uvtk of hrv a cal dr s ho was taking annlrrary acrvicn at strwtaxlllr anion thuu from our district atttndnik uiu wik gurlph area wi nnvi titiott wrir mrnhmn mill r u and sm thumt congrjtulatmns to mr and mr hill urley mif mary ncv t of trcnlivn n the arnal of their third daught r col and mm umirnr jh nt the ekcnd in toronto- ur rohm bourne nan rnrollrd at rjjc klngiton for hu accond yrar having anrnt the nummrr montha at the offirrn training raw at qulmalt nc mr had a frw day at homr nocntly mr tony bourne left last week for ridley college at st catherines recent visitor include ur and mm cecil linden and mr and mm ted morrow and flaine of toronto wilh mm r lane madame chagnon and mr robt chagnon of montreal ith the mr and mm ivle lierrington and aim foster returned home to toron to on saturday after spending a pleasant two week a at the home of mm angus mcdonald of dolly varden vlaltom at the same home on saturday were mr and mr mil narru and rhildren of port credit mm wm hall and mnrjorie and mm laura mckachrm and children of acton ltitnl at dnllv varden on sundav at the farm home of mm fmils mcdonald and son fntrwded for i r uvrl the w ms met at th horn of mm jno scott in gonrtown on thursday evenlns mr uuu read kcrlpture hd thra a nana tits rrfr mm o mulder obllgwd with a piano olo well a read ing the stud chapter the hoat vms rm refrenhmenta at l ckve mr s tih and mm ptc un wn attended the lader traln- inj v hl oonducted b mlsaes ivnrn r nd nohle in milton thin alli lw 1 n 1 h ime thli week with a kulx uprftined ankle sundw mhoil reopened on sun- da siptniher 11th th vhr i and 1 imehouae llrn iruvn nrici le held their okp of prlu- nn1 d montra ti in n 1 in 1 min m morldl hall on itii aw i k nt ilt m in hi le xlr ltik lv tioit 1 he arrow- niih t n onto md mr and mt cm tint if llradfom tnn wuh mk s v t khamcr orton mj harvey uorruon u a bk to be- up around again aflrr rrturning from toronto hospital ur and ur art turner detroit spent iht week md with mr and mrs georki luh mr ard mm hirry hearing clan na and miu m lli aecom paitutl bv mr hearing father mr john j ff r vutted at apptn ov r lat e k nd mr and mr licit w k and rol aitet with mr iul mn d hurrowt guilph v dy svmmithy lk iuttd to mr and mn kail mi r and fmih ai the pacing i t th furiiii r mothrr mrs harry mm u mm margaret tm 11 iondon kp nt a dy recently with mr an 1 mm wm llallentinr s hikl luvr re om ned with mm j mx ked rikiiming her tearhlng at k v hm i mm alv in white at orxttn union and miu van nr man at n 9 lawirvil mr hake a hitfh s h 1 tmi li eing driven by mr kirk and hi new rout ts along th oiatig tile oad down the hth line of gara through orton itim n th 3rd and iirnim bv outlc to fergis mr an1 mrt vernon thorton of gu iph ximtd on sundav with the latter a broth r mr harvt y mnr- riton and mr morrison we ar sorry to r jwirt that mlvt litrw i vim i on th sick u1 jikim w nil wlh lit r a upeedy ni ovi ry mr and mm k n ulh vmtitl in sundav with mr and mm j k siknl huot sundav visitors with mr and mm ii lb 1 ush win mr mid mm frank 1 itch mr john 1 itch and mr hffird stiuffer mm fllas chevn has returned home aftt r sm nding thi past week in toronto mr alts duncan of hilkburg is to be bar in ring at li idson s tore on turfcda night starting this week mr and mm lrne fin kin and daughter ixirrta and mr and mr gordon gregwn and garm return ed on thursday from a months tnn through the west mr and mm norman hilton and fumili moved to lb 1 wood where mr hilton 1 rmplnjed in the co op bimn vs manv from this icinitv isited the cnf and all n port a splendid da lots of sights to vee fun for all mid plentn of tired feet mr and mm ken watson milton isited wilh relatives here recently nassagaweya s s na 1 intended or isiat werk members of the wms and the ladies aid of nassagawrva presby terian church attended the meeting held at the home of mm fred free man with a aplendid attendance mnn well made articles were handed in for the bale and plans were made and committees chosen for anniversary services and the turkr supper being held in the church plans for thank offering meeting to be held in th sum iv school rooms were discuved and an invitation giw n b campbell llle ladles to their tea was read the husv bee women s institute held their september met ting one week earlier than usual at the home of mm jennie howard mm mr- l m ntid mm stephen coxe wire chosen delegates to the art a con wntion t guelph plans fori run ning a booth for a fedcr ition of agriculture dance at nrookv ilu were made and furlhi r plans for fill bjmr mm h irb ira sop r at ton was tht it s of mr ind mm j j km nedy and attended the 9opar re union at nrookvillc mr and mrs dick hill an son mm frank hill jind mr robt hill giu iph win mit st of mr im mr i f- mirtin sutnl i v pt mn r 4 mr nnd mm d t id hend m mi and mm and mm v kenned at- t mvm n kettogvther of the smith 1 in t th hi m if mr in 1 mrs tm h b its in k r a milt n on s m i in irl r i nn t nn 1 i it wthmr in 1 mrs i o m tt r hint m hi n mi uul mm m tt r w ii ii ts f mr w mm d im i ii tub m n i n m n 1 i m i t ilhm n mt nd m this k n d mr i h mi 1 t k m tv ospringe we welqom mr and un woods to our community they have bought the kaltboff farm on the highway ur and un kalthoff moved to wood bridge where they purchased a home we also welcome the davtes and canning familte who have bought the farm owned by the sinclair e tate and caakty tenanted by ur charles druce the ladles aid fold their month ly meeting at the home of uri archie sinclair jr nn wednesday evening with mrs gordtkn altken presiding mr kenneth robertson received word he has paatsed his first year numi at the canadian schoai or fmbalming he lift on sunday for ton nto where he has obtained a xtltlon with a funeral director mr hunter ii holidaying with illiitma in lilitigtluwn anil turun to mr mertm rt d hntrrtiuffit of hamilton vtas a nc nt guest w ith mr and mr i ut drown and family rrinds of mr j shwart will te sorrv to har be ts not so well he u at the hi wile of his daughter and mn in law mr and mm william hot- rtson mr and mm l stewart wer in hamilton on sunday to wilt with th lull i o miter mr h nnick who ii ill rally day will im- observed at th local church on sundby with sun day school and chunh combining for service at 2 30 o clock on the occasi mi of their slher wrwjfllng iiinlo tin ind the hh lirthda of i hi ir son tigus mr nnd mm l g hot rtmmi enter talned the mi mlem of the family u thi ir home on saturday during th court of thi wrung th v wire pr m ntfl with tnlit floor lamp md an ilitru toaster along with oth r gifts of silw r from the family lit freahment and the traditional wiltling i ike were wr sil a tht lose th unb includ tl mr nnd mm norman jackson orion mr w j jackson of o pringi mr and mm george young and marilyn tounline mr and mm norman koim rtson mivi lhhss hoim rtson mr vic palm k acton mr and mm ilovd hb rt son and alan guelph mr and mrs henrv jackson mohoro mr and mm reg carter laverne and kan n stratford mm has williamson guelph miha ann slansbiirx of okwlle mr and mm douglas r im rtson gulph mr ken robert o and master brian rob rtson philip and tenders on scwrr in a few whk fconrlnued from poor one policeman to assist a nucmcd b the chief two more prices were recelsed for painting the water tank it was decided to defer painting until nt xt ear in view of present finances and the deal re not to exeaed the budget the clerk was authorized to pur chase a cap sire filing cabinet at a coat of 57 00 a letter was read from the de part m en t of municipal affairs re garding the proposed legislation for financing the sewer installation when the procedure for securing as si stan re has been set down the de part men t agreed to dle the municipality a letter from the fin marshall s department enclosed a letter st nt to the fire chief the dipartnunt had arnnged to have an instructor visit acton to cirrv iut a training program with the nrigade on mon dis october ird the clerk wa instructed to write the bus compam asking if w feet was sufficunt for parking as coun cil w as pn pared to provide space and enforce parking regulations and i sli p the pn si nt congestion n mill str 1 1 i th cu rk w to notif j mc imulln to haw th dirt n mow d fn m th sulra ilk on knox a e i w ithm itk so thit brt ki n sid i t ilk could b lipuml bi f re thi lair count il t ij uini d it 12 md w i nt to t im il ri t mr nt h 11 t a tup of iff nu to find thit the i n pn tor wh hut urtitl t hint in t nf th bv liw so th it he could knp iiii tfn r nujn jht h id 1 1 s d his ikttmishm nt 1 k i th d r mil f u d n m uirrm 1 ill hurt n vl- w r n m ntr wi h the k it n t mesp gln smith ind flmor holnn t wetton vslth the chaa j til s m r t nd m m oley i aru of toronto vlth mm b lne mr i vow ton otburri with hu mother this waalc concrntulfttlonft to ur and mra john campbell ne boukja mul- der on tht blrih of their tan lajt thursdav in ouelph k m h h t it h t t k h t ni v 1 11 f ih put t tr i 1 k lt i hit t i it i p it i n x hi u 1 1 f s v t k 1 j it i j t hi it c vi i oon ii h hlh t if rockwood ilarvet ilonva vacuvau arvloa were well attended at st- johns church friday evening and sun- da after noon fur in friday ivsnlng service itev h ilnluriger of bt jamea church ciuelph and former rector of si- john a church was guet preacher hie altar and platiorm war 3 lw of beauty with nmuecous blooms of autumn flower along with products of garden and farm which tiora ttlmuny of a bounti ful harvest and thank to divine irotklence for sunday aftervuton service rt- i- a it rook of st andrew s t jiun h rinuli and farmer re tor of si john was alv guel pr at ht i 1 lieir tnany f r h nd miii ltifd o in re i in in again on t hi oai auon a 1 ivt i autumn mtuling took pu salurtaj el 1 m al b john s i iiurt h w to n u v w g i ti v ion offuialitl in tin marriage of mlu ldtly lnd sin th lately of lmdoii vuilarid to mr nor i loan k maiomll of kd- n mill i tit brute t nter d 4h tturt ti imi 1 tht arm of her father mr rt d ink smith of kdefi mills to ih slialns of music played by mu ualhanne unfool or she iu attired in a gown of while or- fnnd itvr pink and v 11 of silk tulle loaned t family in 1- n gland aiixl tarritsfl a tmuouel of txaei 1 hi lir de wat attended by her ait mm 1egty ahrams matron of tionor in blue organdy the br idi aii oils miss winnifrtil 1 w is i ion in at h mis jbjoe wvtlb r in pink and slsier nancy in rtei w on gow n of organdy all at tendants carried bouquet of glaj loll with r ngluh h utile ma jinlllh a brums mm of the bride and little miss ihlll mahoney coumn of ih grmim winrink oile frim ks of pink and how were ri tor glials and carrlotl lutxki ta of row t tin groom wn at w nde1 h his brother mr donnld mar shall of 1dcn mills and the uahera wer mesarv james 1- ortx s and w liunr both of hden m ii dur ing ttw signing of thi n ks4 r the thtr ang o perfect love the nciptlon took place at the horn of the brbh a sister mm clifford la brums it it 1 moffnl whuh uru di coral id w ith glndioll h or re ci hlng the bride s moth r wore got n of irri sheer crejie nnd mn chlng nrcesoriij corsag white ntsi s and trrim s mothi r attlrsd n green with black accesaorlaa i r or lb wedding trip to ntrthern i ontario the hrtde wore a gra ul w uh black accessories on their return the will reside at fmen mills guests were present from rxelir ixndon cooksil we ton milton and it nek wood in concctlon w ith the llnmllton conference of the y p tl held at the oa guelph during the wick etid rev chis t harris of nliicimllr was in attendance nnd nccompanit d w ith his father mr charles harris who six nt the week end in rock wood with mrs r d mclheslrnn hi v co har ris also motored lo conn n form er charge to conduct anniversary services on sundis the were lccornpanied h two or three oung ladiea of calstorv llle and smlthvllle as delegates to the con- entlon during the week end the village council engagnl nn outfit to spread resurfacing material and tar on side streets adjacent to the htrh wi through the v llage mr nnd mra fred dn of horn ilton wrrv up for the weekend mr and mm t a milne mr nnd mm mnx milne mr and mrs dsiufhas movnbb and mra robt hnrnrnt were in hamilton satu- nn nttindlng the connornanner wedding rnll di was oher ttl at the preshlerlan church on sunda annlerar semire also next sun d morning and eenlng latter sinlrf tt 710 pm mr chnrlcs harris u remaining in town while hu aon rev c g harris s rt newlng acquaintance nt i mm fallowing innlvernarv ser- icet o- mr md mrs u ill burns p nt t ft w diss ytrintls with th ir unit mrs vm nurns iko s vinl t usms in luuiiil ind om u h mm 1 imi s ct p 1 in 1 itt n 1 d thi fimnl if hi r i u ir th m in funds uhi win kill 1 m th 1 l i i nik i nl it im in 11 f r 1 i it 1 with mi i i f h r i f r i f w lis halton health unit has new dental trailer fcoaliaued from poa omt lud in ontario ona at st cath- annrk llnroln health unit and lite second i la 1 ton haajth unit the federal gvarnntent has made funds available to thace rn o that an interim v study can be mad into tha probiani of dental 111 haalth all costs for thu ktldy r to b burnt by tht rid t ral government and all equip ment and p monnel are provided without cost lo the local rrcjdant in halton county this study will he imaded by dr ilrun j o maara ir oxussia 1 a graduata of tha 1 nlwrvitii of birmingham usa and loronto in dantlatry and of i hi st hool of hyglrna university rf toronto in reunite wealth ttr uimm with the royal navy during thi war m nt a year in china with the u nit ha and was a- mhlatrd with he red cioaa sot ut in northern ontario ha will u asalftted by dental nuraa dr omri will uu a trallar t lopli 1 lv ttpiipptl f i tl ntal amlnatlon 11 plana to go to inth school in tha county and a i ompiete dental eamlnatlon will u ff il r jch st hool thildj ilirough the o id health centre in sarlous tow ns an ruml nation of older pre school children will ba h ne haeh tarent will recelwt a ixrt tf th th ntal condili n of the child ihu is not a treatment larvica tut otu of iiilinlv pivtitatii in nntun h routine examination and by education it la hopejd that acntal conditions will be noted at nil age when they can ast 111 ba t ontrollcd halton county is unique in that tnrl all the rural schools fee ie ntnl tnatmint through the fartv u d ntikt ispiosildbs th sthool twiards this is not the cat in towns rhus there will ba a corn- par son of result thla project hn the endomatlnn of organ land cvfitliiry at county provincial and dominion level it is anticipated that these kiuflle will be carried on for period of emra from theae and ilmllar studies may come infor- mntlon which may help us to solve the problem of dwntal 111 health dr mather concludm nssgvwey th s 1 t l hi t us hk is w 1 n t ft i c h h na 7 w woold hki to mtrotluci roil to our m w ncifchlnuirs mr and mrs f i ink wrhli s indra nnd hrt n d i for tm rlv of or mgi llle district md who ire kitting se ttled lis thi tit v oss mm of the comer lot of iot 1 con fl thev intend to rnise poultrs nut and sit tables mr webb is a vet ran of world war ii and sandra is om of tht in tin mm of no 7 school mm c f dixennnrt held a quilt ing be i in moml iv and uidiuvhv for the busv hies w i nossagiwcsi council hi id a tet to tht r at hrookv llle hall for those on committees ind in booths during the ct nti nnlil on thursday e ning all were pleased to see mr m j carton chairmin of the historicil committee nnd mr c arlof dili editor of the acton free pn ss and milton chimpinn presented w ith smoking stind in recognition of thi ir intt rufet antl work in compiling nnd printing the history of navsn- gaweyn st johns angllian church nni sigiwi i hi ltl thi ir annlvt rsirv s rvicis it t sund iv with a good attrndanei m isti r mirtin davtn port gii n ik al solo in the morn- ingstrmti cuistsofmr nnd mm c f dasinport on this dav weie mr ind mm willard iirttton ar t n mr nnd mm ron fmliv mm chnstu guelph mr nnd mrs har nt nnrttic mr rtls1till inrt his mothir and miss hirrison oak milt i 11 ilmnill ross ind girls soft t ill tt tins hill a unrnr rmit at hill on i ih on s iiunl i cm ning miss hii 1 ki nndv and miss toin frink t rite rt utie d nl the hi me f hi l f r thns mst r miss j in rnnk ind hims brother tom kenned w ho are leaving the group t furth r lh r 1 u iti m sh 1 i i il s with mrs piil in i i h r i i ti it 1 s r il i w s h lr ni th i b n f mr i i mrs c u t ii i pilli v x i mr n 1 mrs r i mi h 1 mrs si n it b ns n n s i i w k i 1 i j i rt h i it singer sewing machines nw nd ianditlnj porltbu eucirk nd cbint swlng mmmum 5 year guarantee teraas for particulars write singer sewing centre 150 wyndham si guelph ont daylight saving time in acton none it hrby oivan that th pariod of daytiohl saving tim covarcd in tha by law for 1049 hat baan amandad and now aitandt to sunday november 27 at 3 am th chang it mad in accord with nalqhbounng munl- cipaliliat and clluani ar rauild to oburv th urtnt of th bylaw and thrby avoid confution dated at acton scptcmtwv 1 9th 1949 t jones iv the amazing oleman oil heater its automatic saves work check dirt uoneytiftvlrif ooutnui lowoffi dumrr laowfltuh fu1 s4ttv produou hvoo rhi utmm t fioux clrculatm iboo ou it win atlr lr hour come in s 1 thit beauty it circulates heat like fiimice flt radiates heat like a fireplici headquarters for coleman automatic oil heat on yaart ouarant on all parta and ona yart fra sarvk we arrnncy for oil container and oil contract sales and service roys electric service phon 33r22 act cm ont reduction in price austin cars greatly reduced immediate delivery ft r i in th m x i line s ti mr ii i mi m m i t ii mt i m x hit us mul ix im 1 r k if lttm mt mi mrs win ukis ivmni ni il v it s milt i mi urn mts hov wv1n lo uos ji k nil it h ftrnplilkilli mr uu mn liikirllowdin i ul w imi liurallk s milton mis 1 mn th wilton mi john w wilson mr and mm nell c martin and btb larr compbll lllu tt h i nnd mnk barbara sopr aeton h it i im k ti ir mi in in i r i n ii it vi ill m it th tt in lnlm ki 1st in iv imiik th i i r isl t r imn s hits for liw i tin hut h 1iuir tvuni il thin s n wo t lor ili s kii iti n on ut if colors ftr th hits uul th the r f r k lllo n in li il ml s it u ist iti ltr thin thi bind or nhbon on the nuns h ita is tht kmloon thf tsl i inl shows 12 tolors for fi its and 12 tol- ors for thi fialihn or icconipinmnii ribbon wm r bracken rem estvtti and jenfr vi insurance mortgage loans arranged repraunuti of mutual life assurunrc co ltd aiso 1936 ford overhauled 1936 dodoe television lunch phnnt no inifi kd open after 1 00 on wcuk en h phon tn your order for tkhom hamburgt nd wm will hav lham ready w ballentine motors and television lunch jhona 197r23 acton ont

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